// Copyright (c) 1998 Active Voice Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Active Agent(r) and Unified Communications(tm) are trademarks of Active Voice Corporation.
// Other brand and product names used herein are trademarks of their respective owners.
// The entire program and user interface including the structure, sequence, selection,
// and arrangement of the dialog, the exclusively "yes" and "no" choices represented
// by "1" and "2," and each dialog message are protected by copyrights registered in
// the United States and by international treaties.
// Protected by one or more of the following United States patents: 5,070,526, 5,488,650,
// 5,434,906, 5,581,604, 5,533,102, 5,568,540, 5,625,676, 5,651,054.
// Active Voice Corporation
// Seattle, Washington
// USA
// wav.c - wave file format functions
#include "winlocal.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "wav.h"
#include <objbase.h>
#include "wavin.h"
#include "wavout.h"
#include "wavmixer.h"
#include "acm.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "mmio.h"
#ifdef AVTSM
#include "avtsm.h"
#define TSMTHUNK
#include "tsmthunk.h"
// allow telephone output functions if defined
#ifdef TELOUT
#include "telout.h"
// allow telephone input functions if defined
#ifdef TELIN
#include "telin.h"
// use telephone thunk layer if defined
#include "telthunk.h"
#if defined(TELOUT) || defined(TELIN)
#include "telwav.h"
#include "vox.h"
// private definitions
#define WAVCLASS TEXT("WavClass")
#define PLAYCHUNKSIZE_MAX 9999999
// index into format arrays
#define FORMATFILE 0
#define FORMATPLAY 1
// internal state flags
#define WAVSTATE_STOPPLAY 0x00000010
#define WAVSTATE_STOPRECORD 0x00000020
#define WAVSTATE_AUTOSTOP 0x00000040
#define WAVSTATE_AUTOCLOSE 0x00000080
// internal array of current handles
#define HWAVOUT_MAX 100
#define HWAVIN_MAX 100
#ifdef TELOUT
#define HWAVOUT_MIN -2
#define HWAVOUT_MIN -1
static HWAV ahWavOutCurr[HWAVOUT_MAX + HWAVOUT_OFFSET] = { 0 };
#ifdef TELIN
#define HWAVIN_MIN -2
#define HWAVIN_MIN -1
static HWAV ahWavInCurr[HWAVIN_MAX + HWAVIN_OFFSET] = { 0 };
// internal storage of defaults
static int cPlayChunksDefault = PLAYCHUNKCOUNT_DEFAULT; static long msPlayChunkSizeDefault = PLAYCHUNKSIZE_DEFAULT; static int cRecordChunksDefault = RECORDCHUNKCOUNT_DEFAULT; static long msRecordChunkSizeDefault = RECORDCHUNKSIZE_DEFAULT;
// wavinit control struct
typedef struct WAVINIT { DWORD dwVersion; HINSTANCE hInst; HTASK hTask; DWORD dwFlags; UINT nLastError; HACM hAcm; HACMDRV hAcmDrv; #ifdef TELTHUNK
HTELTHUNK hTelThunk; #endif
HTSMTHUNK hTsmThunk; #endif
// wav control struct
typedef struct WAV { DWORD dwVersion; HINSTANCE hInst; HTASK hTask; DWORD dwFlags; LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfx[3]; LPMMIOPROC lpIOProc; int cPlayChunks; long msPlayChunkSize; int cRecordChunks; long msRecordChunkSize; HWND hwndNotify; #ifdef MULTITHREAD
HANDLE hThreadCallback; DWORD dwThreadId; HANDLE hEventThreadCallbackStarted; HANDLE hEventStopped; #endif
UINT nLastError; HMMIO hmmio; MMCKINFO ckRIFF; MMCKINFO ckfmt; MMCKINFO ckdata; long cbData; long lDataOffset; long lDataPos; long msPositionStop; HWAVIN hWavIn; HWAVOUT hWavOut; HACM hAcm; DWORD dwState; HGLOBAL hResource; long lPosFmt; DWORD dwFlagsPlay; DWORD dwFlagsRecord; int nVolumeLevel; int dwFlagsVolume; int nSpeedLevel; DWORD dwFlagsSpeed; PLAYSTOPPEDPROC lpfnPlayStopped; HANDLE hUserPlayStopped; RECORDSTOPPEDPROC lpfnRecordStopped; DWORD dwUserRecordStopped; #ifdef MULTITHREAD
HRESULT hrCoInitialize; #endif
#ifdef AVTSM
HTSM hTsm; #endif
LPTSTR lpszFileName; long msMaxSize; } WAV, FAR *LPWAV;
// helper functions
static int WavStopPlay(HWAV hWav); static int WavStopRecord(HWAV hWav); static int WavStopOutputDevice(int idDev, DWORD dwFlags); static int WavStopInputDevice(int idDev, DWORD dwFlags); static HWAV WavGetOutputHandle(int idDev); static HWAV WavGetInputHandle(int idDev); static int WavPlayNextChunk(HWAV hWav); static int WavRecordNextChunk(HWAV hWav); static int WavNotifyCreate(LPWAV lpWav); static int WavNotifyDestroy(LPWAV lpWav); #ifdef MULTITHREAD
DWORD WINAPI WavCallbackThread(LPVOID lpvThreadParameter); #endif
LRESULT DLLEXPORT CALLBACK WavNotify(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static int WavCalcPositionStop(HWAV hWav, long cbPosition); static int WavSeekTraceBefore(LPWAV lpWav, long lOffset, int nOrigin); static int WavSeekTraceAfter(LPWAV lpWav, long lPos, long lOffset, int nOrigin); static LPWAV WavGetPtr(HWAV hWav); static HWAV WavGetHandle(LPWAV lpWav); static LPWAVINIT WavInitGetPtr(HWAVINIT hWavInit); static HWAVINIT WavInitGetHandle(LPWAVINIT lpWavInit); #ifdef MULTITHREAD
static int SetEventMessageProcessed(LPWAV lpWav, HANDLE hEventMessageProcessed); #endif
static int WavTempStop(HWAV hWav, LPWORD lpwStatePrev, LPINT lpidDevPrev); static int WavTempResume(HWAV hWav, WORD wStatePrev, int idDevPrev);
// public functions
// WavInit - initialize wav engine
// <dwVersion> (i) must be WAV_VERSION
// <hInst> (i) instance handle of calling module
// <dwFlags> (i) control flags
// WAV_TELTHUNK initialize telephone thunking layer
// WAV_NOTSMTHUNK do not initialize tsm thunking layer
// WAV_NOACM do not use audio compression manager
// WAV_VOXADPCM load acm driver for Dialogic OKI ADPCM
// return handle (NULL if error)
HWAVINIT WINAPI WavInit(DWORD dwVersion, HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAVINIT lpWavInit = NULL;
if (dwVersion != WAV_VERSION) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else if (hInst == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if ((lpWavInit = (LPWAVINIT) MemAlloc(NULL, sizeof(WAVINIT), 0)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else { lpWavInit->dwVersion = dwVersion; lpWavInit->hInst = hInst; lpWavInit->hTask = GetCurrentTask(); lpWavInit->dwFlags = dwFlags; lpWavInit->hAcm = NULL; lpWavInit->hAcmDrv = NULL; #ifdef TELTHUNK
lpWavInit->hTelThunk = NULL; #endif
lpWavInit->hTsmThunk = NULL; #endif
// start the acm engine before any other Wav or Acm functions called
if ((lpWavInit->hAcm = AcmInit(ACM_VERSION, lpWavInit->hInst, (lpWavInit->dwFlags & WAV_NOACM) ? ACM_NOACM : 0)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// load voxadpcm driver if specified
else if ((dwFlags & WAV_VOXADPCM) && (!(dwFlags & WAV_NOACM)) && (lpWavInit->hAcmDrv = AcmDriverLoad(lpWavInit->hAcm, MM_ACTIVEVOICE, MM_ACTIVEVOICE_ACM_VOXADPCM, #ifdef _WIN32
TEXT("avvox.acm"), #else
TEXT("voxadpcm.acm"), #endif
"DriverProc", 0)) == NULL) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// initialize telephone thunking layer if specified
else if ((dwFlags & WAV_TELTHUNK) && (lpWavInit->hTelThunk = TelThunkInit(TELTHUNK_VERSION, lpWavInit->hInst)) == NULL) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } #endif
// initialize tsm thunking layer if specified
else if (!(dwFlags & WAV_NOTSMTHUNK) && (lpWavInit->hTsmThunk = TsmThunkInit(TSMTHUNK_VERSION, lpWavInit->hInst)) == NULL) { fSuccess = TraceTRUE(NULL); // not a fatal error
} #endif
if (!fSuccess) { WavTerm(WavInitGetHandle(lpWavInit)); lpWavInit = NULL; }
return fSuccess ? WavInitGetHandle(lpWavInit) : NULL; }
// WavTerm - shut down wav engine
// <hWavInit> (i) handle returned from WavInit
// return 0 if success
int WINAPI WavTerm(HWAVINIT hWavInit) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAVINIT lpWavInit;
if ((lpWavInit = WavInitGetPtr(hWavInit)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (WavOutTerm(lpWavInit->hInst, lpWavInit->dwFlags) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (WavInTerm(lpWavInit->hInst, lpWavInit->dwFlags) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else { #ifdef TELTHUNK
// shut down telephone thunking layer if necessary
if (lpWavInit->hTelThunk != NULL && TelThunkTerm(lpWavInit->hTelThunk) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else lpWavInit->hTelThunk = NULL; #endif
// shut down tsm thunking layer if necessary
if (lpWavInit->hTsmThunk != NULL && TsmThunkTerm(lpWavInit->hTsmThunk) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else lpWavInit->hTsmThunk = NULL; #endif
// unload voxadpcm driver if necessary
if (lpWavInit->hAcmDrv != NULL && AcmDriverUnload(lpWavInit->hAcm, lpWavInit->hAcmDrv) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else lpWavInit->hAcmDrv = NULL;
// shut down acm engine
if (lpWavInit->hAcm != NULL && AcmTerm(lpWavInit->hAcm) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else lpWavInit->hAcm = NULL;
if (fSuccess && (lpWavInit = MemFree(NULL, lpWavInit)) != NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavOpen - open or create wav file
// <dwVersion> (i) must be WAV_VERSION
// <hInst> (i) instance handle of calling module
// <lpszFileName> (i) name of file to open or create
// <lpwfx> (i) wave format
// NULL use format from header or default
// <lpIOProc> (i) address of i/o procedure to use
// NULL use default i/o procedure
// <lpadwInfo> (i) data to pass to i/o procedure during open
// NULL no data to pass
// <dwFlags> (i) control flags
// WAV_READ open file for reading (default)
// WAV_WRITE open file for writing
// WAV_READWRITE open file for reading and writing
// WAV_DENYNONE allow other programs read and write access
// WAV_DENYREAD prevent other programs from read access
// WAV_DENYWRITE prevent other programs from write access
// WAV_EXCLUSIVE prevent other programs from read or write
// WAV_CREATE create new file or truncate existing file
// WAV_NORIFF file has no RIFF/WAV header
// WAV_MEMORY <lpszFileName> points to memory block
// WAV_RESOURCE <lpszFileName> points to wave resource
// WAV_NOACM do not use audio compression manager
// WAV_DELETE delete specified file, return TRUE if success
// WAV_EXIST return TRUE if specified file exists
// WAV_GETTEMP create temp file, return TRUE if success
// WAV_TELRFILE telephone will play audio from file on server
// WAV_MULTITHREAD support multiple threads (default)
// WAV_SINGLETHREAD do not support multiple threads
// WAV_COINITIALIZE call CoInitialize in all secondary threads
// return handle (NULL if error)
// NOTE: if WAV_CREATE or WAV_NORIFF are used in <dwFlags>, then the
// <lpwfx> parameter must be specified. If <lpwfx> is NULL, the
// current default format is assumed.
// WavSetFormat() can be used to set or override the defaults.
// NOTE: if WAV_RESOURCE is specified in <dwFlags>, then <lpszFileName>
// must point to a WAVE resource in the module specified by <hInst>.
// If the first character of the string is a pound sign (#), the remaining
// characters represent a decimal number that specifies the resource id.
// NOTE: if WAV_MEMORY is specified in <dwFlags>, then <lpszFileName>
// must be a pointer to a memory block obtained by calling MemAlloc().
// NOTE: if <lpIOProc> is not NULL, this i/o procedure will be called
// for opening, closing, reading, writing, and seeking the wav file.
// If <lpadwInfo> is not NULL, this array of three (3) DWORDs will be
// passed to the i/o procedure when the wav file is opened.
// See the Windows mmioOpen() and mmioInstallIOProc() function for details
// on these parameters. Also, the WAV_MEMORY and WAV_RESOURCE flags may
// only be used when <lpIOProc> is NULL.
