Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Interface to the common address book.
Fax send wizard
Revision History:
09/02/99 -v-sashab- Created it.
mm/dd/yy -author- description
#include <windows.h>
#include <prsht.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <mbstring.h>
#include <mapix.h>
#include "faxui.h"
#include "abobj.h"
HINSTANCE CCommonAbObj::m_hInstance = NULL;
Comparison operator 'less' Compare two PRECIPIENT by recipient's name and fax number */ bool CRecipCmp::operator()( const PRECIPIENT pcRecipient1, const PRECIPIENT pcRecipient2) const { bool bRes = false; int nFaxNumberCpm = 0;
if(!pcRecipient1 || !pcRecipient2 || !pcRecipient1->pAddress || !pcRecipient2->pAddress) { assert(false); return bRes; }
nFaxNumberCpm = _tcscmp(pcRecipient1->pAddress, pcRecipient2->pAddress);
if(nFaxNumberCpm < 0) { bRes = true; } else if(nFaxNumberCpm == 0) { //
// The fax numbers are same
// lets compare the names
if(pcRecipient1->pName && pcRecipient2->pName) { bRes = (_tcsicmp(pcRecipient1->pName, pcRecipient2->pName) < 0); } else { bRes = (pcRecipient1->pName < pcRecipient2->pName); } }
return bRes;
} // CRecipCmp::operator()
CCommonAbObj::CCommonAbObj(HINSTANCE hInstance) : m_lpAdrBook(NULL), m_lpMailUser(NULL), m_bUnicode(FALSE) /*++
Routine Description:
Constructor for CCommonAbObj class
hInstance - Instance handle
Return Value:
{ m_hInstance = hInstance;
} // CCommonAbObj::CCommonAbObj()
CCommonAbObj::~CCommonAbObj() /*++
Routine Description:
Destructor for CCommonAbObj class
Return Value:
--*/ { }
BOOL CCommonAbObj::Address( HWND hWnd, PRECIPIENT pOldRecipList, PRECIPIENT* ppNewRecipList ) /*++
Routine Description:
Bring up the address book UI. Prepopulate the to box with the entries in pRecipient. Return the modified entries in ppNewRecip.
hWnd - window handle to parent window pOldRecipList - list of recipients to look up ppNewRecipList - list of new/modified recipients
Return Value:
TRUE if all recipients had a fax number. FALSE if one or more of them didn't.
--*/ { ADRPARM AdrParms = { 0 }; HRESULT hr; DWORD i; DWORD nRecips; PRECIPIENT tmpRecipient; ULONG DestComps[1] = { MAPI_TO }; DWORD cDropped = 0; DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; TCHAR tszCaption[MAX_PATH] = {0};
nRecips = 0; tmpRecipient = pOldRecipList;
m_hWnd = hWnd;
// count recipients and set up initial address list
while (tmpRecipient) { nRecips++; tmpRecipient = (PRECIPIENT) tmpRecipient->pNext; }
// Allocate address list
m_lpAdrList = NULL; if (nRecips > 0) { hr = ABAllocateBuffer( CbNewADRLIST( nRecips ), (LPVOID *) &m_lpAdrList ); if(!m_lpAdrList) { goto exit; } ZeroMemory(m_lpAdrList, CbNewADRLIST( nRecips ));
m_lpAdrList->cEntries = nRecips; }
// Allocate SPropValue arrays for each address entry
for (i = 0, tmpRecipient = pOldRecipList; i < nRecips; i++, tmpRecipient = tmpRecipient->pNext) { if(!GetRecipientProps(tmpRecipient, &(m_lpAdrList->aEntries[i].rgPropVals), &(m_lpAdrList->aEntries[i].cValues))) { goto error; }
} // for
if(GetAddrBookCaption(tszCaption, ARR_SIZE(tszCaption))) { AdrParms.lpszCaption = tszCaption; }
AdrParms.cDestFields = 1; AdrParms.ulFlags = StrCoding() | DIALOG_MODAL | AB_RESOLVE; AdrParms.nDestFieldFocus = 0; AdrParms.lpulDestComps = DestComps;
// Bring up the address book UI
hr = m_lpAdrBook->Address((ULONG_PTR*)&hWnd, &AdrParms, &m_lpAdrList);
// IAddrBook::Address returns always S_OK (according to MSDN, July 1999), but ...
