Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
This module contains the win95 side of the migration code.
Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-7-18 Mooly Beery (moolyb) 2000-12-20
#include <windows.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <mapidefs.h>
#include <mapitags.h> // To get the property definitions.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "migrate.h" // Contains prototypes & version information.
#include "property.h" // Stolen from Elliott -- contains their fax properties
#include "resource.h" // Migration resources.
#include "faxutil.h"
#include "FaxSetup.h"
#include "FaxReg.h"
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Defines & macros
#define SWAPWORD(x) (((x) << 16) | ((x) >> 16))
// Fax Applications will be blocked by the Upgrade and required to be removed.
// Save them in the Registry before that.
#define REGKEYUPG_INSTALLEDFAX _T("Software\\Microsoft\\FaxUpgrade")
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal data
// First, this is the name of the INF file that we generate.
static TCHAR szInfFileBase[] = TEXT("migrate.inf"); TCHAR szInfFileName[MAX_PATH]; // This will be the fully qualified path of the above.
static char lpWorkingDir[MAX_PATH]; // This is our working directory.
static TCHAR szDoInstall[4]; // Will be either "No" or "Yes".
static TCHAR szFaxAreaCode[16]; // Contains the fax modem area code.
static TCHAR szFaxNumber[9]; // Fax # w/o area or country code.
static TCHAR szNTProfileName[MAX_PATH]; // Profile to use for routing.
static TCHAR szFaxStoreDir[MAX_PATH]; // Folder to use for routing.
static TCHAR szUserName[MAX_PATH]; // This will be the user's name who owns the fax service.
static TCHAR szUserID[MAX_PATH]; // This is the login name of the user who owns the fax.
static LPCTSTR REG_KEY_AWF_LOCAL_MODEMS = TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\At Work Fax\\Local Modems"); static LPCTSTR REG_KEY_AWF_INSTALLED = TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\MSAWFax");
// The following are section names from the Microsoft registry.
// They're used to find the fax profile for a user.
static const LPTSTR LPUSERPROF = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows Messaging Subsystem\\Profiles"); static const LPTSTR LPPROFNAME = TEXT("DefaultProfile");
// The following's part of the path to the Exchange profile in question.
static const LPTSTR LPPROFILES = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows Messaging Subsystem\\Profiles");
// This is how we get the root UID.
static const LPTSTR LPPROFUID = TEXT("Profile UID");
// This is the name we use for the logon user section of 'faxuser.ini'
LPCTSTR lpLogonUser = TEXT("Logon User");
// This keeps track of the number of users migrated. Used to make annotations
// in the INF file.
static DWORD dwUserCount = 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal function prototypes
static BOOL GetUserProfileName(HKEY hUser, LPTSTR lpProfName, DWORD cbSize); static BOOL GetRegProfileKey(HKEY hUser, LPTSTR lpProfName, PHKEY phRegProfileKey); static void DumpUserInfo(HKEY hUserInfo, LPCSTR UserName, LPTSTR szProfileName,IN LPCSTR UnattendFile); static void SetGlobalFaxNumberInfo(LPCTSTR szPhone); static BOOL InitializeInfFile(LPCTSTR WorkingDirectory); static BOOL IsAWFInstalled(); static DWORD MigrateDevices9X(IN LPCSTR UnattendFile); static DWORD CopyCoverPageFiles9X(); static DWORD RememberInstalledFax(IN DWORD dwFaxInstalled); static DWORD MigrateUninstalledFax(IN LPCTSTR lpctstrUnattendFile, OUT bool *pbFaxWasInstalled);
// QueryVersion
// This routine returns version information about the migration DLL.
// Parameters:
// Commented below.
// Returns:
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-7-23
LONG CALLBACK QueryVersion ( OUT LPCSTR *ProductID, // Unique identifier string.
OUT LPUINT DllVersion, // Version number. Cannot be zero.
OUT LPINT *CodePageArray, // OPTIONAL. Language dependencies.
OUT LPCSTR *ExeNamesBuf, // OPTIONAL. Executables to look for.
