Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Routines implementing Dynamic DNS registration of IPv6 addresses.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <windns.h>
#include <ntddip6.h>
// DHCP IPv4 addresses inside Microsoft have a default TTL of 20 minutes.
#define MAX_AAAA_TTL 1200 // Seconds.
// We must update the DNS records occasionally,
// or the DNS server might garbage-collect them.
// MSDN recommends a one-day interval.
#define MIN_UPDATE_INTERVAL (1*DAYS*1000) // Milliseconds.
__inline ULONG MIN(ULONG a, ULONG b) { if (a < b) return a; else return b; }
SOCKET g_hIpv6Socket = INVALID_SOCKET; WSAEVENT g_hIpv6AddressChangeEvent = NULL; HANDLE g_hIpv6AddressChangeWait = NULL; WSAOVERLAPPED g_hIpv6AddressChangeOverlapped; //
// Stores the state from the last invocation of OnIpv6AddressChange. The only
// two fields used from the previous state are the site id
// (ZoneIndices[ScopeLevelSite]) and Mtu. The mtu field is overloaded to store
// information if the site id was manually changed for the interface or not. If
// the site id was manually change, Mtu is set to 1, otherwise 0. Once the site
// id has been manually changed, we do not try to override it. Also, this
// information is not persistent across reboots. If the site id is changed
// manually, on the next reboot, this information is lost and the 6to4 service
// might try to assign a new value. Secondly, there is no way to undo a manual
// setting. If a user sets the site id once, there is no way to go back to
// automatic configuration.
PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES g_PreviousInterfaceState = NULL;
// Our caller uses StopIpv6AddressChangeNotification
// if we fail, so we don't need to cleanup.
DWORD StartIpv6AddressChangeNotification() { ASSERT(g_hIpv6Socket == INVALID_SOCKET);
g_hIpv6Socket = WSASocket(AF_INET6, 0, 0, NULL, 0, WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED); if (g_hIpv6Socket == INVALID_SOCKET) return WSAGetLastError();
// We create an auto-reset event in the signalled state.
// So OnIpv6AddressChange will be executed initially.
ASSERT(g_hIpv6AddressChangeEvent == NULL); g_hIpv6AddressChangeEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, TRUE, NULL); if (g_hIpv6AddressChangeEvent == NULL) return GetLastError();
// We specify a timeout, so that we update DNS
// at least that often. Otherwise the DNS server might
// garbage-collect our records.
IncEventCount("AC:StartIpv6AddressChangeNotification"); if (! RegisterWaitForSingleObject(&g_hIpv6AddressChangeWait, g_hIpv6AddressChangeEvent, OnIpv6AddressChange, NULL, MIN_UPDATE_INTERVAL, WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION)) { DecEventCount("AC:StartIpv6AddressChangeNotification"); return GetLastError(); }
return NO_ERROR; }
// Assume that if the primary DNS server is the same, then that's
// good enough to combine the records.
BOOL IsSameDNSServer( PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES pIf1, PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES pIf2 ) { PIP_ADAPTER_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS pDns1, pDns2; pDns1 = pIf1->FirstDnsServerAddress; while ((pDns1 != NULL) && (pDns1->Address.lpSockaddr->sa_family != AF_INET)) { pDns1 = pDns1->Next; }
pDns2 = pIf2->FirstDnsServerAddress; while ((pDns2 != NULL) && (pDns2->Address.lpSockaddr->sa_family != AF_INET)) { pDns2 = pDns2->Next; }
if ((pDns1 == NULL) || (pDns2 == NULL)) { return FALSE; }
ASSERT(pDns1->Address.lpSockaddr->sa_family == pDns2->Address.lpSockaddr->sa_family);
return !memcmp(pDns1->Address.lpSockaddr, pDns2->Address.lpSockaddr, pDns1->Address.iSockaddrLength); }
DNS_RECORD * BuildRecordSetW( WCHAR *hostname, PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES pFirstIf, PIP4_ARRAY *ppServerList ) { DNS_RECORD *RSet, *pNext; int i, iAddressCount = 0; PIP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS Address; PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES pIf; int ServerCount = 0; PIP_ADAPTER_DNS_SERVER_ADDRESS DnsServer; LPSOCKADDR_IN sin; BOOL RegisterSiteLocals = ENABLED;
// Count DNS servers
for (DnsServer = pFirstIf->FirstDnsServerAddress; DnsServer; DnsServer = DnsServer->Next) { if (DnsServer->Address.lpSockaddr->sa_family != AF_INET) { //
// DNS api currently only supports IPv4 addresses of servers
continue; } ServerCount++; } if (ServerCount == 0) { *ppServerList = NULL; return NULL; }
// Fill in DNS server array
*ppServerList = MALLOC(FIELD_OFFSET(IP4_ARRAY, AddrArray[ServerCount])); if (*ppServerList == NULL) { return NULL; } (*ppServerList)->AddrCount = ServerCount; for (i = 0, DnsServer = pFirstIf->FirstDnsServerAddress; DnsServer; DnsServer = DnsServer->Next) { sin = (LPSOCKADDR_IN)DnsServer->Address.lpSockaddr; if (sin->sin_family == AF_INET) { (*ppServerList)->AddrArray[i++] = sin->sin_addr.s_addr; } } ASSERT(i == ServerCount);
// Decide whether to register site locals in DNS.
