=== #399861: Orientation not changed : Color models: 9/9/99 yasuho
o CNL????J.GPD (All of color models) *Feature: InputBin *Cmd: "<1B>[0q" --> *CallbackID: 450 *Cmd: "<1B>[1q" --> *CallbackID: 451 *Cmd: "<1B>[11q" --> *CallbackID: 452 *Cmd: "<1B>[13q" --> *CallbackID: 453
o CNLC???J.GPD (Color bubble jet) *Feature: InputBin: *Order: PAGE_SETUP.7 -> DOC_SETUP.12 *Command: CmdStartJob: *Order: JOB_SETUP.6 -> JOB_SETUP.1
=== #350602: New models for RC2: new models: 6/25/99 yasuho
o CNL840J.GPD: DeviceFonts: 44,45 -> Delete (Maru-gothic)
=== #346185: fonts overlapped: LIPS3 models: 6/1/99 yasuho
o DUCCHI?.PFM / SUISU?.PFM VertRes / HorzRes: 1200 -> 300 o DUCCHI?.UFM / SUISU?.UFM IFIMETRICS.flInfo: FM_INFO_DBCS_FIXED_PITCH -> Delete IFIMETRICS.dpFontSim: xxxx -> 0 Build WIDTHTABLE manually.
=== #307415: Incorrect font pitch: All models: 5/18/99 yasuho
o ZAPFDI.PFM: Average Width / Max. Width: 554 -> 2000 FontWidth: 554 -> 2000 ExtentTable: 278 -> 1000
=== #304284: Duplex isn't effective: All models: 3/11/99 yasuho
o Resolution Order: DOC_SETUP.1 -> JOB_SETUP.1 o Color Order: DOC_SETUP.6 ->JOB_SETUP.6 o PrintQuality Order: DOC_SETUP.3 ->JOB_SETUP.3 o ImageControl Order: DOC_SETUP.4 ->JOB_SETUP.4 o PrintDensity Order: DOC_SETUP.5 ->JOB_SETUP.5 o CmdStartDoc -> CmdStartJob o StartJob Order: DOC_SETUP.x -> JOB_SETUP.x o Add StartDoc *Command: CmdStartDoc { *Order: DOC_SETUP.x *CallbackID: 130 }
- LIPS3 models o Resolution Order: PAGE_SETUP.x -> JOB_SETUP.1 o StartJob Order: DOC_SETUP.x -> JOB_SETUP.2
- LBP-930EX o OutputMethod Order: DOC_SETUP.6 -> JOB_SETUP.6 o StaplePosition Order: DOC_SETUP.7 -> JOB_SETUP.7
=== #304161: Take away N-up from *MediaType: Duplex models: 3/10/99 yasuho
o LBP-430/450/720/730/740/750/830/840/850/930/930EX
Delete *MediaType feature. (there are provided by spooler on NT5)
=== #294775: Enable SendMultipleRows: Color models: 3/8/99 yasuho
o LBP-2030/LBP-2040/LBP-2160/BJC-680J/BJC-880J
*SendMultipleRows?: TRUE *LookAheadRegion: 1
=== #258936: Support new model: LBP-2040: 12/21/98 yasuho
o Add LBP-2040 (Based:LBP-2030)
=== #258936: Support new models: New models: 12/02/98 yasuho
o Add LBP-2160 (Based:LBP-2030)
o Add LBP-840 (Simply copied from LBP-850) o Add LBP-320Pro (Simply copied from LBP-320)
=== #195732: Color font incorrect: LIPS color models: 11/13/98 yasuho
o LBP-2030/BJC-680J/BJC-880J PrinterType: PAGE -> SERIAL EXTERN_GLOBAL: *RasterSendAllData?: TRUE -> Delete EXTERN_GLOBAL: *UseExpColorSelectCmd?: TRUE -> Delete Add following lines. *switch: ColorMode { *case: Color { *RasterSendAllData?: TRUE *UseExpColorSelectCmd?: TRUE } }
=== #228625: Stacker support + new model: LBP-930EX: 9/25/98 yasuho
o Add "LBP-930EX" (Based model: LBP-930) CmdStartDoc: *Order: DOC_SETUP.6 -> DOC_SETUP.9 o Add following lines to "LBP-930EX" for staple stacker.
