// Copyright (c) 1998 Active Voice Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Active Agent(r) and Unified Communications(tm) are trademarks of Active Voice Corporation.
// Other brand and product names used herein are trademarks of their respective owners.
// The entire program and user interface including the structure, sequence, selection,
// and arrangement of the dialog, the exclusively "yes" and "no" choices represented
// by "1" and "2," and each dialog message are protected by copyrights registered in
// the United States and by international treaties.
// Protected by one or more of the following United States patents: 5,070,526, 5,488,650,
// 5,434,906, 5,581,604, 5,533,102, 5,568,540, 5,625,676, 5,651,054.
// Active Voice Corporation
// Seattle, Washington
// USA
// trace.c - debug trace functions
#ifndef NOTRACE
#include "winlocal.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "trace.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "sys.h"
#include "str.h"
// private definitions
// wOutputTo values
#define TRACE_OUTPUTNONE 0x0000
#define TRACE_OUTPUTCOMM 0x0002
#if 0 // no longer supported
#define TRACE_OUTPUTFILE 0x0004
#ifdef _WIN32
// trace control struct
typedef struct TRACE { DWORD dwVersion; HINSTANCE hInst; HTASK hTask; int nLevel; int wOutputTo; #ifdef TRACE_OUTPUTFILE
HFIL hFile; #endif
#ifdef _WIN32
HANDLE hConsole; #endif
int hComm; LPTSTR lpszTemp; } TRACE, FAR *LPTRACE;
// shared trace engine handle
static LPTRACE lpTraceShare = NULL; static int cShareUsage = 0;
#define TRACE_PROFILE TraceGetProfile()
// helper functions
static LPTRACE TraceGetPtr(HTRACE hTrace); static HTRACE TraceGetHandle(LPTRACE lpTrace); static int TraceError(LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ...); static LPTSTR TraceGetProfile(void);
// public functions
// TraceInit - initialize trace engine
// <dwVersion> (i) must be TRACE_VERSION
// <hInst> (i) instance of calling module
// return handle to trace engine (NULL if error)
// NOTE: The level and destination of trace output is determined
// by values found in the file TRACE.INI in the Windows directory.
// TRACE.INI is expected to have the following format:
// [TRACE]
// OutputTo= OutputDebugString()
// =COM1 COM1:9600,n,8,1
// =COM2:2400,n,8,1 specified comm device
// =filename specified file
#ifdef _WIN32
// =console stdout
HTRACE DLLEXPORT WINAPI TraceInit(DWORD dwVersion, HINSTANCE hInst) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPTRACE lpTrace = NULL; TCHAR szOutputTo[_MAX_PATH]; #ifdef _WIN32
BOOL fShare = TRUE; // FALSE;
BOOL fShare = TRUE; #endif
int nLevel = -1; LPTSTR lpszOutputTo = NULL;
if (dwVersion != TRACE_VERSION) fSuccess = FALSE;
else if (hInst == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
else if (nLevel != -1 && (nLevel < TRACE_MINLEVEL || nLevel > TRACE_MAXLEVEL)) fSuccess = FALSE;
// if a shared trace engine already exists,
// use it rather than create another one
else if (fShare && cShareUsage > 0 && lpTraceShare != NULL) lpTrace = lpTraceShare;
#if 0 // can't call mem functions, because they require trace functions
else if ((lpTrace = (LPTRACE) MemAlloc(NULL, sizeof(TRACE), 0)) == NULL) #else
#ifdef _WIN32
else if ((lpTrace = (LPTRACE) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(TRACE))) == NULL) #else
else if ((lpTrace = (LPTRACE) GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(TRACE))) == NULL) #endif
fSuccess = FALSE;
else { lpTrace->dwVersion = dwVersion; lpTrace->hInst = hInst; lpTrace->hTask = GetCurrentTask(); lpTrace->nLevel = nLevel != -1 ? nLevel : GetPrivateProfileInt(TRACE_SECTION, TEXT("Level"), 0, TRACE_PROFILE); lpTrace->wOutputTo = TRACE_OUTPUTNONE; #ifdef TRACE_OUTPUTFILE
lpTrace->hFile = NULL; #endif
#ifdef _WIN32