OUT PVENDORINFO *ppVendorInfo ) { int iRes = 0; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (ProductID) { *ProductID = "Microsoft Fax"; } if (DllVersion) { *DllVersion = FAX_MIGRATION_VERSION; } if (CodePageArray) { *CodePageArray = NULL; // No language dependencies
} if (ExeNamesBuf) { *ExeNamesBuf = NULL; } if (ppVendorInfo) { *ppVendorInfo = &VendorInfo; }
iRes = LoadString( hinstMigDll, MSG_VI_COMPANY_NAME, &VendorInfo.CompanyName[0], sizeof(VendorInfo.CompanyName)); if ((iRes==0) && (dwErr=GetLastError())) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"LoadString MSG_VI_COMPANY_NAME failed (ec=%d)",dwErr); } iRes = LoadString( hinstMigDll, MSG_VI_SUPPORT_NUMBER, &VendorInfo.SupportNumber[0], sizeof(VendorInfo.SupportNumber)); if ((iRes==0) && (dwErr=GetLastError())) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"LoadString MSG_VI_SUPPORT_NUMBER failed (ec=%d)",dwErr); } iRes = LoadString( hinstMigDll, MSG_VI_SUPPORT_URL, &VendorInfo.SupportUrl[0], sizeof(VendorInfo.SupportUrl)); if ((iRes==0) && (dwErr=GetLastError())) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"LoadString MSG_VI_SUPPORT_URL failed (ec=%d)",dwErr); } iRes = LoadString( hinstMigDll, MSG_VI_INSTRUCTIONS, &VendorInfo.InstructionsToUser[0], sizeof(VendorInfo.InstructionsToUser)); if ((iRes==0) && (dwErr=GetLastError())) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"LoadString MSG_VI_INSTRUCTIONS failed (ec=%d)",dwErr); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Initialize9x
// This is called to initialize the migration process. See the migration dll
// spec for more details.
// Parameters:
// Commented below.
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-7-14
LONG CALLBACK Initialize9x ( IN LPCSTR WorkingDirectory, // Place to store files.
IN LPCSTR SourceDirectories, // Location of the Windows NT source.
IN LPCSTR MediaDirectory // Path to the original media directory
) { DEBUG_FUNCTION_NAME(_T("Initialize9x"));
DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG, "Working directory is %s", WorkingDirectory); DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG, "Source directories is %s", SourceDirectories); // will show only first ?
DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG, "Media directory is %s", MediaDirectory);
InitializeInfFile(WorkingDirectory); strncpy(lpWorkingDir, WorkingDirectory, MAX_PATH); return ERROR_SUCCESS; // A very confused return value.
// MigrateUser9x
// This routine records the fax information specific to a user.
// Parameters:
// Documented below.
// Returns:
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-7-14
LONG CALLBACK MigrateUser9x ( IN HWND ParentWnd, // Parent (if need a UI)
IN LPCSTR UnattendFile, // Name of unattend file
IN HKEY UserRegKey, // Key to this user's registry settings.
IN LPCSTR UserName, // Account name of user.
LPVOID Reserved ) { TCHAR szProfileName[MAX_PATH]; // Holds the name of this user's profile.
HKEY hRegProfileKey; // The fax profile key in the registry.
DWORD dwExceptCode; // Exception error code
DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"Unattend File is %s",UnattendFile); DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"User Name is %s",UserName);
__try { // @@@ This function gets the name of the default MAPI profile for a user.
if (GetUserProfileName(UserRegKey, szProfileName, sizeof(szProfileName))) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"Profile name = %s",szProfileName); // @@@ Given a key to a user, and the name of that user's MAPI profile
// @@@ it will get a key to FAX service section of the MAPI profile in the registry
if (GetRegProfileKey(UserRegKey, szProfileName, &hRegProfileKey)) { // We now know we want to do an installation.
DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"Successfully got profile information."); _tcscpy(szNTProfileName, szProfileName); // Remember this name for NT.
// NULL means the logon user...
if (UserName != NULL) { _tcscpy(szUserID, UserName); // Remember the ID for the unattend.txt file.
} else { _tcscpy(szUserID, lpLogonUser); // Use the logon user name.
} // @@@ Writes user information out to the INF
DumpUserInfo(hRegProfileKey, szUserID, szProfileName,UnattendFile); RegCloseKey(hRegProfileKey); } else { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_WRN,"Could not get profile information."); return ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; } } else { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_WRN,"Could not find profile name."); return ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; // A very confused return value.
} __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwExceptCode = GetExceptionCode(); switch(dwExceptCode) { case EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"Access violation."); break; case EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: case EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"Divide by zero."); break; default: DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"Unhandled exception."); break; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
// MigrateSystem9x
// This routine copies system-wide settings.
// It also takes care of writing the [Fax] section of the unattend file.
// Parameters:
// Documented below.
// Returns:
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-7-14
LONG CALLBACK MigrateSystem9x ( IN HWND ParentWnd, // Parent for UI.
