Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains functions of the name handler component of the name space manager of WINS.
The name handler is responsible for handling all name registrations, name refreshes, name requests, and name releases.
Functions: NmsNmhNamRegInd - Register Unique Name NmsNmhNamRegGrp - Register Group Name NmsNmhNamRelease - Release a name NmsNmhNamQuery - Query a name ..... .....
Portability: This module is portable
Author: Pradeep Bahl (PradeepB) Dec-1992
Revision History:
Modification date Person Description of modification ----------------- ------- ---------------------------- --*/
Includes */
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "wins.h"
#include "nmsdb.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "nms.h"
#include "nmsnmh.h"
#include "nmsmsgf.h"
#include "nmschl.h"
#include "winsevt.h"
#include "winscnf.h"
#include "winsmsc.h"
#include "winsque.h"
#include "rpl.h"
#include "winsintf.h"
* Local Macro Declarations */
* Local Typedef Declarations */
* Global Variable Definitions */
VERS_NO_T NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo; //max. vers. no of entries owned
//by this wins
VERS_NO_T NmsNmhIncNo; //a large integer initialized to 1
CRITICAL_SECTION NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec; //for name registrations and
* Local Variable Definitions */
* Local Function Prototype Declarations */
/* prototypes for functions local to this module go here */
// Send response to name release request
// Send response to name query request
// handle clash at name registration of a unique entry
STATIC STATUS ClashAtRegInd ( IN PNMSDB_ROW_INFO_T pEntryToReg, IN PNMSDB_STAT_INFO_T pEntryInCnf, IN BOOL fRefresh, OUT PBOOL pfUpdate, OUT PBOOL pfUpdVersNo, OUT PBOOL pfChallenge, OUT PBOOL pfAddMem, OUT PBOOL pfAddDiff, OUT PBOOL pfRetPosRsp );
// handle clash at name registration of a group entry
STATIC STATUS ClashAtRegGrp ( IN PNMSDB_ROW_INFO_T pEntryToReg, IN PNMSDB_STAT_INFO_T pEntryInCnf, IN BOOL fRefresh, OUT PBOOL pfAddMem, OUT PBOOL pfUpdate, OUT PBOOL pfUpdVersNo, OUT PBOOL pfChallenge, OUT PBOOL pfRetPosRsp );
// handle clash at the name registration of unique entry's replica
STATIC VOID ClashAtReplUniqueR ( IN PNMSDB_ROW_INFO_T pEntryToReg, IN PNMSDB_STAT_INFO_T pEntryInCnf, OUT PBOOL pfUpdate, OUT PBOOL pfUpdVersNo, OUT PBOOL pfChallenge, OUT PBOOL pfRelease, OUT PBOOL pfInformWins );
// handle clash at the name registration of group entry's replica
STATIC VOID ClashAtReplGrpR ( IN PNMSDB_ROW_INFO_T pEntryToReg, IN PNMSDB_STAT_INFO_T pEntryInCnf, OUT PBOOL pfAddMem, OUT PBOOL pfUpdate, OUT PBOOL pfUpdVersNo, OUT PBOOL pfRelease, OUT PBOOL pfChallenge, OUT PBOOL pfUpdTimeStamp, OUT PBOOL pfInformWins
// check if the entry to register is a member of the special group found in
// the db
STATIC BOOL MemInGrp( IN PCOMM_ADD_T pAddToReg, IN PNMSDB_STAT_INFO_T pEntryInCnf, IN PBOOL pfOwned, IN BOOL fRemoveReplica );
STATIC VOID RemoveAllMemOfOwner( PNMSDB_STAT_INFO_T pEntry, DWORD OwnerId ); //
// Do a union of two special groups
FUTURES("use when internet group masks are used") #if 0
STATIC BYTE HexAsciiToBinary( LPBYTE pByte ); STATIC BOOL IsItSpecGrpNm( LPBYTE pName ); #endif
// Function definitions
STATUS NmsNmhNamRegInd( IN PCOMM_HDL_T pDlgHdl, IN LPBYTE pName, IN DWORD NameLen, IN PCOMM_ADD_T pNodeAdd, IN BYTE NodeTyp, //change to take Flag byte
IN MSG_T pMsg, IN MSG_LEN_T MsgLen, IN DWORD QuesNamSecLen, IN BOOL fRefresh, IN BOOL fStatic, IN BOOL fAdmin )
Routine Description: This function registers a unique name in the directory database.
Arguments: pDlgHdl - Dialogue Handle pName - Name to be registered NameLen - Length of Name NodeTyp - Whether nbt node doing the registration is a P or M node pNodeAdd - NBT node's address NodeTyp - Type of Node (B, M, P) pMsg - Datagram received (i.e. the name request) Msglen - Length of message QuesNamSecLen - Length of the Question Name Section in the RFC packet fRefresh - Is it a refresh request fStatic - Is it a STATIC entry fAdmin - Is it an administrative action
Externals Used: NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec, NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo
Return Value:
Success status codes -- WINS_SUCCESS Error status codes -- WINS_FAILURE
Error Handling:
Called by:
NmsMsgfProcNbtReq, WinsRecordAction
Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/
NMSDB_ROW_INFO_T RowInfo; // contains row info
NMSDB_STAT_INFO_T StatusInfo; /* error status and associated
* info returned by the NmsDb func */ BOOL fChlBeingDone = FALSE; //indicates whether
//challenge is being
BOOL fUpdate; //indicates whether conflicting entry
//needs to be overwritten
BOOL fUpdVersNo; //indicates whether version number
//needs to be incremented
BOOL fChallenge; //indicates whether a challenge needs
//to be done
time_t ltime; //stores time since Jan 1, 1970
//is a browser name
BOOL fAddDiff; //indicates that the address is diff
BOOL fAddMem; //indicates whether member should be
//added to the multihomed entry
BOOL fRetPosRsp;
DWORD StartTimeInMsec; // DWORD EndTimeInMsec;
* initialize the row info. data structure with the data to insert into * the row. The data passed is * * Name, NameLen, address, group/unique status, * timestamp, version number */ DBGENTER("NmsNmhNamRegInd\n");
// if the 16th char is 0x1C or 0x1E, reject the registration
// since these names are reserved.
if ((*(pName + 15) == 0x1C) || (*(pName + 15) == 0x1E)) { RspInfo.RefreshInterval = 0; Rcode_e = NMSMSGF_E_RFS_ERR; goto SNDRSP; }
RowInfo.pName = pName;
DBGPRINT3(FLOW, "NmsNmhNamRegInd: %s name to register -- (%s). 16th char is (%x)\n", fStatic ? "STATIC" : "DYNAMIC", RowInfo.pName, *(RowInfo.pName+15));
RowInfo.NameLen = NameLen; RowInfo.pNodeAdd = pNodeAdd; RowInfo.NodeTyp = NodeTyp; //Node type (B, P or M node)
RowInfo.EntTyp = NMSDB_UNIQUE_ENTRY; // this is a unique
(void)time(<ime); //time() does not return any error code
RowInfo.EntryState_e = NMSDB_E_ACTIVE; RowInfo.OwnerId = NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID; RowInfo.fUpdVersNo = TRUE; RowInfo.fUpdTimeStamp = TRUE; RowInfo.fLocal = !(fStatic || fAdmin) ? COMM_IS_IT_LOCAL_M(pDlgHdl) : FALSE; RowInfo.fStatic = fStatic; RowInfo.fAdmin = fAdmin; // RowInfo.CommitGrBit = 0;
FUTURES("Currently there we don't check to see whether the address in the") FUTURES("packet is same as the address of the node that sent this request") FUTURES("RFCs are silent about this. Investigate")
// Check if it is a browser name. If yes, it requires
// special handling
if (!NMSDB_IS_IT_BROWSER_NM_M(RowInfo.pName)) {
* Enter Critical Section */ EnterCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec);
// Put expiry time here
ltime += WinsCnf.RefreshInterval; RowInfo.TimeStamp = (fStatic ? MAXLONG : ltime);
PERF("Adds to critical section code. Improve perf by getting rid of this") PERF("Administrator would then get a cumulative count of reg and ref") if (!fRefresh) { WinsIntfStat.Counters.NoOfUniqueReg++; } else { WinsIntfStat.Counters.NoOfUniqueRef++; }
// Set the refresh interval field. We must do this
// from within the WinsCnfCnfCrtSec or NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec
// critical section (synchronize with main thread doing
// reinitialization or with an RPC thread)
RspInfo.RefreshInterval = WinsCnf.RefreshInterval;
* Store version number */ RowInfo.VersNo = NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo;
try { #ifdef WINSDBG
IF_DBG(TM) { StartTimeInMsec = GetTickCount(); } #endif
* Insert record in the directory */ RetStat = NmsDbInsertRowInd( &RowInfo, &StatusInfo ); #ifdef WINSDBG
IF_DBG(TM) { DBGPRINT2(TM, "NmsNmhNamRegInd: Time in NmsDbInsertRowInd is = (%d msecs). RetStat is (%d)\n", GetTickCount() - StartTimeInMsec, RetStat); } #endif
if (RetStat == WINS_SUCCESS) { /*
* If there is a conflict, do the appropriate * processing */ if (StatusInfo.StatCode == NMSDB_CONFLICT) { DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "NmsNmhNamRegInd: Name Conflict\n"); ClashAtRegInd( &RowInfo, &StatusInfo, fRefresh, &fUpdate, &fUpdVersNo, &fChallenge, &fAddMem, &fAddDiff, &fRetPosRsp );
PERF("Change the order of if tests to improve performance") if (fChallenge) { DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "NmsNmhNamRegInd: Handing name registration to challenge manager\n"); WinsIntfStat.Counters.NoOfUniqueCnf++;
//Ask the Name Challenge component to take
//it from here
NmsChlHdlNamReg( NMSCHL_E_CHL, WINS_E_NMSNMH, pDlgHdl, pMsg, MsgLen, QuesNamSecLen, &RowInfo, &StatusInfo, NULL ); fChlBeingDone = TRUE; } else { if (fUpdate) { if (!fUpdVersNo) { RowInfo.fUpdVersNo = FALSE; } else { WinsIntfStat.Counters.NoOfUniqueCnf++; } // RowInfo.CommitGrBit = JET_bitCommitLazyFlush;
RetStat = NmsDbUpdateRow( &RowInfo, &StatusInfo );
FUTURES("Use WINS status codes. Get rid of NMSDB status codes - Maybe") if ((RetStat != WINS_SUCCESS) || (StatusInfo.StatCode != NMSDB_SUCCESS)) { Rcode_e = NMSMSGF_E_SRV_ERR; } else //we succeeded in inserting the row
DBGPRINT1(FLOW, "%s Registration Done after conflict \n", fStatic ? "STATIC" : "DYNAMIC"); if (fUpdVersNo) { NMSNMH_INC_VERS_COUNTER_M( NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo, NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo ); //
// Send a Push Notification if required
DBGIF(fWinsCnfRplEnabled) RPL_PUSH_NTF_M( (WinsCnf.PushInfo.fAddChgTrigger == TRUE) ? fAddDiff : RPL_PUSH_NO_PROP, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } } else // no simple update required
{ if (fRetPosRsp) { Rcode_e = NMSMSGF_E_SUCCESS; } else { if (fAddMem) {
DWORD i; PNMSDB_GRP_MEM_ENTRY_T pRowMem = &RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[1]; PNMSDB_GRP_MEM_ENTRY_T pCnfMem = StatusInfo.NodeAdds.Mem;
// Add the new member
// Note: first member in RowInfo.NodeAdds is the
// one we tried to register. We tack on
// all the members found in the conflicting
// record to it
RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[0].OwnerId = NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID;
RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[0].TimeStamp = ltime;
RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[0].Add = *pNodeAdd;
for ( i = 0; i < min(StatusInfo.NodeAdds.NoOfMems, (NMSDB_MAX_MEMS_IN_GRP - 1)); i++, pRowMem++, pCnfMem++) { *pRowMem = *pCnfMem; } RowInfo.NodeAdds.NoOfMems = StatusInfo.NodeAdds.NoOfMems + 1;
RowInfo.EntTyp = NMSDB_MULTIHOMED_ENTRY; RowInfo.pNodeAdd = NULL; if (!fUpdVersNo) { RowInfo.fUpdVersNo = FALSE; }
RetStat = NmsDbUpdateRow( &RowInfo, &StatusInfo );
if ((RetStat == WINS_SUCCESS) && (StatusInfo.StatCode == NMSDB_SUCCESS)) { if (fUpdVersNo) {
NMSNMH_INC_VERS_COUNTER_M( NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo, NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo ); //
// Send a Push notification if required
} } else { Rcode_e = NMSMSGF_E_SRV_ERR; } } else { DBGPRINT1(FLOW, " %s Registration Failed. Conflict\n", fStatic ? "STATIC" : "DYNAMIC" ); DBGPRINT1(DET, "%s Registration Failed. Conflict\n", fStatic ? "STATIC" : "DYNAMIC"); Rcode_e = NMSMSGF_E_ACT_ERR; }
} } } } else //no conflict means success
DBGPRINT1(FLOW, "%s Registration Done. No conflict\n", fStatic ? "STATIC" : "DYNAMIC"); #if 0
DBGPRINT1(SPEC, " %s Registration Done. No conflict\n", fStatic ? "STATIC" : "DYNAMIC"); #endif
NMSNMH_INC_VERS_COUNTER_M( NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo, NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo ); //
// Send a Push Notification if required
} } else //RetStat != WINS_SUCCESS
{ Rcode_e = NMSMSGF_E_SRV_ERR; } } // end of try block
except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DBGPRINTEXC("NmsNmhNamRegInd"); DBGPRINT3(EXC, "NmsNmhNamRegInd. Name is (%s), Version No (%d %d)\n", RowInfo.pName, RowInfo.VersNo.HighPart, RowInfo.VersNo.LowPart);
WinsEvtLogDetEvt(FALSE, WINS_EVT_REG_UNIQUE_ERR, NULL, __LINE__, "sddd", RowInfo.pName, GetExceptionCode(), RowInfo.VersNo.LowPart, RowInfo.VersNo.HighPart);
Rcode_e = NMSMSGF_E_SRV_ERR; } LeaveCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec); // DBG_PRINT_PERF_DATA
} else { /*
* Enter Critical Section */ EnterCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec);
// Set the refresh interval field
RspInfo.RefreshInterval = WinsCnf.RefreshInterval; LeaveCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec);
// The name registration was for a browser name.
// We always return a positive response
// Send a response only if we did not hand over the request to the
// name challenge manager and if it is neither a STATIC initialization
// request nor a rpc request
if ((!fChlBeingDone) && (!fStatic) && (!fAdmin)) {
DBGPRINT1(FLOW, "NmsNmhNamRegInd: Sending %s name registration response\n", Rcode_e == NMSMSGF_E_SUCCESS ? "positive" : "negative" );
RspInfo.Rcode_e = Rcode_e; RspInfo.pMsg = pMsg; RspInfo.MsgLen = MsgLen; RspInfo.QuesNamSecLen = QuesNamSecLen;
NmsNmhSndNamRegRsp( pDlgHdl, &RspInfo ); }
// If it is an RPC request, we need to return a success or a failure
// indication.
if (fAdmin) { if (Rcode_e != NMSMSGF_E_SUCCESS) { DBGLEAVE("NmsNmhNamRegInd\n"); return(WINS_FAILURE); } }
DBGLEAVE("NmsNmhNamRegInd\n"); return(WINS_SUCCESS); }
STATUS NmsNmhNamRegGrp( IN PCOMM_HDL_T pDlgHdl, IN PBYTE pName, IN DWORD NameLen, IN PNMSMSGF_CNT_ADD_T pCntAdd, IN BYTE NodeTyp, //change to take Flag byte
IN MSG_T pMsg, IN MSG_LEN_T MsgLen, IN DWORD QuesNamSecLen, IN DWORD TypeOfRec, IN BOOL fRefresh, IN BOOL fStatic, IN BOOL fAdmin )
Routine Description: This function registers a group record.
