* Filename: Main.cpp * Description: * Author: chrisdar 07.17.02 * * Tests support for CancelIPChangeNotify to cancel notififcations from TCP/IP. * Also exercises notification calls in multiple worker threads (pool size * controlled by NUM_THREAD). * * Each thread invokes an API method at random (selecting among the notification * APIs in wlbsctrl.dll). At no time should the call fail due to the state of * notifications in the dll. Thus multiple threads of control can use the * notification API without fear of stomping on one another. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <process.h>
#include "wlbsctrl.h"
#include "winsock2.h"
/* The number of worker threads to create */ #define NUM_THREAD 8
/* The number of random numbers to generate */ #define NUM_RAND 100
/* Mnemonic for the 4 API methods */ #define CONN_UP 0
#define CONN_DOWN 1
#define CONN_RESET 2
#define CONN_CANCEL 3
/* Function pointers for notification APIs */ NLBNotificationConnectionUp pfnConnectionUp = NULL; NLBNotificationConnectionDown pfnConnectionDown = NULL; NLBNotificationConnectionReset pfnConnectionReset = NULL; NLBNotificationCancelNotify pfnCancelNotify = NULL;
/* Set true when main thread wants worker threads to complete */ BOOL g_fexit = FALSE;
/* Array of handles to the worker threads */ HANDLE g_hThread[NUM_THREAD];
/* Couldn't get rand() to generate unique random numbers in worker threads. Resorted to generating an array of random numbers and cycling through it */ UINT uiRand[NUM_RAND];
/* Index of next random number to use. Shared by worker threads, so this is proctected by a critical section */ UINT uiIndex = 0;
/* Protects uiIndex */ CRITICAL_SECTION cs;
/* Only way I could get the thread id to each worker thread. Used only in dumped output so I know which thread is doing the work */ UINT tid[NUM_THREAD];
/* The function executed by the worker threads */ unsigned __stdcall rndm_notify(void* p) { DWORD dwStatus; DWORD dwNLBStatus = 0;
/* Get my thread id */ DWORD dwtid = *((DWORD*) p);
while (!g_fexit) { Sleep(2000);
EnterCriticalSection(&cs); UINT uiMethod = uiRand[uiIndex]; uiIndex = (uiIndex++)%NUM_RAND; LeaveCriticalSection(&cs);
switch(uiMethod) { case CONN_UP: dwStatus = (*pfnConnectionUp)(inet_addr(""), htons(500), inet_addr(""), htons(500), 50, &dwNLBStatus); break; case CONN_DOWN: dwStatus = (*pfnConnectionDown)(inet_addr(""), htons(500), inet_addr(""), htons(500), 50, &dwNLBStatus); break; case CONN_RESET: dwStatus = (*pfnConnectionReset)(inet_addr(""), htons(500), inet_addr(""), htons(500), 50, &dwNLBStatus); break; case CONN_CANCEL: dwStatus = (*pfnCancelNotify)(); break; default: continue; }
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) { wprintf(L"Thread %4d: notification %u failed with %d\n", dwtid, uiMethod, dwStatus); } else { wprintf(L"Thread %4d: notification %u succeeded\n", dwtid, uiMethod); } }
dwStatus = (*pfnCancelNotify)(); if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { wprintf(L"Thread %4d: tcp/ip notifications canceled without error\n"); } else { wprintf(L"Thread %4d: canceling tcp/ip notifications failed with error %d\n", dwStatus); }
wprintf(L"Thread %4d: exiting\n", dwtid);
return 0; }
int __cdecl wmain (int argc, WCHAR ** argv) { HINSTANCE hDLL = NULL;
int iRet = 0; int i = 0; DWORD dwStatus = 0;
ZeroMemory(g_hThread, sizeof(g_hThread)); InitializeCriticalSection(&cs);
srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) );
for (i = 0; i < NUM_RAND; i++) { uiRand[i] = rand()*4/RAND_MAX; }
hDLL = LoadLibrary(L"wlbsctrl.dll");
if (!hDLL) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); wprintf(L"Unable to open wlbsctrl.dll... GetLastError() returned %u\n", dwStatus); iRet = -1; goto exit; }
pfnConnectionUp = (NLBNotificationConnectionUp)GetProcAddress(hDLL, "WlbsConnectionUp"); pfnConnectionDown = (NLBNotificationConnectionDown)GetProcAddress(hDLL, "WlbsConnectionDown"); pfnConnectionReset = (NLBNotificationConnectionReset)GetProcAddress(hDLL, "WlbsConnectionReset"); pfnCancelNotify = (NLBNotificationCancelNotify)GetProcAddress(hDLL, "WlbsCancelConnectionNotify");
if (!pfnConnectionUp || !pfnConnectionDown || !pfnConnectionReset || !pfnCancelNotify) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); wprintf(L"Unable to get procedure address... GetLastError() returned %u\n", dwStatus); iRet = -2; goto exit; }
wprintf(L"Creating %u threads\n", NUM_THREAD);
for (i=0; i < NUM_THREAD; i++) { g_hThread[i] = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex( NULL, 0, rndm_notify, &tid[i], 0, &tid[i] ); if (g_hThread[i] == 0) { wprintf(L"thread creation failed with error %d\n", errno); iRet = -4; goto exit; }
Sleep(100); }
wprintf(L"<return> to end threads and cancel\n"); (void)getchar();
g_fexit = TRUE;
dwStatus = WaitForMultipleObjects(NUM_THREAD, g_hThread, TRUE, INFINITE);
DWORD dwStatus2 = (*pfnCancelNotify)(); if (dwStatus2 == ERROR_SUCCESS) { wprintf(L"tcp/ip notifications canceled without error\n"); } else { wprintf(L"canceling tcp/ip notifications failed with error %d\n", dwStatus2); }
if (dwStatus != WAIT_OBJECT_0 + NUM_THREAD - 1) { wprintf(L"wait on threads failed with error %d\n", dwStatus); iRet = -5; goto exit; }
if (hDLL != NULL) FreeLibrary(hDLL); DeleteCriticalSection(&cs);
return iRet;