Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the implementation of a per-processor lookaside list manager.
Shaun Cox (shaunco) 25-Oct-1999
#include "ntddk.h"
#include "pplasl.h"
HANDLE PplCreatePool( IN PALLOCATE_FUNCTION Allocate, IN PFREE_FUNCTION Free, IN ULONG Flags, IN SIZE_T Size, IN ULONG Tag, IN USHORT Depth ) { HANDLE PoolHandle; SIZE_T PoolSize; CCHAR NumberProcessors; CCHAR NumberLookasideLists; CCHAR i; PNPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST Lookaside;
NumberProcessors = 1; #else // MILLEN
NumberProcessors = KeNumberProcessors; #endif // !MILLEN
// Allocate room for 1 lookaside list per processor plus 1 extra
// lookaside list for overflow. Only allocate 1 lookaside list if
// we're on a single processor machine.
NumberLookasideLists = NumberProcessors; if (NumberProcessors > 1) { NumberLookasideLists++; }
PoolSize = sizeof(NPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST) * NumberLookasideLists;
PoolHandle = ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority(NonPagedPool, PoolSize, Tag, NormalPoolPriority); if (PoolHandle) { for (i = 0, Lookaside = (PNPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST)PoolHandle; i < NumberLookasideLists; i++, Lookaside++) { ExInitializeNPagedLookasideList( Lookaside, Allocate, Free, Flags, Size, Tag, Depth);
// ExInitializeNPagedLookasideList doesn't really set the
// maximum depth to Depth, so we'll do it here.
if (Depth != 0) { Lookaside->L.MaximumDepth = Depth; } } }
return PoolHandle; }
VOID PplDestroyPool( IN HANDLE PoolHandle ) { CCHAR NumberProcessors; CCHAR NumberLookasideLists; CCHAR i; PNPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST Lookaside;
if (!PoolHandle) { return; }
NumberProcessors = 1; #else // MILLEN
NumberProcessors = KeNumberProcessors; #endif // !MILLEN
NumberLookasideLists = NumberProcessors; if (NumberProcessors > 1) { NumberLookasideLists++; }
for (i = 0, Lookaside = (PNPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST)PoolHandle; i < NumberLookasideLists; i++, Lookaside++) { ExDeleteNPagedLookasideList(Lookaside); }
ExFreePool(PoolHandle); }
PVOID PplAllocate( IN HANDLE PoolHandle, OUT LOGICAL *FromList ) { PNPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST Lookaside; CCHAR NumberProcessors; PVOID Entry;
// Assume we'll get the item from the lookaside list.
*FromList = TRUE;
NumberProcessors = 1; #else // MILLEN
NumberProcessors = KeNumberProcessors; #endif // !MILLEN
if (1 == NumberProcessors) { goto SingleProcessorCaseOrMissedPerProcessor; }
// Try first for the per-processor lookaside list.
Lookaside = (PNPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST)PoolHandle + KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber() + 1;
Lookaside->L.TotalAllocates += 1; Entry = InterlockedPopEntrySList(&Lookaside->L.ListHead); if (!Entry) { Lookaside->L.AllocateMisses += 1;
SingleProcessorCaseOrMissedPerProcessor: // We missed on the per-processor lookaside list, (or we're
// running on a single processor machine) so try for
// the overflow lookaside list.
Lookaside = (PNPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST)PoolHandle;
Lookaside->L.TotalAllocates += 1; Entry = InterlockedPopEntrySList(&Lookaside->L.ListHead); if (!Entry) { Lookaside->L.AllocateMisses += 1; Entry = (Lookaside->L.Allocate)( Lookaside->L.Type, Lookaside->L.Size, Lookaside->L.Tag); *FromList = FALSE; } } return Entry; }
VOID PplFree( IN HANDLE PoolHandle, IN PVOID Entry ) { PNPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST Lookaside; CCHAR NumberProcessors;
NumberProcessors = 1; #else // MILLEN
NumberProcessors = KeNumberProcessors; #endif // !MILLEN
if (1 == NumberProcessors) { goto SingleProcessorCaseOrMissedPerProcessor; }
// Try first for the per-processor lookaside list.
Lookaside = (PNPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST)PoolHandle + KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber() + 1;
Lookaside->L.TotalFrees += 1; if (ExQueryDepthSList(&Lookaside->L.ListHead) >= Lookaside->L.Depth) { Lookaside->L.FreeMisses += 1;
SingleProcessorCaseOrMissedPerProcessor: // We missed on the per-processor lookaside list, (or we're
// running on a single processor machine) so try for
// the overflow lookaside list.
Lookaside = (PNPAGED_LOOKASIDE_LIST)PoolHandle;
Lookaside->L.TotalFrees += 1; if (ExQueryDepthSList(&Lookaside->L.ListHead) >= Lookaside->L.Depth) { Lookaside->L.FreeMisses += 1; (Lookaside->L.Free)(Entry); } else { InterlockedPushEntrySList( &Lookaside->L.ListHead, (PSLIST_ENTRY)Entry); } } else { InterlockedPushEntrySList( &Lookaside->L.ListHead, (PSLIST_ENTRY)Entry); } }