Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Provides utility functions for the entire poject
Eran Yariv (EranY) Dec, 1999
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
#define __FILE_ID__ 10
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
extern CClientConsoleApp theApp;
DWORD LoadResourceString ( CString &cstr, int ResId ) /*++
Routine name : LoadResourceString
Routine description:
Loads a string from the resource
Eran Yariv (EranY), Jan, 2000
cstr [out] - String buffer ResId [in ] - String resource id
Return Value:
Standard win32 error code
--*/ { BOOL bRes; DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS;
try { bRes = cstr.LoadString (ResId); } catch (CMemoryException *pException) { DBG_ENTER(TEXT("LoadResourceString"), dwRes); TCHAR wszCause[1024];
pException->GetErrorMessage (wszCause, 1024); pException->Delete (); VERBOSE (EXCEPTION_ERR, TEXT("CString::LoadString caused exception : %s"), wszCause); dwRes = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; PopupError (dwRes); return dwRes; } if (!bRes) { dwRes = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; PopupError (dwRes); return dwRes; } return dwRes; } // LoadResourceString
CString DWORDLONG2String ( DWORDLONG dwlData ) /*++
Routine name : DWORDLONG2String
Routine description:
Converts a 64-bit unsigned number to string
Eran Yariv (EranY), Jan, 2000
dwlData [in] - Number to convert
Return Value:
Output string
--*/ { CString cstrResult; cstrResult.Format (TEXT("0x%016I64x"), dwlData); return cstrResult; } // DWORDLONG2String
CString DWORD2String ( DWORD dwData ) /*++
Routine name : DWORD2String
Routine description:
Converts a 32-bit unsigned number to string
Eran Yariv (EranY), Jan, 2000
dwData [in] - Number to convert
Return Value:
Output string
--*/ { CString cstrResult; cstrResult.Format (TEXT("%ld"), dwData); return cstrResult; } // DWORD2String
DWORD Win32Error2String( DWORD dwWin32Err, CString& strError ) /*++
Routine name : Win32Error2String
Routine description:
Format a Win32 error code to a string
Eran Yariv (EranY), Jan, 2000
dwWin32Err [in] - Win32 error code strError [out] - Result string
Return Value:
error code
--*/ { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; DBG_ENTER(TEXT("Win32Error2String"));
LPTSTR lpszError=NULL; //
// Create descriptive error text
// Failure to format the message
dwRes = GetLastError (); CALL_FAIL (RESOURCE_ERR, TEXT("FormatMessage"), dwRes); return dwRes; }
try { strError = lpszError; } catch (...) { LocalFree (lpszError); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
LocalFree (lpszError); return dwRes; } // Win32Error2String
DWORD LoadDIBImageList ( CImageList &iml, int iResourceId, DWORD dwImageWidth, COLORREF crMask ) /*++
Routine name : LoadDIBImageList
Routine description:
Loads an image list from the resource, retaining 24-bit colors
Eran Yariv (EranY), Jan, 2000
iml [out] - Image list buffer iResourceId [in ] - Image list bitmap resource id dwImageWidth [in ] - Image width (pixels) crMask [in ] - Color key (transparent mask)
Return Value:
Standard Win32 error code
--*/ { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; DBG_ENTER(TEXT("LoadDIBImageList"), dwRes);
HINSTANCE hInst = AfxFindResourceHandle(MAKEINTRESOURCE(iResourceId), RT_BITMAP); if (hInst) { HIMAGELIST hIml = ImageList_LoadImage ( hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(iResourceId), dwImageWidth, 0, crMask, IMAGE_BITMAP, LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); if (hIml) { if (!iml.Attach (hIml)) { dwRes = ERROR_GEN_FAILURE; CALL_FAIL (WINDOW_ERR, TEXT("CImageList::Attach"), dwRes); DeleteObject (hIml); } } else { //
// ImageList_LoadImage() failed
dwRes = GetLastError(); CALL_FAIL (WINDOW_ERR, _T("ImageList_LoadImage"), dwRes); } } else { //
// AfxFindResourceHandle() failed
dwRes = GetLastError(); CALL_FAIL (WINDOW_ERR, _T("AfxFindResourceHandle"), dwRes); } return dwRes; } // LoadDIBImageList
DWORD WaitForThreadDeathOrShutdown ( HANDLE hThread ) /*++
Routine name : WaitForThreadDeathOrShutdown
Routine description:
Waits for a thread to end. Also processes windows messages in the background. Stops waiting if the application is shutting down.
