// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// utils.cpp
// Abstract:
// This module contains some utility functions for the tdi sample driver
#include "sysvars.h"
// private constants
//const PCHAR strFunc1 = "TSAllocateMemory";
const PCHAR strFunc2 = "TSFreeMemory"; const PCHAR strFunc3 = "TSScanMemoryPool"; //const PCHAR strFunc4 = "TSInsertNode";
const PCHAR strFunc5 = "TSRemoveNode"; const PCHAR strFunc6 = "TSGetObjectFromHandle"; //const PCHAR strFunc6 = "TSAllocateIrp";
//const PCHAR strFunc7 = "TSFreeIrp";
//const PCHAR strFunc8 = "TSPrintTaAddress";
const PCHAR strFunc9 = "TSllocateIrpPool"; const PCHAR strFuncA = "TSFreeIrpPool";
// public functions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSAllocateMemory
// Arguments: ppvVirtualAddress -- addr of pointer to set to allocated block
// ulLength -- length of memory to allocate
// strFunction -- ptr to function name string
// strTitle -- ptr to title of this allocation
// Returns: lStatus
// Descript: This function acts as a wrapper for the ExAllocatePoolWithTag
// function. It also stores info for each memory block that can
// identify them in case of "memory leaks"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// this structure store information about this memory block to allow
// us to track memory blocks, and verify that they are freed properly, that
// we don't write beyond the end of them, etc
struct PRIVATE_MEMORY { ULONG ulSignature; // ulMEMORY_BLOCK
PCHAR strFunction; // name of function doing allocate
PCHAR strTitle; // Title for specific allocate
ULONG ulLength; // ulong index of trailer (=(length/4)-1
PRIVATE_MEMORY *pLastMemPtr; // ptr to last allocated block
PRIVATE_MEMORY *pNextMemPtr; // ptr to next allocated block
const ULONG ulTRAIL_PATTERN = 0x0f1e2d3c; const ULONG ulMEMORY_BLOCK = 0x4b5a6978; #define TDISAMPLE_TAG 'aSDT'
NTSTATUS TSAllocateMemory(PVOID *ppvVirtualAddress, ULONG ulLength, CONST PCHAR strFunction, CONST PCHAR strTitle) { PVOID pvBaseMemory; // base -- where actual memory allocated
// allocate for length plus header plus trailer, rounded up to next dword
ulLength += (sizeof(PRIVATE_MEMORY) + sizeof(ULONG) + 3); ulLength &= 0xfffffffc;
// allocate it
pvBaseMemory = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, ulLength, TDISAMPLE_TAG);
// things to do if allocation was successful
if (pvBaseMemory) { //
// zero the memory
RtlZeroMemory(pvBaseMemory, ulLength);
// set up our header and trailer info
PRIVATE_MEMORY *pPrivateMemory // our header information
= (PRIVATE_MEMORY *)pvBaseMemory; PULONG pulBase = (PULONG)pvBaseMemory; //
// adjust the ptr we return to allocated memory
*ppvVirtualAddress = (PUCHAR)pvBaseMemory + sizeof(PRIVATE_MEMORY);
// set up our header information
ulLength /= sizeof(ULONG); // set ulLength to ulong index of trailer
pPrivateMemory->ulSignature = ulMEMORY_BLOCK; pPrivateMemory->strFunction = strFunction; pPrivateMemory->strTitle = strTitle; pPrivateMemory->ulLength = ulLength;
// set up the trailer information
pulBase[ulLength] = ulTRAIL_PATTERN;
// insert at head of linked list..
// (note that memory is already initialized to null)
TSAcquireSpinLock(&MemTdiSpinLock); if (pvMemoryList) { ((PRIVATE_MEMORY *)pvMemoryList)->pLastMemPtr = pPrivateMemory; pPrivateMemory->pNextMemPtr = (PRIVATE_MEMORY *)pvMemoryList; } pvMemoryList = pPrivateMemory; TSReleaseSpinLock(&MemTdiSpinLock);
return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { DebugPrint3("%s: unable to allocate %u bytes for %s\n", strFunction, ulLength, strTitle); *ppvVirtualAddress = NULL; return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSFreeMemory
// Arguments: pvVirtualAddress -- address of memory block to free
// Returns: None
// Descript: This function is a wrapper around the ExFreePool
// function. it helps track memory
// to make sure that we cleanup up everything...
