// QueueFolder.cpp: implementation of the CQueueFolder class.
#include "stdafx.h"
#define __FILE_ID__ 19
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW
DWORD CQueueFolder::Refresh () /*++
Routine name : CQueueFolder::Refresh
Routine description:
Rebuilds the map of the jobs using the client API. This function is always called in the context of a worker thread.
This function must be called when the data critical section is held.
Eran Yariv (EranY), Jan, 2000
Return Value:
Standard Win32 error code
--*/ { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; DBG_ENTER(TEXT("CQueueFolder::Refresh"), dwRes, TEXT("Type=%d"), Type());
// Enumerate jobs from the server
ASSERTION (m_pServer); HANDLE hFax; PFAX_JOB_ENTRY_EX pEntries; DWORD dwNumJobs; DWORD dw;
dwRes = m_pServer->GetConnectionHandle (hFax); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { CALL_FAIL (RPC_ERR, TEXT("CFolder::GetConnectionHandle"), dwRes); return dwRes; } if (m_bStopRefresh) { //
// Quit immediately
return dwRes; } START_RPC_TIME(TEXT("FaxEnumJobsEx")); if (!FaxEnumJobsEx (hFax, m_dwJobTypes, &pEntries, &dwNumJobs)) { dwRes = GetLastError (); END_RPC_TIME(TEXT("FaxEnumJobsEx")); m_pServer->SetLastRPCError (dwRes); CALL_FAIL (RPC_ERR, TEXT("FaxEnumJobsEx"), dwRes); return dwRes; } END_RPC_TIME(TEXT("FaxEnumJobsEx")); if (m_bStopRefresh) { //
// Quit immediately
goto exit; } //
// Make sure our map is empty
ASSERTION (!m_Msgs.size()); //
// Fill the map and the list control
for (dw = 0; dw < dwNumJobs; dw++) { PFAX_JOB_ENTRY_EX pEntry = &pEntries[dw]; if((pEntry->pStatus->dwQueueStatus & JS_COMPLETED) || (pEntry->pStatus->dwQueueStatus & JS_CANCELED)) { //
// don't display completed or canceled jobs
continue; }
CJob *pJob = NULL; try { pJob = new CJob; } catch (...) { dwRes = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; CALL_FAIL (MEM_ERR, TEXT("new CJob"), dwRes); goto exit; } //
// Init the message
dwRes = pJob->Init (pEntry, m_pServer); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { CALL_FAIL (MEM_ERR, TEXT("CJob::Init"), dwRes); SAFE_DELETE (pJob); goto exit; } //
// Enter the message into the map
EnterData(); try { m_Msgs[pEntry->dwlMessageId] = pJob; } catch (...) { dwRes = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; CALL_FAIL (MEM_ERR, TEXT("map::operator[]"), dwRes); SAFE_DELETE (pJob); LeaveData (); goto exit; } LeaveData (); if (m_bStopRefresh) { //
// Quit immediately
goto exit; } }
AttachView(); if (m_pAssignedView) { //
// Folder has a view attached
m_pAssignedView->SendMessage ( WM_FOLDER_ADD_CHUNK, WPARAM (dwRes), LPARAM (&m_Msgs)); } else { //
// Shutdown in progress
exit: FaxFreeBuffer ((LPVOID)pEntries); return dwRes; } // CQueueFolder::Refresh
DWORD CQueueFolder::OnJobAdded ( DWORDLONG dwlMsgId ) /*++
Routine name : CQueueFolder::OnJobAdded
Routine description:
Handles notification of a job added to the queue
Eran Yariv (EranY), Feb, 2000
dwlMsgId [in] - New job unique id
Return Value:
Standard Win32 error code
--*/ { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; DBG_ENTER(TEXT("CQueueFolder::OnJobAdded"), dwRes, TEXT("MsgId=0x%016I64x, Type=%d"), dwlMsgId, Type());
EnterData (); pJob = (CJob*)FindMessage (dwlMsgId); if (pJob) { //
// This job is already in the queue
VERBOSE (DBG_MSG, TEXT("Job is already known and visible")); goto exit; } //
// Get information about this job
dwRes = m_pServer->GetConnectionHandle (hFax); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { CALL_FAIL (RPC_ERR, TEXT("CFolder::GetConnectionHandle"), dwRes); goto exit; } { START_RPC_TIME(TEXT("FaxGetJobEx")); if (!FaxGetJobEx (hFax, dwlMsgId, &pFaxJob)) { dwRes = GetLastError (); END_RPC_TIME(TEXT("FaxGetJobEx")); m_pServer->SetLastRPCError (dwRes); CALL_FAIL (RPC_ERR, TEXT("FaxGetJobEx"), dwRes); goto exit; } END_RPC_TIME(TEXT("FaxGetJobEx")); } //
// Enter a new job to the map
try { pJob = new CJob; ASSERTION (pJob); m_Msgs[pFaxJob->dwlMessageId] = pJob; } catch (...) { dwRes = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; SAFE_DELETE (pJob); goto exit; } //
// Init the message
dwRes = pJob->Init (pFaxJob, m_pServer); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { CALL_FAIL (MEM_ERR, TEXT("CJob::Init"), dwRes); if (pJob) { try { m_Msgs.erase (pFaxJob->dwlMessageId); } catch (...) { dwRes = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; CALL_FAIL (MEM_ERR, TEXT("map::erase"), dwRes); } SAFE_DELETE (pJob); } goto exit; } if (m_pAssignedView) { //
// If this folder is alive - tell our view to add the job
m_pAssignedView->OnUpdate (NULL, UPDATE_HINT_ADD_ITEM, pJob); } ASSERTION (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRes);
exit: if(pFaxJob) { FaxFreeBuffer(pFaxJob); } LeaveData (); return dwRes; } // CQueueFolder::OnJobAdded
DWORD CQueueFolder::OnJobUpdated ( DWORDLONG dwlMsgId, PFAX_JOB_STATUS pNewStatus ) /*++
Routine name : CQueueFolder::OnJobUpdated
Routine description:
Handles notification of a job removed from the queue
Eran Yariv (EranY), Feb, 2000
dwlMsgId [in] - Job unique id pNewStatus [in] - New status of the job
Return Value:
Standard Win32 error code
--*/ { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; DBG_ENTER(TEXT("CQueueFolder::OnJobUpdated"), dwRes, TEXT("MsgId=0x%016I64x, Type=%d"), dwlMsgId, Type());
CJob *pJob = NULL;
EnterData (); pJob = (CJob*)FindMessage (dwlMsgId); if (!pJob) { //
// This job is not in the queue - treat the notification as if the job was added
VERBOSE (DBG_MSG, TEXT("Job is not known - adding it")); LeaveData (); dwRes = OnJobAdded (dwlMsgId); return dwRes; } //
// Update job's status
if(pJob->IsNewStatus(pNewStatus)) { dwRes = pJob->UpdateStatus (pNewStatus); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { CALL_FAIL (GENERAL_ERR, TEXT("CJob::UpdateStatus"), dwRes); goto exit; } if (m_pAssignedView) { //
// If this folder is alive - tell our view to update the job
m_pAssignedView->OnUpdate (NULL, UPDATE_HINT_UPDATE_ITEM, pJob); } }
exit: LeaveData (); return dwRes; } // CQueueFolder::OnJobUpdated