Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of CFaxInboundRoutingMethod Class.
Iv Garber (IvG) Jun, 2000
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "FaxComEx.h"
#include "FaxInboundRoutingMethod.h"
//==================== REFRESH ========================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::Refresh() /*++
Routine name : CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::Refresh
Routine description:
Bring from the Server new Method Data ( only Priority may change ).
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER (TEXT("CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::Refresh"), hr);
// Get Fax Server Handle
HANDLE faxHandle; hr = m_pIFaxServerInner->GetHandle(&faxHandle); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
if (faxHandle == NULL) { //
// Fax Server is not connected
hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("(faxHandle == NULL)"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingMethod, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxInboundRoutingMethod, hr); return hr; }
// Bring from the Server all Inbound Routing Methods
DWORD dwNum = 0; CFaxPtr<FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFO> pMethods; if (!FaxEnumGlobalRoutingInfo(faxHandle, &pMethods, &dwNum)) { hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("FaxEnumGlobalRoutingInfo(faxHandle, &pMethods, &dwNum)"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingMethod, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxInboundRoutingMethod, hr); return hr; }
// find our Method
for ( DWORD i=0 ; i<dwNum ; i++ ) { if ( _tcsicmp(pMethods[i].Guid, m_bstrGUID) == 0 ) { hr = Init(&pMethods[i], NULL); return hr; } }
return hr; }
//==================== INIT ========================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::Init( FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFO *pInfo, IFaxServerInner *pServer ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::Init
Routine description:
Initialize the IR Method Object with given Information. Allocates memory and stores given pInfo.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
pInfo [in] -- the Info of the IR Method Object pServer [in] -- Ptr to the Server
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
{ HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER (TEXT("CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::Init"), hr);
// Copy the FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFO structure
m_lPriority = pInfo->Priority;
m_bstrGUID = pInfo->Guid; m_bstrImageName = pInfo->ExtensionImageName; m_bstrFriendlyName = pInfo->ExtensionFriendlyName; m_bstrFunctionName = pInfo->FunctionName; m_bstrName = pInfo->FriendlyName; if ( (pInfo->Guid && !m_bstrGUID) || (pInfo->FriendlyName && !m_bstrName) || (pInfo->ExtensionImageName && !m_bstrImageName) || (pInfo->ExtensionFriendlyName && !m_bstrFriendlyName) || (pInfo->FunctionName && !m_bstrFunctionName) ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CALL_FAIL(MEM_ERR, _T("CComBSTR::operator=()"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingMethod, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxInboundRoutingMethod, hr); return hr; }
if (pServer) {
// Store Ptr to the Server
hr = CFaxInitInnerAddRef::Init(pServer); } return hr; }
//===================== SAVE ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::Save() /*++
Routine name : CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::Save
Routine description:
Save the Method's Priority.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::Save"), hr);
// Get Fax Server Handle
HANDLE faxHandle; hr = m_pIFaxServerInner->GetHandle(&faxHandle); ATLASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
if (faxHandle == NULL) { //
// Fax Server is not connected
hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("(faxHandle == NULL)"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingMethod, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxInboundRoutingMethod, hr); return hr; }
// Prepare Structure
FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFO Data; Data.Guid = m_bstrGUID; Data.Priority = m_lPriority; Data.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFO); Data.ExtensionFriendlyName = NULL; Data.ExtensionImageName = NULL; Data.FriendlyName = NULL; Data.FunctionName = NULL;
// Call Server to update its data about the Method
if (!FaxSetGlobalRoutingInfo(faxHandle, &Data)) { hr = Fax_HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("FaxSetGlobalRoutingInfo(faxHandle, &Data)"), hr); AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingMethod, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxInboundRoutingMethod, hr); return hr; }
return hr; }
//===================== PUT PRIORITY ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::put_Priority( /*[in]*/ long lPriority ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::put_Priority
Routine description:
Set the Method's Priority -- Order within the Collection of all Methods.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
lPriority [out] - the value to set
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::put_Priority"), hr, _T("PR=%d"), lPriority);
if (lPriority < 1) { //
// Out Of Range
hr = E_INVALIDARG; AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingMethod, IDS_ERROR_OUTOFRANGE, IID_IFaxInboundRoutingMethod, hr); CALL_FAIL(GENERAL_ERR, _T("(lPriority < 1)"), hr); return hr; }
m_lPriority = lPriority; return hr; }
//===================== GET PRIORITY ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::get_Priority( /*[out, retval]*/ long *plPriority ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::get_Priority
Routine description:
Return the Method's Priority -- Order within the Collection of all Methods.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
plPriority [out] - the Ptr where to put the value
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::get_Priority"), hr);
hr = GetLong(plPriority, m_lPriority); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingMethod, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxInboundRoutingMethod, hr); return hr; } return hr; }
//===================== GET EXTENSION IMAGE NAME ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::get_ExtensionImageName( /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pbstrExtensionImageName ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::get_ExtensionImageName
Routine description:
Return the Method's Extension Image Name.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
pbstrExtensionImageName [out] - the Ptr where to put the value
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::get_ExtensionImageName"), hr);
hr = GetBstr(pbstrExtensionImageName, m_bstrImageName); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingMethod, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxInboundRoutingMethod, hr); return hr; } return hr; }
//===================== GET EXTENSION FRIENDLY NAME ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::get_ExtensionFriendlyName( /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pbstrExtensionFriendlyName ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::get_ExtensionFriendlyName
Routine description:
Return the Method's Extension Friendly Name.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
pbstrExtensionFriendlyName [out] - the Ptr where to put the value
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::get_ExtensionFriendlyName"), hr);
hr = GetBstr(pbstrExtensionFriendlyName, m_bstrFriendlyName); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingMethod, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxInboundRoutingMethod, hr); return hr; } return hr; }
//===================== GET FUNCTION NAME ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::get_FunctionName( /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pbstrFunctionName ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::get_FunctionName
Routine description:
Return the Method's Function Name.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
pbstrFunctionName [out] - the Ptr where to put the value
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::get_FunctionName"), hr);
hr = GetBstr(pbstrFunctionName, m_bstrFunctionName); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingMethod, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxInboundRoutingMethod, hr); return hr; } return hr; }
//===================== GET GUID ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::get_GUID( /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pbstrGUID ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::get_GUID
Routine description:
Return the Method's GUID.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
pbstrGUID [out] - the Ptr where to put the value
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::get_GUID"), hr);
hr = GetBstr(pbstrGUID, m_bstrGUID); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingMethod, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxInboundRoutingMethod, hr); return hr; } return hr; }
//===================== GET NAME ================================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::get_Name( /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pbstrName ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::get_Name
Routine description:
Return the Method's Name.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
pbstrName [out] - the Ptr where to put the value
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DBG_ENTER(_T("CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::get_Name"), hr);
hr = GetBstr(pbstrName, m_bstrName); if (FAILED(hr)) { AtlReportError(CLSID_FaxInboundRoutingMethod, GetErrorMsgId(hr), IID_IFaxInboundRoutingMethod, hr); return hr; } return hr; }
//========================= SUPPORT ERROR INFO ====================================
STDMETHODIMP CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo( REFIID riid ) /*++
Routine name : CFaxInboundRoutingMethod::InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo
Routine description:
ATL's implementation of Support Error Info.
Iv Garber (IvG), Jun, 2000
riid [in] - Reference to the Interface.
Return Value:
Standard HRESULT code
--*/ { static const IID* arr[] = { &IID_IFaxInboundRoutingMethod }; for (int i=0; i < sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]); i++) { if (InlineIsEqualGUID(*arr[i],riid)) return S_OK; } return S_FALSE; }