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
VOID TSFreeMemory(PVOID pvVirtualAddress) { if (pvVirtualAddress == NULL) { DebugPrint1("%s: memory block already freed!\n", strFunc2); DbgBreakPoint(); return; }
// back up to start of header information
pvVirtualAddress = (PVOID)((PUCHAR)pvVirtualAddress - sizeof(PRIVATE_MEMORY));
PRIVATE_MEMORY *pPrivateMemory // ptr to our header block
= (PRIVATE_MEMORY *)pvVirtualAddress; PULONG pulTemp // temp ptr into allocated block
= (PULONG)pvVirtualAddress; ULONG ulLength = pPrivateMemory->ulLength; //
// is this a valid memory block?
if (pPrivateMemory->ulSignature != ulMEMORY_BLOCK) { DebugPrint2("%s: invalid memory block at %p!\n", strFunc2, pPrivateMemory); DbgBreakPoint(); return; }
// check that the trailer is still ok
if (pulTemp[ulLength] != ulTRAIL_PATTERN) { DebugPrint2("%s: trailer overwritten for block staring at %p\n", strFunc2, pPrivateMemory); DbgBreakPoint(); return; }
// remove it from the linked list..
// is it first block in list?
if (pPrivateMemory->pLastMemPtr == (PRIVATE_MEMORY *)NULL) { pvMemoryList = pPrivateMemory->pNextMemPtr; } else { PRIVATE_MEMORY *pLastPrivateMemory = pPrivateMemory->pLastMemPtr; pLastPrivateMemory->pNextMemPtr = pPrivateMemory->pNextMemPtr; }
// fix ptr of next memory block if necessary
if (pPrivateMemory->pNextMemPtr != (PVOID)NULL) { PRIVATE_MEMORY *pNextPrivateMemory = pPrivateMemory->pNextMemPtr; pNextPrivateMemory->pLastMemPtr = pPrivateMemory->pLastMemPtr; } TSReleaseSpinLock(&MemTdiSpinLock);
// zero memory and free--make sure we adjust ulLength to be the true length
RtlZeroMemory(pvVirtualAddress, sizeof(ULONG) * (ulLength + 1)); ExFreePool(pvVirtualAddress);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSScanMemoryPool
// Arguments: none
// Returns: none
// Descript: Scans to see if any tdi sample owned memory blocks have
// not been freed
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
VOID TSScanMemoryPool(VOID) { TSAcquireSpinLock(&MemTdiSpinLock); if (pvMemoryList) { PRIVATE_MEMORY *pPrivateMemory // our header information
= (PRIVATE_MEMORY *)pvMemoryList; PULONG pulTemp;
DebugPrint0("The following memory blocks have not been freed!\n"); while (pPrivateMemory) { //
// is this a valid memory block?
if (pPrivateMemory->ulSignature != ulMEMORY_BLOCK) { DebugPrint1("Memory block at %p has an invalid signature!\n", pPrivateMemory); DbgBreakPoint(); } DebugPrint2("Memory block at %p: total length = %d bytes\n", pPrivateMemory, sizeof(ULONG) * (pPrivateMemory->ulLength + 1)); DebugPrint2("Block '%s' was allocated by function %s\n", pPrivateMemory->strTitle, pPrivateMemory->strFunction);
pulTemp = (PULONG)pPrivateMemory;
// check that the trailer is still ok
if (pulTemp[pPrivateMemory->ulLength] != ulTRAIL_PATTERN) { DebugPrint0("The trailer for this memory block has been overwritten\n"); DbgBreakPoint(); } DebugPrint0("\n");
pPrivateMemory = pPrivateMemory->pNextMemPtr; } DebugPrint0("\n\n\n"); } else { DebugPrint0("All Tdi Sample memory blocks freed properly!\n"); } TSReleaseSpinLock(&MemTdiSpinLock); }
// --------------------------------------------
// Function: TSInsertNode
// Arguments: pNewNode -- node to insert into list
// Returns: Handle where we put things
// Descript: insert the object at the first empty slot in the
// table. Return Handle for it (NULL if error)
// --------------------------------------------
ULONG TSInsertNode(PGENERIC_HEADER pNewNode) { ULONG ulTdiHandle = 0;
for (ULONG ulCount = 0; ulCount < ulMAX_OBJ_HANDLES; ulCount++) { if (pObjectList->GenHead[ulCount] == NULL) { pObjectList->GenHead[ulCount] = pNewNode; ulTdiHandle = (ulCount + pNewNode->ulSignature); break; } } return ulTdiHandle; }
// ---------------------------------------------
// Function: TSRemoveNode
// Arguments: pOldNode -- node to remove from it's linked list..