HWAV WINAPI WavOpen(DWORD dwVersion, HINSTANCE hInst, LPCTSTR lpszFileName, LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfx, LPMMIOPROC lpIOProc, DWORD FAR *lpadwInfo, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav = NULL;
// assume WAV_MULTITHREAD unless WAV_SINGLETHREAD specified
if (!(dwFlags & WAV_SINGLETHREAD)) dwFlags |= WAV_MULTITHREAD; #endif
if (dwVersion != WAV_VERSION) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else if (hInst == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// special case flags that don't actually open a file
// return TRUE if success, ignore all other flags
else if ((dwFlags & WAV_EXIST) || (dwFlags & WAV_DELETE) || (dwFlags & WAV_GETTEMP)) { DWORD dwOpenFlags = 0; HMMIO hmmio;
if (dwFlags & WAV_EXIST) dwOpenFlags |= MMIO_EXIST; else if (dwFlags & WAV_DELETE) dwOpenFlags |= MMIO_DELETE; else if (dwFlags & WAV_GETTEMP) dwOpenFlags |= MMIO_GETTEMP;
// use specified i/o procedure
if (lpIOProc != NULL) { MMIOINFO mmioinfo;
MemSet(&mmioinfo, 0, sizeof(mmioinfo));
mmioinfo.pIOProc = lpIOProc;
// pass data to the i/o procedure
if (lpadwInfo != NULL) MemCpy(mmioinfo.adwInfo, lpadwInfo, sizeof(mmioinfo.adwInfo));
hmmio = mmioOpen((LPTSTR) lpszFileName, &mmioinfo, dwOpenFlags); }
// default i/o procedure
else { hmmio = mmioOpen((LPTSTR) lpszFileName, NULL, dwOpenFlags); }
if ((dwFlags & WAV_EXIST) && hmmio == (HMMIO) FALSE) fSuccess = FALSE; // no trace
else if ((dwFlags & WAV_DELETE) && hmmio == (HMMIO) FALSE) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else if ((dwFlags & WAV_GETTEMP) && hmmio == (HMMIO) FALSE) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return (HWAV)IntToPtr(fSuccess); }
else if ((lpWav = (LPWAV) MemAlloc(NULL, sizeof(WAV), 0)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else { lpWav->dwVersion = dwVersion; lpWav->hInst = hInst; lpWav->hTask = GetCurrentTask(); lpWav->dwFlags = dwFlags; lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE] = NULL; lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY] = NULL; lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATRECORD] = NULL; lpWav->lpIOProc = lpIOProc; lpWav->cPlayChunks = cPlayChunksDefault; lpWav->msPlayChunkSize = msPlayChunkSizeDefault; lpWav->cRecordChunks = cRecordChunksDefault; lpWav->msRecordChunkSize = msRecordChunkSizeDefault; lpWav->hwndNotify = NULL; #ifdef MULTITHREAD
lpWav->hThreadCallback = NULL; lpWav->dwThreadId = 0; lpWav->hEventThreadCallbackStarted = NULL; lpWav->hEventStopped = NULL; #endif
lpWav->nLastError = 0; lpWav->hmmio = NULL; lpWav->cbData = 0; lpWav->lDataOffset = 0; lpWav->lDataPos = 0; lpWav->hWavIn = NULL; lpWav->hWavOut = NULL; lpWav->hAcm = NULL; lpWav->msPositionStop = 0L; lpWav->dwState = 0L; lpWav->hResource = NULL; lpWav->lPosFmt = -1; lpWav->dwFlagsPlay = 0; lpWav->dwFlagsRecord = 0; lpWav->nVolumeLevel = 50; lpWav->dwFlagsVolume = 0; lpWav->nSpeedLevel = 100; lpWav->dwFlagsSpeed = 0; lpWav->lpfnPlayStopped = NULL; lpWav->hUserPlayStopped = 0; lpWav->lpfnRecordStopped = NULL; lpWav->dwUserRecordStopped = 0; #ifdef MULTITHREAD
lpWav->hrCoInitialize = E_UNEXPECTED; #endif
#ifdef AVTSM
lpWav->hTsm = NULL; #endif
lpWav->lpszFileName = NULL; lpWav->msMaxSize = 0;
// start the acm engine before any other Wav or Acm functions called
if ((lpWav->hAcm = AcmInit(ACM_VERSION, lpWav->hInst, (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_NOACM) ? ACM_NOACM : 0)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else { // assume default wave format if none specified
if (lpwfx == NULL) { WAVEFORMATEX wfx;
if (WavSetFormat(WavGetHandle(lpWav), WavFormatPcm(-1, -1, -1, &wfx), WAV_FORMATALL) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// set specified wave format
else if (WavSetFormat(WavGetHandle(lpWav), lpwfx, WAV_FORMATALL) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } }
// load WAVE resource if specified
if (fSuccess && (dwFlags & WAV_RESOURCE)) { HRSRC hResInfo; LPVOID lpResource;
if ((hResInfo = FindResource(hInst, lpszFileName, TEXT("WAVE"))) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if ((lpWav->hResource = LoadResource(hInst, hResInfo)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if ((lpResource = LockResource(lpWav->hResource)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else { // <lpszFileName> now points to a memory block
lpszFileName = lpResource; dwFlags |= WAV_MEMORY; } }
if (fSuccess && (dwFlags & WAV_MEMORY)) { // i/o procedure can not be specified with memory block
lpIOProc = NULL; lpadwInfo = NULL; }
if (fSuccess) { DWORD dwOpenFlags = 0;
if (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_READ) dwOpenFlags |= MMIO_READ; if (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_WRITE) dwOpenFlags |= MMIO_WRITE; if (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_READWRITE) dwOpenFlags |= MMIO_READWRITE; if (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_CREATE) dwOpenFlags |= MMIO_CREATE; if (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_DENYNONE) dwOpenFlags |= MMIO_DENYNONE; if (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_DENYREAD) dwOpenFlags |= MMIO_DENYREAD; if (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_DENYWRITE) dwOpenFlags |= MMIO_DENYWRITE; if (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_EXCLUSIVE) dwOpenFlags |= MMIO_EXCLUSIVE;
// open/create disk wav file with specified i/o procedure
if (lpIOProc != NULL) { MMIOINFO mmioinfo;
MemSet(&mmioinfo, 0, sizeof(mmioinfo));
mmioinfo.pIOProc = lpIOProc;
// pass data to the i/o procedure
if (lpadwInfo != NULL) MemCpy(mmioinfo.adwInfo, lpadwInfo, sizeof(mmioinfo.adwInfo));
if ((lpWav->hmmio = mmioOpen((LPTSTR) lpszFileName, &mmioinfo, dwOpenFlags)) == NULL) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } }
// open/create a memory wav file if WAV_MEMORY specified
else if (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_MEMORY) { MMIOINFO mmioinfo;
MemSet(&mmioinfo, 0, sizeof(mmioinfo));
mmioinfo.fccIOProc = FOURCC_MEM; mmioinfo.pchBuffer = (HPSTR) lpszFileName;
if (lpszFileName == NULL) { // expandable memory file
mmioinfo.cchBuffer = 0; mmioinfo.adwInfo[0] = (DWORD) (16 * 1024); } else { // expandable memory file
mmioinfo.cchBuffer = (long) MemSize(NULL, (LPVOID) lpszFileName); mmioinfo.adwInfo[0] = (DWORD) 16384; }
if ((lpWav->hmmio = mmioOpen(NULL, &mmioinfo, dwOpenFlags)) == NULL) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } }
// otherwise open/create disk wav file
else { if ((lpWav->lpszFileName = StrDup(lpszFileName)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if ((lpWav->hmmio = mmioOpen((LPTSTR) lpszFileName, NULL, dwOpenFlags)) == NULL) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } } }
// handle reading of RIFF file chunks if necessary
if (fSuccess && !(lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_CREATE) && !(lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_NORIFF)) { MMCKINFO ck;
// search for RIFF chunk with form type WAV
if ((lpWav->nLastError = mmioDescend(lpWav->hmmio, &lpWav->ckRIFF, NULL, MMIO_FINDRIFF)) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5, TEXT("mmioDescend failed (%u)\n"), (unsigned) lpWav->nLastError); }
// search for "fmt " subchunk
ck.ckid = mmioFOURCC('f', 'm', 't', ' ');
if (fSuccess && (lpWav->nLastError = mmioDescend(lpWav->hmmio, &ck, &lpWav->ckRIFF, MMIO_FINDCHUNK)) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5, TEXT("mmioDescend failed (%u)\n"), (unsigned) lpWav->nLastError); }
// save position of "fmt " chunk data so we can seek there later
else if (fSuccess && (lpWav->lPosFmt = mmioSeek(lpWav->hmmio, 0, SEEK_CUR)) == -1) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// check for file corruption
if (fSuccess && (ck.dwDataOffset + ck.cksize) > (lpWav->ckRIFF.dwDataOffset + lpWav->ckRIFF.cksize)) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
if (fSuccess) { LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfx = NULL; DWORD cksize;
// save fmt chunk info
lpWav->ckfmt = ck;
// fmt chunk must be no smaller than WAVEFORMAT struct
if ((cksize = max(ck.cksize, sizeof(WAVEFORMAT))) < sizeof(WAVEFORMAT)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// allocate space for WAVEFORMATEX struct
else if ((lpwfx = (LPWAVEFORMATEX) MemAlloc(NULL, max(sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX), cksize), 0)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// read the fmt chunk
else if (mmioRead(lpWav->hmmio, (HPSTR) lpwfx, (LONG) cksize) != (LONG) cksize) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// seek to beginning of next chunk if necessary
else if (ck.cksize > cksize && mmioSeek(lpWav->hmmio, ck.cksize - cksize, SEEK_CUR) == -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// calculate bits per sample if necessary
else if (lpwfx->wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM && lpwfx->wBitsPerSample == 0) { // NOTE: this only works for PCM data with
// sample size that is a multiple of 8 bits
lpwfx->wBitsPerSample = (lpwfx->nBlockAlign * 8) / lpwfx->nChannels; }
// save format for later
if (fSuccess && WavSetFormat(WavGetHandle(lpWav), lpwfx, WAV_FORMATALL) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// clean up
if (lpwfx != NULL && (lpwfx = MemFree(NULL, lpwfx)) != NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// search for "data" subchunk
ck.ckid = mmioFOURCC('d', 'a', 't', 'a');
if (fSuccess && (lpWav->nLastError = mmioDescend(lpWav->hmmio, &ck, &lpWav->ckRIFF, MMIO_FINDCHUNK)) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5, TEXT("mmioDescend failed (%u)\n"), (unsigned) lpWav->nLastError); }
// check for file corruption
if (fSuccess && (ck.dwDataOffset + ck.cksize) > (lpWav->ckRIFF.dwDataOffset + lpWav->ckRIFF.cksize)) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
if (fSuccess) { // save data chunk info
lpWav->ckdata = ck;
// save data size and offset for later
lpWav->cbData = (long) ck.cksize; lpWav->lDataOffset = (long) ck.dwDataOffset; } }
// handle creation of RIFF file chunks if necessary
else if (fSuccess && (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_CREATE) && !(lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_NORIFF)) { lpWav->ckRIFF.ckid = mmioFOURCC('R', 'I', 'F', 'F'); lpWav->ckRIFF.cksize = 0; // unknown
lpWav->ckRIFF.fccType = mmioFOURCC('W', 'A', 'V', 'E'); lpWav->ckfmt.ckid = mmioFOURCC('f', 'm', 't', ' '); lpWav->ckfmt.cksize = WavFormatGetSize(lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE]); lpWav->ckdata.ckid = mmioFOURCC('d', 'a', 't', 'a'); lpWav->ckdata.cksize = 0; // unknown
// create RIFF chunk with form type WAV
if ((lpWav->nLastError = mmioCreateChunk(lpWav->hmmio, &lpWav->ckRIFF, MMIO_CREATERIFF)) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5, TEXT("mmioCreateChunk failed (%u)\n"), (unsigned) lpWav->nLastError); }
// create 'fmt ' chunk
else if ((lpWav->nLastError = mmioCreateChunk(lpWav->hmmio, &lpWav->ckfmt, 0)) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5, TEXT("mmioCreateChunk failed (%u)\n"), (unsigned) lpWav->nLastError); }
// save position of "fmt " chunk data so we can seek there later
else if ((lpWav->lPosFmt = mmioSeek(lpWav->hmmio, 0, SEEK_CUR)) == -1) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// write 'fmt ' chunk data
else if (mmioWrite(lpWav->hmmio, (HPSTR) lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE], WavFormatGetSize(lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE])) != WavFormatGetSize(lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE])) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// ascend out of 'fmt ' chunk
else if ((lpWav->nLastError = mmioAscend(lpWav->hmmio, &lpWav->ckfmt, 0)) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5, TEXT("mmioAscend failed (%u)\n"), (unsigned) lpWav->nLastError); }
// create the 'data' chunk which holds the waveform samples
else if ((lpWav->nLastError = mmioCreateChunk(lpWav->hmmio, &lpWav->ckdata, 0)) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5, TEXT("mmioCreateChunk failed (%u)\n"), (unsigned) lpWav->nLastError); }
// calculate beginning offset of data chunk
else if ((lpWav->lDataOffset = mmioSeek(lpWav->hmmio, 0, SEEK_CUR)) == -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// calculate size of data chunk (file size) for non-RIFF files
else if (fSuccess && !(lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_CREATE) && (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_NORIFF)) { // RFileIOProc already knows the file size
if (lpWav->lpIOProc != NULL && (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_TELRFILE)) { long lSize;
// retrieve size of remote file from i/o procedure
if ((lSize = (long) WavSendMessage(WavGetHandle(lpWav), MMIOM_GETINFO, 1, 0)) == (long) -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else lpWav->cbData = (long) lSize; } else { LONG lPosCurr; LONG lPosEnd;
// save current position
if ((lPosCurr = mmioSeek(lpWav->hmmio, 0, SEEK_CUR)) == -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// seek to end of file
else if ((lPosEnd = mmioSeek(lpWav->hmmio, 0, SEEK_END)) == -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// restore current position
else if (mmioSeek(lpWav->hmmio, lPosCurr, SEEK_SET) == -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else lpWav->cbData = (long) lPosEnd; // + 1;
} }
if (fSuccess) { TracePrintf_4(NULL, 6, TEXT("After WavOpen: lpWav->lDataOffset=%ld, lpWav->lDataPos=%ld, lpWav->cbData=%ld, lpWav->msPositionStop=%ld\n"), (long) lpWav->lDataOffset, (long) lpWav->lDataPos, (long) lpWav->cbData, (long) lpWav->msPositionStop); }
if (!fSuccess) { WavClose(WavGetHandle(lpWav)); lpWav = NULL; }
return fSuccess ? WavGetHandle(lpWav) : NULL; }
// WavClose - close wav file
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// return 0 if success
int WINAPI WavClose(HWAV hWav) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; #ifdef _WIN32
long lPosTruncate = -1; #endif
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// stop playback or record if necessary
else if (WavStop(hWav) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// update the RIFF header chunks if dirty flag set
else if (lpWav->hmmio != NULL && !(lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_NORIFF) && ((lpWav->ckdata.dwFlags & MMIO_DIRTY) || (lpWav->ckRIFF.dwFlags & MMIO_DIRTY))) { #if 0
// seek to end of file
if (mmioSeek(lpWav->hmmio, 0, SEEK_END) == -1) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } #else
// seek to end of the data
if (mmioSeek(lpWav->hmmio, lpWav->lDataOffset + lpWav->cbData, SEEK_SET) == -1) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } #endif
// ascend out of the 'data' chunk; chunk size will be written
else if ((lpWav->nLastError = mmioAscend(lpWav->hmmio, &lpWav->ckdata, 0)) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5, TEXT("mmioAscend failed (%u)\n"), (unsigned) lpWav->nLastError); }
// ascend out of the 'RIFF' chunk; chunk size will be written
else if ((lpWav->nLastError = mmioAscend(lpWav->hmmio, &lpWav->ckRIFF, 0)) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5, TEXT("mmioAscend failed (%u)\n"), (unsigned) lpWav->nLastError); } #if 0
// seek to beginning of file
else if (mmioSeek(lpWav->hmmio, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// search for RIFF chunk with form type WAV
else if ((lpWav->nLastError = mmioDescend(lpWav->hmmio, &lpWav->ckRIFF, NULL, MMIO_FINDRIFF)) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5, TEXT("mmioDescend failed (%u)\n"), (unsigned) lpWav->nLastError); }
// search for 'fmt ' chunk
else if ((lpWav->nLastError = mmioDescend(lpWav->hmmio, &lpWav->ckfmt, &lpWav->ckRIFF, MMIO_FINDCHUNK)) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5, TEXT("mmioDescend failed (%u)\n"), (unsigned) lpWav->nLastError); } #else
// seek to beginning of "fmt " chunk data
else if (mmioSeek(lpWav->hmmio, lpWav->lPosFmt, SEEK_SET) == -1) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } #endif
// write 'fmt ' chunk data
// $FIXUP - what happens if current file format struct size
// is larger than the original format?
else if (mmioWrite(lpWav->hmmio, (HPSTR) lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE], WavFormatGetSize(lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE])) != WavFormatGetSize(lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE])) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } #ifdef _WIN32
// see if we need to truncate file
else if (lpWav->lpIOProc == NULL && !(lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_MEMORY) && !(lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_RESOURCE)) { if (mmioSeek(lpWav->hmmio, 0, SEEK_END) > lpWav->lDataOffset + lpWav->cbData) { lPosTruncate = lpWav->lDataOffset + lpWav->cbData; } } #endif
if (fSuccess) { // close the file
if (lpWav->hmmio != NULL && mmioClose(lpWav->hmmio, 0) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else lpWav->hmmio = NULL;
// close acm engine
if (lpWav->hAcm != NULL && AcmTerm(lpWav->hAcm) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else lpWav->hAcm = NULL;
// free wave resource
if (lpWav->hResource != NULL) { UnlockResource(lpWav->hResource);
if (!FreeResource(lpWav->hResource)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else lpWav->hResource = NULL; }
#ifdef _WIN32
// truncate file if necessary
if (lPosTruncate != -1 && lpWav->lpszFileName != NULL) { HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// open file
// seek to truncate position
else if (SetFilePointer(hFile, lPosTruncate, NULL, (DWORD) FILE_BEGIN) == 0xFFFFFFFF) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// truncate file
else if (!SetEndOfFile(hFile)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// close file
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && !CloseHandle(hFile)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } #endif
// free formats
if (1) { int iType;
for (iType = FORMATFILE; fSuccess && iType <= FORMATRECORD; ++iType) { if (lpWav->lpwfx[iType] != NULL && WavFormatFree(lpWav->lpwfx[iType]) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } }
// free file name string
if (lpWav->lpszFileName != NULL) { StrDupFree(lpWav->lpszFileName); lpWav->lpszFileName = NULL; }
if ((lpWav = MemFree(NULL, lpWav)) != NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavPlayEx - play data from wav file
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <idDev> (i) wav output device id
// -1 use any suitable output device
// <lpfnPlayStopped> (i) function to call when play is stopped
// NULL do not notify
// <hUserPlayStopped> (i) param to pass to lpfnPlayStopped
// <dwReserved> (i) reserved; must be zero
// <dwFlags> (i) control flags
// WAV_PLAYASYNC return when playback starts (default)
// WAV_PLAYSYNC return after playback completes
// WAV_NOSTOP if device already playing, don't stop it
// WAV_AUTOSTOP stop playback when eof reached (default)
// WAV_NOAUTOSTOP continue playback until WavStop called
// WAV_AUTOCLOSE close wav file after playback stops
// WAV_OPENRETRY if output device busy, retry for up to 2 sec
// return 0 if success
// NOTE: data from the wav file is sent to the output device in chunks.