Eran Yariv (EranY), Jan, 2000
hThread [in] - Handle to thread
Return Value:
Standard Win23 error code
--*/ { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; DBG_ENTER(TEXT("WaitForThreadDeathOrShutdown"), dwRes);
for (;;) { //
// We wait on the thread handle and the shutdown event (which ever comes first)
HANDLE hWaitHandles[2]; hWaitHandles[0] = hThread; hWaitHandles[1] = CClientConsoleDoc::GetShutdownEvent (); if (NULL == hWaitHandles[1]) { //
// We're shutting down
return dwRes; } DWORD dwStart = GetTickCount (); VERBOSE (DBG_MSG, TEXT("Entering WaitForMultipleObjects (timeout = %ld)"), BUILD_THREAD_DEATH_TIMEOUT); //
// Wait now....
dwRes = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( sizeof (hWaitHandles) / sizeof(hWaitHandles[0]), // Num of wait objects
hWaitHandles, // Array of wait objects
FALSE, // Wait for either one
QS_ALLINPUT); // Accept messages
DWORD dwRes2 = GetLastError(); VERBOSE (DBG_MSG, TEXT("Leaving WaitForMultipleObjects after waiting for %ld millisecs"), GetTickCount() - dwStart); switch (dwRes) { case WAIT_FAILED: dwRes = dwRes2; if (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE == dwRes) { //
// The thread is dead
VERBOSE (DBG_MSG, TEXT("Thread is dead (ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE)")); dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; } goto exit;
case WAIT_OBJECT_0: //
// The thread is not running
VERBOSE (DBG_MSG, TEXT("Thread is dead (WAIT_OBJECT_0)")); dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto exit;
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: //
// Shutdown is now in progress
VERBOSE (DBG_MSG, TEXT("Shutdown in progress")); dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto exit;
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2: //
// System message (WM_xxx) in our queue
MSG msg; if (TRUE == ::GetMessage (&msg, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { VERBOSE (DBG_MSG, TEXT("System message (0x%x)- deferring to AfxWndProc"), msg.message);
CMainFrame *pFrm = GetFrm(); if (!pFrm) { //
// Shutdown in progress
goto exit; }
if (msg.message != WM_KICKIDLE && !pFrm->PreTranslateMessage(&msg)) { ::TranslateMessage(&msg); ::DispatchMessage(&msg); } } else { //
// Got WM_QUIT
AfxPostQuitMessage (0); dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto exit; } break;
// Thread won't die !!!
VERBOSE (DBG_MSG, TEXT("Wait timeout (%ld millisecs)"), BUILD_THREAD_DEATH_TIMEOUT); goto exit;
default: //
// What's this???
VERBOSE (DBG_MSG, TEXT("Unknown error (%ld)"), dwRes); ASSERTION_FAILURE; goto exit; } } exit: return dwRes; } // WaitForThreadDeathOrShutdown
DWORD GetUniqueFileName ( LPCTSTR lpctstrExt, CString &cstrResult ) /*++
Routine name : GetUniqueFileName
Routine description:
Generates a unique file name
Eran Yariv (EranY), Jan, 2000
lpctstrExt [in] - File extension cstrResult [out] - Result file name
Return Value:
Standard Win32 error code
--*/ { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; DBG_ENTER(TEXT("GetUniqueFileName"), dwRes);
// Get path to temp dir
if (!GetTempPath (MAX_PATH, szDir)) { dwRes = GetLastError (); CALL_FAIL (FILE_ERR, TEXT("GetTempPath"), dwRes); return dwRes; } //
// Try out indices - start with a random index and advance (cyclic) by 1.