if (FAILED (hr) || !m_lpAdrList || m_lpAdrList->cEntries == 0) { //
// in this case the user pressed cancel, so we skip resolving
// any of our addresses that aren't listed in the AB
goto exit; }
exit: if (m_lpAdrList) { m_lpMailUser = NULL;
try { m_setRecipients.clear(); } catch (std::bad_alloc&) { goto error; }
for (i = cDropped = 0; i < m_lpAdrList->cEntries; i++) { LPADRENTRY lpAdrEntry = &m_lpAdrList->aEntries[i];
dwRes = InterpretAddress(lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals, lpAdrEntry->cValues, ppNewRecipList, pOldRecipList); if(ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRes) { continue; } else if(ERROR_INVALID_DATA == dwRes) { ++cDropped; } else { break; } } // for
error: if(m_lpMailUser) { m_lpMailUser->Release(); m_lpMailUser = NULL; }
// Clean up
for (ULONG iEntry = 0; iEntry < m_lpAdrList->cEntries; ++iEntry) { if(m_lpAdrList->aEntries[iEntry].rgPropVals) { ABFreeBuffer(m_lpAdrList->aEntries[iEntry].rgPropVals); } } ABFreeBuffer(m_lpAdrList); m_lpAdrList = NULL;
} // if (m_lpAdrList)
m_hWnd = NULL;
return cDropped == 0;
} // CCommonAbObj::Address
BOOL CCommonAbObj::GetRecipientProps( PRECIPIENT pRecipient, LPSPropValue* pMapiProps, DWORD* pdwPropsNum ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocate SPropValue array and fill it with recipient info According to MSDN "Managing Memory for ADRLIST and SRowSet Structures"
pRecipient - [in] recipient info struct pMapiProps - [out] allocated SPropValue array pdwPropsNum - [out] SPropValue array size
Return Value:
TRUE if success FALSE otherwize
--*/ { BOOL bRes = FALSE;
if(!pRecipient || !pMapiProps || !pdwPropsNum) { return FALSE; }
HRESULT hr; LPTSTR pName = NULL; DWORD dwNameSize=0; // size of pName
LPTSTR pAddress = NULL; DWORD dwAddressSize=0; // size of pAddress
LPENTRYID lpEntryId = NULL; ULONG cbEntryId = 0; // size of lpEntryId
UINT ucPropertiesNum = pRecipient->bFromAddressBook ? 5 : 4;
// Convert strings to the address book encoding
if(pRecipient->pAddress) { pAddress = StrToAddrBk(pRecipient->pAddress, &dwAddressSize); if(!pAddress) { goto exit; } }
if(pRecipient->pName) { pName = StrToAddrBk(pRecipient->pName, &dwNameSize); if(!pName) { goto exit; } }
// Get entry ID
if (pRecipient->bFromAddressBook) { assert(pRecipient->lpEntryId); lpEntryId = (LPENTRYID)pRecipient->lpEntryId; cbEntryId = pRecipient->cbEntryId; } else { LPTSTR pAddrType = NULL; if(!(pAddrType = StrToAddrBk(TEXT("FAX")))) { goto exit; } hr = m_lpAdrBook->CreateOneOff(pName, pAddrType, pAddress, StrCoding(), &cbEntryId, &lpEntryId); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } MemFree(pAddrType); }
// Allocate MAPI prop array
LPSPropValue mapiProps = NULL;
DWORD dwPropArrSize = sizeof( SPropValue ) * ucPropertiesNum; DWORD dwPropSize = dwPropArrSize + dwAddressSize + dwNameSize + cbEntryId;
hr = ABAllocateBuffer( dwPropSize, (LPVOID *) &mapiProps ); if(!mapiProps) { goto exit; } ZeroMemory(mapiProps, dwPropSize);
// Set memory pointer to the end of the SPropValue prop array
LPBYTE pMem = (LPBYTE)mapiProps; pMem += dwPropArrSize;
// Copy fax number
if(dwAddressSize) { CopyMemory(pMem, pAddress, dwAddressSize); if(m_bUnicode) { mapiProps[FXS_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER].Value.lpszW = (LPWSTR)pMem; } else { mapiProps[FXS_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER].Value.lpszA = (LPSTR)pMem; } pMem += dwAddressSize; } mapiProps[FXS_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER].ulPropTag = m_bUnicode ? PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER_W : PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER_A;
// Copy display name
if(dwNameSize) { CopyMemory(pMem, pName, dwNameSize); if(m_bUnicode) { mapiProps[FXS_DISPLAY_NAME].Value.lpszW = (LPWSTR)pMem; } else { mapiProps[FXS_DISPLAY_NAME].Value.lpszA = (LPSTR)pMem; } pMem += dwNameSize; } mapiProps[FXS_DISPLAY_NAME].ulPropTag = m_bUnicode ? PR_DISPLAY_NAME_W : PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A;
// Copy entry ID
if(cbEntryId) { CopyMemory(pMem, lpEntryId, cbEntryId); mapiProps[FXS_ENTRYID].Value.bin.lpb = (LPBYTE)pMem; } mapiProps[FXS_ENTRYID].ulPropTag = PR_ENTRYID; mapiProps[FXS_ENTRYID].Value.bin.cb = cbEntryId;
// Recipient type
// Object type
if (pRecipient->bFromAddressBook) { mapiProps[FXS_OBJECT_TYPE].ulPropTag = PR_OBJECT_TYPE; mapiProps[FXS_OBJECT_TYPE].Value.l = MAPI_MAILUSER; }
*pdwPropsNum = ucPropertiesNum; *pMapiProps = mapiProps;
bRes = TRUE;
MemFree(pName); MemFree(pAddress);
if (!pRecipient->bFromAddressBook && lpEntryId) { ABFreeBuffer(lpEntryId); }
return bRes;
} // CCommonAbObj::GetRecipientProps
LPTSTR CCommonAbObj::AddressEmail( HWND hWnd ) /*++
Routine Description:
Bring up the address book UI. Returns an E-mail address.
hWnd - window handle to parent window
Return Value:
A choosen E-mail address. NULL otherwise.