// Chunks are submitted to an output device queue, so that when one
// chunk is finished playing, another is ready to start playing. By
// default, each chunk is large enough to hold approximately 666 ms
// of sound, and 3 chunks are maintained in the output device queue.
// WavSetChunks() can be used to override the defaults.
// NOTE: if WAV_NOSTOP is specified in <dwFlags>, and the device specified
// by <idDev> is already in use, this function returns without playing.
// Unless this flag is specified, the specified device will be stopped
// so that the new sound can be played.
// NOTE: if WAV_AUTOSTOP is specified in <dwFlags>, WavStop() will be
// called automatically when end of file is reached. This is the
// default behavior, but can be overridden by using the WAV_NOAUTOSTOP
// flag. WAV_NOAUTOSTOP is useful if you are playing a file that
// is growing dynamically as another program writes to it. If this is
// the case, also use the WAV_DENYNONE flag when calling WavOpen().
// NOTE: if WAV_AUTOCLOSE is specified in <dwFlags>, WavClose() will
// be called automatically when playback completes. This will happen
// when WavStop() is called explicitly, or when WavPlay() reaches end
// of file and WAV_NOAUTOSTOP was not specified. WAV_AUTOCLOSE is useful
// when used with WAV_PLAYASYNC, since cleanup occurs automatically.
// The <hWav> handle is thereafter invalid, and should not be used again.
int WINAPI WavPlay(HWAV hWav, int idDev, DWORD dwFlags) { return WavPlayEx(hWav, idDev, NULL, NULL, 0, dwFlags); }
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavPlayEx(HWAV hWav, int idDev, PLAYSTOPPEDPROC lpfnPlayStopped, HANDLE hUserPlayStopped, DWORD dwReserved, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; int i; LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfxWavOutOpen = NULL;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// make sure output device is not already open for this file
else if (lpWav->hWavOut != NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); #ifdef MULTITHREAD
// we need to know when we can exit
else if ((lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_MULTITHREAD) && (dwFlags & WAV_PLAYSYNC) && (lpWav->hEventStopped = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL)) == NULL) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } #endif
// make sure output device is not playing
else if (WavStopOutputDevice(idDev, dwFlags) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// set new playback format if device cannot handle the current format
else if (!WavOutSupportsFormat(NULL, idDev, lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY])) { LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfxPlay = NULL;
if ((lpwfxPlay = WavOutFormatSuggest(NULL, idDev, lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY], (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_NOACM) ? WAVOUT_NOACM : 0)) != NULL && WavSetFormat(hWav, lpwfxPlay, WAV_FORMATPLAY) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
if (lpwfxPlay != NULL && WavFormatFree(lpwfxPlay) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else lpwfxPlay = NULL; }
if (!fSuccess) ;
// create the notification callback window
else if (WavNotifyCreate(lpWav) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// non-standard playback speed must be handled here
else if (lpWav->nSpeedLevel != 100) { #ifdef AVTSM
// use time scale modification engine
if (!(lpWav->dwFlagsSpeed & WAVSPEED_NOTSM)) { long sizBufPlay;
// calculate the size of output chunk
if ((sizBufPlay = WavCalcChunkSize(lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY], lpWav->msPlayChunkSize, TRUE)) <= 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// initialize time scale modification engine
else if ((lpWav->hTsm = TsmInit(TSM_VERSION, lpWav->hInst, lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY], 2, sizBufPlay * TSM_OUTBUF_SIZE_FACT, 0)) == NULL) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// set the speed
else if (TsmSetSpeed(lpWav->hTsm, lpWav->nSpeedLevel, 0) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } else #endif
// device supports playback rate directly
if (!(lpWav->dwFlagsSpeed & WAVSPEED_NOPLAYBACKRATE)) { // we must wait until device has been opened
; }
// device supports adjusted format
else if (!(lpWav->dwFlagsSpeed & WAVSPEED_NOFORMATADJUST)) { // device supports adjusted format with acm
if (!(lpWav->dwFlagsSpeed & WAVSPEED_NOACM)) { #if 0
if ((lpwfxPlay = WavFormatDup(lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY])) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// we must double sample rate so that adjusted format works
else if (lpWav->nSpeedLevel < 100 && WavFormatSpeedAdjust(lpwfxPlay, 200, 0) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// we must halve sample rate so that adjusted format works
else if (lpWav->nSpeedLevel > 100 && WavFormatSpeedAdjust(lpwfxPlay, 50, 0) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
else if (WavSetFormat(hWav, lpwfxPlay, WAV_FORMATPLAY) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
if (lpwfxPlay != NULL && WavFormatFree(lpwfxPlay) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else lpwfxPlay = NULL; #endif
if (fSuccess) { if ((lpwfxWavOutOpen = WavFormatDup(lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY])) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// adjust output device format to reflect current speed
else if (WavFormatSpeedAdjust(lpwfxWavOutOpen, lpWav->nSpeedLevel, 0) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } } }
if (!fSuccess) ;
// open output device
else if ((lpWav->hWavOut = WavOutOpen(WAVOUT_VERSION, lpWav->hInst, idDev, lpwfxWavOutOpen == NULL ? lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY] : lpwfxWavOutOpen, #ifdef MULTITHREAD
lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_MULTITHREAD ? (HWND)(DWORD_PTR)lpWav->dwThreadId : #endif
lpWav->hwndNotify, 0, 0, #ifdef TELOUT
((lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_TELRFILE) ? WAVOUT_TELRFILE : 0) | #endif
((lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_MULTITHREAD) ? WAVOUT_MULTITHREAD : 0) | #endif
((dwFlags & WAV_OPENRETRY) ? WAVOUT_OPENRETRY : 0) | ((lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_NOACM) ? WAVOUT_NOACM : 0))) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// save PlayStopped params for later
else if (lpWav->lpfnPlayStopped = lpfnPlayStopped, FALSE) ; else if (lpWav->hUserPlayStopped = hUserPlayStopped, FALSE) ;
// set the device volume if necessary
else if (lpWav->nVolumeLevel != 50 && WavOutSetVolume(lpWav->hWavOut, -1, lpWav->nVolumeLevel) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// set the device playback rate if necessary
else if (lpWav->nSpeedLevel != 100 && !(lpWav->dwFlagsSpeed & WAVSPEED_NOPLAYBACKRATE) && WavOutSetSpeed(lpWav->hWavOut, lpWav->nSpeedLevel) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// setup acm conversion if play format different than file format
else if (WavFormatCmp(lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE], lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY]) != 0 && AcmConvertInit(lpWav->hAcm, lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE], lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY], NULL, 0) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
#if 0
// pause output device before sending chunks to play
else if (WavOutPause(lpWav->hWavOut) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); #endif
// associate wav handle with device id
if (fSuccess) { int idDev;
if ((idDev = WavOutGetId(lpWav->hWavOut)) < HWAVOUT_MIN || idDev >= HWAVOUT_MAX) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else ahWavOutCurr[idDev + HWAVOUT_OFFSET] = WavGetHandle(lpWav); }
// remember the flags used in case we need them later
if (fSuccess) lpWav->dwFlagsPlay = dwFlags;
// set the WAVSTATE_AUTOSTOP flag for later if necessary
if (fSuccess && !(dwFlags & WAV_NOAUTOSTOP)) lpWav->dwState |= WAVSTATE_AUTOSTOP;
// set the WAVSTATE_AUTOCLOSE flag for later if necessary
if (fSuccess && (dwFlags & WAV_AUTOCLOSE)) lpWav->dwState |= WAVSTATE_AUTOCLOSE;
// load output device queue with chunks to play
for (i = 0; fSuccess && i < lpWav->cPlayChunks; ++i) { if (WavPlayNextChunk(hWav) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
#if 0
// start playback
if (fSuccess && WavOutResume(lpWav->hWavOut) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); #endif
// loop until playback complete if WAV_PLAYSYNC flag specified
if (fSuccess && (dwFlags & WAV_PLAYSYNC)) { #ifdef MULTITHREAD
// handle WAV_MULTITHREAD flag
if (fSuccess && (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_MULTITHREAD)) { // wait for the play to end
if (WaitForSingleObject(lpWav->hEventStopped, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// clean up
else if (lpWav->hEventStopped != NULL) { if (!CloseHandle(lpWav->hEventStopped)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else lpWav->hEventStopped = NULL; } } else #endif
// check for valid pointer because WAV_AUTOCLOSE flag
// could cause hWav to be invalidated during this loop
while (WavGetPtr(hWav) != NULL && WavGetState(hWav) != WAV_STOPPED) { MSG msg;
if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } else WaitMessage(); } }
// close output device only if error or playback complete
if (!fSuccess || (dwFlags & WAV_PLAYSYNC)) { if (WavGetPtr(hWav) != NULL && WavStopPlay(hWav) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// clean up
if (lpwfxWavOutOpen != NULL && WavFormatFree(lpwfxWavOutOpen) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else lpwfxWavOutOpen = NULL;
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavRecordEx - record data to wav file
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <idDev> (i) wav input device id
// -1 use any suitable input device
// <lpfnRecordStopped> (i) function to call when record is stopped
// NULL do not notify
// <dwUserRecordStopped> (i) param to pass to lpfnRecordStopped
// <msMaxSize> (i) stop recording if file reaches this size
// 0 no maximum size
// <dwFlags> (i) control flags
// WAV_RECORDASYNC return when recording starts (default)
// WAV_RECORDSYNC return after recording completes
// WAV_NOSTOP if device already recording, don't stop it
// WAV_OPENRETRY if input device busy, retry for up to 2 sec
// return 0 if success
// NOTE: data from the input device is written to the wav file in chunks.
// Chunks are submitted to an input device queue, so that when one
// chunk is finished recording, another is ready to start recording.
// By default, each chunk is large enough to hold approximately 666 ms
// of sound, and 3 chunks are maintained in the input device queue.
// WavSetChunks() can be used to override the defaults.
// NOTE: if WAV_NOSTOP is specified in <dwFlags>, and the device specified
// by <idDev> is already in use, this function returns without recording.
// Unless this flag is specified, the specified device will be stopped
// so that the new sound can be recorded.
int WINAPI WavRecord(HWAV hWav, int idDev, DWORD dwFlags) { return WavRecordEx(hWav, idDev, NULL, 0, 0, dwFlags); }
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavRecordEx(HWAV hWav, int idDev, RECORDSTOPPEDPROC lpfnRecordStopped, DWORD dwUserRecordStopped, long msMaxSize, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; int i; LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfxRecord = NULL;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// make sure input device is not already open for this file
else if (lpWav->hWavIn != NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// we need to know when we can exit
else if ((lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_MULTITHREAD) && (dwFlags & WAV_RECORDSYNC) && (lpWav->hEventStopped = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL)) == NULL) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } #endif
// make sure input device is not recording
else if (WavStopInputDevice(idDev, dwFlags) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// set new recording format if device cannot handle the current format
else if (!WavInSupportsFormat(NULL, idDev, lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATRECORD]) && (lpwfxRecord = WavInFormatSuggest(NULL, idDev, lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATRECORD], (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_NOACM) ? WAVIN_NOACM : 0)) != NULL && WavSetFormat(hWav, lpwfxRecord, WAV_FORMATRECORD) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// create the notification callback window
else if (WavNotifyCreate(lpWav) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// open input device
else if ((lpWav->hWavIn = WavInOpen(WAVIN_VERSION, lpWav->hInst, idDev, lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATRECORD], #ifdef MULTITHREAD
lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_MULTITHREAD ? (HWND)(DWORD_PTR)lpWav->dwThreadId : #endif
lpWav->hwndNotify, 0, 0, #ifdef TELIN
((lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_TELRFILE) ? WAVIN_TELRFILE : 0) | #endif
((lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_MULTITHREAD) ? WAVOUT_MULTITHREAD : 0) | #endif
((dwFlags & WAV_OPENRETRY) ? WAVIN_OPENRETRY : 0) | ((lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_NOACM) ? WAVIN_NOACM : 0))) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// save params for later
else if (lpWav->lpfnRecordStopped = lpfnRecordStopped, FALSE) ; else if (lpWav->dwUserRecordStopped = dwUserRecordStopped, FALSE) ; else if (lpWav->msMaxSize = msMaxSize, FALSE) ;
// setup acm conversion if file format different than record format
else if (WavFormatCmp(lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATRECORD], lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE]) != 0 && AcmConvertInit(lpWav->hAcm, lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATRECORD], lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE], NULL, 0) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// associate wav handle with device id
if (fSuccess) { int idDev;
if ((idDev = WavInGetId(lpWav->hWavIn)) < HWAVIN_MIN || idDev >= HWAVIN_MAX) TraceFALSE(NULL);
else ahWavInCurr[idDev + HWAVIN_OFFSET] = WavGetHandle(lpWav); }
// remember the flags used in case we need them later
if (fSuccess) lpWav->dwFlagsRecord = dwFlags;
// load input device queue with chunks to play
for (i = 0; fSuccess && i < lpWav->cRecordChunks; ++i) { if (WavRecordNextChunk(hWav) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// set the WAVSTATE_AUTOSTOP flag for later if necessary
if (fSuccess && (dwFlags & WAV_AUTOSTOP)) lpWav->dwState |= WAVSTATE_AUTOSTOP;
// set the WAVSTATE_AUTOCLOSE flag for later if necessary
if (fSuccess && (dwFlags & WAV_AUTOCLOSE)) lpWav->dwState |= WAVSTATE_AUTOCLOSE;
// loop until recording complete if WAV_RECORDSYNC flag specified
if (fSuccess && (dwFlags & WAV_RECORDSYNC)) { #ifdef MULTITHREAD
// handle WAV_MULTITHREAD flag
if (fSuccess && (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_MULTITHREAD)) { // wait for the record to end
if (WaitForSingleObject(lpWav->hEventStopped, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// clean up
else if (lpWav->hEventStopped != NULL) { if (!CloseHandle(lpWav->hEventStopped)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else lpWav->hEventStopped = NULL; } } else #endif
while (WavGetState(hWav) != WAV_STOPPED) { MSG msg;
if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } else WaitMessage(); } }
// close input device only if error or recording complete
if (!fSuccess || (dwFlags & WAV_RECORDSYNC)) { if (WavGetPtr(hWav) != NULL && WavStopRecord(hWav) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
if (lpwfxRecord != NULL && WavFormatFree(lpwfxRecord) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else lpwfxRecord = NULL;
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavStop - stop playing and/or recording
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// return 0 if success
int WINAPI WavStop(HWAV hWav) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
// stop playing
if (WavStopPlay(hWav) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// stop recording
if (WavStopRecord(hWav) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavRead - read data from wav file
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <hpBuf> (o) buffer to contain bytes read
// <sizBuf> (i) size of buffer in bytes
// return bytes read (-1 if error)
// NOTE : Even if the read operation does not reach the end of file,
// the number of bytes returned could be less than <sizBuf> if data
// decompression is performed by the wav file's I/O procedure. See the
// <lpIOProc> parameter in WavOpen. It is safest to keep calling
// WavRead() until 0 bytes are read.
long DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavRead(HWAV hWav, void _huge *hpBuf, long sizBuf) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; long lBytesRead;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (hpBuf == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// make sure we don't read beyond the end of the data
// NOTE: cbData might not be accurate if file is growing dynamically,
// so it is ok to read beyond eof if sharing flags are set
else if (!(lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_DENYNONE) && !(lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_DENYREAD) && (sizBuf = min(sizBuf, lpWav->cbData - lpWav->lDataPos)) < 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// do the read
else if ((lBytesRead = mmioRead(lpWav->hmmio, hpBuf, sizBuf)) < 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5, TEXT("WavRead (%ld)\n"), (long) lBytesRead), FALSE) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// adjust current data position
// (and total data bytes, if file has grown)
else if ((lpWav->lDataPos += lBytesRead) > lpWav->cbData) { if ((lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_DENYNONE) || (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_DENYREAD)) lpWav->cbData = lpWav->lDataPos; else fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// calculate new stop position if stopped
if (fSuccess && WavCalcPositionStop(hWav, lpWav->lDataPos) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? lBytesRead : -1; }
// WavWrite - write data to wav file
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <hpBuf> (i) buffer containing bytes to write
// <sizBuf> (i) size of buffer in bytes
// return bytes written (-1 if error)
// NOTE : Even if the write operation successfully completes,
// the number of bytes returned could be less than <sizBuf> if data
// compression is performed by the wav file's I/O procedure. See the
// <lpIOProc> parameter in WavOpen. It is safest to assume no error
// in WavWrite() occurred if the return value is greater than 0.
long DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavWrite(HWAV hWav, void _huge *hpBuf, long sizBuf) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; long lBytesWritten;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// special case: truncate file at current position
else if (hpBuf == NULL && sizBuf == 0) { if (WavSetLength(hWav, WavGetPosition(hWav)) < 0) return -1; else return 0; }
else if (hpBuf == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// do the write
else if ((lBytesWritten = mmioWrite(lpWav->hmmio, hpBuf, sizBuf)) < 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// set dirty flags
else if (lpWav->ckdata.dwFlags |= MMIO_DIRTY, lpWav->ckRIFF.dwFlags |= MMIO_DIRTY, FALSE) ;
else if (TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5, TEXT("WavWrite (%ld)\n"), (long) lBytesWritten), FALSE) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// adjust current data position
// (and total data bytes, if file has grown)
else if ((lpWav->lDataPos += lBytesWritten) > lpWav->cbData) lpWav->cbData = lpWav->lDataPos;
// calculate new stop position if stopped
if (fSuccess && WavCalcPositionStop(hWav, lpWav->lDataPos) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? lBytesWritten : -1; }
// WavSeek - seek within wav file data
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <lOffset> (i) bytes to move pointer
// <nOrigin> (i) position to move from
// 0 move pointer relative to start of data chunk
// 1 move pointer relative to current position
// 2 move pointer relative to end of data chunk
// return new file position (-1 if error)
long DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavSeek(HWAV hWav, long lOffset, int nOrigin) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; long lPos; BOOL fWavTell; BOOL fWavSeekTrace;
// WavSeek(..., 0, 1) is same as WavTell(); i.e. no position change
fWavTell = (BOOL) (lOffset == 0L && nOrigin == 1);
// traces only if position change with high trace level
fWavSeekTrace = (BOOL) (!fWavTell && TraceGetLevel(NULL) >= 6);
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// debug trace output before the seek
else if (fWavSeekTrace && WavSeekTraceBefore(lpWav, lOffset, nOrigin) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// SEEK_SET: adjust offset relative to beginning of file
else if (nOrigin == 0 && (lOffset += lpWav->lDataOffset, FALSE)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// SEEK_CUR: adjust offset relative to beginning of file
else if (nOrigin == 1 && (lOffset += lpWav->lDataOffset + lpWav->lDataPos, FALSE)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// SEEK_END: adjust offset relative to beginning of file
else if (nOrigin == 2 && (lOffset += lpWav->lDataOffset + lpWav->cbData, FALSE)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// seek is always relative to the beginning of file
else if (nOrigin = 0, FALSE) ;
// do the seek
else if ((lPos = mmioSeek(lpWav->hmmio, lOffset, nOrigin)) < 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// adjust current data position
else if ((lpWav->lDataPos = lPos - lpWav->lDataOffset) < 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// adjust total data bytes, if file has grown
else if (lpWav->lDataPos > lpWav->cbData) { if ((lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_DENYNONE) || (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_DENYREAD)) lpWav->cbData = lpWav->lDataPos; else fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// calculate new stop position if stopped
// NOTE: we skip this if position unchanged
if (fSuccess && !fWavTell && WavCalcPositionStop(hWav, lpWav->lDataPos) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// debug trace output after the seek
if (fSuccess && fWavSeekTrace && WavSeekTraceAfter(lpWav, lPos, lOffset, nOrigin) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? lpWav->lDataPos : -1; }
// WavGetState - return current wav state
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// return WAV_STOPPED, WAV_PLAYING, WAV_RECORDING, or 0 if error
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (lpWav->hWavOut != NULL) { switch (WavOutGetState(lpWav->hWavOut)) { case WAVOUT_PLAYING: wState = WAV_PLAYING; break;
case 0: default: fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); break;
} }
else if (lpWav->hWavIn != NULL) { switch (WavInGetState(lpWav->hWavIn)) { case WAVIN_RECORDING: wState = WAV_RECORDING; break;
case WAVIN_STOPPING: wState = WAV_STOPPING; break;
case WAVIN_STOPPED: wState = WAV_STOPPED; break;
case 0: default: fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); break;
} }
// if we are in the middle of WavStopPlay() or WavStopRecord()
// then set state to WAV_STOPPING, regardless of device state
if (fSuccess && ((lpWav->dwState & WAVSTATE_STOPPLAY) || (lpWav->dwState & WAVSTATE_STOPRECORD))) { wState = WAV_STOPPING; }
return fSuccess ? wState : 0; }
// WavGetLength - get current wav data length in milleseconds
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// return milleseconds if success, otherwise -1
long DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavGetLength(HWAV hWav) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; long msLength;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else { msLength = WavFormatBytesToMilleseconds( lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE], (DWORD) lpWav->cbData); }
return fSuccess ? msLength : -1; }
// WavSetLength - set current wav data length in milleseconds
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <msLength> (i) length in milleseconds
// return new length in milleseconds if success, otherwise -1
// NOTE: afterwards, the current wav data position is set to either
// the previous wav data position or <msLength>, whichever is smaller.
long DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavSetLength(HWAV hWav, long msLength) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav;
TracePrintf_1(NULL, 6, TEXT("WavSetLength(%ld)\n"), (long) msLength);
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// new length must be reasonable
else if (msLength < 0 || msLength > WavGetLength(hWav)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else { long lBlockAlign;
// convert <msLength> to byte offset in file
lpWav->cbData = WavFormatMillesecondsToBytes( lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE], (DWORD) msLength);
// $FIXUP - add <nRound> parameter to
// WavFormatMillesecondsToBytes() and WavFormatBytesToMilleseconds()
if ((lBlockAlign = (long) lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE]->nBlockAlign) > 0) { // round down to nearest block boundary
lpWav->cbData = lBlockAlign * (lpWav->cbData / lBlockAlign); }
// set dirty flags
lpWav->ckdata.dwFlags |= MMIO_DIRTY; lpWav->ckRIFF.dwFlags |= MMIO_DIRTY;
// adjust current data position if necessary
if (lpWav->lDataPos > lpWav->cbData) { lpWav->lDataPos = lpWav->cbData;
// calculate new stop position if stopped
if (fSuccess && WavCalcPositionStop(hWav, lpWav->lDataPos) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } }
return fSuccess ? WavGetLength(hWav) : -1; }
// WavGetPosition - get current wav data position in milleseconds
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// return milleseconds if success, otherwise -1
long DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavGetPosition(HWAV hWav) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; long msPosition;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else switch (WavGetState(hWav)) { case WAV_PLAYING: { long msPositionPlay = 0L;
// get position relative to start of playback
if ((msPositionPlay = WavOutGetPosition(lpWav->hWavOut)) == -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else { // if necessary, adjust position to compensate for non-standard speed
if (lpWav->nSpeedLevel != 100 && ( #ifdef AVTSM
!(lpWav->dwFlagsSpeed & WAVSPEED_NOTSM) || #endif
!(lpWav->dwFlagsSpeed & WAVSPEED_NOFORMATADJUST))) { msPositionPlay = msPositionPlay * lpWav->nSpeedLevel / 100; }
// calc position relative to start of file
msPosition = lpWav->msPositionStop + msPositionPlay; } } break;
case WAV_RECORDING: { long msPositionRecord = 0L;
// get position relative to start of recording
if ((msPositionRecord = WavInGetPosition(lpWav->hWavIn)) == -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else { // calc position relative to start of file
msPosition = lpWav->msPositionStop + msPositionRecord; } } break;
default: { long cbPosition;
// get current file position
if ((cbPosition = WavSeek(hWav, 0, 1)) == -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// convert file position to milleseconds
else { msPosition = WavFormatBytesToMilleseconds( lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE], (DWORD) cbPosition); } } break; }
return fSuccess ? msPosition : -1; }
// WavSetPosition - set current wav data position in milleseconds
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <msPosition> (i) position in milleseconds
// return new position in milleseconds if success, otherwise -1
long DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavSetPosition(HWAV hWav, long msPosition) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; WORD wStatePrev; int idDevPrev; long cbPosition; long cbPositionNew; long msPositionNew;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (WavTempStop(hWav, &wStatePrev, &idDevPrev) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else { long lBlockAlign;
TracePrintf_1(NULL, 6, TEXT("WavSetPosition(%ld)\n"), (long) msPosition);
// convert <msPosition> to byte offset in file
cbPosition = WavFormatMillesecondsToBytes( lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE], (DWORD) msPosition);
if ((lBlockAlign = (long) lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE]->nBlockAlign) > 0) { // round down to nearest block boundary
cbPosition = lBlockAlign * (cbPosition / lBlockAlign); }
// seek to new position
if ((cbPositionNew = WavSeek(hWav, cbPosition, 0)) == -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// convert the new position to milleseconds
if (fSuccess) { msPositionNew = WavFormatBytesToMilleseconds( lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE], (DWORD) cbPositionNew); }
if (WavTempResume(hWav, wStatePrev, idDevPrev) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? msPositionNew : -1; }
// WavGetFormat - get wav format
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <dwFlags> (i) control flags
// WAV_FORMATFILE get format of data in file
// WAV_FORMATPLAY get format of output device
// WAV_FORMATRECORD get format of input device
// return pointer to specified format, NULL if error
// NOTE: the format structure returned is dynamically allocated.
// Use WavFormatFree() to free the buffer.
// We need to take care if hWav is NULL
if( NULL != hWav ) { if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if ((lpwfx = WavFormatDup(lpWav->lpwfx[iType])) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } else fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? lpwfx : NULL; }
// WavSetFormat - set wav format
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <lpwfx> (i) wav format
// <dwFlags> (i) control flags
// WAV_FORMATFILE set format of data in file
// WAV_FORMATPLAY set format of output device
// WAV_FORMATRECORD set format of input device
// WAV_FORMATALL set all formats
// return 0 if success
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavSetFormat(HWAV hWav, LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfx, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; WORD wStatePrev; int idDevPrev;
if (hWav != NULL && (lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (!WavFormatIsValid(lpwfx) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (WavTempStop(hWav, &wStatePrev, &idDevPrev) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else { int iType;
for (iType = FORMATFILE; fSuccess && iType <= FORMATRECORD; ++iType) { if (iType == FORMATFILE && !(dwFlags & WAV_FORMATFILE)) continue; if (iType == FORMATPLAY && !(dwFlags & WAV_FORMATPLAY)) continue; if (iType == FORMATRECORD && !(dwFlags & WAV_FORMATRECORD)) continue;
// free previous format
if (lpWav->lpwfx[iType] != NULL && WavFormatFree(lpWav->lpwfx[iType]) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// save new format
else if ((lpWav->lpwfx[iType] = WavFormatDup(lpwfx)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// trace format text
else if (TraceGetLevel(NULL) >= 5) { TCHAR szText[512];
switch (iType) { case FORMATFILE: TraceOutput(NULL, 5, TEXT("FORMATFILE:\t")); break;
case FORMATPLAY: TraceOutput(NULL, 5, TEXT("FORMATPLAY:\t")); break;
case FORMATRECORD: TraceOutput(NULL, 5, TEXT("FORMATRECORD:\t")); break;
default: break; }
if (AcmFormatGetText(lpWav->hAcm, lpWav->lpwfx[iType], szText, SIZEOFARRAY(szText), 0) != 0) ; // fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else { TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5, TEXT("%s\n"), (LPTSTR) szText); #if 0
WavFormatDump(lpWav->lpwfx[iType]); #endif
} } }
if (WavTempResume(hWav, wStatePrev, idDevPrev) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavChooseFormat - choose and set audio format from dialog box
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <hwndOwner> (i) owner of dialog box
// NULL no owner
// <lpszTitle> (i) title of the dialog box
// NULL use default title ("Sound Selection")
// <dwFlags> (i) control flags
// WAV_FORMATFILE set format of data in file
// WAV_FORMATPLAY set format of output device
// WAV_FORMATRECORD set format of input device
// WAV_FORMATALL set all formats
// return 0 if success
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavChooseFormat(HWAV hWav, HWND hwndOwner, LPCTSTR lpszTitle, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else { LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfx = NULL; LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfxNew = NULL; DWORD dwFlagsChoose = 0;
// see which format we are choosing
if (dwFlags & WAV_FORMATFILE) lpwfx = lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE]; else if (dwFlags & WAV_FORMATPLAY) lpwfx = lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY]; else if (dwFlags & WAV_FORMATRECORD) lpwfx = lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATRECORD]; #if 0
// restrict choices if necessary
if (dwFlags == WAV_FORMATPLAY) dwFlagsChoose |= ACM_FORMATPLAY; if (dwFlags == WAV_FORMATRECORD) dwFlagsChoose |= ACM_FORMATRECORD; #endif
// get chosen format
if ((lpwfxNew = AcmFormatChoose(lpWav->hAcm, hwndOwner, lpszTitle, lpwfx, dwFlagsChoose)) == NULL) ; // no format chosen
// set chosen format
else if (WavSetFormat(hWav, lpwfxNew, dwFlags) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// free chosen format struct
if (lpwfxNew != NULL && WavFormatFree(lpwfxNew) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavGetVolume - get current volume level
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <idDev> (i) wav output device id
// -1 use any suitable output device
// <dwFlags> (i) reserved; must be zero
// return volume level (0 minimum through 100 maximum, -1 if error)
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavGetVolume(HWAV hWav, int idDev, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; int nLevel;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else nLevel = lpWav->nVolumeLevel;
return fSuccess ? nLevel : -1; }
// WavSetVolume - set current volume level
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <idDev> (i) wav output device id
// -1 use any suitable output device
// <nLevel> (i) volume level
// 0 minimum volume
// 100 maximum volume
// <dwFlags> (i) control flags
// WAVVOLUME_MIXER set volume through mixer device
// return 0 if success
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavSetVolume(HWAV hWav, int idDev, int nLevel, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav;
TracePrintf_4(NULL, 6, TEXT("WavSetVolume(hWav=%p, idDev=%d, nLevel=%d, dwFlags=%08X)\n"), hWav, idDev, nLevel, dwFlags);
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (nLevel == lpWav->nVolumeLevel) ; // nothing to be done
else if (dwFlags & WAVVOLUME_MIXER) { HWAVMIXER hWavMixer = NULL;
if ((hWavMixer = WavMixerInit(WAVMIXER_VERSION, lpWav->hInst, (LPARAM) idDev, 0, 0, WAVMIXER_WAVEOUT)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (WavMixerSetVolume(hWavMixer, nLevel, 0) < 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
if (hWavMixer != NULL && WavMixerTerm(hWavMixer) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
else if (!(dwFlags & WAVVOLUME_MIXER)) { if (!WavOutSupportsVolume(lpWav->hWavOut, idDev)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// set the device volume if we are currently playing
else if (WavGetState(hWav) == WAV_PLAYING && WavOutSetVolume(lpWav->hWavOut, idDev, nLevel) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
if (fSuccess) lpWav->nVolumeLevel = nLevel;
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavSupportsVolume - check if audio can be played at specified volume
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <idDev> (i) wav output device id
// -1 any suitable output device
// <nLevel> (i) volume level
// 0 minimum volume
// 100 maximum volume
// <dwFlags> (i) control flags
// WAVVOLUME_MIXER check volume support through mixer device
// return TRUE if supported
BOOL DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavSupportsVolume(HWAV hWav, int idDev, int nLevel, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; BOOL fSupportsVolume = FALSE; LPWAV lpWav;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (dwFlags & WAVVOLUME_MIXER) { HWAVMIXER hWavMixer = NULL;
if ((hWavMixer = WavMixerInit(WAVMIXER_VERSION, lpWav->hInst, (LPARAM) idDev, 0, 0, WAVMIXER_WAVEOUT)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (WavMixerSupportsVolume(hWavMixer, 0)) fSupportsVolume = TRUE;
if (hWavMixer != NULL && WavMixerTerm(hWavMixer) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
else if (!(dwFlags & WAVVOLUME_MIXER)) { // see if the device driver supports volume directly
if (WavOutSupportsVolume(NULL, idDev)) fSupportsVolume = TRUE; }
return fSuccess ? fSupportsVolume : FALSE; }
// WavGetSpeed - get current speed level
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <idDev> (i) wav output device id
// -1 use any suitable output device
// <dwFlags> (i) reserved; must be zero
// return speed level (100 is normal, 50 is half, 200 is double, -1 if error)
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavGetSpeed(HWAV hWav, int idDev, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; int nLevel;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else nLevel = lpWav->nSpeedLevel;
return fSuccess ? nLevel : -1; }
// WavSetSpeed - set current speed level
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <idDev> (i) wav output device id
// -1 use any suitable output device
// <nLevel> (i) speed level
// 50 half speed
// 100 normal speed
// 200 double speed, etc.
