* Adobe Universal Font Library * * Copyright (c) 1996 Adobe Systems Inc. * All Rights Reserved * * UFO.c - Universal Font Object * * * $Header: */
#include "UFO.h"
#include "UFLMem.h"
#include "UFLErr.h"
#include "UFLStd.h"
#include "UFOCff.h"
#include "UFOTTT1.h"
#include "UFOTTT3.h"
#include "UFOT42.h"
#include "ParseTT.h"
* Private default methods used by UFO base class */ UFLErrCode UFODefaultVMNeeded( const UFOStruct *pUFObj, const UFLGlyphsInfo *pGlyphs, unsigned long *pVMNeeded, unsigned long *pFCNeeded ) { return kErrInvalidFontType; }
UFLErrCode UFODefaultUndefineFont( const UFOStruct *pUFObj ) { return kErrInvalidFontType; }
void UFODefaultCleanUp( UFOStruct *pUFObj ) { }
UFLErrCode UFODefaultDownloadIncr( const UFOStruct *pUFObj, const UFLGlyphsInfo *pGlyphs, unsigned long *pVMUsage, unsigned long *pFCUsage ) { return kErrInvalidFontType; }
UFOStruct * UFODefaultCopy( UFOStruct *pUFObj ) { return nil; }
* Public methods */ void UFOInitData( UFOStruct *pUFObj, int ufoType, const UFLMemObj *pMem, const UFLStruct *pSession, const UFLRequest *pRequest, pfnUFODownloadIncr pfnDownloadIncr, pfnUFOVMNeeded pfnVMNeeded, pfnUFOUndefineFont pfnUndefineFont, pfnUFOCleanUp pfnCleanUp, pfnUFOCopy pfnCopy ) { short sNameLen = 0; short sEncodeLen = 0;
* Initialize basic fields */ pUFObj->ufoType = ufoType; pUFObj->flState = kFontCreated; pUFObj->lProcsetResID = 0; /* resource ID of the required procset */ pUFObj->dwFlags = 0; pUFObj->pMem = pMem; pUFObj->pUFL = pSession; /* the session handle returned by FTLInit */
pUFObj->pAFont = nil;
pUFObj->pUpdatedEncoding = nil;
pUFObj->pFData = nil; pUFObj->lNumNT4SymGlyphs = 0;
* Handle request data. */
pUFObj->lDownloadFormat = pRequest->lDownloadFormat; pUFObj->hClientData = pRequest->hData; pUFObj->subfontNumber = pRequest->subfontNumber;
* Allocate a buffer to hold both FontName and EncodeName. This will be * freed in UFOCleanUpData(). */ pUFObj->pszFontName = nil; pUFObj->pszEncodeName = nil;
if ((pRequest->pszFontName == nil) || (pRequest->pszFontName[0] == '\0')) return;
sNameLen = UFLstrlen(pRequest->pszFontName) + 1; /* Add extra 1 for NULL. */
if (pRequest->pszEncodeName) sEncodeLen = UFLstrlen(pRequest->pszEncodeName) + 1; /* Add extra 1 for NULL. */
pUFObj->pszFontName = (char *)UFLNewPtr(pUFObj->pMem, sNameLen + sEncodeLen);
if (pUFObj->pszFontName != nil) { StringCchCopyA(pUFObj->pszFontName, sNameLen / sizeof(char), pRequest->pszFontName);
if (pRequest->pszEncodeName) { pUFObj->pszEncodeName = pUFObj->pszFontName + sNameLen; StringCchCopyA(pUFObj->pszEncodeName, sEncodeLen / sizeof(char), pRequest->pszEncodeName); } }
* If this flag is set to 1, then UFL will use the name passed in without * parsing 'post' table. */ pUFObj->useMyGlyphName = pRequest->useMyGlyphName;
* The buffer that contains MacGlyphNameList are locked all the time. * The containt in that buffer will not be changed. So, we do'nt need to * copy the data to the private UFL buffer. */ if (pRequest->pMacGlyphNameList) pUFObj->pMacGlyphNameList = pRequest->pMacGlyphNameList; else pUFObj->pMacGlyphNameList = nil;
/* Fix bug 274008 */ if (pRequest->pEncodeNameList && pRequest->pwCommonEncode && pRequest->pwExtendEncode) { /*
