// scraper.cpp : This file contains the
// Created: Dec '97
// History:
// Copyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// Microsoft Confidential
#include <windows.h>
#include <wincon.h>
#include <msgFile.h>
#include <telnetd.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <regutil.h>
#include <TermCap.h>
#include <Scraper.h>
#include <Session.h>
#include <TlntUtils.h>
#include <Ipc.h>
#include <vtnt.h>
#define ONE_KB 1024
#pragma warning( disable: 4706 )
#pragma warning( disable: 4127 )
using namespace _Utils; using CDebugLevel::TRACE_DEBUGGING; using CDebugLevel::TRACE_HANDLE; using CDebugLevel::TRACE_SOCKET;
WORD wRows; WORD wCols; COORD coExpectedCursor = { ~0, ~0 };
extern HANDLE g_hSyncCloseHandle;
CTermCap* pTermCap = 0; LPSTR lpszCMStr1 = 0; LPSTR lpszCMStr2 = 0;
CHAR szSGRStr[25]; //the string is of the form <ESC>[ Ps m
bool fNegativeImage = false, fBold = false; WORD wExistingAttributes = 0; WORD wDefaultAttributes = 0; static PUCHAR g_pucSendBuffer = 0; static DWORD g_dwSendBufferSize = 0; static PUCHAR g_pucSendInsertPoint = 0;
void CScraper::DeleteCMStrings() { delete[] lpszCMStr1; delete[] lpszCMStr2; } void CScraper::LoadStrings() { //ce --> String to clear from the cursor to the end of the line
lpszCMStr1 = pTermCap->GetString( "ce" );
//cm --> String to position the cursor at row r, column c
lpszCMStr2 = pTermCap->GetString( "cm" ); }
CScraper::CScraper() { pLastSeen = NULL; pCurrent = NULL; m_dwHowLongIdle = 0; m_bCheckForScrolling = 1; m_dwTerm = 0; m_hConBufIn = NULL; m_hConBufOut = NULL; }
CScraper::~CScraper() { // Cleanup before exit
TELNET_CLOSE_HANDLE( m_hConBufIn ); delete [] pCurrent; delete [] pLastSeen; delete [] g_pucSendBuffer; DeleteCMStrings(); delete pTermCap; }
bool CScraper::InitializeNonVtntTerms() { if( !pTermCap->LoadEntry( m_pSession->m_pszTermType ) ) { LPWSTR szTermType = NULL; _TRACE( TRACE_DEBUGGING, "TermCap LoadEntry() failed : %s", m_pSession->m_pszTermType ); ConvertSChartoWChar( m_pSession->m_pszTermType, &szTermType ); LogEvent( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_NOENTRY_IN_TERMCAP, szTermType );
if( !pTermCap->LoadEntry( VT100 ) ) { _TRACE( TRACE_DEBUGGING, "TermCap LoadEntry() failed" ); LogEvent( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_ERROR_READING_TERMCAP, _T("") ); return( FALSE ); }
_TRACE( TRACE_DEBUGGING, "TermType is vt100"); }
if( ( lpszCMStr1 == NULL ) || ( lpszCMStr2 == NULL ) ) { DeleteCMStrings(); if( !pTermCap->LoadEntry( VT100 ) ) { _TRACE( TRACE_DEBUGGING, "TermCap LoadEntry() failed" ); LogEvent( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_ERROR_READING_TERMCAP, _T("") ); } else { _TRACE( TRACE_DEBUGGING, "TermType is vt100"); LogEvent( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_NOENTRY_IN_TERMCAP, _T("") ); LoadStrings(); } }
pTermCap->ProcessString( &lpszCMStr1 ); pTermCap->ProcessString( &lpszCMStr2 );
if( m_pSession->CSession::m_bIsStreamMode ) { //ask for crlf for an enter when in stream mode
//Set new line mode for the virtual terminal
_snprintf( szLNMString, SMALL_ARRAY, "%c[%dh", VT_ESC, LNM ); szLNMString[SMALL_ARRAY] = '\0';
SendString( szLNMString ); }
return( TRUE ); }
bool AllocateSendBuffer( ) { g_dwSendBufferSize = DEFAULT_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE; g_pucSendBuffer = new UCHAR[g_dwSendBufferSize]; g_pucSendInsertPoint = g_pucSendBuffer; if( !g_pucSendBuffer ) { return( FALSE ); } SfuZeroMemory((LPVOID)g_pucSendBuffer, g_dwSendBufferSize); return( TRUE ); }
bool CScraper::InitTerm() { //The following is just to avoid recurring string comparisions
m_dwTerm = TERMVT100; if( _stricmp( m_pSession->m_pszTermType, VTNT ) == 0 ) { m_dwTerm = TERMVTNT; } else if ( _stricmp( m_pSession->m_pszTermType, VT52 ) == 0 ) { m_dwTerm = TERMVT52; } else if ( _stricmp( m_pSession->m_pszTermType, VT100 ) == 0 ) { m_dwTerm = TERMVT100; } else if ( _stricmp( m_pSession->m_pszTermType, VT80 ) == 0 ) { m_dwTerm = TERMVT80; } else if ( _stricmp( m_pSession->m_pszTermType, ANSI ) == 0 ) { m_dwTerm = TERMANSI; } if( !( m_dwTerm & TERMVTNT ) ) { if( !InitializeNonVtntTerms() ) { return( FALSE ); } }
SfuZeroMemory( &LastCSBI, sizeof( LastCSBI ) );
if( g_pucSendBuffer == NULL ) { if( !AllocateSendBuffer() ) { return ( FALSE ); } }
return( TRUE ); }
bool CScraper::SetWindowInfo() { //No Security Attrs needed.
if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == m_hConBufOut) { //Could be an application that does not share its screen buffer
return ( TRUE ); }
sr.Top = 0; sr.Bottom = ( WORD )( m_pSession->CSession::m_wRows - 1 ); sr.Right = ( WORD ) ( m_pSession->CSession::m_wCols - 1 ); sr.Left = 0;
COORD coordSize; coordSize.X = m_pSession->CSession::m_wCols; coordSize.Y = m_pSession->CSession::m_wRows;
CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; _chVERIFY2( GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( m_pSession->CScraper::m_hConBufOut, &csbi) );
// Logic: If the Old Window Size is less than the new Size then we set
// the Screen Buffer Size first and then set the Window Size.
// If the Old Window Size is Greater than the new Size then we set the
// window Size first and then the Screen Buffer.
