* * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORPORATION, 2000 * * TITLE: gensph.h * * VERSION: 1.0 * * AUTHOR: LazarI * * DATE: 23-Dec-2000 * * DESCRIPTION: generic smart pointers & smart handles templates * *****************************************************************************/
#ifndef _GENSPH_H_
#define _GENSPH_H_
// include the core definitions first
#include "coredefs.h"
// class CGenericSP
// a generic smart pointer
// everything starts here -:)
template < class T, class inheritorClass, class pType = T*, INT_PTR null = 0, class pCType = const T* >
class CGenericSP { public: // construction/destruction
CGenericSP(): m_p(GetNull()) {} CGenericSP(pType p): m_p(GetNull()) { _Attach(p); } ~CGenericSP() { Reset(); }
// follows common smart pointer impl. -
// operators & methods
void Reset() { if( GetNull() != m_p ) { _Delete(m_p); m_p = GetNull(); } }
void Attach(pType p) { Reset(); m_p = (p ? p : GetNull()); }
pType Detach() { pType p = GetNull(); if( GetNull() != m_p ) { p = m_p; m_p = GetNull(); } return p; }
template <class AS_TYPE> AS_TYPE GetPtrAs() const { return (GetNull() == m_p) ? reinterpret_cast<AS_TYPE>(NULL) : reinterpret_cast<AS_TYPE>(m_p); }
pType GetPtr() const { return GetPtrAs<pType>(); }
pType* GetPPT() { return static_cast<pType*>(&m_p); }
pCType* GetPPCT() { return const_cast<pCType*>(&m_p); }
void** GetPPV() { return reinterpret_cast<void**>(&m_p); }
operator pType() const { return GetPtr(); }
T& operator*() const { ASSERT(GetNull() != m_p); return *m_p; }
pType* operator&() { ASSERT(GetNull() == m_p); return GetPPT(); }
pType operator->() const { ASSERT(GetNull() != m_p); return (pType)m_p; }
pType operator=(pType p) { _Attach(p); return m_p; }
pType operator=(const int i) { // this operator is only for NULL assignment
ASSERT(INT2PTR(i, pType) == NULL || INT2PTR(i, pType) == GetNull()); Attach(INT2PTR(i, pType)); return m_p; }
bool operator!() const { return (GetNull() == m_p); }
bool operator<(pType p) const { return (m_p < p); }
bool operator==(pType p) const { return (m_p == p); }
protected: pType m_p;
// those will be declared protected, so people won't use them directly
CGenericSP(CGenericSP<T, inheritorClass, pType, null, pCType> &sp): m_p(GetNull()) { _Attach(sp); }
void Attach(CGenericSP<T, inheritorClass, pType, null, pCType> &sp) { static_cast<inheritorClass*>(this)->Attach(static_cast<pType>(sp)); sp.Detach(); }
pType operator=(CGenericSP<T, inheritorClass, pType, null, pCType> &sp) { _Attach(sp); return m_p; }
// NULL support, use these to check for/assign NULL in inheritors
pType GetNull() const { return reinterpret_cast<pType>(null); } bool IsNull(pType p) const { return GetNull() == p; } bool IsntNull(pType p) const { return GetNull() != p; }
private: void _Attach(pType p) { // give a chance to inheritors to override the attach
static_cast<inheritorClass*>(this)->Attach(p); }
void _Attach(CGenericSP<T, inheritorClass, pType, null, pCType> &sp) { // give a chance to inheritors to override the attach
static_cast<inheritorClass*>(this)->Attach(sp); }
void _Delete(pType p) { // the inheritor class defines static member called Delete(pType p)
// to destroy the object.
if( GetNull() != p ) { #pragma prefast(suppress:307, "This is a known prefast bug fixed in version 1.2 (PREfast bug 616)")
inheritorClass::Delete(p); } } };
// declares standard default contructor, copy constructor, attach
// contructor and assignment operators (they can't be inherited as constructors can't)
// for the CGenericSP class in an inheritor class.