* The glyph handles are in ANSI codepage order or other standard * codepage order (1250, 1251, ... 1257). The buffer that contains * EncodeNameList and CommonEncode are locked all the time. * The containt in that buffer will not be changed. So, we do'nt need * to copy the data to the private UFL buffer. */ pUFObj->pEncodeNameList = pRequest->pEncodeNameList; pUFObj->pwCommonEncode = pRequest->pwCommonEncode; pUFObj->pwExtendEncode = pRequest->pwExtendEncode; } else { pUFObj->pEncodeNameList = nil; pUFObj->pwCommonEncode = nil; pUFObj->pwExtendEncode = nil; }
/* Fix #387084, #309104, and #309482. */ pUFObj->vpfinfo = pRequest->vpfinfo;
/* %hostfont% support */ pUFObj->hHostFontData = pRequest->hHostFontData;
/* Fix #341904 */ pUFObj->bPatchQXPCFFCID = pRequest->bPatchQXPCFFCID;
* Initialize method pointers. */ if (pfnDownloadIncr == nil) pUFObj->pfnDownloadIncr = (pfnUFODownloadIncr)UFODefaultDownloadIncr; else pUFObj->pfnDownloadIncr = pfnDownloadIncr;
if (pfnVMNeeded == nil) pUFObj->pfnVMNeeded = (pfnUFOVMNeeded)UFODefaultVMNeeded; else pUFObj->pfnVMNeeded = pfnVMNeeded;
if (pfnUndefineFont == nil) pUFObj->pfnUndefineFont = (pfnUFOUndefineFont)UFODefaultUndefineFont; else pUFObj->pfnUndefineFont = pfnUndefineFont;
if (pfnCleanUp == nil) pUFObj->pfnCleanUp = (pfnUFOCleanUp)UFODefaultCleanUp; else pUFObj->pfnCleanUp = pfnCleanUp;
if (pfnCopy == nil) pUFObj->pfnCopy = (pfnUFOCopy)UFODefaultCopy; else pUFObj->pfnCopy = pfnCopy; }
void UFOCleanUpData( UFOStruct *pUFObj ) { /* Free data that is NOT shared */ if (pUFObj->pszFontName) { UFLDeletePtr(pUFObj->pMem, pUFObj->pszFontName); pUFObj->pszFontName = nil; }
if (pUFObj->pUpdatedEncoding) { UFLDeletePtr(pUFObj->pMem, pUFObj->pUpdatedEncoding); pUFObj->pUpdatedEncoding = nil; } }
UFLBool bUFOTestRestricted( const UFLMemObj *pMem, const UFLStruct *pSession, const UFLRequest *pRequest ) { UFLBool bRetVal = 0; UFOStruct *pUFObj = CFFFontInit(pMem, pSession, pRequest, &bRetVal);
if (pUFObj) UFOCleanUp(pUFObj);
return bRetVal; }
UFOStruct * UFOInit( const UFLMemObj *pMem, const UFLStruct *pSession, const UFLRequest *pRequest ) { UFOStruct *pUFObj = nil;
switch (pRequest->lDownloadFormat) { case kCFF: case kCFFCID_H: case kCFFCID_V: if (!bUFOTestRestricted(pMem, pSession, pRequest)) pUFObj = CFFFontInit(pMem, pSession, pRequest, nil); break;
case kTTType1: /* TT Font in Type 1 format */ pUFObj = TTT1FontInit(pMem, pSession, pRequest); break;
case kTTType3: /* TT Font in Type 3 format */ case kTTType332: /* TT Font in Type 3/32 combo */ pUFObj = TTT3FontInit(pMem, pSession, pRequest); break;
case kTTType42: /* TT Font in Type 42 format */ case kTTType42CID_H: /* TT Font in CID Type 42 format H */ case kTTType42CID_V: /* TT Font in CID Type 42 format V */ case kTTType42CID_Resource_H: /* TT Font: create CIDFont Resource only, no composefont */ case kTTType42CID_Resource_V: /* TT Font: create CIDFont Resource only, no composefont */ pUFObj = T42FontInit(pMem, pSession, pRequest); break;
default: pUFObj = nil; }
return pUFObj; }
void UFOCleanUp( UFOStruct *pUFObj ) { /* Free data that is NOT shared. */ UFOCleanUpData(pUFObj);
/* Free data that is Shared: decrease refCount or really free buffers. */ vDeleteFont(pUFObj);