*% Staple Stacker *Feature: StackerUnit { *FeatureType: PRINTER_PROPERTY *rcNameID: 299 *DefaultOption: Not_Installed *Option: Not_Installed { *rcNameID: 291 *DisabledFeatures: LIST(StackerTray, OutputMethod, StaplePosition) *Constraints: LIST(StackerTray.Auto, StackerTray.Bin1, + StackerTray.Bin2, StackerTray.Bin3) *Constraints: LIST(OutputMethod.JobOffset, OutputMethod.Staple, + OutputMethod.FaceUp) *Constraints: LIST(StaplePosition.TOPLEFT, StaplePosition.TOPCENTER, + StaplePosition.TOPRIGHT, StaplePosition.MIDLEFT, + StaplePosition.MIDRIGHT, StaplePosition.BOTLEFT, + StaplePosition.BOTCENTER, StaplePosition.BOTRIGHT) } *Option: Installed { *rcNameID: 290 } } *Feature: StackerTray { *FeatureType: DOC_PROPERTY *rcNameID: 300 *DefaultOption: NONE *Option: NONE { *rcNameID: =NONE_DISPLAY } *Option: Auto { *rcNameID: 286 *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: DOC_SETUP.12 *CallbackID: 410 } } *Option: Bin1 { *rcNameID: 301 *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: DOC_SETUP.12 *CallbackID: 411 } } *Option: Bin2 { *rcNameID: 302 *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: DOC_SETUP.12 *CallbackID: 412 } } *Option: Bin3 { *rcNameID: 303 *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: DOC_SETUP.12 *CallbackID: 413 } } } *Feature: OutputMethod { *rcNameID: 304 *DefaultOption: NONE *Option: NONE { *rcNameID: =NONE_DISPLAY *DisabledFeatures: LIST(StaplePosition) *Constraints: LIST(StaplePosition.TOPLEFT, StaplePosition.TOPCENTER, + StaplePosition.TOPRIGHT, StaplePosition.MIDLEFT, + StaplePosition.MIDRIGHT, StaplePosition.BOTLEFT, + StaplePosition.BOTCENTER, StaplePosition.BOTRIGHT) } *Option: JobOffset { *rcNameID: 305 *DisabledFeatures: LIST(StaplePosition) *Constraints: LIST(StaplePosition.TOPLEFT, StaplePosition.TOPCENTER, + StaplePosition.TOPRIGHT, StaplePosition.MIDLEFT, + StaplePosition.MIDRIGHT, StaplePosition.BOTLEFT, + StaplePosition.BOTCENTER, StaplePosition.BOTRIGHT) *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: DOC_SETUP.6 *CallbackID: 420 } } *Option: Staple { *rcNameID: 306 *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: DOC_SETUP.6 *CallbackID: 421 } } *Option: FaceUp { *rcNameID: 307 *DisabledFeatures: LIST(StaplePosition) *Constraints: LIST(StaplePosition.TOPLEFT, StaplePosition.TOPCENTER, + StaplePosition.TOPRIGHT, StaplePosition.MIDLEFT, + StaplePosition.MIDRIGHT, StaplePosition.BOTLEFT, + StaplePosition.BOTCENTER, StaplePosition.BOTRIGHT) *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: DOC_SETUP.6 *CallbackID: 422 } } } *Feature: StaplePosition { *rcNameID: 308 *DefaultOption: NONE *Option: NONE { *rcNameID: =NONE_DISPLAY } *Option: TOPLEFT { *rcNameID: 309 *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: DOC_SETUP.7 *CallbackID: 430 } } *Option: TOPCENTER { *rcNameID: 310 *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: DOC_SETUP.7 *CallbackID: 431 } } *Option: TOPRIGHT { *rcNameID: 311 *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: DOC_SETUP.7 *CallbackID: 432 } } *Option: MIDLEFT { *rcNameID: 312 *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: DOC_SETUP.7 *CallbackID: 433 } } *Option: MIDRIGHT { *rcNameID: 314 *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: DOC_SETUP.7 *CallbackID: 435 } } *Option: BOTLEFT { *rcNameID: 315 *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: DOC_SETUP.7 *CallbackID: 436 } } *Option: BOTCENTER { *rcNameID: 316 *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: DOC_SETUP.7 *CallbackID: 437 } } *Option: BOTRIGHT { *rcNameID: 317 *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: DOC_SETUP.7 *CallbackID: 438 } } } *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.A3, StaplePosition.MIDLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.A3, StaplePosition.MIDRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.A3, StaplePosition.BOTLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.A3, StaplePosition.BOTCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.A3, StaplePosition.BOTRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.A4, StaplePosition.TOPCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.A4, StaplePosition.TOPRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.A4, StaplePosition.MIDRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.A4, StaplePosition.BOTCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.A4, StaplePosition.BOTRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.A5, StaplePosition.TOPLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.A5, StaplePosition.TOPCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.A5, StaplePosition.TOPRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.A5, StaplePosition.MIDLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.A5, StaplePosition.MIDRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.A5, StaplePosition.BOTLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.A5, StaplePosition.BOTCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.A5, StaplePosition.BOTRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B6_JIS, StaplePosition.TOPLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B6_JIS, StaplePosition.TOPCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B6_JIS, StaplePosition.TOPRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B6_JIS, StaplePosition.MIDLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B6_JIS, StaplePosition.MIDRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B6_JIS, StaplePosition.BOTLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B6_JIS, StaplePosition.BOTCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B6_JIS, StaplePosition.BOTRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B5, StaplePosition.TOPLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B5, StaplePosition.TOPCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B5, StaplePosition.TOPRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B5, StaplePosition.MIDLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B5, StaplePosition.MIDRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B5, StaplePosition.BOTLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B5, StaplePosition.BOTCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B5, StaplePosition.BOTRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B4, StaplePosition.MIDLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B4, StaplePosition.MIDRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B4, StaplePosition.BOTLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B4, StaplePosition.BOTCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.B4, StaplePosition.BOTRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.LETTER, StaplePosition.TOPCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.LETTER, StaplePosition.TOPRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.LETTER, StaplePosition.MIDRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.LETTER, StaplePosition.BOTCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.LETTER, StaplePosition.BOTRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.LEGAL, StaplePosition.TOPCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.LEGAL, StaplePosition.MIDLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.LEGAL, StaplePosition.MIDRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.LEGAL, StaplePosition.BOTLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.LEGAL, StaplePosition.BOTCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.LEGAL, StaplePosition.BOTRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.TABLOID, StaplePosition.TOPLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.TABLOID, StaplePosition.TOPCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.TABLOID, StaplePosition.TOPRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.TABLOID, StaplePosition.MIDLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.TABLOID, StaplePosition.MIDRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.TABLOID, StaplePosition.BOTLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.TABLOID, StaplePosition.BOTCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