// We're calling rand() 3 times here because we want to get a larger
// range than 0..RAND_MAX (=32768)
DWORD dwStartIndex = DWORD((DWORDLONG)(rand()) * (DWORDLONG)(rand()) * (DWORDLONG)(rand()) ); for (DWORD dwIndex = dwStartIndex+1; dwIndex != dwStartIndex; dwIndex++) { try { cstrResult.Format (TEXT("%s%s%08x%08x.%s"), szDir, CONSOLE_PREVIEW_TIFF_PREFIX, GetCurrentProcessId(), dwIndex, lpctstrExt); } catch (CMemoryException *pException) { TCHAR wszCause[1024];
pException->GetErrorMessage (wszCause, 1024); pException->Delete (); VERBOSE (EXCEPTION_ERR, TEXT("CString::Format caused exception : %s"), wszCause); dwRes = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; return dwRes; } HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( cstrResult, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile) { dwRes = GetLastError (); if (ERROR_FILE_EXISTS == dwRes) { //
// Try next index id
dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; continue; } CALL_FAIL (FILE_ERR, TEXT("CreateFile"), dwRes); return dwRes; } //
// Success - close the file (leave it with size 0)
CloseHandle (hFile); return dwRes; } //
// We just scanned 4GB file names and all were busy - impossible.
ASSERTION_FAILURE; dwRes = ERROR_GEN_FAILURE; return dwRes; } // GetUniqueFileName
DWORD CopyTiffFromServer ( CServerNode *pServer, DWORDLONG dwlMsgId, FAX_ENUM_MESSAGE_FOLDER Folder, CString &cstrTiff ) /*++
Routine name : CopyTiffFromServer
Routine description:
Copies a TIFF file from the server's archive / queue
Eran Yariv (EranY), Jan, 2000
pServer [in] - Pointer to the server node dwlMsgId [in] - Id of job / message Folder [in] - Folder of message / job cstrTiff [out] - Name of TIFF file that arrived from the server
Return Value:
Standard Win32 error code
--*/ { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; DBG_ENTER(TEXT("CopyTiffFromServer"), dwRes);
// Create a temporary file name for the TIFF
dwRes = GetUniqueFileName (FAX_TIF_FILE_EXT, cstrTiff); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { CALL_FAIL (GENERAL_ERR, TEXT("GetUniqueFileName"), dwRes); return dwRes; } HANDLE hFax; dwRes = pServer->GetConnectionHandle (hFax); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { CALL_FAIL (GENERAL_ERR, TEXT("CServerNode::GetConnectionHandle"), dwRes); goto exit; } { START_RPC_TIME(TEXT("FaxGetMessageTiff")); if (!FaxGetMessageTiff (hFax, dwlMsgId, Folder, cstrTiff)) { dwRes = GetLastError (); END_RPC_TIME(TEXT("FaxGetMessageTiff")); pServer->SetLastRPCError (dwRes); CALL_FAIL (RPC_ERR, TEXT("FaxGetMessageTiff"), dwRes); goto exit; } END_RPC_TIME(TEXT("FaxGetMessageTiff")); }
exit: if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { DeleteFile (cstrTiff); } return dwRes; } // CopyTiffFromServer
DWORD GetDllVersion ( LPCTSTR lpszDllName ) /*++
Routine Description: Returns the version information for a DLL exporting "DllGetVersion". DllGetVersion is exported by the shell DLLs (specifically COMCTRL32.DLL). Arguments:
lpszDllName - The name of the DLL to get version information from.
