//Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// EnCliSvr.cpp : Implementation of CTlntSvrApp and DLL registration.
#include <stdafx.h>
#include <oleauto.h>
#include <Debug.h>
#include <KillApps.h>
#include <TlntSvr.h>
#include <TelntSrv.h>
#include <EnumData.h>
#include <EnCliSvr.h>
#include <TlntUtils.h>
#include <Ipc.h>
#include <w4warn.h>
// Don't even think about changing the two strings -- BaskarK, they NEED to be in sync with tnadmin\tnadmutl.cpp
// the separators used to identify various portions of a session as well as session begin/end
WCHAR *session_separator = L","; WCHAR *session_data_separator = L"\\";
boolean called_by_an_admin() { static PSID administrators = NULL; boolean an_admin = false; HANDLE token;
if (NULL == administrators) { SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY local_system_authority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY;
//Build administrators alias sid
if (! AllocateAndInitializeSid( &local_system_authority, 2, /* there are only two sub-authorities */ SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0,0,0,0,0,0, /* Don't care about the rest */ &administrators )) { return false; } }
if (OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY | MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, TRUE, & token )) { TOKEN_GROUPS *tg = NULL; DWORD required = 2048; // 2K should be good enough for starters
for (;;) { tg = (TOKEN_GROUPS *) new BYTE[required]; if (! tg) { break; }
if (GetTokenInformation(token, TokenGroups, (LPVOID) tg, required, & required)) { error = NO_ERROR; break; } else { error = GetLastError();
if (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER != error) { break; } }
delete [] tg; }
if (tg && (NO_ERROR == error)) { DWORD x;
for (x = 0; x < tg->GroupCount; x ++) { if (EqualSid(administrators, & (tg->Groups[x].Sid)) && (tg->Groups[x].Attributes & SE_GROUP_ENABLED) && (!(tg->Groups[x].Attributes & SE_GROUP_USE_FOR_DENY_ONLY)) ) { an_admin = true; break; } } }
if (tg) { delete [] tg; }
CloseHandle(token); }
return an_admin; }
void AddSeparator( LPWSTR *pszSessionData, LPWSTR szString, INT *iSizeOfBuffer ) { _chASSERT( pszSessionData ); _chASSERT( szString ); _chASSERT( iSizeOfBuffer );
if( !szString ) { szString = L""; }
_chVERIFY2( *iSizeOfBuffer >= ( INT ) ( wcslen( szString ) + 1 ) );
DWORD dwLen = 0; if( *iSizeOfBuffer >= ( INT )( wcslen( szString ) + 1 ) ) { dwLen = wcslen( szString ); wcsncpy( *pszSessionData, szString, dwLen );
*pszSessionData += ( dwLen ); *iSizeOfBuffer -= ( dwLen ); }
return; }
void WCopyInt( LPWSTR *pszSessionData, INT iNum, INT *iSizeOfBuffer ) { _chASSERT( pszSessionData ); _chASSERT( iSizeOfBuffer ); _chVERIFY2( *iSizeOfBuffer >= MAX_STRING_FROM_itow );
_itow( iNum, *pszSessionData, 10 ); *iSizeOfBuffer -= wcslen( *pszSessionData ); *pszSessionData += wcslen( *pszSessionData ); AddSeparator( pszSessionData, session_data_separator, iSizeOfBuffer ); }
void WCopyMbcsString( LPWSTR *pszSessionData, CHAR *szString, INT *iSizeOfBuffer ) { _chASSERT( pszSessionData ); _chASSERT( szString ); _chASSERT( iSizeOfBuffer );
if( !szString ) { szString = ""; }
_chVERIFY2( *iSizeOfBuffer >= ( INT )( strlen( szString ) + 1 ) );
DWORD dwLen = 0; dwLen = MultiByteToWideChar( GetOEMCP(), 0, szString, -1, *pszSessionData, *iSizeOfBuffer ); if( dwLen > 0 ) { *pszSessionData += ( dwLen - 1 ); *iSizeOfBuffer -= ( dwLen - 1 );
