Name : RECVFR.C Comment : Functions: (see Prototypes just below)
Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corp.
Revision Log Date Name Description -------- ----- --------------------------------------------------------- ***************************************************************************/ #define USE_DEBUG_CONTEXT DEBUG_CONTEXT_T30_MAIN
#include "prep.h"
#include "efaxcb.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#include "glbproto.h"
void GotRecvFrames ( PThrdGlbl pTG, IFR ifr, NPDIS npdis, BCTYPE bctype, NPBC npbc, USHORT wBCSize, NPLLPARAMS npll ) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME(_T("GotRecvFrames"));
InitBC(npbc, wBCSize, bctype);
if(npdis) { // extract DIS caps into BC and LL
// Here we parse the DCS we got into npbc {= (NPBC)&pTG->ProtInst.RecvParams}
ParseDISorDCSorDTC(pTG, npdis, &(npbc->Fax), npll, (ifr==ifrNSS ? TRUE : FALSE)); } }
BOOL AwaitSendParamsAndDoNegot(PThrdGlbl pTG) { // This does actual negotiation & gets SENDPARAMS. It could potentially
if(!ProtGetBC(pTG, SEND_PARAMS)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_WRN,"ATTENTION: pTG->ProtInst.fAbort = TRUE"); pTG->ProtInst.fAbort = TRUE; return FALSE; }
// negotiate low-level params here. (a) because this is where
// high-level params are negotiated (b) because it's inefficient to
// do it on each DCS (c) because RTN breaks otherwise--see bug#731
// llRecvCaps and llSendParams are set only at startup
// SendParams are set in ProtGetBC just above
// llNegot is the return value. So this can be called
// only at the end of this function
// negot lowlevel params if we are sending and not polling
if(!pTG->ProtInst.fAbort && pTG->ProtInst.fSendParamsInited) { NegotiateLowLevelParams( pTG, &pTG->ProtInst.llRecvCaps, &pTG->ProtInst.llSendParams, pTG->ProtInst.SendParams.Fax.AwRes, pTG->ProtInst.SendParams.Fax.Encoding, &pTG->ProtInst.llNegot);
pTG->ProtInst.fllNegotiated = TRUE;
// This chnages llNegot->Baud according to the MaxSpeed settings
EnforceMaxSpeed(pTG); } return TRUE; }
void GotRecvCaps(PThrdGlbl pTG) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME(_T("GotRecvCaps"));
pTG->ProtInst.RemoteDIS.ECM = 0; pTG->ProtInst.RemoteDIS.SmallFrame = 0;
GotRecvFrames( pTG, ifrNSF, (pTG->ProtInst.fRecvdDIS ? &pTG->ProtInst.RemoteDIS : NULL), RECV_CAPS, (NPBC)&pTG->ProtInst.RecvCaps, sizeof(pTG->ProtInst.RecvCaps), &pTG->ProtInst.llRecvCaps);
pTG->ProtInst.fRecvCapsGot = TRUE; pTG->ProtInst.fllRecvCapsGot = TRUE;
// send off BC struct to higher level
if(!ICommRecvCaps(pTG, (LPBC)&pTG->ProtInst.RecvCaps)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_WRN,"ATTENTION:pTG->ProtInst.fAbort = TRUE"); pTG->ProtInst.fAbort = TRUE; }
// This need to be moved into whatnext.NodeA so that we can set
// param to FALSE (no sleep) and do the stall thing
AwaitSendParamsAndDoNegot(pTG); }
void GotRecvParams(PThrdGlbl pTG) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME(_T("GotRecvParams"));
GotRecvFrames( pTG, ifrNSS, (pTG->ProtInst.fRecvdDCS ? (&pTG->ProtInst.RemoteDCS) : NULL), RECV_PARAMS, (NPBC)&pTG->ProtInst.RecvParams, sizeof(pTG->ProtInst.RecvParams), &pTG->ProtInst.llRecvParams);
pTG->ProtInst.fRecvParamsGot = TRUE; pTG->ProtInst.fllRecvParamsGot = TRUE;
if(!ICommRecvParams(pTG, (LPBC)&pTG->ProtInst.RecvParams)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_WRN, "ATTENTION: pTG->ProtInst.fAbort = TRUE"); pTG->ProtInst.fAbort = TRUE; } }