Return Value:
The version is retuned as DWORD where: HIWORD ( version DWORD ) = Major Version LOWORD ( version DWORD ) = Minor Version Use the macro PACKVERSION to comapre versions. If the DLL does not export "DllGetVersion" the function returns 0. --*/ { DWORD dwVersion = 0; DBG_ENTER(TEXT("GetDllVersion"), dwVersion, TEXT("%s"), lpszDllName);
hinstDll = LoadLibrary(lpszDllName); if(hinstDll) { DLLGETVERSIONPROC pDllGetVersion; pDllGetVersion = (DLLGETVERSIONPROC) GetProcAddress(hinstDll, "DllGetVersion"); // Because some DLLs may not implement this function, you
// must test for it explicitly. Depending on the particular
// DLL, the lack of a DllGetVersion function may
// be a useful indicator of the version.
if(pDllGetVersion) { DLLVERSIONINFO dvi; HRESULT hr;
ZeroMemory(&dvi, sizeof(dvi)); dvi.cbSize = sizeof(dvi);
hr = (*pDllGetVersion)(&dvi);
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { dwVersion = PACKVERSION(dvi.dwMajorVersion, dvi.dwMinorVersion); } } FreeLibrary(hinstDll); } return dwVersion; } // GetDllVersion
DWORD ReadRegistryString( LPCTSTR lpszSection, // in
LPCTSTR lpszKey, // in
CString& cstrValue // out
) /*++
Routine name : ReadRegistryString
Routine description:
read string from registry
Alexander Malysh (AlexMay), Feb, 2000
lpszSection [in] - section lpszKey [in] - key out [out] - value
Return Value:
Standard Win32 error code
--*/ { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; DBG_ENTER(TEXT("ReadRegistryString"), dwRes);
HKEY hKey; dwRes = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, lpszSection, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { CALL_FAIL (GENERAL_ERR, TEXT("RegOpenKeyEx"), dwRes); return dwRes; }
DWORD dwType; TCHAR tchData[1024]; DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(tchData); dwRes = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, lpszKey, 0, &dwType, (BYTE*)tchData, &dwDataSize); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { CALL_FAIL (GENERAL_ERR, TEXT("RegQueryValueEx"), dwRes); goto exit; }
if(REG_SZ != dwType) { dwRes = ERROR_BADDB; goto exit; }
try { cstrValue = tchData; } catch(...) { dwRes = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; CALL_FAIL (MEM_ERR, TEXT("CString::operator="), dwRes); goto exit; }
exit: dwRes = RegCloseKey( hKey ); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { CALL_FAIL (GENERAL_ERR, TEXT("RegCloseKey"), dwRes); return dwRes; }
return dwRes;
} // ReadRegistryString
DWORD WriteRegistryString( LPCTSTR lpszSection, // in
LPCTSTR lpszKey, // in
CString& cstrValue // in
) /*++
Routine name : WriteRegistryString
Routine description:
write string to the regostry
Alexander Malysh (AlexMay), Feb, 2000
lpszSection [in] - section lpszKey [in] - key out [in] - value
Return Value:
Standard Win32 error code
--*/ { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; DBG_ENTER(TEXT("WriteRegistryString"), dwRes);
HKEY hKey; dwRes = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, lpszSection, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKey); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { CALL_FAIL (GENERAL_ERR, TEXT("RegOpenKeyEx"), dwRes); return dwRes; }
LPCTSTR lpData = (LPCTSTR)cstrValue; dwRes = RegSetValueEx( hKey, lpszKey, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)lpData, (1 + cstrValue.GetLength()) * sizeof (TCHAR)); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { CALL_FAIL (GENERAL_ERR, TEXT("RegSetValueEx"), dwRes); goto exit; }
exit: dwRes = RegCloseKey( hKey ); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { CALL_FAIL (GENERAL_ERR, TEXT("RegCloseKey"), dwRes); return dwRes; }