// The above is because the Buffer Size always has to be greater than or
// equal to the Window Size.
if ( (csbi.dwSize.X < coordSize.X) || (csbi.dwSize.Y < coordSize.Y) ) { COORD coordTmpSize = { 0, 0 };
coordTmpSize .X = ( csbi.dwSize.X < coordSize.X ) ? coordSize.X : csbi.dwSize.X; coordTmpSize .Y = ( csbi.dwSize.Y < coordSize.Y ) ? coordSize.Y : csbi.dwSize.Y;
_chVERIFY2( SetConsoleScreenBufferSize ( m_pSession->CScraper::m_hConBufOut, coordTmpSize ) ); _chVERIFY2( SetConsoleWindowInfo ( m_pSession->CScraper::m_hConBufOut, TRUE, &sr ) ); _chVERIFY2( SetConsoleScreenBufferSize ( m_pSession->CScraper::m_hConBufOut, coordSize ) ); } else { _chVERIFY2( SetConsoleWindowInfo( m_pSession->CScraper::m_hConBufOut, TRUE, &sr ) ); _chVERIFY2( SetConsoleScreenBufferSize( m_pSession->CScraper:: m_hConBufOut, coordSize ) ); } TELNET_CLOSE_HANDLE( m_hConBufOut ); return( TRUE ); }
bool CScraper::SetCmdInfo() { if( !SetWindowInfo() ) { return( FALSE ); }
wRows = m_pSession->m_wRows; wCols = m_pSession->m_wCols; if( pLastSeen ) { delete[] pLastSeen; } if( pCurrent ) { delete[] pCurrent; }
pLastSeen = ( PCHAR_INFO ) new char[wRows * wCols * sizeof( CHAR_INFO )]; pCurrent = ( PCHAR_INFO ) new char[wRows * wCols * sizeof( CHAR_INFO )];
if( !pLastSeen || !pCurrent ) { return ( FALSE ); }
SfuZeroMemory( pLastSeen, wRows * wCols * sizeof( CHAR_INFO ) );
return( TRUE ); }
void CScraper::Init( CSession *pSession ) { _chASSERT( pSession ); m_pSession = pSession; m_dwCurrentCodePage = GetACP(); }
bool CScraper::InitSession() { wRows = m_pSession->m_wRows; wCols = m_pSession->m_wCols;
CONVERT_TO_MILLI_SECS( m_pSession->CSession::m_dwIdleSessionTimeOut );
m_dwPollInterval = MIN_POLL_INTERVAL; GetRegistryValues( ); //Load the term cap entry
pTermCap = _Utils::CTermCap::Instance(); if( !pTermCap ) { return( FALSE ); } pLastSeen = NULL; pCurrent = NULL;
m_dwInputSequneceState = IP_INIT; m_dwDigitInTheSeq = 0;
if( !InitTerm() ) { return( FALSE ); }
if( !SetCmdInfo() ) { return( FALSE ); }
// If Japanese NT use VT80 scraping loop
return( TRUE ); }
void CScraper::Shutdown() { } bool CScraper::OnWaitTimeOut() { bool bRetVal = TRUE; bool fDifferenceFound = false;
if( m_pSession->CSession::m_bIsStreamMode ) { //No scraping.
if( g_pucSendInsertPoint != g_pucSendBuffer ) { fDifferenceFound = true; CScraper::Transmit(); } } else { // Time to check the screen
if( ( m_dwTerm & TERMVTNT ) != 0 ) { bRetVal = CompareAndUpdateVTNT( wRows, wCols, pCurrent, pLastSeen, &CSBI, &LastCSBI, &fDifferenceFound ); } else { bRetVal = COMPARE_AND_UPDATE ( wRows, wCols, pCurrent, pLastSeen, &CSBI, &LastCSBI, &fDifferenceFound ); } }
if( fDifferenceFound ) { m_dwPollInterval = MIN_POLL_INTERVAL; } else { m_dwPollInterval = MAX_POLL_INTERVAL; }
return( bRetVal ); }
bool CScraper::IsSessionTimedOut() { if( m_dwPollInterval == MAX_POLL_INTERVAL ) { m_dwHowLongIdle += MAX_POLL_INTERVAL; m_pSession->CIoHandler::UpdateIdleTime( UPDATE_IDLE_TIME ); if( m_dwHowLongIdle > m_pSession->CSession::m_dwIdleSessionTimeOut && !ISSESSION_TIMEOUT_DISABLED( m_pSession->CSession::m_dwIdleSessionTimeOut) ) { LPWSTR szMsg = NULL; szMsg = new WCHAR[ 2 * wcslen( _T( "\r\n" ) ) + wcslen( _T( TIMEOUT_STR ) ) + wcslen( _T( TERMINATE ) ) + 1]; if( szMsg ) { wcscpy( szMsg, _T( "\r\n" ) ); wcscat( szMsg, _T( TERMINATE ) ); wcscat( szMsg, _T( TIMEOUT_STR ) ); wcscat( szMsg, _T( "\r\n" ) ); m_pSession->CIoHandler::SendMessageToClient( szMsg, NO_HEADER ); delete[] szMsg; } return( true ); //This will take us out of WaitForIo
} } else { if( m_dwHowLongIdle != 0 ) { m_pSession->CIoHandler::UpdateIdleTime( RESET_IDLE_TIME ); }
m_dwHowLongIdle = 0; } return( false ); }
void CScraper::EchoVtntCharToClient( INPUT_RECORD *pIR ) { _chASSERT( pIR ); CHAR rgchInput;
if( !pIR ) { return; }
DWORD dwSize = 0; PUCHAR pResponse = NULL; rgchInput = pIR->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar; m_pSession->CRFCProtocol::StrToVTNTResponse( &( rgchInput ), 1, ( VOID **)&pResponse, &dwSize ); SendBytes( pResponse, dwSize ); delete[] pResponse; }
inline void CScraper::EchoCharBackToClient( UCHAR ucChar ) { SendChar( ucChar ); }
bool CScraper::EmulateAndWriteToCmdConsoleInput() { CHAR cPrevChar; DWORD dwCount; SHORT vk; BYTE vkcode; DWORD dwShiftcode; WORD wScanCode; DWORD i; BOOL dwStatus = 0; DWORD dwBytesTransferred = 0;
cPrevChar = '\0';
dwBytesTransferred = m_pSession->CIoHandler::m_dwReadFromSocketIoLength;
m_dwPollInterval = MIN_POLL_INTERVAL;
if( ( m_dwTerm & TERMVTNT ) != 0 ) { DWORD dwBytesRemaining = 0; DWORD dwBytesProcessed = 0; INPUT_RECORD* pIR = (INPUT_RECORD*) m_pSession->CIoHandler:: m_ReadFromSocketBuffer; dwBytesTransferred += (DWORD)(m_pSession->CIoHandler::m_pReadFromSocketBufferCursor - m_pSession->CIoHandler::m_ReadFromSocketBuffer);
if( m_pSession->CSession::m_bIsStreamMode && pIR->EventType == KEY_EVENT && pIR->Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown && pIR->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar ) { EchoVtntCharToClient( pIR ); }
if( pIR->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar != '\r' ) { m_bCheckForScrolling = 0 ; }
if( (pIR->EventType == KEY_EVENT) && pIR->Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar == CTRLC ) { DWORD dwMode = 0; _chVERIFY2( GetConsoleMode( m_hConBufIn, &dwMode ) ); if( ( ( dwMode & ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT ) && pIR->Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown ) || pIR->Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VKEY_CTRL_BREAK ) { _chVERIFY2( GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent( CTRL_C_EVENT, 0)); return( TRUE ); } } if( dwBytesRemaining = (dwBytesTransferred % sizeof(INPUT_RECORD)) ) { dwBytesProcessed = dwBytesTransferred - dwBytesRemaining; } else { dwBytesProcessed=dwBytesTransferred; }
_chVERIFY2( dwStatus = WriteConsoleInput( m_hConBufIn, pIR, dwBytesProcessed/sizeof(INPUT_RECORD), &dwCount)); if( !dwStatus ) { LogFormattedGetLastError( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_ERR_WRITE_CONSOLE, GetLastError() ); return ( FALSE ); } if( dwBytesRemaining > 0 ) { memmove( (void *)m_pSession->CIoHandler::m_ReadFromSocketBuffer, (void *)(m_pSession->CIoHandler::m_ReadFromSocketBuffer+dwBytesProcessed), dwBytesRemaining); } m_pSession->CIoHandler::m_pReadFromSocketBufferCursor = (PUCHAR)(m_pSession->CIoHandler::m_ReadFromSocketBuffer + dwBytesRemaining); } else { m_bCheckForScrolling = 1; if( dwBytesTransferred == 1 ) { if( m_pSession->CIoHandler::m_ReadFromSocketBuffer[0] != '\r' ) { m_bCheckForScrolling = 0; } }
for( i=0; i < dwBytesTransferred; i++ ) { if( m_pSession->CSession::m_bIsStreamMode ) { EchoCharBackToClient( m_pSession->CIoHandler:: m_ReadFromSocketBuffer[i] ); } if( ProcessEnhancedKeys( m_pSession->CIoHandler:: m_ReadFromSocketBuffer[i], &cPrevChar, dwBytesTransferred == 1) ) { m_bCheckForScrolling = 0; continue; }
if( cPrevChar != '\r' || m_pSession->CIoHandler:: m_ReadFromSocketBuffer[i] != '\n' ) { if( m_pSession->CIoHandler::m_ReadFromSocketBuffer[i] == CTRLC ) { //The follwing is the observed behaviour of CTRL C
//When ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT mode is not enabled, pass CTRL C as
//input to the console input buffer.