lpTrace->hConsole = NULL; #endif
lpTrace->hComm = -1; lpTrace->lpszTemp = NULL;
// use the specified destination if possible
if (lpszOutputTo != NULL) StrNCpy(szOutputTo, lpszOutputTo, SIZEOFARRAY(szOutputTo));
// else use the last known destination
else { GetPrivateProfileString(TRACE_SECTION, TEXT("OutputTo"), TEXT(""), szOutputTo, SIZEOFARRAY(szOutputTo), TRACE_PROFILE); }
// use OutputDebugString() if destination == ""
if (*szOutputTo == '\0') lpTrace->wOutputTo = TRACE_OUTPUTDEBUGSTRING;
// use standard output console if specified
else if (StrICmp(szOutputTo, TEXT("Console")) == 0) { #ifdef _WIN32
COORD coord;
AllocConsole(); lpTrace->hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
coord.X = 80; coord.Y = 1000; SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(lpTrace->hConsole, coord); #else
lpTrace->wOutputTo = TRACE_OUTPUTDEBUGSTRING; #endif
// use serial comm device if destination starts with "COMx"
else if (StrNICmp(szOutputTo, TEXT("COM"), 3) == 0 && ChrIsDigit(*(szOutputTo + 3))) { // Comm functions not available under WIN32
#ifdef _WIN32
lpTrace->wOutputTo = TRACE_OUTPUTDEBUGSTRING; #else
TCHAR szComX[16]; DCB dcb; int iError;
StrNCpy(szComX, szOutputTo, 5); *(szComX + 5) = '\0';
// convert "COM1" to "COM1:"
if (*(szOutputTo + 4) == '\0') StrCat(szOutputTo, TEXT(":"));
// convert "COM1:" to "COM1:9600,n,8,1"
if (*(szOutputTo + 5) == '\0') StrCat(szOutputTo, TEXT("9600,n,8,1"));
// [From the WinSDK KnowledgeBase PSS ID Number: Q102642]
// The cbInQueue and cbOutQueue parameters of OpenComm() are
// both type UINT and should be valid up to 64K. However,
// values greater than or equal to 32K cause strange behavior.
if ((lpTrace->hComm = OpenComm(szComX, 1024, 32767)) < 0) { TraceError(TEXT("OpenComm error (%d)\n"), lpTrace->hComm); lpTrace->hComm = -1; fSuccess = FALSE; }
else if ((iError = BuildCommDCB(szOutputTo, &dcb)) != 0) { TraceError(TEXT("BuildCommDCB error (%d)\n"), iError); fSuccess = FALSE; }
else if ((iError = SetCommState(&dcb)) != 0) { TraceError(TEXT("SetCommState error (%d)\n"), iError); fSuccess = FALSE; }
else lpTrace->wOutputTo = TRACE_OUTPUTCOMM; #endif
// else assume the string must be a file name
else { if ((lpTrace->hFile = FileCreate(szOutputTo, 0, !fShare)) == NULL) { TraceError(TEXT("FileCreate error (%s)\n"), (LPTSTR) szOutputTo); fSuccess = FALSE; }
else lpTrace->wOutputTo = TRACE_OUTPUTFILE; } #else
else { TraceError(TEXT("Unknown trace OutputTo (%s)\n"), (LPTSTR) szOutputTo); fSuccess = FALSE; } #endif
if (fSuccess && #if 0 // can't call mem functions, because they require trace functions
(lpTrace->lpszTemp = (LPTSTR) MemAlloc(NULL, 1024 * sizeof(TCHAR), 0)) == NULL) #else
#ifdef _WIN32
(lpTrace->lpszTemp = (LPTSTR) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, 1024 * sizeof(TCHAR))) == NULL) #else
(lpTrace->lpszTemp = (LPTSTR) GlobalAllocPtr( GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, 1024 * sizeof(TCHAR))) == NULL) #endif
fSuccess = FALSE; }
if (!fSuccess) { TraceTerm(TraceGetHandle(lpTrace)); lpTrace = NULL; }
// keep track of total modules sharing a task engine handle
if (fSuccess && fShare) { if (++cShareUsage == 1) lpTraceShare = lpTrace; }
return fSuccess ? TraceGetHandle(lpTrace) : NULL; }
// TraceTerm - shut down trace engine
// <hTrace> (i) handle returned from TraceInit or NULL
// return 0 if success
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI TraceTerm(HTRACE hTrace) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPTRACE lpTrace;
if ((lpTrace = TraceGetPtr(hTrace)) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
// only shut down trace engine if handle
// is not shared (or is no longer being shared)
else if (lpTrace != lpTraceShare || --cShareUsage <= 0) { #ifndef _WIN32