{ HKEY hKey; DWORD dwErr;
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KEY_GLOBAL, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey); if (dwErr == NO_ERROR) { RegisterSiteLocals = GetInteger(hKey, L"EnableSiteLocalDdns", ENABLED); RegCloseKey(hKey); } } //
// Count eligible addresses
for (pIf=pFirstIf; pIf; pIf=pIf->Next) { if (!(pIf->Flags & IP_ADAPTER_DDNS_ENABLED)) continue; //
// Make sure interface has same DNS server
if ((pIf != pFirstIf) && !IsSameDNSServer(pFirstIf, pIf)) { continue; } for (Address=pIf->FirstUnicastAddress; Address; Address=Address->Next) { if ((Address->Address.lpSockaddr->sa_family == AF_INET6) && (Address->Flags & IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_DNS_ELIGIBLE) && ((RegisterSiteLocals == ENABLED) || !IN6_IS_ADDR_SITELOCAL(&((LPSOCKADDR_IN6) Address->Address.lpSockaddr)->sin6_addr))) { iAddressCount++; } } }
Trace1(FSM, _T("DDNS building record set of %u addresses"), iAddressCount);
if (iAddressCount == 0) { //
// Build a record set that specifies deletion.
RSet = MALLOC(sizeof *RSet); if (RSet == NULL) { return NULL; }
memset(RSet, 0, sizeof *RSet); RSet->pName = (LPTSTR)hostname; RSet->wType = DNS_TYPE_AAAA; return RSet; }
RSet = MALLOC(sizeof *RSet * iAddressCount); if (RSet == NULL) { return NULL; }
memset(RSet, 0, sizeof *RSet * iAddressCount);
pNext = NULL; i = iAddressCount; while (--i >= 0) { RSet[i].pNext = pNext; pNext = &RSet[i]; }
i=0; for (pIf=pFirstIf; pIf; pIf=pIf->Next) { if (!(pIf->Flags & IP_ADAPTER_DDNS_ENABLED)) continue; if ((pIf != pFirstIf) && !IsSameDNSServer(pFirstIf, pIf)) { continue; } for (Address=pIf->FirstUnicastAddress; Address; Address=Address->Next) { if ((Address->Address.lpSockaddr->sa_family == AF_INET6) && (Address->Flags & IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_DNS_ELIGIBLE) && ((RegisterSiteLocals == ENABLED) || !IN6_IS_ADDR_SITELOCAL(&((LPSOCKADDR_IN6) Address->Address.lpSockaddr)->sin6_addr))) { SOCKADDR_IN6 *sin6 = (SOCKADDR_IN6 *) Address->Address.lpSockaddr;
RSet[i].pName = (LPTSTR)hostname;
// Using a large TTL is not good because it means
// any changes (adding a new address, removing an address)
// might not be visible for a long time.
RSet[i].dwTtl = MIN(MAX_AAAA_TTL, MIN(Address->PreferredLifetime, Address->LeaseLifetime));
RSet[i].wType = DNS_TYPE_AAAA; RSet[i].wDataLength = sizeof RSet[i].Data.AAAA; RSet[i].Data.AAAA.Ip6Address = * (IP6_ADDRESS *) &sin6->sin6_addr; i++; } } } ASSERT(i == iAddressCount);
return RSet; }
VOID ReportDnsUpdateStatusW( IN DNS_STATUS Status, IN WCHAR *hostname, IN DNS_RECORD *RSet ) { Trace3(ERR, _T("6to4svc: DnsReplaceRecordSet(%ls) %s: status %d"), hostname, RSet->wDataLength == 0 ? "delete" : "replace", Status); }
// This function adapted from net\tcpip\commands\ipconfig\info.c
VOID GetInterfaceDeviceName( IN ULONG Ipv4IfIndex, IN PIP_INTERFACE_INFO InterfaceInfo, OUT LPWSTR *IfDeviceName ) { DWORD i;
// search the InterfaceInfo to get the devicename for this interface.