// <dwFlags> (i) control flags
#ifdef AVTSM
// WAVSPEED_NOTSM do not use time scale modification engine
// WAVSPEED_NOPLAYBACKRATE do not use device driver playback rate
// WAVSPEED_NOFORMATADJUST do not use adjusted format to open device
// WAVSPEED_NOACM do not use audio compression manager
// return 0 if success
// NOTE: In order to accomodate the specified speed change, it is _possible_
// that this function will in turn call WavSetFormat(hWav, ..., WAV_FORMATPLAY)
// to change the playback format of the specified file. You can prevent this
// side-effect by specifying the WAVSPEED_NOACM flag, but this reduces the likelihood
// that WavSetSpeed will succeed.
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavSetSpeed(HWAV hWav, int idDev, int nLevel, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; WORD wStatePrev; int idDevPrev;
TracePrintf_4(NULL, 6, TEXT("WavSetSpeed(hWav=%p, idDev=%d, nLevel=%d, dwFlags=%08X)\n"), hWav, idDev, nLevel, dwFlags);
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (nLevel == lpWav->nSpeedLevel) ; // nothing to be done
else if (WavTempStop(hWav, &wStatePrev, &idDevPrev) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else { if (nLevel == 100) { // normal speed is a special case
lpWav->nSpeedLevel = 100; lpWav->dwFlagsSpeed = 0; } #ifdef AVTSM
else if (!(dwFlags & WAVSPEED_NOTSM) && WavSupportsSpeed(hWav, idDev, nLevel, WAVSPEED_NOACM | WAVSPEED_NOFORMATADJUST | WAVSPEED_NOPLAYBACKRATE)) { // use time scale modification engine
else if (!(dwFlags & WAVSPEED_NOTSM) && WavSupportsSpeed(hWav, idDev, nLevel, WAVSPEED_NOFORMATADJUST | WAVSPEED_NOPLAYBACKRATE)) { #if 1
// try a format that the tsm engine will handle
if (WavSetFormat(hWav, WavFormatPcm( lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY]->nSamplesPerSec, 16, 1, &wfxTsm), WAV_FORMATPLAY) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); #endif
// use time scale modification engine with adjusted format
lpWav->nSpeedLevel = nLevel; lpWav->dwFlagsSpeed = WAVSPEED_NOFORMATADJUST | WAVSPEED_NOPLAYBACKRATE; } #endif
else if (!(dwFlags & WAVSPEED_NOPLAYBACKRATE) && WavSupportsSpeed(hWav, idDev, nLevel, WAVSPEED_NOACM | WAVSPEED_NOFORMATADJUST | WAVSPEED_NOTSM)) { // device supports playback rate directly
lpWav->nSpeedLevel = nLevel; lpWav->dwFlagsSpeed = WAVSPEED_NOACM | WAVSPEED_NOFORMATADJUST | WAVSPEED_NOTSM; }
else if (!(dwFlags & WAVSPEED_NOFORMATADJUST) && WavSupportsSpeed(hWav, idDev, nLevel, WAVSPEED_NOACM | WAVSPEED_NOPLAYBACKRATE | WAVSPEED_NOTSM)) { // device supports adjusted format without acm
lpWav->nSpeedLevel = nLevel; lpWav->dwFlagsSpeed = WAVSPEED_NOACM | WAVSPEED_NOPLAYBACKRATE | WAVSPEED_NOTSM; }
else if (!(dwFlags & WAVSPEED_NOFORMATADJUST) && !(dwFlags & WAVSPEED_NOACM) && WavSupportsSpeed(hWav, idDev, nLevel, WAVSPEED_NOPLAYBACKRATE | WAVSPEED_NOTSM)) { #if 1
if ((lpwfxPlay = WavFormatDup(lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY])) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// we must double sample rate so that adjusted format works
else if (nLevel < 100 && WavFormatSpeedAdjust(lpwfxPlay, 200, 0) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// we must halve sample rate so that adjusted format works
else if (nLevel > 100 && WavFormatSpeedAdjust(lpwfxPlay, 50, 0) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
else if (WavSetFormat(hWav, lpwfxPlay, WAV_FORMATPLAY) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
if (lpwfxPlay != NULL && WavFormatFree(lpwfxPlay) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else lpwfxPlay = NULL; #endif
// device supports adjusted format with acm
lpWav->nSpeedLevel = nLevel; lpWav->dwFlagsSpeed = WAVSPEED_NOPLAYBACKRATE | WAVSPEED_NOTSM; }
else fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
if (WavTempResume(hWav, wStatePrev, idDevPrev) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavSupportsSpeed - check if audio can be played at specified speed
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <idDev> (i) wav output device id
// -1 any suitable output device
// <nLevel> (i) speed level
// 50 half speed
// 100 normal speed
// 200 double speed, etc.
// <dwFlags> (i) control flags
#ifdef AVTSM
// WAVSPEED_NOTSM do not use time scale modification engine
// WAVSPEED_NOPLAYBACKRATE do not use device driver playback rate
// WAVSPEED_NOFORMATADJUST do not use adjusted format to open device
// WAVSPEED_NOACM do not use audio compression manager
// return TRUE if supported
BOOL DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavSupportsSpeed(HWAV hWav, int idDev, int nLevel, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; BOOL fSupportsSpeed = FALSE; LPWAV lpWav; #ifdef AVTSM
WAVEFORMATEX wfxTsm; #endif
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// normal speed is a special case
else if (nLevel == 100 && WavOutSupportsFormat(NULL, idDev, lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY])) { fSupportsSpeed = TRUE; } #ifdef AVTSM
// see if time scale modification will work
else if (!(dwFlags & WAVSPEED_NOTSM) && TsmSupportsSpeed(nLevel, lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY], 0)) { fSupportsSpeed = TRUE; }
// see if time scale modification will work with PCM 16-bit mono
else if (!(dwFlags & WAVSPEED_NOTSM) && !(dwFlags & WAVSPEED_NOACM) && TsmSupportsSpeed(nLevel, WavFormatPcm( lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY]->nSamplesPerSec, 16, 1, &wfxTsm), 0)) { fSupportsSpeed = TRUE; } #endif
// see if the device driver supports playback rate directly
else if (!(dwFlags & WAVSPEED_NOPLAYBACKRATE) && WavOutSupportsSpeed(NULL, idDev)) { fSupportsSpeed = TRUE; }
if ((lpwfx = WavFormatDup(lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY])) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (WavFormatSpeedAdjust(lpwfx, nLevel, 0) != 0) fSuccess = TraceTRUE(NULL);
// see if device supports playback using adjusted format
else if (WavOutSupportsFormat(NULL, idDev, lpwfx)) { fSupportsSpeed = TRUE; }
if (lpwfx != NULL && WavFormatFree(lpwfx) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else lpwfx = NULL;
// as a last resort, see if doubling or halving the sample rate
// would allow us to use a wave format that has been adjusted
if (!fSupportsSpeed && !(dwFlags & WAVSPEED_NOACM)) { LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfx = NULL;
if (nLevel < 100) nLevel = nLevel * 100 / 50; else if (nLevel > 100) nLevel = nLevel * 100 / 200;
if ((lpwfx = WavFormatDup(lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY])) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (WavFormatSpeedAdjust(lpwfx, nLevel, 0) != 0) fSuccess = TraceTRUE(NULL);
// see if device supports playback using adjusted format
else if (WavOutSupportsFormat(NULL, idDev, lpwfx)) { fSupportsSpeed = TRUE; }
if (lpwfx != NULL && WavFormatFree(lpwfx) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else lpwfx = NULL; } }
return fSuccess ? fSupportsSpeed : FALSE; }
// WavGetChunks - get chunk count and size
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// NULL get default chunk count and size
// <lpcChunks> (o) buffer to hold chunk count
// NULL do not get chunk count
// <lpmsChunkSize> (o) buffer to hold chunk size
// NULL do not get chunk size
// <fWavOut> (i) TRUE for playback, FALSE for recording
// return 0 if success
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavGetChunks(HWAV hWav, int FAR *lpcChunks, long FAR *lpmsChunkSize, BOOL fWavOut) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav;
if (hWav != NULL && (lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else { if (lpcChunks != NULL) { if (hWav == NULL) { *lpcChunks = fWavOut ? cPlayChunksDefault : cRecordChunksDefault; } else { *lpcChunks = fWavOut ? lpWav->cPlayChunks : lpWav->cRecordChunks; } }
if (lpmsChunkSize != NULL) { if (hWav == NULL) { *lpmsChunkSize = fWavOut ? msPlayChunkSizeDefault : msRecordChunkSizeDefault; } else { *lpmsChunkSize = fWavOut ? lpWav->msPlayChunkSize : lpWav->msRecordChunkSize; } } }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavSetChunks - set chunk count and size
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// NULL set default chunk count and size
// <cChunks> (i) number of chunks in device queue
// -1 do not set chunk count
// <msChunkSize> (i) chunk size in milleseconds
// -1 do not set chunk size
// <fWavOut> (i) TRUE for playback, FALSE for recording
// return 0 if success
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavSetChunks(HWAV hWav, int cChunks, long msChunkSize, BOOL fWavOut) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav;
if (hWav != NULL && (lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (fWavOut && cChunks != -1 && (cChunks < PLAYCHUNKCOUNT_MIN || cChunks > PLAYCHUNKCOUNT_MAX)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (fWavOut && msChunkSize != -1 && (msChunkSize < PLAYCHUNKSIZE_MIN || msChunkSize > PLAYCHUNKSIZE_MAX)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (!fWavOut && cChunks != -1 && (cChunks < RECORDCHUNKCOUNT_MIN || cChunks > RECORDCHUNKCOUNT_MAX)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (!fWavOut && msChunkSize != -1 && (msChunkSize < RECORDCHUNKSIZE_MIN || msChunkSize > RECORDCHUNKSIZE_MAX)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else { if (fWavOut && cChunks != -1) { if (hWav == NULL) cPlayChunksDefault = cChunks; else lpWav->cPlayChunks = cChunks; } if (fWavOut && msChunkSize != -1) { if (hWav == NULL) msPlayChunkSizeDefault = msChunkSize; else lpWav->msPlayChunkSize = msChunkSize; }
if (!fWavOut && cChunks != -1) { if (hWav == NULL) cRecordChunksDefault = cChunks; else lpWav->cRecordChunks = cChunks; } if (!fWavOut && msChunkSize != -1) { if (hWav == NULL) msRecordChunkSizeDefault = msChunkSize; else lpWav->msRecordChunkSize = msChunkSize; } }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavCalcChunkSize - calculate chunk size in bytes
// <lpwfx> (i) wav format
// <msPlayChunkSize> (i) chunk size in milleseconds
// -1 default chunk size
// <fWavOut> (i) TRUE for playback, FALSE for recording
// return chunk size in bytes (-1 if success)
long DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavCalcChunkSize(LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfx, long msChunkSize, BOOL fWavOut) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; long cbChunkSize;
if (msChunkSize == -1) { msChunkSize = fWavOut ? PLAYCHUNKSIZE_DEFAULT : RECORDCHUNKSIZE_DEFAULT; }
if (!WavFormatIsValid(lpwfx) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (fWavOut && (msChunkSize < PLAYCHUNKSIZE_MIN || msChunkSize > PLAYCHUNKSIZE_MAX)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (!fWavOut && (msChunkSize < RECORDCHUNKSIZE_MIN || msChunkSize > RECORDCHUNKSIZE_MAX)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
#if 0 // this only works for PCM
else { int nBytesPerSample;
// calculate bytes per sample
nBytesPerSample = lpwfx->nChannels * (((lpwfx->wBitsPerSample - 1) / 8) + 1);
// calculate chunk size in bytes
cbChunkSize = msChunkSize * lpwfx->nSamplesPerSec * nBytesPerSample / 1000L;
// round up to nearest 1K bytes
cbChunkSize = 1024L * ((cbChunkSize + 1023L) / 1024L); } #else
else { long lBlockAlign;
// calculate chunk size in bytes
cbChunkSize = msChunkSize * lpwfx->nAvgBytesPerSec / 1000L;
// round up to nearest block boundary
if ((lBlockAlign = (long) lpwfx->nBlockAlign) > 0) { cbChunkSize = lBlockAlign * ((cbChunkSize + lBlockAlign - 1) / lBlockAlign); } } #endif
return fSuccess ? cbChunkSize : -1; }
// WavCopy - copy data from one open wav file to another
// <hWavSrc> (i) source handle returned from WavOpen
// <hWavDst> (i) destination handle returned from WavOpen
// <hpBuf> (o) pointer to copy buffer
// NULL allocate buffer internally
// <sizBuf> (i) size of copy buffer
// -1 default buffer size (16K)
// <lpfnUserAbort> (i) function that returns TRUE if user aborts
// NULL don't check for user abort
// <dwUser> (i) parameter passed to <lpfnUserAbort>
// <dwFlags> (i) control flags
// WAV_NOACM do not use audio compression manager
// return 0 if success (-1 if error, +1 if user abort)
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavCopy(HWAV hWavSrc, HWAV hWavDst, void _huge *hpBuf, long sizBuf, USERABORTPROC lpfnUserAbort, DWORD dwUser, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWavSrc; LPWAV lpWavDst; LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfxSrc; LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfxDst; BOOL fFreeBuf = (BOOL) (hpBuf == NULL); BOOL fUserAbort = FALSE;
// calc buffer size if none supplied
if (sizBuf <= 0) sizBuf = 16 * 1024;
if ((lpWavSrc = WavGetPtr(hWavSrc)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if ((lpWavDst = WavGetPtr(hWavDst)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// get source file format
else if ((lpwfxSrc = WavGetFormat(hWavSrc, WAV_FORMATFILE)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// get destination file format
else if ((lpwfxDst = WavGetFormat(hWavDst, WAV_FORMATFILE)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// allocate buffer if none supplied
else if (hpBuf == NULL && (hpBuf = MemAlloc(NULL, sizBuf, 0)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// do simple copy if no conversion is required
else if (WavFormatCmp(lpwfxSrc, lpwfxDst) == 0) { long lBytesReadTotal = 0; long lBytesTotal = max(1, lpWavSrc->cbData - lpWavSrc->lDataPos);
while (fSuccess) { long lBytesRead; long lBytesWritten;
// check for user abort, notify of percent complete
if (lpfnUserAbort != NULL && (*lpfnUserAbort)(dwUser, (int) (lBytesReadTotal / lBytesTotal))) { fUserAbort = TRUE; break; }