int iError; #endif
// shared trace engine handle no longer valid
if (cShareUsage <= 0) lpTraceShare = NULL;
// Comm functions not available under WIN32
#ifndef _WIN32
if (lpTrace->hComm != -1 && (iError = CloseComm(lpTrace->hComm)) != 0) { TraceError(TEXT("CloseComm error (%d)\n"), iError); fSuccess = FALSE; } else lpTrace->hComm = -1; #endif
#ifdef _WIN32
if (lpTrace->hConsole != NULL) { FreeConsole(); lpTrace->hConsole = NULL; } #endif
if (lpTrace->hFile != NULL && FileClose(lpTrace->hFile) != 0) { TraceError(TEXT("FileClose error\n")); fSuccess = FALSE; } else lpTrace->hFile = NULL; #endif
if (lpTrace->lpszTemp != NULL && #if 0 // can't call mem functions, because they require trace functions
(lpTrace->lpszTemp = MemFree(NULL, lpTrace->lpszTemp)) != NULL) #else
#ifdef _WIN32
(!HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpTrace->lpszTemp))) #else
(GlobalFreePtr(lpTrace->lpszTemp) != 0)) #endif
fSuccess = FALSE;
lpTrace->wOutputTo = TRACE_OUTPUTNONE;
#if 0 // can't call mem functions, because they require trace functions
if ((lpTrace = MemFree(NULL, lpTrace)) != NULL) #else
#ifdef _WIN32
if (!HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpTrace->lpszTemp)) #else
if (GlobalFreePtr(lpTrace->lpszTemp) != 0) #endif
fSuccess = FALSE; }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// TraceGetLevel - get current trace level
// <hTrace> (i) handle returned from TraceInit or NULL
// return trace level (-1 if error)
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI TraceGetLevel(HTRACE hTrace) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPTRACE lpTrace;
if ((lpTrace = TraceGetPtr(hTrace)) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
return fSuccess ? lpTrace->nLevel : -1; }
// TraceSetLevel - set new trace level (-1 if error)
// <hTrace> (i) handle returned from TraceInit or NULL
// <nLevel> (i) new trace level {TRACE_MINLEVEL...TRACE_MAXLEVEL}
// return 0 if success
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI TraceSetLevel(HTRACE hTrace, int nLevel) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPTRACE lpTrace;
if ((lpTrace = TraceGetPtr(hTrace)) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
else if (nLevel < TRACE_MINLEVEL || nLevel > TRACE_MAXLEVEL) fSuccess = FALSE;
else { TCHAR szLevel[17];
lpTrace->nLevel = nLevel;
// save the level for next time
StrItoA(lpTrace->nLevel, szLevel, 10); WritePrivateProfileString(TRACE_SECTION, TEXT("Level"), szLevel, TRACE_PROFILE);
// display new trace level whenever it changes
TracePrintf_1(hTrace, 1, TEXT("TraceLevel=%d\n"), (int) lpTrace->nLevel); }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// TraceOutput - output debug string
// <hTrace> (i) handle returned from TraceInit or NULL
// <nLevel> (i) output only if current trace level is >= nLevel
// <lpszText> (i) string to output
// return 0 if success
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI TraceOutput(HTRACE hTrace, int nLevel, LPCTSTR lpszText) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPTRACE lpTrace;
if ((lpTrace = TraceGetPtr(hTrace)) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
else if (lpszText == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
else if (nLevel > 0 && nLevel <= lpTrace->nLevel) { switch (lpTrace->wOutputTo) { case TRACE_OUTPUTNONE: break;
case TRACE_OUTPUTDEBUGSTRING: OutputDebugString(lpszText); break; #ifdef _WIN32
case TRACE_OUTPUTCONSOLE: if (lpTrace->hConsole != NULL) { DWORD dwBytes; WriteFile(lpTrace->hConsole, lpszText, StrLen(lpszText), &dwBytes, NULL); } break; #endif
case TRACE_OUTPUTCOMM: // Comm functions not available under WIN32
#ifdef _WIN32
OutputDebugString(lpszText); #else
if (lpTrace->hComm != -1) { LPCTSTR lpsz; TCHAR chReturn = '\r';
