// File Name: fxocReg.cpp
// Abstract: This provides the registry routines used in the FaxOCM
// code base.
// Environment: Windows XP / User Mode
// Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
// Revision History:
// Date: Developer: Comments:
// ----- ---------- ---------
// 21-Mar-2000 Oren Rosenbloom (orenr) Created
#include "faxocm.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <Loadperf.h>
//////////////////////// Static Function Prototypes ////////////////////////
static DWORD prv_InstallDynamicRegistry(const TCHAR *pszSection); static DWORD prv_UninstallDynamicRegistry(const TCHAR *pszSection);
static DWORD prv_CreatePerformanceCounters(void); static DWORD prv_DeletePerformanceCounters(void);
void prv_AddSecurityPrefix(void); ///////////////////////////////
// fxocReg_Init
// Initialize registry handling
// subsystem
// Params:
// - void
// Returns:
// - NO_ERROR on success
// - error code otherwise
DWORD fxocReg_Init(void) { DWORD dwRes = NO_ERROR; DBG_ENTER(_T("Init Registry Module"),dwRes);
return dwRes; }
// fxocReg_Term
// Terminate the registry handling
// subsystem
// Params:
// - void
// Returns:
// - NO_ERROR on success
// - error code otherwise
DWORD fxocReg_Term(void) { DWORD dwRes = NO_ERROR; DBG_ENTER(_T("Term Registry Module"),dwRes);
return dwRes; }
// fxocReg_Install
// Create registry settings as
// specified in INF file, as well
// as dynamic settings that can only
// be done at run time (such as
// performance counter setup, etc).
// Params:
// - pszSubcomponentId
// - pszInstallSection
// Returns:
// - NO_ERROR on success
// - error code otherwise
DWORD fxocReg_Install(const TCHAR *pszSubcomponentId, const TCHAR *pszInstallSection) { DWORD dwReturn = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwNumDevices = 0; HINF hInf = faxocm_GetComponentInf();
DBG_ENTER( _T("fxocReg_Install"), dwReturn, _T("%s - %s"), pszSubcomponentId, pszInstallSection);
if (pszInstallSection == NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Set up the static registry data found in the INF file
// This will perform all necessary install steps as specified
// by the SPINST_* flags below. Since we already queued up our
// files to be copied, we are using this API only to setup our
// registry settings as specified in the FAX install section in
// the INF file.
// Notice that this function works both for installing and uninstalling.
// It determines whether to install or uninstall based on the "pszSection"
// parameter passed in from the INF file. The INF file will be structured
// such that the install sections will have 'AddReg', etc, while the
// uninstall sections will have 'DelReg', etc.
// Lastly, notice the SPINST_* flags specified. We tell it to install
// everything (via SPINST_ALL) with the exception of FILES since they
// were copied over by the QUEUE_OPS operation before, and with the
// exception of PROFILEITEMS (shortcut link creation) because we want
// to do that only after we have confirmed everything has succeeded.
// Shortcut links are explictely created/deleted in faxocm.cpp (via
// fxocLink_Install/fxocLink_Uninstall functions)
dwReturn = fxocUtil_DoSetup( hInf, pszInstallSection, TRUE, SPINST_ALL & ~(SPINST_FILES | SPINST_PROFILEITEMS), _T("fxocReg_Install"));
if (dwReturn == NO_ERROR) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Successfully installed static registry ") _T("settings as specified in INF file"));
// Place any dynamic registry data you need to create on the fly
// here.