IN LPCSTR UnattendFile, // Name of unattend file
LPVOID Reserved ) { DWORD dwReturn = NO_ERROR; DWORD dwFaxInstalled = 0;
// Check if SBS 5.0 / .NET SB3 / .NET RC1 Fax Client are present
dwReturn = CheckInstalledFax((FXSTATE_SBS5_CLIENT | FXSTATE_BETA3_CLIENT | FXSTATE_DOTNET_CLIENT), &dwFaxInstalled); if (dwReturn != NO_ERROR) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_WRN, _T("CheckInstalledFaxClient() failed, ec=%ld. Suppose that nothing is installed."), dwReturn); }
// if any of these applications are found on the machine,
// the upgrade will be blocked through MigDB.inf
// and the user will be required to uninstall them.
// but we want to remember the fact that they were present on the machine.
// we do it by writting to the registry.
// after the upgrade will be restarted, we put this data into the unattended file,
// and by this FaxOcm gets this data.
if (dwFaxInstalled != FXSTATE_NONE) { dwReturn = RememberInstalledFax(dwFaxInstalled); if (dwReturn != NO_ERROR) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_WRN, _T("RememberInstalledFax() failed, ec=%ld."), dwReturn); } else { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG, _T("RememberInstalledFax() succeded.")); }
// we can go out ==> Upgrade will be blocked anyway.
// Any of the applications is not installed.
// Check if they were here before. If yes, then write this fact to the unattended file.
bool bFaxWasInstalled = false; dwReturn = MigrateUninstalledFax(UnattendFile, &bFaxWasInstalled); if (dwReturn != NO_ERROR) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_WRN, _T("MigrateUninstalledFax() failed, ec=%ld."), dwReturn); }
// If SBS 5.0 Client or AWF is installed, we need to set FAX=ON in Unattended.txt
BOOL bAWFInstalled = IsAWFInstalled();
if (bFaxWasInstalled || bAWFInstalled) { //
// force installation of the Fax component in Whistler.
if (!WritePrivateProfileString("Components", UNATTEND_FAX_SECTION, "ON", UnattendFile)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"WritePrivateProfileString Components failed (ec=%d)",GetLastError()); } else { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG, _T("Set FAX=ON in UnattendFile.")); } } else { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_WRN, _T("Neither AWF not SBS 50 or XP DL Client is installed.")); return ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED; }
if (bAWFInstalled) { //
// Continue Migration of AWF
if (MigrateDevices9X(UnattendFile)!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"MigrateDevices9X failed (ec=%d)",GetLastError()); }
if (CopyCoverPageFiles9X()!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"CopyCoverPageFiles9X failed (ec=%d)",GetLastError()); } }
return ERROR_SUCCESS; // A very confused return value.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Auxiliary functions
// GetUserProfileName
// This function gets the name of the default MAPI profile for a user.
// Parameters:
// hUser Pointer to the HKCU equivalent in setup.
// lpProfName Pointer to buffer that will hold the profile name.
// cbSize Size of said buffer.
// Returns:
// TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-8-6
static BOOL GetUserProfileName(HKEY hUser, LPTSTR lpProfName, DWORD cbSize) { LONG lResult; // Result of API calls.
HKEY hUserProf; // Key to the user profile section.
DWORD dwType; // Holds the type of the data.
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx( hUser, // Opening a user key...
LPUSERPROF, // This section of the registry...
0, // Reserved; must be 0.
KEY_READ, // Read permission,
&hUserProf); // Store the key here.
if (lResult!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"RegOpenKeyEx %s failed (ec=%d)",LPUSERPROF,GetLastError()); return FALSE; // We failed.
} lResult = RegQueryValueEx( hUserProf, // The key to the registry.
LPPROFNAME, // Name of the value I want.
NULL, // Reserved.
&dwType, // Holds the type.
LPBYTE(lpProfName), // Holds the profile name.
&cbSize); // Size of the buffer.
if (lResult!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"RegQueryValueEx %s failed (ec=%d)",LPPROFNAME,GetLastError()); } RegCloseKey(hUserProf); // Remember to close the key!!
return (lResult==ERROR_SUCCESS); }
// GetRegProfileKey
// OK, this is a horrible routine. Given a key to a user, and the name of
// that user's MAPI profile, it will get a key to FAX service section of the
// MAPI profile in the registry. The advantage of this is I can get MAPI properties
// (such as user name, fax number, etc.) without using MAPI routines --
// they come straight from the registry. But still, it seems like an awful
// hack. I cringe. You can see me cringe in the comments below.
