Module Name: pssframe.c Abstract: This module logs the content of DISs and DCSs into PSS log file. Author: Jonathan Barner (t-jonb) Mar, 2001
Revision History:
#include "prep.h"
#include "psslog.h"
Routine Description: Logs DIS details to PSS log, using the supplied info. Arguments: pTG lpszModulations, bFineRes, b2D, lpszPageWidth, lpszPageLength, lpszMinLineTime - info to log Return Value: None --*/ void LogDISDetails(PThrdGlbl pTG, LPSTR lpszModulations, BOOL bFineRes, BOOL b2D, LPSTR lpszPageWidth, LPSTR lpszPageLength, LPSTR lpszMinLineTime) { PSSLogEntry(PSS_MSG, 1, "- Supported Modulations: %s", lpszModulations); PSSLogEntry(PSS_MSG, 1, "- Ability to use fine resolution: %s", bFineRes ? _T("Yes") : _T("No")); PSSLogEntry(PSS_MSG, 1, "- Ability to use 2D coding: %s", b2D ? _T("Yes") : _T("No")); PSSLogEntry(PSS_MSG, 1, "- Supported Page Width: %s", lpszPageWidth); PSSLogEntry(PSS_MSG, 1, "- Supported Page Length: %s", lpszPageLength); PSSLogEntry(PSS_MSG, 1, "- Minimum scan line time: %s", lpszMinLineTime); }
Routine Description: Logs DCS details to PSS log, using the supplied info. Arguments: pTG lpszModulations, bFineRes, b2D, lpszPageWidth, lpszPageLength, lpszLineTime - info to log Return Value: None --*/ void LogDCSDetails(PThrdGlbl pTG, LPSTR lpszModulation, BOOL bFineRes, BOOL b2D, DWORD dwPageWidth, LPSTR lpszPageLength, LPSTR lpszLineTime) { PSSLogEntry(PSS_MSG, 1, "- Session Modulation is: %s", lpszModulation); PSSLogEntry(PSS_MSG, 1, "- Use fine resolution: %s", bFineRes ? _T("Yes") : _T("No")); PSSLogEntry(PSS_MSG, 1, "- Use 2D coding: %s", b2D ? _T("Yes") : _T("No")); PSSLogEntry(PSS_MSG, 1, "- Page width is %d", dwPageWidth); PSSLogEntry(PSS_MSG, 1, "- Page length is %s", lpszPageLength); PSSLogEntry(PSS_MSG, 1, "- Scan line time: %s", lpszLineTime); }
// This table applies to both DIS and DCS, in both class1 and class2
LPSTR ppszMinLineTime[8] = { // Bits 21-23 (leftmost is 23)
_T("20"), // 000
_T("5"), // 001
_T("10"), // 010
_T("20/10"), // 011
_T("40"), // 100
_T("40/20"), // 101
_T("10/5"), // 110
_T("0") // 111
// *************************** CLASS 1 ****************************
Routine Description: Logs DIS details to PSS log, using the supplied NPDIS. Arguments: pTG npdis - DIS to log Return Value: None --*/ void LogClass1DISDetails(PThrdGlbl pTG, NPDIS npdis) { static LPSTR ppszCapsDesc[16] = { // Bits 11-14 (leftmost is 14)
_T("V.27 ter fallback"), // 0000
_T("V.29"), // 0001
_T("V.27 ter"), // 0010
_T("V.27 ter, V.29"), // 0011
_T(""), // 0100
_T(""), // 0101
_T(""), // 0110
_T("V.27 ter, V.29, V.33"), // 0111
_T(""), // 1000
_T(""), // 1001
_T(""), // 1010
_T("V.27 ter, V.29, V.33, V.17"), // 1011
_T(""), // 1100
_T(""), // 1101
_T(""), // 1110
_T("") // 1111
}; static LPSTR ppszWidthDesc[4] = { // Bits 17-18 (leftmost is 18)
_T("1728"), // 00
_T("1728, 2048"), // 01
_T("1728, 2048, 2432"), // 10
_T("invalid (interpreted as 1728, 2048, 2432)") //11
}; static LPSTR ppszLengthDesc[4] = { // Bits 19-20 (leftmost is 20)
_T("A4"), // 00
_T("A4 and B4"), // 01
_T("Unlimited"), // 10
_T("invalid") // 11
if (npdis == NULL) { _ASSERT(FALSE); return; } LogDISDetails(pTG, ppszCapsDesc[npdis->Baud], (npdis->ResFine_200 == 1), (npdis->MR_2D == 1), ppszWidthDesc[npdis->PageWidth], ppszLengthDesc[npdis->PageLength], ppszMinLineTime[npdis->MinScanCode]); }