--*/ { ADRPARM AdrParms = { 0 }; HRESULT hr; LPTSTR lptstrEmailAddress = NULL; TCHAR tszCaption[MAX_PATH] = {0};
m_hWnd = hWnd;
m_lpAdrList = NULL;
AdrParms.ulFlags = StrCoding() | DIALOG_MODAL | ADDRESS_ONE | AB_RESOLVE ;
if(GetAddrBookCaption(tszCaption, ARR_SIZE(tszCaption))) { AdrParms.lpszCaption = tszCaption; } //
// Bring up the address book UI
hr = m_lpAdrBook->Address((ULONG_PTR *) &hWnd, &AdrParms, &m_lpAdrList);
// IAddrBook::Address returns always S_OK (according to MSDN, July 1999), but ...
if (FAILED(hr)) { return NULL; }
if (!m_lpAdrList) { assert(m_lpAdrList->cEntries==1); }
if (m_lpAdrList && (m_lpAdrList->cEntries != 0) ) { LPADRENTRY lpAdrEntry = &m_lpAdrList->aEntries[0];
lptstrEmailAddress = InterpretEmailAddress( lpAdrEntry->rgPropVals, lpAdrEntry->cValues);
ABFreeBuffer(m_lpAdrList->aEntries[0].rgPropVals); ABFreeBuffer(m_lpAdrList);
m_lpAdrList = NULL; }
m_hWnd = NULL;
return lptstrEmailAddress;
} // CCommonAbObj::AddressEmail
DWORD CCommonAbObj::InterpretAddress( LPSPropValue SPropVal, ULONG cValues, PRECIPIENT *ppNewRecipList, PRECIPIENT pOldRecipList ) /*++
Routine Description:
Interpret the address book entry represented by SPropVal.
SPropVal - Property values for address book entry. cValues - number of property values ppNewRecip - new recipient list
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - if all of the entries have a fax number. ERROR_CANCELLED - the operation was canceled by user ERROR_INVALID_DATA - otherwise.
--*/ { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; LPSPropValue lpSPropVal;
RECIPIENT NewRecipient = {0};
// get the object type
lpSPropVal = FindProp( SPropVal, cValues, PR_OBJECT_TYPE );
if (lpSPropVal) { //
// If the object is a mail user, get the fax numbers and add the recipient
// to the list. If the object is a distribtion list, process it.
switch (lpSPropVal->Value.l) { case MAPI_MAILUSER:
dwRes = GetRecipientInfo(SPropVal, cValues, &NewRecipient, pOldRecipList); if(ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRes) { dwRes = AddRecipient(ppNewRecipList, &NewRecipient, TRUE); }
dwRes = InterpretDistList( SPropVal, cValues, ppNewRecipList, pOldRecipList); }
return dwRes;
} else {
// If there is no object type then this is valid entry that we queried on that went unresolved.
// We know that there is a fax number so add it.
if(GetOneOffRecipientInfo( SPropVal, cValues, &NewRecipient, pOldRecipList)) { dwRes = AddRecipient(ppNewRecipList, &NewRecipient, FALSE); } }
return dwRes;
} // CCommonAbObj::InterpretAddress
LPTSTR CCommonAbObj::InterpretEmailAddress( LPSPropValue SPropVal, ULONG cValues ) /*++
Routine Description:
Interpret the address book entry represented by SPropVal.
SPropVal - Property values for address book entry. cValues - number of property values Return Value:
A choosen E-mail address NULL otherwise.
--*/ { LPSPropValue lpSPropVal; LPTSTR lptstrEmailAddress = NULL; BOOL rVal = FALSE; TCHAR tszBuffer[MAX_STRING_LEN]; //
// get the object type
lpSPropVal = FindProp( SPropVal, cValues, PR_OBJECT_TYPE );
if(!lpSPropVal) { assert(FALSE); return NULL; }
if (lpSPropVal->Value.l == MAPI_MAILUSER) { lptstrEmailAddress = GetEmail( SPropVal, cValues);
return lptstrEmailAddress; } else { if (!::LoadString((HINSTANCE )m_hInstance, IDS_ERROR_RECEIPT_DL,tszBuffer, MAX_STRING_LEN)) { assert(FALSE); } else { AlignedMessageBox( m_hWnd, tszBuffer, NULL, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK); } }
return lptstrEmailAddress;
} // CCommonAbObj::InterpretEmailAddress
DWORD CCommonAbObj::InterpretDistList( LPSPropValue SPropVal, ULONG cValues, PRECIPIENT* ppNewRecipList, PRECIPIENT pOldRecipList ) /*++
Routine Description:
Process a distribution list.
SPropVal - Property values for distribution list. cValues - Number of properties. ppNewRecipList - New recipient list. pOldRecipList - Old recipient list.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - if all of the entries have a fax number. ERROR_CANCELLED - the operation was canceled by user ERROR_INVALID_DATA - otherwise.