//When ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT mode is enabled, generate CTTRL C signal
//and also unblock any ReadConsoleInput. This behaviour is what is observed
// and not from any documentation.
DWORD dwMode = 0; _chVERIFY2( GetConsoleMode( m_hConBufIn, &dwMode ) ); if( dwMode & ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT ) { _chVERIFY2( GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent( CTRL_C_EVENT, 0)); continue; } } vk = VkKeyScan( m_pSession->CIoHandler:: m_ReadFromSocketBuffer[i] ); if( vk != 0xffff ) { vkcode = LOBYTE( vk ); wScanCode = ( WORD )MapVirtualKey( vkcode, 0 ); dwShiftcode = 0; if( HIBYTE( vk ) & 1 ) dwShiftcode |= SHIFT_PRESSED; if( HIBYTE( vk ) & 2 ) dwShiftcode |= LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED; if( HIBYTE( vk ) & 4 ) dwShiftcode |= LEFT_ALT_PRESSED;
dwStatus = WriteAKeyToCMD( vkcode, wScanCode, m_pSession->CIoHandler::m_ReadFromSocketBuffer[i], dwShiftcode );
if( !dwStatus ) { LogFormattedGetLastError( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_ERR_WRITE_CONSOLE, GetLastError() ); return ( FALSE ); } } } cPrevChar = m_pSession->CIoHandler::m_ReadFromSocketBuffer[i]; } } return( TRUE ); }
DWORD CScraper::WriteAKeyToCMD( WORD wVKCode, WORD wVSCode, CHAR cChar, DWORD dwCKState ) { DWORD dwStatus = 0; DWORD dwCount = 0; INPUT_RECORD input;
SfuZeroMemory( &input, sizeof( INPUT_RECORD ) );
input.EventType = KEY_EVENT; input.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown = TRUE; input.Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount = 1; input.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode = wVKCode; input.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode = wVSCode; input.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar = cChar; input.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState = dwCKState; _chVERIFY2 ( dwStatus = WriteConsoleInputA( m_hConBufIn, &input, 1, &dwCount ) );
if( !IsDBCSLeadByte(cChar) ) { input.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown = FALSE; _chVERIFY2 ( dwStatus = WriteConsoleInputA( m_hConBufIn, &input, 1, &dwCount ) ); }
return dwStatus; }
bool CScraper::ProcessEnhancedKeys( unsigned char cCurrentChar, char* pchPrevChar, bool fSingleByte ) { bool bRetVal = true;
*pchPrevChar = cCurrentChar;
switch( m_dwInputSequneceState ) { case IP_INIT: if( cCurrentChar == m_pSession->m_dwAltKeyMapping ) { WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_MENU, VS_MENU, cCurrentChar, ENHANCED_KEY ); } else if( cCurrentChar == ASCII_DELETE ) //vt100 delete key
{ WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_DELETE, VS_DELETE, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); } else if( cCurrentChar == ESC ) { if( fSingleByte ) { WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_ESCAPE, VS_ESCAPE, ESC, ENHANCED_KEY ); } else { m_dwInputSequneceState = IP_ESC_RCVD; } }else { //Not any special char
bRetVal = false; } break;
case IP_ESC_RCVD: if( cCurrentChar == '[' ) { m_dwInputSequneceState = IP_ESC_BRACKET_RCVD; } else if( cCurrentChar == 'O' ) { m_dwInputSequneceState = IP_ESC_O_RCVD; } else { //Write already received escape as it is and return false
WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_ESCAPE, VS_ESCAPE, ESC, ENHANCED_KEY ); bRetVal = false; m_dwInputSequneceState = IP_INIT; } break;
case IP_ESC_O_RCVD: m_dwInputSequneceState = IP_INIT; switch( cCurrentChar ) { case 'P': WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F1, VS_F1, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break; case 'Q': WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F2, VS_F2, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break; case 'R': WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F3, VS_F3, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break; case 'S': WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F4, VS_F4, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break; default: //Write already received escape as it is and return false which
//will make the current char also to be written to the cmd
bRetVal = false; } break;
case IP_ESC_BRACKET_RCVD: m_dwInputSequneceState = IP_INIT; switch( cCurrentChar ) { case 'A': WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_UP, VS_UP, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case 'B': WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_DOWN, VS_DOWN, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case 'C': WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_RIGHT, VS_RIGHT, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case 'D': WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_LEFT, VS_LEFT, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break; case VT302_PAUSE: //'P'
default: if( isdigit( cCurrentChar ) ) { m_dwInputSequneceState = IP_ESC_BRACKET_DIGIT_RCVD; m_dwDigitInTheSeq = cCurrentChar - '0'; } else { WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_ESCAPE, VS_ESCAPE, ESC, ENHANCED_KEY ); WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_OEM_4, VS_OEM_4, '[', 0 ); bRetVal = false; } break; } break;
case IP_ESC_BRACKET_DIGIT_RCVD: m_dwInputSequneceState = IP_INIT; if( isdigit( cCurrentChar ) ) { m_dwDigitInTheSeq = m_dwDigitInTheSeq * 10 + ( cCurrentChar - '0' ) ; m_dwInputSequneceState = IP_ESC_BRACKET_DIGIT_RCVD; } else if( cCurrentChar == '~' ) { switch( m_dwDigitInTheSeq ) { case VT302_NEXT: WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_NEXT, VS_NEXT, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break; case VT302_PRIOR: WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_PRIOR, VS_PRIOR, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break; case VT302_END: WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_END, VS_END, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break; case VT302_INSERT: WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_INSERT, VS_INSERT, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break; case VT302_HOME: WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_HOME, VS_HOME, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break; case VT302_F5: WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F5, VS_F5, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break; case VT302_F6: WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F6, VS_F6, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break; case VT302_F7: WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F7, VS_F7, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break; case VT302_F8: WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F8, VS_F8, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break; case VT302_F9: WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F9, VS_F9, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break; case VT302_F10: WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F10, VS_F10, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break; case VT302_F11: WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F11, VS_F11, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break; case VT302_F12: WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F12, VS_F12, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break; default: WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_ESCAPE, VS_ESCAPE, ESC, ENHANCED_KEY ); WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_OEM_4, VS_OEM_4, '[', 0 ); _chASSERT( 0 ); bRetVal = false; } } else { WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_ESCAPE, VS_ESCAPE, ESC, ENHANCED_KEY ); WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_OEM_4, VS_OEM_4, '[', 0 ); _chASSERT( 0 ); bRetVal = false; } break;
default: //Should not happen
_chASSERT( 0 ); } return bRetVal; }
void CScraper::SendChar( char ch ) { SendBytes( ( PUCHAR )&ch, 1 ); }
void CScraper::SendBytes( PUCHAR pucBuf, DWORD dwLength ) { bool bSuccess=false; bool bTransmitDone = false; if( pucBuf == NULL ) return;
if( g_pucSendBuffer == NULL ) { return; } else { if( g_dwSendBufferSize >= MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE ) { bSuccess = Transmit(); bTransmitDone = true; } if( ((bTransmitDone&&bSuccess)||(!bTransmitDone))&&( g_pucSendInsertPoint + dwLength ) > ( g_pucSendBuffer + g_dwSendBufferSize ) ) {
// do realloc
DWORD dwOffset = (DWORD)( g_pucSendInsertPoint - g_pucSendBuffer ); DWORD dwTmpBufSize = dwLength + dwOffset; PUCHAR pTmpBuf = new UCHAR[dwTmpBufSize]; if( !pTmpBuf ) { return; }
memcpy( pTmpBuf, g_pucSendBuffer, dwOffset ); // No attack, calculated allocation already. Baskar.