// Parameters:
// hUser The HKCU equivalent for setup.
// lpProfName Name of the user's default profile.
// phRegProfileKey (OUT) Pointer to the FAX section of the MAPI profile.
// Returns:
// TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-8-6
static BOOL GetRegProfileKey(HKEY hUser, LPTSTR lpProfName, PHKEY phRegProfileKey) { HKEY hProfiles = NULL; HKEY hUserProf = NULL; UINT iIndex = 0; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; TCHAR szProfileName[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; DWORD dwType = 0; BYTE abData[MAX_PATH] = {0}; DWORD cbData = 0;
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( hUser, // Opening a user key...
LPPROFILES, // This section of the registry...
0, // Reserved; must be 0.
KEY_READ, // Read permission,
&hProfiles); if (dwErr!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"RegOpenKeyEx %s failed (ec=%d)",LPPROFILES,dwErr); goto exit; }
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( hProfiles, // Opening a user key...
lpProfName, // This section of the registry...
0, // Reserved; must be 0.
KEY_READ, // Read permission,
&hUserProf); if (dwErr!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"RegOpenKeyEx %s failed (ec=%d)",lpProfName,dwErr); goto exit; }
// enumerate all subkeys and find the one that belongs to our transport provider
while (dwErr!=ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { // get one subkey
dwErr = RegEnumKey(hUserProf,iIndex++,szProfileName,MAX_PATH+1); if (dwErr!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"RegEnumKey failed (ec=%d)",dwErr); goto exit; } // open it
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(hUserProf,szProfileName,0,KEY_READ,phRegProfileKey); if (dwErr!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"RegOpenKeyEx %s failed (ec=%d)",szProfileName,dwErr); goto exit; }
cbData = sizeof(abData); // Reset the size.
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx((*phRegProfileKey), "001E300A", NULL, &dwType, abData, &cbData);
if (dwErr==ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (strcmp((char*)abData,"awfaxp.dll")==0) { // found it
DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"Found our Transport provider"); goto exit; } } else if (dwErr!=ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"RegQueryValueEx failed (ec=%d)",dwErr); RegCloseKey((*phRegProfileKey)); goto exit; }
RegCloseKey((*phRegProfileKey)); }
exit: if (hUserProf) { RegCloseKey(hUserProf); } if (hProfiles) { RegCloseKey(hProfiles); } return (dwErr==ERROR_SUCCESS); }
#define PR_NUMBER_OF_RETRIES 0x45080002
#define PR_TIME_BETWEEN_RETRIES 0x45090002
// DumpUserInfo
// Writes user information out to 'faxuser.ini'.
// Parameters:
// hUserInfo Pointer to the fax section of the user's profile.
// UserName the user ID of this user.
// szProfileName The MAPI profile name the user uses.
// Returns:
// Nothing.
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-8-6
static void DumpUserInfo(HKEY hUserInfo, LPCSTR UserName, LPTSTR szProfileName,IN LPCSTR UnattendFile) { // Types
typedef struct tagUSERINFO { DWORD dwPropID; // Property ID
LPTSTR szDescription; } USERINFO;
// Data
USERINFO auiProperties[] = { { PR_POSTAL_ADDRESS, TEXT("Address") }, { PR_COMPANY_NAME, TEXT("Company") }, { PR_DEPARTMENT_NAME, TEXT("Department") }, { PR_SENDER_EMAIL_ADDRESS, TEXT("FaxNumber") }, { PR_SENDER_NAME, TEXT("FullName") }, { PR_HOME_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, TEXT("HomePhone") }, { PR_OFFICE_LOCATION, TEXT("Office") }, { PR_OFFICE_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, TEXT("OfficePhone") }, { PR_TITLE, TEXT("Title") }, { PR_NUMBER_OF_RETRIES, TEXT("NumberOfRetries") }, { PR_TIME_BETWEEN_RETRIES, TEXT("TimeBetweenRetries") }, }; TCHAR szPropStr[9]; // DWORD == 32 bits == 4 bytes == 8 hex digits + 1 null
UINT iCount; // Loop counter.
UINT iMax; // Largest property number.
DWORD dwType; // Type of registry data
DWORD dwCount; BYTE abData[256]; // Data buffer.
DWORD cbData; // Size of the data buffer.
LONG lResult; // Result of API call.
INT i; // Loop counter.