Special group: the name is registered with the IP address in the member list Normal group the name is registered with single address (to avoid special casing. The address is not used)
In case the group registration succeeds, a positive name registration response is sent, else a negative name registration response is sent.
pDlgHdl - Dialogue Handle pName - Name to be registered NameLen - Length of Name pNodeAdd - NBT node's address pMsg - Datagram received (i.e. the name request) Msglen - Length of message QuesNamSecLen - Length of the Question Name Section in the RFC packet fStatic - Is it a STATIC entry fAdmin - Is it an administrative action
Externals Used: NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec, NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo
Return Value:
Success status codes -- WINS_SUCCESS Error status codes -- WINS_FAILURE
Error Handling:
Called by:
NmsMsgfProcNbtReq, WinsRecordAction
Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/ {
NMSDB_ROW_INFO_T RowInfo; // contains row info
NMSDB_STAT_INFO_T StatusInfo; /* error status and associated
* info returned by the NmsDb func */ BOOL fChlBeingDone = FALSE; //indicates whether
//challenge is being
BOOL fAddMem; //indicates whether member should be
//added to the group
BOOL fUpdate; //indicates whether conflicting entry
//needs to be overwritten
BOOL fUpdVersNo; //inidicates whether version number
//needs to be incremented
BOOL fChallenge; //indicates whether a challenge needs
//to be done
time_t ltime; //stores time since Jan 1, 1970
BOOL fIsSpecial = FALSE; //Is this a special group
DWORD StartTimeInMsec; // DWORD EndTimeInMsec;
* initialize the row info. data structure with the data to insert into * the row. The data passed is
* Name, NameLen, IP address, group/unique status, * timestamp, version number */ RowInfo.pName = pName; RowInfo.pNodeAdd = NULL;
DBGPRINT4(FLOW, "NmsNmhNamRegGrp: %s Name (%s) to register -- (%s). 16th char is (%x)\n", fStatic ? "STATIC" : "DYNAMIC", RowInfo.pName, TypeOfRec == NMSDB_MULTIHOMED_ENTRY ? "MULTIHOMED" : "NORMAL/SPECIAL GROUP", *(RowInfo.pName + 15));
RowInfo.NameLen = NameLen; (void)time(<ime); //time does not return any error code
EnterCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec); ltime += WinsCnf.RefreshInterval; LeaveCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec);
//Initialize this
RspInfo.RefreshInterval = 0; PERF("Stop checking for 1B name in nmsmsgf.c. Do the switch in RegInd and ") PERF("RegGrp function. That way, we will save some cycles for the grp reg/ref") //
// do the initialization based on the type of group.
// Note: If the name qualifies as a special group name, then
// even if it is a multihomed, we mark it as a special group
if (NMSDB_IS_IT_SPEC_GRP_NM_M(pName) || (TypeOfRec == NMSDB_SPEC_GRP_ENTRY)) // if (IsItSpecGrpNm(pName))
{ DWORD i; RowInfo.EntTyp = NMSDB_SPEC_GRP_ENTRY; // this is a special grp
RowInfo.NodeAdds.NoOfMems = pCntAdd->NoOfAdds; for (i = 0; i < pCntAdd->NoOfAdds; i++) { RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[i].Add = pCntAdd->Add[i]; RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[i].OwnerId = NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID;
// Put expiration time here. WE PUT A MAXULONG FOR A STATIC
// would require changes to MemInGrp().
FUTURES("set MAXULONG for mh members also") RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[i].TimeStamp = ((fStatic && (TypeOfRec == NMSDB_SPEC_GRP_ENTRY)) ? MAXLONG : ltime); }
// Init pNodeAdd field to NULL. This field is checked by
// QueInsertChlReqWrkItm called by NmsChlHdlNamReg (called
// to hand over a challenge request to the name challenge mgr).
RowInfo.pNodeAdd = NULL; } else // normal group or a multi-homed registration
{ //
// if the name is not mh, it means that it is a group. The
// registration for this group may have come with the MULTIHOMED
// opcode (meaning it is a multihomed node registering the group)
// (see nmsmsgf.c)
if (TypeOfRec != NMSDB_MULTIHOMED_ENTRY) { if (*pName != 0x1B) { RowInfo.pNodeAdd = &pCntAdd->Add[0]; RowInfo.EntTyp = NMSDB_NORM_GRP_ENTRY; RowInfo.NodeAdds.NoOfMems = pCntAdd->NoOfAdds; RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[0].Add = pCntAdd->Add[0]; RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[0].OwnerId = NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID; RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[0].TimeStamp = ltime; // put current time
} else { //
// a 1B name is for browser use. We can not let this one
// preempt it
NOTE("TTL is not being set. This shouldn't break UB nodes, but you never know") Rcode_e = NMSMSGF_E_RFS_ERR; goto SNDRSP; } } else { //
// It is a multihomed entry
if (NMSDB_IS_IT_BROWSER_NM_M(RowInfo.pName)) { /*
* Enter Critical Section */ EnterCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec);
// Set the refresh interval field
RspInfo.RefreshInterval = WinsCnf.RefreshInterval; LeaveCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec);
// The name registration was for a browser name.
// We always return a positive response
} else {
DWORD i; if (*(RowInfo.pName+15) == 0x1E) { Rcode_e = NMSMSGF_E_RFS_ERR; goto SNDRSP; } RowInfo.NodeAdds.NoOfMems = pCntAdd->NoOfAdds; for (i = 0; i < pCntAdd->NoOfAdds; i++) { RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[i].Add = pCntAdd->Add[i]; RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[i].OwnerId = NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID; RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[i].TimeStamp = ltime; // put current time
} RowInfo.EntTyp = NMSDB_MULTIHOMED_ENTRY; } } }
RowInfo.TimeStamp = (fStatic ? MAXLONG : ltime); RowInfo.OwnerId = NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID; RowInfo.EntryState_e = NMSDB_E_ACTIVE; RowInfo.fUpdVersNo = TRUE; RowInfo.fUpdTimeStamp = TRUE; RowInfo.fLocal = !(fStatic || fAdmin) ? COMM_IS_IT_LOCAL_M(pDlgHdl) : FALSE; RowInfo.fStatic = fStatic; RowInfo.fAdmin = fAdmin; // RowInfo.CommitGrBit = 0;
// Put this initialization here even though it is not required for
// special group groups. This is to save cycles in
// the critical section (check UpdateDb in nmsdb.c; if
// we don't initialize this for special groups, we have to
// put an if test (with associated & to get the type of record
// bits) versus an or.
RowInfo.NodeTyp = NodeTyp; //Node type (B, P or M node)
* Enter Critical Section */ EnterCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec); //DBG_START_PERF_MONITORING
PERF("Adds to critical section code. Improve perf by getting rid of this") PERF("Administrator would then get a cumulative count of reg and ref") if (!fRefresh) { WinsIntfStat.Counters.NoOfGroupReg++; } else { WinsIntfStat.Counters.NoOfGroupRef++; }
// Set the refresh interval field. We must do this
// from within the WinsCnfCnfCrtSec or NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec
// critical section
RspInfo.RefreshInterval = WinsCnf.RefreshInterval;
* Store version number */ RowInfo.VersNo = NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo;
try { #ifdef WINSDBG
IF_DBG(TM) { StartTimeInMsec = GetTickCount(); } #endif
* Insert record in the directory */ RetStat = NmsDbInsertRowGrp( &RowInfo, &StatusInfo );
#ifdef WINSDBG
IF_DBG(TM) { DBGPRINT2(TM, "NmsNmhNamRegGrp: Time in NmsDbInsertRowGrp is = (%d msecs). RetStat is (%d)\n", GetTickCount() - StartTimeInMsec, RetStat); } #endif
if (RetStat == WINS_SUCCESS) { /*
* If there is a conflict, do the appropriate processing */ if (StatusInfo.StatCode == NMSDB_CONFLICT) {
RetStat = ClashAtRegGrp( &RowInfo, &StatusInfo, fRefresh, // will never be TRUE for a multihomed reg
&fAddMem, &fUpdate, &fUpdVersNo, &fChallenge, &fRetPosRsp );
if (RetStat == WINS_SUCCESS) {
// If fChallenge is set, it means that we should challenge the
// node in conflict.
if (fChallenge) { WinsIntfStat.Counters.NoOfGroupCnf++; fChlBeingDone = TRUE; NmsChlHdlNamReg( NMSCHL_E_CHL, WINS_E_NMSNMH, pDlgHdl, pMsg, MsgLen, QuesNamSecLen, &RowInfo, &StatusInfo, // &StatusInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[0].Add,
NULL ); } else { if (fUpdate) { //
// In case of a special group, we could
// be updating the row without incrementing
// its version number (the row is not owned
// by us)
if (!fUpdVersNo) { RowInfo.fUpdVersNo = FALSE; } else { WinsIntfStat.Counters.NoOfGroupCnf++; }
FUTURES("Check return status of NmsDbUpdateRow instead of checking StatCode") RetStat = NmsDbUpdateRow( &RowInfo, &StatusInfo );
FUTURES("Use WINS status codes. Get rid of NMSDB status codes - Maybe") if ((RetStat != WINS_SUCCESS) || (StatusInfo.StatCode != NMSDB_SUCCESS)) { Rcode_e = NMSMSGF_E_SRV_ERR; } else //we succeeded in inserting the row
{ DBGPRINT1(FLOW, "%s Registration Done after conflict.\n", fStatic ? "STATIC" : "DYNAMIC");
if (fUpdVersNo) { NMSNMH_INC_VERS_COUNTER_M( NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo, NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo );
// Send a Push notification if
// required
DBGIF(fWinsCnfRplEnabled) RPL_PUSH_NTF_M(RPL_PUSH_NO_PROP, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } } else { //
// if a member needs to be added
if (fAddMem) {
DWORD i; PNMSDB_GRP_MEM_ENTRY_T pRegMem = &RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[RowInfo.NodeAdds.NoOfMems]; PNMSDB_GRP_MEM_ENTRY_T pCnfMem = StatusInfo.NodeAdds.Mem; PERF("Needs to be optimized")
// Add the new member
// Note: Members in RowInfo.NodeAdds are the
// ones we tried to register. We tack on
// all the members found in the conflicting
// record to it. A special group will have
// just one member; a multihomed record can
// have 1-NMSDB_MAX_MEMS_IN_GRP members.
// We always prefer locally registered
// group members to those that registered at
// other name servers.
for ( i = 0; i < min(StatusInfo.NodeAdds.NoOfMems, (NMSDB_MAX_MEMS_IN_GRP - RowInfo.NodeAdds.NoOfMems)); i++) { *pRegMem++ = *pCnfMem++; } RowInfo.NodeAdds.NoOfMems += i; RowInfo.pNodeAdd = NULL;
// The situations where this would be
// FALSE is 1) when the member already exists,
// is owned by us and is in a record owned
// by us also. 2) a MH record clashes with a
// non-owned MH record
if (!fUpdVersNo) { RowInfo.fUpdVersNo = FALSE; // ASSERT(StatusInfo.OwnerId == NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID);
} // RowInfo.CommitGrBit = JET_bitCommitLazyFlush;
RetStat = NmsDbUpdateRow( &RowInfo, &StatusInfo ); if ((RetStat == WINS_SUCCESS) && (StatusInfo.StatCode == NMSDB_SUCCESS)) { if (fUpdVersNo) { NMSNMH_INC_VERS_COUNTER_M( NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo, NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo ); //
// Send a Push notification if required
DBGIF(fWinsCnfRplEnabled) RPL_PUSH_NTF_M(RPL_PUSH_NO_PROP, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } else { DBGPRINT3(ERR, "NmsNmhNamRegGrp: Could not add member to the special group (%s[%x]). No Of Members existent are (%d)\n", RowInfo.pName, RowInfo.pName[15], RowInfo.NodeAdds.NoOfMems - 1); Rcode_e = NMSMSGF_E_SRV_ERR; } } else { if (!fRetPosRsp) { DBGPRINT1(FLOW, " %s Registration Failed. Conflict\n", fStatic ? "STATIC" : "DYNAMIC" ); Rcode_e = NMSMSGF_E_ACT_ERR; } } } } } //RetStat from ClashAtRegGrp != WINS_SUCCESS
else { Rcode_e = NMSMSGF_E_SRV_ERR; } } else //no conflict means success
{ DBGPRINT2(FLOW, "%s %s Registration Done. No conflict\n", fStatic ? "STATIC" : "DYNAMIC", TypeOfRec == NMSDB_MULTIHOMED_ENTRY ? "MULTIHOMED" : "GROUP"); NMSNMH_INC_VERS_COUNTER_M( NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo, NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo ); DBGIF(fWinsCnfRplEnabled) RPL_PUSH_NTF_M(RPL_PUSH_NO_PROP, NULL, NULL, NULL); } } else //RetStat != SUCCESS
{ Rcode_e = NMSMSGF_E_SRV_ERR;
} } // end of try block
except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DBGPRINTEXC("NmsNmhNamRegGrp"); WinsEvtLogDetEvt(FALSE, WINS_EVT_REG_GRP_ERR, NULL, __LINE__, "sddd", RowInfo.pName, GetExceptionCode(), RowInfo.VersNo.LowPart, RowInfo.VersNo.HighPart);
Rcode_e = NMSMSGF_E_SRV_ERR; }
LeaveCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec); //DBG_PRINT_PERF_DATA;
// Send a response only if we did not hand over the request to the
// name challenge manager and if it is neither a STATIC initialization
// request nor a rpc request
if ((!fChlBeingDone) && (!fStatic) && (!fAdmin)) {
DBGPRINT1(FLOW, "NmsNmhNamRegGrp: Sending %s name registration response\n", Rcode_e == NMSMSGF_E_SUCCESS ? "positive" : "negative" );
RspInfo.Rcode_e = Rcode_e; RspInfo.pMsg = pMsg; RspInfo.MsgLen = MsgLen; RspInfo.QuesNamSecLen = QuesNamSecLen;
NmsNmhSndNamRegRsp( pDlgHdl, &RspInfo ); }
// If it is an RPC request, we need to return a success or a failure
// indication.
if (fAdmin) { if (Rcode_e != NMSMSGF_E_SUCCESS) { DBGLEAVE("NmsNmhNamRegGrp\n"); return(WINS_FAILURE); } }
DBGLEAVE("NmsNmhNamRegGrp\n"); return(WINS_SUCCESS);
#if 0
__inline BYTE HexAsciiToBinary( LPBYTE pByte )
Routine Description: This function converts two bytes (each byte contains the ascii equivalent of a hex character in the range 0-F) to a binary representation
Externals Used: None
Return Value:
Error Handling:
Called by:
Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/
{ BYTE Byte = 0; DWORD Nibbles = 0; do { if (*pByte >= '0' && *pByte <= '9') { Byte += (*pByte - '0') << (Nibbles * 4); } else { Byte += (*pByte - 'A') << (Nibbles * 4); } pByte++; } while (++Nibbles < 2); return(Byte); }
BOOL IsItSpecGrpNm( LPBYTE pName )
Routine Description: This function is called to check whether the name is a special (internel group)
Externals Used: None
Return Value:
Success status codes -- Error status codes --
Error Handling:
Called by:
Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/
{ DWORD Index; DWORD ByteIndex; BYTE TmpName[16]; LPBYTE pTmpName = TmpName; LPBYTE pSpecGrpMaskByte; LPBYTE pSpecGrpMask;
if (NMSDB_IS_IT_DOMAIN_NM_M((pName))) { return(TRUE); } else { //
// if spec. grp mask were specified in the registry
if (WinsCnf.SpecGrpMasks.NoOfSpecGrpMasks > 0) { //
// for each spec. grp mask, && it with the name
// and then see if the result is same as
// the mask. If yes, then the name is a special group
for ( Index = 0, pSpecGrpMask = WinsCnf.SpecGrpMasks.pSpecGrpMasks; Index < WinsCnf.SpecGrpMasks.NoOfSpecGrpMasks; Index++, pSpecGrpMask += WINSCNF_SPEC_GRP_MASK_SZ + 1 ) { for ( ByteIndex = 0, pSpecGrpMaskByte = pSpecGrpMask; ByteIndex < WINSCNF_SPEC_GRP_MASK_SZ; ByteIndex++, pName++ ) { *pTmpName++ = *pName && HexAsciiToBinary(pSpecGrpMaskByte);
// Increment by 2 since we have two
// bytes in the mask for each
// character in the name
pSpecGrpMaskByte += 2;
// iterate in order to get the next mask
} } } return(FALSE); } #endif
STATUS NmsNmhNamRel( IN PCOMM_HDL_T pDlgHdl, IN LPBYTE pName, IN DWORD NameLen, IN PCOMM_ADD_T pNodeAdd, IN BOOL fGrp, IN MSG_T pMsg, IN MSG_LEN_T MsgLen, IN DWORD QuesNamSecLen, IN BOOL fAdmin )
Routine Description: This function releases a record.