dwReturn = prv_InstallDynamicRegistry(pszInstallSection); }
if (dwReturn == NO_ERROR) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Registry Install, installing performance ") _T("counters..."));
// first delete any performance counters we have before
// install performance counters
prv_CreatePerformanceCounters(); }
// now do RegSvr for platform dependent DLLs
if (dwReturn == NO_ERROR) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG,_T("Registry Install, Doing REGSVR"));
dwReturn = fxocUtil_SearchAndExecute(pszInstallSection,INF_KEYWORD_REGISTER_DLL_PLATFORM,SPINST_REGSVR,NULL); if (dwReturn == NO_ERROR) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Successfully Registered Fax DLLs - platform dependent") _T("from INF file, section '%s'"), pszInstallSection); } else { VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("Failed to Registered Fax DLLs - platform dependent") _T("from INF file, section '%s', dwReturn = 0x%lx"), pszInstallSection, dwReturn); } }
// now do AddReg for platform dependent registry settings
if (dwReturn == NO_ERROR) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG,_T("Registry Install, Doing AddReg_Platform"));
dwReturn = fxocUtil_SearchAndExecute(pszInstallSection,INF_KEYWORD_ADDREG_PLATFORM,SPINST_REGISTRY,NULL); if (dwReturn == NO_ERROR) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Successfully Installed Registry- platform dependent") _T("from INF file, section '%s'"), pszInstallSection); } else { VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("Failed to Install Registry- platform dependent") _T("from INF file, section '%s', dwReturn = 0x%lx"), pszInstallSection, dwReturn); } }
// When upgrading from SB3 to >=RC1, need to pre-pend FAX_REG_SECURITY_PREFIX
// to all encripted data
if (dwReturn == NO_ERROR && fxState_IsUpgrade() == FXSTATE_UPGRADE_TYPE_XP_DOT_NET) { prv_AddSecurityPrefix(); }
// now write the version and SKU into the registry
if (dwReturn == NO_ERROR) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG,_T("Registry Install, Doing SKU and Version"));
HKEY hKey = OpenRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,REGKEY_FAX_SETUP,FALSE,KEY_WRITE); if (hKey==NULL) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("Failed to open fax setup registry, dwReturn = 0x%lx"), dwReturn); return dwReturn; }
// write the SKU into the registry
if (!SetRegistryDword(hKey,REGVAL_PRODUCT_SKU,GetProductSKU())) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("SetRegistryDword REGVAL_PRODUCT_SKU failed , dwReturn = 0x%lx"), dwReturn); }
// write the fax version into the registry
if (!SetRegistryDword(hKey,REGVAL_PRODUCT_BUILD,GetProductBuild())) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("SetRegistryDword REGVAL_PRODUCT_VERSION failed , dwReturn = 0x%lx"), dwReturn); }
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
return dwReturn; }
// fxocReg_Uninstall
// Delete registry settings as
// specified in INF file, as well
// as dynamic settings that can only
// be done at run time (such as
// performance counter setup, etc).
// Params:
// - pszSubcomponentId
// - pszUninstallSection
// Returns:
// - NO_ERROR on success
// - error code otherwise
DWORD fxocReg_Uninstall(const TCHAR *pszSubcomponentId, const TCHAR *pszUninstallSection) { DWORD dwReturn = NO_ERROR; HINF hInf = faxocm_GetComponentInf();
DBG_ENTER( _T("fxocReg_Uninstall"), dwReturn, _T("%s - %s"), pszSubcomponentId, pszUninstallSection);
if (pszUninstallSection == NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// try to cleanup regardless of the return value.
// remove any performance counters related to fax.
// remove the static registry settings specified in the INF file
fxocUtil_DoSetup(hInf, pszUninstallSection, FALSE, SPINST_ALL & ~(SPINST_FILES | SPINST_PROFILEITEMS), _T("fxocReg_Uninstall"));
return dwReturn; }
// prv_InstallDynamicRegistry
// Installs dynamic registry
// settings that can only be
// done at run time (as opposed
// to via the faxsetup.inf file)
// Params:
// - pszSection -
// Returns:
// - NO_ERROR on success.
// - error code otherwise.
static DWORD prv_InstallDynamicRegistry(const TCHAR *pszSection) { DWORD dwReturn = NO_ERROR; LONG lResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hKey = NULL; BOOL bIsServerInstall = FALSE; DWORD dwProductType = 0;
DBG_ENTER( _T("prv_InstallDynamicRegistry"), dwReturn, _T("%s"), pszSection);
if (pszSection == NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// open the install type registry key.