.TABLOID, StaplePosition.BOTRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.EXECUTIVE, StaplePosition.TOPLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.EXECUTIVE, StaplePosition.TOPCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.EXECUTIVE, StaplePosition.TOPRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.EXECUTIVE, StaplePosition.MIDLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.EXECUTIVE, StaplePosition.MIDRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.EXECUTIVE, StaplePosition.BOTLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.EXECUTIVE, StaplePosition.BOTCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.EXECUTIVE, StaplePosition.BOTRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.JENV_YOU4, StaplePosition.TOPLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.JENV_YOU4, StaplePosition.TOPCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.JENV_YOU4, StaplePosition.TOPRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.JENV_YOU4, StaplePosition.MIDLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.JENV_YOU4, StaplePosition.MIDRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.JENV_YOU4, StaplePosition.BOTLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.JENV_YOU4, StaplePosition.BOTCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.JENV_YOU4, StaplePosition.BOTRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.JAPANESE_POSTCARD, StaplePosition.TOPLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.JAPANESE_POSTCARD, StaplePosition.TOPCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.JAPANESE_POSTCARD, StaplePosition.TOPRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.JAPANESE_POSTCARD, StaplePosition.MIDLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.JAPANESE_POSTCARD, StaplePosition.MIDRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.JAPANESE_POSTCARD, StaplePosition.BOTLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.JAPANESE_POSTCARD, StaplePosition.BOTCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.JAPANESE_POSTCARD, StaplePosition.BOTRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.CUSTOMSIZE, StaplePosition.TOPLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.CUSTOMSIZE, StaplePosition.TOPCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.CUSTOMSIZE, StaplePosition.TOPRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.CUSTOMSIZE, StaplePosition.MIDLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.CUSTOMSIZE, StaplePosition.MIDRIGHT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.CUSTOMSIZE, StaplePosition.BOTLEFT) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.CUSTOMSIZE, StaplePosition.BOTCENTER) *InvalidCombination: LIST(PaperSize.CUSTOMSIZE, StaplePosition.BOTRIGHT)
=== #226376: Palette related issue: LIPS4 color models: 9/21/98 yasuho
o Added *Order to *BeginPaletteDef o Set correct order to CmdSelect o Add CmdBeginPaletteReDef/CmdEndPaletteReDef/CmdReDefinePaletteEntry for 8bpp o Delete dummyColorMode
=== #193620: Courier Support: LIPS4 old models: 9/16/98 yasuho
o CNL4JRES.GPC / LIPS1200.GPC Font Cartridges: FR-1 Ohbun-shotai: Select: 68,69,70,71
o CNL2030J.GPD / CNL450J.GPD / CNL730J.GPD / CNL830J.GPD Add 68,69,70,71 to FC1 rcDevFontNameID: 508 -> 525
=== #223621: Courier Support: LBP-430/740/750/850/930: 9/11/98 yasuho
o CNL4JRES.GPC: LBP-430/740/750/930: Resident Fonts: Select: 68,69,70,71 o LIPS1200.GPC: LBP-850: Resident Fonts: Select: 68,69,70,71
Type:128 Char Set:0 Points:120 PixWidth:600 VertRes:600 PixHeight:1000 HorzRes:600 Pitch & Family:48 Ascent:900 Average Width:600 Internal Leading:0 Max. Width:600 External Leading:200 First Char:32 Italic:0 Last Char:255 Underline:0 Default Char:0 StrikeOut:0 Break Char:0 Weight:400 Width Bytes:0
o *TTFS: CourierNew: rcDevFontNameID: 508 -> 525
=== #223621: Prop DBCS Support: LBP-430/740/750/850/930: 9/9/98 yasuho
o CNL4JRES.GPC: LBP-430/740/750/930: Resident Fonts: Select: 64,65,66,67 o LIPS1200.GPC: LBP-850: Resident Fonts: Select: 64,65,66,67
