// FILE : InboundRoutingMethod.cpp //
// //
// DESCRIPTION : Implementation of the Inbound Routing Method node. //
// //
// AUTHOR : yossg //
// //
// HISTORY : //
// Dec 1 1999 yossg Created //
// Dec 14 1999 yossg add basic functionality //
// Oct 17 2000 yossg //
// //
// Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation All Rights Reserved //
// //
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "snapin.h"
#include "InboundRoutingMethod.h"
#include "InboundRoutingMethods.h"
#include "FaxServer.h"
#include "FaxServerNode.h"
#include "oaidl.h"
#include "urlmon.h"
#include "mshtmhst.h"
#include "exdisp.h"
#include "faxmmc.h"
// {220D2CB0-85A9-4a43-B6E8-9D66B44F1AF5}
const GUID* CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::m_NODETYPE = &CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNodeGUID_NODETYPE; const OLECHAR* CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::m_SZNODETYPE = FAXSRV_ROUTING_METHOD_NODETYPE_GUID_STR; //const OLECHAR* CnotImplemented::m_SZDISPLAY_NAME = OLESTR("Inbound Routing Methods");
const CLSID* CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::m_SNAPIN_CLASSID = &CLSID_Snapin;
CLIPFORMAT CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::m_CFExtensionName = (CLIPFORMAT)RegisterClipboardFormat(CF_MSFAXSRV_ROUTEEXT_NAME); CLIPFORMAT CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::m_CFMethodGuid = (CLIPFORMAT)RegisterClipboardFormat(CF_MSFAXSRV_ROUTING_METHOD_GUID); CLIPFORMAT CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::m_CFServerName = (CLIPFORMAT)RegisterClipboardFormat(CF_MSFAXSRV_SERVER_NAME); CLIPFORMAT CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::m_CFDeviceId = (CLIPFORMAT)RegisterClipboardFormat(CF_MSFAXSRV_DEVICE_ID);
- CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::Init - * Purpose: * Init all members icon etc. * * Arguments: * [in] pMethodConfig - PFAX_ROUTING_METHOD * * Return: * OLE error code */ HRESULT CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::Init(PFAX_ROUTING_METHOD pMethodConfig) {
DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME( _T("CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::Init")); HRESULT hRc = S_OK;
hRc = InitMembers( pMethodConfig ); if (FAILED(hRc)) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, _T("Failed to InitMembers")); //NodeMsgBox done by called func.
goto Exit; } //
// Icon
m_resultDataItem.nImage = (m_fEnabled ? IMAGE_METHOD_ENABLE : IMAGE_METHOD_DISABLE );
Exit: return hRc; }
- CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::InitMembers - * Purpose: * Private method to initiate members * Must be called after init of m_pParentNode * * Arguments: * [in] pMethodConfig - PFAX_ROUTING_METHOD structure * * Return: * OLE error code */ HRESULT CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::InitMembers(PFAX_ROUTING_METHOD pMethodConfig) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME( _T("CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::InitMembers")); HRESULT hRc = S_OK;
ATLASSERT(pMethodConfig); m_dwDeviceID = pMethodConfig->DeviceId; m_fEnabled = pMethodConfig->Enabled;
m_bstrDisplayName = pMethodConfig->FriendlyName; if (!m_bstrDisplayName) { hRc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Error; }
m_bstrFriendlyName = pMethodConfig->FriendlyName; if (!m_bstrFriendlyName) { hRc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Error; } m_bstrMethodGUID = pMethodConfig->Guid; if (!m_bstrMethodGUID) { hRc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Error; }
m_bstrExtensionFriendlyName = pMethodConfig->ExtensionFriendlyName; if (!m_bstrExtensionFriendlyName) { hRc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Error; } m_bstrExtensionImageName = pMethodConfig->ExtensionImageName; if (!m_bstrExtensionImageName) { hRc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Error; } ATLASSERT(S_OK == hRc); goto Exit;
Error: ATLASSERT(S_OK != hRc);
DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, _T("Failed to allocate string - out of memory"));
ATLASSERT(NULL != m_pParentNode); if (NULL != m_pParentNode) { m_pParentNode->NodeMsgBox(IDS_MEMORY); } Exit: return (hRc); }
- CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::GetResultPaneColInfo - * Purpose: * Return the text for specific column * Called for each column in the result pane * * Arguments: * [in] nCol - column number * * Return: * String to be displayed in the specific column */ LPOLESTR CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::GetResultPaneColInfo(int nCol) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME( _T("CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::GetResultPaneColInfo")); HRESULT hRc = S_OK;
UINT uiResourceId;
switch (nCol) { case 0: //
// Name
