Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. ;
  2. ; Copyright (c) 1999-2003 OEM Company Name
  3. ;
  4. [Version]
  5. Signature="$Windows NT$"
  6. Class=Image
  7. ClassGUID={6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}
  8. Provider=%OEM%
  9. ; Date & version of driver package
  10. DriverVer=MM/DD/YYYY,XX.XX.XX.XX
  11. CatalogFile=DOT4OEMS.CAT
  12. ;====================================================
  13. [Manufacturer]
  14. %OEM%=D4Scan_Models
  15. [D4Scan_Models]
  16. ;
  17. ; This INF supports models with these PnP IDs
  18. ; (Enumerated by any enumerator (*))
  19. ;
  20. %OEM_DOT4_SCANNER% = Dot4Scan_Inst,DOT4\OEM_Company_1284.4_S9950&SCAN
  21. %OEM_DOT4_MFP% = Dot4Scan_Inst,DOT4\OEM_Company_1284.4_M9C9C&SCAN
  22. [Dot4Scan_Inst.NT]
  23. ;
  24. ; These entries tell the Image class installer what files to copy and
  25. ; whet type of device to install.
  26. ;
  27. SubClass=StillImage
  28. DeviceType=1
  29. Events=Dot4Scan_Inst.Events
  30. DeviceData=Dot4Scan_Inst.DeviceData
  31. AddReg=Dot4Scan_AddReg
  32. CopyFiles=Scanner.CopyFiles,DfltDS.CopyFiles
  33. DeviceSubType=0x0110
  34. ICMProfiles="sRGB Color Space Profile.icm"
  35. Include=DOT4.INF
  36. Needs=DOT4SCAN_OEM
  37. [Dot4Scan_Inst.NT.HW]
  38. ;
  39. ; Special configuration info
  40. ;
  41. AddReg=Dot4Scan_AddReg
  42. [Dot4Scan_Inst.DeviceData]
  43. TwainDS="OEM Scanner Source"
  44. Model=DOT4S
  45. [Dot4Scan_Inst.Events]
  46. ; Each Scanner driver can create unique events based upon User interaction
  47. ; with the device. This can include button presses or other events
  48. ; The definition of the event is:
  49. ;
  50. ; EventName=EventDescriptionString,EventGuid,AppLaunched
  51. ;
  52. ;AnEvent=%AnEventDesc%,{AD879F40-0982-11d1-A43B-080009EEBDF6},*
  53. [DfltDS.CopyFiles]
  54. OEMScan.ds
  55. [Scanner.CopyFiles]
  56. OEMScan1.dll
  57. OEMScan2.dll
  58. [Dot4Scan_AddReg]
  59. ;
  60. ; Add keys under Enum\enumeratorID\device-instance-id
  61. ;
  62. ; These entries in the registry control
  63. HKR,,"ReadSocketId",0x00010001,0x0004
  64. HKR,,"WriteSocketId",0x00010001,0x0004
  65. HKR,,"ReadBufferSize",0x00010001,0x7FFF
  66. HKR,,"WriteBufferSize",0x00010001,0x7FFF
  67. ;
  68. ; Register USD
  69. ;
  70. ; The USD is the User-Mode Scanning Driver that supports the current scanner.
  71. ; Many models can be supported by a single USD but different UDrivers will have
  72. ; different GUIDs
  73. ;
  74. HKR,,USDClass,,"{6cd49e80-019d-11d3-bc84-00a0c90432ee}"
  75. HKCR,CLSID\{6cd49e80-019d-11d3-bc84-00a0c90432ee},,,"OEM Scanner USD"
  76. HKCR,CLSID\{6cd49e80-019d-11d3-bc84-00a0c90432ee}\InProcServer32,,,%11%\oemusd.dll
  77. HKCR,CLSID\{6cd49e80-019d-11d3-bc84-00a0c90432ee}\InProcServer32,ThreadingModel,,"Both"
  78. [Dot4Scan_Inst.NT.Services]
  79. ;
  80. ; Add the Dot4 driver as a service
  81. ;
  82. AddService=Dot4Scan,0x00000002,Dot4ScanService
  83. [Dot4ScanService]
  84. ;
  85. ; Service configuration info
  86. ;
  87. DisplayName = %Dot4Scan_Name%
  88. ServiceType = 1 ; Kernel driver
  89. StartType = 3 ; Manual start
  90. ErrorControl = 1 ; Error ignore
  91. ServiceBinary = %12%\Dot4Scan.sys
  92. ;====================================================
  93. [ControlFlags]
  94. ExcludeFromSelect=*
  95. [DestinationDirs]
  96. DefaultDestDir=11 ; LDID_SYS
  97. DfltDS.CopyFiles = 10,TWAIN_32
  98. ;
  99. ; Source Disk Section
  100. ; This was added to enable Web Point&Print.
  101. ; All files added to this must also be added to Layout.INF
  102. ;
  103. [SourceDisksNames.x86]
  104. 1 = %Disk%,,,""
  105. [SourceDisksNames.Alpha]
  106. 1 = %Disk%,,,""
  107. [SourceDisksFiles]
  108. OEMScan.ds = 1
  109. OEMScan1.dll = 1
  110. OEMScan2.dll = 1
  111. ;====================================================
  112. [Strings]
  113. Disk = "OEM Driver Install Disk"
  114. Dot4Scan_Name = "Scan Class Driver for IEEE-1284.4"
  115. OEM = "OEM Company"
  116. Desc_Val = "Description"
  117. AnEventDesc = "OEM Defined Scanner Event"
  118. OEM_DOT4_SCANNER = "OEM Company 1284.4 Scanner"
  119. OEM_DOT4_MFP = "OEM Company 1284.4 MFP"