private: \ className(className &sp): CGenericSP< T, className >(sp) { } \ T* operator=(className &sp) \ { return CGenericSP< T, className >::operator =(sp); } \ public: \ className() { } \ className(T *p): CGenericSP< T, className >(p) { } \ T* operator=(T *p) \ { return CGenericSP< T, className >::operator =(p); } \ T* operator=(const int i) \ { return CGenericSP< T, className >::operator =(i); } \
private: \ className(className &sp): CGenericSP<T, className, pType>(sp) { } \ pType operator=(className &sp) \ { return CGenericSP<T, className, pType>::operator =(sp); } \ public: \ className() { } \ className(pType p): CGenericSP<T, className, pType>(p) { } \ pType operator=(pType p) \ { return CGenericSP<T, className, pType>::operator =(p); } \ pType operator=(const int i) \ { return CGenericSP<T, className, pType>::operator =(i); } \
#define DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT2(T, className, pType, null) \
private: \ className(className &sp): CGenericSP<T, className, pType, null>(sp) { } \ pType operator=(className &sp) \ { return CGenericSP<T, className, pType, null>::operator =(sp); } \ public: \ className() { } \ className(pType p): CGenericSP<T, className, pType, null>(p) { } \ pType operator=(pType p) \ { return CGenericSP<T, className, pType, null>::operator =(p); } \ pType operator=(const int i) \ { return CGenericSP<T, className, pType, null>::operator =(i); } \
////////// AUTO POINTERS ///////////////////////
// class CAutoPtr
// simple auto-pointer
// uses delete operator to free memory
template <class T> class CAutoPtr: public CGenericSP< T, CAutoPtr<T> > { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT(T, CAutoPtr<T>) static void Delete(T *p) { delete p; } };
// class CAutoPtrArray
// simple auto-pointer allocated as array
// uses delete[] operator to free memory
template <class T> class CAutoPtrArray: public CGenericSP< T, CAutoPtrArray<T> > { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT(T, CAutoPtrArray<T>) static void Delete(T *p) { delete[] p; } };
// class CAutoPtrCRT
// simple CRT auto-pointer - allocated with malloc/calloc
// uses free to free the memory
template <class T> class CAutoPtrCRT: public CGenericSP< T, CAutoPtrCRT<T> > { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT(T, CAutoPtrCRT<T>) static void Delete(T *p) { free(p); } };
// class CAutoPtrSpl
// simple spooler auto-pointer -
// uses FreeMem to free memory
template <class T> class CAutoPtrSpl: public CGenericSP< T, CAutoPtrSpl<T> > { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT(T, CAutoPtrSpl<T>) static void Delete(T *p) { FreeMem(p); } };
// class CAutoPtrBSTR
// simple BSTR auto-pointer -
// SysAllocString/SysFreeString
class CAutoPtrBSTR: public CGenericSP<BSTR, CAutoPtrBSTR, BSTR> { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT1(BSTR, CAutoPtrBSTR, BSTR) static void Delete(BSTR p) { SysFreeString(p); } };
// class CAutoPtrCOM
// simple smart COM pointer
template <class T> class CAutoPtrCOM: public CGenericSP< T, CAutoPtrCOM<T> > { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT(T, CAutoPtrCOM<T>) static void Delete(T *p) { p->Release(); } };
// class CRefPtrCOM
// referenced smart COM pointer (ATL style)
// with improvements for robustness
template <class T> class CRefPtrCOM: public CGenericSP< T, CRefPtrCOM<T> > { void _AddRefAttach(T *p); public: // special case all these