// fill copy buffer
else if ((lBytesRead = WavRead(hWavSrc, hpBuf, sizBuf)) < 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// keep running total
else if ((lBytesReadTotal += lBytesRead) < 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// check for end of file
else if (lBytesRead == 0) break; // eof
// write the buffer
else if ((lBytesWritten = WavWrite(hWavDst, hpBuf, lBytesRead)) < 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// notify of 100% complete
if (fSuccess && lpfnUserAbort != NULL) (*lpfnUserAbort)(dwUser, 100); }
// different formats require conversion during copy
else { long lBytesReadTotal = 0; long lBytesTotal = max(1, lpWavSrc->cbData - lpWavSrc->lDataPos); HACM hAcm = NULL; long sizBufRead; void _huge *hpBufRead = NULL;
// turn on WAV_NOACM flag if either file was opened with it
if ((lpWavSrc->dwFlags & WAV_NOACM) || (lpWavDst->dwFlags & WAV_NOACM)) dwFlags |= WAV_NOACM;
// start acm engine
if ((hAcm = AcmInit(ACM_VERSION, lpWavSrc->hInst, (dwFlags & WAV_NOACM) ? ACM_NOACM : 0)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// start conversion engine
else if (AcmConvertInit(hAcm, lpwfxSrc, lpwfxDst, NULL, 0) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// calc how many bytes required for read buffer
else if ((sizBufRead = AcmConvertGetSizeSrc(hAcm, sizBuf)) <= 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); // allocate read buffer
else if ((hpBufRead = (void _huge *) MemAlloc(NULL, sizBufRead, 0)) == NULL) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// do the conversion during the copy
else while (fSuccess) { long lBytesRead; long lBytesConverted; long lBytesWritten;
// check for user abort, notify of percent complete
if (lpfnUserAbort != NULL && (*lpfnUserAbort)(dwUser, (int) (lBytesReadTotal / lBytesTotal))) { fUserAbort = TRUE; break; }
// fill read buffer
else if ((lBytesRead = WavRead(hWavSrc, hpBufRead, sizBufRead)) < 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// keep running total
else if ((lBytesReadTotal += lBytesRead) < 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// check for end of file
else if (lBytesRead == 0) break; // eof
// convert the data
else if ((lBytesConverted = AcmConvert(hAcm, hpBufRead, lBytesRead, hpBuf, sizBuf, 0)) < 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// write the buffer
else if ((lBytesWritten = WavWrite(hWavDst, hpBuf, lBytesConverted)) < 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } }
// notify of 100% complete
if (fSuccess && lpfnUserAbort != NULL) (*lpfnUserAbort)(dwUser, 100);
// clean up
if (hpBufRead != NULL && (hpBufRead = MemFree(NULL, hpBufRead)) != NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// NOTE: AcmConvertTerm() is called from AcmTerm()
if (hAcm != NULL && AcmTerm(hAcm) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// clean up
if (hpBuf != NULL && fFreeBuf && (hpBuf = MemFree(NULL, hpBuf)) != NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
if (!fSuccess) return -1; else if (fUserAbort) return +1; else return 0; }
#ifdef AVTSM
// WavReadFormatSpeed - read data from wav file, then format it for speed
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <hpBufSpeed> (o) buffer to contain bytes read
// <sizBufSpeed> (i) size of buffer in bytes
// return bytes formatted for speed in <hpBuf> (-1 if error)
// NOTE: this function reads a block of data, and then converts it
// from the file format to the speed format, unless those formats
// are identical.
long DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavReadFormatSpeed(HWAV hWav, void _huge *hpBufSpeed, long sizBufSpeed) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; long sizBufPlay; void _huge *hpBufPlay = NULL; long lBytesPlay; long lBytesSpeed = 0;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// see if speed conversion required
else if (lpWav->nSpeedLevel == 100 || (lpWav->dwFlagsSpeed & WAVSPEED_NOTSM)) { // no, so just convert file format to play format
if ((lBytesSpeed = WavReadFormatPlay(hWav, hpBufSpeed, sizBufSpeed)) < 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// calc how many bytes required for play buffer
else if ((sizBufPlay = sizBufSpeed * (lpWav->nSpeedLevel - 2) / 100) <= 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// round down to nearest block boundary
else if (lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY]->nBlockAlign > 0 && (sizBufPlay = lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY]->nBlockAlign * (sizBufPlay / lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY]->nBlockAlign)) <= 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// allocate play buffer
else if ((hpBufPlay = (void _huge *) MemAlloc(NULL, sizBufPlay, 0)) == NULL) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// fill play buffer
else if ((lBytesPlay = WavReadFormatPlay(hWav, hpBufPlay, sizBufPlay)) < 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// convert the data from playback format to speed format
else if (lBytesPlay > 0 && (lBytesSpeed = TsmConvert(lpWav->hTsm, hpBufPlay, lBytesPlay, hpBufSpeed, sizBufSpeed, 0)) < 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// clean up
if (hpBufPlay != NULL && (hpBufPlay = MemFree(NULL, hpBufPlay)) != NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? lBytesSpeed : -1; } #endif
// WavReadFormatPlay - read data from wav file, then format it for playback
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <hpBufPlay> (o) buffer to contain bytes read
// <sizBufPlay> (i) size of buffer in bytes
// return bytes formatted for playback in <hpBuf> (-1 if error)
// NOTE: this function reads a block of data, and then converts it
// from the file format to the playback format, unless those formats
// are identical.
long DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavReadFormatPlay(HWAV hWav, void _huge *hpBufPlay, long sizBufPlay) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; long sizBufRead; void _huge *hpBufRead = NULL; long lBytesRead; long lBytesPlay = 0;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// see if format conversion required
else if (WavFormatCmp(lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE], lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY]) == 0) { // no, so just read block directly into the play buffer
if ((lBytesPlay = WavRead(hWav, hpBufPlay, sizBufPlay)) < 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// calc how many bytes required for read buffer
else if ((sizBufRead = AcmConvertGetSizeSrc(lpWav->hAcm, sizBufPlay)) <= 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); // allocate read buffer
else if ((hpBufRead = (void _huge *) MemAlloc(NULL, sizBufRead, 0)) == NULL) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// fill read buffer
else if ((lBytesRead = WavRead(hWav, hpBufRead, sizBufRead)) < 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// convert the data from file format to playback format
else if (lBytesRead > 0 && (lBytesPlay = AcmConvert(lpWav->hAcm, hpBufRead, lBytesRead, hpBufPlay, sizBufPlay, 0)) < 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// clean up
if (hpBufRead != NULL && (hpBufRead = MemFree(NULL, hpBufRead)) != NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? lBytesPlay : -1; }
// WavWriteFormatRecord - write data to file after formatting it for file
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <hpBufRecord> (i) buffer containing bytes in record format
// <sizBufRecord> (i) size of buffer in bytes
// return bytes written (-1 if error)
// NOTE: this function converts a block of data from the record
// format to the file format (unless those formats are identical),
// and then writes the data to disk.
long DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavWriteFormatRecord(HWAV hWav, void _huge *hpBufRecord, long sizBufRecord) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; long sizBufWrite; void _huge *hpBufWrite = NULL; long lBytesWrite;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// see if format conversion required
else if (WavFormatCmp(lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATRECORD], lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE]) == 0) { // no, so just write record buffer directly to the file
if ((lBytesWrite = WavWrite(hWav, hpBufRecord, sizBufRecord)) < 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// calc how many bytes required for write buffer
else if ((sizBufWrite = AcmConvertGetSizeDst(lpWav->hAcm, sizBufRecord)) <= 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// allocate write buffer
else if ((hpBufWrite = (void _huge *) MemAlloc(NULL, sizBufWrite, 0)) == NULL) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// convert the data from record format to file format
else if ((lBytesWrite = AcmConvert(lpWav->hAcm, hpBufRecord, sizBufRecord, hpBufWrite, sizBufWrite, 0)) < 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// write buffer to disk
else if ((lBytesWrite = WavWrite(hWav, hpBufWrite, lBytesWrite)) < 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// clean up
if (hpBufWrite != NULL && (hpBufWrite = MemFree(NULL, hpBufWrite)) != NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? lBytesWrite : -1; }
// WavGetOutputDevice - get handle to open wav output device
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// return handle to wav output device (NULL if device not open or error)
// NOTE: this function is useful only during playback (after calling
// WavPlay() and before calling WavStop()). The returned device handle
// can then be used when calling the WavOut functions in wavout.h
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? lpWav->hWavOut : NULL; }
// WavGetInputDevice - get handle to open wav input device
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// return handle to wav input device (NULL if device not open or error)
// NOTE: this function is useful only during recording (after calling
// WavRecord() and before calling WavStop()). The returned device handle
// can then be used when calling the WavIn functions in wavin.h
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? lpWav->hWavIn : NULL; }
// WavPlaySound - play wav file
// <dwVersion> (i) must be WAV_VERSION
// <hInst> (i) instance handle of calling module
// <idDev> (i) wav output device id
// -1 use any suitable output device
// <lpszFileName> (i) name of file to play
// NULL stop playing current sound, if any
// <lpwfx> (i) wave format
// NULL use format from header or default
// <lpIOProc> (i) address of i/o procedure to use
// NULL use default i/o procedure
// <lpadwInfo> (i) data to pass to i/o procedure during open
// NULL no data to pass
// <dwFlags> (i) control flags
// WAV_ASYNC return when playback starts (default)
// WAV_SYNC return after playback completes
// WAV_FILENAME <lpszFileName> points to a filename
// WAV_RESOURCE <lpszFileName> points to a resource
// WAV_MEMORY <lpszFileName> points to memory block
// WAV_NODEFAULT if sound not found, do not play default
// WAV_LOOP loop sound until WavPlaySound called again
// WAV_NOSTOP if device already playing, don't stop it
// WAV_NORIFF file has no RIFF/WAV header
// WAV_NOACM do not use audio compression manager
// WAV_OPENRETRY if output device busy, retry for up to 2 sec
// WAV_MULTITHREAD support multiple threads (default)
// WAV_SINGLETHREAD do not support multiple threads
// WAV_COINITIALIZE call CoInitialize in all secondary threads
// return 0 if success
// NOTE: if WAV_NORIFF is specified in <dwFlags>, then the
// <lpwfx> parameter must be specified. If <lpwfx> is NULL, the
// current default format is assumed.
// WavSetFormat() can be used to set or override the defaults.
// NOTE: if WAV_FILENAME is specified in <dwFlags>, then <lpszFileName>
// must point to a file name.
// NOTE: if WAV_RESOURCE is specified in <dwFlags>, then <lpszFileName>
// must point to a WAVE resource in the module specified by <hInst>.
// If the first character of the string is a pound sign (#), the remaining
// characters represent a decimal number that specifies the resource id.
// NOTE: if WAV_MEMORY is specified in <dwFlags>, then <lpszFileName>
// must be a pointer to a memory block containing a wav file image.
// The pointer must be obtained by calling MemAlloc().
// NOTE: if neither WAV_FILENAME, WAV_RESOURCE, or WAV_MEMORY is specified
// in <dwFlags>, the [sounds] section of win.ini or the registry is
// searched for an entry matching <lpszFileName>. If no matching entry
// is found, <lpszFileName> is assumed to be a file name.
// NOTE: if WAV_NODEFAULT is specified in <dwFlags>, no default sound
// will be played. Unless this flag is specified, the default system
// event sound entry will be played if the sound specified in
// <lpszFileName> is not found.
// NOTE: if WAV_LOOP is specified in <dwFlags>, the sound specified in
// <lpszFileName> will be played repeatedly, until WavPlaySound() is
// called again. The WAV_ASYNC flag must be specified when using this flag.
// NOTE: if WAV_NOSTOP is specified in <dwFlags>, and the device specified
// by <idDev> is already in use, this function returns without playing.
// Unless this flag is specified, the specified device will be stopped
// so that the new sound can be played.
// NOTE: if <lpIOProc> is not NULL, this i/o procedure will be called
// for opening, closing, reading, writing, and seeking the wav file.
// If <lpadwInfo> is not NULL, this array of three (3) DWORDs will be
// passed to the i/o procedure when the wav file is opened.