TCHAR szUserBuf[9]; // used for annotating INF file.
TCHAR szBinaryBuf[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR* pszSeperator = NULL;
// Note that we're dumping this user's information.
_stprintf(szUserBuf, "USER%04d", dwUserCount++); if (!WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT("Users"), szUserBuf, UserName, szInfFileName)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"WritePrivateProfileString failed (ec=%d)",GetLastError()); }
// Write the MAPI profile name.
if (!WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT(UserName), // this works???
TEXT("MAPI"), szProfileName, szInfFileName)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"WritePrivateProfileString failed (ec=%d)",GetLastError()); } iMax = sizeof(auiProperties) / sizeof(USERINFO); DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"There are %d properties.",iMax); for (iCount = 0; iCount < iMax; iCount++) { _stprintf(szPropStr, TEXT("%0*x"), 8, SWAPWORD(auiProperties[iCount].dwPropID)); cbData = sizeof(abData); // Reset the size.
lResult = RegQueryValueEx( hUserInfo, // Get info from this key...
szPropStr, // using this name.
NULL, // reserved.
&dwType, // Will store the data type.
abData, // Data buffer.
&cbData); // Size of data buffer.
if (lResult==ERROR_SUCCESS) { // TODO: handle more data types!
if (_tcscmp(auiProperties[iCount].szDescription, TEXT("FullName")) == 0) { // We've got the full name. Remember this for the unattend.txt
// file.
_tcscpy(szUserName, LPTSTR(abData)); } switch(dwType) { case REG_SZ: if (_tcscmp(auiProperties[iCount].szDescription, TEXT("FaxNumber")) == 0) { if (pszSeperator = _tcsrchr(LPTSTR(abData),_T('@'))) { // found a '@', treat everything after it as the phone number
// everything before it is the mailbox.
*pszSeperator = _T('\0'); if (!WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT(UserName), TEXT("Mailbox"), LPCSTR(abData), szInfFileName)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"WritePrivateProfileString failed (ec=%d)",GetLastError()); } if (!WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT(UserName), TEXT("FaxNumber"), _tcsinc(pszSeperator), // Print what was after the '@'.
szInfFileName )) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"WritePrivateProfileString failed (ec=%d)",GetLastError()); } break; } else { // no '@' found, which means everything is the phone number.
DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"No mailbox was found in this profile"); // fallthrough will write the fax number to the INF...
} }// if
// Replace '\n' characters in the string with semicolons.
i = 0; while(abData[i] != _T('\0')) { if((abData[i] == _T('\n')) || (abData[i] == _T('\r'))) { abData[i] = _T(';'); } i++; } if (!WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT(UserName), auiProperties[iCount].szDescription, LPCSTR(abData), szInfFileName )) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"WritePrivateProfileString failed (ec=%d)",GetLastError()); } DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"%s = %s",auiProperties[iCount].szDescription,abData); break;
case REG_BINARY: // The data is just free-form binary. Print it one byte at a time.
DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"%s = ",auiProperties[iCount].szDescription); memset(szBinaryBuf,0,sizeof(szBinaryBuf)); dwCount = 0; for (i=cbData-1;i>=0;i--) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"%0*d",2,abData[i]); dwCount += sprintf(szBinaryBuf+dwCount,"%0*d",2,abData[i]); } // write to INF
if (!WritePrivateProfileString( UNATTEND_FAX_SECTION, auiProperties[iCount].szDescription, szBinaryBuf, UnattendFile )) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"WritePrivateProfileString failed (ec=%d)",GetLastError()); } break;
default: DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_WRN, "Unknown data type (%d) for property '%s'.", dwType, auiProperties[iCount].szDescription); } } else { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"Could not get property '%s'.",auiProperties[iCount].szDescription); } } }
// SetGlobalFaxNumberInfo
// This routine sets the global variables 'szFaxAreaCode' and 'szFaxNumber' based on
// the value in szPhone. It expects szPhone to be in the following format:
// [[<country code>] '(' <area code> ')'] <phone number>
// (Brackets denote something optional. Literals are in single quotes, non-terminals are
// in angle brackets. Note that if there's a country code, there must be an area code.)
// Parameters:
// szPhone Described above.
// Returns:
// Nothing.
// Side effects:
// Sets the values of szFaxAreaCode and szFaxNumber.
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-7-24
static void SetGlobalFaxNumberInfo(LPCTSTR szPhone) { UINT i; // Loop index.
UINT j; // Loop index.