o PMINCHO.PFM: (Based: HEIMW3.PFM) Face Name: xxxx -> xxxx PS Font Select: %101 -> %150 o PMINCHOV.PFM: (Based: HEIMW3V.PFM) Face Name: xxxx -> xxxx PS Font Select: %101 -> %150 o PGOTHIC.PFM: (Based: HEIGW5.PFM) Face Name: xxxx -> xxxx PS Font Select: %102 -> %151 o PGOTHICV.PFM: (Based: HEIGW5V.PFM) Face Name: xxxx -> xxxx PS Font Select: %102 -> %151
*TTFS: MSPMincho { *rcTTFontNameID: 517 *rcDevFontNameID: 518 } *TTFS: MSPMinchoV { *rcTTFontNameID: 519 *rcDevFontNameID: 520 } *TTFS: MSPGothic { *rcTTFontNameID: 521 *rcDevFontNameID: 522 } *TTFS: MSPGothicV { *rcTTFontNameID: 523 *rcDevFontNameID: 524 }
=== #215812: Italic !work: All models: 9/7/98 yasuho
o TYPGOT.UFM / TYPGOTV.UFM / TYPMIN.UFM / TYPMINV.UFM: FONTSIM.dpItalic: 12 -> 0 FONTSIM.dpBoldItalic: 0 -> 12
=== #217885: Memory configuration: LBP-430/930: 8/31/98 yasuho
o Memory Settings: Add: 7MB:7168,6144 11MB:11264,7168 19MB:19456,16384 40MB:40960,37888 o LBP-930: Memory Config: Unselect:4MB Select:40MB Default:8MB o LBP-430: Memory Config: Unselect:4/8/12/16/20/24/28/36MB Select:3/7/11/19MB Default:3MB o LBP-320: Memory Config: Unselect:1.5/2.5/3.5MB Select:4/8/16MB Default:4MB
=== #217881: "Maru-gothic" supported: LBP-430: 8/31/98 yasuho
o LBP-430: Resident Fonts: Unselect: "Maru-gothic"
=== #217880: FontCart supported: LBP-320: 8/31/98 yasuho
o LBP-320: sCartSlots: 2 -> 0 o LBP-320: Font Cartridges: Inhibit All:
=== #217878: Support 300DPI: LBP-930: 8/31/98 yasuho
o LBP-930: Resolutions: Select: 300 dots per inch
=== #217875: Support A4/Legal/Executive: LBP-930: 8/31/98 yasuho
o LBP-930: Paper Sizes: Add: A5/Legal/Executive
=== #217871: Upper tray supported: LBP-320: 8/31/98 yasuho
o LBP-320: Paper Sources: Unselect: Upper Cassette
=== #217889: Mid tray supported: LBP-930: 8/31/98 yasuho
o LBP-930: Paper Sources: Unselect: Mid Cassette
=== #217888: Lower tray supported: LBP-430: 8/31/98 yasuho
o LBP-430: Paper Sources: Unselect: Lower Cassette
=== #217866: Support "Tezashi": LBP-430/740/750/930: 8/31/98 yasuho
o LBP-430/740/750/930: Paper Sources: Select: "Tezashi"
=== #216667: Support Manual feed: LBP-850: 8/27/98 yasuho
o LBP-850: Paper Sources: Select: Manual feed
=== #215291: Delete "Kaku-gothic": LBP-404F: 8/27/98 yasuho
o LBP-A404F: Font Cartridges: Unselect: JSC-1 Kaku-gothic
=== #215283: FontCartridge should delete: LBP-A405Jr.: 8/27/98 yasuho
o LBP-A405Jr.: sCartSlots: 2 -> 0 o LBP-A405Jr.: Font Cartridges: Inhibit All:
=== #215278: Remove "Tezashi": LBP-B406D: 8/27/98 yasuho
o LBP-B406D: Paper Sources: Unselect: Tezashi
=== #215273: Upper cassette wrong: LIPS3 w/ single tray: 8/27/98 yasuho
o LBP-320/LBP-A404G2/LBP-A404E/LBP-A404F/LBP-A404/LBP-A405Jr.
*Feature: InputBin { *rcNameID: 2102 *DefaultOption: Option1 *Option: Option1 { *rcNameID: 298 *OptionID: 298 *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: PAGE_SETUP.6 *Cmd: "<1B>[0q" } } *Option: Option2 { *rcNameID: 265 *OptionID: 265 *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: PAGE_SETUP.6 *Cmd: "<1B>[1q" } } }
o CNL4JRES.RC: Add following line. 298 "Cassette"
=== #215251: Support Japanese Postcard: LBP-430/LBP-450: 8/26/98 yasuho
o LBP-430: Paper Sizes: Select: Japanese Postcard o LBP-450: Paper Sizes: Select: Japanese Postcard
=== #215248: Support A5/Legal/Executive: LBP-830: 8/26/98 yasuho
o LBP-830: Paper Sizes: Select: A5/Legal/Executive
=== #215234: Mid tray should remove: LBP-830/LBP-2030: 8/26/98 yasuho
o LBP-830: Paper Sources: Unselect: mid tray o LBP-2030: Paper Sources: Unselect: mid tray
=== #215808: @Maru-gothic !enumed: LIPS3 models: 8/25/98 yasuho
o CNL4JRES.GPC: Font Cartridges: JSC-2 Maru-gothic: Select: MGOTHICV.PFM o LIPS4CMS.GPC: Font Cartridges: JSC-2 Maru-gothic: Select: MGOTHICV.PFM
=== #215810: ZapfCalligraphic: Bold+Italic !work: All models: 8/25/98 yasuho
o ZAPFCALB.PFM: Pitch&Family: 17->33 o ZAPFCALI.PFM: Pitch&Family: 17->33 o ZAPFCALJ.PFM: Pitch&Family: 17->33
=== #215222: some line !print: LBP-2030: 8/24/98 yasuho
o cnl2030j.gpd: Delete *Feature: ScanForRules RectXXXFill doesn't work because this printer was used OVERWRITE MODE on raster operation.