if (!m_bstrFriendlyName) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("Null memeber BSTR - m_bstrFriendlyName.")); goto Error; } else { return (m_bstrFriendlyName); }
case 1: //
// Enabled
uiResourceId = (m_fEnabled ? IDS_FXS_YES : IDS_FXS_NO); if (!m_buf.LoadString(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), uiResourceId) ) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("Fail to load string for the method enabled value."));
goto Error; } else { return (m_buf); } case 2: //
// Extension
if (!m_bstrExtensionFriendlyName) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("Null memeber BSTR - m_bstrExtensionFriendlyName.")); goto Error; } else { return (m_bstrExtensionFriendlyName); }
default: ATLASSERT(0); // "this number of column is not supported "
} // endswitch (nCol)
Error: return(L"???");
- CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::CreatePropertyPages - * Purpose: * Called when creating a property page of the object * * Arguments: * [in] lpProvider - The property sheet * [in] handle - Handle for notification * [in] pUnk - Pointer to the data object * [in] type - CCT_* (SCOPE, RESULT, ...) * * Return: * OLE error code */
HRESULT CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::CreatePropertyPages(LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LONG_PTR handle, IUnknown *pUnk, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME( _T("CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::CreatePropertyPages")); HRESULT hRc = S_OK;
ATLASSERT(lpProvider); ATLASSERT(type == CCT_RESULT || type == CCT_SCOPE);
// Initiate
m_pInboundRoutingMethodGeneral = NULL;
// General
m_pInboundRoutingMethodGeneral = new CppFaxInboundRoutingMethod( handle, this, TRUE, _Module.GetResourceInstance());
if (!m_pInboundRoutingMethodGeneral) { hRc = E_OUTOFMEMORY; NodeMsgBox(IDS_MEMORY_FAIL_TO_OPEN_PP); goto Error; } /*
* not exists : m_pPP..->InitRPC(); */
hRc = lpProvider->AddPage(m_pInboundRoutingMethodGeneral->Create()); if (FAILED(hRc)) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("Fail to add property page for General tab. (hRc: %08X)"), hRc); NodeMsgBox(IDS_FAIL_TO_OPEN_PROP_PAGE); goto Error; }
ATLASSERT(S_OK == hRc); goto Exit;
Error: ATLASSERT(S_OK != hRc); if ( NULL != m_pInboundRoutingMethodGeneral ) { delete m_pInboundRoutingMethodGeneral; m_pInboundRoutingMethodGeneral = NULL; }
Exit: return hRc; }
- CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::SetVerbs - * Purpose: * What verbs to enable/disable when this object is selected * * Arguments: * [in] pConsoleVerb - MMC ConsoleVerb interface * * Return: * OLE Error code */ HRESULT CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::SetVerbs(IConsoleVerb *pConsoleVerb) { HRESULT hRc = S_OK;
// Display verbs that we support:
// 1. Properties
hRc = pConsoleVerb->SetVerbState(MMC_VERB_PROPERTIES, ENABLED, TRUE);
// We want the default verb to be Properties
hRc = pConsoleVerb->SetDefaultVerb(MMC_VERB_PROPERTIES);
return hRc; }
- CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::OnMethodEnabled - * Purpose: * Called when Enable /Disable menu was pushed. * * Arguments: * * Return: * OLE error code */ HRESULT CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::OnMethodEnabled (bool &bHandled, CSnapInObjectRootBase *pRoot) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME( _T("CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::OnMethodEnabled")); HRESULT hRc = S_OK; BOOL fNewState; fNewState = !m_fEnabled;
hRc = ChangeEnable( fNewState); if ( S_OK != hRc ) { //DebugPrint in the function layer
return S_FALSE; }
// Service succeded. now change member
m_fEnabled = fNewState;
// Refresh the result pane view
m_resultDataItem.nImage = (m_fEnabled ? IMAGE_METHOD_ENABLE : IMAGE_METHOD_DISABLE ); hRc = RefreshSingleResultItem(pRoot); if (FAILED(hRc)) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("Fail to RefreshSingleResultItem. (hRc: %08X)"), hRc); NodeMsgBox(IDS_FAIL_TOREFRESH_INMETHOD_NODE); }
return hRc; }
- CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::ChangeEnable - * Purpose: * . * * Arguments: * * Return: * OLE error code */ HRESULT CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::ChangeEnable(BOOL fState) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME( _T("CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::ChangeEnable")); HRESULT hRc = S_OK;
CFaxServer * pFaxServer = NULL; HANDLE hFaxPortHandle = NULL; //
// Get RPC Handle
pFaxServer = ((CFaxServerNode *)GetRootNode())->GetFaxServer(); ATLASSERT(pFaxServer);
if (!pFaxServer->GetFaxServerHandle()) { ec= GetLastError(); DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, _T("Failed to GetFaxServerHandle. (ec: %ld)"), ec);
goto Error; }
// Get Fax Device Handle
ATLASSERT(m_pParentNode); // only a valid handle with PORT_OPEN_MODIFY accepted here!