delete [] g_pucSendBuffer; g_pucSendBuffer = pTmpBuf;
g_dwSendBufferSize = dwTmpBufSize; g_pucSendInsertPoint = g_pucSendBuffer + dwOffset; } } if(g_pucSendInsertPoint) { memcpy( g_pucSendInsertPoint, pucBuf, dwLength ); // No size info for destination, Baskar - Attack ?
g_pucSendInsertPoint += dwLength; } }
void CScraper::SendString( LPSTR pszString ) { if( pszString == 0 ) return;
SendBytes( ( PUCHAR )pszString, strlen( pszString ) ); }
void CScraper::SendFmt( LPSTR fmt, ... ) { va_list arg; CHAR szBuffer[ONE_KB + 1] = { 0 };
va_start( arg,fmt );
_vsnprintf( szBuffer, ONE_KB, fmt, arg ); va_end( arg );
SendString( szBuffer ); }
bool CScraper::Transmit( ) { if( g_pucSendInsertPoint != g_pucSendBuffer ) { if( !TransmitBytes( g_pucSendBuffer, (DWORD)( g_pucSendInsertPoint - g_pucSendBuffer ) ) ) { return( FALSE ); }
//We need to tune this DEFAULT_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE
if( g_dwSendBufferSize > DEFAULT_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE ) { //Don't keep if it is a huge buffer
delete [] g_pucSendBuffer; g_dwSendBufferSize = 0; if( !AllocateSendBuffer() ) { return( FALSE ); } }
g_pucSendInsertPoint = g_pucSendBuffer; }
return( TRUE ); }
bool CScraper::TransmitBytes( PUCHAR pSendBuffer, DWORD dwSize) { bool bRetVal = TRUE; DWORD dwCurrentPacket = 0; DWORD dwTotalBytesSent = 0;
//StuffEsacapeIACs may put some escape chars. I am expecting atmost
//DELTA such chars. Typically there will be none. With out this, we
//have to make pass over the pOutBuf once just to find the right number
//in a routine that may be executed once every 100ms.
while( dwTotalBytesSent < dwSize ) { ( ( dwSize - dwTotalBytesSent ) > ( MAX_WRITE_SOCKET_BUFFER - DELTA ) )? dwCurrentPacket = ( MAX_WRITE_SOCKET_BUFFER - DELTA ): dwCurrentPacket = dwSize - dwTotalBytesSent;
DWORD dwNumBytesWritten = 0;
//Block until Previous Io is finished
if( !FinishIncompleteIo( (HANDLE) m_pSession->CIoHandler::m_sSocket, &( m_pSession->CIoHandler::m_oWriteToSocket ), &dwNumBytesWritten ) ) { bRetVal = FALSE ; break; }
DWORD dwCountWithEscapes = dwCurrentPacket; StuffEscapeIACs( m_pSession->CIoHandler::m_WriteToSocketBuff, pSendBuffer + dwTotalBytesSent, &dwCountWithEscapes ); m_pSession->CIoHandler::m_dwWriteToSocketIoLength=dwCountWithEscapes; if( !m_pSession->CIoHandler::WriteToClient( ) ) { bRetVal = FALSE ; break; } dwTotalBytesSent += dwCurrentPacket; }
return( bRetVal ); }
void CScraper::SendColorInfo( WORD wAttributes ) { if( wAttributes & BACKGROUND_INTENSITY ) { //do nothing.
//There is no equivalent capability on vt100
} if( wAttributes & FOREGROUND_INTENSITY ) { if( !fBold ) { _snprintf(szSGRStr, (sizeof(szSGRStr) - 1), "%c[%dm", 27, 1 ); //Bold
SendString( szSGRStr ); fBold = true; } } else { if( fBold ) { _snprintf(szSGRStr, (sizeof(szSGRStr) - 1), "%c[%dm", 27, 22 ); //Bold off
SendString( szSGRStr ); fBold = false; } } WORD wColor = 0; if( wAttributes & FOREGROUND_BLUE ) { wColor = ( WORD )( wColor | 0x0004 ); } if( wAttributes & FOREGROUND_GREEN ) { wColor = ( WORD )( wColor | 0x0002 ); } if( wAttributes & FOREGROUND_RED ) { wColor = ( WORD )( wColor | 0x0001 ); } wColor += 30; //Base value for foreground colors
_snprintf(szSGRStr, (sizeof(szSGRStr) - 1), "%c[%dm", 27, wColor ); SendString( szSGRStr );
//WORD wColor = 0;
wColor = 0; if( wAttributes & BACKGROUND_BLUE ) { wColor = ( WORD )( wColor | 0x0004 ); } if( wAttributes & BACKGROUND_GREEN ) { wColor = ( WORD )( wColor | 0x0002 ); } if( wAttributes & BACKGROUND_RED ) { wColor = ( WORD )( wColor | 0x0001 ); } wColor += 40; //Base value for Background colors
_snprintf(szSGRStr, (sizeof(szSGRStr) - 1), "%c[%dm", 27, wColor ); SendString( szSGRStr ); }
#define COMPARE_ROWS(currentRow, lastSeenRow, result) \
for(i = 0; i < wCols; ++i ) \ { \ if( pCurrent[ ( currentRow ) * wCols + i].Char.AsciiChar != \ pLastSeen[ ( lastSeenRow ) * wCols + i].Char.AsciiChar ) \ {\ (result) = 0; \ break;\ } \ if( ( wDefaultAttributes != pCurrent[ ( currentRow ) * wCols + i]. \ Attributes ) && \ ( pCurrent[ ( currentRow ) * wCols + i].Attributes != \ pLastSeen[ ( lastSeenRow ) * wCols + i].Attributes ) ) \ { \ (result) = 0; \ break; \ } \ }
if( wDefaultAttributes == 0 ) \ { \ wDefaultAttributes = pCurrent[ 0 ].Attributes; \ wExistingAttributes = pCurrent[ 0 ].Attributes; \ }
//row, column are over the wire should be w.r.t screen.