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bIsServerInstall = fxState_IsOsServerBeingInstalled();
if (bIsServerInstall) { dwProductType = FAX_INSTALL_SERVER; } else { dwProductType = FAX_INSTALL_WORKSTATION; }
lResult = ::RegSetValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_FAXINSTALL_TYPE, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*) &dwProductType, sizeof(dwProductType));
if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwReturn = (DWORD) lResult; VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("Failed to set InstallType, ") _T("rc = 0x%lx"), lResult); } }
if (hKey) { ::RegCloseKey(hKey); hKey = NULL; }
if (dwReturn == NO_ERROR) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Successfully installed dynamic Registry ") _T("settings from INF file, section '%s'"), pszSection); } else { VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("Failed to install dynamic Registry ") _T("settings from INF file, section '%s', ") _T("rc = 0x%lx"), pszSection, dwReturn); }
return dwReturn; }
// prv_UninstallDynamicRegistry
// Uninstall dynamic registry.
// Params:
// - pszSection.
// Returns:
// - NO_ERROR on success.
// - error code otherwise.
static DWORD prv_UninstallDynamicRegistry(const TCHAR *pszSection) { DWORD dwRes = NO_ERROR; DBG_ENTER( _T("prv_InstallDynamicRegistry"), dwRes, _T("%s"), pszSection);
return dwRes; }
// CreatePerformanceCounters
// Create the performance counters
// for fax in the registry.
// Params:
// - void
// Returns:
// - NO_ERROR on success.
// - error code otherwise.
// Author: Mooly Beery (MoolyB) 17-Aug-2000
static DWORD prv_CreatePerformanceCounters() { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; TCHAR szInstallDir[MAX_PATH] = {0}; TCHAR szInstallCmdLine[MAX_PATH+20] = {0};
// get the install location of fxsperf.dll from Windows Installer
if (!GetSystemDirectory(szInstallDir,ARR_SIZE(szInstallDir))) { dwRet = GetLastError(); VERBOSE (GENERAL_ERR,_T("GetSystemDirectory failed (ec: %ld)."),dwRet); goto exit; }
_sntprintf(szInstallCmdLine,ARR_SIZE(szInstallCmdLine)-1,_T("x \"%s%s\""),szInstallDir,FAX_FILENAME_FAXPERF_INI);
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG,_T("Calling LoadPerfCounterTextStrings with %s "),szInstallCmdLine);
dwRet = LoadPerfCounterTextStrings(szInstallCmdLine,TRUE); if (dwRet==ERROR_SUCCESS) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG,_T("LoadPerfCounterTextStrings success")); } else { VERBOSE(GENERAL_ERR,_T("LoadPerfCounterTextStrings failed (ec=%d)"),dwRet); }
return dwRet; }
// DeletePerformanceCounters
// Delete the performance counters
// for fax in the registry.
// Params:
// - void
// Returns:
// - NO_ERROR on success.
// - error code otherwise.
// Author: Mooly Beery (MoolyB) 17-Aug-2000
static DWORD prv_DeletePerformanceCounters() { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS;
dwRet = UnloadPerfCounterTextStrings(_T("x ") FAX_SERVICE_NAME,TRUE); if (dwRet==ERROR_SUCCESS) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG,_T("UnloadPerfCounterTextStrings success")); } else { VERBOSE(GENERAL_ERR,_T("UnloadPerfCounterTextStrings failed (ec=%d)"),dwRet); }
return dwRet; }
Routine description: Pre-pends FAX_REG_SECURITY_PREFIX to a value
Arguments: hKey [in] - handle of a key lpszValueName [in] - name of value to work on
Return Value: none
Note: This function is sometimes used as a callback of EnumerateRegistryKeys(), therefore its signature must be compatible with PREGENUMCALLBACK --*/ void prv_AddSecurityPrefixToValue(HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpszValueName) { LPBYTE pData = NULL; DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwPrefixSize = sizeof (TCHAR) * wcslen (FAX_REG_SECURITY_PREFIX);