#define EXIT_IF_FAILED(hr) { if (FAILED(hr)) goto ExitDistList; }
{ LPSPropValue lpPropVals; LPSRowSet pRows = NULL; LPDISTLIST lpMailDistList = NULL; LPMAPITABLE pMapiTable = NULL; ULONG ulObjType, cRows; HRESULT hr; DWORD dwEntriesSuccessfullyProcessed = 0; DWORD dwRes = ERROR_INVALID_DATA;
lpPropVals = FindProp( SPropVal, cValues, PR_ENTRYID );
if (lpPropVals) { LPENTRYID lpEntryId = (LPENTRYID) lpPropVals->Value.bin.lpb; DWORD cbEntryId = lpPropVals->Value.bin.cb; //
// Open the recipient entry
hr = m_lpAdrBook->OpenEntry( cbEntryId, lpEntryId, (LPCIID) NULL, 0, &ulObjType, (LPUNKNOWN *) &lpMailDistList );
// Get the contents table of the address entry
hr = lpMailDistList->GetContentsTable(StrCoding(), &pMapiTable); EXIT_IF_FAILED(hr); //
// Limit the query to only the properties we're interested in
hr = pMapiTable->SetColumns(m_bUnicode ? (LPSPropTagArray)&sPropTagsW : (LPSPropTagArray)&sPropTagsA, 0); EXIT_IF_FAILED(hr); //
// Get the total number of rows
hr = pMapiTable->GetRowCount(0, &cRows); EXIT_IF_FAILED(hr); //
// Get the individual entries of the distribution list
hr = pMapiTable->SeekRow(BOOKMARK_BEGINNING, 0, NULL); EXIT_IF_FAILED(hr);
hr = pMapiTable->QueryRows(cRows, 0, &pRows); EXIT_IF_FAILED(hr);
hr = S_OK;
if (pRows && pRows->cRows) { //
// Handle each entry of the distribution list in turn:
// for simple entries, call InterpretAddress
// for embedded distribution list, call this function recursively
for (cRows = 0; cRows < pRows->cRows; cRows++) { LPSPropValue lpProps = pRows->aRow[cRows].lpProps; ULONG cRowValues = pRows->aRow[cRows].cValues;
lpPropVals = FindProp( lpProps, cRowValues, PR_OBJECT_TYPE );
if (lpPropVals) { switch (lpPropVals->Value.l) { case MAPI_MAILUSER: { dwRes = InterpretAddress( lpProps, cRowValues, ppNewRecipList, pOldRecipList); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRes) { dwEntriesSuccessfullyProcessed++; } break; } case MAPI_DISTLIST: { dwRes = InterpretDistList( lpProps, cRowValues, ppNewRecipList, pOldRecipList); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRes) { dwEntriesSuccessfullyProcessed++; } break; } } // End of switch
} // End of property
} // End of properties loop
} // End of row
} // End of values
ExitDistList: //
// Perform necessary clean up before returning to caller
if (pRows) { for (cRows = 0; cRows < pRows->cRows; cRows++) { ABFreeBuffer(pRows->aRow[cRows].lpProps); } ABFreeBuffer(pRows); }
if (pMapiTable) { pMapiTable->Release(); }
if (lpMailDistList) { lpMailDistList->Release(); } //
// We only care if we successfully processed at least one object.
// Return ERROR_SUCCESS if we did.
return dwEntriesSuccessfullyProcessed ? ERROR_SUCCESS : dwRes;
} // CCommonAbObj::InterpretDistList
INT_PTR CALLBACK ChooseFaxNumberDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
Dialog proc for choose fax number dialog.
lParam - pointer to PickFax structure.
Return Value:
Control id of selection.
{ PPICKFAX pPickFax = (PPICKFAX) lParam;
switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: {
TCHAR szTitle[MAX_PATH] = {0}; TCHAR szFormat[MAX_PATH] = {0};
if(LoadString(CCommonAbObj::m_hInstance, IDS_CHOOSE_FAX_NUMBER, szFormat, MAX_PATH-1)) { _sntprintf(szTitle, MAX_PATH-1, szFormat, pPickFax->DisplayName); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_DISPLAY_NAME, szTitle); } else { assert(FALSE); }
if(pPickFax->BusinessFax) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_BUSINESS_FAX_NUM, pPickFax->BusinessFax); CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_BUSINESS_FAX, BST_CHECKED); } else { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_BUSINESS_FAX), FALSE); }
if(pPickFax->HomeFax) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_HOME_FAX_NUM, pPickFax->HomeFax);
if(!pPickFax->BusinessFax) { CheckDlgButton(hDlg, IDC_HOME_FAX, BST_CHECKED); } } else { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_HOME_FAX), FALSE); }
if(pPickFax->OtherFax) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_OTHER_FAX_NUM, pPickFax->OtherFax); } else { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_OTHER_FAX), FALSE); }
return TRUE; }
case WM_COMMAND: { switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK: DWORD dwRes; if(IsDlgButtonChecked( hDlg, IDC_BUSINESS_FAX )) { dwRes = IDC_BUSINESS_FAX; } else if(IsDlgButtonChecked( hDlg, IDC_HOME_FAX )) { dwRes = IDC_HOME_FAX; } else { dwRes = IDC_OTHER_FAX; }
EndDialog( hDlg, dwRes); return TRUE; case IDCANCEL: EndDialog( hDlg, IDCANCEL); return TRUE; } }
default: return FALSE;
return FALSE;
} // ChooseFaxNumberDlgProc
PRECIPIENT CCommonAbObj::FindRecipient( PRECIPIENT pRecipient, PRECIPIENT pRecipList ) /*++
Routine Description:
Find recipient (pRecipient) in the recipient list (pRecipList) by recipient name and fax number
pRecipList - pointer to recipient list pRecipient - pointer to recipient data
Return Value:
pointer to RECIPIENT structure if found NULL - otherwise. --*/ { if(!pRecipient || !pRecipList || !pRecipient->pName || !pRecipient->pAddress) { return NULL; }