// First, look through the string for an area code.
i = 0; while ((szPhone[i] != _T('\0')) && (szPhone[i] != _T('('))) { i++; } if(szPhone[i] == _T('(')) { // We've found an area code!
// are all area codes at most 3 digits?? I sized the buffer to 16, but this will
// still AV on a badly-formed #.
i++; j=0; while(szPhone[i] != _T(')')) { szFaxAreaCode[j] = szPhone[i]; i++; j++; } i++; // szPhone[i] should now immediately after the ')' at the end
// of the area code. Everything from here on out is a phone number.
while(_istspace(szPhone[i])) { i++; } } else { // If we're here, there was no area code. We need to rewind either to
// the beginning of the string or to the first whitespace.
while(!_istspace(szPhone[i])) { i--; } i++; // The loop always rewinds one too far.
// ASSERT: We're now ready to begin copying from szPhone to
// szFaxNumber.
j = 0; while(szPhone[i] != '\0') { szFaxNumber[j] = szPhone[i]; i++; j++; } }
// InitializeInfFile
// This routine writes out the [Version] section of the inf file.
// Parameters:
// None.
// Returns:
// TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
// Side effects:
// Generates a fully-qualified file name in szInfFileName. Currently, that's
// given by <windows dir>\<base file name>.
// Author:
// Brian Dewey (t-briand) 1997-8-5
static BOOL InitializeInfFile(LPCTSTR WorkingDirectory) { TCHAR szWindowsPath[MAX_PATH]; // This will hold the path to the windows directory.
DWORD cbPathSize = sizeof(szWindowsPath); TCHAR szDriveLetter[2]; // Will hold the drive letter.
// First, fully qualify the file name.
if (!GetWindowsDirectory(szWindowsPath, cbPathSize)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"GetWindowsDirectory failed (ec=%d)",GetLastError()); return FALSE; // It must be serious if that system call failed.
} szDriveLetter[0] = szWindowsPath[0]; szDriveLetter[1] = 0; _stprintf(szInfFileName, TEXT("%s\\%s"), WorkingDirectory, szInfFileBase);
DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"Will store all information in INF file = '%s'",szInfFileName);
// Now, put the version header on the inf file.
if (!WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT("Version"), TEXT("Signature"), TEXT("\"$WINDOWS NT$\""), szInfFileName)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"WritePrivateProfileString failed (ec=%d)",GetLastError()); } // now, write out the amount of space we'll need. Currently, we
// just put the awdvstub.exe program in the SystemRoot directory.
// Even w/ symbols, that's under 500K. Report that.
if (!WritePrivateProfileString( TEXT("NT Disk Space Requirements"), szDriveLetter, TEXT("500000"), szInfFileName)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"WritePrivateProfileString failed (ec=%d)",GetLastError()); }
return TRUE; }
// Function:
// MigrateDevices9X
// Purpose: Save the active device's settings in the INF
// Get the device info from the AWF key under HKLM
// Params:
// IN LPCSTR UnattendFile - name of the answer file
// Return Value:
// Win32 Error code
// Author:
// Mooly Beery (MoolyB) 13-dec-2000
static DWORD MigrateDevices9X(IN LPCSTR UnattendFile) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hKeyLocalModems = NULL; HKEY hKeyGeneral = NULL; HKEY hKeyActiveDevice = NULL; CHAR szActiveDeviceSection[MAX_PATH] = {0}; CHAR szLocalID[MAX_PATH] = {0}; CHAR szAnswerMode[32] = {0}; CHAR szNumRings[32] = {0}; DWORD cbSize = 0; DWORD dwType = 0;
// get the active device's settings
// open HLKM\Software\Microsoft\At Work Fax\Local Modems
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_KEY_AWF_LOCAL_MODEMS, 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyLocalModems); if (dwErr!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"RegOpenKeyEx %s failed (ec=%d)",REG_KEY_AWF_LOCAL_MODEMS,dwErr); goto exit; } // open the 'general' sub key
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyLocalModems, "General", 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyGeneral); if (dwErr!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"RegOpenKeyEx General failed (ec=%d)",dwErr); goto exit; } // get the LocalID REG_SZ, this will be used as the TSID and CSID
cbSize = sizeof(szLocalID); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyGeneral, INF_RULE_LOCAL_ID, NULL, &dwType, LPBYTE(szLocalID), &cbSize); if (dwErr==ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"RegQueryValueEx LocalID returned %s",szLocalID); } else { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"RegQueryValueEx LocalID failed (ec=%d)",dwErr); goto exit; } // write the TSID & CSID entry in the Fax section of unattended.txt
if (!WritePrivateProfileString( UNATTEND_FAX_SECTION, INF_RULE_LOCAL_ID, szLocalID, UnattendFile)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"WritePrivateProfileString TSID failed (ec=%d)",GetLastError()); } // get the ActiveDeviceSection REG_SZ
cbSize = sizeof(szActiveDeviceSection); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyGeneral, "ActiveDeviceSection", NULL, &dwType, LPBYTE(szActiveDeviceSection), &cbSize); if (dwErr==ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"RegQueryValueEx ActiveDeviceSection returned %s",szActiveDeviceSection); } else { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"RegQueryValueEx ActiveDeviceSection failed (ec=%d)",dwErr); goto exit; } // open HLKM\Software\Microsoft\At Work Fax\Local Modems\ "ActiveDeviceSection"
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyLocalModems, szActiveDeviceSection, 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyActiveDevice); if (dwErr!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"RegOpenKeyEx %s failed (ec=%d)",szActiveDeviceSection,dwErr); goto exit; } // get the AnswerMode REG_SZ value,
// 0 - Don't answer
// 1 - Manual
// 2 - Answer after x rings.