/* Finally Free the UFOStruct itself. */ UFLDeletePtr(pUFObj->pMem, pUFObj); }
UFLErrCode UFODownloadIncr( const UFOStruct *pUFObj, const UFLGlyphsInfo *pGlyphs, unsigned long *pVMUsage, unsigned long *pFCUsage ) { return pUFObj->pfnDownloadIncr(pUFObj, pGlyphs, pVMUsage, pFCUsage); }
UFLErrCode UFOVMNeeded( const UFOStruct *pUFObj, const UFLGlyphsInfo *pGlyphs, unsigned long *pVMNeeded, unsigned long *pFCNeeded ) { return pUFObj->pfnVMNeeded(pUFObj, pGlyphs, pVMNeeded, pFCNeeded); }
UFLErrCode UFOUndefineFont( const UFOStruct *pUFObj ) { return pUFObj->pfnUndefineFont(pUFObj); }
UFOStruct * UFOCopyFont( const UFOStruct *pUFObj, const UFLRequest* pRequest ) { return pUFObj->pfnCopy(pUFObj, pRequest); }
UFLErrCode UFOGIDsToCIDs( const UFOStruct *pUFO, const short cGlyphs, const UFLGlyphID *pGIDs, unsigned short *pCIDs ) { CFFFontStruct *pFont = (CFFFontStruct *)pUFO->pAFont->hFont; UFLErrCode retVal = kErrInvalidFontType;
if ((pUFO->lDownloadFormat == kCFFCID_H) || (pUFO->lDownloadFormat == kCFFCID_V)) retVal = CFFGIDsToCIDs(pFont, cGlyphs, pGIDs, pCIDs);
return retVal; }
UFLBool FindGlyphName( UFOStruct *pUFObj, const UFLGlyphsInfo *pGlyphs, short i, /* ANSI index */ unsigned short wIndex, /* Glyph Index */ char **pGoodName )
return value: 0 -- Can not find a good glyph name, using /Gxxxx. xxxx is a glyph id or predefined number(00-FF). 1 -- Find a good glyph name --*/
{ char *pHintName = nil; UFLBool bGoodName = 0; /* GoodName */
if (pUFObj->useMyGlyphName && pGlyphs->ppGlyphNames) pHintName = (char *)pGlyphs->ppGlyphNames[i];
if (pUFObj->useMyGlyphName && pHintName != nil) *pGoodName = pHintName;
* Fix bug 274008 Get CharName from pre-defined table. This is only for * DownloadFace. */ else if (pUFObj->pEncodeNameList && (i < 256)) { /* Fix bug 274008 */ char **pIndexTable = (char **)(pUFObj->pEncodeNameList);
if (i < 128) *pGoodName = pIndexTable[pUFObj->pwCommonEncode[i]]; else *pGoodName = pIndexTable[pUFObj->pwExtendEncode[i - 128]];
bGoodName = 1; /* GoodName */ } else { /* GoodName */ *pGoodName = GetGlyphName(pUFObj, wIndex, pHintName, &bGoodName);
if (!bGoodName && !(pGlyphs->pCode && pGlyphs->pCode[i])) { unsigned short unicode;
* If GDI passes UV to the driver, we will use /gDDDDD as name and * add a hint to G2Udict. Otherwise, Parse CMAP table for unicode. */ if (ParseTTTablesForUnicode(pUFObj, wIndex, &unicode, 1, DTT_parseCmapOnly)) { // Fixed bug #516516. Now the buffer size is MAX_GLYPHNAME_LEN (256)
char *gGlyphName = pUFObj->pAFont->gGlyphName;
UFLsprintf(gGlyphName, CCHOF(pUFObj->pAFont->gGlyphName), "uni%04X", unicode); *pGoodName = gGlyphName; bGoodName = 1; } } }
return bGoodName; /* GoodName */ }
* this function actually generates some PostScript that updates endocing * vector for entries from sStart to sEnd - 1. */ UFLErrCode UpdateEncodingVector( UFOStruct *pUFObj, const UFLGlyphsInfo *pGlyphs, short int sStart, short int sEnd ) { const static char encodingBegin[] = " findfont /Encoding get"; const static char encodingEnd[] = "pop";
UFLHANDLE stream = pUFObj->pUFL->hOut; UFLErrCode retVal = kNoErr; short i;
* both start and end must be in the range of 0 to sCount. */ if ((sStart < 0) || (sEnd > pGlyphs->sCount) || (sStart >= sEnd)) return kErrInvalidArg;