// Returns: none
// Descript: remove from appropriate linked list
// ---------------------------------------------
VOID TSRemoveNode(ULONG ulTdiHandle) { ULONG ulType; ULONG ulSlot; PGENERIC_HEADER pGenericHeader;
ulType = ulTdiHandle & usOBJ_TYPE_MASK;
if ((ulType == ulControlChannelObject) || (ulType == ulAddressObject) || (ulType == ulEndpointObject)) { ulSlot = ulTdiHandle & usOBJ_HANDLE_MASK; pGenericHeader = pObjectList->GenHead[ulSlot]; if (pGenericHeader) { if (pGenericHeader->ulSignature == ulType) { pObjectList->GenHead[ulSlot] = NULL; return; }
// from here down, error cases
else { DebugPrint1("%s: wrong type for node!\n", strFunc5); } } else { DebugPrint1("%s: node is null!\n", strFunc5); } } else { DebugPrint1("%s: Bad handle type value\n", strFunc5); } }
// ---------------------------------------------
// Function: TSGetObjectFromHandle
// Arguments: TdiHandle -- the handle passed in to us
// ulType -- the type the handle needs to have
// Returns: pGenericHeader of object (NULL if error)
// Descript: fetch object from list via handle
// ---------------------------------------------
PGENERIC_HEADER TSGetObjectFromHandle(ULONG ulTdiHandle, ULONG ulType) { ULONG ulHandleType = ulTdiHandle & usOBJ_TYPE_MASK;
if ((ulHandleType & ulType) == ulHandleType) { ULONG ulHandleSlot = ulTdiHandle & usOBJ_HANDLE_MASK; PGENERIC_HEADER pGenericHeader = pObjectList->GenHead[ulHandleSlot];
if (pGenericHeader) { if (pGenericHeader->ulSignature == ulHandleType) { return pGenericHeader; }
// from here down, error conditions
else { DebugPrint1("%s: wrong type for node!\n", strFunc6); } } else { DebugPrint1("%s: node is null!\n", strFunc6); } } else { DebugPrint1("%s: Bad handle type value\n", strFunc6); } // DbgBreakPoint();
return NULL; }
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSAllocateIrp
// Arguments: pDeviceObject -- device object to call with this irp
// pIrpPool -- irp pool to allocate from (may be NULL)
// Returns: IRP that was allocated (NULL if error)
// Descript: allocates a single IRP for use in calling the
// lower level driver (TdiProvider)
// NOTE: much of this code taken from ntos\io\iosubs.c\IoBuildDeviceIoRequest
// see TSAllocateIrpPool for how we cheat
// ----------------------------------------------------
PIRP TSAllocateIrp(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, PIRP_POOL pIrpPool) { PIRP pNewIrp = NULL;
if (pIrpPool) { pNewIrp = pIrpPool->pAvailIrpList; if (!pNewIrp) { TSAcquireSpinLock(&pIrpPool->TdiSpinLock); pIrpPool->pAvailIrpList = pIrpPool->pUsedIrpList; pIrpPool->pUsedIrpList = NULL; TSReleaseSpinLock(&pIrpPool->TdiSpinLock); pNewIrp = pIrpPool->pAvailIrpList; } if (pNewIrp) { pIrpPool->pAvailIrpList = pNewIrp->AssociatedIrp.MasterIrp; pNewIrp->AssociatedIrp.MasterIrp = NULL; } } else { pNewIrp = IoAllocateIrp(pDeviceObject->StackSize, FALSE); pNewIrp->Tail.Overlay.Thread = PsGetCurrentThread();; }
if (pNewIrp) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(pNewIrp); pIrpSp->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL; pIrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.OutputBufferLength = 0; pIrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength = 0; pIrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode = 0x00000003; pIrpSp->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer = NULL; pNewIrp->UserBuffer = NULL; pNewIrp->UserIosb = NULL; pNewIrp->UserEvent = NULL; pNewIrp->RequestorMode = KernelMode; }
return pNewIrp;
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSFreeIrp
// Arguments: IRP to free
// pIrpPool -- pool to free to (may be NULL)
// Returns: none
// Descript: Frees the IRP passed in
// See TSAllocateIrpPool for how we cheat..