//So, +1 for both row, column
#define POSITION_CURSOR( row, column ) \
{ \ LPSTR lpszCMStr3 = pTermCap->CursorMove( lpszCMStr2, \ ( WORD ) ( ( row ) + 1 ), \ ( WORD ) ( ( column ) + 1 ) ); \ SendString( lpszCMStr3 ); \ delete [] lpszCMStr3; \ }
#define SEND_ROW( row, begin, end ) \
for(LONG c = ( begin ); c < ( end ); ++c ) \ { \ if( wExistingAttributes != pCurrent[( row ) * wCols + c].Attributes ) \ { \ wExistingAttributes = pCurrent[ ( row ) * wCols + c].Attributes; \ wDefaultAttributes = ( WORD )~0; \ SendColorInfo( wExistingAttributes ); \ } \ SendChar( pCurrent[ ( row ) * wCols + c].Char.AsciiChar ); \ }
#define IS_BLANK( row, col ) \
( pCurrent[ ( row ) * wCols + ( col ) ].Char.AsciiChar == ' ' )
#define IS_DIFFERENT_COLOR( row, col, attribs ) \
( pCurrent[ ( row ) * wCols + ( col ) ].Attributes != ( attribs ) )
#define IS_CHANGE_IN_COLOR( row, col ) \
( pCurrent[ ( row ) * wCols + ( col ) ].Attributes != \ pLastSeen[ ( row ) * wCols + ( col ) ].Attributes )
#define IS_CHANGE_IN_CHAR( row, col ) \
( pCurrent[ ( row ) * wCols + ( col ) ].Char.AsciiChar != \ pLastSeen[ ( row ) * wCols + ( col )].Char.AsciiChar )
bool CScraper::CompareAndUpdateVT100( WORD wRows, WORD wCols, PCHAR_INFO pCurrent, PCHAR_INFO pLastSeen, PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO pCSBI, PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO pLastCSBI, bool *pfDifferenceFound ) { _TRACE( TRACE_DEBUGGING, "CompareAndUpdateVT100()" );
INT i; WORD wRow, wCol; INT iStartCol,iEndCol; bool fBlankLine;
COORD coordDest; COORD coordOrigin; SMALL_RECT srSource; coordDest.X = wCols; coordDest.Y = wRows; coordOrigin.X = 0; coordOrigin.Y = 0; srSource.Left = 0; srSource.Top = 0; srSource.Right = ( WORD ) ( wCols - 1 ); srSource.Bottom = ( WORD ) ( wRows - 1 );
_chASSERT( pfDifferenceFound )
if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == m_hConBufOut) { //Could be an application that does not share its screen buffer
return ( TRUE ); }
BOOL dwStatus = 0; _chVERIFY2( dwStatus = ReadConsoleOutputA( m_hConBufOut, pCurrent, coordDest, coordOrigin, &srSource ) ); if( !dwStatus ) { LogFormattedGetLastError( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_ERR_READ_CONSOLE, GetLastError() ); TELNET_CLOSE_HANDLE( m_hConBufOut ); return ( FALSE ); }
// Read the current cursor position
_chVERIFY2( dwStatus = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( m_hConBufOut, pCSBI ) ); if( !dwStatus ) { LogFormattedGetLastError( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_ERR_READ_CONSOLE, GetLastError() ); TELNET_CLOSE_HANDLE( m_hConBufOut ); return ( FALSE ); } TELNET_CLOSE_HANDLE( m_hConBufOut );
//Check if the text was scrolled
LONG currentBuffBottom, lastSeenBuffBottom, currentBuffTop, lastSeenBuffTop; LONG lastRow, currentRow; bool checkRestOfBuffer; bool isScrolled = 0;
currentBuffBottom = lastSeenBuffBottom = wRows - 1; currentBuffTop = lastSeenBuffTop = 0;
//The following check is to prevent scrolling when the user hasn't pressed
//ENTER. This case is reproduced by typing the same command (for eg: dir in
//a directory with not too many files) many times until the screen is filled
//and then type one char extra or less for that command (For "dir", it is
//"di" or "dir /" ) then the screen scrolls
//The solution is to see if the only change since the last scraping is
//only one key stroke( one byte ), if so don't scroll.
//This may lead to the case that it may scroll when you press up arrow key
//( 3 bytes ).
//Note: This is may lead to scrolling when you press a single
//key stroke on a japanese machine. Multi byte chars etc.
if( !m_bCheckForScrolling ) { isScrolled = 1; } m_bCheckForScrolling = 1; //
//When scrolling occurs because of coincidental matching of blank lines at
//the bottom of the text in the cmd, it creates problems when clearing the
//screen. repro steps: goto last but one line in the client window.
//change directory. now list files. try clearing screen.
if( !( ( pLastCSBI->dwCursorPosition.Y == pCSBI->dwCursorPosition.Y ) && ( pCSBI->dwCursorPosition.Y == pCSBI->srWindow.Bottom ) ) ) { isScrolled = 1; //just to skip the following loop
} while( currentBuffBottom >= currentBuffTop && !isScrolled ) { checkRestOfBuffer = 1; COMPARE_ROWS(currentBuffBottom, lastSeenBuffBottom, checkRestOfBuffer ); if ( checkRestOfBuffer ) { isScrolled = 1; if( currentBuffBottom > 0 ) { //need not compare the same line again. Decrement by one.
currentRow = currentBuffBottom - 1; lastRow = lastSeenBuffBottom - 1;
while( currentRow >= currentBuffTop && isScrolled ) { COMPARE_ROWS(currentRow, lastRow, isScrolled ); currentRow--; lastRow--; } } }
currentBuffBottom--; } currentBuffBottom++;
//Patch to make this work for ONE blank line at the top
//Without this patch, screen scrolls for each char typed after "cls"
if( currentBuffBottom == currentBuffTop ) { //check if it is a blank line. Then it is not scrolling.
for(i = 0; i < wCols; ++i ) { if( !IS_BLANK( currentBuffTop , i ) ) { break; } isScrolled = 0; }
//if it is the same screen
if( currentBuffBottom + 1 >= wRows ) { isScrolled = 0; } if( isScrolled ) { //Now Send all the lines from currentBuffBottom
//till the end of the buffer
*pfDifferenceFound = true;
_TRACE( TRACE_DEBUGGING, "About to send from:%d till:%d", currentBuffBottom + 1, wRows); WORD lastChar = wCols;
for(LONG r = currentBuffBottom + 1; r < wRows ; r++) { SendChar( 0x0D ); SendChar( 0x0A );
lastChar = wCols; while( lastChar > 0 && IS_BLANK( r, lastChar - 1 ) && !IS_DIFFERENT_COLOR( r, lastChar - 1, wExistingAttributes ) ) { lastChar--; }
SEND_ROW( r, 0, lastChar );
if( lastChar < wCols ) { SendString( lpszCMStr1 ); } } //
//Do line by line scraping only if it was not scrolling
goto next; }
_TRACE( TRACE_DEBUGGING, "NO scrolling"); // Search both the two-dimensional arrays for differences.