retVal = StrmPutString(stream, "/"); if (kNoErr == retVal) retVal = StrmPutString(stream, pUFObj->pszFontName); if (kNoErr == retVal) retVal = StrmPutStringEOL(stream, encodingBegin);
for (i = sStart; (retVal == kNoErr) && (i < sEnd); ++i) { if ((0 == pUFObj->pUFL->bDLGlyphTracking) || (pGlyphs->pCharIndex == nil) || !IS_GLYPH_SENT(pUFObj->pUpdatedEncoding, pGlyphs->pCharIndex[i])) { char *pGoodName; char buf[16]; unsigned short wIndex = (unsigned short)(pGlyphs->pGlyphIndices[i] & 0x0000FFFF); /* LOWord is the GID. */
FindGlyphName(pUFObj, pGlyphs, i, wIndex, &pGoodName);
if (pGlyphs->pCharIndex) UFLsprintf(buf, CCHOF(buf), "dup %d /", pGlyphs->pCharIndex[i]); else UFLsprintf(buf, CCHOF(buf), "dup %d /", i);
retVal = StrmPutString(stream, buf); if (retVal == kNoErr) retVal = StrmPutString(stream, pGoodName); if (retVal == kNoErr) retVal = StrmPutStringEOL(stream, " put");
if ((retVal == kNoErr) && pGlyphs->pCharIndex) SET_GLYPH_SENT_STATUS(pUFObj->pUpdatedEncoding, pGlyphs->pCharIndex[i]); } }
if (kNoErr == retVal) retVal = StrmPutStringEOL(stream, encodingEnd);
return retVal; }
UFLErrCode UpdateCodeInfo( UFOStruct *pUFObj, const UFLGlyphsInfo *pGlyphs, UFLBool bT3T32Font ) { UFLHANDLE stream = pUFObj->pUFL->hOut; UFLGlyphID *glyphs = pGlyphs->pGlyphIndices; UFLErrCode retVal = kNoErr; UFLBool bHeaderSent = 0; /* GoodName */ UFLBool bUniCodeCmap = 0; UFLBool bCheckCmap = 0; char glyphNameID[64], strmbuf[256]; short i;
if (GetTablesFromTTFont(pUFObj)) bUniCodeCmap = TTcmap_IS_UNICODE(pUFObj->pAFont->cmapFormat);
if ((pGlyphs->pCode && bUniCodeCmap) || (pGlyphs->pCode == NULL)) bCheckCmap = 1;
if (pGlyphs->pCode) bUniCodeCmap = 1;
for (i = 0; (retVal == kNoErr) && (i < pGlyphs->sCount); ++i) { unsigned short unicode = 0; /* GoodName */ unsigned short wIndex = (unsigned short)(glyphs[i] & 0x0000FFFF); /* LOWord is the GlyphID. */
if (wIndex >= UFO_NUM_GLYPHS(pUFObj)) continue;
if (IS_GLYPH_SENT( pUFObj->pAFont->pCodeGlyphs, wIndex)) continue;
if (IS_TYPE42CID(pUFObj->lDownloadFormat) || IS_CFFCID(pUFObj->lDownloadFormat)) { UFLsprintf(glyphNameID, CCHOF(glyphNameID), "%d ", wIndex);
if (pGlyphs->pCode && pGlyphs->pCode[i]) unicode = pGlyphs->pCode[i]; else if (bCheckCmap) ParseTTTablesForUnicode(pUFObj, wIndex, &unicode, 1, DTT_parseAllTables); } else { char *pGoodName;
FindGlyphName(pUFObj, pGlyphs, i, wIndex, &pGoodName);
UFLsprintf(glyphNameID, CCHOF(glyphNameID), "/%s ", pGoodName);
if (pGlyphs->pCode && pGlyphs->pCode[i]) unicode = pGlyphs->pCode[i]; else if (bCheckCmap) { if (bUniCodeCmap) ParseTTTablesForUnicode(pUFObj, wIndex, &unicode, 1, DTT_parseMoreGSUBOnly); else ParseTTTablesForUnicode(pUFObj, wIndex, &unicode, 1, DTT_parseAllTables); } }
if (unicode && !bHeaderSent) { bHeaderSent = 1;
* Output "/FontName /Font" or "/CIDFontResource /CIDFont" */ if (IS_TYPE42CID(pUFObj->lDownloadFormat)) { /*
* If CID-keyed font, then append "CID" to the CIDFont name. */ if (IS_TYPE42CID_KEYEDFONT(pUFObj->lDownloadFormat)) { T42FontStruct *pFont = (T42FontStruct *)pUFObj->pAFont->hFont; UFLsprintf(strmbuf, CCHOF(strmbuf), " /%s%s", pFont->info.CIDFontName, gcidSuffix[0]); } else { UFLsprintf(strmbuf, CCHOF(strmbuf), " /%s", pUFObj->pszFontName); }