CRefPtrCOM() { } CRefPtrCOM(const CGenericSP< T, CRefPtrCOM<T> > &sp): CGenericSP< T, CRefPtrCOM<T> >(sp) { } T* operator=(const CRefPtrCOM<T> &sp) { return CGenericSP< T, CRefPtrCOM<T> >::operator =(sp); } T* operator=(const int i) { return CGenericSP< T, CRefPtrCOM<T> >::operator =(i); }
// overloaded stuff
void Attach(const CRefPtrCOM<T> &sp) { _AddRefAttach(static_cast<T*>(sp)); } static void Delete(T *p) { p->Release(); }
// use these functions instead of operators (more clear)
HRESULT CopyFrom(T *p); // AddRef p and assign to this
HRESULT CopyTo(T **ppObj); // AddRef this and assign to ppObj
HRESULT TransferTo(T **ppObj); // assign this to ppObj and assign NULL to this
HRESULT Adopt(T *p); // take ownership of p
private: // disable contruction, assignment operator & attach from
// a raw pointer - it's not clear what exactly you want:
// to copy (AddRef) the object or to take ownership - use
// the functions above to make clear
void Attach(T* p); CRefPtrCOM(T *p); T* operator=(T *p); };
// class CAutoPtrShell
// smart shell auto pointer -
// uses shell IMalloc to free memory
template <class T> class CAutoPtrShell: public CGenericSP< T, CAutoPtrShell<T> > { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT(T, CAutoPtrShell<T>) static void Delete(T *p) { CAutoPtrCOM<IMalloc> spShellMalloc; if( SUCCEEDED(SHGetMalloc(&spShellMalloc)) ) { spShellMalloc->Free(p); } } };
// class CAutoPtrPIDL
// smart shell ID list ptr - LPCITEMIDLIST, LPITEMIDLIST.
typedef CAutoPtrShell<ITEMIDLIST> CAutoPtrPIDL;
////////// AUTO HANDLES ////////////////////////
// class CAutoHandleNT
// NT kernel object handle (closed with CloseHandle)
class CAutoHandleNT: public CGenericSP<HANDLE, CAutoHandleNT, HANDLE> { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT1(HANDLE, CAutoHandleNT, HANDLE) static void Delete(HANDLE h) { VERIFY(CloseHandle(h)); } };
// class CAutoHandleHLOCAL
// NT local heap handle (closed with LocalFree)
class CAutoHandleHLOCAL: public CGenericSP<HLOCAL, CAutoHandleHLOCAL, HLOCAL> { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT1(HLOCAL, CAutoHandleHLOCAL, HLOCAL) static void Delete(HLOCAL h) { VERIFY(NULL == LocalFree(h)); } };
// class CAutoHandleHGLOBAL
// NT global heap handle (closed with GlobalFree)
class CAutoHandleHGLOBAL: public CGenericSP<HGLOBAL, CAutoHandleHGLOBAL, HGLOBAL> { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT1(HGLOBAL, CAutoHandleHGLOBAL, HGLOBAL) static void Delete(HGLOBAL h) { VERIFY(NULL == GlobalFree(h)); } };
// class CAutoHandlePrinter
// auto printer handle
class CAutoHandlePrinter: public CGenericSP<HANDLE, CAutoHandlePrinter, HANDLE> { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT1(HANDLE, CAutoHandlePrinter, HANDLE) static void Delete(HANDLE h) { CHECK(ClosePrinter(h)); } };
// class CAutoHandlePrinterNotify
// printer notifications handle -
// Find[Firse/Next/Close]PrinterChangeNotification()
class CAutoHandlePrinterNotify: public CGenericSP<HANDLE, CAutoHandlePrinterNotify, HANDLE, -1> { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT2(HANDLE, CAutoHandlePrinterNotify, HANDLE, -1) static void Delete(HANDLE h) { CHECK(FindClosePrinterChangeNotification(h)); } };
// class CAutoPtrPrinterNotify
// printer notifications memory - spooler should free it.