// See the Windows mmioOpen() and mmioInstallIOProc() function for details
// on these parameters. Also, the WAV_MEMORY and WAV_RESOURCE flags may
// only be used when <lpIOProc> is NULL.
int DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavPlaySound(DWORD dwVersion, HINSTANCE hInst, int idDev, LPCTSTR lpszFileName, LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfx, LPMMIOPROC lpIOProc, DWORD FAR *lpadwInfo, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; HWAV hWav = NULL; LPCTSTR lpszSound = lpszFileName; TCHAR szSound[_MAX_PATH];
// stop current sound if necessary
if (lpszFileName == NULL && WavStopOutputDevice(idDev, dwFlags) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
if (lpszSound != NULL) { // search win.ini or registry if necessary
if (!(dwFlags & WAV_FILENAME) && !(dwFlags & WAV_RESOURCE) && !(dwFlags & WAV_MEMORY)) { if (GetProfileString(TEXT("Sounds"), lpszFileName, TEXT(""), szSound, SIZEOFARRAY(szSound)) > 0) { LPTSTR lpszComma;
// ignore text description starting with comma
if ((lpszComma = StrChr(szSound, ',')) != NULL) *lpszComma = '\0';
if (*szSound != '\0') lpszSound = szSound; } }
// open sound
if ((hWav = WavOpen(WAV_VERSION, hInst, lpszSound, lpwfx, lpIOProc, lpadwInfo, dwFlags | WAV_READ)) == NULL) { // play default sound unless WAV_NODEFAULT flag set
if (!(dwFlags & WAV_NODEFAULT)) { // find system default sound
if (GetProfileString(TEXT("Sounds"), TEXT("SystemDefault"), TEXT(""), szSound, SIZEOFARRAY(szSound)) > 0) { LPTSTR lpszComma;
// ignore text description starting with comma
if ((lpszComma = StrChr(szSound, ',')) != NULL) *lpszComma = '\0';
// open system default sound
if (*szSound != '\0' && (hWav = WavOpen(WAV_VERSION, hInst, szSound, NULL, NULL, NULL, WAV_READ)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } } }
// play the sound
if (fSuccess && hWav != NULL) { if (dwFlags & WAV_ASYNC) dwFlags |= WAV_PLAYASYNC; if (dwFlags & WAV_SYNC) dwFlags |= WAV_PLAYSYNC;
if (WavPlay(hWav, idDev, dwFlags | WAV_AUTOCLOSE) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// clean up
if (!fSuccess && hWav != NULL && WavClose(hWav) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavSendMessage - send a user-defined message to the i/o procedure
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <wMsg> (i) user-defined message id
// <lParam1> (i) parameter for the message
// <lParam2> (i) parameter for the message
// return value from the i/o procedure (0 if error or unrecognized message)
LRESULT DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavSendMessage(HWAV hWav, UINT wMsg, LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; LRESULT lResult;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (lpWav->hmmio == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else lResult = mmioSendMessage(lpWav->hmmio, wMsg, lParam1, lParam2);
return fSuccess ? lResult : 0; }
// WavOpenEx - open an audio file, extra special version
// <dwVersion> (i) must be WAV_VERSION
// <hInst> (i) instance handle of calling module
// <lpszFileName> (i) name of file to open
// <dwReserved> (i) reserved; must be zero
// <dwFlagsOpen> (i) control flags to pass to WavOpen
// <dwFlagsEx> (i) control flags
// WOX_LOCAL file is on local client
// WOX_REMOTE file is on remote server
// WOX_WAVFMT file is in Microsoft RIFF/WAV format
// WOX_VOXFMT file is in Dialogic OKI ADPCM (vox) format
// WOX_WAVDEV file will be played on wav output device
// WOX_TELDEV file will be played on telephone device
// return handle (NULL if error)
HWAV DLLEXPORT WINAPI WavOpenEx(DWORD dwVersion, HINSTANCE hInst, LPTSTR lpszFileName, DWORD dwReserved, DWORD dwFlagsOpen, DWORD dwFlagsEx) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; HWAV hWav = NULL;
if ((dwFlagsEx & WOX_TELDEV) || (dwFlagsEx & WOX_REMOTE)) { hWav = TelWavOpenEx(TELWAV_VERSION, hInst, lpszFileName, 0, dwFlagsOpen, dwFlagsEx); } else { WAVEFORMATEX wfx; LPWAVEFORMATEX lpwfx = NULL;
if (dwFlagsEx & WOX_VOXFMT) { dwFlagsOpen |= WAV_NORIFF; lpwfx = VoxFormat(&wfx, -1); }
hWav = WavOpen(WAV_VERSION, hInst, lpszFileName, lpwfx, NULL, 0, dwFlagsOpen); }
return fSuccess ? hWav : NULL; } #endif
// helper functions
// WavStopPlay - stop playing
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// return 0 if success
static int WavStopPlay(HWAV hWav) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else lpWav->dwState |= WAVSTATE_AUTOSTOP;
// close output device if necessary
if (fSuccess && !(lpWav->dwState & WAVSTATE_STOPPLAY) && lpWav->hWavOut != NULL) { long msPositionPlay = 0L;
// set a state flag so we never execute this code recursively
lpWav->dwState |= WAVSTATE_STOPPLAY;
// get current playback position
if ((msPositionPlay = WavOutGetPosition(lpWav->hWavOut)) == -1) { // let's ignore errors here and assume play position is 0;
msPositionPlay = 0L; fSuccess = TraceTRUE(NULL); }
else { // if necessary, adjust position to compensate for non-standard speed
if (lpWav->nSpeedLevel != 100 && ( #ifdef AVTSM
!(lpWav->dwFlagsSpeed & WAVSPEED_NOTSM) || #endif
!(lpWav->dwFlagsSpeed & WAVSPEED_NOFORMATADJUST))) { msPositionPlay = msPositionPlay * lpWav->nSpeedLevel / 100; } } #if 1
TracePrintf_2(NULL, 6, TEXT("lpWav->msPositionStop=%ld, msPositionPlay=%ld\n"), (long) lpWav->msPositionStop, (long) msPositionPlay); #endif
// clear wav handle array entry
if (fSuccess) { int idDev;
if ((idDev = WavOutGetId(lpWav->hWavOut)) < HWAVOUT_MIN || idDev >= HWAVOUT_MAX) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else ahWavOutCurr[idDev + HWAVOUT_OFFSET] = NULL; }
// close output device
if (WavOutClose(lpWav->hWavOut, 0) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if ((lpWav->hWavOut = NULL), FALSE) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// destroy the notification callback window
else if (WavNotifyDestroy(lpWav) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// move read/write pointer (back) to new stop position
else if (WavSetPosition(hWav, min(WavGetLength(hWav), lpWav->msPositionStop + msPositionPlay)) == -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// close acm conversion engine
else if (AcmConvertTerm(lpWav->hAcm) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// notify user that play is stopped if necessary
if (lpWav->lpfnPlayStopped != NULL) { (*lpWav->lpfnPlayStopped)(hWav, lpWav->hUserPlayStopped, 0); lpWav->lpfnPlayStopped = NULL; lpWav->hUserPlayStopped = NULL; }
// clear state flags
lpWav->dwState &= ~WAVSTATE_STOPPLAY;
// close wav file if specified
if (lpWav->dwState & WAVSTATE_AUTOCLOSE) { lpWav->dwState &= ~WAVSTATE_AUTOCLOSE;
if (WavClose(hWav) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else hWav = NULL; // handle no longer valid
} }
#ifdef AVTSM
// shut down time scale modification engine if necessary
if (fSuccess && lpWav->hTsm != NULL) { if (TsmTerm(lpWav->hTsm) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else lpWav->hTsm = NULL; } #endif
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavStopRecord - stop recording
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// return 0 if success
static int WavStopRecord(HWAV hWav) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else lpWav->dwState |= WAVSTATE_AUTOSTOP;
// close input device if necessary
if (fSuccess && !(lpWav->dwState & WAVSTATE_STOPRECORD) && lpWav->hWavIn != NULL) { long msPositionRecord = 0L;
// set a state flag so we never execute this code recursively
// get current record position
if ((msPositionRecord = WavInGetPosition(lpWav->hWavIn)) == -1) { // let's ignore errors here and assume record position is 0;
msPositionRecord = 0L; fSuccess = TraceTRUE(NULL); } #if 1
TracePrintf_2(NULL, 6, TEXT("lpWav->msPositionStop=%ld, msPositionRecord=%ld\n"), (long) lpWav->msPositionStop, (long) msPositionRecord); #endif
// clear wav handle array entry
if (fSuccess) { int idDev;
if ((idDev = WavInGetId(lpWav->hWavIn)) < HWAVIN_MIN || idDev >= HWAVIN_MAX) TraceFALSE(NULL);
else ahWavInCurr[idDev + HWAVIN_OFFSET] = NULL; }
// close input device
if (WavInClose(lpWav->hWavIn, 0) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if ((lpWav->hWavIn = NULL), FALSE) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// destroy the notification callback window
else if (WavNotifyDestroy(lpWav) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// move read/write pointer to new stop position
else if (WavSetPosition(hWav, min(WavGetLength(hWav), lpWav->msPositionStop + msPositionRecord)) == -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// close acm conversion engine
else if (AcmConvertTerm(lpWav->hAcm) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// truncate file if max file size exceeded
else if (lpWav->msMaxSize > 0 && WavGetLength(hWav) > lpWav->msMaxSize && WavSetLength(hWav, lpWav->msMaxSize) < 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// clear state flags
// notify user that record is stopped if necessary
if (lpWav->lpfnRecordStopped != NULL) { (*lpWav->lpfnRecordStopped)(hWav, lpWav->dwUserRecordStopped, 0); lpWav->lpfnRecordStopped = NULL; lpWav->dwUserRecordStopped = 0; }
// close wav file if specified
if (lpWav->dwState & WAVSTATE_AUTOCLOSE) { lpWav->dwState &= ~WAVSTATE_AUTOCLOSE;
if (WavClose(hWav) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else hWav = NULL; // handle no longer valid
} }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavStopOutputDevice - stop specified output device
// <idDev> (i) wav output device id
// -1 use any suitable output device
// <dwFlags> (i) control flags
// WAV_NOSTOP if device already playing, don't stop it
// return 0 if success
static int WavStopOutputDevice(int idDev, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
// stop output device (unless WAV_NOSTOP flag set or device not open)
if (!(dwFlags & WAV_NOSTOP) && WavOutDeviceIsOpen(idDev)) { HWAV hWavCurr;
// stop device using WavStopPlay if WavPlay was used
if ((hWavCurr = WavGetOutputHandle(idDev)) != NULL && WavStopPlay(hWavCurr) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); // otherwise stop device using sndPlaySound
else if (!sndPlaySound(NULL, 0)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavStopInputDevice - stop specified input device
// <idDev> (i) wav input device id
// -1 use any suitable input device
// <dwFlags> (i) control flags
// WAV_NOSTOP if device already recording, don't stop it
// return 0 if success
static int WavStopInputDevice(int idDev, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
// stop input device (unless WAV_NOSTOP flag set or device not open)
if (!(dwFlags & WAV_NOSTOP) && WavInDeviceIsOpen(idDev)) { HWAV hWavCurr;
// stop device using WavStopRecord if WavRecord was used
if ((hWavCurr = WavGetInputHandle(idDev)) != NULL && WavStopRecord(hWavCurr) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); // otherwise stop device using sndPlaySound
else if (!sndPlaySound(NULL, 0)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavGetOutputHandle - get wav handle being played on specified device
// <idDev> (i) wav output device id
// return wav handle (NULL if error or if output device not in use)
static HWAV WavGetOutputHandle(int idDev) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; HWAV hWav;
if (idDev < HWAVOUT_MIN || idDev >= HWAVOUT_MAX) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else hWav = ahWavOutCurr[idDev + HWAVOUT_OFFSET];
return fSuccess ? hWav : NULL; }
// WavGetInputHandle - get wav handle being recorded on specified device
// <idDev> (i) wav input device id
// return wav handle (NULL if error or if input device not in use)
static HWAV WavGetInputHandle(int idDev) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; HWAV hWav;
if (idDev < HWAVIN_MIN || idDev >= HWAVIN_MAX) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else hWav = ahWavInCurr[idDev + HWAVIN_OFFSET];
return fSuccess ? hWav : NULL; }
// WavPlayNextChunk - fill next chunk and submit it to the output device
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// return 0 if success
static int WavPlayNextChunk(HWAV hWav) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; LPVOID lpBuf = NULL; long sizBuf; long lBytesRead = 0;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// calculate the size of output chunk
// we have to verify if lpWav is a valid pointer
else if ((sizBuf = WavCalcChunkSize(lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATPLAY], lpWav->msPlayChunkSize, TRUE)) <= 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
#ifdef TELOUT // $FIXUP - need to work on this
// special case - if we are using the telephone to play audio
// from a file that already resides on the server, just pass
// the file handle to TelOutPlay rather than a buffer
else if (WavOutGetId(lpWav->hWavOut) == TELOUT_DEVICEID && (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_TELRFILE)) { long hrfile; long lSize; long lPos; // retrieve handle to remote file from i/o procedure
if ((hrfile = (long) WavSendMessage(hWav, MMIOM_GETINFO, 0, 0)) == (long) -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// retrieve size of remote file from i/o procedure
else if ((lSize = (long) WavSendMessage(hWav, MMIOM_GETINFO, 1, 0)) == (long) -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// get current file position
else if ((lPos = mmioSeek(lpWav->hmmio, 0, SEEK_CUR)) == -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// force the remote file pointer to be at that position
else if (WavOutGetState(lpWav->hWavOut) == WAVOUT_STOPPED) { long lPosActual; if ((lPosActual = mmioSendMessage(lpWav->hmmio, MMIOM_SEEK, lPos, SEEK_SET)) != lPos) { fSuccess = TraceTRUE(NULL); // not an error
} }
// loop until we read some data or we know we are finished
while (fSuccess && lBytesRead == 0) { // calculate how many bytes would be read
lBytesRead = max(0, min(sizBuf, lSize - lPos));
TracePrintf_4(NULL, 5, TEXT("lBytesRead(%ld) = max(0, min(sizBuf(%ld), lSize(%ld) - lPos(%ld)));\n"), (long) lBytesRead, (long) sizBuf, (long) lSize, (long) lPos);
// advance the file position, skipping over the (virtual) chunk
if (lBytesRead > 0 && mmioSeek(lpWav->hmmio, lBytesRead, SEEK_CUR) == -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// submit the (virtual) chunk to the output device for playback
else if (lBytesRead > 0 && TelOutPlay((HTELOUT) lpWav->hWavOut, lpBuf, lBytesRead, hrfile) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// if no more wav data to play,
else if (lBytesRead == 0) { // if WAV_AUTOSTOP flag set, we are finished
if (lpWav->dwState & WAVSTATE_AUTOSTOP) { // if output device is idle, then close output device
if (lpWav->hWavOut != NULL && WavOutGetState(lpWav->hWavOut) == WAVOUT_STOPPED && WavStopPlay(hWav) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
break; }
// if not finished, yield and then try to read again
else { MSG msg;
if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } else WaitMessage(); } } }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; } #endif
else if ((lpBuf = (LPVOID) MemAlloc(NULL, sizBuf, 0)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// loop until we read some data or we know we are finished
while (fSuccess && lBytesRead == 0) { // fill chunk with wav data
#ifdef AVTSM
if ((lBytesRead = WavReadFormatSpeed(hWav, lpBuf, sizBuf)) < 0) #else
if ((lBytesRead = WavReadFormatPlay(hWav, lpBuf, sizBuf)) < 0) #endif
fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// submit the chunk to the output device for playback
else if (lBytesRead > 0 && WavOutPlay(lpWav->hWavOut, lpBuf, lBytesRead) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// if no more wav data to play,
else if (lBytesRead == 0) { // if WAV_AUTOSTOP flag set, we are finished
if (lpWav->dwState & WAVSTATE_AUTOSTOP) { // if output device is idle, then close output device
if (lpWav->hWavOut != NULL && WavOutGetState(lpWav->hWavOut) == WAVOUT_STOPPED && WavStopPlay(hWav) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
break; }
// if not finished, yield and then try to read again
else { MSG msg;
if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } else WaitMessage(); } } } // free buffer if it was not sent to output device
if (!fSuccess || lBytesRead == 0) { if (lpBuf != NULL && (lpBuf = MemFree(NULL, lpBuf)) != NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavRecordNextChunk - submit next chunk to the input device
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// return 0 if success
static int WavRecordNextChunk(HWAV hWav) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; //
// We have to initialize local variable
LPWAV lpWav = NULL; LPVOID lpBuf = NULL; long sizBuf;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else { //
// we should make sure lpWas is not NULL
// calculate the size of input chunk