if (kNoErr == retVal) retVal = StrmPutString(stream, strmbuf);
if (kNoErr == retVal) retVal = StrmPutString(stream, " /CIDFont"); } else if (IS_CFFCID(pUFObj->lDownloadFormat)) { CFFFontStruct *pFont = (CFFFontStruct *)pUFObj->pAFont->hFont;
if (pFont->info.type1) UFLsprintf(strmbuf, CCHOF(strmbuf), "/%s", pFont->info.baseName); else { /* Reuse vifinfo.nPlatformID to fix #507985. */ if (pUFObj->vpfinfo.nPlatformID == kUFLVPFPlatformID9x) { if (pUFObj->lDownloadFormat == kCFFCID_H) UFLsprintf(strmbuf, CCHOF(strmbuf), "/%s%s", CFFPREFIX_H, pFont->info.baseName); else UFLsprintf(strmbuf, CCHOF(strmbuf), "/%s%s", CFFPREFIX_V, pFont->info.baseName); } else UFLsprintf(strmbuf, CCHOF(strmbuf), "/%s%s", CFFPREFIX, pFont->info.baseName); }
if (kNoErr == retVal) retVal = StrmPutString(stream, strmbuf);
if (kNoErr == retVal) retVal = StrmPutString(stream, " /CIDFont"); } else { if (bT3T32Font) /* GoodName */ StrmPutStringEOL(stream, "Is2016andT32? not {");
UFLsprintf(strmbuf, CCHOF(strmbuf), " /%s", pUFObj->pszFontName); if (kNoErr == retVal) retVal = StrmPutString(stream, strmbuf);
if (kNoErr == retVal) retVal = StrmPutString(stream, " /Font"); }
if (kNoErr == retVal) { if (bUniCodeCmap) retVal = StrmPutStringEOL(stream, " G2UBegin"); else { retVal = StrmPutStringEOL(stream, " G2CCBegin"); if (pUFObj && pUFObj->pAFont) { if (TTcmap_IS_J_CMAP(pUFObj->pAFont->cmapFormat)) retVal = StrmPutStringEOL(stream, "/WinCharSet 128 def"); else if (TTcmap_IS_CS_CMAP(pUFObj->pAFont->cmapFormat)) retVal = StrmPutStringEOL(stream, "/WinCharSet 134 def"); else if (TTcmap_IS_CT_CMAP(pUFObj->pAFont->cmapFormat)) retVal = StrmPutStringEOL(stream, "/WinCharSet 136 def"); else if (TTcmap_IS_K_CMAP(pUFObj->pAFont->cmapFormat)) retVal = StrmPutStringEOL(stream, "/WinCharSet 129 def"); } } } }
if (unicode) { if (retVal == kNoErr) retVal = StrmPutString(stream, glyphNameID);
* support only one CodePoint per glyph. */ UFLsprintf(strmbuf, CCHOF(strmbuf), "<%04X> def", unicode); if (kNoErr == retVal) retVal = StrmPutStringEOL(stream, strmbuf);
SET_GLYPH_SENT_STATUS(pUFObj->pAFont->pCodeGlyphs, wIndex); } }
if ((kNoErr == retVal) && bHeaderSent) { retVal = StrmPutStringEOL(stream, "G2UEnd"); /* end for UV or CC */
if (bT3T32Font) /* GoodName */ StrmPutStringEOL(stream, "} if"); }
return retVal; }
UFLErrCode ReEncodePSFont( const UFOStruct *pUFObj, const char *pszNewFontName, const char *pszNewEncodingName ) { const static char copyFontBegin[] = " findfont dup maxlength dict begin " "{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall"; const static char copyFontEnd[] = " currentdict end definefont pop";
UFLHANDLE stream = pUFObj->pUFL->hOut; UFLErrCode retVal = kNoErr;
retVal = StrmPutString(stream, "/"); if (kNoErr == retVal) retVal = StrmPutString(stream, pszNewFontName);
if (kNoErr == retVal) retVal = StrmPutString(stream, "/");
if (kNoErr == retVal) retVal = StrmPutString(stream, pUFObj->pszFontName);
if (kNoErr == retVal) retVal = StrmPutStringEOL(stream, copyFontBegin);
* Put a new encoding vectory here. */ if (kNoErr == retVal) retVal = StrmPutString(stream, "/Encoding ");
if (kNoErr == retVal) { if (pszNewEncodingName == nil) retVal = StrmPutString(stream, gnotdefArray); else retVal = StrmPutString(stream, pszNewEncodingName); }
