// This files contains the module name for this mini driver. Each mini driver
// must have a unique module name. The module name is used to obtain the
// module handle of this Mini Driver. The module handle is used by the
// generic library to load in tables from the Mini Driver.
Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of GPD command callback for "test.gpd": OEMCommandCallback
Windows NT Unidrv driver
Revision History:
// NOTICE-2002/3/11-takashim
// 04/07/97 -zhanw-
// Created it.
#include "pdev.h"
// Function: BInitOEMExtraData
// Description: Initializes OEM Extra data.
// Parameters:
// pOEMExtra Pointer to a OEM Extra data.
// dwSize Size of OEM extra data.
// Returns: TRUE if successful; FALSE otherwise.
// Comments:
// History:
// NOTICE-2002/3/11-takashim
// // 02/11/97 APresley Created.
BOOL BInitOEMExtraData(POEMUD_EXTRADATA pOEMExtra) { // Initialize OEM Extra data.
pOEMExtra->dmExtraHdr.dwSize = sizeof(OEMUD_EXTRADATA); pOEMExtra->dmExtraHdr.dwSignature = OEM_SIGNATURE; pOEMExtra->dmExtraHdr.dwVersion = OEM_VERSION;
return TRUE; }
// Function: BMergeOEMExtraData
// Description: Validates and merges OEM Extra data.
// Parameters:
// pdmIn pointer to an input OEM private devmode containing the settings
// to be validated and merged. Its size is current.
// pdmOut pointer to the output OEM private devmode containing the
// default settings.
// Returns: TRUE if valid; FALSE otherwise.
// Comments:
// History:
// NOTICE-2002/3/11-takashim
// // 02/11/97 APresley Created.
// // 04/08/97 ZhanW Modified the interface
BOOL BMergeOEMExtraData( POEMUD_EXTRADATA pdmIn, POEMUD_EXTRADATA pdmOut ) { if(pdmIn) { //
// copy over the private fields, if they are valid
return TRUE; }
#define MINJOBLEN 48
#define MAX_NAMELEN 31
#define WRITESPOOLBUF(p, s, n) \
((p)->pDrvProcs->DrvWriteSpoolBuf(p, s, n))
// Command callback ID's
// Do not reorder the following CMD_BARCODEPOS_X group.
#define CMD_BARCODEPOS_0 100
#define CMD_BARCODEPOS_1 101
#define CMD_BARCODEPOS_2 102
#define CMD_BARCODEPOS_3 103
#define CMD_BARCODEPOS_4 104
#define CMD_BARCODEPOS_5 105
#define CMD_BARCODEPOS_6 106
#define CMD_BARCODEPOS_7 107
#define CMD_BARCODEPOS_8 108
// SECURITY:#553895: Mandatory changes (e.g. strsafe.h)
* OEMCommandCallback */ INT APIENTRY OEMCommandCallback( PDEVOBJ pdevobj, DWORD dwCmdCbID, DWORD dwCount, PDWORD pdwParams ) { INT iRet = 0; INT iBCID; INT iDocument; INT iDocuTemp; INT iUserName; INT iUserTemp; DWORD cbNeeded = 0; DWORD cReturned = 0; DWORD CmdSize; PBYTE pCmd = NULL; PBYTE pDocument = NULL; PBYTE pUserName = NULL; PBYTE pTemp, pNext, pEnd; PJOB_INFO_1 pJobInfo = NULL; FILETIME ft, lft; SYSTEMTIME st; BYTE ch[MINJOBLEN]; PBYTE pch;
VERBOSE(("OEMCommandCallback entry - %d, %d\r\n", dwCmdCbID, dwCount));
switch (dwCmdCbID) {
// Get the first JOB info
if (0 != EnumJobs(pdevobj->hPrinter, 0, 1, 1, NULL, 0, &cbNeeded, &cReturned) || ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER != GetLastError() || 0 == cbNeeded) {
goto out; }
if ((pJobInfo = (PJOB_INFO_1)MemAlloc(cbNeeded)) == NULL) goto out;
if (!EnumJobs(pdevobj->hPrinter, 0, 1, 1, (LPBYTE)pJobInfo, cbNeeded, &cbNeeded, &cReturned)) goto out;
// Convert to multi-byte
iDocument = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pJobInfo->pDocument, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (!iDocument) goto out; if ((pDocument = (PBYTE)MemAlloc(iDocument)) == NULL) goto out; if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pJobInfo->pDocument, -1, pDocument, iDocument, NULL, NULL)) goto out;
pTemp = pDocument; pEnd = &pDocument[min(iDocument - 1, MAX_NAMELEN)]; while (*pTemp) { // Make sure it is the same context as WideCharTo...
pNext = CharNextExA(CP_ACP, pTemp, 0); if (pNext > pEnd) break; pTemp = pNext; } iDocument = (INT)(pTemp - pDocument); pDocument[iDocument] = '\0';
// Convert to multi-byte
iUserName = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pJobInfo->pUserName, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (!iUserName) goto out; if ((pUserName = (PBYTE)MemAlloc(iUserName)) == NULL) goto out; if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pJobInfo->pUserName, -1, pUserName, iUserName, NULL, NULL)) goto out;
pTemp = pUserName; pEnd = &pUserName[min(iUserName - 1, MAX_NAMELEN)]; while (*pTemp) { // Make sure it is the same context as WideCharTo...
pNext = CharNextExA(CP_ACP, pTemp, 0); if (pNext > pEnd) break; pTemp = pNext; } iUserName = (INT)(pTemp - pUserName); pUserName[iUserName] = '\0';
// Convert to local time
if (!SystemTimeToFileTime(&pJobInfo->Submitted, &ft) || !FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&ft, &lft) || !FileTimeToSystemTime(&lft, &st)) {
goto out; }
// Output commands
CmdSize = 10 + // barcode position and share
iDocument + // document name
iUserName + // user name
16 + // Date & Time
32; // Other characters
if ((pCmd = (PBYTE)MemAlloc(CmdSize)) == NULL) goto out; if (FAILED(StringCchPrintfExA(pCmd, CmdSize, &pch, NULL, 0, "%d,0,\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d\";EXIT;", iBCID, pDocument, pUserName, st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute))) goto out; WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, pCmd, (DWORD)(pch - pCmd)); goto done;
out: if (FAILED(StringCchPrintfExA(ch, sizeof ch, &pch, NULL, 0, "%d,0,\"Windows2000\",\"Kyocera\",\"\";EXIT;", iBCID))) goto done; WRITESPOOLBUF(pdevobj, ch, (DWORD)(pch - ch));
done: if (pCmd) MemFree(pCmd); if (pUserName) MemFree(pUserName); if (pDocument) MemFree(pDocument); if (pJobInfo) MemFree(pJobInfo);
break; }
return iRet; }