In case the release succeeds, a positive name release response is sent, else a negative name release response is sent.
pDlgHdl - Dialogue Handle pName - Name to be registered NameLen - Length of Name pMsg - Datagram received (i.e. the name request) Msglen - Length of message QuesNamSecLen - Length of the Question Name Section in the RFC packet fAdmin - Is it an administrative action
Externals Used: NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec
Return Value:
Success status codes -- WINS_SUCCESS Error status codes -- WINS_FAILURE
Error Handling:
Called by: NmsMsgfProcNbtReq, WinsRecordAction
Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/ {
NMSDB_ROW_INFO_T RowInfo; // contains row info
NMSDB_STAT_INFO_T StatusInfo; /* error status and associated
* info returned by the NmsDb func */ time_t ltime; //stores time since Jan 1, 1970
DWORD StartTimeInMsec; // DWORD EndTimeInMsec;
DBGENTER("NmsNmhNamRel\n"); /*
* Initialize the row info. data structure with the data to insert * into the row. The data passed is Name, NameLen, IP address, * group/unique status, timestamp, version number */
RowInfo.pName = pName; RowInfo.NameLen = NameLen;
DBGPRINT2(FLOW, "NmsNmhNamRel: Name To Release = %s. 16th char is (%x)\n", RowInfo.pName, *(RowInfo.pName+15));
(void)time(<ime); //time does not return any error code
RowInfo.TimeStamp = ltime; //put the current time here
RowInfo.OwnerId = NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID; RowInfo.pNodeAdd = pNodeAdd; RowInfo.fAdmin = fAdmin;
// If the release is for a group, mark it as a NORMAL or a SPECIAL
if (fGrp) {
// Since the group bit was set in the release request pkt
// set the EntTyp field of RowInfo to NORM_GRP (or SPEC_GRP)
// to indicate to the callee that we want to release a group
RowInfo.EntTyp = NMSDB_NORM_GRP_ENTRY; } else { //
// The entry to release can be a unique or multihomed. We
// put UNIQUE for lack of knowing better.
RowInfo.EntTyp = NMSDB_UNIQUE_ENTRY; if (NMSDB_IS_IT_BROWSER_NM_M(RowInfo.pName)) { //
// It is a browser name. We always return a positive
// name release response.
fBrowser = TRUE; StatusInfo.StatCode = NMSDB_SUCCESS; StatusInfo.fLocal = FALSE; RetStat = WINS_SUCCESS; } }
// If it is a browser name that needs to be released, we just send
// a positive response
if (!fBrowser) { //
// Enter the critical section since we will be updating the record
* Store version number (in case we change ownership to self) */ RowInfo.VersNo = NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo;
// WinsIntfStat.Counters.NoOfRel++;
try { //
// Release the record in the directory.
#ifdef WINSDBG
IF_DBG(TM) { StartTimeInMsec = GetTickCount(); } #endif
StatusInfo.fLocal = FALSE; RetStat = NmsDbRelRow( &RowInfo, &StatusInfo ); #ifdef WINSDBG
IF_DBG(TM) { DBGPRINT2(TM, "NmsNmhNamRelRow: Time in NmsDbRelRow is = (%d). RetStat is (%d msecs)\n", GetTickCount() - StartTimeInMsec, RetStat); } #endif
} except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DBGPRINTEXC("NmsNmhNamRel"); WINSEVT_LOG_D_M(GetExceptionCode(), WINS_EVT_NAM_REL_ERR); RspInfo.Rcode_e = NMSMSGF_E_SRV_ERR; fExcRecd = TRUE; } if (!fExcRecd && (StatusInfo.StatCode == NMSDB_SUCCESS)) { WinsIntfStat.Counters.NoOfSuccRel++; } else { WinsIntfStat.Counters.NoOfFailRel++; }
LeaveCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec); //DBG_PRINT_PERF_DATA
// Send a response only it is not an administrator initiated request
if (!fAdmin) { if (!fExcRecd) { RspInfo.Rcode_e = ((StatusInfo.StatCode == NMSDB_SUCCESS) && (RetStat == WINS_SUCCESS)) ? NMSMSGF_E_SUCCESS : NMSMSGF_E_ACT_ERR; } RspInfo.pMsg = pMsg; RspInfo.MsgLen = MsgLen; RspInfo.QuesNamSecLen = QuesNamSecLen;
// If it is a locally registered name, mark it as such
if (StatusInfo.fLocal) { COMM_SET_LOCAL_M(pDlgHdl); }
//Note: We always return the NodeType and Address that we got
//in the request pkt. So the above fields are all that
//need to be initialized
DBGPRINT1(FLOW, "NmsNmhNamRel: Name Release was %s\n", RspInfo.Rcode_e == NMSMSGF_E_SUCCESS ? "SUCCESSFUL" : "FAILURE" ); #if 0
WINSEVT_LOG_IF_ERR_M( SndNamRelRsp( pDlgHdl, &RspInfo ), WINS_EVT_SND_REL_RSP_ERR ); #endif
SndNamRelRsp( pDlgHdl, &RspInfo);
} else // an RPC request
{ if ( (StatusInfo.StatCode != NMSDB_SUCCESS) || (RetStat != WINS_SUCCESS) ) { DBGLEAVE("NmsNmhNamRel\n"); return(WINS_FAILURE); }
} DBGLEAVE("NmsNmhNamRel\n"); return(WINS_SUCCESS);
} //NmsNmhNamRel()
STATUS NmsNmhNamQuery( IN PCOMM_HDL_T pDlgHdl, //dlg handle
IN LPBYTE pName, //Name to release
IN DWORD NameLen, //length of name to release
IN MSG_T pMsg, //length of message
IN MSG_LEN_T MsgLen, //length of message
IN DWORD QuesNamSecLen, //length of question name
//sec. in msg
Routine Description: This function queries a record.
In case the query succeeds, a positive name query response is sent, else a negative name query response is sent.
pDlgHdl - Dialogue Handle pName - Name to be registered NameLen - Length of Name pMsg - Datagram received (i.e. the name request) Msglen - Length of message QuesNamSecLen - Length of the Question Name Section in the RFC packet fAdmin - Is it an administrative action pStatInfo - ptr to row information retrieved by this function
Externals Used: None
Return Value:
Success status codes -- WINS_SUCCESS Error status codes -- WINS_FAILURE
Error Handling:
Called by: NmsMsgfProcNbtReq, WinsRecordAction
Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/ {
NMSDB_ROW_INFO_T RowInfo; // contains row info
NMSDB_STAT_INFO_T StatusInfo; /* error status and associated
*info returned by the NmsDb func */ time_t ltime; STATUS RetStat = WINS_SUCCESS; BOOL fBrowser = FALSE; BOOL fExcRecd = FALSE; NMSMSGF_RSP_INFO_T RspInfo; #ifdef WINSDBG
DWORD StartTimeInMsec; // DWORD EndTimeInMsec;
* Initialize the row info. data structure with the * name of the entry to query * */ RowInfo.pName = pName; RowInfo.NameLen = NameLen; RowInfo.fAdmin = fAdmin;
DBGPRINT2(FLOW, "NmsNmhNamQuery: Name To Query = %s. 16th char is (%x)\n", RowInfo.pName, *(RowInfo.pName+15)); //
// get the current time.
// This is required when querying special groups
(void)time(<ime); //time does not return any error code
RowInfo.TimeStamp = ltime; // put current time here
// This initialization is required when query is for a special group
CHECK("I don't think this is required now. Check NmsDbQueryRow") RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[0].Add.Add.IPAdd = 0; //init to 0 since GetGrpMem
//looks at it
FUTURES("Don't check. Let it query. The query will fail") if (NMSDB_IS_IT_BROWSER_NM_M(RowInfo.pName)) { //
// It is a browser name. We always return a negative
// name query response.
fBrowser = TRUE; StatusInfo.StatCode = NMSDB_SUCCESS; RetStat = WINS_FAILURE; } else { try {
#ifdef WINSDBG
IF_DBG(TM) { StartTimeInMsec = GetTickCount(); } #endif
// Query the record in the directory.
RetStat = NmsDbQueryRow( &RowInfo, &StatusInfo ); #ifdef WINSDBG
IF_DBG(TM) { DBGPRINT2(TM, "NmsNmhNamQuery: Time in NmsDbQueryRow is = (%d). RetStat is (%d msecs)\n", GetTickCount() - StartTimeInMsec, RetStat); } #endif
} // end of try block
// Do the following only if not invoked in an RPC thread (i.e. via
// an administrator)
if (!fAdmin) { //
// if no exception was raised
if (!fExcRecd) {
FUTURES("Rcode for neg, response should be different for different error cases") RspInfo.Rcode_e = ((StatusInfo.StatCode == NMSDB_SUCCESS) && (RetStat == WINS_SUCCESS)) ? NMSMSGF_E_SUCCESS : NMSMSGF_E_NAM_ERR;
if (RspInfo.Rcode_e == NMSMSGF_E_SUCCESS) {
DBGPRINT1(SPEC, "Name queried has the fLocal flag set to %d\n", StatusInfo.fLocal);
if (!StatusInfo.fLocal) { //
// if this was a query for a special group, we
// need to query the corresponding 1B name
#ifdef WINSDBG
if (NMSDB_IS_IT_DOMAIN_NM_M(RowInfo.pName)) { DBGPRINT2(SPEC, "Answer 1C query (%d members). %s1B prepended\n", StatusInfo.NodeAdds.NoOfMems, WinsCnf.fAdd1Bto1CQueries ? "" : "No "); } #endif
if (NMSDB_IS_IT_DOMAIN_NM_M(RowInfo.pName) && WinsCnf.fAdd1Bto1CQueries) { NMSDB_ROW_INFO_T StatusInfo2; BOOL fExc = FALSE; *(RowInfo.pName+15) = 0x1B; WINS_SWAP_BYTES_M(RowInfo.pName, RowInfo.pName+15); try {
// Query the record in the directory.
RetStat = NmsDbQueryRow( &RowInfo, &StatusInfo2 );
} // end of try block
except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DBGPRINTEXC("NmsNmhNamQuery: Querying 1B name"); WINSEVT_LOG_D_M( GetExceptionCode(), WINS_EVT_NAM_QUERY_ERR ); fExc = TRUE; }
// If there was no exception or failure, add the
// address for the 1B name to the list. Ideally,
// we should check if the address is already there
// and if so not add it. If not there but the
// number of members is < NMSDB_MAX_MEMS_IN_GRP, we
// should add the address at the begining shifting
// the other members one slot to the right (
// instead of replacing the last member with the
// first). Checking for presence or doing the
// shifting will consume a lot of cycles, so it
// is not being done.
if ((RetStat != WINS_FAILURE) && !fExc) { if ( StatusInfo.NodeAdds.NoOfMems < NMSDB_MAX_MEMS_IN_GRP ) { StatusInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[ StatusInfo.NodeAdds.NoOfMems++] = StatusInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[0]; StatusInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[0] = StatusInfo2.NodeAdds.Mem[0]; } else { StatusInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[NMSDB_MAX_MEMS_IN_GRP- 1] = StatusInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[0]; StatusInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[0] = StatusInfo2.NodeAdds.Mem[0]; } } } } //if (!StatusInfo.fLocal)
else { COMM_SET_LOCAL_M(pDlgHdl); }
} //if (RspInfo.Rcode_e == NMSMSGF_E_SUCCESS)
} //if (!ExcCode)
RspInfo.pMsg = pMsg; RspInfo.MsgLen = MsgLen; RspInfo.QuesNamSecLen = QuesNamSecLen; RspInfo.NodeTyp_e = StatusInfo.NodeTyp; RspInfo.EntTyp = StatusInfo.EntTyp; RspInfo.pNodeAdds = &StatusInfo.NodeAdds;
// NOTE: Multiple NBT threads could be doing this simultaneously
// This is the best I can do without a critical section
NOTE("The count may not be correct if we have multiple worker threads") if (RspInfo.Rcode_e == NMSMSGF_E_SUCCESS) { WinsIntfStat.Counters.NoOfSuccQueries++; } else { #if TEST_DATA > 0
DWORD BytesWritten;
if (NmsFileHdl != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { pName[NameLen - 1] = '\n'; pName[NameLen] = '\0'; if (!WriteFile(NmsFileHdl, pName, NameLen + 1, &BytesWritten, NULL ) ) { DBGPRINT1(ERR, "Could not write name (%s) to file\n", pName); } }
WinsIntfStat.Counters.NoOfFailQueries++; }
DBGPRINT1(FLOW, "NmsNmhNamQuery: %s in querying record\n", RspInfo.Rcode_e == NMSMSGF_E_SUCCESS ? "SUCCEEDED" : "FAILED" ); WINSEVT_LOG_IF_ERR_M( SndNamQueryRsp( pDlgHdl, &RspInfo ), WINS_EVT_SND_QUERY_RSP_ERR ); } else { //
// We are in an RPC thread.
if ( (RetStat != WINS_SUCCESS) || (StatusInfo.StatCode != NMSDB_SUCCESS) ) { DBGLEAVE("NmsNmhNamQuery\n"); return(WINS_FAILURE); } else { DWORD i;
pStatInfo->NodeAdds.NoOfMems = StatusInfo.NodeAdds.NoOfMems; for (i=0; i < StatusInfo.NodeAdds.NoOfMems; i++) { pStatInfo->NodeAdds.Mem[i].Add = StatusInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[i].Add;
pStatInfo->NodeAdds.Mem[i].OwnerId = StatusInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[i].OwnerId;
pStatInfo->NodeAdds.Mem[i].TimeStamp = StatusInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[i].TimeStamp; }
pStatInfo->VersNo = StatusInfo.VersNo; pStatInfo->OwnerId = StatusInfo.OwnerId; pStatInfo->EntTyp = StatusInfo.EntTyp; pStatInfo->TimeStamp = StatusInfo.TimeStamp; pStatInfo->NodeTyp = StatusInfo.NodeTyp; pStatInfo->EntryState_e = StatusInfo.EntryState_e; pStatInfo->fStatic = StatusInfo.fStatic;
} DBGLEAVE("NmsNmhNamQuery\n"); return(WINS_SUCCESS); } //NmsNmhNamQuery()
Routine Description: This function sends the name registration response to the nbt client.
pDlgHdl - Dialogue Handle pRspInfo - pointer to the response info structure
Externals Used: None
Return Value: None
Error Handling:
Called by:
Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/ { DBGENTER("NmsNmhSndNamRegRsp\n");
* format the name registration response packet */ NmsMsgfFrmNamRspMsg( pDlgHdl, NMSMSGF_E_NAM_REG, pRspInfo ); /*
* Call COMM to send it. No need to check the return status */ (VOID)ECommSndRsp( pDlgHdl, pRspInfo->pMsg, pRspInfo->MsgLen ); /*
* Deallocate the Buffer */ ECommFreeBuff(pRspInfo->pMsg);
DBGLEAVE("NmsNmhSndNamRegRsp\n"); return;
} //NmsNmhSndNamRegRsp()
FUTURES("change return type of this function to VOID") STATUS SndNamRelRsp( IN PCOMM_HDL_T pDlgHdl, IN PNMSMSGF_RSP_INFO_T pRspInfo )
Routine Description: This function sends the name release response to the nbt client.
Arguments: pDlgHdl - Dialogue Handle pRspInfo - Response Info
Externals Used: None
Return Value:
Success status codes -- Error status codes --
Error Handling:
Called by:
Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/ { DBGENTER("SndNamRelRsp\n");
format the name registration response packet */ NmsMsgfFrmNamRspMsg( pDlgHdl, NMSMSGF_E_NAM_REL, pRspInfo ); /*
* Call COMM to send it. No need to check the return status */ (VOID)ECommSndRsp( pDlgHdl, pRspInfo->pMsg, pRspInfo->MsgLen );
* Deallocate the Buffer */ ECommFreeBuff(pRspInfo->pMsg);
DBGLEAVE("SndNamRelRsp\n"); return(WINS_SUCCESS);
} // SndNamRelRsp()
Routine Description: This function sends the name registration response to the nbt client.