if (retVal == kNoErr) retVal = StrmPutStringEOL(stream, " def");
if (kNoErr == retVal) retVal = StrmPutStringEOL(stream, copyFontEnd);
return retVal; }
UFLErrCode RecomposefontCIDFont( const UFOStruct *pUFOSrc, UFOStruct *pUFObj ) { char *pHostFontName; UFLErrCode retVal;
HostFontValidateUFO(pUFObj, &pHostFontName);
if (IS_TYPE42CID_KEYEDFONT(pUFObj->lDownloadFormat)) retVal = T42CreateBaseFont(pUFObj, nil, nil, 0, pHostFontName); else retVal = CFFCreateBaseFont(pUFObj, nil, nil, pHostFontName);
return retVal; }
UFLErrCode NewFont( UFOStruct *pUFObj, unsigned long dwSize, const long cGlyphs ) { UFLErrCode retVal = kNoErr;
if (pUFObj->pAFont == nil) { retVal = kErrOutOfMemory;
pUFObj->pAFont = (AFontStruct*)(UFOHandle)UFLNewPtr(pUFObj->pMem, sizeof (AFontStruct));
if (pUFObj->pAFont) { pUFObj->pAFont->hFont = (UFOHandle)UFLNewPtr(pUFObj->pMem, dwSize);
if (pUFObj->pAFont->hFont) { /*
* Allocate the space for both pDownloadedGlyphs, pVMGlyphs and * pCodeGlyphs at the same time. */ pUFObj->pAFont->pDownloadedGlyphs = (unsigned char*)UFLNewPtr(pUFObj->pMem, GLYPH_SENT_BUFSIZE(cGlyphs) * 3);
if (pUFObj->pAFont->pDownloadedGlyphs != nil) { retVal = kNoErr;
* Initialize this array - currently nothing is downloaded. */ pUFObj->pAFont->pVMGlyphs = (unsigned char*)pUFObj->pAFont->pDownloadedGlyphs + GLYPH_SENT_BUFSIZE(cGlyphs);
pUFObj->pAFont->pCodeGlyphs = (unsigned char*)(unsigned char*)pUFObj->pAFont->pVMGlyphs + GLYPH_SENT_BUFSIZE(cGlyphs); } else { UFLDeletePtr(pUFObj->pMem, pUFObj->pAFont->hFont); UFLDeletePtr(pUFObj->pMem, pUFObj->pAFont); pUFObj->pAFont = nil; } } else { UFLDeletePtr(pUFObj->pMem, pUFObj->pAFont); pUFObj->pAFont = nil; } } }
if (pUFObj->pAFont != nil) AFONT_AddRef(pUFObj->pAFont);
return retVal; }
void vDeleteFont( UFOStruct *pUFObj ) { if (pUFObj->pAFont != nil) { /*
* Decrease RefCount. */ AFONT_Release(pUFObj->pAFont);
if (AFONT_RefCount(pUFObj->pAFont) == 0) { /*
* Free format (Type1/3/42/cff) dependent shared data. */ pUFObj->pfnCleanUp(pUFObj);
* Free Common shared data. */ if (pUFObj->pAFont->hFont) UFLDeletePtr(pUFObj->pMem, pUFObj->pAFont->hFont);
if (pUFObj->pAFont->Xuid.pXUID) UFLDeletePtr(pUFObj->pMem, pUFObj->pAFont->Xuid.pXUID);
if (pUFObj->pAFont->pDownloadedGlyphs) UFLDeletePtr(pUFObj->pMem, pUFObj->pAFont->pDownloadedGlyphs);
if (pUFObj->pAFont->pTTpost) UFLDeletePtr(pUFObj->pMem, pUFObj->pAFont->pTTpost);
/* GOODNAME */ if (pUFObj->pAFont->pTTcmap && pUFObj->pAFont->hascmap) UFLDeletePtr(pUFObj->pMem, pUFObj->pAFont->pTTcmap);
if (pUFObj->pAFont->pTTmort && pUFObj->pAFont->hasmort) UFLDeletePtr(pUFObj->pMem, pUFObj->pAFont->pTTmort);
if (pUFObj->pAFont->pTTGSUB && pUFObj->pAFont->hasGSUB) UFLDeletePtr(pUFObj->pMem, pUFObj->pAFont->pTTGSUB); /* GOODNAME */
UFLDeletePtr(pUFObj->pMem, pUFObj->pAFont); pUFObj->pAFont = nil; } } }
UFOStruct * CopyFont( const UFOStruct *pUFObjFrom, const UFLRequest* pRequest ) { UFLErrCode retVal = kNoErr; short sNameLen = 0; short sEncodeLen = 0; const char *pszNewFontName = pRequest->pszFontName; const char *pszNewEncodingName = pRequest->pszEncodeName; long fontStructSize, maxGlyphs; UFOStruct *pUFObjTo;