if (!FaxOpenPort( pFaxServer->GetFaxServerHandle(), m_dwDeviceID, PORT_OPEN_MODIFY | PORT_OPEN_QUERY, &hFaxPortHandle )) { ec = GetLastError(); // if modification handle is currently shared
DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, _T("FaxOpenPort() failed with ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE. (ec:%ld)"), ec); NodeMsgBox(IDS_OPENPORT_INVALID_HANDLE); hRc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ec); goto Exit; } DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, _T("FaxOpenPort() failed with. (ec:%ld)"), ec); goto Error; } ATLASSERT(NULL != hFaxPortHandle);
// Set Enabled
if (!FaxEnableRoutingMethod( hFaxPortHandle, m_bstrMethodGUID, fState)) { ec = GetLastError(); //
// 1) Warning
if (ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION == ec && fState) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_WRN, _T("Cannot enable routing method. The method configuration has some invalid data.(ec: %ld)"), ec);
hRc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ec); //
// The routing method is not configured.
// Suggest to configure it.
int nRes = IDNO; NodeMsgBox(IDS_FAIL2ENABLE_METHOD, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, &nRes); if(IDYES == nRes) { InvokePropSheet(this, CCT_RESULT, reinterpret_cast<IUnknown*>(m_pComponentData), m_bstrFriendlyName, 1); } goto Exit; }
// 2) Error
// a) Network Error
if (IsNetworkError(ec)) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, _T("Network error was found. (ec: %ld)"), ec); pFaxServer->Disconnect(); goto Error; } //
// b) General Error
DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, _T("Fail to enable /disable routing method. (ec: %ld)"), ec);
hRc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ec); goto Exit; } ATLASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS == ec); goto Exit;
Error: ATLASSERT(ERROR_SUCCESS != ec); hRc = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ec); NodeMsgBox(GetFaxServerErrorMsg(ec)); Exit: //
// Close Fax Port handle
if (NULL != hFaxPortHandle) { if (!FaxClose( hFaxPortHandle )) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("FaxClose() on port handle failed (ec: %ld)"), GetLastError()); } } return hRc; }
- CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::UpdateMenuState - * Purpose: * Overrides the ATL CSnapInItemImpl::UpdateMenuState * which only have one line inside it "return;" * This function implements the grayed\ungrayed view for the * the Enable and the Disable menus. * * Arguments:
* [in] id - unsigned int with the menu IDM value * [out] pBuf - string * [out] flags - pointer to flags state combination unsigned int * * Return: * no return value - void function */ void CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::UpdateMenuState(UINT id, LPTSTR pBuf, UINT *flags) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME( _T("CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::UpdateMenuState"));
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER (pBuf); switch (id) { case IDM_FAX_INMETHOD_ENABLE: *flags = (m_fEnabled ? MF_GRAYED : MF_ENABLED ); break; case IDM_FAX_INMETHOD_DISABLE: *flags = (m_fEnabled ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED ); break; default: break; } return; }
+ + * * CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::FillData * * * Override CSnapInItem::FillData for private cliboard formats * * * Parameters * * Return Values * - - */
HRESULT CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::FillData(CLIPFORMAT cf, LPSTREAM pStream) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME( _T("CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::FillData")); HRESULT hr = DV_E_CLIPFORMAT; ULONG uWritten;
if (cf == m_CFExtensionName) { hr = pStream->Write((VOID *)(LPWSTR)m_bstrExtensionImageName, sizeof(WCHAR)*(m_bstrExtensionImageName.Length()+1), &uWritten); return hr; } if (cf == m_CFMethodGuid) { hr = pStream->Write((VOID *)(LPWSTR)m_bstrMethodGUID, sizeof(WCHAR)*(m_bstrMethodGUID.Length()+1), &uWritten); return hr; }
if (cf == m_CFServerName) { CComBSTR bstrServerName = ((CFaxServerNode *)GetRootNode())->GetServerName(); hr = pStream->Write((VOID *)(LPWSTR)bstrServerName, sizeof(WCHAR)*(bstrServerName.Length()+1), &uWritten); return hr; }
if (cf == m_CFDeviceId) { hr = pStream->Write((VOID *)&m_dwDeviceID, sizeof(DWORD), &uWritten); return hr; } return CSnapInItemImpl<CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode>::FillData(cf, pStream); } // CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::FillData
+ + CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::OnShowContextHelp * * Purpose: * Overrides CSnapinNode::OnShowContextHelp. * * Arguments: * * Return: - OLE error code - */ HRESULT CFaxInboundRoutingMethodNode::OnShowContextHelp( IDisplayHelp* pDisplayHelp, LPOLESTR helpFile) { return DisplayContextHelp(pDisplayHelp, helpFile, HLP_INBOUND_ROUTING); }