AddSeparator( pszSessionData, session_data_separator, iSizeOfBuffer ); } return; }
void WCopyUnicodeString( LPWSTR *pszSessionData, LPWSTR szString, INT *iSizeOfBuffer ) { _chASSERT( pszSessionData ); _chASSERT( szString ); _chASSERT( iSizeOfBuffer );
if( !szString ) { szString = L""; }
_chVERIFY2( *iSizeOfBuffer >= ( INT ) ( wcslen( szString ) + 1 ) );
DWORD dwLen = 0; if( *iSizeOfBuffer >= ( INT )( wcslen( szString ) + 1 ) ) { dwLen = wcslen( szString ); wcsncpy( *pszSessionData, szString, dwLen );
*pszSessionData += dwLen; *iSizeOfBuffer -= dwLen;
AddSeparator( pszSessionData, session_data_separator, iSizeOfBuffer ); }
return; }
extern CTelnetService* g_pTelnetService;
//Global variables used to pass data b/n GetSessionProcesses and EnumClients
CEnumData* g_pEnumData = NULL; LONG lUniqueSessionNumber;
//Global variables used to pass data b/n GetTelnetSessionProcesses and GetTelnetSessions
BSTR g_szSessionData = NULL; INT g_iSizeOfBuffer = 0;
void GetTelnetSessionProcesses ( HANDLE hProc, DWORD dwProcessId, LPWSTR lpszProcessName ) { WCopyInt( &g_szSessionData, dwProcessId, &g_iSizeOfBuffer ); WCopyUnicodeString( &g_szSessionData, lpszProcessName, &g_iSizeOfBuffer ); } #endif
//memory is allocated by this method ( GetTelnetSessions ) and to be freed by the client( telnet admin ).
//It returns data about each session as a BSTR formatted as below.
//Each feild is separated by wide char ':'. Each session is separated by ','
//First entry is count of sessions and only this feild is separated by comma from the rest. This is followed by,
//dwPid,szDomain,szUserName,szRemoteMachine, wYear, wMonth, wDayOfWeek, wDay,
//wHour, wMinute, wSecond, wMilliseconds; and pairs of process id, process name.
STDMETHODIMP CEnumTelnetClientsSvr::GetTelnetSessions ( BSTR *pszRetVal ) { DWORD dwCount = 0; CClientInfo *pClientInfo = NULL; DWORD dwStatus = S_OK; DWORD dwLen = 0; INT iBytesToBeAllocated = 0; bool bIsDomainCopied = false;
// if (! called_by_an_admin())
// {
// return S_FALSE;
// }
// DebugBreak();
if( g_pTelnetService == NULL || pszRetVal == NULL ) { return S_FALSE; }
if( WaitForSingleObject( g_pTelnetService->m_hSyncAllClientObjAccess, WAIT_TIME ) != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { return S_FALSE; } DWORD dwSessionsWithData = 0; DWORD dwSaveCount = 0;
dwCount = client_list_Count(); dwSaveCount = dwCount;
while( dwCount > 0 ) { pClientInfo = (CClientInfo *)client_list_Get( --dwCount ); if( pClientInfo && pClientInfo->szUserName ) { //Only if szUserName is non null, the object has session data.
//Otherwise, still in the process of getting that info
dwSessionsWithData++; } }
//Restore the count
dwCount = dwSaveCount;
g_iSizeOfBuffer = MAX_STRING_FROM_itow; if( dwSessionsWithData > 0 ) { g_iSizeOfBuffer += dwSessionsWithData * SIZE_OF_ONE_SESSION_DATA; }
iBytesToBeAllocated = g_iSizeOfBuffer * sizeof( WCHAR ); *pszRetVal = SysAllocStringLen( NULL, iBytesToBeAllocated );
g_szSessionData = *pszRetVal;
if( g_szSessionData == NULL ) { dwStatus = ( DWORD )S_FALSE; goto ExitOnError; }
WCopyInt( &g_szSessionData, dwSessionsWithData, &g_iSizeOfBuffer );
//Remove wide null char from g_szSessionData
g_iSizeOfBuffer += 1; g_szSessionData -= 1; AddSeparator( &g_szSessionData, session_separator, &g_iSizeOfBuffer );