* cannot/shouldnot copy a font if it is not created yet - prevent * "courier" in the way. */ if (pUFObjFrom->flState < kFontHeaderDownloaded) return nil;
if ((pszNewFontName == nil) || (pszNewFontName[0] == '\0')) return nil;
* Determine downloaded font type. */ switch (pUFObjFrom->ufoType) { case UFO_CFF: fontStructSize = sizeof (CFFFontStruct); maxGlyphs = ((CFFFontStruct *)pUFObjFrom->pAFont->hFont)->info.fData.maxGlyphs; break;
case UFO_TYPE1: fontStructSize = sizeof (TTT1FontStruct); maxGlyphs = ((TTT1FontStruct *)pUFObjFrom->pAFont->hFont)->info.fData.maxGlyphs; break;
case UFO_TYPE42: fontStructSize = sizeof (T42FontStruct); maxGlyphs = ((T42FontStruct *)pUFObjFrom->pAFont->hFont)->info.fData.maxGlyphs; break;
case UFO_TYPE3: fontStructSize = sizeof (TTT3FontStruct); maxGlyphs = ((TTT3FontStruct *)pUFObjFrom->pAFont->hFont)->info.fData.maxGlyphs; break;
default: return nil; }
* Allocate memory for the UFOStruct, and... */ pUFObjTo = (UFOStruct *)UFLNewPtr(pUFObjFrom->pMem, sizeof (UFOStruct));
if (pUFObjTo == 0) return nil;
* ...do a shallow copy on UFOStruct level. */ memcpy(pUFObjTo, pUFObjFrom, sizeof (UFOStruct));
* This NewFont does AddRef only. */ if (NewFont(pUFObjTo, fontStructSize, maxGlyphs) != kNoErr) { /* This vDeleteFont does Release only. */ vDeleteFont(pUFObjTo);
UFLDeletePtr(pUFObjTo->pMem, pUFObjTo);
return nil; }
* Now allocate for non-shared data. */
pUFObjTo->pszFontName = nil; pUFObjTo->pszEncodeName = nil; pUFObjTo->pUpdatedEncoding = nil;
* Allocate a buffer to hold both FontName and EncodeName. They will be * freed in UFOCleanUpData(). */ sNameLen = UFLstrlen(pszNewFontName) + 1; /* Extra 1 for NULL. */
if (pszNewEncodingName) sEncodeLen = UFLstrlen(pszNewEncodingName) + 1;
pUFObjTo->pszFontName = (char *)UFLNewPtr(pUFObjTo->pMem, sNameLen + sEncodeLen);
if (pUFObjTo->pszFontName != nil) { StringCchCopyA(pUFObjTo->pszFontName, sNameLen / sizeof(char), pszNewFontName);
if (pszNewEncodingName) { pUFObjTo->pszEncodeName = pUFObjTo->pszFontName + sNameLen; StringCchCopyA(pUFObjTo->pszEncodeName, sEncodeLen / sizeof(char), pszNewEncodingName); } }
/* pszFontName should be ready/allocated - if not, cannot continue. */
if ((pUFObjTo->pszFontName == nil) || (pUFObjTo->pszFontName[0] == '\0')) { /* This vDeleteFont does Release only. */ vDeleteFont(pUFObjTo);
UFLDeletePtr(pUFObjTo->pMem, pUFObjTo->pszFontName); UFLDeletePtr(pUFObjTo->pMem, pUFObjTo);
return nil; }
* BUT we need different EncodingVector for this newNamed copy if we need * to update it. */ if ((pUFObjTo->pszEncodeName == nil) || (pUFObjTo->pszEncodeName[0] == '\0')) { pUFObjTo->pUpdatedEncoding = (unsigned char *)UFLNewPtr(pUFObjTo->pMem, GLYPH_SENT_BUFSIZE(256)); } else { /* The encoding is supplied and so are the glyph/char names later. */ pUFObjTo->pUpdatedEncoding = nil; }
* Client's private data should be non-shared. */ pUFObjTo->hClientData = pRequest->hData;
* Setup Type 42 and CFF CID specific non-shared data. */ if (IS_TYPE42CID_KEYEDFONT(pRequest->lDownloadFormat) || IS_CFFCID(pRequest->lDownloadFormat)) { pUFObjTo->lDownloadFormat = pRequest->lDownloadFormat;
if (IS_CFFCID(pRequest->lDownloadFormat)) { /*
* Need one more deeper level copy. */ CFFFontStruct *pFont = (CFFFontStruct *)UFLNewPtr(pUFObjTo->pMem, sizeof (CFFFontStruct));