Arguments: pDlgHdl - Dialogue Handle pRspInfo - Response Info
Externals Used: None
Return Value:
Success status codes -- Error status codes --
Error Handling:
Called by:
Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/ {
format the name registration response packet */ NmsMsgfFrmNamRspMsg( pDlgHdl, NMSMSGF_E_NAM_QUERY, pRspInfo ); /*
* Call COMM to send it. No need to check the return status */ (VOID)ECommSndRsp( pDlgHdl, pRspInfo->pMsg, pRspInfo->MsgLen );
FUTURES("When we start supporting responses > COMM_DATAGRAM_SIZE, the ") FUTURES("deallocation call will have to change") /*
* Deallocate the Buffer */ ECommFreeBuff(pRspInfo->pMsg);
DBGLEAVE("SndNamQueryRsp\n"); return(WINS_SUCCESS);
} // SndNamQueryRsp()
STATUS ClashAtRegInd ( IN PNMSDB_ROW_INFO_T pEntryToReg, IN PNMSDB_STAT_INFO_T pEntryInCnf, IN BOOL fRefresh, OUT PBOOL pfUpdate, OUT PBOOL pfUpdVersNo, OUT PBOOL pfChallenge, OUT PBOOL pfAddMem, OUT PBOOL pfAddDiff, OUT PBOOL pfRetPosRsp )
Routine Description:
This function is called when there is a clash at the registrationo of a unique entry sent by an NBT node
Arguments: pEntryToReg -- Entry that couldn't be registered due to conflict pEntryInCnf -- Entry in conflict fRefresh -- indicates whether it is a registration or a refresh (used only when the clash is with a multihomed entry) pfUpdate -- TRUE means Entry should overwrite the conflicting one pfUpdVersNo -- TRUE means Entry's version number should be incremented This arg. can never be TRUE if *pfUpdate is not TRUE pfChallenge -- TRUE means that conflicting entry should be challenged pfAddDiff -- TRUE means that the address of the conflicting entry needs to be changed (besides other fields like timestamp owner id, etc). If *pfChallenge is TRUE, this field is FALSE since *pfChallenge of TRUE implies address change when the challenge succeeds
Externals Used: None
Return Value: Success status codes -- WINS_SUCCESS Error status codes -- WINS_FAILURE
Error Handling:
Called by: NmsNmhNamRegInd, NmsNmhNamRegGrp
Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/
NMSDB_ENTRY_STATE_E StateOfEntryToReg_e = pEntryToReg->EntryState_e; NMSDB_ENTRY_STATE_E StateOfEntryInCnf_e = pEntryInCnf->EntryState_e; STATUS RetStat = WINS_SUCCESS; DWORD CompAddRes; /*Result of comparing addresses*/ BOOL fOwned; BOOL fFound;
// We are reading a long value. This operation is atomic
BOOL fPStatic = WinsCnf.fPStatic; BOOL fContToDyn = FALSE;
DBGENTER("ClashAtRegInd\n"); *pfUpdate = FALSE; *pfUpdVersNo = FALSE; *pfChallenge = FALSE; *pfAddMem = FALSE; *pfAddDiff = FALSE; *pfRetPosRsp = FALSE;
// If the conflicting record was statically initialized and
if ( pEntryInCnf->fStatic ) { DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "ClashAtRegInd: Clash with a STATIC record\n");
// If entry in conflict is a unique/multihomd entry, we
// compare the address.
// Since in the majority of cases, the conflict will be
// with a unique record, we first check whether the
// conflicting record is unique. This saves some cyles.
// The alternative way would have been to check whether
// conflicting record is a group and if not do the for loop
// For the case where the record was unique, the for loop
// would have executed only once.
if (NMSDB_ENTRY_UNIQUE_M(pEntryInCnf->EntTyp)) { CompAddRes = ECommCompAdd( &pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.Mem[0].Add, pEntryToReg->pNodeAdd ); } else { DWORD NoOfEnt; PNMSDB_GRP_MEM_ENTRY_T pCnfMem;
// Entry in conflict is a group or a mh entry
CompAddRes = COMM_DIFF_ADD; if (fRefresh && NMSDB_ENTRY_MULTIHOMED_M(pEntryInCnf->EntTyp)) { pCnfMem = pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.Mem; for (NoOfEnt = 0; NoOfEnt < pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems; pCnfMem++, NoOfEnt++) { //
// save on cycles by comparing just the IP
// address.
NONPORT("Change to stuff within #if 0 #endif when more than one transport") NONPORT("is supported") if (pCnfMem->Add.Add.IPAdd == pEntryToReg->pNodeAdd->Add.IPAdd) { CompAddRes = COMM_SAME_ADD; break; } } // compare refresh add. with each add in the static
// mh entry
} //a refresh clashed with a static mh entry
} // conflicting entry is either multihomed or a group
#if 0
// Compare with address when the entry in conflict is
// not a group.
// NOTE: For multihomed entry, we are comparing with the
// first (perhaps only) address. Strictly speaking, we
// should compare with all addresses, but this will add
// to overhead for the majority of cases. See FUTURES
// above.
if (!NMSDB_ENTRY_GRP_M(pEntryInCnf->EntTyp)) { CompAddRes = ECommCompAdd( &pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.Mem[0].Add, pEntryToReg->pNodeAdd ); } else { CompAddRes = COMM_DIFF_ADD; } #endif
// If the record to register is not a STATIC record, we
// return right away. We don't update a STATIC record with a
// dynamic record in this function (do it in NmsDbQueryNUpd when
// called in an RPC thread -- see winsintf.c)
// If however the record to register is also STATIC, then we
// overwrite the one in the db with it.
if (pEntryToReg->fStatic) { //
// If addresses are different, we need to propagate
// the change right away. So, set the fAddDiff flag.
if (CompAddRes == COMM_DIFF_ADD) { *pfAddDiff = TRUE; }
*pfUpdate = TRUE;
// If the address changed or if we replaced a STATIC
// replica, we should update the version number
// to initiate replication
if ( (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId != NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) || *pfAddDiff ) { *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; }
} else // entry to register is dynamic
{ //
// If addresses are the same, we return a positive
// response
if (CompAddRes == COMM_SAME_ADD) { *pfRetPosRsp = TRUE; } else { if (fPStatic && !NMSDB_ENTRY_GRP_M(pEntryInCnf->EntTyp)) { fContToDyn = TRUE; } } } //
// If we don't need to conduct the tests meant for dynamic
// records, return
if (!fContToDyn) { DBGLEAVE("ClashAtRegInd\n"); return(WINS_SUCCESS); } }
if (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_UNIQUE_ENTRY) { switch(StateOfEntryInCnf_e) {
case(NMSDB_E_TOMBSTONE): *pfUpdate = TRUE; *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE;
CompAddRes = ECommCompAdd( &pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.Mem[0].Add, pEntryToReg->pNodeAdd ); if (CompAddRes == COMM_DIFF_ADD) { *pfAddDiff = TRUE; } break;
CompAddRes = ECommCompAdd( &pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.Mem[0].Add, pEntryToReg->pNodeAdd );
switch(CompAddRes) { case(COMM_SAME_ADD): *pfUpdate = TRUE;
#if 0
// If database record is a replica, we need
// to overwrite it with the new one (owned by
// the local WINS). This means that we must
// update the version number to cause
// propagation
if ( pEntryInCnf->OwnerId != pEntryToReg->OwnerId ) { *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; } #endif
// update the version number. Maybe this
// record never replicated to one or more
// WINS servers before. We should
// update the version number so that it gets
// replicated
*pfUpdVersNo = TRUE;
// address is not same
*pfUpdate = TRUE; *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; *pfAddDiff = TRUE; break; } break;
// We do the following only if the entry in
// conflict is a unique entry
// If it is a group entry (normal group), we give
// up trying to register.
CompAddRes = ECommCompAdd( &pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.Mem[0].Add, pEntryToReg->pNodeAdd );
switch(CompAddRes) { case(COMM_SAME_ADD): //
// If it is a repeat name reg.
// just update the timestamp
if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == pEntryToReg->OwnerId) { *pfUpdate = TRUE; } else { //
// Clash is with a replica
// Update both the owner id and
// and the version number
*pfUpdate = TRUE; *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; } break;
*pfChallenge = TRUE;
// No need to set the pAddDiff
// flag. The above flag implies that
break; } break;
default: DBGPRINT1(ERR, "ClashAtRegInd: Weird state of entry in cnf (%d)\n", StateOfEntryInCnf_e ); WINSEVT_LOG_M(WINS_FAILURE, WINS_EVT_SFT_ERR); RetStat = WINS_FAILURE; break;
} } else //conflicting entry is a group or a multihomed entry
{ //
// There are two type of group records
// Normal group -- do not contain any addresses in them so there
// is no challenge to be done here.
// Special group -- store addresses in them but the members are
// not supposed to be challenged.
CHECK("According to the Func. Spec. Page 14, footnote 3, we are supposed") CHECK("to reject the unique registration regardless of the state of a group") CHECK("--Normal or Special. Think this one through") if ( (NMSDB_ENTRY_GRP_M(pEntryInCnf->EntTyp)) && (StateOfEntryInCnf_e == NMSDB_E_TOMBSTONE) ) { *pfUpdate = TRUE; *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; } else // conflicting record is not a tombstone special group
{ if (NMSDB_ENTRY_MULTIHOMED_M(pEntryInCnf->EntTyp)) { //
// If the multihomed entry is active
if(StateOfEntryInCnf_e == NMSDB_E_ACTIVE) {
DBGPRINT3(SPEC, "ClashAtRegInd: Name to reg = (%s), Vers. No (%d, %d)\n", pEntryToReg->pName, pEntryToReg->VersNo.HighPart, pEntryToReg->VersNo.LowPart); //
// MemInGrp will remove the entry from the
// conflicting record if present. That is what
// we want.
fFound = MemInGrp( pEntryToReg->pNodeAdd, pEntryInCnf, &fOwned, FALSE);
// If this is a refresh
if (fFound && fRefresh) { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtRegInd: Refresh of a multihomed entry. Simple Update will be done\n");
*pfAddMem = TRUE; if (!fOwned) { //
// It is a refresh for an
// address that is not owned
// by the local WINS
*pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; } } else //either address was not found or it
//is a registration
{ //
// It is a registration, or a refresh
// for an address not found in the
// multihomed record.
// The active multihomed entry needs to
// be challenged if there is atleast one // address left in it.
if (pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems > 0) { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtRegInd: Clash with a multihomed entry. Atleast one address is different. Resorting to challenge\n"); *pfChallenge = TRUE; } else { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtRegInd: Clash with a multihomed entry. Addresses match. Will do simple update\n");
if (!fOwned) { *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; }
// Update the entry
*pfUpdate = TRUE; } } } else //multihomed entry in conflict is a
//tombstone or released
{ *pfUpdate = TRUE; *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; } } //
// if the conflicting entry is not a tombstone special
// group and is not multihomed (i.e. it is a normal
// group or active/released special group), we
// do nothing (i.e. reject the registration)
} }
DBGLEAVE("ClashAtRegInd\n"); return(RetStat);
} // ClashAtRegInd()
STATUS ClashAtRegGrp ( IN PNMSDB_ROW_INFO_T pEntryToReg, IN PNMSDB_STAT_INFO_T pEntryInCnf, IN BOOL fRefresh, OUT PBOOL pfAddMem, OUT PBOOL pfUpdate, OUT PBOOL pfUpdVersNo, OUT PBOOL pfChallenge, OUT PBOOL pfRetPosRsp )
Routine Description:
This function is called when there is a clash at registration time of a group entry
pEntryToReg -- Entry that couldn't be registered due to conflict pEntryInCnf -- Entry in conflict pfAddMem -- TRUE means that the member should be added to group pfUpdate -- TRUE means Entry should overwrite the conflicting one pfUpdVersNo -- TRUE means Entry's version number should be incremented This arg. can never be TRUE if *pfUpdate is not TRUE pfChallenge -- TRUE means that conflicting entry should be challenged pfRetPosRsp -- TRUE means that we should return a positive response. This will be TRUE only if all other flags are FALSE
Externals Used: None
Return Value: Success status codes -- WINS_SUCCESS Error status codes -- WINS_FAILURE
Error Handling:
Called by: NmsNmhNamRegGrp
Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/
NMSDB_ENTRY_STATE_E StateOfEntryToReg_e = pEntryToReg->EntryState_e; NMSDB_ENTRY_STATE_E StateOfEntryInCnf_e = pEntryInCnf->EntryState_e; STATUS RetStat = WINS_SUCCESS; BOOL fOwned; DWORD i; BOOL fFound;
// We are reading a long value. This operation is atomic
BOOL fPStatic = WinsCnf.fPStatic; BOOL fContToDyn = FALSE;
*pfAddMem = FALSE; *pfUpdate = FALSE; *pfUpdVersNo = FALSE; *pfChallenge = FALSE; *pfRetPosRsp = FALSE;
// If the conflicting record was statically initialized and
// we haven't been told to treat static records as P-static or
// if the record to register is also a static record, do the following.
if ( pEntryInCnf->fStatic ) { DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "ClashAtRegGrp: Clash with a STATIC record\n"); if (pEntryToReg->fStatic) { if ( ((pEntryToReg->EntTyp == NMSDB_SPEC_GRP_ENTRY) && (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_SPEC_GRP_ENTRY)) || ((pEntryToReg->EntTyp == NMSDB_MULTIHOMED_ENTRY) && (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_MULTIHOMED_ENTRY)) ) { // *pfAddMem = TRUE;
// We are not interested in finding out whether
// the address exists or not. If it exists, it
// won't after the following call.
for (i=0; i < pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.NoOfMems; i++) {
(VOID)MemInGrp(&pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.Mem[i].Add, pEntryInCnf, &fOwned, FALSE); //
//fOwned will be FALSE if either the address does
//not exist or if it existed but was owned by
//another WINS server. For both cases, we update
//the version number.
//NOTE: In case the address exists but is a
//permanent one (TimeStamp == MAXULONG), fOwned
//returned will be TRUE. This will result
//in us skipping the update.
//Currently MAXULONG is there only for static
//SG members.
if (!*pfUpdVersNo && !fOwned) { *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; *pfAddMem = TRUE; } } if (!*pfUpdVersNo) { *pfRetPosRsp = TRUE;
} } // both are special groups or mh names
else { *pfUpdate = TRUE; *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; } } else // entry to register is a dynamic entry
{ //
// We send a positive response if a normal group
// clashes with a statically initialized normal group
if ( NMSDB_ENTRY_NORM_GRP_M(pEntryToReg->EntTyp) ) { if (NMSDB_ENTRY_NORM_GRP_M(pEntryInCnf->EntTyp)) { *pfRetPosRsp = TRUE; } //
// if the entry in conflict is a special group, we add
// this (potential) new group member to the list of members.
// Note: we do not touch multi-homed or unique static
// entry.
else if ( NMSDB_ENTRY_SPEC_GRP_M(pEntryInCnf->EntTyp) ) { //
//NOTE: In case the address exists but is a
// perm. one (TimeStamp == MAXULONG), fOwned
// returned will be TRUE. This will result
// in us skipping the update. Currently
// MAXULONG is there only for static
// SG members.
(VOID)MemInGrp( &pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.Mem[0].Add, pEntryInCnf, &fOwned, TRUE); if (!fOwned) { *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; *pfAddMem = TRUE; pEntryToReg->fStatic = TRUE; pEntryToReg->EntTyp = NMSDB_SPEC_GRP_ENTRY; } } else { //
// the entry in conflict is either unique or multihomed
DBGPRINT1(FLOW, "ClashAtRegGrp: Conflict of a NORM. GRP (to reg) with a STATIC ACTIVE %s entry.\n", NMSDB_ENTRY_MULTIHOMED_M(pEntryInCnf->EntTyp) ? "MULTIHOMED" : "UNIQUE"); //
// if we are told to treat static as P-Static, then do the challenge etc.
if (fPStatic) { fContToDyn = TRUE; }
} } else { if ( (NMSDB_ENTRY_SPEC_GRP_M(pEntryInCnf->EntTyp)) && (NMSDB_ENTRY_SPEC_GRP_M(pEntryToReg->EntTyp)) ) {
// Always send a positive response, even
// though we are not adding the address to
// the list
*pfRetPosRsp = TRUE; } // both entries are special group entries
else { if (fPStatic && !NMSDB_ENTRY_GRP_M(pEntryInCnf->EntTyp)) { fContToDyn = TRUE; } else { if ( NMSDB_ENTRY_MULTIHOMED_M(pEntryToReg->EntTyp) && (NMSDB_ENTRY_MULTIHOMED_M(pEntryInCnf->EntTyp) || NMSDB_ENTRY_UNIQUE_M(pEntryInCnf->EntTyp)) ) { DWORD NoOfMem; PNMSDB_GRP_MEM_ENTRY_T pCnfMem = pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.Mem; for (NoOfMem=0; NoOfMem < pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems; pCnfMem++, NoOfMem++) { //
// if addresses are same, break out of
// the loop
if (pCnfMem->Add.Add.IPAdd == pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.Mem[0].Add.Add.IPAdd) { *pfRetPosRsp = TRUE; break; } //addresses match
} //for loop over all members
} //both entries are multihomed
} // Either PStatic flag is not set or the
// conflicting entry is not a group
} //one of the entries is not a special group
} //one of the entries is not a normal group
} //entry to reg is dynamic
// If we don't need to conduct the tests meant for dynamic
// records, return
if (!fContToDyn) { DBGLEAVE("ClashAtRegGrp\n"); return(WINS_SUCCESS); } }
// We are here means that entry in conflict is either dynamic or
// should be treated as a dynamic entry (p-dynamic)
if (pEntryToReg->EntTyp == NMSDB_SPEC_GRP_ENTRY) { if (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_SPEC_GRP_ENTRY) { //
// If the entry is not active it means that it has
// no members.