while( dwCount > 0 ) { pClientInfo = (CClientInfo *)client_list_Get( --dwCount );
if( pClientInfo && pClientInfo->szUserName ) { WCopyInt( &g_szSessionData, pClientInfo->dwPid, &g_iSizeOfBuffer );
bIsDomainCopied = false; if( strcmp( pClientInfo->szDomain, "." ) == 0 ) { if( g_pTelnetService->m_szDomainName[0] ) { WCopyUnicodeString( &g_szSessionData, g_pTelnetService->m_szDomainName, &g_iSizeOfBuffer ); bIsDomainCopied = true; } }
if( !bIsDomainCopied ) { WCopyMbcsString( &g_szSessionData, pClientInfo->szDomain, &g_iSizeOfBuffer ); }
WCopyMbcsString( &g_szSessionData, pClientInfo->szUserName, &g_iSizeOfBuffer ); WCopyMbcsString( &g_szSessionData, pClientInfo->szRemoteMachine, &g_iSizeOfBuffer );
WCopyInt( &g_szSessionData, pClientInfo->lpLogonTime->wYear, &g_iSizeOfBuffer ); WCopyInt( &g_szSessionData, pClientInfo->lpLogonTime->wMonth, &g_iSizeOfBuffer ); WCopyInt( &g_szSessionData, pClientInfo->lpLogonTime->wDayOfWeek, &g_iSizeOfBuffer ); WCopyInt( &g_szSessionData, pClientInfo->lpLogonTime->wDay, &g_iSizeOfBuffer ); WCopyInt( &g_szSessionData, pClientInfo->lpLogonTime->wHour, &g_iSizeOfBuffer ); WCopyInt( &g_szSessionData, pClientInfo->lpLogonTime->wMinute, &g_iSizeOfBuffer ); WCopyInt( &g_szSessionData, pClientInfo->lpLogonTime->wSecond, &g_iSizeOfBuffer ); WCopyInt( &g_szSessionData, pClientInfo->lpLogonTime->wMilliseconds,&g_iSizeOfBuffer ); WCopyInt( &g_szSessionData, pClientInfo->m_dwIdleTime/1000, &g_iSizeOfBuffer );
//g_szSessionData, g_iSizeOfBuffer needs to be global for following reason
//This will add the processes to the list
EnumSessionProcesses( *( pClientInfo->pAuthId ), GetTelnetSessionProcesses, TO_ENUM ); #endif
//To indicate end of a session: ',' indicates end of a session data
AddSeparator( &g_szSessionData, session_separator, &g_iSizeOfBuffer ); } }
ExitOnError: _chVERIFY2( ReleaseMutex( g_pTelnetService->m_hSyncAllClientObjAccess ) ); return ( dwStatus ); }
STDMETHODIMP CEnumTelnetClientsSvr::GetEnumClients ( IEnumClients * * ppretval ) { *ppretval = ( IEnumClients* ) this; ( *ppretval )->AddRef();
//Initialize the Telnet Clients list
if( m_pEnumeration ) delete m_pEnumeration; m_pEnumeration = new CEnumData; if( !m_pEnumeration ) { return (S_FALSE); }
if( !EnumClients( m_pEnumeration ) ) return (S_FALSE);
return ( S_OK ); }
void GetSessionProcesses ( HANDLE hProc, DWORD dwProcessId, LPWSTR lpszProcessName ) { g_pEnumData->Add( lUniqueSessionNumber, dwProcessId, lpszProcessName ); return; }
bool CEnumTelnetClientsSvr::EnumClients ( CEnumData* pEnumData ) { WCHAR szUserName[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 1 ]; WCHAR szDomain[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 1 ]; WCHAR szPeer[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH + 1 ];
DWORD dwStatus = 0; if( g_pTelnetService == NULL || pEnumData == NULL ) return false;
DWORD dwCount = 0; CClientInfo *pClientInfo = NULL;
dwStatus = WaitForSingleObject( g_pTelnetService->m_hSyncAllClientObjAccess, WAIT_TIME ); if( dwStatus != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { return false; }
if( ( dwCount = client_list_Count() ) != 0 ) { while( dwCount > 0 ) { pClientInfo = (CClientInfo *)client_list_Get( --dwCount ); if( pClientInfo ) { if( !ConvertSChartoWChar( pClientInfo->szUserName, szUserName ) || !ConvertSChartoWChar( pClientInfo->szDomain, szDomain ) || !ConvertSChartoWChar( pClientInfo->szRemoteMachine, szPeer )) { continue; } pEnumData->Add( szUserName, szDomain, szPeer, *( pClientInfo->lpLogonTime ), (LONG) pClientInfo->dwPid );