if ((sizBuf = WavCalcChunkSize(lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATRECORD], lpWav->msRecordChunkSize, FALSE)) <= 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
#ifdef TELOUT // $FIXUP - need to work on this
// special case - if we are using the telephone to record audio
// to a file that already resides on the server, just pass
// the file handle to TelOutRecord rather than a buffer
else if (WavInGetId(lpWav->hWavIn) == TELIN_DEVICEID && (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_TELRFILE)) { long hrfile; // retrieve handle to remote file from i/o procedure
if ((hrfile = (long) WavSendMessage(hWav, MMIOM_GETINFO, 0, 0)) == (long) -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// submit the (virtual) chunk to the output device for playback
else if (TelInRecord((HTELIN) lpWav->hWavIn, lpBuf, sizBuf, hrfile) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; } #endif
else if ((lpBuf = (LPVOID) MemAlloc(NULL, sizBuf, 0)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// submit the chunk to the input device for recording
else if (WavInRecord(lpWav->hWavIn, lpBuf, sizBuf) != 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// free buffer if it was not sent to input device
if (!fSuccess) { if (lpBuf != NULL && (lpBuf = MemFree(NULL, lpBuf)) != NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
static int WavNotifyCreate(LPWAV lpWav) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; WNDCLASS wc;
// handle WAV_MULTITHREAD flag
if (fSuccess && (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_MULTITHREAD)) { DWORD dwRet;
// we need to know when callback thread begins execution
if ((lpWav->hEventThreadCallbackStarted = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL)) == NULL) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// create the callback thread
else if ((lpWav->hThreadCallback = CreateThread( NULL, 0, WavCallbackThread, (LPVOID) lpWav, 0, &lpWav->dwThreadId)) == NULL) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// wait for the callback thread to begin execution
else if ((dwRet = WaitForSingleObject( lpWav->hEventThreadCallbackStarted, 10000)) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// clean up
if (lpWav->hEventThreadCallbackStarted != NULL) { if (!CloseHandle(lpWav->hEventThreadCallbackStarted)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else lpWav->hEventThreadCallbackStarted = NULL; } } else #endif
{ // register notify class unless it has been already
if (GetClassInfo(lpWav->hInst, WAVCLASS, &wc) == 0) { wc.hCursor = NULL; wc.hIcon = NULL; wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.hInstance = lpWav->hInst; wc.lpszClassName = WAVCLASS; wc.hbrBackground = NULL; wc.lpfnWndProc = WavNotify; wc.style = 0L; wc.cbWndExtra = sizeof(lpWav); wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
if (!RegisterClass(&wc)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// create the notify window
if (fSuccess && lpWav->hwndNotify == NULL && (lpWav->hwndNotify = CreateWindowEx( 0L, WAVCLASS, NULL, 0L, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, lpWav->hInst, lpWav)) == NULL) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); } }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
static int WavNotifyDestroy(LPWAV lpWav) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
// destroy notify window
if (lpWav->hwndNotify != NULL && !DestroyWindow(lpWav->hwndNotify)) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
else lpWav->hwndNotify = NULL;
if (lpWav->hThreadCallback != NULL) { if (!CloseHandle(lpWav->hThreadCallback)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); else lpWav->hThreadCallback = NULL; } #endif
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
DWORD WINAPI WavCallbackThread(LPVOID lpvThreadParameter) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; MSG msg; LPWAV lpWav = (LPWAV) lpvThreadParameter;
// initialize COM
if (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_COINITIALIZE) { if ((lpWav->hrCoInitialize = CoInitialize(NULL)) != S_OK && lpWav->hrCoInitialize != S_FALSE) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); TracePrintf_1(NULL, 5, TEXT("CoInitialize failed (%08X)\n"), (unsigned long) lpWav->hrCoInitialize); } }
// make sure message queue is created before calling SetEvent
PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE);
// notify main thread that callback thread has begun execution
if (!SetEvent(lpWav->hEventThreadCallbackStarted)) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
while (fSuccess && GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { WavNotify((HWND) lpWav, msg.message, msg.wParam, msg.lParam);
// exit thread when when have processed last expected message
if (msg.message == WM_WAVOUT_CLOSE || msg.message == WM_WAVIN_CLOSE) { // notify main thread that we are terminating
if (lpWav->hEventStopped != NULL && !SetEvent(lpWav->hEventStopped)) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
break; } }
// uninitialize COM
if (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_COINITIALIZE) { if (lpWav->hrCoInitialize == S_OK || lpWav->hrCoInitialize == S_FALSE) { CoUninitialize(); lpWav->hrCoInitialize = E_UNEXPECTED; } }
return 0; } #endif
// WavNotify - window procedure for wav notify
if (!IsWindow(hwnd)) lpWav = (LPWAV) hwnd; else #endif
// retrieve lpWav from window extra bytes
lpWav = (LPWAV) GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, 0);
switch (msg) { case WM_NCCREATE: { LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs = (LPCREATESTRUCT) lParam; LPWAV lpWav = (LPWAV) lpcs->lpCreateParams;
// store lpWav in window extra bytes
SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, 0, (LONG_PTR) lpWav);
lResult = DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } break;
case WM_WAVOUT_OPEN: { TracePrintf_0(NULL, 5, TEXT("WM_WAVOUT_OPEN\n"));
lResult = 0L;
if ((HANDLE) wParam != NULL) SetEventMessageProcessed(lpWav, (HANDLE) wParam); #endif
} break;
case WM_WAVOUT_CLOSE: { TracePrintf_0(NULL, 5, TEXT("WM_WAVOUT_CLOSE\n"));
// handle no longer valid
lpWav->hWavOut = NULL;
lResult = 0L;
if ((HANDLE) wParam != NULL) SetEventMessageProcessed(lpWav, (HANDLE) wParam); #endif
} break;
TracePrintf_0(NULL, 5, TEXT("WM_WAVOUT_PLAYDONE\n"));
if (lpplaydone == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (lpplaydone->lpBuf != NULL && (lpplaydone->lpBuf = MemFree(NULL, lpplaydone->lpBuf)) != NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else switch (WavOutGetState(lpWav->hWavOut)) { case WAVOUT_STOPPED: // make sure to close output device when play complete
if (lpWav->dwState & WAVSTATE_AUTOSTOP) { #ifdef MULTITHREAD
if (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_MULTITHREAD) PostThreadMessage(lpWav->dwThreadId, WM_WAVOUT_STOPPLAY, 0, 0); else #endif
PostMessage(lpWav->hwndNotify, WM_WAVOUT_STOPPLAY, 0, 0); break; } // else fall through
case WAVOUT_PLAYING: // load output device queue with next chunk to play
if (WavPlayNextChunk(WavGetHandle(lpWav)) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); break;
default: break; }
lResult = 0L;
if ((HANDLE) wParam != NULL) SetEventMessageProcessed(lpWav, (HANDLE) wParam); #endif
} break;
if (WavStopPlay(WavGetHandle(lpWav)) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
lResult = 0L; } break;
case WM_WAVIN_OPEN: { TracePrintf_0(NULL, 5, TEXT("WM_WAVIN_OPEN\n"));
lResult = 0L;
if ((HANDLE) wParam != NULL) SetEventMessageProcessed(lpWav, (HANDLE) wParam); #endif
} break;
case WM_WAVIN_CLOSE: { TracePrintf_0(NULL, 5, TEXT("WM_WAVIN_CLOSE\n"));
// handle no longer valid
lpWav->hWavIn = NULL;
lResult = 0L;
if ((HANDLE) wParam != NULL) SetEventMessageProcessed(lpWav, (HANDLE) wParam); #endif
} break;
case WM_WAVIN_RECORDDONE: { LPRECORDDONE lprecorddone = (LPRECORDDONE) lParam; long lBytesWritten;
TracePrintf_0(NULL, 5, TEXT("WM_WAVIN_RECORDDONE\n"));
if (lprecorddone == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// write wav data from chunk to file
else if (lprecorddone->lpBuf != NULL && lprecorddone->lBytesRecorded > 0 && (lBytesWritten = WavWriteFormatRecord(WavGetHandle(lpWav), lprecorddone->lpBuf, lprecorddone->lBytesRecorded)) < 0) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// free the record buffer, allocated in WavRecordNextChunk()
// we have to verify if lprecorddone is a valid pointer
if (lprecorddone != NULL && lprecorddone->lpBuf != NULL && (lprecorddone->lpBuf = MemFree(NULL, lprecorddone->lpBuf)) != NULL) { fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); }
// stop recording if max size exceeded
else if (lpWav->msMaxSize > 0 && WavGetLength(WavGetHandle(lpWav)) > lpWav->msMaxSize) { #ifdef MULTITHREAD
if (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_MULTITHREAD) PostThreadMessage(lpWav->dwThreadId, WM_WAVIN_STOPRECORD, 0, 0); else #endif
PostMessage(lpWav->hwndNotify, WM_WAVIN_STOPRECORD, 0, 0); }
else switch (WavInGetState(lpWav->hWavIn)) { case WAVIN_STOPPED: // make sure to close input device when record complete
if (lpWav->dwState & WAVSTATE_AUTOSTOP) { #ifdef MULTITHREAD
if (lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_MULTITHREAD) PostThreadMessage(lpWav->dwThreadId, WM_WAVIN_STOPRECORD, 0, 0); else #endif
PostMessage(lpWav->hwndNotify, WM_WAVIN_STOPRECORD, 0, 0); break; } // else fall through
case WAVIN_RECORDING: // load input device queue with next chunk to record
if (WavRecordNextChunk(WavGetHandle(lpWav)) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); break;
default: break; }
lResult = 0L;
if ((HANDLE) wParam != NULL) SetEventMessageProcessed(lpWav, (HANDLE) wParam); #endif
} break;
if (WavStopRecord(WavGetHandle(lpWav)) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
lResult = 0L; } break;
default: lResult = DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); break; } return lResult; }
// WavCalcPositionStop - calculate new stop position if stopped
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavOpen
// <cbPosition> (i) new stop position, in bytes
// return 0 if success
static int WavCalcPositionStop(HWAV hWav, long cbPosition) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// recalculate stop position only if currently stopped
// (if playing or recording, defer recalc until stop occurs)
#if 0
else if (WavGetState(hWav) == WAV_STOPPED) #else
else if (lpWav->hWavOut == NULL && lpWav->hWavIn == NULL) #endif
{ // convert byte position to milleseconds
// save the new stop position
lpWav->msPositionStop = WavFormatBytesToMilleseconds( lpWav->lpwfx[FORMATFILE], (DWORD) cbPosition); #if 1
TracePrintf_2(NULL, 6, TEXT("lpWav->msPositionStop=%ld, cbPosition=%ld\n"), (long) lpWav->msPositionStop, (long) cbPosition); #endif
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavSeekTraceBefore - debug trace output before the seek
// <lpWav> (i) pointer to WAV struct
// <lOffset> (i) bytes to move pointer
// <nOrigin> (i) position to move from
// return 0 if success
static int WavSeekTraceBefore(LPWAV lpWav, long lOffset, int nOrigin) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
TracePrintf_2(NULL, 6, TEXT("WavSeek(..., lOffset=%ld, nOrigin=%d)\n"), (long) lOffset, (int) nOrigin);
TracePrintf_4(NULL, 6, TEXT("Before: lpWav->lDataOffset=%ld, lpWav->lDataPos=%ld, lpWav->cbData=%ld, lpWav->msPositionStop=%ld\n"), (long) lpWav->lDataOffset, (long) lpWav->lDataPos, (long) lpWav->cbData, (long) lpWav->msPositionStop);
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavSeekTraceAfter - debug trace output after the seek
// <lpWav> (i) pointer to WAV struct
// <lPos> (i) position returned from mmioSeek
// <lOffset> (i) bytes to move pointer
// <nOrigin> (i) position to move from
// return 0 if success
static int WavSeekTraceAfter(LPWAV lpWav, long lPos, long lOffset, int nOrigin) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
TracePrintf_3(NULL, 6, TEXT("%ld = mmioSeek(..., lOffset=%ld, nOrigin=%d)\n"), (long) lPos, (long) lOffset, (int) nOrigin);
TracePrintf_4(NULL, 6, TEXT("After: lpWav->lDataOffset=%ld, lpWav->lDataPos=%ld, lpWav->cbData=%ld, lpWav->msPositionStop=%ld\n"), (long) lpWav->lDataOffset, (long) lpWav->lDataPos, (long) lpWav->cbData, (long) lpWav->msPositionStop);
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavGetPtr - verify that wav handle is valid,
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavInit
// return corresponding wav pointer (NULL if error)
static LPWAV WavGetPtr(HWAV hWav) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav;
if ((lpWav = (LPWAV) hWav) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (IsBadWritePtr(lpWav, sizeof(WAV))) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// make sure current task owns the wav handle
else if (lpWav->hTask != GetCurrentTask()) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); #endif
return fSuccess ? lpWav : NULL; }
// WavGetHandle - verify that wav pointer is valid,
// <lpWav> (i) pointer to WAV struct
// return corresponding wav handle (NULL if error)
static HWAV WavGetHandle(LPWAV lpWav) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; HWAV hWav;
if ((hWav = (HWAV) lpWav) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? hWav : NULL; }
// WavInitGetPtr - verify that wavinit handle is valid,
// <hWavInit> (i) handle returned from WavInitInit
// return corresponding wavinit pointer (NULL if error)
static LPWAVINIT WavInitGetPtr(HWAVINIT hWavInit) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAVINIT lpWavInit;
if ((lpWavInit = (LPWAVINIT) hWavInit) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (IsBadWritePtr(lpWavInit, sizeof(WAVINIT))) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// make sure current task owns the wavinit handle
else if (lpWavInit->hTask != GetCurrentTask()) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); #endif
return fSuccess ? lpWavInit : NULL; }
// WavInitGetHandle - verify that wavinit pointer is valid,
// <lpWavInit> (i) pointer to WAVINIT struct
// return corresponding wavinit handle (NULL if error)
static HWAVINIT WavInitGetHandle(LPWAVINIT lpWavInit) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; HWAVINIT hWavInit;
if ((hWavInit = (HWAVINIT) lpWavInit) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? hWavInit : NULL; }
static int SetEventMessageProcessed(LPWAV lpWav, HANDLE hEventMessageProcessed) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
if (lpWav == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (!(lpWav->dwFlags & WAV_MULTITHREAD)) ; // nothing to do
else if (hEventMessageProcessed == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// notify SendMessageEx that message has been processed
else if (!SetEvent(hEventMessageProcessed)) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; } #endif
// WavTempStop - stop playback or recording if necessary, save prev state
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavInit
// <lpwStatePrev> (o) return previous state here
// <lpidDevPrev> (o) return device id here
// return 0 if success
static int WavTempStop(HWAV hWav, LPWORD lpwStatePrev, LPINT lpidDevPrev) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav; WORD wStatePrev;
// We have to initialize the local variable
int idDevPrev = 0;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// make sure we not playing or recording
// $FIXUP - we need to make sure that WAV_PLAYSYNC and
// WAV_AUTOCLOSE flags are ignored during this stop
else switch ((wStatePrev = WavGetState(hWav))) { case WAV_PLAYING: if ((idDevPrev = WavOutGetId(lpWav->hWavOut)) < -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (WavStop(hWav) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
case WAV_RECORDING: if ((idDevPrev = WavInGetId(lpWav->hWavIn)) < -1) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
else if (WavStop(hWav) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); break;
default: break; }
if (fSuccess) { *lpwStatePrev = wStatePrev; *lpidDevPrev = idDevPrev; }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }
// WavTempResume - resume playback or recording if necessary, using prev state
// <hWav> (i) handle returned from WavInit
// <wStatePrev> (i) previous state returned from WavTempStop
// <idDevPrev> (i) device id returned from WavTempStop
// return 0 if success
static int WavTempResume(HWAV hWav, WORD wStatePrev, int idDevPrev) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; LPWAV lpWav;
if ((lpWav = WavGetPtr(hWav)) == NULL) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL);
// resume playback or recording if necessary
else switch (wStatePrev) { case WAV_PLAYING: if (WavPlay(hWav, idDevPrev, lpWav->dwFlagsPlay) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); break;
case WAV_RECORDING: if (WavRecord(hWav, idDevPrev, lpWav->dwFlagsRecord) != 0) fSuccess = TraceFALSE(NULL); break;
default: break; }
return fSuccess ? 0 : -1; }