// If it is active, we add the member if
// not there already.
if (StateOfEntryInCnf_e != NMSDB_E_ACTIVE) { *pfUpdate = TRUE; *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE;
} else // entry in conflict is an ACTIVE dynamic SG entry
// If Entry to register is static, we have got to
// do an update if for no other reason than to change
// the flags.
if (pEntryToReg->fStatic) { *pfAddMem = TRUE; *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; for (i = 0;i < pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.NoOfMems;i++) { (VOID)MemInGrp( &pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.Mem[i].Add, pEntryInCnf, &fOwned, FALSE // no need to remove replica
); } } else // entry to register is a dynamic SG entry
// We need to update the entry if for no other
// reason than to update the time stamp
*pfAddMem = TRUE;
// We are not interested in finding out whether
// the address exists or not. If it exists, it
// won't after the following call.
fFound = MemInGrp(&pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.Mem[0].Add, pEntryInCnf, &fOwned, FALSE //no need to remove replica
//mem. That will be high
); //
// If entry is either not there or the record is
// a replica increment the version number.
if (!fFound || (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId != NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID)) { *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; }
} } } else //entry in conflict is a normal group or a
//unique/multihomed entry
{ if (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_NORM_GRP_ENTRY) { CHECK("I may not want to update it. Check it") *pfUpdate = TRUE; *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; } else //conflicting entry is a unique/multihomed entry
{ if (StateOfEntryInCnf_e == NMSDB_E_ACTIVE) { DBGPRINT1(FLOW, "ClashAtRegGrp: Conflict of a SPEC. GRP (to reg) with an ACTIVE %s entry. Resorting to challenge\n", NMSDB_ENTRY_MULTIHOMED_M(pEntryInCnf->EntTyp) ? "MULTIHOMED" : "UNIQUE"); if ( (NMSDB_ENTRY_MULTIHOMED_M( pEntryInCnf->EntTyp) && (pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems > 0)) || NMSDB_ENTRY_UNIQUE_M( pEntryInCnf->EntTyp) ) { *pfChallenge = TRUE; } else { *pfUpdate = TRUE; *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; } } else // unique/multihomed entry is either released
// or a tombstone
{ *pfUpdate = TRUE; *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; } } } } else // Entry to register is a normal group/multihomed entry
{ //
// If entry is a normal group
if (NMSDB_ENTRY_NORM_GRP_M(pEntryToReg->EntTyp)) { switch(StateOfEntryInCnf_e) {
case(NMSDB_E_TOMBSTONE): *pfUpdate = TRUE; *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; break;
if (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp != NMSDB_NORM_GRP_ENTRY) { *pfUpdate = TRUE; *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; } else //Normal group entry
{ //
// If the owner id is the same (i.e.
// local WINS is the owner)
if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == pEntryToReg->OwnerId) { *pfUpdate = TRUE; //this should
//update the
//time stamp
} else { //
// Update the owner id., timestamp
// and version number
*pfUpdate = TRUE; *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; } } break;
// Entry to register is an ACTIVE normal group entry
// and it is clashing with an ACTIVE records in the db
if ( (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_UNIQUE_ENTRY) || (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_MULTIHOMED_ENTRY) ) { DBGPRINT1(FLOW, "ClashAtRegGrp: Normal Grp (to Reg) Conflicting with an ACTIVE %s entry. Resorting to Challenge\n", pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_UNIQUE_ENTRY ? "UNIQUE" : "MULTIHOMED"); if ( (NMSDB_ENTRY_MULTIHOMED_M( pEntryInCnf->EntTyp) && (pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems > 0)) || NMSDB_ENTRY_UNIQUE_M( pEntryInCnf->EntTyp) ) { *pfChallenge = TRUE; } else { *pfUpdate = TRUE; *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; } } else { if (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_SPEC_GRP_ENTRY) { DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "ClashAtRegGrp: Conflicting entry is an ACTIVE spec. group entry. NO UPDATE WILL BE DONE \n");
} else //entry in cnf is an active normal group entry
DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "ClashAtRegGrp: Conflicting entry is an ACTIVE normal group entry. Do a simple update \n"); *pfUpdate = TRUE; if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId != NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) { *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; } }
} break;
default: //
// Something really wrong here. Maybe the
// database got corrupted.
DBGPRINT1(ERR, "ClashAtRegGrp: Weird state of entry in cnf (%d)\n", StateOfEntryInCnf_e ); WINSEVT_LOG_M(WINS_FAILURE, WINS_EVT_SFT_ERR); RetStat = WINS_FAILURE; break; } // end of switch
} else // entry to register is a multihomed entry
{ switch(StateOfEntryInCnf_e) { //
// If entry in database is a tombstone, we overwrite it
case(NMSDB_E_TOMBSTONE): *pfUpdate = TRUE; *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; break;
// A released entry unless it is a normal group is
// overwritten
if (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp != NMSDB_NORM_GRP_ENTRY) { *pfUpdate = TRUE;
// Even if the entry in conflict is a multihomed // entry, we update the version number.
*pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; } break;
// we resort to a challenge only if the
// conflicting entry is a unique or
// multihomed entry
if ( NMSDB_ENTRY_MULTIHOMED_M( pEntryInCnf->EntTyp ) || NMSDB_ENTRY_UNIQUE_M( pEntryInCnf->EntTyp ) ) { if (NMSDB_ENTRY_MULTIHOMED_M( pEntryInCnf->EntTyp) ) {
BOOL fFound; DWORD i;
for ( i = 0; i < pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.NoOfMems; i++ ) {
// If found, MemInGrp will
// remove the address from
// the Mem array of the
// conflicting record
fFound = MemInGrp( &pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.Mem[i].Add, pEntryInCnf, &fOwned, FALSE); //
// Address not found,
// continue to the next
// address
if (!fFound) { continue; }
// if not owned by this WINS
// the version number must
// be updated if we end up
// just updating the entry (
// i.e. if fAddMem gets set
// to TRUE down below)
if (!fOwned) { *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; } }
// If all addresses to register
// are already there in the
// conflicting record and it
// is a refresh or if the
// addresses to register are
// same as in the conflicting
// record, we need to update
// the timestamp and possibly
// the version number (see
// above). There is no need to
// do any challenge
// here.
if ( //
// Note the following code would be executed only
// if we start supporting our own opcode for multihomed
// refresh (the need for this will arise if we go
// with the approach of refreshing multiple addresses
// simultaneously).
FUTURES("May need the code within #if 0 and #endif in the future. See ") FUTURES("the comment above") #if 0
( (i == pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.NoOfMems) && fRefresh ) || #endif
(pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems == 0) ) { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtRegGrp: Clash between two multihomed entries. The addresses are the same. Simple update will be done\n"); *pfAddMem = TRUE; } else { //
// We do a challenge even
// if the conflicting entry's
// addresses are a superset
// of the addresses in the
// entry to register
DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtRegGrp: Clash between two multihomed entries. Atleast one address is different. Resorting to a challenge\n"); //
// The multihomed entry
// needs to be challenged
*pfChallenge = TRUE; } } else {
// If there is any address in
// the multihomed entry to
// register that is different
// than the address in the unique
// entry, we need to challenge
// the unique entry
if ( (pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.NoOfMems > 1) ||
(WINSMSC_COMPARE_MEMORY_M( &pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.Mem[0].Add.Add.IPAdd, &pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.Mem[0].Add.Add.IPAdd, sizeof(COMM_IP_ADD_T)) != sizeof(COMM_IP_ADD_T) ) )
{ DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtRegGrp: Clash between multihomed entry (to reg) and active unique entry. At least one address differs. Resorting to challenge\n"); //
// The unique entry
// needs to be challenged
*pfChallenge = TRUE; } else { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtRegGrp: Clash between multihomed entry (to reg) and active unique entry. Addresses same. Simple update will be done\n"); //
// Update the entry in the db
*pfUpdate = TRUE; *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE;
} } } #ifdef WINSDBG
} #endif
break; } }
DBGLEAVE("ClashAtRegGrp\n"); return(RetStat);
} //ClashAtRegGrp()
BOOL MemInGrp( IN PCOMM_ADD_T pAddToReg, IN PNMSDB_STAT_INFO_T pEntryInCnf, IN PBOOL pfOwned, IN BOOL fRemoveReplica )
Routine Description:
This function is called to check if the address of the entry to register is in the list of addresses in the conflicting entry.
Arguments: pAddToReg - Address to Register pEntryInCnf - Entry in conflict
fRemoveReplica - This will be set if the caller wants this function to remove a replica member. A replica (the last one in the list) will be replaced only if there is no match and the number of members in the list is hitting the limit.
Externals Used: None
Return Value:
TRUE if the entry to register is a member of the group FALSE otherwise
Error Handling:
Called by: ClashAtRegGrp Side Effects:
Comments: The two entries in conflict are special group entries. fRemoveReplica will be set to TRUE only by ClashAtRegGrp when registering a special group (because we prefer a local member to a replica)
NOTE: if the member that matches is a permanent member as indicated by the timestamp (== MAXULONG), then it is not replaced. --*/
{ DWORD no; BOOL fFound = FALSE; DWORD RetVal; DWORD i; PNMSDB_GRP_MEM_ENTRY_T pMem = pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.Mem; BOOL fRplFound = FALSE; DWORD RplId = 0; // id. of replica to
// remove.
*pfOwned = FALSE;
#ifdef WINSDBG
if (pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems > NMSDB_MAX_MEMS_IN_GRP) { DBGPRINT2(EXC, "MemInGrp: No of Mems in Cnf entry = (%d); Add of entry to reg. is (%x)\n", pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems, pAddToReg->Add.IPAdd); } #endif
ASSERT(pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems <= NMSDB_MAX_MEMS_IN_GRP); NoOfMem = min(pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems, NMSDB_MAX_MEMS_IN_GRP);
// Compare each member in the conflicting record against the member to
// be registered
for (no = 0; no < NoOfMem ; no++, pMem++ ) { //
// if the caller wants us to remove a replica member
// for the case where there is no match
if (fRemoveReplica) { //
// If the member in the conflicting record is a
// replica, save its index if it is more than
// the one we saved earlier.
if (pMem->OwnerId != NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) { fRplFound = TRUE; if (no > RplId) { RplId = no; } } }
RetVal = (ULONG) WINSMSC_COMPARE_MEMORY_M( pAddToReg, &pMem->Add, sizeof(COMM_ADD_T) );
if (RetVal == sizeof(COMM_ADD_T)) { //
// if this is a permanent member, let us set
// fOwned to TRUE since we do not want to
// replace this member. The caller will check
// fOwned and if TRUE will not replace it.
// Currently, MAXULONG can be there only for
// static SG members
if (pMem->TimeStamp == MAXLONG) { ASSERT(NMSDB_ENTRY_SPEC_GRP_M(pEntryInCnf->EntTyp)); *pfOwned = TRUE; break; } fFound = TRUE;
PERF("The following is a convoluted and potentially high overhead way") PERF("to handle a refresh for a member (i.e. when member is owned by us") PERF("We take it out here and then add it later (with current time stamp)") PERF("in NmsNmhNamRegGrp. Improve this by using the code that is between.") PERF("#if 0 and #endif. Also, when updating db, just overwrite the affected") PERF("entry instead of writing the whole record") //
//if the member is owned by us, *pfOwned is set to
if ( pMem->OwnerId == NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID ) { *pfOwned = TRUE; }
// Get rid of the member whose address is the
// same. The client will insert an entry for the
// member with the local WINS as the owner
// and the current timestamp.
for( i = no; i < (NoOfMem - 1); i++, pMem++ ) { *pMem = *(pMem + 1); } --NoOfMem; break; } } pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems = NoOfMem;
// if we were asked to remove replica on no match, check if a
// replica member was found. Note: We remove a replica to make
// space for a member that we got. We don't need to remove a replica
// if there is space left in the group
if ( fRemoveReplica && !fFound && fRplFound && (pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems == NMSDB_MAX_MEMS_IN_GRP) ) { //
// Remove the replica
for ( i = RplId, pMem = &pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.Mem[RplId]; i < (pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems - 1); i++, pMem++ ) {
*pMem = *(pMem + 1);
} --(pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems); // fFound = TRUE;
DBGLEAVE("MemInGrp\n"); return(fFound); } //MemInGrp()
VOID RemoveAllMemOfOwner( PNMSDB_STAT_INFO_T pEntry, DWORD OwnerId )
Routine Description: Removes all members that are owned by OwnerId
Externals Used: None
Return Value:
Success status codes -- Error status codes --
Error Handling:
Called by:
Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/
{ DWORD NoOfMems = pEntry->NodeAdds.NoOfMems; PNMSDB_GRP_MEM_ENTRY_T pMem = &pEntry->NodeAdds.Mem[NoOfMems-1];
DBGPRINT1(FLOW, "ENTER: RemoveAllMemOfOwner: Owner Id= (%d)\n", OwnerId); //
// loop over all members of the entry starting from the last one
for (; NoOfMems > 0; NoOfMems--, pMem--) { //
// If owner id matches, we need to remove it and decrement the
// count
if (pMem->OwnerId == OwnerId) { DWORD No; DBGPRINT1(DET, "RemoveAllMemOfOwner: Removing Member with address = (%x)\n", pMem->Add.Add.IPAdd); //
// shift all following members one position to the left
memcpy( pMem, (pMem + 1), sizeof(NMSDB_GRP_MEM_ENTRY_T)*(pEntry->NodeAdds.NoOfMems - NoOfMems)); pEntry->NodeAdds.NoOfMems--; } } DBGPRINT1(FLOW, "LEAVE: RemoveAllMemOfOwner. No Of Mems in Conflicting record = (%d)\n", pEntry->NodeAdds.NoOfMems); return; }
VOID ClashAtReplUniqueR ( IN PNMSDB_ROW_INFO_T pEntryToReg, IN PNMSDB_STAT_INFO_T pEntryInCnf, OUT PBOOL pfUpdate, OUT PBOOL pfUpdVersNo, OUT PBOOL pfChallenge, OUT PBOOL pfRelease, OUT PBOOL pfInformWins )
Routine Description:
This function is called when there is a clash at replication time between a replica that is unique and an entry in the database
pReplToReg -- Replica that couldn't be registered due to conflict pEntryInCnf -- Entry in conflict pfUpdate -- TRUE means Entry should overwrite the conflicting one pfUpdVersNo -- TRUE means Entry's version number should be incremented This arg. can never be TRUE if *pfUpdate is not TRUE pfChallenge -- TRUE means that conflicting entry should be challenged pfRelease -- TRUE means that conflicting entry's node should be asked to release the name.
If both pfChallenge and pfRelease are TRUE, then it means that the conflicting entry should first be challenged. If the challenge fails, the node should be asked to release the name. If the challenge succeeds, no release need be sent pfInformWins -- Inform remote WINS from which we received the replica about the outcome pfAddChgd -- Indicates that the address got changed
Externals Used: None
Return Value: None
Error Handling:
Called by: NmsNmhReplRegInd
Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/
NMSDB_ENTRY_STATE_E StateOfEntryToReg_e = pEntryToReg->EntryState_e; NMSDB_ENTRY_STATE_E StateOfEntryInCnf_e = pEntryInCnf->EntryState_e; DWORD CompAddRes; /*Result of comparing addresses*/ //
// We are reading a long value. This operation is atomic
BOOL fPStatic = WinsCnf.fPStatic;
DBGENTER("ClashAtReplUniqueR\n"); *pfUpdate = FALSE; *pfUpdVersNo = FALSE; *pfChallenge = FALSE; *pfRelease = FALSE; *pfInformWins = FALSE;
if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == pEntryToReg->OwnerId) { *pfUpdate = TRUE; DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtUniqueR: overwrite replica by same owner replica \n"); return; }
// If the conflicting record was statically initialized we
// return right away, unless the replica is also a STATIC or
// belongs to the same owner.
if (pEntryInCnf->fStatic) { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtReplUniqueR: Clash with a STATIC record\n"); //
// If we have been asked to treat static records as
// P-Static, then if the conflicting entry is not a group
// we continue on, else we return.
if (WinsCnf.LogDetailedEvts > 0) { WinsEvtLogDetEvt(FALSE, WINS_EVT_REPLICA_CLASH_W_STATIC, NULL, __LINE__, "s", pEntryToReg->pName); } return;
} } else { //
// a STATIC replica always replaces a dynamic entry.
if (pEntryToReg->fStatic) { *pfUpdate = TRUE; return; } }
if (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_UNIQUE_ENTRY) { switch(StateOfEntryInCnf_e) {
case(NMSDB_E_TOMBSTONE): //fall through
*pfUpdate = TRUE; break;
if (StateOfEntryToReg_e == NMSDB_E_ACTIVE) {
CompAddRes = ECommCompAdd( &pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.Mem[0].Add, pEntryToReg->pNodeAdd );
switch(CompAddRes) { case(COMM_DIFF_ADD):
// If entry in conflict is active
// and owned by us,
// tell the node of the entry to
// release the name. In other
// words we always replace it
// with the replica.
if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) { *pfChallenge = TRUE; *pfRelease = TRUE; // *pfInformWins = TRUE;
} else //D is a replica
{ //
// replace with replica
// *pfChallenge = TRUE;
*pfUpdate = TRUE; }
// D and R (database entry and replica
// have same address)
default: *pfUpdate = TRUE; break; } } else //entry to register is a Tombstone (has to be)
{ ASSERT(StateOfEntryToReg_e == NMSDB_E_TOMBSTONE); //
// If we own the entry in the db, we need to
// increment its version number
if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) { //
// We update the version number of the
// entry in the database
*pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; } else //the entry in conflict is a replica
{ //
// Both replicas have the same owner.
if ( pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == pEntryToReg->OwnerId ) { *pfUpdate = TRUE; } #ifdef WINSDBG
else { DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "ClashAtReplUniqueR: Clash between two replicas with different owner ids. Replica in db is active while one received is a tombstone. Db will not be updated\n"); } #endif
} break;
default: //
// Some weirdness.