(*IfDeviceName) = NULL; for( i = 0; i < (DWORD)InterfaceInfo->NumAdapters; i ++ ) { if( InterfaceInfo->Adapter[i].Index != Ipv4IfIndex ) continue; (*IfDeviceName) = InterfaceInfo->Adapter[i].Name + strlen( "\\Device\\Tcpip_" ); break; } }
VOID RegisterNameOnInterface( PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES pIf, PWCHAR hostname, DWORD namelen) { DNS_RECORD *RSet = NULL; PIP4_ARRAY pServerList = NULL; DWORD Status;
// Convert to a DNS record set.
RSet = BuildRecordSetW(hostname, pIf, &pServerList); if ((RSet == NULL) || (pServerList == NULL)) { goto Cleanup; }
Trace2(ERR, _T("DDNS registering %ls to server %d.%d.%d.%d"), hostname, PRINT_IPADDR(pServerList->AddrArray[0]));
// REVIEW: We could (should?) compare the current record set
// to the previous record set, and only update DNS
// if there has been a change or if there was a timeout.
Status = DnsReplaceRecordSetW( RSet, DNS_UPDATE_CACHE_SECURITY_CONTEXT, NULL, pServerList, NULL); if (Status != NO_ERROR) { Trace1(ERR, _T("Error: DnsReplaceRecordSet returned %d"), Status); }
ReportDnsUpdateStatusW(Status, hostname, RSet);
Cleanup: if (pServerList) { FREE(pServerList); } if (RSet) { FREE(RSet); } }
VOID DoDdnsOnInterface( PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES pIf) { // Leave room to add a trailing "."
WCHAR hostname[NI_MAXHOST+1]; DWORD namelen;
// Get the fully-qualified DNS name for this machine
// and append a trailing dot.
namelen = NI_MAXHOST; if (! GetComputerNameExW(ComputerNamePhysicalDnsFullyQualified, hostname, &namelen)) { return; } namelen = (DWORD)wcslen(hostname);
hostname[namelen] = L'.'; hostname[namelen+1] = L'\0';
RegisterNameOnInterface(pIf, hostname, namelen);
// Also register the connection-specific name if configured to do so.
if (pIf->Flags & IP_ADAPTER_REGISTER_ADAPTER_SUFFIX) { namelen = NI_MAXHOST; if (! GetComputerNameExW(ComputerNamePhysicalDnsHostname, hostname, &namelen)) { return; }
wcscat(hostname, L"."); wcscat(hostname, pIf->DnsSuffix);
namelen = (DWORD)wcslen(hostname); hostname[namelen] = L'.'; hostname[namelen+1] = L'\0';
RegisterNameOnInterface(pIf, hostname, namelen); } }
// Set the site id of a given interface.
Update.This.Index = pIf->Ipv6IfIndex; Update.ZoneIndices[ADE_SITE_LOCAL] = SiteId;
Result = UpdateInterface(&Update);
Trace3(ERR, _T("SetSiteId if=%d site=%d result=%d"), pIf->Ipv6IfIndex, SiteId, Result);
pIf->ZoneIndices[ScopeLevelSite] = SiteId; //
// Site-local addresses of DNS servers may now have the wrong scope id.
// Fix them.
for (pDNS = pIf->FirstDnsServerAddress; pDNS != NULL; pDNS = pDNS->Next) { pAddr = (PSOCKADDR_IN6)pDNS->Address.lpSockaddr; if ((pAddr->sin6_family == AF_INET6) && (IN6_IS_ADDR_SITELOCAL(&pAddr->sin6_addr))) { pAddr->sin6_scope_id = SiteId; } } }
// Set the site id of a given interface to an unused value.
// Find the lowest unused site id.
CompareWithIf = pAdapterAddresses; while (CompareWithIf != NULL) { if (CompareWithIf->ZoneIndices[ScopeLevelSite] == PotentialSiteId) { PotentialSiteId++; CompareWithIf = pAdapterAddresses; } else { CompareWithIf = CompareWithIf->Next; } }
SetSiteId(pIf, PotentialSiteId); }
// If a connection-specific DNS suffix exists on either, then compare that.