=== #213732: Support 1200dpi: LBP-850: 8/20/98 yasuho
o Create LIPS1200.GPC/LIPS1200.RC3 from CNL4JRES.*. o MasterUnit: 600,600 -> 1200,1200 o Create new model: LBP-850 (Base: LBP-750) o Resolution: Create 1200dpi: Select Resolution: "%108". o #2 Page Control: PC_OCD_BEGINDOC: "%100" -> "%120".
=== #185185: Support RectXXFill: All models: 7/31/98 yasuho
o Add following entries to any GPDs.
*% RectFill feature *Feature: ScanForRules { *rcNameID: 297 *FeatureType: DOC_PROPERTY *DefaultOption: Enabled *Option: Disabled { *rcNameID: 291 } *Option: Enabled { *rcNameID: 290 *Command: CmdSetRectWidth { *CallbackID: 401 *Params: LIST(RectXSize) } *Command: CmdSetRectHeight { *CallbackID: 402 *Params: LIST(RectYSize) } *Command: CmdRectWhiteFill { *CallbackID: 403 } *Command: CmdRectBlackFill { *CallbackID: 404 } } }
=== #193625: Delete ducchi and suiss: LIPS4 models: 7/13/98 yasuho ===
o Unselect "ducchi" and "suiss" from device font lists.
=== #192255: FontCart names: LIPS4 models: 7/13/98 yasuho ===
o Add following lines to CNL4JRES.RC.
293 "FR-1 Ohbun shotai" 294 "FR-2 Kyohka-sho tai" 295 "FR-3 Kai-sho tai" 296 "FR-4 Gyoh-sho tai"
o Replace font cartidges as follows.
*FontCartridge: FC1 { *rcCartridgeNameID: 293 *Fonts: LIST(10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25, + 26,27,28,29,30,31) } *FontCartridge: FC2 { *rcCartridgeNameID: 294 *Fonts: LIST(46,47) } *FontCartridge: FC3 { *rcCartridgeNameID: 295 *Fonts: LIST(48,49) } *FontCartridge: FC4 { *rcCartridgeNameID: 296 *Fonts: LIST(54,55) }
=== #195162: Color incorrect: Color models: 7/13/98 yasuho ===
[ CNL2030J.GPD / CNLC680J.GPD / CNLC880J.GPD ]
o All of Options in Color order: DOC_SETUP.? -> PAGE_SETUP.16 (Workaround for DefinePalette ORDER)
o 8bpp
*Command: CmdBeginPaletteDef { *Cmd: "^00" } *Command: CmdEndPaletteDef { *Cmd: "<1E>" }
o 24bpp
*Command: CmdBeginPaletteDef { *CallbackID: 351 } *Command: CmdEndPaletteDef { *CallbackID: 352 } *Command: CmdDefinePaletteEntry { *CallbackID: 353 *Params: LIST(RedValue, GreenValue, BlueValue) } *Command: CmdSelectPaletteEntry { *CallbackID: 354 *Params: LIST(CurrentPaletteIndex) }
o Add "dummyColorMode" features (Workaround for DefinePalette ORDER)
*Feature: dummyColorMode { *Name: "dummy feature" *ConcealFromUI?: TRUE *Option: OnlyOne { *Name: "dummy option" *Switch: ColorMode { *Case: Mono { } *Case: Color { *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: DOC_SETUP.6 *CallbackID: 200 } } *Case: 8bpp { *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: DOC_SETUP.6 *CallbackID: 202 } } *Case: 24bpp { *Command: CmdSelect { *Order: DOC_SETUP.6 *CallbackID: 201 } } } } }