wRow = wCol = 0; while( wRow < wRows ) { if( memcmp( &pCurrent[wRow * wCols], &pLastSeen[wRow * wCols], wCols * sizeof( CHAR_INFO ) ) != 0 ) { // _TRACE( TRACE_DEBUGGING, "difference found in row %d\n", wRow );
*pfDifferenceFound = true;
iStartCol = -1; iEndCol = -1; fBlankLine = true; for(i = 0 ; i < wCols; ++i ) { if( IS_DIFFERENT_COLOR( wRow, i, wDefaultAttributes ) && IS_CHANGE_IN_COLOR( wRow, i ) ) { if( iStartCol == -1 ) { iStartCol = i; } iEndCol = i; fBlankLine = false; } if( IS_CHANGE_IN_CHAR( wRow, i ) ) { if( iStartCol == -1 ) { iStartCol = i; } iEndCol = i; } if( fBlankLine && !IS_BLANK( wRow, i ) ) { fBlankLine = false; } }
if( fBlankLine ) { POSITION_CURSOR( wRow, 0 ); SendString( lpszCMStr1 );
coExpectedCursor.Y = wRow; coExpectedCursor.X = 0; } else if( iStartCol != -1 ) { if( wRow != coExpectedCursor.Y || iStartCol != coExpectedCursor.X ) { POSITION_CURSOR( wRow, iStartCol );
coExpectedCursor.X = ( SHORT )iStartCol; coExpectedCursor.Y = wRow; }
SEND_ROW( wRow, iStartCol, iEndCol+1 ); coExpectedCursor.X = ( SHORT ) ( coExpectedCursor.X + iEndCol - iStartCol + 1 ); } } ++wRow; } next : if( ( pCSBI->dwCursorPosition.X != coExpectedCursor.X || pCSBI->dwCursorPosition.Y != coExpectedCursor.Y ) && ( memcmp( &pCSBI->dwCursorPosition, &pLastCSBI->dwCursorPosition, sizeof( COORD ) ) != 0 || g_pucSendInsertPoint != g_pucSendBuffer ) ) { POSITION_CURSOR( pCSBI->dwCursorPosition.Y, pCSBI->dwCursorPosition.X ); *pfDifferenceFound = true;
coExpectedCursor.X = pCSBI->dwCursorPosition.X; coExpectedCursor.Y = pCSBI->dwCursorPosition.Y; }
if( *pfDifferenceFound ) { _TRACE( TRACE_DEBUGGING, "difference found: %d \n", m_dwPollInterval ); // Copy pCurrent onto pLastSeen
memcpy( pLastSeen, pCurrent, wCols * wRows * sizeof( CHAR_INFO ) ); memcpy( pLastCSBI, pCSBI, sizeof( CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO ) ); if( !Transmit( ) ) { return( FALSE ); } } else { _TRACE( TRACE_DEBUGGING, "NO difference found: %d \n", m_dwPollInterval ); }
return( TRUE ); }
bool CScraper::CompareAndUpdateVT80( WORD wRows, WORD wCols, PCHAR_INFO pCurrent, PCHAR_INFO pLastSeen, PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO pCSBI, PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO pLastCSBI, bool *pfDifferenceFound ) { _TRACE( TRACE_DEBUGGING, "CompareAndUpdateVT80()" );
WORD i, j; WORD wRow, wCol; SHORT iStartCol,iEndCol; bool fBlankLine; bool fMatching; COORD coordDest; COORD coordOrigin; SMALL_RECT srSource;
*pfDifferenceFound = false; coordDest.X = wCols; coordDest.Y = wRows; coordOrigin.X = 0; coordOrigin.Y = 0; srSource.Left = 0; srSource.Top = 0; srSource.Right = ( WORD )( wCols - 1 ); srSource.Bottom = ( WORD )( wRows - 1 );
if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == m_hConBufOut) { //Could be an application that does not share its screen buffer
return ( TRUE ); }
BOOL dwStatus = 0; _chVERIFY2( dwStatus = ReadConsoleOutput( m_hConBufOut, pCurrent, coordDest, coordOrigin, &srSource ) ); if( !dwStatus ) { LogFormattedGetLastError( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_ERR_READ_CONSOLE, GetLastError() ); TELNET_CLOSE_HANDLE( m_hConBufOut ); return ( FALSE ); }
// Read the current cursor position
_chVERIFY2( dwStatus = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( m_hConBufOut, pCSBI ) ); if( !dwStatus ) { LogFormattedGetLastError( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_ERR_READ_CONSOLE, GetLastError() ); TELNET_CLOSE_HANDLE( m_hConBufOut ); return ( FALSE ); }
// Search both the two-dimensional arrays for differences.
fMatching = true; wRow = wCol = 0; bool bCurrentClippedLeadByte = false, bLastSeenClippedLeadByte = false;
while( wRow < wRows ) { if( memcmp( &pCurrent[wRow * wCols], &pLastSeen[wRow * wCols], wCols * sizeof( CHAR_INFO ) ) != 0 ) { _TRACE( TRACE_DEBUGGING, "difference found in row %d\n", wRow ); *pfDifferenceFound = true;
iStartCol = -1; iEndCol = -1; fBlankLine = true;
for( i = 0, j = 0; (i < wCols) && (j < wCols); NULL ) { if( (i == 0) && bCurrentClippedLeadByte ) { ++i; bCurrentClippedLeadByte = false; continue; }
if( (j==0) && bLastSeenClippedLeadByte ) { ++j; bLastSeenClippedLeadByte = false; continue; }
if( pCurrent[wRow * wCols + i].Char.UnicodeChar != pLastSeen[wRow * wCols + j].Char.UnicodeChar ) { if( iStartCol == -1 ) { iStartCol = i; } iEndCol = i; }
if( (pCurrent[wRow * wCols + i].Char.UnicodeChar != L' ') ) { fBlankLine = false; }
if( pCurrent[wRow * wCols + i].Attributes & COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE ) { i += 2; } else { ++i; }
if( pLastSeen[wRow * wCols + j].Attributes & COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE ) { j += 2; } else { ++j; }
if( (j >= wCols) && (i < wCols) ) { (i == wCols) ? (i = ( WORD ) (wCols-1)) : NULL;
if( iStartCol == -1 ) { iStartCol = i; } iEndCol = ( WORD ) ( wCols - 1 ); break; } }
if( pCurrent[wRow * wCols + (wCols - 1)].Attributes & COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE ) { bCurrentClippedLeadByte = true; }
if( pLastSeen[wRow * wCols + (wCols - 1)].Attributes & COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE ) { bLastSeenClippedLeadByte = true; }
if( fBlankLine ) { LPSTR lpszCMStr3 = pTermCap->CursorMove( lpszCMStr2, ( WORD )( wRow + 1 ), 1 ); SendString( lpszCMStr3 ); delete [] lpszCMStr3; SendString( lpszCMStr1 ); } else { if( iStartCol != -1 ) { LPSTR lpszCMStr3 = pTermCap->CursorMove( lpszCMStr2, ( WORD ) ( wRow + 1 ) , ( WORD ) ( iStartCol + 1 ) ); SendString( lpszCMStr3 ); delete [] lpszCMStr3;
for( wCol = iStartCol; wCol <= iEndCol; ++wCol ) { CHAR mbCurrent[5]; int ret, xy; WCHAR wcBuf[2]; wcBuf[0] = pCurrent[wRow * wCols + wCol].Char.UnicodeChar; wcBuf[1] = L'\0';