Routine Description: Logs DCS details to PSS log, using the supplied NPDIS. Arguments: pTG npdis - DCS to log Return Value: None --*/ void LogClass1DCSDetails(PThrdGlbl pTG, NPDIS npdis) { static LPSTR ppszDesc[16] = { // Bits 11-14 (leftmost is 14)
_T("2400 bps V.27 ter"), // 0000
_T("9600 bps V.29"), // 0001
_T("4800 bps V.27 ter"), // 0010
_T("7200 bps V.29"), // 0011
_T("14400 bps V.33"), // 0100
_T(""), // 0101
_T("12000 bps V.33"), // 0110
_T(""), // 0111
_T("14400 bps V.17"), // 1000
_T("9600 bps V.17"), // 1001
_T("12000 bps V.17"), // 1010
_T("7200 bps V.17"), // 1011
_T(""), // 1100
_T(""), // 1101
_T(""), // 1110
_T("") // 1111
}; static DWORD dwWidthDesc[4] = { 1728, // 00
2048, // 01
2432, // 10
2432 // 11
}; static LPSTR lpszLengthDesc[4] = { _T("A4"), // 00
_T("B4"), // 01
_T("Unlimited"), // 10
_T("invalid") // 11
if (npdis == NULL) { _ASSERT(FALSE); return; } LogDCSDetails(pTG, ppszDesc[npdis->Baud], (npdis->ResFine_200 == 1), (npdis->MR_2D == 1), dwWidthDesc[npdis->PageWidth], lpszLengthDesc[npdis->PageLength], ppszMinLineTime[npdis->MinScanCode]); }
// *************************** CLASS 2 ****************************
#define GET_BOUNDED_ARRAY_ELEMENT(_array_, _val_, _maxval_, _default_) \
(((_val_)>=0 && (_val_)<(_maxval_)) ? _array_[(_val_)] : (_default_))
// These tables belongs to both DIS and DCS
LPSTR ppszCapsDesc[6] = { _T("2400 bps V.27 ter"), // 0
_T("4800 bps V.27 ter"), // 1
_T("7200 bps V.29 or V.17"), // 2
_T("9600 bps V.29 or V.17"), // 3
_T("12000 bps V.17"), // 4
_T("14400 bps V.17"), // 5
}; LPSTR ppszLengthDesc[3] = { _T("A4"), // 0
_T("B4"), // 1
_T("Unlimited"), // 2
}; LPSTR szInvalid = _T("Invalid");
Routine Description: Logs DIS details to PSS log, using the supplied PCB. Arguments: pTG lpPcb - DIS to log Return Value: None --*/ void LogClass2DISDetails(PThrdGlbl pTG, LPPCB lpPcb) { static LPSTR ppszWidthDesc[5] = { _T("1728"), // 0
_T("1728, 2048"), // 1
_T("1728, 2048, 2432"), // 2
_T("1216"), // 3
_T("864"), // 4
if (lpPcb == NULL) { _ASSERT(FALSE); return; } LogDISDetails(pTG, GET_BOUNDED_ARRAY_ELEMENT(ppszCapsDesc, lpPcb->Baud, 6, szInvalid), lpPcb->Resolution & AWRES_mm080_038, lpPcb->Encoding & MR_DATA, GET_BOUNDED_ARRAY_ELEMENT(ppszWidthDesc, lpPcb->PageWidth, 5, szInvalid), GET_BOUNDED_ARRAY_ELEMENT(ppszLengthDesc, lpPcb->PageLength, 3, szInvalid), GET_BOUNDED_ARRAY_ELEMENT(ppszMinLineTime, lpPcb->MinScan, 8, szInvalid) ); }
Routine Description: Logs DCS details to PSS log, using the supplied PCB. Arguments: pTG lpPcb - DCS to log Return Value: None --*/ void LogClass2DCSDetails(PThrdGlbl pTG, LPPCB lpPcb) { static DWORD dwWidthDesc[5] = { 1728, // 0
2048, // 1
2432, // 2
1216, // 3
864 // 4
if (lpPcb == NULL) { _ASSERT(FALSE); return; } LogDCSDetails(pTG, GET_BOUNDED_ARRAY_ELEMENT(ppszCapsDesc, lpPcb->Baud, 6, szInvalid), !(lpPcb->Resolution & AWRES_mm080_038), lpPcb->Encoding & MR_DATA, GET_BOUNDED_ARRAY_ELEMENT(dwWidthDesc, lpPcb->PageWidth, 5, 0), GET_BOUNDED_ARRAY_ELEMENT(ppszLengthDesc, lpPcb->PageLength, 3, szInvalid), GET_BOUNDED_ARRAY_ELEMENT(ppszMinLineTime, lpPcb->MinScan, 8, szInvalid) ); }