// ----------------------------------------------------
VOID TSFreeIrp(PIRP pIrp, PIRP_POOL pIrpPool) { if (pIrpPool) { TSAcquireSpinLock(&pIrpPool->TdiSpinLock); pIrp->AssociatedIrp.MasterIrp = pIrpPool->pUsedIrpList; pIrpPool->pUsedIrpList = pIrp; TSReleaseSpinLock(&pIrpPool->TdiSpinLock); if (pIrpPool->fMustFree) { TSFreeIrpPool(pIrpPool); } } else { IoFreeIrp(pIrp); } }
// ---------------------------------
// Function: TSPrintTaAddress
// Arguments: pTaAddress -- address to print out info for
// Returns: none
// Descript: prints out information in pTaAddress structure
// ---------------------------------
VOID TSPrintTaAddress(PTA_ADDRESS pTaAddress) { BOOLEAN fShowAddress = TRUE;
DebugPrint0("AddressType = TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_"); switch (pTaAddress->AddressType) { case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_UNSPEC: DebugPrint0("UNSPEC\n"); break; case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_UNIX: DebugPrint0("UNIX\n"); break;
case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_IP: DebugPrint0("IP\n"); fShowAddress = FALSE; { PTDI_ADDRESS_IP pTdiAddressIp = (PTDI_ADDRESS_IP)pTaAddress->Address; PUCHAR pucTemp = (PUCHAR)&pTdiAddressIp->in_addr; DebugPrint5("sin_port = 0x%04x\n" "in_addr = %u.%u.%u.%u\n", pTdiAddressIp->sin_port, pucTemp[0], pucTemp[1], pucTemp[2], pucTemp[3]); } break;
case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_IMPLINK: DebugPrint0("IMPLINK\n"); break; case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_PUP: DebugPrint0("PUP\n"); break; case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_CHAOS: DebugPrint0("CHAOS\n"); break;
case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_IPX: DebugPrint0("IPX\n"); fShowAddress = FALSE; { PTDI_ADDRESS_IPX pTdiAddressIpx = (PTDI_ADDRESS_IPX)pTaAddress->Address; DebugPrint8("NetworkAddress = 0x%08x\n" "NodeAddress = %u.%u.%u.%u.%u.%u\n" "Socket = 0x%04x\n", pTdiAddressIpx->NetworkAddress, pTdiAddressIpx->NodeAddress[0], pTdiAddressIpx->NodeAddress[1], pTdiAddressIpx->NodeAddress[2], pTdiAddressIpx->NodeAddress[3], pTdiAddressIpx->NodeAddress[4], pTdiAddressIpx->NodeAddress[5], pTdiAddressIpx->Socket); } break;
case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_NBS: DebugPrint0("NBS\n"); break; case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_ECMA: DebugPrint0("ECMA\n"); break; case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_DATAKIT: DebugPrint0("DATAKIT\n"); break; case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_CCITT: DebugPrint0("CCITT\n"); break; case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_SNA: DebugPrint0("SNA\n"); break; case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_DECnet: DebugPrint0("DECnet\n"); break; case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_DLI: DebugPrint0("DLI\n"); break; case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_LAT: DebugPrint0("LAT\n"); break; case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_HYLINK: DebugPrint0("HYLINK\n"); break;
DebugPrint3("Network = 0x%04x\n" "Node = 0x%02x\n" "Socket = 0x%02x\n", pTdiAddressAppleTalk->Network, pTdiAddressAppleTalk->Node, pTdiAddressAppleTalk->Socket); } break;
case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_NETBIOS: DebugPrint0("NETBIOS\n"); fShowAddress = FALSE; { PTDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS pTdiAddressNetbios = (PTDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS)pTaAddress->Address; UCHAR pucName[17];
// make sure we have a zero-terminated name to print...