ret = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, wcBuf, -1, mbCurrent, 4, NULL, NULL );
if( (ret != 0) ) { //if( pCurrent[ wRow * wCols + wCol].Char.AsciiChar > 31 )
//SendChar( pCurrent[wRow * wCols + wCol].Char.AsciiChar );
for( xy=0; xy < ret; ++xy) { SendChar( mbCurrent[xy] ); } }
if( pCurrent[wRow * wCols + wCol].Attributes & COMMON_LVB_LEADING_BYTE ) { ++wCol; } } } } } ++wRow; }
if( memcmp( &pCSBI->dwCursorPosition, &pLastCSBI->dwCursorPosition, sizeof( COORD ) ) != 0 || g_pucSendInsertPoint != g_pucSendBuffer ) { LPSTR lpszCMStr3 = pTermCap->CursorMove( lpszCMStr2, ( WORD ) ( pCSBI->dwCursorPosition.Y + 1 ), ( WORD ) ( pCSBI->dwCursorPosition.X + 1 )); SendString( lpszCMStr3 ); delete [] lpszCMStr3; *pfDifferenceFound = true; }
if( *pfDifferenceFound ) { // Copy pCurrent onto pLastSeen
memcpy( pLastSeen, pCurrent, wCols * wRows * sizeof( CHAR_INFO ) ); memcpy( pLastCSBI, pCSBI, sizeof( CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO ) ); if( !Transmit( ) ) { return( FALSE ); } } else { _TRACE( TRACE_DEBUGGING, "NO difference found\n" ); } return( TRUE ); }
bool CScraper::GetRegistryValues( void ) { HKEY hk; bool success; DWORD dwDisp = 0; if ( TnSecureRegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_PARAMS_KEY, NULL, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED , NULL, &hk, &dwDisp, 0) ) { LogEvent( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_REGISTRYKEY, REG_PARAMS_KEY ); return( FALSE ); } HKEY hk1; LPTSTR lpszTelnetInstallPath = NULL; if( !TnSecureRegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_SERVICE_KEY, NULL, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED , NULL, &hk1, &dwDisp, 0 ) ) { success = GetRegistryString( hk1, NULL, L"ImagePath", &lpszTelnetInstallPath, L"",FALSE ); RegCloseKey( hk1 );
if (! success) { RegCloseKey(hk); return( FALSE ); } } else { RegCloseKey(hk); LogEvent( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_REGISTRYKEY, REG_SERVICE_KEY ); return (FALSE); }
WCHAR *pLastBackSlash = wcsrchr( lpszTelnetInstallPath, L'\\' ); if( pLastBackSlash != NULL ) { *pLastBackSlash = 0; } LPWSTR lpszDefaultTermcapFullPathName = new WCHAR[ ( wcslen( lpszTelnetInstallPath ) + wcslen( DEFAULT_TERMCAP ) + 2 ) ]; if( !lpszDefaultTermcapFullPathName ) { RegCloseKey(hk); return( FALSE ); }
wcscpy( lpszDefaultTermcapFullPathName, lpszTelnetInstallPath ); wcscat( lpszDefaultTermcapFullPathName, L"\\" ); wcscat( lpszDefaultTermcapFullPathName, DEFAULT_TERMCAP ); LPWSTR pszFileName; success = GetRegistryString( hk, NULL, L"Termcap", &pszFileName, lpszDefaultTermcapFullPathName,FALSE );
if (! success) { return( FALSE ); }
WCHAR szCmdBuf[ONE_KB]; ExpandEnvironmentStrings( pszFileName, szCmdBuf, (sizeof(szCmdBuf)/sizeof(szCmdBuf[0])) );
delete [] lpszDefaultTermcapFullPathName; delete [] lpszTelnetInstallPath; delete [] pszFileName;
CTermCap::m_pszFileName = new CHAR[ wcslen(szCmdBuf) +1]; if( !CTermCap::m_pszFileName ) { return( FALSE ); }
_snprintf( CTermCap::m_pszFileName, ONE_KB -1 ,"%lS", szCmdBuf ); // No attack, we allocate the necesary buffer here - Baskar.
return ( TRUE ); }
bool CScraper::CompareAndUpdateVTNT ( WORD wRows, WORD wCols, PCHAR_INFO pCurrent, PCHAR_INFO pLastSeen, PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO pCSBI, PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO pLastCSBI, bool *pfDifferenceFound )
{ _TRACE( TRACE_DEBUGGING, "CompareAndUpdateVTNT()" );
INT result;
COORD coordDest; COORD coSize; SMALL_RECT srSource;
*pfDifferenceFound = false; coordDest.X = wCols; coordDest.Y = wRows; coSize.X = 0; coSize.Y = 0;
srSource.Left = 0; srSource.Top = 0; srSource.Right = ( WORD ) ( wCols - 1 ); srSource.Bottom = ( WORD ) ( wRows - 1 );
SHORT loop1; SHORT loop2; DWORD dwLineSize; LPSTR lpCurrentWindow; LPSTR lpLastSeenWindow; LPSTR lpCurrentFirstLine; LPSTR lpLastSeenFirstLine; _chVERIFY2( m_hConBufOut = CreateFile( TEXT("CONOUT$"), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0 ) );
if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == m_hConBufOut) { //Could be an application that does not share its screen buffer
return ( TRUE ); } BOOL dwStatus = 0; _chVERIFY2( dwStatus = ReadConsoleOutput( m_hConBufOut, pCurrent, coordDest, coSize, &srSource ) ); if( !dwStatus ) { LogFormattedGetLastError( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_ERR_READ_CONSOLE, GetLastError() ); TELNET_CLOSE_HANDLE( m_hConBufOut ); return ( FALSE ); } _chVERIFY2( dwStatus = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( m_hConBufOut, pCSBI ) ); if( !dwStatus ) { LogFormattedGetLastError( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_ERR_READ_CONSOLE, GetLastError() ); TELNET_CLOSE_HANDLE( m_hConBufOut ); return ( FALSE ); } TELNET_CLOSE_HANDLE( m_hConBufOut ); dwLineSize = wCols * sizeof( CHAR_INFO ) ;
//VERSION2 : to optimize we can compare the whole window
//and if no change, return
LONG currentBuffBottom, lastSeenBuffBottom, currentBuffTop, lastSeenBuffTop; LONG lastRow, currentRow; bool checkRestOfBuffer; bool isScrolled = 0; int i = 0;
currentBuffBottom = lastSeenBuffBottom = wRows - 1; currentBuffTop = lastSeenBuffTop = 0;
//The following check is to prevent scrolling when the user hasn't pressed
//ENTER. This case is reproduced by typing the same command (for eg: dir in
//a directory with not too many files) many times until the screen is filled
//and then type one char extra or less for that command (For "dir", it is
//"di" or "dir /" ) then the screen scrolls
//The solution is to see if the only change since the last scraping is
//only one key stroke( one byte ), if so don't scroll.