// Set this the pfUpdate to TRUE so that we overwrite this record.
*pfUpdate = TRUE; DBGPRINT1(ERR, "ClashAtReplUniqueR: Weird state of entry in cnf (%d)\n", StateOfEntryInCnf_e ); WINSEVT_LOG_M(WINS_FAILURE, WINS_EVT_SFT_ERR); WINS_RAISE_EXC_M(WINS_EXC_BAD_RECORD); break;
} } else // the entry in conflict is a group (normal or special) entry or
// a multihomed entry
{ //
// do nothing if it is a normal group or if it is an active
// special group. If it is a special group and it is not
// active, it can be replaced
if ( (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_SPEC_GRP_ENTRY) && (StateOfEntryInCnf_e != NMSDB_E_ACTIVE) ) { CHECK("Check with the latest spec. to make sure the following is correct") //
// Replace with replica
*pfUpdate = TRUE; } else { if (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_MULTIHOMED_ENTRY) { if (StateOfEntryInCnf_e == NMSDB_E_ACTIVE) { if (StateOfEntryToReg_e == NMSDB_E_ACTIVE) { if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == pEntryToReg->OwnerId ) { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtReplUniqueR: ACTIVE unique replica with an ACTIVE MULTIHOMED replica (same owner). Update will be done\n"); *pfUpdate = TRUE; } else { //
// Put within #if 0 and #endif if we want to challenge an entry regardless of
// who owns it (can result in challenges across WAN lines)
//#if 0
if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) //#endif
BOOL fOwned;
// If found, MemInGrp
// will remove the
// address from
// the Mem array of the
// conflicting record
(VOID) MemInGrp( pEntryToReg-> pNodeAdd, pEntryInCnf, &fOwned, FALSE);
if (pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems != 0) { RemoveAllMemOfOwner( pEntryInCnf, pEntryToReg->OwnerId); } //
// Active unique replica
// has the same address as
// the owned active
// multihomed record.Replace
if (pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems == 0) {
*pfUpdate = TRUE; } else { //
// An active unique
// replica has clashed
// with an active
// owned multihomed entry.
// The multihomed entry
// needs to be challenged
*pfChallenge = TRUE;
// Comment out #if 0 if we want to challenge regardless of ownership
#if 0
if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) { #endif
*pfRelease = TRUE; #if 0
} #endif
// *pfInformWins = TRUE;
} } //
// Put within #if 0 and #endif if we want to challenge an entry regardless of
// who owns it (can result in challenges across WAN lines). See above
//#if 0
else { CHECK("Maybe, we should not do any update in this case") DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtReplUniqueR: ACTIVE unique replica with an ACTIVE MULTIHOMED replica (diff owner). Simple Update will be done\n");
*pfUpdate = TRUE; } //#endif
} } else // entry to register is a TOMBSTONE
{ if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == pEntryToReg->OwnerId ) { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtReplUniqueR: TOMBSTONE unique replica with an ACTIVE MULTIHOMED replica (same owner). Update will be done\n"); *pfUpdate = TRUE; } else { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtReplUniqueR: TOMBSTONE unique replica with an ACTIVE MULTIHOMED entry (different owners). No Update will be done\n"); } } } else // state of multihomed entry in Db is
// not active. We need to replace it
// with the replica
{ *pfUpdate = TRUE; }
} else {
DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "ClashAtReplUniqueR: Clash is either with a normal group or an active special group. No update will be done to the db\n"); } }
} DBGLEAVE("ClashAtReplUniqueR\n"); return; } //ClashAtReplUniqueR()
VOID ClashAtReplGrpR ( IN PNMSDB_ROW_INFO_T pEntryToReg, IN PNMSDB_STAT_INFO_T pEntryInCnf, OUT PBOOL pfAddMem, OUT PBOOL pfUpdate, OUT PBOOL pfUpdVersNo, OUT PBOOL pfRelease, OUT PBOOL pfChallenge, OUT PBOOL pfUpdTimeStamp, OUT PBOOL pfInformWins )
Routine Description:
This function is called when there is a clash at replication time betweeen a replica that is a group and an entry in the database.
pEntryToReg -- Entry that couldn't be registered due to conflict pEntryInCnf -- Entry in conflict pfAddMem -- TRUE means that the members in the replica should be added to the group entry in the database pfUpdate -- TRUE means Entry should overwrite the conflicting one pfUpdVersNo -- TRUE means Entry's version number should be incremented This arg. can never be TRUE if *pfUpdate is not TRUE
Externals Used: None
Return Value: None
Error Handling:
Called by: NmsNmhNamRegGrp
Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/
NMSDB_ENTRY_STATE_E StateOfEntryToReg_e = pEntryToReg->EntryState_e; NMSDB_ENTRY_STATE_E StateOfEntryInCnf_e = pEntryInCnf->EntryState_e; BOOL fMemInGrp = FALSE; DWORD i; //
// We are reading a long value. This operation is atomic
BOOL fPStatic = WinsCnf.fPStatic;
DBGENTER("ClashAtReplGrpR\n"); *pfAddMem = FALSE; *pfUpdate = FALSE; *pfUpdVersNo = FALSE; *pfRelease = FALSE; *pfChallenge = FALSE; *pfUpdTimeStamp = TRUE; *pfInformWins = FALSE;
if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == pEntryToReg->OwnerId) { *pfUpdate = TRUE; DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtReplGrpR: overwrite replica by same owner replica \n"); return; }
// If the conflicting record was statically initialized we
// return right away unless the replica and the conflicting
// entry belong to the same owner and the replica is also a
// STATIC record.
if (pEntryInCnf->fStatic) { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtReplGrpR: Conflict with a STATIC entry\n");
// if both records are user defined special groups, do
// same conflict handling as you would when a
// the conflicting record is a dynamic record
if (!((NMSDB_ENTRY_USER_SPEC_GRP_M(pEntryToReg->pName, pEntryToReg->EntTyp)) && (NMSDB_ENTRY_SPEC_GRP_M(pEntryInCnf->EntTyp)))) { if ((NMSDB_ENTRY_NORM_GRP_M(pEntryToReg->EntTyp)) && (NMSDB_ENTRY_USER_SPEC_GRP_M(pEntryToReg->pName, pEntryInCnf->EntTyp))) {
NOTE("Currently, NORM GRP can have the wrong owner id. since this is not") NOTE("replicated. The owner id. of the WINS being pulled from is used") *pfAddMem = UnionGrps( pEntryToReg, pEntryInCnf ); if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) { *pfUpdVersNo = *pfAddMem; } pEntryToReg->EntTyp = NMSDB_SPEC_GRP_ENTRY; return;
} else {
// If static records need to be treated as P-static and
// the conflicting entry as well as the entry to register
// are multihomed, we continue on, else we return
if (!(fPStatic && (NMSDB_ENTRY_MULTIHOMED_M(pEntryInCnf->EntTyp)) && (NMSDB_ENTRY_MULTIHOMED_M(pEntryToReg->EntTyp)))) { if (WinsCnf.LogDetailedEvts > 0) { WinsEvtLogDetEvt(FALSE, WINS_EVT_REPLICA_CLASH_W_STATIC, NULL, __LINE__, "s", pEntryToReg->pName); // WINSEVT_LOG_INFO_D_M(WINS_FAILURE, WINS_EVT_REPLICA_CLASH_W_STATIC);
} return; } } } }
if (pEntryToReg->EntTyp == NMSDB_SPEC_GRP_ENTRY) { switch(StateOfEntryInCnf_e) { case(NMSDB_E_TOMBSTONE): *pfUpdate = TRUE; break; case(NMSDB_E_RELEASED): if (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp != NMSDB_NORM_GRP_ENTRY) { *pfUpdate = TRUE; } break;
if (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_SPEC_GRP_ENTRY) { if (StateOfEntryToReg_e == NMSDB_E_TOMBSTONE) { if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) { *pfUpdTimeStamp = FALSE; *pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; // we should propagate this change right away
// because others think this is a tombstone
// record.
} else { //
// SG Tombstone replica clashed with a SG
// Active replica. We
// replace it (in other words, make it a
// tombstone). It makes sense since if this
// SG was really active, it would be owned
// by another owner (any time a member is
// registered, the ownership becomes that
// of the registering WINS).
// and so if this name is really active,
// the owner wins will push it back
// as active.
*pfUpdate = TRUE;
// In order to propagate this
// conflict to the owner quickly, trigger
// push with propagation unless owner himself
// sent this tombstone.
if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == pEntryToReg->OwnerId) { RPL_PUSH_NTF_M(RPL_PUSH_PROP, NULL, NULL, NULL); }
DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "ClashAtReplGrpR: TOMBSTONE spec. grp. replica clashed with ACTIVE spec. grp replica. No update will be done\n"); } } else //EntryToReg is ACTIVE
{ *pfAddMem = UnionGrps( pEntryToReg, pEntryInCnf ); if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) { *pfUpdVersNo = *pfAddMem; } } } else //Entry in conflict is an active normal group
//or unique/multihomed entry
{ if ( (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_UNIQUE_ENTRY) || (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_MULTIHOMED_ENTRY) ) { //
// The following means that we are overwriting
// an active unique entry with an active or
// tombstone special group replica.
if ( (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) && (StateOfEntryToReg_e == NMSDB_E_ACTIVE) ) { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtReplGrpR: Active spec. grp replica clashed with owned active unique/multihomed entry. Owned entry will be released\n"); *pfRelease = TRUE; } else { if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == pEntryToReg->OwnerId) { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtReplGrpR: Spec. grp replica clashed with same owner's active/multihomed entry. Simple update will be done\n"); *pfUpdate = TRUE; } } } #ifdef WINSDBG
else { DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "ClashAtReplGrpR: Clash is with an active normal group. No change needs to be made to the db\n"); } #endif
} break; default: //
// Something really wrong here. Maybe the
// database got corrupted.
// Set this the pfUpdate to TRUE so that we overwrite this record.
*pfUpdate = TRUE; DBGPRINT1(ERR, "ClashAtReplGrpR: Weird state of entry in cnf (%d)\n", StateOfEntryInCnf_e ); WINSEVT_LOG_M(WINS_FAILURE, WINS_EVT_SFT_ERR); WINS_RAISE_EXC_M(WINS_EXC_BAD_RECORD); break; } //end of switch
} else // Entry to register is a normal group entry or a multihomed
// entry
{ if (pEntryToReg->EntTyp == NMSDB_MULTIHOMED_ENTRY) { switch(StateOfEntryInCnf_e) { case(NMSDB_E_TOMBSTONE): *pfUpdate = TRUE; break; case(NMSDB_E_RELEASED): if (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp != NMSDB_NORM_GRP_ENTRY) { *pfUpdate = TRUE; } break; case(NMSDB_E_ACTIVE): if ( (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_UNIQUE_ENTRY) || (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_MULTIHOMED_ENTRY) ) { if (StateOfEntryToReg_e == NMSDB_E_TOMBSTONE) { //
// if Db entry is a replica
if ( pEntryInCnf->OwnerId != NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID ) { //
// if replica to reg and replica in
// in db have the same owner,
// we replace the active db entry
// with the tombstone replica
if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == pEntryToReg->OwnerId) { *pfUpdate = TRUE; } #ifdef WINSDBG
} else //db entry is active and is owned
//by us.
{ //
// Remove all members owned by the
// WINS server that owns this
// Tombstone replica from the
// entry in conflict.
if (NMSDB_ENTRY_MULTIHOMED_M(pEntryInCnf->EntTyp)) { BOOL fFound = FALSE; BOOL fAtLeastOneRm = FALSE; BOOL fOwned; PNMSDB_GRP_MEM_ENTRY_T pMem = pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.Mem; for ( i = 0; i < pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.NoOfMems; i++, pMem++ ) { if (pMem->OwnerId == pEntryToReg->OwnerId) { PERF("Actually, we should only remove those members that are owned by the") PERF("remote WINS server. The current way (members with same address removed") PERF("is less efficient since it can result in challenges when the members") PERF("that are removed refresh with the local WINS server")
// If found, MemInGrp will
// remove the address from
// the Mem array of the
// conflicting record
fFound = MemInGrp( &pMem->Add, pEntryInCnf, &fOwned, FALSE); } if (!fAtLeastOneRm && fFound) { fAtLeastOneRm = TRUE; }
// If atleast one member was
// found, put in the new member
// list in the db.
if (fAtLeastOneRm) { PNMSDB_GRP_MEM_ENTRY_T pCnfMem, pRegMem; pCnfMem = pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.Mem; pRegMem = pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.Mem; for (i=0; i < pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems; i++, pRegMem++,pCnfMem++ ) { *pRegMem = *pCnfMem;
} pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.NoOfMems = pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems;
// if no. of mems left is > 0, it
// means that the record is
// still active.
if (pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.NoOfMems != 0) { pEntryToReg->EntryState_e = NMSDB_E_ACTIVE; } //
// Setting *pfAddMem to TRUE
// ensures that the new list
// gets in
*pfAddMem = TRUE;
} }
// We update the version number
// of the entry in the database
// to cause propagation
*pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; } } else //State Of Entry to Reg has to be ACTIVE
{ //
// Clash of an ACTIVE multihomed replica
// with an active unique/multihomed
// entry. We need to challenge the
// conflicting
// entry
if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == pEntryToReg->OwnerId) { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtReplGrpR: ACTIVE unique/multihomed replica with an ACTIVE MULTIHOMED replica (same owner). Update will be done\n"); *pfUpdate = TRUE; } else { //
// Uncomment if challenge is desired instead of a simple update
//#if 0
if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) //#endif
{ DWORD i; BOOL fOwned; PNMSDB_GRP_MEM_ENTRY_T pRegMem= pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.Mem;
for ( i = 0; i < pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.NoOfMems; i++, pRegMem++ ) {
//If found, MemInGrp
// will remove the
// address from
// the Mem array of
// the conflicting
// record
(VOID) MemInGrp( &pRegMem->Add, pEntryInCnf, &fOwned, FALSE);
} if (pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems != 0) { RemoveAllMemOfOwner( pEntryInCnf, pEntryToReg->OwnerId);
} if (pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems == 0) { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtReplGrpR: Clash between active unique/multihomed with an owned unique/multihomed entry with subset/same address(es). Simple update will be done\n"); *pfUpdate = TRUE; } else { //
//An active mh. rpl
//clashed with an
//active owned unique
//or multih entry.
//The multih entry
//needs to be
DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtReplGrpR: Active multihomed replica with an owned unique/multihomed entry with one or more different address(es). Challenge of owned entry will be done\n"); *pfChallenge = TRUE; //
// Uncomment if challenge is desired instead of a simple update
#if 0
if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) { #endif
*pfRelease = TRUE; //*pfInformWins = TRUE;
#if 0
} #endif
} } //
// comment if challenge is desired instead of a simple update
//#if 0
else { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtReplGrpR: ACTIVE multihomed replica with an ACTIVE MULTIHOMED/UNIQUE replica (diff owner). Update will be done\n");
*pfUpdate = TRUE; } //#endif
} // end of else (Entry to reg has
// different owner than
// conflicting entry
} // end of else (EntryToReg is ACTIVE)
} //end of if entry in conflict is a unique/multihomed
#ifdef WINSDBG
else { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtReplGrpR: Clash of an active multihomed entry with an active group entry. No Update will be done\n");
} #endif
break; } } else //entry to register is a normal group entry
{ switch(StateOfEntryInCnf_e) {
// fall through
case(NMSDB_E_TOMBSTONE): *pfUpdate = TRUE; break;
case(NMSDB_E_ACTIVE): if ( (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_UNIQUE_ENTRY) || (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_MULTIHOMED_ENTRY) ) { //
// replace unique entry with this normal
// group only if the group is active
if (StateOfEntryToReg_e == NMSDB_E_ACTIVE) {
DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtReplGrpR: Clash of ACTIVE normal group entry with an owned unique/multihomed entry in db. It will be released\n"); if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) { *pfRelease = TRUE; } else { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtReplGrpR: Clash of ACTIVE normal group entry with a replica unique/multihomed entry in db. Simple update will be done\n"); *pfUpdate = TRUE;
} } } else // entry in conflict is a normal or special group
if (pEntryInCnf->EntTyp == NMSDB_NORM_GRP_ENTRY) { //
// We own it but so does another WINS.