while(pRecipList) { if(pRecipList->pName && pRecipList->pAddress && !_tcscmp(pRecipList->pName, pRecipient->pName) && !_tcscmp(pRecipList->pAddress, pRecipient->pAddress)) { return pRecipList; } pRecipList = pRecipList->pNext; }
return NULL;
} // CCommonAbObj::FindRecipient
PRECIPIENT CCommonAbObj::FindRecipient( PRECIPIENT pRecipList, PICKFAX* pPickFax ) /*++
Routine Description:
Find recipient (pPickFax) in the recipient list (pRecipList) by recipient name and fax number
pRecipList - pointer to recipient list pPickFax - pointer to recipient data
Return Value:
pointer to RECIPIENT structure if found NULL - otherwise. --*/ { if(!pRecipList || !pPickFax || !pPickFax->DisplayName) { return NULL; }
while(pRecipList) { if(pRecipList->pName && pRecipList->pAddress && !_tcscmp(pRecipList->pName, pPickFax->DisplayName)) { if((pPickFax->BusinessFax && !_tcscmp(pRecipList->pAddress, pPickFax->BusinessFax)) || (pPickFax->HomeFax && !_tcscmp(pRecipList->pAddress, pPickFax->HomeFax)) || (pPickFax->OtherFax && !_tcscmp(pRecipList->pAddress, pPickFax->OtherFax))) { return pRecipList; } }
pRecipList = pRecipList->pNext; }
return NULL;
} // CCommonAbObj::FindRecipient
BOOL CCommonAbObj::StrPropOk(LPSPropValue lpPropVals) { if(!lpPropVals) { return FALSE; }
if(!m_bUnicode) { return (lpPropVals->Value.lpszA && *lpPropVals->Value.lpszA); } #endif
return (lpPropVals->Value.LPSZ && *lpPropVals->Value.LPSZ);
} // CCommonAbObj::StrPropOk
DWORD CCommonAbObj::GetRecipientInfo( LPSPropValue SPropVals, ULONG cValues, PRECIPIENT pNewRecip, PRECIPIENT pOldRecipList ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get the fax number and display name properties.
SPropVal - Property values for distribution list. cValues - Number of properties. pNewRecip - [out] pointer to the new recipient pOldRecipList - [in] pointer to the old recipient list
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS - if there is a fax number and display name. ERROR_CANCELLED - the operation was canceled by user ERROR_INVALID_DATA - otherwise. --*/
{ DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPSPropValue lpPropVals; LPSPropValue lpPropArray; BOOL Result = FALSE; PICKFAX PickFax = { 0 }; DWORD dwFaxes = 0;
assert(pNewRecip); ZeroMemory(pNewRecip, sizeof(RECIPIENT));
// Get the entryid and open the entry.
lpPropVals = FindProp( SPropVals, cValues, PR_ENTRYID );
if (lpPropVals) { ULONG lpulObjType; LPMAILUSER lpMailUser = NULL; HRESULT hr; ULONG countValues;
pNewRecip->cbEntryId = lpPropVals->Value.bin.cb; ABAllocateBuffer(pNewRecip->cbEntryId, (LPVOID *)&pNewRecip->lpEntryId); if(!pNewRecip->lpEntryId) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { memcpy(pNewRecip->lpEntryId, lpPropVals->Value.bin.lpb, pNewRecip->cbEntryId); }
hr = m_lpAdrBook->OpenEntry(pNewRecip->cbEntryId, (ENTRYID*)pNewRecip->lpEntryId, (LPCIID) NULL, 0, &lpulObjType, (LPUNKNOWN *) &lpMailUser); if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Get the properties.
hr = ((IMailUser *)lpMailUser)->GetProps(m_bUnicode ? (LPSPropTagArray)&sPropTagsW : (LPSPropTagArray)&sPropTagsA, StrCoding(), &countValues, &lpPropArray ); if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hr)) { lpPropVals = FindProp(lpPropArray, countValues, PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER); if (StrPropOk( lpPropVals )) { PickFax.OtherFax = StrFromAddrBk(lpPropVals); if(PickFax.OtherFax && _tcslen(PickFax.OtherFax)) { ++dwFaxes; } }
lpPropVals = FindProp(lpPropArray, countValues, PR_BUSINESS_FAX_NUMBER); if (StrPropOk( lpPropVals )) { PickFax.BusinessFax = StrFromAddrBk(lpPropVals); if(PickFax.BusinessFax && _tcslen(PickFax.BusinessFax)) { ++dwFaxes; } }
lpPropVals = FindProp(lpPropArray, countValues, PR_HOME_FAX_NUMBER); if (StrPropOk( lpPropVals )) { PickFax.HomeFax = StrFromAddrBk(lpPropVals); if(PickFax.HomeFax && _tcslen(PickFax.HomeFax)) { ++dwFaxes; } }
lpPropVals = FindProp(lpPropArray, countValues, PR_DISPLAY_NAME); if (StrPropOk( lpPropVals )) { pNewRecip->pName = PickFax.DisplayName = StrFromAddrBk(lpPropVals); }
lpPropVals = FindProp(lpPropArray, countValues, PR_COUNTRY); if (StrPropOk( lpPropVals )) { pNewRecip->pCountry = PickFax.Country = StrFromAddrBk(lpPropVals); }
if (0 == dwFaxes) { lpPropVals = FindProp(lpPropArray, countValues, PR_ADDRTYPE);
if(lpPropVals && ABStrCmp(lpPropVals, TEXT("FAX"))) { lpPropVals = FindProp(lpPropArray, countValues, PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS); if (StrPropOk( lpPropVals )) { pNewRecip->pAddress = StrFromAddrBk(lpPropVals); if(pNewRecip->pAddress) { ++dwFaxes; } } } }
PRECIPIENT pRecip = FindRecipient(pOldRecipList, &PickFax); if(pRecip) { pNewRecip->pAddress = StringDup(pRecip->pAddress); pNewRecip->dwCountryId = pRecip->dwCountryId; pNewRecip->bUseDialingRules = pRecip->bUseDialingRules;
MemFree(PickFax.BusinessFax); PickFax.BusinessFax = NULL; MemFree(PickFax.HomeFax); PickFax.HomeFax = NULL; MemFree(PickFax.OtherFax); PickFax.OtherFax = NULL;
dwFaxes = 1; }
// If there are more then 1 fax numbers, ask the user to pick one.