return dwRes;
} // WriteRegistryString
DWORD FaxSizeFormat( DWORDLONG dwlSize, // in
CString& cstrValue // out
) /*++
Routine name : FaxSizeFormat
Routine description:
format string of file size
Alexander Malysh (AlexMay), Feb, 2000
wdlSize [in] - size out [out] - formatted string
Return Value:
Standard Win32 error code
--*/ { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; DBG_ENTER(TEXT("FaxSizeFormat"), dwRes);
if(dwlSize > 0 && dwlSize < 1024) { dwlSize = 1; } else { dwlSize = dwlSize / (DWORDLONG)1024; }
try { cstrValue.Format (TEXT("%I64d"), dwlSize); } catch(...) { dwRes = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; CALL_FAIL (MEM_ERR, TEXT("CString::Format"), dwRes); return dwRes; }
// format the number
int nFormatRes; TCHAR tszNumber[100]; nFormatRes = GetNumberFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, // locale
0, // options
cstrValue, // input number string
NULL, // formatting information
tszNumber, // output buffer
sizeof(tszNumber) / sizeof(tszNumber[0]) // size of output buffer
); if(0 == nFormatRes) { dwRes = GetLastError(); CALL_FAIL (GENERAL_ERR, TEXT("GetNumberFormat"), dwRes); return dwRes; }
// get decimal separator
TCHAR tszDec[10]; nFormatRes = GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, // locale identifier
LOCALE_SDECIMAL, // information type
tszDec, // information buffer
sizeof(tszDec) / sizeof(tszDec[0]) // size of buffer
); if(0 == nFormatRes) { dwRes = GetLastError(); CALL_FAIL (GENERAL_ERR, TEXT("GetLocaleInfo"), dwRes); return dwRes; }
// cut the string on the decimal separator
TCHAR* pSeparator = _tcsstr(tszNumber, tszDec); if(NULL != pSeparator) { *pSeparator = TEXT('\0'); }
try { TCHAR szFormat[64] = {0}; #ifdef UNICODE
if(theApp.IsRTLUI()) { //
// Size field always should be LTR
szFormat[0] = UNICODE_LRO; } #endif
_tcscat(szFormat, TEXT("%s KB"));
cstrValue.Format (szFormat, tszNumber); } catch(...) { dwRes = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; CALL_FAIL (MEM_ERR, TEXT("CString::Format"), dwRes); return dwRes; } return dwRes;
} // FaxSizeFormat
DWORD HtmlHelpTopic( HWND hWnd, TCHAR* tszHelpTopic ) /*++
Routine name : HtmlHelpTopic
Routine description:
open HTML Help topic
Alexander Malysh (AlexMay), Mar, 2000
hWnd [in] - window handler tszHelpTopic [in] - help topic
Return Value:
Standard Win32 error code
--*/ { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; DBG_ENTER(TEXT("HtmlHelpTopic"), dwRes);
// get help file name
TCHAR tszHelpFile[2 * MAX_PATH] = {0};
_sntprintf(tszHelpFile, ARR_SIZE(tszHelpFile) - 1, TEXT("%s.%s%s"), theApp.m_pszExeName, // application name (FxsClnt)
FAX_HTML_HELP_EXT, // help file extension (CHM)
tszHelpTopic); // help topic
SetLastError(0); HtmlHelp(NULL, tszHelpFile, HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, NULL);
dwRes = GetLastError(); if(ERROR_DLL_NOT_FOUND == dwRes || ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND == dwRes || ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND == dwRes) { AlignedAfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_NO_HTML_HELP); }
return dwRes; }
DWORD GetAppLoadPath( CString& cstrLoadPath ) /*++
Routine name : GetAppLoadPath
Routine description:
The directory from which the application loaded
Alexander Malysh (AlexMay), Feb, 2000
cstrLoadPath [out] - the directory
Return Value:
Standard Win32 error code
--*/ { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; DBG_ENTER(TEXT("GetAppLoadPath"), dwRes);
TCHAR tszFullPath[MAX_PATH+1]={0}; DWORD dwGetRes = GetModuleFileName(NULL, tszFullPath, ARR_SIZE(tszFullPath)-1); if(0 == dwGetRes) { dwRes = GetLastError(); CALL_FAIL (FILE_ERR, TEXT("GetModuleFileName"), dwRes); return dwRes; }