// We store the replica just in
// case, all the clients have started
// registering with other WINS servers.
// Aside: It is possible that members of
// the normal group are going to us and to
// another WINS. This is the worst case as
// far as replication traffic is concerned.
//If the owned entry is ACTIVE and the
//pulled entry an out of date TOMBSTONE
//(will only happen if WINS server we are
//pulling from was down for a while), we
//will not replace the record
if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) { if (StateOfEntryToReg_e != NMSDB_E_TOMBSTONE) { *pfUpdate = TRUE; } } #if 0
if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) { //
// update the version number to
// cause propagation
*pfUpdVersNo = TRUE; } #endif
else { //
// Entry owned is a replica.
// We need to update it with
// the new replica if the
// owner id is the same.
if (pEntryInCnf->OwnerId == pEntryToReg->OwnerId) { *pfUpdate = TRUE; } else { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClastAtReplGrpR: Clash between two normal group replicas owned by different owners. No update is needed\n"); }
} } #ifdef WINSDBG
// Actually we should never have a normal group
// clashing with a special group since only
// a name ending with 1c is a special group.
else // entry in conflict is a special group
{ //
// Since it is an active special
// group entry there is no need to update it
if (StateOfEntryToReg_e == NMSDB_E_ACTIVE) { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtReplGrpR: Clash between an ACTIVE normal group replica and an active special group entry in the db. No Update will be done\n"); } else { DBGPRINT0(DET, "ClashAtReplGrpR: Clash between a TOMBSTONE normal and an active SPEC GRP entry. Db won't be updated\n"); } } #endif
} break;
default: //
// Something really wrong here. Maybe the
// database got corrupted.
DBGPRINT1(ERR, "ClashAtReplGrpR: Weird state of entry in cnf (%d)\n", StateOfEntryInCnf_e ); WINSEVT_LOG_M(WINS_FAILURE, WINS_EVT_SFT_ERR); WINS_RAISE_EXC_M(WINS_EXC_FAILURE); break; } }
} DBGLEAVE("ClashAtReplGrpR\n"); return;
} //ClashAtReplGrpR()
Routine Description: This function registers a replica in the directory database.
A record in the database comprises of the following fields name IP address time stamp owner id. flags byte that contain the following information group/unique status node type (P or M)
version number
Arguments: pName - Name to be registered NameLen - Length of Name Flag - Flag word pNodeAdd - NBT node's address OwnerId - Owner if the record (WINS that registered it) VersNo - Version Number
Externals Used: None
Return Value:
Success status codes -- WINS_SUCCESS Error status codes -- WINS_FAILURE
Error Handling:
Called by:
PullEntries in rplpull.c
Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/
NMSDB_ROW_INFO_T RowInfo; // contains row info
NMSDB_STAT_INFO_T StatusInfo; /* error status and associated
* info returned by the NmsDb func */ BOOL fUpdate; //indicates whether conflicting entry
//needs to be overwritten
BOOL fUpdVersNo; //indicates whether version number
//needs to be incremented
BOOL fChallenge; //indicates whether a challenge needs
//to be done
BOOL fRelease; //indicates whether a node should
// be asked to release the name
BOOL fInformWins; //indicates whether the remote WINS
//has to be apprised of the clash
//result. Can be TRUE only if both
//fChallenge and fRelease are TRUE
time_t ltime; //stores time since Jan 1, 1970
STATUS RetStat = WINS_SUCCESS; NMSCHL_CMD_TYP_E CmdTyp_e; //type of command specified to
fUpdate = FALSE;
* initialize the row info. data structure with the data to insert into * the row. The data passed is
* Name, NameLen, address, group/unique status, * timestamp, version number */ RowInfo.pName = pName; RowInfo.NameLen = NameLen; RowInfo.pNodeAdd = pNodeAdd; RowInfo.NodeTyp = (BYTE)((Flag & NMSDB_BIT_NODE_TYP) >> NMSDB_SHIFT_NODE_TYP); //Node type (B, P or M node)
RowInfo.EntTyp = NMSDB_UNIQUE_ENTRY; // this is a unique
(void)time(<ime); //time does not return any error code
RowInfo.EntryState_e = NMSDB_ENTRY_STATE_M(Flag); RowInfo.OwnerId = OwnerId; RowInfo.VersNo = VersNo; RowInfo.fUpdVersNo = TRUE; RowInfo.fUpdTimeStamp= TRUE; RowInfo.fStatic = NMSDB_IS_ENTRY_STATIC_M(Flag); RowInfo.fLocal = FALSE; RowInfo.fAdmin = FALSE; // RowInfo.CommitGrBit = 0;
DBGPRINT4(DET, "NmsNmhReplRegInd: Name (%s);16th char (%X);State (%d); Entry is (%s)\n", RowInfo.pName, *(RowInfo.pName+15),RowInfo.EntryState_e, RowInfo.fStatic ? "STATIC" : "DYNAMIC"); DBGPRINT2(DET,"Vers. No. is (%d %d)\n", VersNo.HighPart, VersNo.LowPart);
* Enter Critical Section */ PERF("Try to get rid of this or atleast minimise its impact") EnterCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec); //DBG_START_PERF_MONITORING
try { if ( NMSDB_ENTRY_TOMB_M(Flag) ) { RowInfo.TimeStamp = ltime + WinsCnf.TombstoneTimeout; } else if (OwnerId == NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) { RowInfo.TimeStamp = ltime + WinsCnf.RefreshInterval; } else { RowInfo.TimeStamp = ltime + WinsCnf.VerifyInterval; }
* Insert record in the directory */ RetStat = NmsDbInsertRowInd( &RowInfo, &StatusInfo );
if (RetStat == WINS_SUCCESS) { /*
* If there is a conflict, do the appropriate processing */ if (StatusInfo.StatCode == NMSDB_CONFLICT) {
DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "NmsNmhReplRegInd: Name Conflict\n"); ClashAtReplUniqueR( &RowInfo, &StatusInfo, &fUpdate, &fUpdVersNo, &fChallenge, &fRelease, &fInformWins );
// if we need to challenge a node or release a name
// hand over the request to the name challenge manager
if ((fChallenge) || (fRelease)) {
DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "NmsNmh: Handing name registration to challenge manager\n"); /*
* Ask the Name Challenge component to take it from * here */ if (fChallenge) { if (fRelease) { if (!fInformWins) { //
// Set this since we use it when we do the release.
RowInfo.NodeAdds.NoOfMems = 1; RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[0].OwnerId = OwnerId; RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[0].TimeStamp = RowInfo.TimeStamp; RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[0].Add = *pNodeAdd;
// Clash with active/multihomed
CmdTyp_e = NMSCHL_E_CHL_N_REL; } else { //
// We will never enter this code.
ASSERT(0); CmdTyp_e = NMSCHL_E_CHL_N_REL_N_INF; } } else { CmdTyp_e = NMSCHL_E_CHL;
} } else { if (fRelease) {
if (!fInformWins) {
CmdTyp_e = NMSCHL_E_REL; } else { //
// We will never enter this code.
ASSERT(0); CmdTyp_e = NMSCHL_E_REL_N_INF; } } }
NmsChlHdlNamReg( CmdTyp_e, WINS_E_RPLPULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, &RowInfo, &StatusInfo, pAddOfRemWins );
} else // it is not a request for the name challenge manager
// If version number needs to be updated, do so
if (fUpdVersNo) { RowInfo.VersNo = NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo; RowInfo.fUpdTimeStamp = FALSE; RetStat = NmsDbUpdateVersNo( TRUE, &RowInfo, &StatusInfo ); DBGPRINT1(FLOW, "NmsNmhReplRegInd: Version Number changed to (%d)\n", NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo); } else { if (fUpdate) {
// The row needs to be updated
RetStat = NmsDbUpdateRow( &RowInfo, &StatusInfo ); } else //no update need be done
{ StatusInfo.StatCode = NMSDB_SUCCESS; DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "Repl Registration (unique entry) not needed for this Conflict\n"); } }
FUTURES("Use WINS status codes. Get rid of NMSDB status codes -- Maybe") if ( (RetStat != WINS_SUCCESS) || (StatusInfo.StatCode != NMSDB_SUCCESS) ) { RetStat = WINS_FAILURE; DBGPRINT5(ERR, "NmsNmhReplUniqueR: Could not update Db with replica %s[%x] of Owner Id (%d) and Vers. No (%d %d)\n", RowInfo.pName, *(RowInfo.pName + 15), RowInfo.OwnerId, RowInfo.VersNo.HighPart, RowInfo.VersNo.LowPart); } else //we succeeded in inserting the row
{ DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "NmsNmhReplRegInd: Updated Db\n"); if (fUpdVersNo) { NMSNMH_INC_VERS_COUNTER_M( NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo, NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo ); //
// Send a Push Notification if required
} } } #ifdef WINSDBG
else //no conflict means success
DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "NmsNmhReplRegInd:Replica Registration Done. No conflict\n"); } #endif
} // end of if (RetStat == WINS_SUCCESS)
#ifdef WINSDBG
else { DBGPRINT0(ERR, "NmsNmhReplRegInd: Could not register replica\n"); } #endif
} // end of try block
except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DWORD ExcCode = GetExceptionCode();
DBGPRINTEXC("NmsNmhReplRegInd"); DBGPRINT4(EXC, "NmsNmhNamReplRegInd. Name is (%s), Version No (%d %d); Owner Id (%d)\n", RowInfo.pName, RowInfo.VersNo.HighPart, RowInfo.VersNo.LowPart, RowInfo.OwnerId); WinsEvtLogDetEvt(FALSE, WINS_EVT_RPL_REG_UNIQUE_ERR, NULL, __LINE__, "sdddd", RowInfo.pName, ExcCode, pAddOfRemWins != NULL ? pAddOfRemWins->Add.IPAdd : 0, RowInfo.VersNo.LowPart, RowInfo.VersNo.HighPart);
if (WINS_EXC_BAD_RECORD == ExcCode && fUpdate) { // The row needs to be updated
DBGPRINT4(EXC, "NmsNmhNamReplRegInd. Bad Record will overwitten by Name is (%s), Version No (%d %d); Owner Id (%d)\n", RowInfo.pName, RowInfo.VersNo.HighPart, RowInfo.VersNo.LowPart, RowInfo.OwnerId); RetStat = NmsDbUpdateRow(&RowInfo,&StatusInfo); if ( WINS_SUCCESS == RetStat && NMSDB_SUCCESS == StatusInfo.StatCode ) { NMSNMH_INC_VERS_COUNTER_M(NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo,NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo); // Send a Push Notification if required
DBGIF(fWinsCnfRplEnabled) RPL_PUSH_NTF_M(RPL_PUSH_NO_PROP, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { // dont let bad record stop replication.
RetStat = WINS_SUCCESS; } } else { RetStat = WINS_FAILURE; } }
LeaveCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec); //DBG_PRINT_PERF_DATA
} //NmsNmhReplRegInd()
STATUS NmsNmhReplGrpMems( IN LPBYTE pName, IN DWORD NameLen, IN BYTE EntTyp, IN PNMSDB_NODE_ADDS_T pGrpMem, IN DWORD Flag, //change to take Flag byte
Routine Description: This function is called to register a replica of a group
Arguments: pName - Name of replica to register NameLen - Length of the name EntTyp - Type of replica (Normal group or special group) pGrpMem - Address of array of group members Flag - Flag word of replica record OwnerId - Owner Id VersNo - Version No.
Externals Used: NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec
Return Value:
Success status codes -- WINS_SUCCESS Error status codes -- WINS_FAILURE
Error Handling:
Called by: PullEntries() in rplpull.c
Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/
DWORD i; NMSDB_ROW_INFO_T RowInfo; time_t ltime; NMSDB_STAT_INFO_T StatusInfo; STATUS RetStat = WINS_SUCCESS; BOOL fUpdate; //indicates whether conflicting entry
//needs to be overwritten
BOOL fUpdVersNo; //indicates whether version number
//needs to be incremented
BOOL fAddMem; //indicates whether a member needs to
//be added
BOOL fRelease; //indicates whether a node should
// be asked to release the name
BOOL fChallenge; //indicates whether a node should
// be challenged (will be set to TRUE
// only for the multihomed scenario)
BOOL fUpdTimeStamp; //indicates whether the time stamp
// of the entry should be changed
BOOL fInformWins; NMSCHL_CMD_TYP_E CmdTyp_e; //type of command specified to NmsChl
fUpdate = FALSE;
* initialize the row info. data structure with the data to insert into * the row. The data passed is
* Name, NameLen, IP address, group/unique status, * timestamp, version number */ RowInfo.pName = pName;
RowInfo.NameLen = NameLen; RowInfo.NodeAdds.NoOfMems = pGrpMem->NoOfMems;
PERF("Since this function will be called multiple times, it would be better") PERF("to call time() in the caller (i.e. PullEntries)") (void)time(<ime); //time() does not return any error code
EnterCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec); if ( NMSDB_ENTRY_TOMB_M(Flag) ) { ltime += WinsCnf.TombstoneTimeout; } else if (OwnerId == NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) { ltime += WinsCnf.RefreshInterval; } else { ltime += WinsCnf.VerifyInterval;
} LeaveCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec);
// For multihomed nodes
RowInfo.NodeTyp = (BYTE)((Flag & NMSDB_BIT_NODE_TYP) >> NMSDB_SHIFT_NODE_TYP); } else { RowInfo.NodeTyp = 0; }
// It is a special group entry or a multihomed entry
for(i=0; i<pGrpMem->NoOfMems; i++) { RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[i].Add = pGrpMem->Mem[i].Add; RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[i].OwnerId = pGrpMem->Mem[i].OwnerId; RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[i].TimeStamp = ltime; #if 0
NOTE("Currently, the timestamp of the record or those of its members is not") NOTE("replicated. There is no need for this. In the future, if a WINS server") NOTE("starts looking at the timestamps of non-owned members of a special group") NOTE("or a multihomed entry, we would need to replicate this")
RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[i].TimeStamp = pGrpMem->Mem[i].TimeStamp; #endif
RowInfo.pNodeAdd = NULL; } else // replica is a normal group
{ RowInfo.pNodeAdd = &pGrpMem->Mem[0].Add; RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[0].Add = pGrpMem->Mem[0].Add; RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[0].OwnerId = pGrpMem->Mem[0].OwnerId; RowInfo.NodeAdds.Mem[0].TimeStamp = ltime; RowInfo.NodeTyp = 0; }
RowInfo.EntTyp = EntTyp; RowInfo.OwnerId = OwnerId; // this is a replica
RowInfo.VersNo = VersNo; RowInfo.TimeStamp = ltime; RowInfo.EntryState_e = NMSDB_ENTRY_STATE_M(Flag); RowInfo.fUpdVersNo = TRUE; RowInfo.fUpdTimeStamp= TRUE; RowInfo.fStatic = NMSDB_IS_ENTRY_STATIC_M(Flag); RowInfo.fAdmin = FALSE; RowInfo.fLocal = FALSE; // RowInfo.CommitGrBit = 0;
DBGPRINT5(DET, "NmsNmhReplGrpMems: Name (%s);16th char (%X);State (%d); Static flag (%d); Entry is a %s\n", RowInfo.pName, *(RowInfo.pName+15), RowInfo.EntryState_e, RowInfo.fStatic, (EntTyp == NMSDB_NORM_GRP_ENTRY ? "NORMAL GROUP" : (EntTyp == NMSDB_SPEC_GRP_ENTRY) ? "SPECIAL GROUP" : "MULTIHOMED")); DBGPRINT2(DET, "Vers. No. is (%d %d)\n", VersNo.HighPart, VersNo.LowPart);
* Enter Critical Section */ PERF("Try to get rid of this or atleast minimise its impact") EnterCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec); //DBG_START_PERF_MONITORING
try { RetStat = NmsDbInsertRowGrp( &RowInfo, &StatusInfo ); if (RetStat == WINS_SUCCESS) { /*
* If there is a conflict, do the appropriate processing */ if (StatusInfo.StatCode == NMSDB_CONFLICT) {
DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "NmsNmhReplGrpMems: Name Conflict\n");
ClashAtReplGrpR( &RowInfo, &StatusInfo, &fAddMem, &fUpdate, &fUpdVersNo, &fRelease, &fChallenge, &fUpdTimeStamp, &fInformWins );
PERF("Might want to examine which cases happen most often and then rearrange") PERF("this so that the most often expected cases come first in the following") PERF("if tests") //
// if fRelease or fChallenge (will be set only for
// multihomed case) is TRUE, we don't look at any other
// attributes
if (fRelease) { DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "NmsNmhReplGrpMems: Handing name registration to challenge manager\n");
if (fChallenge) { /*
*Ask the Name Challenge comp to take it from *here. fInformWins will not ever by TRUE as * it stands currently 10/15/98 (has been * the case since the beginning). */ CmdTyp_e = (fInformWins ? NMSCHL_E_CHL_N_REL_N_INF : NMSCHL_E_CHL_N_REL); } else { CmdTyp_e = NMSCHL_E_REL; }
NmsChlHdlNamReg( CmdTyp_e, WINS_E_RPLPULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, &RowInfo, &StatusInfo, pAddOfRemWins ); } else // we need to handle this in this thread only
{ //
// If one or more members have to be added to the
// list already there (RowInfo.NodeAdds will have
// these new members)
if (fAddMem) {
// The owner stays the same
//RowInfo.OwnerId = StatusInfo.OwnerId;
// If vers number needs to be updated, do so
// Note: This should never happen if the
// record in the db is not owned by this
if (fUpdVersNo) { //
// The owner stays the same. We will
// never update the version number
// unless it is owned by the local WINS
RowInfo.OwnerId = NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID; RowInfo.VersNo = NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo; ASSERT(StatusInfo.OwnerId == NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID); }
// If fUpdVersNo is not set, it means that
// the record is owned by another WINS. Because
// we are adding a member, we should change
// both the owner id and the version number
// to that of the current record. In other
// words, do an update. This will ensure that
// partners of this WINS will see the changed
// member list.