if (dwFaxes > 1) { INT_PTR nResult; nResult = DialogBoxParam((HINSTANCE) m_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDD_CHOOSE_FAXNUMBER ), m_hWnd, ChooseFaxNumberDlgProc, (LPARAM) &PickFax); switch( nResult ) { case IDC_BUSINESS_FAX: pNewRecip->pAddress = PickFax.BusinessFax;
MemFree(PickFax.HomeFax); PickFax.HomeFax = NULL; MemFree(PickFax.OtherFax); PickFax.OtherFax = NULL; break;
case IDC_HOME_FAX: pNewRecip->pAddress = PickFax.HomeFax;
MemFree(PickFax.BusinessFax); PickFax.BusinessFax = NULL; MemFree(PickFax.OtherFax); PickFax.OtherFax = NULL; break;
case IDC_OTHER_FAX: pNewRecip->pAddress = PickFax.OtherFax;
MemFree(PickFax.BusinessFax); PickFax.BusinessFax = NULL; MemFree(PickFax.HomeFax); PickFax.HomeFax = NULL; break;
case IDCANCEL: MemFree(PickFax.BusinessFax); PickFax.BusinessFax = NULL; MemFree(PickFax.HomeFax); PickFax.HomeFax = NULL; MemFree(PickFax.OtherFax); PickFax.OtherFax = NULL;
dwRes = ERROR_CANCELLED; break; } } }
ABFreeBuffer( lpPropArray ); }
if(!m_lpMailUser) { //
// Remember the first MailUser and do not release it
// to avoid release of the MAPI DLLs
// m_lpMailUser should be released later
m_lpMailUser = lpMailUser; } else if(lpMailUser) { lpMailUser->Release(); lpMailUser = NULL; } }
if (0 == dwFaxes) { lpPropVals = FindProp(SPropVals, cValues, PR_ADDRTYPE);
if(lpPropVals && ABStrCmp(lpPropVals, TEXT("FAX"))) { lpPropVals = FindProp(SPropVals, cValues, PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS); if (StrPropOk( lpPropVals )) { TCHAR* pAddress = StrFromAddrBk(lpPropVals); if(pAddress) { TCHAR* ptr = _tcschr(pAddress, TEXT('@')); if(ptr) { ptr = _tcsinc(ptr); pNewRecip->pAddress = StringDup(ptr); MemFree(pAddress); } else { pNewRecip->pAddress = pAddress; } } }
lpPropVals = FindProp(SPropVals, cValues, PR_DISPLAY_NAME); if (StrPropOk( lpPropVals )) { MemFree(pNewRecip->pName); pNewRecip->pName = NULL;
pNewRecip->pName = StrFromAddrBk(lpPropVals); } } }
if (PickFax.BusinessFax) { pNewRecip->pAddress = PickFax.BusinessFax; } else if (PickFax.HomeFax) { pNewRecip->pAddress = PickFax.HomeFax; } else if (PickFax.OtherFax) { pNewRecip->pAddress = PickFax.OtherFax; }
if (ERROR_CANCELLED != dwRes && (!pNewRecip->pAddress || !pNewRecip->pName)) { dwRes = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; }
if(ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { MemFree(pNewRecip->pName); MemFree(pNewRecip->pAddress); MemFree(pNewRecip->pCountry); ABFreeBuffer(pNewRecip->lpEntryId); ZeroMemory(pNewRecip, sizeof(RECIPIENT)); }
return dwRes;
} // CCommonAbObj::GetRecipientInfo
BOOL CCommonAbObj::GetOneOffRecipientInfo( LPSPropValue SPropVals, ULONG cValues, PRECIPIENT pNewRecip, PRECIPIENT pOldRecipList ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get the fax number and display name properties.
SPropVal - Property values for distribution list. cValues - Number of properties. pNewRecip - [out] pointer to a new recipient pOldRecipList - pointer to the old recipient list
Return Value:
TRUE if there is a fax number and display name. FALSE otherwise.
{ PRECIPIENT pRecip = NULL; LPSPropValue lpPropVals;
lpPropVals = FindProp(SPropVals, cValues, PR_PRIMARY_FAX_NUMBER); if (lpPropVals) { if (!(pNewRecip->pAddress = StrFromAddrBk(lpPropVals))) { goto error; } }
lpPropVals = FindProp(SPropVals, cValues, PR_DISPLAY_NAME); if (lpPropVals) { if (!(pNewRecip->pName = StrFromAddrBk(lpPropVals))) { goto error; } }
pRecip = FindRecipient(pNewRecip, pOldRecipList); if(pRecip) { pNewRecip->dwCountryId = pRecip->dwCountryId; pNewRecip->bUseDialingRules = pRecip->bUseDialingRules; }
return TRUE;
error: MemFree(pNewRecip->pAddress); MemFree(pNewRecip->pName); return FALSE;
} // CCommonAbObj::GetOneOffRecipientInfo
LPTSTR CCommonAbObj::GetEmail( LPSPropValue SPropVals, ULONG cValues ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get e-mail address
SPropVal - Property values for distribution list. cValues - Number of properties.