// We do this first because it's more efficient than diving to the
// kernel to get the site prefixes. In addition, it's immune to
// whether the site prefix length is correct.
if (((A->DnsSuffix != NULL) && (A->DnsSuffix[0] != L'\0')) || ((B->DnsSuffix != NULL) && (B->DnsSuffix[0] != L'\0'))) { if ((A->DnsSuffix == NULL) || (B->DnsSuffix == NULL)) { return FALSE; } return (wcscmp(A->DnsSuffix, B->DnsSuffix) == 0); }
// No connection-specific DNS suffix exists on either interface.
// If an IPv6 site prefix exists on either, then compare that.
GetFirstSitePrefix(A->Ipv6IfIndex, &PrefixA); GetFirstSitePrefix(B->Ipv6IfIndex, &PrefixB); if ((PrefixA.Query.IF.Index != 0) || (PrefixB.Query.IF.Index != 0)) { if ((PrefixA.Query.IF.Index == 0) || (PrefixB.Query.IF.Index == 0)) { return FALSE; } if (PrefixA.Query.PrefixLength != PrefixB.Query.PrefixLength) { return FALSE; } return (RtlEqualMemory(PrefixA.Query.Prefix.s6_addr, PrefixB.Query.Prefix.s6_addr, sizeof(IPv6Addr))); }
// No site prefix exists on either interface.
// Default to saying they're in different sites.
return FALSE; }
VOID CALLBACK OnIpv6AddressChange( IN PVOID lpParameter, IN BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired) { PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES pAdapterAddresses = NULL; PIP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES pIf, pIf2, PreviousInterfaceState; BOOLEAN SetPreviousState = FALSE; ULONG BytesNeeded = 0; DWORD dwErr; DWORD BytesReturned;
// Sleep for one second.
// Often there will be multiple address changes in a small time period,
// and we prefer to update DNS once.
ENTER_API(); TraceEnter("OnIpv6AddressChange");
if (g_stService == DISABLED) { Trace0(FSM, L"Service disabled"); goto Done; }
// First request another async notification.
// We must do this *before* getting the address list,
// to avoid missing an address change.
if (TimerOrWaitFired == FALSE) { for (;;) { ZeroMemory(&g_hIpv6AddressChangeOverlapped, sizeof(WSAOVERLAPPED)); g_hIpv6AddressChangeOverlapped.hEvent = g_hIpv6AddressChangeEvent; dwErr = WSAIoctl(g_hIpv6Socket, SIO_ADDRESS_LIST_CHANGE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &BytesReturned, &g_hIpv6AddressChangeOverlapped, NULL); if (dwErr != 0) { dwErr = WSAGetLastError(); if (dwErr != WSA_IO_PENDING) { goto Done; } //
// The overlapped operation was initiated.
break; } //
// The overlapped operation completed immediately.
// Just try it again.
} }
// Get the address list.
for (;;) { //
// GetAdaptersAddresses only returns addresses of the specified address
// family. To obtain both IPv4 DNS server addresses and IPv6 unicast
// addresses in the same call we need to pass AF_UNSPEC.
dwErr = GetAdaptersAddresses( AF_UNSPEC, GAA_FLAG_SKIP_ANYCAST | GAA_FLAG_SKIP_MULTICAST | GAA_FLAG_SKIP_FRIENDLY_NAME, NULL, pAdapterAddresses, &BytesNeeded); if (dwErr == NO_ERROR) { SetPreviousState = TRUE; break; }
if (dwErr != ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { Trace1(ERR, _T("Error: GetAdaptersAddresses returned %d"), dwErr); if (pAdapterAddresses != NULL) { FREE(pAdapterAddresses); pAdapterAddresses = NULL; } goto Cleanup; }
if (pAdapterAddresses == NULL) pAdapterAddresses = MALLOC(BytesNeeded); else { PVOID Mem;
Mem = REALLOC(pAdapterAddresses, BytesNeeded); if (Mem == NULL) { FREE(pAdapterAddresses); } pAdapterAddresses = Mem; } if (pAdapterAddresses == NULL) { Trace0(ERR, _T("Error: malloc failed")); goto Cleanup; } }
// Check for site id changes. At the start of each iteration, everything
// before 'pIf' will be fine. Everything after it will be untouched.
for (pIf = pAdapterAddresses; pIf != NULL; pIf = pIf->Next) { //
// Don't change values for the 6to4 or ISATAP interfaces,
// since the site id is inherited off the underlying interface.