=== #193606: Device font !enum: All models: 7/7/98 yasuho ===
o CNL4JRES.GPC / LIPS3MS.GPC / LIPS4CMS.GPC Font Cartridge: JSC-4 Kaisho-tai: LandScape: 3=DUTCHJ.PFM -> Unselect
=== #194525: PostCard can be chosen: LBP-2030: 7/6/98 yasuho ===
o LBP-2030: Paper Sizes: Japanese Post Card -> Delete
=== #192840: FontCartSlots: LBP-2030: 7/2/98 yasuho ===
o LBP-450: sCartSlots: 2 -> 3 o LBP-720: sCartSlots: 2 -> 0 o LBP-730: sCartSlots: 2 -> 3 o LBP-740: sCartSlots: 2 -> 0 o LBP-750: sCartSlots: 2 -> 3 o LBP-830: sCartSlots: 2 -> 3 o LBP-930: sCartSlots: 2 -> 3 o LBP-2030: sCartSlots: 2 -> 3
=== #192247: printable area: LBP-2030: 7/1/98 yasuho ===
o Printable area: All: Top: 120 -> 192 , Bot: 120 -> 50 o LBP-2030: fGeneral: MD_SERIAL: On -> Off
=== #193617: Bold+Italic !print: All models: 7/6/98 yasuho ===
o avantj.pfm: Ascent: 11516 -> 1516
=== #192634: !show on duplex: All models with duplex: 7/1/98 yasuho ===
o All models: Add following lines
*Feature: DuplexUnit { *FeatureType: PRINTER_PROPERTY *rcNameID: 292 *DefaultOption: NotInstalled *Option: NotInstalled { *rcNameID: 291 *DisabledFeatures: LIST(Duplex) *Constraints: LIST(Duplex.VERTICAL, Duplex.HORIZONTAL) } *Option: Installed { *rcNameID: 290 } }
o All models: Remove following lines
*rcInstalledOptionNameID: 290 *rcNotInstalledOptionNameID: 291 *Installable?: TRUE *rcInstallableFeatureNameID: 292
=== #189690: printable area: BJC-880J: 6/25/98 yasuho ===
o LIPS4CMS.GPC: B4: Landscape: Bottom: 113 -> 128
=== #182670: Bad tray select: LIPS3 on CNL4JRES: 6/9/98 yasuho ===
o CNL4JRES.GPC: Paper Sources: Upper cassette: \x1B[11q -> \x1B[3q Lower cassette: \x1B[12q -> \x1B[2q
=== #137106: Delete Large Paper / Duplex: LBP-2030: 3/19/98 yasuho ===
o LBP-2030: Support Paper: A4 / B5 / Letter / Legal / Japanese Postcard / User
Page Size Limits: Width Max: 7014 -> 5100 Height Max: 10200 -> 7014 sMaxPhysWidth: 7014 -> 5100 Paper Sizes: Deselect A3 / A5 / B6 / B4 / Tabloid / Executive / Japanese Envelope fGeneral: MD_DUPLEX: ON -> OFF Paper Quolity: Inhibit all
=== #150044: device font as garbage: All models: 3/16/98 yasuho ===
o All models
*EjectPageWithFF?: FALSE -> TRUE *Command: CmdFF { *Cmd : "<0C>" -> "" } *ReselectFont: LIST(AFTER_FF)
=== #137462: 'X000' is printed: LIPS4 color models: 2/26/98 yasuho ===
o LBP-2030 / BJC-680J / BJC-880J
CmdStartPage: *CallbackID: 6 -> 302 CmdEndPage: *CallbackID: 5 -> *Cmd: "<0C>" CmdEndDoc: *CallbackID: 102 -> 304
=== For duplex unit: LIPS4 models: 1/21/98 yasuho ===
o Add new string resources to cnl4jres.rc.