DBG_ENTER(_T("prv_AddSecurityPrefixToValue"), _T("%s"), lpszValueName); pData = GetRegistryBinary(hKey, lpszValueName, &dwSize); if (pData) { if (dwSize <=1) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Size=%d, not real data"), dwSize); } else if ((dwSize>dwPrefixSize) && (memcmp(pData, FAX_REG_SECURITY_PREFIX, dwPrefixSize)==0)) { VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Size=%d, data already has prefix"), dwSize); } else { LPBYTE pNewData = NULL;
VERBOSE(DBG_MSG, _T("Size=%d, adding prefix..."), dwSize); pNewData = (LPBYTE)MemAlloc(dwSize+dwPrefixSize); if (pNewData) { memcpy(pNewData, FAX_REG_SECURITY_PREFIX, dwPrefixSize); memcpy(&(pNewData[dwPrefixSize]), pData, dwSize); if (!SetRegistryBinary(hKey, lpszValueName, pNewData, dwSize+dwPrefixSize)) { VERBOSE(DBG_WARNING, _T("SetRegistryBinary failed, ec=%x"), GetLastError()); } MemFree(pNewData); } }
MemFree(pData); } }
Routine description: Pre-pends FAX_REG_SECURITY_PREFIX to all binary values in a specified key
Arguments: hKey [in] - handle of a key lpszKeyName [in] - If NULL, the function does nothing (DWORD) - unused lpContextData [in] - (LPTSTR) name of subkey under hKey in which to work if NULL, function will work on hKey itself
Return Value: Always returns true
Note: This function is sometimes used as a callback of EnumerateRegistryKeys(), therefore its signature must be compatible with PREGENUMCALLBACK --*/ BOOL prv_AddSecurityPrefixToKey( HKEY hKey, LPWSTR lpszKeyName, DWORD, LPVOID lpContextData) { LPTSTR lpszSubkey = (LPTSTR) lpContextData; HKEY hSubKey = NULL;
int i; DWORD dwRet = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwValueNameSize; TCHAR szValueName[256] = {_T('\0')}; DBG_ENTER(_T("prv_AddSecurityPrefixToKey"), _T("%s \\ %s"), lpszKeyName ? lpszKeyName : _T(""), lpContextData ? lpContextData : _T(""));
// EnumerateRegistryKeys calls here once with the subkey - don't need that
if (!lpszKeyName) { return TRUE; }
if (lpContextData) { hSubKey = OpenRegistryKey(hKey, lpszSubkey, FALSE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE); if (!hSubKey) { return TRUE; } }
for (i=0; ; i++) { dwValueNameSize = ARR_SIZE(szValueName); dwRet = RegEnumValue( lpContextData ? hSubKey : hKey, i, szValueName, &dwValueNameSize, NULL, // reserved
&dwType, NULL, // data buffer
NULL); // size of data buffer
if (dwRet == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { break; } else if (dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { VERBOSE(SETUP_ERR, _T("RegEnumValue failed, ec=%x"), dwRet); break; }
if (dwType == REG_BINARY) { prv_AddSecurityPrefixToValue(lpContextData ? hSubKey : hKey, szValueName); } }
if (hSubKey) { RegCloseKey(hSubKey); } return TRUE; }
Routine description: Pre-pends FAX_REG_SECURITY_PREFIX to all encrypted registry values.
Arguments: none Return Value: none
Note: Encrypted registry values are located at: Fax\TAPIDevices\<deviceID> Fax\Devices Cache\<deviceID>\TAPI Data Fax\Devices\UnassociatedExtensionData Fax\Receipts (Password value only) --*/ void prv_AddSecurityPrefix(void) { HKEY hKey = NULL; DBG_ENTER(_T("prv_AddSecurityPrefix"));
// Add prefixes to all values under TAPIDevices\<deviceID>
EnumerateRegistryKeys( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_TAPIDEVICES, TRUE, prv_AddSecurityPrefixToKey, NULL); // EnumerateRegistryKeys returns the number of enumerated subkeys - we don't care about it
// Add prefixes to all values under Devices Cache\<deviceID>\TAPI Data
EnumerateRegistryKeys( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_FAX_DEVICES_CACHE, TRUE, prv_AddSecurityPrefixToKey, (LPVOID)REGKEY_TAPI_DATA); // EnumerateRegistryKeys returns the number of enumerated subkeys - we don't care about it
// Add prefixes to all values under Devices\UnassociatedExtensionData
prv_AddSecurityPrefixToKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _T(""), 0, REGKEY_FAX_UNASS_DATA);
// Add prefix to Receipts\Password
hKey = OpenRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_FAX_RECEIPTS, FALSE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE); if (hKey) { prv_AddSecurityPrefixToValue(hKey, REGVAL_RECEIPTS_PASSWORD); RegCloseKey(hKey); } }