// Also we can't change values for IPv4-only interfaces.
if ((pIf->Ipv6IfIndex == V4_COMPAT_IFINDEX) || (pIf->Ipv6IfIndex == SIX_TO_FOUR_IFINDEX) || (pIf->Ipv6IfIndex == 0)) { continue; }
// Try to find if we have state for this interface from a previous
// invocation of OnIpv6AddressChange.
for (PreviousInterfaceState = g_PreviousInterfaceState; PreviousInterfaceState != NULL; PreviousInterfaceState = PreviousInterfaceState->Next) { if (PreviousInterfaceState->Ipv6IfIndex == pIf->Ipv6IfIndex) { break; } } if (PreviousInterfaceState != NULL) { //
// There is already state present for this interface. If the site
// id has changed from the previous state, this is a manual
// configuration. Set the manually changed flag to 1 (note that the
// Mtu is overloaded for this purpose).
if (PreviousInterfaceState->ZoneIndices[ScopeLevelSite] != pIf->ZoneIndices[ScopeLevelSite]) { pIf->SITEID_MANUALLY_CHANGED = 1; } else { pIf->SITEID_MANUALLY_CHANGED = PreviousInterfaceState->SITEID_MANUALLY_CHANGED; } } else { pIf->SITEID_MANUALLY_CHANGED = 0; } if (pIf->SITEID_MANUALLY_CHANGED == 1) { continue; }
for (pIf2 = pAdapterAddresses; pIf2 != pIf; pIf2 = pIf2->Next) { if ((pIf2->Ipv6IfIndex == V4_COMPAT_IFINDEX) || (pIf2->Ipv6IfIndex == SIX_TO_FOUR_IFINDEX) || (pIf2->Ipv6IfIndex == 0) || (pIf2->SITEID_MANUALLY_CHANGED == 1)) { continue; } if (SameSite(pIf, pIf2)) { if (pIf->ZoneIndices[ScopeLevelSite] != pIf2->ZoneIndices[ScopeLevelSite]) { //
// pIf has just moved into the same site as an earlier
// interface.
SetSiteId(pIf, pIf2->ZoneIndices[ScopeLevelSite]); } } else { if (pIf->ZoneIndices[ScopeLevelSite] == pIf2->ZoneIndices[ScopeLevelSite]) { //
// pIf has just moved out of its previous site.
// Pick a new unused site id.
NewSiteId(pIf, pAdapterAddresses); } } } }
for (pIf=pAdapterAddresses; pIf; pIf=pIf->Next) { if (pIf->Flags & IP_ADAPTER_DDNS_ENABLED) { //
// See if we've already done this interface because it
// had the same DNS server as a previous one.
for (pIf2=pAdapterAddresses; pIf2 != pIf; pIf2 = pIf2->Next) { if (!(pIf2->Flags & IP_ADAPTER_DDNS_ENABLED)) continue; if (IsSameDNSServer(pIf2, pIf)) { break; } }
// If not, go ahead and do DDNS.
if (pIf2 == pIf) { DoDdnsOnInterface(pIf); } } }
// A change in the set of IPv6 addresses might update the need for the
// different transition mechanisms.
Cleanup: //
// At this point, pAdapterAddresses is NULL, otherwise points to valid
// adapter data.
if (SetPreviousState) { if (g_PreviousInterfaceState) { FREE(g_PreviousInterfaceState); } g_PreviousInterfaceState = pAdapterAddresses; } else { ASSERT(pAdapterAddresses == NULL); }
Done: TraceLeave("OnIpv6AddressChange"); LEAVE_API(); }
VOID StopIpv6AddressChangeNotification() { if (g_hIpv6AddressChangeWait != NULL) { //
// Block until we're sure that the address change callback isn't
// still running.
LEAVE_API(); UnregisterWaitEx(g_hIpv6AddressChangeWait, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); ENTER_API();
// Release the event we counted for RegisterWaitForSingleObject
DecEventCount("AC:StopIpv6AddressChangeNotification"); g_hIpv6AddressChangeWait = NULL; }
if (g_PreviousInterfaceState != NULL) { FREE(g_PreviousInterfaceState); g_PreviousInterfaceState = NULL; } if (g_hIpv6AddressChangeEvent != NULL) { CloseHandle(g_hIpv6AddressChangeEvent); g_hIpv6AddressChangeEvent = NULL; }
if (g_hIpv6Socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(g_hIpv6Socket); g_hIpv6Socket = INVALID_SOCKET; } }