cbSize = sizeof(szAnswerMode); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyActiveDevice, INF_RULE_ANSWER_MODE, NULL, &dwType, LPBYTE(szAnswerMode), &cbSize); if (dwErr==ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"RegQueryValueEx AnswerMode returned %s",szAnswerMode); } else { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"RegQueryValueEx AnswerMode failed (ec=%d)",dwErr); goto exit; } if (!WritePrivateProfileString( UNATTEND_FAX_SECTION, INF_RULE_ANSWER_MODE, szAnswerMode, UnattendFile)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"WritePrivateProfileString Receive failed (ec=%d)",GetLastError()); } // get the NumRings REG_SZ value,
cbSize = sizeof(szNumRings); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyActiveDevice, INF_RULE_NUM_RINGS, NULL, &dwType, LPBYTE(szNumRings), &cbSize); if (dwErr==ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"RegQueryValueEx NumRings returned %s",szNumRings); } else { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"RegQueryValueEx NumRings failed (ec=%d)",dwErr); goto exit; } if (!WritePrivateProfileString( UNATTEND_FAX_SECTION, INF_RULE_NUM_RINGS, szNumRings, UnattendFile)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"WritePrivateProfileString NumRings failed (ec=%d)",GetLastError()); }
exit: if (hKeyLocalModems) { RegCloseKey(hKeyLocalModems); } if (hKeyActiveDevice) { RegCloseKey(hKeyActiveDevice); } if (hKeyGeneral) { RegCloseKey(hKeyGeneral); }
return dwErr; }
// Function:
// CopyCoverPageFiles9X
// Purpose: Copy all of the *.CPE files from %windir% to the temporary
// directory for our migration
// Params:
// None
// Return Value:
// Win32 Error code
// Author:
// Mooly Beery (MoolyB) 13-dec-2000
DWORD CopyCoverPageFiles9X() { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; CHAR szWindowsDir[MAX_PATH] = {0}; SHFILEOPSTRUCT fileOpStruct;
ZeroMemory(&fileOpStruct, sizeof(SHFILEOPSTRUCT));
// Get the windows directory
if (!GetWindowsDirectory(szWindowsDir, MAX_PATH)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"GetWindowsDirectory failed (ec=%d)",dwErr); goto exit; }
// Copy *.cpe from windows-dir to temp-dir
fileOpStruct.hwnd = NULL; fileOpStruct.wFunc = FO_COPY; fileOpStruct.pFrom = szWindowsDir; fileOpStruct.pTo = lpWorkingDir; fileOpStruct.fFlags =
FOF_FILESONLY | // Perform the operation on files only if a wildcard file name (*.*) is specified.
FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR | // Do not confirm the creation of a new directory if the operation requires one to be created.
FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | // Respond with "Yes to All" for any dialog box that is displayed.
FOF_NORECURSION | // Only operate in the local directory. Don't operate recursively into subdirectories.
FOF_SILENT | // Do not display a progress dialog box.