290 "Valid" 291 "Invalid" 292 "Duplex Unit(Option)"
o Add following entries to each GPDs.
*rcInstalledOptionNameID: 290 *rcNotInstalledOptionNameID: 291
o Add following entries into the *Feature: Duplex section in GPDs.
*Installable?: TRUE *rcInstallableFeatureNameID: 292
=== #120640: Some characters are shift: All model: 1/14/98 yasuho
o Fix some calculation codes for proportional device fonts.
=== #120454: Blank page printed: All model: 11/5/97 yasuho
o Change *EjectPageWithFF?: TRUE -> FALSE
=== All model: 10/29/97 yasuho
o Add *TTFS and *TTFSEnabled? to all models.
=== BJC-680J/880J: 10/27/97 yasuho
o rcCartridgeNameID: convert ID: LIPS4CMS -> CNL4JRES
=== LBP-5030: 10/27/97 yasuho
o rcCartridgeNameID: convert ID: LIPS3MS -> CNL4JRES
=== BJC-680J/880J: 10/23/97 yasuho
o CmdStartDoc: CallbackID: 1 -> 301 o Resolution: CallbackID: 8->308 o Add CmdSendRedData, CmdSendGreenData, CmdSendBlueData manually. (dummy) o Add CmdEnableTIFF4, CmdDisableCompression manually. o ColorMode: Color: CallbackID: 11 -> 200 o ColorMode: 8bpp: CallbackID: 13 -> 202 o ColorMode: 24bpp: CallbackID: 12 -> 201 o EjectPageWithFF: TRUE -> FALSE o 8BPP: CmdBeginPaletteDef: *CallbackID: 351 o 8BPP: CmdEndPaletteDef: *CallbackID: 352 o 8BPP: CmdDefinePaletteEntry: Rop3/Red/Green -> Red/Green/Blue o 8BPP: CmdSelectPalette: PaletteIndexToProgram -> CurrentPaletteIndex o 24BPP: CmdDefinePaletteEntry: { *Cmd: "" } o 24BPP: CmdSelectPaletteEntry: { *Cmd: "" } o CmdEndJob: *Cmd: "%%..." -> *CallbackID: 102
=== LBP-2030: 10/23/97 yasuho
o Add CmdSendRedData, CmdSendGreenData, CmdSendBlueData manually. (dummy) o 8BPP: CmdBeginPaletteDef: *CallbackID: 351 o 8BPP: CmdEndPaletteDef: *CallbackID: 352 o 8BPP: CmdDefinePaletteEntry: Rop3/Red/Green -> Red/Green/Blue o 8BPP: CmdSelectPalette: PaletteIndexToProgram -> CurrentPaletteIndex o 24BPP: CmdDefinePaletteEntry: { *Cmd: "" } o 24BPP: CmdSelectPaletteEntry: { *Cmd: "" }
=== LBP-310/LBP-5030: 10/13/97 yasuho
o Merge from LIPS3MS
=== All PFM: 10/2/97 yasuho
o SelectFont command doesn't output to UFM. Rewrite PFM manually.
=== All model: 8/28/97 yasuho
o Add CmdLF and CmdFF. *Command: CmdLF { *Cmd : "<0A>" } *Command: CmdFF { *Cmd : "<0C>" } o Add following params with each CmdSendBlockData *Params: LIST(NumOfDataBytes, RasterDataHeightInPixels, RasterDataWidthInBytes) o Add following params to CmdSetSimpleRotation *Params: LIST(PrintDirInCCDegrees) o Add following params to CmdXMoveAbsolute *Params: LIST(DestX) o Add following params to CmdYMoveAbsolute *Params: LIST(DestY) o Add following params to CmdXMoveRelRight *Params: LIST(DestXRel) o Add following params to CmdYMoveRelDown *Params: LIST(DestYRel)