if (pFont) { /*
* Copy from the From CFFFontStruct object. This is a shared * object. */ *pFont = *((CFFFontStruct *)pUFObjFrom->pAFont->hFont);
* Initialization of UFLCFFFontInfo.ppFontData field is * necessary. Note that on this request only, UFLRequest.hFontInfo has the value for the field. */ pFont->info.ppFontData = (void PTR_PREFIX **)pRequest->hFontInfo;
* Set this object to its UFO object. */ pUFObjTo->pAFont->hFont = (UFOHandle)pFont; } else { /* This vDeleteFont does Release only. */ vDeleteFont(pUFObjTo);
if (pFont) UFLDeletePtr(pUFObjTo->pMem, pFont);
if (pUFObjTo->pszEncodeName) UFLDeletePtr(pUFObjTo->pMem, pUFObjTo->pszEncodeName);
UFLDeletePtr(pUFObjTo->pMem, pUFObjTo->pszFontName); UFLDeletePtr(pUFObjTo->pMem, pUFObjTo);
return nil; } }
* Put this UFO object into a special font initialization state * kFontInit2. */ pUFObjTo->flState = kFontInit2; }
* Reencode the font, or re-composefont a CID-keyed font in different * writing direction. */ if (IS_TYPE42CID_KEYEDFONT(pRequest->lDownloadFormat) || IS_CFFCID(pRequest->lDownloadFormat)) retVal = RecomposefontCIDFont(pUFObjFrom, pUFObjTo); else retVal = ReEncodePSFont(pUFObjFrom, pUFObjTo->pszFontName, pUFObjTo->pszEncodeName);
if (kNoErr != retVal) { /* This vDeleteFont does Release only. */ vDeleteFont(pUFObjTo);
if (IS_CFFCID(pRequest->lDownloadFormat)) UFLDeletePtr(pUFObjTo->pMem, pUFObjTo->pAFont->hFont);
if (pUFObjTo->pUpdatedEncoding) UFLDeletePtr(pUFObjTo->pMem, pUFObjTo->pUpdatedEncoding);
UFLDeletePtr(pUFObjTo->pMem, pUFObjTo->pszFontName); UFLDeletePtr(pUFObjTo->pMem, pUFObjTo);
pUFObjTo = nil; }
return pUFObjTo; }
void VSetNumGlyphs( UFOStruct *pUFO, unsigned long cNumGlyphs ) { TTT1FontStruct *pFont = (TTT1FontStruct *) pUFO->pAFont->hFont;
pFont->info.fData.cNumGlyphs = cNumGlyphs;
return; }
/* Fix bug 274008 */ UFLBool ValidGlyphName( const UFLGlyphsInfo *pGlyphs, short i, /* ANSI index */ unsigned short wIndex, /* Glyph Index */ char *pGoodName ) { UFLGlyphID *glyphs = pGlyphs->pGlyphIndices;
if (i < pGlyphs->sCount) { if (UFLstrcmp(pGoodName, Notdef) == 0) { if (wIndex != (unsigned short)(glyphs[0] & 0x0000FFFF)) return 0; } else if (UFLstrcmp(pGoodName, UFLSpace) == 0) { if (wIndex != (unsigned short)(glyphs[0x20] & 0x0000FFFF)) return 0; } else if (UFLstrcmp(pGoodName, Hyphen) == 0) { if (wIndex != (unsigned short)(glyphs[0x2d] & 0x0000FFFF)) return 0; } else if (UFLstrcmp(pGoodName, Bullet) == 0) { if (wIndex != (unsigned short)(glyphs[0x95] & 0x0000FFFF)) return 0; } } return true; }
UFLBool HostFontValidateUFO( UFOStruct *pUFObj, char **ppHostFontName ) { /*
* Check %hostfont% status. * %hostfont% printing is allowed when its PostScript font name * (PlatformID x/NameID 6) string in 'name' table is available. */ UFLBool bResult = 0; unsigned long ulSize;
if (ppHostFontName == nil) { HOSTFONT_INVALIDATE_UFO(pUFObj); return 0; }
if (HOSTFONT_IS_VALID_UFO_HFDH(pUFObj)) { if (pUFObj->ufoType == UFO_TYPE42) bResult = HOSTFONT_GETNAME(pUFObj, ppHostFontName, &ulSize, pUFObj->pFData->fontIndex); else bResult = HOSTFONT_GETNAME(pUFObj, ppHostFontName, &ulSize, 0);
if (bResult) bResult = HOSTFONT_ISALLOWED(pUFObj, *ppHostFontName);
return bResult; }