RtlCopyMemory(pucName, pTdiAddressNetbios->NetbiosName, 16); pucName[16] = 0; DebugPrint0("NetbiosNameType = TDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS_TYPE_"); switch (pTdiAddressNetbios->NetbiosNameType) { case TDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS_TYPE_UNIQUE: DebugPrint0("UNIQUE\n"); break; case TDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS_TYPE_GROUP: DebugPrint0("GROUP\n"); break; case TDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS_TYPE_QUICK_UNIQUE: DebugPrint0("QUICK_UNIQUE\n"); break; case TDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS_TYPE_QUICK_GROUP: DebugPrint0("QUICK_GROUP\n"); break; default: DebugPrint1("INVALID [0x%04x]\n", pTdiAddressNetbios->NetbiosNameType); break; } DebugPrint1("NetbiosName = %s\n", pucName); } break;
case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_8022: DebugPrint0("8022\n"); fShowAddress = FALSE; { PTDI_ADDRESS_8022 pTdiAddress8022 = (PTDI_ADDRESS_8022)pTaAddress->Address; DebugPrint6("Address = %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x\n", pTdiAddress8022->MACAddress[0], pTdiAddress8022->MACAddress[1], pTdiAddress8022->MACAddress[2], pTdiAddress8022->MACAddress[3], pTdiAddress8022->MACAddress[4], pTdiAddress8022->MACAddress[5]);
} break;
case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_OSI_TSAP: DebugPrint0("OSI_TSAP\n"); fShowAddress = FALSE; { PTDI_ADDRESS_OSI_TSAP pTdiAddressOsiTsap = (PTDI_ADDRESS_OSI_TSAP)pTaAddress->Address; ULONG ulSelectorLength; ULONG ulAddressLength; PUCHAR pucTemp = pTdiAddressOsiTsap->tp_addr;
DebugPrint0("TpAddrType = ISO_"); switch (pTdiAddressOsiTsap->tp_addr_type) { case ISO_HIERARCHICAL: DebugPrint0("HIERARCHICAL\n"); ulSelectorLength = pTdiAddressOsiTsap->tp_tsel_len; ulAddressLength = pTdiAddressOsiTsap->tp_taddr_len; break; case ISO_NON_HIERARCHICAL: DebugPrint0("NON_HIERARCHICAL\n"); ulSelectorLength = 0; ulAddressLength = pTdiAddressOsiTsap->tp_taddr_len; break; default: DebugPrint1("INVALID [0x%04x]\n", pTdiAddressOsiTsap->tp_addr_type); ulSelectorLength = 0; ulAddressLength = 0; break; } if (ulSelectorLength) { ULONG ulCount;
DebugPrint0("TransportSelector: "); for (ulCount = 0; ulCount < ulSelectorLength; ulCount++) { DebugPrint1("%02x ", *pucTemp); ++pucTemp; } DebugPrint0("\n"); } if (ulAddressLength) { ULONG ulCount;
DebugPrint0("TransportAddress: "); for (ulCount = 0; ulCount < ulAddressLength; ulCount++) { DebugPrint1("%02x ", *pucTemp); ++pucTemp; } DebugPrint0("\n"); } } break;
case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_NETONE: DebugPrint0("NETONE\n"); fShowAddress = FALSE; { PTDI_ADDRESS_NETONE pTdiAddressNetone = (PTDI_ADDRESS_NETONE)pTaAddress->Address; UCHAR pucName[21];
// make sure have 0-terminated name
RtlCopyMemory(pucName, pTdiAddressNetone->NetoneName, 20); pucName[20] = 0; DebugPrint0("NetoneNameType = TDI_ADDRESS_NETONE_TYPE_"); switch (pTdiAddressNetone->NetoneNameType) { case TDI_ADDRESS_NETONE_TYPE_UNIQUE: DebugPrint0("UNIQUE\n"); break; case TDI_ADDRESS_NETONE_TYPE_ROTORED: DebugPrint0("ROTORED\n"); break; default: DebugPrint1("INVALID [0x%04x]\n", pTdiAddressNetone->NetoneNameType); break; } DebugPrint1("NetoneName = %s\n", pucName); } break;