#if 0
else { RowInfo.fUpdVersNo = FALSE; } #endif
RetStat = NmsDbUpdateRow ( &RowInfo, &StatusInfo ); } else // no member needs to be added
{ //
// If vers number needs to be updated, do so
if (fUpdVersNo) { RowInfo.VersNo = NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo; //
// we use the attribute fUpdTimeStamp
// only if fUpdVersNo is TRUE (and
// fAddMem == FALSE)
RowInfo.fUpdTimeStamp = fUpdTimeStamp; RetStat = NmsDbUpdateVersNo( TRUE, &RowInfo, &StatusInfo ); } else { //
// If the entire record needs to be
// updated do so.
if (fUpdate) { RetStat = NmsDbUpdateRow( &RowInfo, &StatusInfo ); DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "NmsNmhReplGrpMems: Updated Db\n"); } else { StatusInfo.StatCode = NMSDB_SUCCESS; DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "Repl Registration (group) not needed for this conflict\n"); } } // vers no. not to be incremented
} // no member needs to be added
FUTURES("Use WINS status codes. Get rid of NMSDB status codes - Maybe") //we succeeded in inserting the row
if ( (RetStat != WINS_SUCCESS) || (StatusInfo.StatCode != NMSDB_SUCCESS) ) { RetStat = WINS_FAILURE; DBGPRINT5(ERR, "NmsNmhReplGrpR: Could not update Db with replica %s[%x] of Owner Id (%d) and Vers. No (%d %d)\n", RowInfo.pName, *(RowInfo.pName + 15), RowInfo.OwnerId, RowInfo.VersNo.HighPart, RowInfo.VersNo.LowPart); } else { if (fUpdVersNo) { NMSNMH_INC_VERS_COUNTER_M( NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo, NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo ); DBGIF(fWinsCnfRplEnabled) RPL_PUSH_NTF_M(RPL_PUSH_NO_PROP, NULL, NULL, NULL);
} } } // need to handle it in this thread only
} else //no conflict means success
DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "Replica Registration Done. No conflict\n"); } } // end of if (RetStat == WINS_SUCCESS)
#ifdef WINSDBG
else { DBGPRINT0(ERR, "NmsNmhReplGrpMems: Could not register replica\n"); } #endif
} // end of try block
except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { BYTE Tmp[20]; DWORD ExcCode = GetExceptionCode(); DBGPRINT1(EXC, "NmsNmhReplGrpMems: Got exception (%d)\n", ExcCode); WinsEvtLogDetEvt(FALSE, WINS_EVT_RPL_REG_GRP_MEM_ERR, NULL, __LINE__, "sdsdd", RowInfo.pName, ExcCode, pAddOfRemWins != NULL ? _itoa(pAddOfRemWins->Add.IPAdd, Tmp, 10) : "SEE AN EARLIER LOG", RowInfo.VersNo.LowPart, RowInfo.VersNo.HighPart); if (WINS_EXC_BAD_RECORD == ExcCode && fUpdate) { // The row needs to be updated
DBGPRINT4(EXC, "NmsNmhNamReplGrpMems. Bad Record will overwitten by Name is (%s), Version No (%d %d); Owner Id (%d)\n", RowInfo.pName, RowInfo.VersNo.HighPart, RowInfo.VersNo.LowPart, RowInfo.OwnerId); RetStat = NmsDbUpdateRow(&RowInfo,&StatusInfo); if ( WINS_SUCCESS == RetStat && NMSDB_SUCCESS == StatusInfo.StatCode ) { NMSNMH_INC_VERS_COUNTER_M(NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo,NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo); // Send a Push Notification if required
DBGIF(fWinsCnfRplEnabled) RPL_PUSH_NTF_M(RPL_PUSH_NO_PROP, NULL, NULL, NULL); } else { // dont let bad record stop replication.
RetStat = WINS_SUCCESS; } } else { RetStat = WINS_FAILURE; }
LeaveCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec); //DBG_PRINT_PERF_DATA
DBGLEAVE("NmsNmhReplGrpMems\n"); return(RetStat);
} //NmsNmhReplGrpMems()
Routine Description: This function is called to create a union of special groups
Arguments: pEntryToReg - Entry to register pEntryInCnf - Entry In conflict
Externals Used: None
Return Value: TRUE if the union is a superset FALSE otherwise
Error Handling:
Called by: ClashAtReplGrpR
Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/
DWORD no; DWORD i, n; BOOL fFound; BOOL fToRemove; BOOL fUnion = FALSE; PNMSDB_GRP_MEM_ENTRY_T pCnfMems; PNMSDB_GRP_MEM_ENTRY_T pRegMems; PNMSDB_ADD_STATE_T pOwnAddTbl = pNmsDbOwnAddTbl; BOOL fMemToReplaceFound; DWORD IdOfMemToReplace; DWORD EntryInCnfMemsBeforeUnion; DWORD EntryToRegMemsBeforeUnion;
DBGPRINT2(DET, "UnionGrps: No Of Mems To register = (%d)\nNo Of Mems in Conflicting record = (%d)\n", pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.NoOfMems, pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems ); //
// Remember the number of members in the conflicting record before
// performing the union. After the union, if the list grows, we make the
// local wins owner of this record NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID. This causes
// the verid to go up and hence will update the member list of this record
// in our replication partner dbs.
EntryInCnfMemsBeforeUnion = pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems; EntryToRegMemsBeforeUnion = pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.NoOfMems;
// First, remove all members from the conflicting record that
// are owned by the WINS whose replica we pulled but are not
// in the list of the remote WINS sever owned members of the replica
pCnfMems = pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.Mem; for (i=0; i < pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems; ) { if (pCnfMems->OwnerId == pEntryToReg->OwnerId) { pRegMems = pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.Mem; fToRemove = TRUE; for (no=0; no < pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.NoOfMems; no++, pRegMems++) {
if (pCnfMems->OwnerId != pRegMems->OwnerId) { //
// OwnerId is different from that of the replica,
// go to the next member in the list
continue; } else //owner id same as that of replica member
{ if (pCnfMems->Add.Add.IPAdd != pRegMems->Add.Add.IPAdd) { //
// IP add. different, continue on so that
// we compare with the next member in
// the replica
continue; } else //ip addresses are same
{ fToRemove = FALSE; break; } } } // end of for
if (fToRemove) { PNMSDB_GRP_MEM_ENTRY_T pMem; DBGPRINT4(FLOW, "UnionGrps: REMOVING conflicting member no = (%d) of (%s) with owner id. = (%d) and address (%x)\n", i, pEntryToReg->pName, pCnfMems->OwnerId, pCnfMems->Add.Add.IPAdd); pMem = pCnfMems; for (n = i; n < (pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems - 1); n++) { *pMem = *(pMem + 1); pMem++; } pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems--; if (!fUnion) { fUnion = TRUE; } continue; } } i++; pCnfMems++; } // end of for (loop over conflicting members)
// For each member in the record to register, do the following..
pRegMems = pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.Mem; for(i=0; i < pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.NoOfMems; pRegMems++, i++) { fFound = FALSE;
DBGPRINT3(DET, "UnionGrps: Member no (%d) of record to register has IP address = (%d) and owner id. = (%d)\n", i, pRegMems->Add.Add.IPAdd, pRegMems->OwnerId ); //
// Check against all members of the record in conflict
pCnfMems = pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.Mem; fMemToReplaceFound = FALSE; for(no=0; no < pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems; no++, pCnfMems++) { DBGPRINT3(DET, "UnionGrps: Comparing with member (%d) of conflicting record. Member address is (%d) and owner id is (%d)\n", no, pCnfMems->Add.Add.IPAdd, pCnfMems->OwnerId);
// If the address is the same and the owner Id is the
// same, we break out of the loop in order to check
// the next member of the record to register's list
if ( pCnfMems->Add.Add.IPAdd == pRegMems->Add.Add.IPAdd ) { if ( pCnfMems->OwnerId == pRegMems->OwnerId ) { DBGPRINT3(DET, "UnionGrps: IP address = (%d) with owner id. of (%d) is already there in conflicting group (%s)\n", pRegMems->Add.Add.IPAdd, pRegMems->OwnerId, pEntryToReg->Name );
// set fFound to TRUE so that this
// member is not added to StoreMems
// later on in this for loop.
fFound = TRUE; } else //same IP address, but different owners
{ DBGPRINT4(DET, "UnionGrps: IP address = (%d) (with owner id. of (%d)) is already there in conflicting group (%s) but is owned by (%d) \n", pRegMems->Add.Add.IPAdd, pRegMems->OwnerId, pEntryToReg->Name, pCnfMems->OwnerId ); fFound = TRUE;
// if the timestamp is MAXULONG, then
// we should not replace the owner id.
//Currently MAXULONG is there only for
//static SG members.
if (pCnfMems->TimeStamp != MAXLONG) { //
// Replace the owner id of the member
// in the conflicting record with that
// of the member in the record to reg
pCnfMems->OwnerId = pRegMems->OwnerId;
// Set fUnion to TRUE so that the
// caller of this function increments
// the version count (only if the
// conflicting record is owned; In such
// a case, we want to propagate the
// record)
fUnion = TRUE; } }
// break out of the for loop;
// We are done with this member of the
// record to register
} else { //
// Addresses don't match. If the member in the
// conflicting record is not owned by the local
// WINS it might be a candidate for replacement
// if we don't find a member with a matching
// address. NOTE: a member with a timestamp of
// MAXULONG is not to be replaced.
// Currently, only a static SG member can have
// a MAXULONG value
if ((pCnfMems->OwnerId != NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID) && (pCnfMems->TimeStamp != MAXLONG))
{ if ( !fMemToReplaceFound && ((pOwnAddTbl + pCnfMems->OwnerId)->MemberPrec < (pOwnAddTbl + pRegMems->OwnerId)->MemberPrec)
) { fMemToReplaceFound = TRUE; IdOfMemToReplace = no; } }
} } // for (..) for looping over all mem. of conflicting record
// If we did not find the member in conflicting record
// we insert it into StoreMems if there are vacant slots
// at the end
if(!fFound) { if (pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems < NMSDB_MAX_MEMS_IN_GRP) { //
// add the member of the record to register to
// StoreMems
pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.Mem[ pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems++] = *pRegMems;
fUnion = TRUE; } else { //
// if there is atleast one remote member of lower
// precedence value, replace it
if (fMemToReplaceFound) { pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.Mem[IdOfMemToReplace] = *pRegMems; fUnion = TRUE; } //
// check the next member in the pulled in replica
} } } // end of for loop
// if the conflicting member list was changed,
// Copy all information in pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds to
// pEntryToReg->NodeAdds
if (fUnion) { pRegMems = pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.Mem; pCnfMems = pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.Mem; for ( i=0; i < pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems; i++, pRegMems++, pCnfMems++ ) { *pRegMems = *pCnfMems; } pEntryToReg->NodeAdds.NoOfMems = pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems; }
// if the new list is bigger, make the local wins the owner of this record.
if ( pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems > EntryInCnfMemsBeforeUnion && pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems > EntryToRegMemsBeforeUnion ) { if ( pEntryInCnf->OwnerId != NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID ) { // change the timestamp to verifyinterval so that this record does not get
// scavenged.
time((time_t*)&(pEntryToReg->TimeStamp)); pEntryToReg->TimeStamp += WinsCnf.VerifyInterval; pEntryInCnf->OwnerId = NMSDB_LOCAL_OWNER_ID; DBGPRINT3(DET, "UnionGrps: Conflicting mem# %d, registering record mem %d, new list# %d - ownership changed\n", EntryInCnfMemsBeforeUnion, EntryToRegMemsBeforeUnion, pEntryInCnf->NodeAdds.NoOfMems); } }
DBGPRINT1(FLOW, "UnionGrps: Union %s\n", (fUnion ? "DONE" : "NOT DONE")); DBGLEAVE("UnionGrps\n"); return(fUnion); } //UnionGrps
VOID NmsNmhUpdVersNo( IN LPBYTE pName, IN DWORD NameLen, OUT LPBYTE pRcode, IN PCOMM_ADD_T pWinsAdd )
Routine Description: This function is called to update the version number of a record
pName - Name to be registered NameLen - Length of Name pRcode - result of the operation WinsId - Id of WINS that initiated this operation (not used currently)
Externals Used:
Return Value: None
Error Handling:
Called by:
HandleUpdVersNoReq in rplpush.c
Side Effects:
Comments: NOTE: This function is supposed to be called only by the PUSH thread. It should *NOT* be called by the PULL thread. This is because of the inherent assumption made by this function regarding the type of index to set at the exit point of the function
NMSDB_ROW_INFO_T RowInfo; // contains row info
NMSDB_STAT_INFO_T StatusInfo; /* error status and associated
* info returned by the NmsDb func */ // time_t ltime; //stores time since Jan 1, 1970
* initialize the row info. data structure with the data to insert into * the row. The data passed is
* Name, NameLen, address, group/unique status, * timestamp, version number */ RowInfo.pName = pName; RowInfo.NameLen = NameLen; //(void)time(<ime); //time does not return any error code
//RowInfo.TimeStamp = ltime; // put current time here
RowInfo.fUpdVersNo = TRUE; RowInfo.fUpdTimeStamp = FALSE; RowInfo.fAdmin = FALSE; //does not really have to be set
// Set the current index to the name column
* Enter Critical Section */ EnterCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec);
Store version number */ RowInfo.VersNo = NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo;
try { NmsDbUpdateVersNo( FALSE, &RowInfo, &StatusInfo );
FUTURES("Use WINS status codes. Get rid of NMSDB status codes - maybe") if (StatusInfo.StatCode != NMSDB_SUCCESS) { *pRcode = NMSMSGF_E_SRV_ERR; } else { DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "NmsNmhUpdVersNo:Vers. No incremented \n"); NMSNMH_INC_VERS_COUNTER_M( NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo, NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo ); *pRcode = NMSMSGF_E_SUCCESS; DBGIF(fWinsCnfRplEnabled) RPL_PUSH_NTF_M(RPL_PUSH_NO_PROP, NULL, pWinsAdd, NULL); }
} except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DBGPRINTEXC("NmsNmhUpdVersNo"); WINSEVT_LOG_D_M(GetExceptionCode(),WINS_EVT_UPD_VERS_NO_ERR); } LeaveCriticalSection(&NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec); //
// Set the current index to the owner-version # columns
NmsDbSetCurrentIndex( NMSDB_E_NAM_ADD_TBL_NM, NMSDB_NAM_ADD_PRIM_INDEX_NAME ); return; } //NmsNmhUpdVersNo()
Clash scenarios:
Clash of a active unique replica with a normal group, any state: Keep the normal group. Group may be a T because the router is down. */