Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains code to manipulate shortcuts.
Wesley Witt (wesw) 24-Jul-1997
Revision History:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <winspool.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "faxreg.h"
#include "faxutil.h"
#include "prtcovpg.h"
#include <shfolder.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
BOOL IsValidCoverPage( LPCTSTR pFileName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check if pFileName is a valid cover page file
pFileName - [in] file name
Return Value:
TRUE if pFileName is a valid cover page file FALSE otherwise
--*/ { HANDLE hFile; DWORD dwBytesRead; BYTE CpHeaderSignature[20]= {0x46,0x41,0x58,0x43,0x4F,0x56,0x45,0x52,0x2D,0x56,0x45,0x52,0x30,0x30,0x35,0x77,0x87,0x00,0x00,0x00}; COMPOSITEFILEHEADER fileHeader = {0};
hFile = SafeCreateFile(pFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("CreateFile failed: %d\n"), GetLastError())); return FALSE; }
if(!ReadFile(hFile, &fileHeader, sizeof(fileHeader), &dwBytesRead, NULL)) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("ReadFile failed: %d\n"), GetLastError())); CloseHandle(hFile); return FALSE; } //
// Check the 20-byte signature in the header
if ((sizeof(fileHeader) != dwBytesRead) || memcmp(CpHeaderSignature, fileHeader.Signature, 20 )) { CloseHandle(hFile); return FALSE; }
CloseHandle(hFile); return TRUE; }
BOOL GetSpecialPath( IN int nFolder, OUT LPTSTR lptstrPath, IN DWORD dwPathSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
Get a path from a CSIDL constant
nFolder - CSIDL_ constant lptstrPath - Buffer to receive the path, assume this buffer is at least MAX_PATH chars large dwPathSize - lptstrPath buffer size in TCHARs
Return Value:
TRUE for success. FALSE for failure.
TCHAR strPath[MAX_PATH]= {0};
// Load SHFolder.dll
hMod = LoadLibrary(_T("SHFolder.dll")); if (hMod==NULL) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("LoadLibrary"),GetLastError()); goto exit; }
// Obtain a pointer to the SHGetFolderPath function
#ifdef UNICODE
pSHGetFolderPath = (PFNSHGETFOLDERPATH)GetProcAddress(hMod,"SHGetFolderPathW"); #else
pSHGetFolderPath = (PFNSHGETFOLDERPATH)GetProcAddress(hMod,"SHGetFolderPathA"); #endif
if (pSHGetFolderPath==NULL) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("GetProcAddress"),GetLastError()); goto exit; }
hr = pSHGetFolderPath(NULL,nFolder,NULL,SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT,strPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("SHGetFolderPath"),hr); SetLastError(hr); goto exit; }
hr = StringCchCopy(lptstrPath,dwPathSize,strPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("StringCchCopy failed (ec=%lu)"), HRESULT_CODE(hr)); SetLastError(HRESULT_CODE(hr)); goto exit; }
fSuccess = TRUE;
exit: if (hMod) { if (!FreeLibrary(hMod)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("FreeLibrary"),GetLastError()); } }
return fSuccess; }
BOOL GetClientCpDir( LPTSTR CpDir, DWORD CpDirSize )
Routine Description:
Gets the client coverpage directory. The cover page path will return with '\' at the end: CSIDL_PERSONAL\Fax\Personal CoverPages\
CpDir - buffer to hold the coverpage dir CpDirSize - size in TCHARs of CpDir
Return Value:
Pointer to the client coverpage direcory.
{ TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; TCHAR szSuffix[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; DWORD dwSuffixSize = sizeof(szSuffix); DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSuffixLen; LONG lRes;
if(!CpDir) { Assert(CpDir); return FALSE; }
CpDir[0] = 0;
// get the suffix from the registry
HKEY hKey = OpenRegistryKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REGKEY_FAX_SETUP, TRUE, KEY_QUERY_VALUE); if(NULL == hKey) { return FALSE; } lRes = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, REGVAL_CP_LOCATION, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szSuffix, &dwSuffixSize);
if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lRes || (REG_SZ != dwType && REG_EXPAND_SZ != dwType)) { //
// W2K fax has REG_EXPAND_SZ type of the entry
return FALSE; } //
// get personal folder location
if (!GetSpecialPath(CSIDL_PERSONAL, szPath, ARR_SIZE(szPath))) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("GetSpecialPath failed err=%ld"), GetLastError())); return FALSE; }
hRes = StringCchCopy(CpDir, CpDirSize, szPath); if (FAILED(hRes)) { SetLastError( HRESULT_CODE(hRes) ); return FALSE; }
if(szSuffix[0] != TEXT('\\')) { //
// The suffix doesn't start with '\' - add it
hRes = StringCchCat (CpDir, CpDirSize, TEXT("\\")); if (FAILED(hRes)) { SetLastError( HRESULT_CODE(hRes) ); return FALSE; } }
dwSuffixLen = lstrlen(szSuffix); if(dwSuffixLen > 0 && dwSuffixLen < ARR_SIZE(szSuffix) && szSuffix[dwSuffixLen-1] != TEXT('\\')) { //
// The suffix doesn't end with '\' - add it
hRes = StringCchCat (szSuffix, ARR_SIZE(szSuffix), TEXT("\\")); if (FAILED(hRes)) { SetLastError( HRESULT_CODE(hRes) ); return FALSE; } }
hRes = StringCchCat (CpDir, CpDirSize, szSuffix); if (FAILED(hRes)) { SetLastError( HRESULT_CODE(hRes) ); return FALSE; }
MakeDirectory(CpDir); return TRUE; }
BOOL SetClientCpDir( LPTSTR CpDir ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sets the client coverpage directory.
CpDir - pointer to the coverpage dir
Return Value:
TRUE if success
--*/ { HKEY hKey = OpenRegistryKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REGKEY_FAX_SETUP, TRUE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS); if(NULL == hKey) { return FALSE; } if(!SetRegistryString(hKey, REGVAL_CP_LOCATION, CpDir)) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL GetServerCpDir( LPCTSTR lpctstrServerName, LPTSTR lptstrCpDir, DWORD dwCpDirSize )
Routine Description:
Gets the server's coverpage directory.
lpctstrServerName - [in] server name or NULL lptstrCpDir - [out] buffer to hold the coverpage dir dwCpDirSize - [in] size in chars of lptstrCpDir
Return Value:
TRUE - If success FALSE - Otherwise (see thread's last error)
{ TCHAR szComputerName[(MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1)] = {0}; DWORD dwSizeOfComputerName = sizeof(szComputerName)/sizeof(TCHAR);
if ((!lptstrCpDir) || (!dwCpDirSize)) { ASSERT_FALSE; SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if(IsLocalMachineName(lpctstrServerName)) { //
// Local machine case
TCHAR szCommonAppData [MAX_PATH + 1]; LPCTSTR lpctstrServerCPDirSuffix = NULL; HKEY hKey;