Return Value:
A choosen E-mail address NULL otherwise.
{ LPSPropValue lpPropVals = NULL; LPSPropValue lpPropArray = NULL; BOOL Result = FALSE; LPTSTR lptstrEmailAddress = NULL; TCHAR tszBuffer[MAX_STRING_LEN];
ULONG lpulObjType = 0; LPMAILUSER lpMailUser = NULL; LPENTRYID lpEntryId = NULL; DWORD cbEntryId = 0; HRESULT hr; ULONG countValues = 0;
// Get the entryid and open the entry.
lpPropVals = FindProp( SPropVals, cValues, PR_ENTRYID ); if (!lpPropVals) { goto exit; }
lpEntryId = (LPENTRYID)lpPropVals->Value.bin.lpb; cbEntryId = lpPropVals->Value.bin.cb;
hr = m_lpAdrBook->OpenEntry(cbEntryId, lpEntryId, (LPCIID) NULL, 0, &lpulObjType, (LPUNKNOWN *) &lpMailUser); if (HR_FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; }
// Get the properties.
hr = ((IMailUser*)lpMailUser)->GetProps(m_bUnicode ? (LPSPropTagArray)&sPropTagsW : (LPSPropTagArray)&sPropTagsA, StrCoding(), &countValues, &lpPropArray); if (HR_FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; }
lpPropVals = FindProp(lpPropArray, countValues, PR_ADDRTYPE);
if (lpPropVals && ABStrCmp(lpPropVals, TEXT("SMTP"))) { lpPropVals = FindProp(lpPropArray, countValues, PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS); if (StrPropOk( lpPropVals )) { lptstrEmailAddress = StrFromAddrBk(lpPropVals); } } else if (lpPropVals && ABStrCmp(lpPropVals, TEXT("EX"))) { lpPropVals = FindProp(lpPropArray, countValues, PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES); if (lpPropVals) { DWORD dwArrSize = m_bUnicode ? lpPropVals->Value.MVszW.cValues : lpPropVals->Value.MVszA.cValues;
for(DWORD dw=0; dw < dwArrSize; ++dw) { if(m_bUnicode) { if(wcsstr(lpPropVals->Value.MVszW.lppszW[dw], L"SMTP:")) { WCHAR* ptr = wcschr(lpPropVals->Value.MVszW.lppszW[dw], L':'); ptr++;
SPropValue propVal = {0}; propVal.Value.lpszW = ptr;
lptstrEmailAddress = StrFromAddrBk(&propVal); break; } } else // ANSII
{ if(strstr(lpPropVals->Value.MVszA.lppszA[dw], "SMTP:")) { CHAR* ptr = strchr(lpPropVals->Value.MVszA.lppszA[dw], ':'); ptr++;
SPropValue propVal = {0}; propVal.Value.lpszA = ptr;
lptstrEmailAddress = StrFromAddrBk(&propVal); break; } } } } } exit: if(lpPropArray) { ABFreeBuffer( lpPropArray ); } if (lpMailUser) { lpMailUser->Release(); }
if(!lptstrEmailAddress) { if (!::LoadString((HINSTANCE )m_hInstance, IDS_ERROR_RECEIPT_SMTP,tszBuffer, MAX_STRING_LEN)) { assert(FALSE); } else { AlignedMessageBox( m_hWnd, tszBuffer, NULL, MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK); } }
return lptstrEmailAddress;
} // CCommonAbObj::GetEmail
LPSPropValue CCommonAbObj::FindProp( LPSPropValue rgprop, ULONG cprop, ULONG ulPropTag ) /*++
Routine Description:
Searches for a given property tag in a propset. If the given property tag has type PT_UNSPECIFIED, matches only on the property ID; otherwise, matches on the entire tag.
rgprop - Property values. cprop - Number of properties. ulPropTag - Property to search for.
Return Value:
Pointer to property desired property value or NULL. --*/
{ if (!cprop || !rgprop) { return NULL; }
LPSPropValue pprop = rgprop;
#ifdef UNICODE
if(!m_bUnicode) { //
// If the Address Book does not support Unicode
// change the property type to ANSII
if(PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag) == PT_UNICODE) { ulPropTag = PROP_TAG( PT_STRING8, PROP_ID(ulPropTag)); }
if(PROP_TYPE(ulPropTag) == PT_MV_UNICODE) { ulPropTag = PROP_TAG( PT_MV_STRING8, PROP_ID(ulPropTag)); } } #endif
while (cprop--) { if (pprop->ulPropTag == ulPropTag) { return pprop; } ++pprop; }
return NULL;
} // CCommonAbObj::FindProp
DWORD CCommonAbObj::AddRecipient( PRECIPIENT *ppNewRecipList, PRECIPIENT pRecipient, BOOL bFromAddressBook ) /*++
Routine Description:
Add a recipient to the recipient list.