//This may lead to the case that it may scroll when you press up arrow key
//( 3 bytes ).
if( !m_bCheckForScrolling ) { isScrolled = 1; } m_bCheckForScrolling = 1;
if( !m_pSession->CSession::m_bIsTelnetVersion2 ) { //This will make it a non scrolling case.
isScrolled = 1; } while( currentBuffBottom >= currentBuffTop && !isScrolled ) { checkRestOfBuffer = 1;
lpCurrentWindow = ( LPSTR ) ( pCurrent + wCols * currentBuffBottom ) ; lpLastSeenWindow = ( LPSTR ) ( pLastSeen + wCols * lastSeenBuffBottom ) ;
if( memcmp( lpCurrentWindow, lpLastSeenWindow, dwLineSize ) != 0 ) { checkRestOfBuffer = 0; } if ( checkRestOfBuffer ) { isScrolled = 1; if( currentBuffBottom > 0 ) { //need not compare the same line again. Decrement by one.
currentRow = currentBuffBottom - 1; lastRow = lastSeenBuffBottom - 1;
while( currentRow >= currentBuffTop && isScrolled ) { lpCurrentWindow = ( LPSTR ) ( pCurrent + wCols * currentRow ) ; lpLastSeenWindow = ( LPSTR ) ( pLastSeen + wCols * lastRow ) ;
if( memcmp( lpCurrentWindow, lpLastSeenWindow, dwLineSize ) != 0 ) { isScrolled = 0; } currentRow--; lastRow--; } } }
currentBuffBottom--; } currentBuffBottom++;
//Patch to make this work for ONE blank line at the top
//Without this patch, screen scrolls for each char typed after "cls"
if( currentBuffBottom == currentBuffTop ) { //check if it is a blank line. Then it is not scrolling.
for(i = 0; i < wCols; ++i ) { if( !IS_BLANK( currentBuffTop , i ) ) { break; } isScrolled = 0; } }
//if it is the same screen
if( currentBuffBottom + 1 >= wRows ) { isScrolled = 0; } if( isScrolled ) { //Now Send all the lines from currentBuffBottom
//till the end of the buffer
COORD coordSaveCursorPos = {0,0}; *pfDifferenceFound = true;
_TRACE( TRACE_DEBUGGING, "About to send from:%d till:%d", currentBuffBottom + 1, wRows); WORD lastChar = wCols;
// Determine size of changes
coSize.X = wCols; coSize.Y = ( SHORT ) ( ( wRows - 1 ) - currentBuffBottom );
coordSaveCursorPos.X = pCSBI->dwCursorPosition.X; coordSaveCursorPos.Y = pCSBI->dwCursorPosition.Y;
SendVTNTData( RELATIVE_COORDS, coordSaveCursorPos, coSize, &srSource, pCurrent + (currentBuffBottom+1) * wCols );
//Do line by line scraping only if it was not scrolling
goto next1; }
// Compare all lines
lpCurrentWindow = ( LPSTR ) pCurrent; lpLastSeenWindow = ( LPSTR ) pLastSeen; for( loop1 = 0 ; loop1 < wRows; ) { result = memcmp( lpCurrentWindow, lpLastSeenWindow, dwLineSize ); loop1++; lpCurrentFirstLine = lpCurrentWindow; lpLastSeenFirstLine = lpLastSeenWindow; lpLastSeenWindow += dwLineSize; lpCurrentWindow += dwLineSize;
if( !result ) continue;
*pfDifferenceFound = true;
for( loop2 = loop1 ; loop2 < wRows ; loop2++ ) { if( !memcmp ( lpLastSeenWindow, lpCurrentWindow, dwLineSize ) ) break ; lpLastSeenWindow += dwLineSize; lpCurrentWindow += dwLineSize; }
if( loop2 == wRows ) { lpLastSeenWindow += dwLineSize ; lpCurrentWindow += dwLineSize ; }
// Determine size of changes
coSize.X = wCols; coSize.Y = ( WORD ) ( loop2 - loop1 + 1 );
srSource.Left = 0; srSource.Top = ( WORD )( 0 + loop1 - 1 ); srSource.Right = ( WORD )( wCols - 1 ); srSource.Bottom = ( WORD ) ( srSource.Top + coSize.Y - 1 );
_TRACE( TRACE_DEBUGGING, "Scrape rom row %d to row %d", loop1, loop2 ); if( !SendVTNTData( ABSOLUTE_COORDS, pCSBI->dwCursorPosition, coSize, &srSource, ( PCHAR_INFO ) lpCurrentFirstLine ) ) { return( FALSE ); } loop1 = loop2 ; }
next1: if( !( *pfDifferenceFound ) ) { if( memcmp( &pCSBI->dwCursorPosition, &pLastCSBI->dwCursorPosition, sizeof( COORD ) ) != 0 ) { *pfDifferenceFound = true;
//sending no data; only pCSBI->dwCursorPosition are valid
coSize.X = coSize.Y = 0; srSource.Top = srSource.Bottom = srSource.Left = srSource.Right = 0; if( !SendVTNTData( ABSOLUTE_COORDS, pCSBI->dwCursorPosition, coSize, &srSource, NULL ) ) { return( FALSE ); } } }
if( *pfDifferenceFound ) { if( !Transmit() ) { return( FALSE ); }
// Copy pCurrent onto pLastSeen
memcpy( pLastSeen, pCurrent, wCols * wRows * sizeof( CHAR_INFO ) ); memcpy( pLastCSBI, pCSBI, sizeof( CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO ) ); } else { _TRACE( TRACE_DEBUGGING, "NO difference found\n" ); } return( TRUE ); }
bool CScraper::SendVTNTData( WORD wCoordType, COORD coCursor, COORD coRegionSize, SMALL_RECT* lpScreenRegion, CHAR_INFO* lpScreenRegionCharInfo ) { bool bRetVal = TRUE; VTNT_CHAR_INFO pOutCharInfo; DWORD dwSize = sizeof( VTNT_CHAR_INFO ) + ( coRegionSize.X * coRegionSize.Y * sizeof( CHAR_INFO ) ); SfuZeroMemory(&pOutCharInfo,sizeof(VTNT_CHAR_INFO)); //csbi.wAttributes is filled by v2 server with following meaning
//When a scrolling case is detected, this is set to 1.
pOutCharInfo.csbi.wAttributes = wCoordType; pOutCharInfo.coDest.X = 0; pOutCharInfo.coDest.Y = 0; pOutCharInfo.coCursorPos = coCursor; pOutCharInfo.coSizeOfData = coRegionSize; pOutCharInfo.srDestRegion = *lpScreenRegion;
SendBytes( ( PUCHAR ) &pOutCharInfo, sizeof( VTNT_CHAR_INFO ) ); SendBytes( ( PUCHAR ) lpScreenRegionCharInfo, dwSize - sizeof( VTNT_CHAR_INFO) );
return( bRetVal ); }
void CScraper::WriteMessageToCmd( WCHAR szMsg[] ) { DWORD dwWritten = 0; if( m_pSession->CIoHandler::m_SocketControlState == m_pSession->CIoHandler::STATE_SESSION ) { _chVERIFY2( m_hConBufOut = CreateFile( TEXT("CONOUT$"), GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0 ) );
if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == m_hConBufOut) { LogFormattedGetLastError( EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, MSG_ERRCONSOLE, GetLastError() ); return; }
_chVERIFY2( WriteConsole( m_hConBufOut, szMsg, wcslen( szMsg ), &dwWritten, NULL ) ); TELNET_CLOSE_HANDLE( m_hConBufOut ); } return; }