// cut file name
TCHAR* ptchFile = _tcsrchr(tszFullPath, TEXT('\\')); ASSERTION(ptchFile);
ptchFile = _tcsinc(ptchFile); *ptchFile = TEXT('\0');
try { cstrLoadPath = tszFullPath; } catch(...) { dwRes = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; CALL_FAIL (MEM_ERR, TEXT("CString::operator="), dwRes); return dwRes; }
return dwRes; } // GetAppLoadPath
DWORD GetPrintersInfo( PRINTER_INFO_2*& pPrinterInfo2, DWORD& dwNumPrinters ) /*++
Routine name : GetPrintersInfo
Routine description:
enumerate printers and get printers info
Alexander Malysh (AlexMay), Feb, 2000
pPrinterInfo2 [out] - printer info structure array dwNumPrinters [out] - number of printers
Return Value:
Standard Win32 error code
--*/ { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; DBG_ENTER(TEXT("GetPrintersInfo"), dwRes);
// First call, just collect required sizes
DWORD dwRequiredSize; if (!EnumPrinters ( PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL | PRINTER_ENUM_CONNECTIONS, NULL, // Local server
2, // Info level
NULL, // Initial buffer
0, // Initial buffer size
&dwRequiredSize, &dwNumPrinters)) { DWORD dwEnumRes = GetLastError (); if (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER != dwEnumRes) { dwRes = dwEnumRes; CALL_FAIL (RESOURCE_ERR, TEXT("EnumPrinters"), dwRes); return dwRes; } } //
// Allocate buffer for printers list
try { pPrinterInfo2 = (PRINTER_INFO_2 *) new BYTE[dwRequiredSize]; } catch (...) { dwRes = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; CALL_FAIL (MEM_ERR, TEXT("new BYTE[dwRequiredSize]"), dwRes); return dwRes; } //
// 2nd call, get the printers list
2, // Info level
(LPBYTE)pPrinterInfo2, // Buffer
dwRequiredSize, // Buffer size
&dwRequiredSize, &dwNumPrinters)) { dwRes = GetLastError (); CALL_FAIL (RESOURCE_ERR, TEXT("EnumPrinters"), dwRes); SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY (pPrinterInfo2); return dwRes; }
if (!dwNumPrinters) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, TEXT("No printers in this machine")); }
return dwRes;
} // GetPrintersInfo
UINT_PTR CALLBACK OFNHookProc( HWND hdlg, // handle to child dialog box
UINT uiMsg, // message identifier
WPARAM wParam, // message parameter
LPARAM lParam // message parameter
) /*++
Routine name : OFNHookProc
Routine description:
Callback function that is used with the Explorer-style Open and Save As dialog boxes. Refer MSDN for more info.
--*/ { UINT_PTR nRes = 0;
if(WM_NOTIFY == uiMsg) { LPOFNOTIFY pOfNotify = (LPOFNOTIFY)lParam; if(CDN_FILEOK == pOfNotify->hdr.code) { if(_tcslen(pOfNotify->lpOFN->lpstrFile) > (MAX_PATH-10)) { AlignedAfxMessageBox(IDS_SAVE_AS_TOO_LONG, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); SetWindowLong(hdlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, 1); nRes = 1; } } } return nRes; }
int AlignedAfxMessageBox( LPCTSTR lpszText, UINT nType, UINT nIDHelp ) /*++
Routine name : AlignedAfxMessageBox
Routine description:
Display message box with correct reading order
AfxMessageBox() arguments
Return Value:
MessageBox() result
--*/ { if(IsRTLUILanguage()) { nType |= MB_RTLREADING | MB_RIGHT; }
return AfxMessageBox(lpszText, nType, nIDHelp); }
int AlignedAfxMessageBox( UINT nIDPrompt, UINT nType, UINT nIDHelp ) /*++
Routine name : AlignedAfxMessageBox
Routine description:
Display message box with correct reading order
AfxMessageBox() arguments
Return Value:
MessageBox() result
--*/ { if(IsRTLUILanguage()) { nType |= MB_RTLREADING | MB_RIGHT; }
return AfxMessageBox(nIDPrompt, nType, nIDHelp); }
HINSTANCE GetResourceHandle() { return GetResInst(FAX_CONSOLE_RESOURCE_DLL, NULL); }