//This will add the processes to the list
LUID authId = *( pClientInfo->pAuthId ); g_pEnumData = pEnumData; lUniqueSessionNumber = pClientInfo->dwPid; EnumSessionProcesses( authId, GetSessionProcesses, TO_ENUM ); } } } _chVERIFY2( ReleaseMutex( g_pTelnetService->m_hSyncAllClientObjAccess ) );
return ( true ); }
STDMETHODIMP CEnumTelnetClientsSvr::Next ( ULONG celt, TELNET_CLIENT_INFO** rgelt, ULONG * pceltFetched ) { ULONG ulNumReturned = 0; if( NULL == pceltFetched ) { if( celt != 1 ) return ( S_FALSE ); } else *pceltFetched = 0;
if( NULL == rgelt ) return ( E_POINTER );
typedef CEnumData::CNode* PNODE; PNODE* ppcopy = new PNODE [ celt ];
if( NULL == ppcopy ) { return ( S_FALSE ); }
ULONG total = celt;
for (celt = 0; celt < total; celt ++) { ppcopy[celt] = NULL;
if (m_pEnumeration->GetNext(&ppcopy[celt])) { ulNumReturned++; } else { break; } }
celt = 0;
while( celt < ulNumReturned ) { rgelt[ celt ] = (TELNET_CLIENT_INFO*) CoTaskMemAlloc( sizeof(TELNET_CLIENT_INFO)); if(! rgelt[ celt ] ) { goto CLEANUP_AND_GET_OUT; } lstrcpyW( (*(rgelt[ celt ])).username, ppcopy[ celt ]->lpszUserName ); // Cleared by Prefast - Baskar
lstrcpyW( (*(rgelt[ celt ])).domain, ppcopy[ celt ]->lpszDomain ); lstrcpyW( (*(rgelt[ celt ])).peerhostname, ppcopy[ celt ]->lpszPeerHostName );
(*(rgelt[ celt ])).logonTime = ppcopy[ celt ]->logonTime; (*(rgelt[ celt ])).uniqueId = ppcopy[ celt ]->lUniqueId;
PIdNode *pPId = ppcopy[ celt ]->pProcessesHead; DWORD dwNoOfProcesses = 0; while( pPId ) { dwNoOfProcesses++; pPId = pPId->pNextPId; } (*(rgelt[ celt ])).NoOfPids = dwNoOfProcesses; (*(rgelt[ celt ])).pId = ( DWORD * ) CoTaskMemAlloc ( sizeof( DWORD ) * ( dwNoOfProcesses + 10 ) );
if( !(*(rgelt[ celt ])).pId ) { goto CLEANUP_AND_GET_OUT; }
(*(rgelt[ celt ])).processName = (WCHAR(*)[256]) CoTaskMemAlloc ( sizeof(WCHAR) * dwNoOfProcesses * 256);
if( !(*(rgelt[ celt ])).processName ) { goto CLEANUP_AND_GET_OUT; }
INT ctr = 0; pPId = ppcopy[ celt ]->pProcessesHead; while( pPId ) { (*(rgelt[ celt ])).pId[ ctr ] = pPId->dwPId; lstrcpyW( (*(rgelt[ celt ])).processName[ ctr ], pPId->lpszProcessName ); // Cleared by Prefast - Baskar
ctr++; pPId = pPId->pNextPId; }
(*(rgelt[ celt ])).pId[ ctr ] = ( DWORD )-1; //Indicates end of processes.
celt++; } { ULONG index;
for (index = 0; index < total; index ++) { if (ppcopy[index]) { delete ppcopy[index]; } }
delete [] ppcopy; }
if( pceltFetched != NULL ) *pceltFetched = ulNumReturned;
if( ulNumReturned == 0 ) return ( S_FALSE );
return ( S_OK );
{ ULONG index;
for (index = 0; index < total; index ++) { if (ppcopy[index]) { delete ppcopy[index]; } }
delete [] ppcopy;
for (index = 0; index < total; index ++) { CoTaskMemFree( (*(rgelt[ index ])).pId ); CoTaskMemFree( (*(rgelt[ index ])).processName ); CoTaskMemFree( rgelt[ index ] ); } }
return ( S_FALSE ); }
STDMETHODIMP CEnumTelnetClientsSvr::Skip ( ULONG celt ) { //return ( S_OK );
return ( E_NOTIMPL ); }
STDMETHODIMP CEnumTelnetClientsSvr::Reset() { m_pEnumeration->Reset(); return ( S_OK ); }
STDMETHODIMP CEnumTelnetClientsSvr::Clone(IEnumClients * * ppenum) { //return S_OK;
return ( E_NOTIMPL ); }