FOF_NOERRORUI; // Do not display a user interface if an error occurs.
fileOpStruct.fAnyOperationsAborted = FALSE; fileOpStruct.hNameMappings = NULL; fileOpStruct.lpszProgressTitle = NULL;
DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG, TEXT("Calling to SHFileOperation from %s to %s."), fileOpStruct.pFrom, fileOpStruct.pTo); if (SHFileOperation(&fileOpStruct)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR,"SHFileOperation failed (ec: %ld)",dwErr); goto exit; }
exit: return dwErr; }
// Function:
// IsAWFInstalled
// Purpose:
// Check if AWF is installed
// Params:
// None
// Return Value:
// TRUE - AWF is installed
// FALSE - AWF not installed or an error occured error
// Author:
// Mooly Beery (MoolyB) 13-dec-2000
static BOOL IsAWFInstalled() { HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS;
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_KEY_AWF_INSTALLED, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (dwErr!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"RegOpenKeyEx %s failed (ec=%d), assume AWF is not installed",REG_KEY_AWF_LOCAL_MODEMS,dwErr); return FALSE; }
RegCloseKey(hKey); DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG,"AWF is installed");
return TRUE; }
static DWORD RememberInstalledFax( IN DWORD dwFaxInstalled ) /*++
Routine name : RememberInstalledFax
Routine description:
for each installed Fax Client application, write to the registry that this app is installed.
Arguments :
IN DWORD dwFaxInstalled - input bit-wise combination of fxState_UpgradeApp_e values that defines which fax client appications are present of the machine.
Iv Garber (IvG), May, 2002
Return Value:
Success or Failure code.
--*/ { DWORD dwReturn = NO_ERROR; HKEY hKey = NULL;
// check parameters
if (dwFaxInstalled == FXSTATE_NONE) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG, _T("No Fax application is installed -> Upgrade will not be blocked.")); return dwReturn; }
// Create Registry Key
hKey = OpenRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEYUPG_INSTALLEDFAX, TRUE, KEY_SET_VALUE); if (!hKey) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_WRN, _T("OpenRegistryKey( ' %s ' ) failed, ec = %ld. Cannot remember installed fax apps."), REGKEYUPG_INSTALLEDFAX, dwReturn); return dwReturn; }
// store the value in the Registry
if (!SetRegistryDword(hKey, NULL, dwFaxInstalled)) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_WRN, _T("SetRegistryDword( ' %ld ' ) failed, ec = %ld."), dwFaxInstalled, dwReturn); }
RegCloseKey(hKey); return dwReturn;
static DWORD MigrateUninstalledFax( IN LPCTSTR lpctstrUnattendFile, OUT bool *pbFaxWasInstalled ) /*++
Routine name : MigrateUninstalledFax
Routine description:
Put the data about Fax Applications that were installed on the machine before upgrade, from the Registry to the Unattended file, to be used by FaxOCM.
Iv Garber (IvG), May, 2001
lpctstrUnattendFile [in] - name of the answer file to write the data to pbFaxWasInstalled [out] - address of a bool variable to receive True if SBS 5.0 /XPDL Client was installed on the machine before the upgrade, otherwise False.
Return Value:
Success or Failure code.
--*/ { DWORD dwReturn = NO_ERROR; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwValue = FXSTATE_NONE; TCHAR szValue[10] = {0};
if (pbFaxWasInstalled) { *pbFaxWasInstalled = false; }
// Open a key
hKey = OpenRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEYUPG_INSTALLEDFAX, FALSE, KEY_QUERY_VALUE); if (!hKey) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_MSG, _T("OpenRegistryKey( ' %s ' ) failed, ec = %ld. No Fax was installed before the upgrade."), REGKEYUPG_INSTALLEDFAX, dwReturn);
if (dwReturn == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { //
// This is not real error
dwReturn = NO_ERROR; } return dwReturn; }
// Read the data
dwReturn = GetRegistryDwordEx(hKey, NULL, &dwValue); if (dwReturn != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_WRN, _T("GetRegistryDwordEx() failed, ec = %ld."), dwReturn); goto CloseRegistry; }
if (pbFaxWasInstalled) { *pbFaxWasInstalled = true; }
DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_MSG, _T("Found uninstalled fax apps : %ld"), dwValue);
// Convert dwValue to String
_itot(dwValue, szValue, 10);
// write szValue to the unattended file
if (!WritePrivateProfileString( UNATTEND_FAX_SECTION, UNINSTALLEDFAX_INFKEY, szValue, lpctstrUnattendFile)) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, _T("WritePrivateProfileString(FaxApps = ' %s ') failed (ec=%d)"), szValue, dwReturn); } else { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, _T("WritePrivateProfileString(FaxApps = ' %s ') OK."), szValue); }
RegCloseKey(hKey); return dwReturn; }