// Find[Firse/Next/Close]PrinterChangeNotification()
class CAutoPtrPrinterNotify: public CGenericSP<PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO, CAutoPtrPrinterNotify> { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT(PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO, CAutoPtrPrinterNotify) static void Delete(PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO *p) { CHECK(FreePrinterNotifyInfo(p)); } };
// class CAutoHandleGDI
// GDI auto handle (WindowsNT GDI handle wrapper)
template <class T> class CAutoHandleGDI: public CGenericSP< T, CAutoHandleGDI<T>, T > { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT1(T, CAutoHandleGDI<T>, T) static void Delete(T hGDIObj) { VERIFY(DeleteObject(hGDIObj)); } };
// GDI auto handles
typedef CAutoHandleGDI<HPEN> CAutoHandlePen; typedef CAutoHandleGDI<HBRUSH> CAutoHandleBrush; typedef CAutoHandleGDI<HFONT> CAutoHandleFont; typedef CAutoHandleGDI<HBITMAP> CAutoHandleBitmap; // etc...
// class CAutoHandleCursor
// auto handle for HCURSOR
class CAutoHandleCursor: public CGenericSP<HCURSOR, CAutoHandleCursor, HCURSOR> { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT1(HCURSOR, CAutoHandleCursor, HCURSOR) static void Delete(HCURSOR h) { VERIFY(DestroyCursor(h)); } };
// class CAutoHandleIcon
// auto handle for HICON
class CAutoHandleIcon: public CGenericSP<HICON, CAutoHandleIcon, HICON> { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT1(HICON, CAutoHandleIcon, HICON) static void Delete(HICON h) { VERIFY(DestroyIcon(h)); } };
// class CAutoHandleMenu
// auto handle for HMENU
class CAutoHandleMenu: public CGenericSP<HMENU, CAutoHandleMenu, HMENU> { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT1(HMENU, CAutoHandleMenu, HMENU) static void Delete(HMENU h) { VERIFY(DestroyMenu(h)); } };
// class CAutoHandleAccel
// auto handle for HACCEL
class CAutoHandleAccel: public CGenericSP<HACCEL, CAutoHandleAccel, HACCEL> { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT1(HACCEL, CAutoHandleAccel, HACCEL) static void Delete(HACCEL h) { DestroyAcceleratorTable(h); } };
// class CAutoHandleHDSA
// auto handle for shell HDSA
// (dynamic structure arrays)
class CAutoHandleHDSA: public CGenericSP<HDSA, CAutoHandleHDSA, HDSA> { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT1(HDSA, CAutoHandleHDSA, HDSA) static void Delete(HDSA h) { VERIFY(DSA_Destroy(h)); } };
// class CAutoHandleMRU
// auto handle for MRU (shell common controls)
// CreateMRUList/FreeMRUList
class CAutoHandleMRU: public CGenericSP<HANDLE, CAutoHandleMRU, HANDLE> { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT1(HANDLE, CAutoHandleMRU, HANDLE) static void Delete(HANDLE h) { FreeMRUList(h); } }; #endif // _INC_COMCTRLP
// class CAutoHandleHKEY
// auto handle for a Windows registry key (HKEY)
// RegCreateKeyEx/RegOpenKeyEx/RegCloseKey
class CAutoHandleHKEY: public CGenericSP<HKEY, CAutoHandleHKEY, HKEY> { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT1(HKEY, CAutoHandleHKEY, HKEY) static void Delete(HKEY h) { VERIFY(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCloseKey(h)); } };
// class CAutoHandleHMODULE
// auto handle for a HMODULE
// LoadLibrary/FreeLibrary
class CAutoHandleHMODULE: public CGenericSP<HMODULE, CAutoHandleHMODULE, HMODULE> { public: DECLARE_GENERICSMARTPTR_CONSTRUCT1(HMODULE, CAutoHandleHMODULE, HMODULE) static void Delete(HMODULE h) { VERIFY(FreeLibrary(h)); } };
// include the implementation of the template classes here
#include "gensph.inl"
#endif // endif _GENSPH_H_