ppNewRecip - pointer to pointer to list to add item to. pRecipient - pointer to the new recipient data bFromAddressBook - boolean says if this recipient is from address book
Return Value:
pNewRecip = (PRECIPIENT)MemAllocZ(sizeof(RECIPIENT)); if(!pNewRecip) { dwRes = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error; } else { pNewRecip->pName = pRecipient->pName; pNewRecip->pAddress = pRecipient->pAddress; pNewRecip->pCountry = pRecipient->pCountry; pNewRecip->cbEntryId = pRecipient->cbEntryId; pNewRecip->lpEntryId = pRecipient->lpEntryId; pNewRecip->dwCountryId = pRecipient->dwCountryId; pNewRecip->bUseDialingRules = pRecipient->bUseDialingRules; pNewRecip->bFromAddressBook = bFromAddressBook; pNewRecip->pNext = *ppNewRecipList; }
try { //
// Try to insert a recipient into the set
if(m_setRecipients.insert(pNewRecip).second == false) { //
// Such recipient already exists
goto error; } } catch (std::bad_alloc&) { dwRes = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto error; }
// Add the recipient into the list
*ppNewRecipList = pNewRecip;
return dwRes;
MemFree(pRecipient->pName); MemFree(pRecipient->pAddress); MemFree(pRecipient->pCountry); ABFreeBuffer(pRecipient->lpEntryId); ZeroMemory(pRecipient, sizeof(RECIPIENT));
return dwRes;
} // CCommonAbObj::AddRecipient
LPTSTR CCommonAbObj::StrToAddrBk( LPCTSTR szStr, DWORD* pdwSize /* = NULL*/ ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocate string converted to the Address book encoding
szStr - [in] source string pdwSize - [out] optional size of new string in bytes
Return Value:
Pointer to the converted string Should be released by MemFree() --*/ { if(!szStr) { Assert(FALSE); return NULL; } #ifdef UNICODE
if(!m_bUnicode) { //
// The address book does not support Unicode
INT nSize; LPSTR pAnsii; //
// Figure out how much memory to allocate for the multi-byte string
if (! (nSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szStr, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL)) || ! (pAnsii = (LPSTR)MemAlloc(nSize))) { return NULL; }
// Convert Unicode string to multi-byte string
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szStr, -1, pAnsii, nSize, NULL, NULL);
if(pdwSize) { *pdwSize = nSize; } return (LPTSTR)pAnsii; }
#endif // UNICODE
LPTSTR pNewStr = StringDup(szStr); if(pdwSize && pNewStr) { *pdwSize = (_tcslen(pNewStr)+1) * sizeof(TCHAR); }
return pNewStr;
} // CCommonAbObj::StrToAddrBk
LPTSTR CCommonAbObj::StrFromAddrBk(LPSPropValue pValue) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocate string converted from the Address book encoding
pValue - [in] MAPI property
Return Value:
Pointer to the converted string Should be released by MemFree() --*/ { if(!pValue) { Assert(FALSE); return NULL; }
#ifdef UNICODE
if(!m_bUnicode) { //
// The address book does not support Unicode
if(!pValue->Value.lpszA) { Assert(FALSE); return NULL; }
INT nSize; LPWSTR pUnicodeStr; if (! (nSize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pValue->Value.lpszA, -1, NULL, 0)) || ! (pUnicodeStr = (LPWSTR) MemAlloc( nSize * sizeof(WCHAR)))) { return NULL; }
// Convert multi-byte string to Unicode string
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pValue->Value.lpszA, -1, pUnicodeStr, nSize); return pUnicodeStr; }
#endif // UNICODE
if(!pValue->Value.LPSZ) { Assert(FALSE); return NULL; }
LPTSTR pNewStr = StringDup(pValue->Value.LPSZ); return pNewStr;
} // CCommonAbObj::StrFromAddrBk
BOOL CCommonAbObj::ABStrCmp(LPSPropValue lpPropVals, LPTSTR pStr) /*++
Routine Description:
Compare string with MAPI property value according to the address book encoding
lpPropVals - [in] MAPI property pStr - [in] string to compare
Return Value:
TRUE if the strings are equal FALSE otherwise --*/ { BOOL bRes = FALSE; if(!lpPropVals || !pStr) { Assert(FALSE); return bRes; }
#ifdef UNICODE
if(!m_bUnicode) { LPSTR pAnsii = (LPSTR)StrToAddrBk(pStr); if(pAnsii) { bRes = !strcmp(lpPropVals->Value.lpszA, pAnsii); MemFree(pAnsii); } return bRes; } #endif
bRes = !_tcscmp(lpPropVals->Value.LPSZ, pStr); return bRes;
} // CCommonAbObj::ABStrCmp
BOOL CCommonAbObj::GetAddrBookCaption( LPTSTR szCaption, DWORD dwSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get address book dialog caption according to the ANSII/Unicode capability
szCaption - [out] caption buffer dwSize - [in] caption buffer size in characters
Return Value:
TRUE if success FALSE otherwise --*/ { if(!szCaption || !dwSize) { Assert(FALSE); return FALSE; }
TCHAR tszStr[MAX_PATH] = {0};
if(!LoadString(m_hInstance, IDS_ADDRESS_BOOK_CAPTION, tszStr, ARR_SIZE(tszStr))) { return FALSE; } _tcsncpy(szCaption, tszStr, dwSize); #ifdef UNICODE
if(!m_bUnicode || GetABType() == AB_MAPI) { //
// MAPI interpret lpszCaption as ANSII anyway
char szAnsiStr[MAX_PATH] = {0}; if(!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, tszStr, -1, szAnsiStr, ARR_SIZE(szAnsiStr), NULL, NULL)) { return FALSE; }
memcpy(szCaption, szAnsiStr, min(dwSize, strlen(szAnsiStr)+1)); } #endif // UNICODE
return TRUE;
} // CCommonAbObj::GetAddrBookCaption