case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_VNS: DebugPrint0("VNS\n"); fShowAddress = FALSE; { PTDI_ADDRESS_VNS pTdiAddressVns = (PTDI_ADDRESS_VNS)pTaAddress->Address;
DebugPrint4("NetAddress: %02x-%02x-%02x-%02x\n", pTdiAddressVns->net_address[0], pTdiAddressVns->net_address[1], pTdiAddressVns->net_address[2], pTdiAddressVns->net_address[3]); DebugPrint5("SubnetAddr: %02x-%02x\n" "Port: %02x-%02x\n" "Hops: %u\n", pTdiAddressVns->subnet_addr[0], pTdiAddressVns->subnet_addr[1], pTdiAddressVns->port[0], pTdiAddressVns->port[1], pTdiAddressVns->hops);
} break;
case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_NETBIOS_EX: DebugPrint0("NETBIOS_EX\n"); fShowAddress = FALSE; { PTDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS_EX pTdiAddressNetbiosEx = (PTDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS_EX)pTaAddress->Address; UCHAR pucEndpointName[17]; UCHAR pucNetbiosName[17];
// make sure we have zero-terminated names to print...
RtlCopyMemory(pucEndpointName, pTdiAddressNetbiosEx->EndpointName, 16); pucEndpointName[16] = 0; RtlCopyMemory(pucNetbiosName, pTdiAddressNetbiosEx->NetbiosAddress.NetbiosName, 16); pucNetbiosName[16] = 0;
DebugPrint1("EndpointName = %s\n" "NetbiosNameType = TDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS_TYPE_", pucEndpointName);
switch (pTdiAddressNetbiosEx->NetbiosAddress.NetbiosNameType) { case TDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS_TYPE_UNIQUE: DebugPrint0("UNIQUE\n"); break; case TDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS_TYPE_GROUP: DebugPrint0("GROUP\n"); break; case TDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS_TYPE_QUICK_UNIQUE: DebugPrint0("QUICK_UNIQUE\n"); break; case TDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS_TYPE_QUICK_GROUP: DebugPrint0("QUICK_GROUP\n"); break; default: DebugPrint1("INVALID [0x%04x]\n", pTdiAddressNetbiosEx->NetbiosAddress.NetbiosNameType); break; } DebugPrint1("NetbiosName = %s\n", pucNetbiosName); } break;
case TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_IP6: DebugPrint0("IPv6\n"); fShowAddress = FALSE; { PTDI_ADDRESS_IP6 pTdiAddressIp6 = (PTDI_ADDRESS_IP6)pTaAddress->Address; PUCHAR pucTemp = (PUCHAR)&pTdiAddressIp6->sin6_addr;
DebugPrint3("SinPort6 = 0x%04x\n" "FlowInfo = 0x%08x\n" "ScopeId = 0x%08x\n", pTdiAddressIp6->sin6_port, pTdiAddressIp6->sin6_flowinfo, pTdiAddressIp6->sin6_scope_id);
DebugPrint8("In6_addr = %x%02x:%x%02x:%x%02x:%x%02x:", pucTemp[0], pucTemp[1], pucTemp[2], pucTemp[3], pucTemp[4], pucTemp[5], pucTemp[6], pucTemp[7]); DebugPrint8("%x%02x:%x%02x:%x%02x:%x%02x\n", pucTemp[8], pucTemp[9], pucTemp[10], pucTemp[11], pucTemp[12], pucTemp[13], pucTemp[14], pucTemp[15]); } break;
default: DebugPrint1("UNKNOWN [0x%08x]\n", pTaAddress->AddressType); break; }
if (fShowAddress) { PUCHAR pucTemp = pTaAddress->Address;
DebugPrint1("AddressLength = %d\n" "Address = ", pTaAddress->AddressLength);
for (ULONG ulCount = 0; ulCount < pTaAddress->AddressLength; ulCount++) { DebugPrint1("%02x ", *pucTemp); pucTemp++; }
DebugPrint0("\n"); } }
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSAllocateIrpPool
// Arguments: device object
// Returns: ptr to irp pool
// Descript: allocates an IRP pool when the driver starts, so
// we don't have to worry about being in an inappropriate
// IRQL when we need one...