for (lpsz = lpszText; *lpsz != '\0'; lpsz = StrNextChr(lpsz)) { if ((*lpsz == '\n' && WriteComm(lpTrace->hComm, &chReturn, 1) < 0) || WriteComm(lpTrace->hComm, lpsz, 1) <= 0) { COMSTAT comstat; GetCommError(lpTrace->hComm, &comstat); TraceError(TEXT("WriteComm error (%u, %u, %u) %s\n"), (UINT) comstat.status, (UINT) comstat.cbInQue, (UINT) comstat.cbOutQue, (LPTSTR) lpszText); fSuccess = FALSE; break; } } } #endif
case TRACE_OUTPUTFILE: if (lpTrace->hFile != NULL) { LPCTSTR lpsz; TCHAR chReturn = '\r';
for (lpsz = lpszText; *lpsz != '\0'; lpsz = StrNextChr(lpsz)) { if ((*lpsz == '\n' && FileWrite(lpTrace->hFile, &chReturn, 1) == -1) || FileWrite(lpTrace->hFile, lpsz, 1) == -1) { TraceError(TEXT("FileWrite error: %s\n"), (LPTSTR) lpszText); fSuccess = FALSE; break; } } } break; #endif
default: break; } }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// TracePrintf - output formatted debug string
// <hTrace> (i) handle returned from TraceInit or NULL
// <nLevel> (i) output only if current trace level is >= nLevel
// <lpszFormat,...> (i) format string and arguments to output
// return 0 if success
int DLLEXPORT FAR CDECL TracePrintf(HTRACE hTrace, int nLevel, LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ...) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPTRACE lpTrace;
if ((lpTrace = TraceGetPtr(hTrace)) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
else if (nLevel <= lpTrace->nLevel) { va_list args;
va_start(args, lpszFormat); wvsprintf(lpTrace->lpszTemp, lpszFormat, args); va_end(args);
if (TraceOutput(hTrace, nLevel, lpTrace->lpszTemp) != 0) fSuccess = FALSE; }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// private functions
// TraceGetPtr - convert trace handle to trace pointer
// <hTrace> (i) handle returned from TraceInit or NULL
// return trace pointer (NULL if error)
static LPTRACE TraceGetPtr(HTRACE hTrace) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPTRACE lpTrace;
// use shared trace handle if no other supplied
if (hTrace == NULL && lpTraceShare != NULL) lpTrace = lpTraceShare;
// create shared trace handle if no other supplied
else if (hTrace == NULL && lpTraceShare == NULL && (hTrace = TraceInit(TRACE_VERSION, SysGetTaskInstance(NULL))) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
else if ((lpTrace = (LPTRACE) hTrace) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
// note: check for good pointer made only if not using lpTraceShare
else if (lpTrace != lpTraceShare && IsBadWritePtr(lpTrace, sizeof(TRACE))) fSuccess = FALSE;
// make sure current task owns the trace handle
// except when shared trace handle is used
if (fSuccess && lpTrace != lpTraceShare && lpTrace->hTask != GetCurrentTask()) fSuccess = FALSE; #endif
return fSuccess ? lpTrace : NULL; }
// TraceGetHandle - convert trace pointer to trace handle
// <lpTrace> (i) pointer to TRACE struct
// return trace handle (NULL if error)
static HTRACE TraceGetHandle(LPTRACE lpTrace) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; HTRACE hTrace;
if ((hTrace = (HTRACE) lpTrace) == NULL) fSuccess = FALSE;
return fSuccess ? hTrace : NULL; }
// TraceError - display formatted trace error string
// <lpszFormat...> (i) format string and arguments to output
// return 0 if success
static int TraceError(LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ...) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; va_list args; TCHAR lpszTemp[256];
va_start(args, lpszFormat); wvsprintf(lpszTemp, lpszFormat, args); va_end(args);
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// TraceGetProfile - get trace ini file name
// return pointer to file name
static LPTSTR TraceGetProfile(void) { return TEXT("trace.ini"); }
#endif // #ifndef NOTRACE