if (!GetSpecialPath(CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, szCommonAppData, ARR_SIZE(szCommonAppData) )) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("GetSpecialPath (CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA) failed with %ld"), GetLastError()); return FALSE; } hKey = OpenRegistryKey (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY_FAX_SETUP, FALSE, KEY_QUERY_VALUE); if (!hKey) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("OpenRegistryKey (%s) failed with %ld"), REGKEY_FAX_CLIENT, GetLastError()); return FALSE; } lpctstrServerCPDirSuffix = GetRegistryString (hKey, REGVAL_SERVER_CP_LOCATION, TEXT("")); if (!lpctstrServerCPDirSuffix) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("GetRegistryString (%s) failed with %ld"), REGVAL_SERVER_CP_LOCATION, GetLastError()); RegCloseKey (hKey); return FALSE; } RegCloseKey (hKey); if (!lstrlen (lpctstrServerCPDirSuffix)) { SetLastError (ERROR_REGISTRY_CORRUPT); DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("Value at %s is empty"), REGVAL_SERVER_CP_LOCATION); MemFree ((LPVOID)lpctstrServerCPDirSuffix); return FALSE; }
hRes = StringCchPrintf( lptstrCpDir, dwCpDirSize, TEXT("%s\\%s"), szCommonAppData, lpctstrServerCPDirSuffix);
if (FAILED(hRes)) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("StringCchPrintf failed (ec=%lu)"), HRESULT_CODE(hRes)); SetLastError (HRESULT_CODE(hRes)); MemFree ((LPVOID)lpctstrServerCPDirSuffix); return FALSE; } MemFree ((LPVOID)lpctstrServerCPDirSuffix); return TRUE; }
else { //
// Remote server case
hRes = StringCchPrintf( lptstrCpDir, dwCpDirSize, TEXT("\\\\%s\\") FAX_COVER_PAGES_SHARE_NAME, lpctstrServerName); if (FAILED(hRes)) { DebugPrintEx( DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("StringCchPrintf failed (ec=%lu)"), HRESULT_CODE(hRes));
SetLastError (HRESULT_CODE(hRes)); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } } // GetServerCpDir
DWORD WinHelpContextPopup( ULONG_PTR dwHelpId, HWND hWnd ) /*++
Routine name : WinHelpContextPopup
Routine description:
open context sensetive help popup with WinHelp
Alexander Malysh (AlexMay), Mar, 2000
dwHelpId [in] - help ID hWnd [in] - parent window handler
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD dwExpRes; DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; TCHAR tszHelpFile[MAX_PATH+1];
if (0 == dwHelpId) { return dwRes; }
if(!IsFaxComponentInstalled(FAX_COMPONENT_HELP_CLIENT_HLP)) { //
// The help file is not installed
return dwRes; } //
// get help file name
dwExpRes = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(FAX_CONTEXT_HELP_FILE, tszHelpFile, MAX_PATH); if(0 == dwExpRes) { dwRes = GetLastError(); DebugPrint(( TEXT("ExpandEnvironmentStrings failed: %d\n"), dwRes )); return dwRes; }
WinHelp(hWnd, tszHelpFile, HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP, dwHelpId );
return dwRes; }//WinHelpContextPopup
BOOL InvokeServiceManager( HWND hDlg, HINSTANCE hResource, UINT uid ) /*++
Routine name : InvokeServiceManager
Routine description:
Invokes a new instance of the Fax Service Manager or pop up an old instance if such one exists.
hDlg [in] - Identifies the parent window hResource [in] - handle to resource module uid [in] - resource identifier
Return Value:
TRUE - If success FALSE - Otherwise
--*/ { DWORD dwRes = 0; HWND hwndAdminConsole = NULL; TCHAR szAdminWindowTitle[MAX_PATH] = {0};
if(!LoadString(hResource, uid, szAdminWindowTitle, MAX_PATH)) { DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("LoadString failed: string ID=%d, error=%d"), uid, GetLastError()); Assert(FALSE); } else { hwndAdminConsole = FindWindow(NULL, szAdminWindowTitle); // MMCMainFrame
if(hwndAdminConsole) { // Switch to that window if client console is already running
ShowWindow(hwndAdminConsole, SW_RESTORE); SetForegroundWindow(hwndAdminConsole); } else { HINSTANCE hAdmin; hAdmin = ShellExecute( hDlg, TEXT("open"), FAX_ADMIN_CONSOLE_IMAGE_NAME, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL ); if((DWORD_PTR)hAdmin <= 32) { // error
dwRes = PtrToUlong(hAdmin); DebugPrintEx(DEBUG_ERR, TEXT("ShellExecute failed: error=%d"),dwRes ); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }//InvokeServiceManager