// NOTE: we cheat a little in maintaining our list of available Irps
// We use the AssociatedIrp.MasterIrp field to point to the
// next IRP in our list. Because of this, we need to explicitly
// set this field to NULL whenever we remove one of the IRPs from our
// list..
// ----------------------------------------------------
PIRP_POOL TSAllocateIrpPool(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, ULONG ulPoolSize) { PIRP_POOL pIrpPool = NULL;
if ((TSAllocateMemory((PVOID *)&pIrpPool, sizeof(IRP_POOL) + (ulPoolSize * sizeof(PVOID)), strFunc9, "IrpPool")) == STATUS_SUCCESS) { PIRP pNewIrp;
TSAllocateSpinLock(&pIrpPool->TdiSpinLock); pIrpPool->ulPoolSize = ulPoolSize; pIrpPool->fMustFree = FALSE;
for (ULONG ulCount = 0; ulCount < ulPoolSize; ulCount++) { pNewIrp = IoAllocateIrp(pDeviceObject->StackSize, FALSE); if (pNewIrp) { pNewIrp->Tail.Overlay.Thread = PsGetCurrentThread(); //
// store this irp in the list of allocated irps
pIrpPool->pAllocatedIrp[ulCount] = pNewIrp; //
// and add it to the beginning of the list of available irps
pNewIrp->AssociatedIrp.MasterIrp = pIrpPool->pAvailIrpList; pIrpPool->pAvailIrpList = pNewIrp; } } }
return pIrpPool; }
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Function: TSFreeIrpPool
// Arguments: ptr to irp pool to free
// Returns: none
// Descript: Frees the IRP pool allocated above
// ----------------------------------------------------
VOID TSFreeIrpPool(PIRP_POOL pIrpPool) { if (pIrpPool) { //
// free each irp in the Avail list
// clearing it from the allocated list
PIRP pThisIrp; PIRP pIrpList;
for(;;) { //
// protect irppool structure while get AvailList or UsedList
TSAcquireSpinLock(&pIrpPool->TdiSpinLock); pIrpList = pIrpPool->pAvailIrpList; if (pIrpList) { pIrpPool->pAvailIrpList = NULL; } else { //
// nothing on avail list, try used list
pIrpList = pIrpPool->pUsedIrpList; if (pIrpList) { pIrpPool->pUsedIrpList = NULL; } else { //
// nothing on either list
// go thru the pAllocatedIrp list just to be sure all are freed
for (ULONG ulCount = 0; ulCount < pIrpPool->ulPoolSize; ulCount++) { if (pIrpPool->pAllocatedIrp[ulCount]) { pIrpPool->fMustFree = TRUE; TSReleaseSpinLock(&pIrpPool->TdiSpinLock); DebugPrint1("Irp at %p not freed!\n", pIrpPool->pAllocatedIrp[ulCount]); //
// return here if a late irp needs to finish up cleanup
return; } } TSReleaseSpinLock(&pIrpPool->TdiSpinLock); //
// finished cleanup here -- all irps accounted for
TSFreeSpinLock(&pIrpPool->TdiSpinLock); TSFreeMemory(pIrpPool); return; } }
while (pIrpList) { pThisIrp = pIrpList; pIrpList = pIrpList->AssociatedIrp.MasterIrp; pThisIrp->AssociatedIrp.MasterIrp = NULL;
for (ULONG ulCount = 0; ulCount < pIrpPool->ulPoolSize; ulCount++) { if (pIrpPool->pAllocatedIrp[ulCount] == pThisIrp) { pIrpPool->pAllocatedIrp[ulCount] = NULL; break; } } IoFreeIrp(pThisIrp); } // end of while(pIrpList)
} // end of for(;;)
} }
// end of file utils.cpp