Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of CFaxInboundRoutingExtensions class.
Iv Garber (IvG) Jul, 2000
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "FaxComEx.h"
#include "FaxInboundRoutingExtensions.h"
#include "FaxInboundRoutingExtension.h"
//==================== CREATE ========================================
HRESULT CFaxInboundRoutingExtensions::Create ( IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions **ppIRExtensions ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxInboundRoutingExtensions::Create
Routine description:
Static function to create the Fax IR Extensions Collection Object
Iv Garber (IvG), Jul, 2000
ppIRExtensions [out] -- the new Fax IR Extensions Collection Object
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER (TEXT("CFaxInboundRoutingExtensions::Create"), hr);
// Create Instance of the Collection
CComObject<CFaxInboundRoutingExtensions> *pClass; hr = CComObject<CFaxInboundRoutingExtensions>::CreateInstance(&pClass); if (FAILED(hr)) { CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("CComObject<CFaxInboundRoutingExtensions>::CreateInstance(&pClass)"), hr); return hr; }
// Return the desired Interface Ptr
hr = pClass->QueryInterface(ppIRExtensions); if (FAILED(hr)) { CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("pClass->QueryInterface(ppIRExtensions)"), hr); return hr; }
return hr; } // CFaxInboundRoutingExtensions::Create()
//============================= INIT ============================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxInboundRoutingExtensions::Init( IFaxServerInner *pServerInner ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxInboundRoutingExtensions::Init
Routine description:
Initialize the Collection : 1) get from RPC all IR Extensions and all Methods Structures, 2) create COM objects for each structure, 3) init all these objects with the IR Extension structure and Methods array, 4) AddRef() each object, 5) put the Ptrs to Objects into the STL::vector.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jul, 2000
pServerInner [in] - Ptr to the Fax Server.
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxInboundRoutingExtensions::Init"), hr);
// Get Fax Server Handle
HANDLE faxHandle; hr = pServerInner->GetHandle(&faxHandle); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
if (faxHandle == NULL) { //
// Fax Server is not connected
hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("faxHandle == NULL"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingExtensions, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions, hr); return hr; }
// Bring from the Server all IR Extensions
DWORD dwNum = 0; CFaxPtr<FAX_ROUTING_EXTENSION_INFO> pIRExtensions; if (!FaxEnumRoutingExtensions(faxHandle, &pIRExtensions, &dwNum)) { hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("FaxEnumRoutingExtensions(faxHandle, &pIRExtensions, &dwNum"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingExtensions, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions, hr); return hr; }
// Bring all the Methods from the Server
DWORD dwNumMethods = 0; CFaxPtr<FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFO> pMethods; if (!FaxEnumGlobalRoutingInfo(faxHandle, &pMethods, &dwNumMethods)) { hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingExtensions, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions, hr); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("FaxEnumGlobalRoutingInfo(hFaxHandle, &pMethods, &dwNumMethods)"), hr); return hr; }
// Fill the Collection with Objects
CComObject<CFaxInboundRoutingExtension> *pClass = NULL; CComPtr<IFaxInboundRoutingExtension> pObject = NULL; for (DWORD i=0 ; i<dwNum ; i++ ) { //
// Create IR Extensin Object
hr = CComObject<CFaxInboundRoutingExtension>::CreateInstance(&pClass); if (FAILED(hr) || (!pClass)) { if (!pClass) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CALL_FAIL(MEM_ERR, _T("CComObject<CFaxInboundRoutingExtension>::CreateInstance(&pClass)"), hr); } else { CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("CComObject<CFaxInboundRoutingExtension>::CreateInstance(&pClass)"), hr); }
AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingExtensions, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions, hr); return hr; }
// Init the IR Extension Object
hr = pClass->Init(&pIRExtensions[i], pMethods, dwNumMethods); if (FAILED(hr)) { CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("pClass->Init(&pIRExtensions[i], pMethods, dwNumMethods)"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingExtensions, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions, hr); delete pClass; return hr; }
// Get Interface from the pClass.
// This will make AddRef() on the Interface.
// This is the Collection's AddRef, which is freed at Collection's Dtor.
hr = pClass->QueryInterface(&pObject); if (FAILED(hr) || (!pObject)) { if (!pObject) { hr = E_FAIL; } CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("pClass->QueryInterface(&pObject)"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingExtensions, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions, hr); delete pClass; return hr; }
// Put the Object in the collection
try { m_coll.push_back(pObject); } catch (exception &) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingExtensions, IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY, IID_IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions, hr); CALL_FAIL(MEM_ERR, _T("m_coll.push_back(pObject)"), hr);
// pObject will call Release(), which will delete the pClass
return hr; }
// We want to save the current AddRef() to Collection
pObject.Detach(); }
return hr; }
//============================= GET ITEM =========================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxInboundRoutingExtensions::get_Item( /*[in]*/ VARIANT vIndex, /*[out, retval]*/ IFaxInboundRoutingExtension **ppIRExtension ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxInboundRoutingExtensions::get_Item
Routine description:
Return an Item from the Collection.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jul, 2000
vIndex [in] - Identifier of the Item to return. ppIRExtension [out] - the result value
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxInboundRoutingExtensions::get_Item"), hr);
// Check the Ptr we have got
if (::IsBadWritePtr(ppIRExtension, sizeof(IFaxInboundRoutingExtension *))) { hr = E_POINTER; AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingExtensions, IDS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, IID_IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions, hr); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("::IsBadWritePtr(ppIRExtension)"), hr); return hr; }
CComVariant var;
if (vIndex.vt != VT_BSTR) { //
// vIndex is not BSTR ==> convert to VT_I4
hr = var.ChangeType(VT_I4, &vIndex); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Parameter is Number : %d"), var.lVal); //
// call default ATL's implementation
hr = ICollectionOnSTLImpl<IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions, ContainerType, IFaxInboundRoutingExtension*, CollectionCopyType, EnumType>::get_Item(var.lVal, ppIRExtension); return hr; } }
// convert to BSTR
hr = var.ChangeType(VT_BSTR, &vIndex); if (FAILED(hr)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingExtensions, IDS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, IID_IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions, hr); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("var.ChangeType(VT_BSTR, &vIndex)"), hr); return hr; }
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Parameter is String : %s"), var.bstrVal);
ContainerType::iterator it = m_coll.begin(); while (it != m_coll.end()) { CComBSTR bstrName; hr = (*it)->get_UniqueName(&bstrName); if (FAILED(hr)) { CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("(*it)->get_UniqueName(&bstrName)"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingExtensions, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions, hr); return hr; }
if (_tcsicmp(bstrName, var.bstrVal) == 0) { //
// found the desired IR Extension
(*it)->AddRef(); *ppIRExtension = *it; return hr; } it++; }
// IR Extension does not exist
hr = E_INVALIDARG; CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("Inbound Routing Extension Is Not Found"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingExtensions, IDS_ERROR_WRONGEXTENSIONNAME, IID_IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions, hr); return hr; }
//================== SUPPORT ERROR INFO ========================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxInboundRoutingExtensions::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo( REFIID riid ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxInboundRoutingExtensions::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo
Routine description:
ATL's implementation of Support Error Info.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jul, 2000
riid [in] - Reference to the Interface.
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { static const IID* arr[] = { &IID_IFaxInboundRoutingExtensions }; for (int i=0; i < sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]); i++) { if (InlineIsEqualGUID(*arr[i],riid)) return S_OK; } return S_FALSE; }