STDMETHODIMP CEnumTelnetClientsSvr::TerminateSession( DWORD dwUniqueId ) { if( g_pTelnetService == NULL ) return S_FALSE;
LONG dwRetStatus = S_FALSE; DWORD dwCount = 0; CClientInfo *pClientInfo = NULL; DWORD dwStatus = 0; dwStatus = WaitForSingleObject( g_pTelnetService->m_hSyncAllClientObjAccess, WAIT_TIME ); if( dwStatus != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { return S_FALSE; } if( ( dwCount = client_list_Count() ) != 0 ) { while( dwCount > 0 ) { pClientInfo = (CClientInfo *)client_list_Get( --dwCount ); if(pClientInfo == NULL) goto Done; if( pClientInfo->dwPid == dwUniqueId ) { if( AskTheSessionToQuit( pClientInfo ) ) { dwRetStatus = S_OK; goto Done; } } } } Done: _chVERIFY2( ReleaseMutex( g_pTelnetService->m_hSyncAllClientObjAccess ) ); return dwRetStatus; }
bool CEnumTelnetClientsSvr::InformTheSession( CClientInfo *pClientInfo, WCHAR szMsg[] ) { UCHAR *szMsgToSend = NULL;
DWORD dwLen = 2* ( wcslen( szMsg ) + 1 ); szMsgToSend = new UCHAR[ IPC_HEADER_SIZE + dwLen ]; if( !szMsgToSend ) { return false; }
szMsgToSend[0] = OPERATOR_MESSAGE; memcpy( szMsgToSend + 1, &dwLen, sizeof( DWORD ) ); // No size info here - Attack ? Baskar
memcpy( szMsgToSend + IPC_HEADER_SIZE, szMsg, dwLen );
if( WriteToPipe( pClientInfo->hWritingPipe, (LPVOID) szMsgToSend, IPC_HEADER_SIZE + dwLen, &( g_pTelnetService->m_oWriteToPipe ) ) ) { delete[] szMsgToSend; return true; }
delete[] szMsgToSend; g_pTelnetService->StopServicingClient( pClientInfo, (BOOL)TRUE ); return false; }
STDMETHODIMP CEnumTelnetClientsSvr::SendMsgToASession( DWORD dwUniqueId, BSTR szMsgToBeSent ) { if( !SendMsg( dwUniqueId, szMsgToBeSent ) ) { return S_FALSE; }
return S_OK; }
bool CEnumTelnetClientsSvr::SendMsg( DWORD dwUniqueId, BSTR szMsg ) { bool bRetStatus = false; DWORD dwCount = 0; CClientInfo *pClientInfo = NULL; DWORD dwStatus = 0;
if( g_pTelnetService == NULL || szMsg == NULL ) { return bRetStatus; } if( SysStringLen( szMsg ) <= 0 ) { return bRetStatus; }
dwStatus = WaitForSingleObject( g_pTelnetService->m_hSyncAllClientObjAccess, WAIT_TIME ); if( dwStatus != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { return bRetStatus; }
if( ( dwCount = client_list_Count() ) != 0 ) { while( dwCount > 0 && !bRetStatus ) { pClientInfo = (CClientInfo *)client_list_Get( --dwCount ); if(pClientInfo == NULL) goto Done; if( pClientInfo->dwPid == dwUniqueId ) { if( InformTheSession( pClientInfo, szMsg ) ) { bRetStatus = true; } } } } Done: _chVERIFY2( ReleaseMutex( g_pTelnetService->m_hSyncAllClientObjAccess ) ); return bRetStatus; }
void CEnumTelnetClientsSvr::FinalRelease() { delete m_pEnumeration; m_pEnumeration = NULL; CComObjectRootEx<CComMultiThreadModel>::FinalRelease(); }
bool CEnumTelnetClientsSvr::AskTheSessionToQuit( CClientInfo *pClientInfo ) { bool bRetVal = false; BOOL delete_the_class = FALSE; DWORD dwRetVal = 0, dwAvail = 0, dwLeft = 0; CHAR *szBuffer = NULL; if(!PeekNamedPipe(pClientInfo->hReadingPipe,szBuffer,0,&dwRetVal,&dwAvail,&dwLeft)) { dwRetVal = GetLastError(); if(dwRetVal == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) { delete_the_class = TRUE; } } else if( WriteToPipe( pClientInfo->hWritingPipe, GO_DOWN, & ( g_pTelnetService->m_oWriteToPipe ) ) ) { bRetVal = true; }
g_pTelnetService->StopServicingClient( pClientInfo, delete_the_class ); return bRetVal; }