Copyright (c) 1990-2003 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the Plotter driver's Enable and Disable functions and related routines.
The functions dealing with driver initialization are as follows:
DrvEnableDriver() DrvEnablePDEV() DrvResetPDEV() DrvCompletePDEV() DrvEnableSurface() DrvDisableSurface() DrvDisablePDEV() DrvDisableDriver()
12-Nov-1993 Fri 10:16:36 updated Move all #define related only to this function to here
15-Nov-1993 Mon 19:31:34 updated clean up / debugging information
05-Jan-1994 Wed 22:50:28 updated Move ColorMap's RGB pen color to local so that we only need array reference, it defined PenRGBColor as DWORD from RGB() macro
GDI Device Driver - Plotter.
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#define DBG_PLOTFILENAME DbgEnable
#define DBG_ENABLEDRV 0x00000001
#define DBG_DISABLEDRV 0x00000002
#define DBG_ENABLEPDEV 0x00000004
#define DBG_COMPLETEPDEV 0x00000008
#define DBG_DISABLEPDEV 0x00000010
#define DBG_ENABLESURF 0x00000020
#define DBG_DISABLESURF 0x00000040
#define DBG_GDICAPS 0x00000080
#define DBG_DEVCAPS 0x00000100
#define DBG_PENPAL 0x00000200
#define DBG_BAND 0x00000400
#define DBG_DLLINIT 0x00000800
#if DBG
TCHAR DebugDLLName[] = TEXT("PLOTTER"); #endif
#define FIXUP_PLOTGPC_PDATA(pd,ps,v) \
if (ps->v) {pd->v=(LPVOID)((LPBYTE)pd+((LPBYTE)(ps->v)-(LPBYTE)ps));}
// Local funtion prototypes.
BOOL CommonStartPDEV( PDEV *pPDev, DEVMODEW *pPlotDMIn, ULONG cPatterns, HSURF *phsurfPatterns, ULONG cjDevCaps, ULONG *pDevCaps, ULONG cjDevInfo, DEVINFO *pDevInfo );
// Define the table with the hooked function pointers. This table is passed
// back to the NT graphic engine at DrvEnableDriver time. From then on GDI
// will call our driver via these supplied hook procs.
static const DRVFN DrvFuncTable[] = {
{ INDEX_DrvDisableDriver, (PFN)DrvDisableDriver }, { INDEX_DrvEnablePDEV, (PFN)DrvEnablePDEV }, { INDEX_DrvResetPDEV, (PFN)DrvResetPDEV }, { INDEX_DrvCompletePDEV, (PFN)DrvCompletePDEV }, { INDEX_DrvDisablePDEV, (PFN)DrvDisablePDEV }, { INDEX_DrvEnableSurface, (PFN)DrvEnableSurface }, { INDEX_DrvDisableSurface, (PFN)DrvDisableSurface },
// { INDEX_DrvQueryFont, (PFN)DrvQueryFont },
// { INDEX_DrvQueryFontTree, (PFN)DrvQueryFontTree },
// { INDEX_DrvQueryFontData, (PFN)DrvQueryFontData },
{ INDEX_DrvStrokePath, (PFN)DrvStrokePath }, { INDEX_DrvStrokeAndFillPath, (PFN)DrvStrokeAndFillPath }, { INDEX_DrvFillPath, (PFN)DrvFillPath }, { INDEX_DrvRealizeBrush, (PFN)DrvRealizeBrush }, { INDEX_DrvBitBlt, (PFN)DrvBitBlt }, { INDEX_DrvStretchBlt, (PFN)DrvStretchBlt }, { INDEX_DrvCopyBits, (PFN)DrvCopyBits },
{ INDEX_DrvPaint, (PFN)DrvPaint }, { INDEX_DrvGetGlyphMode, (PFN)DrvGetGlyphMode }, { INDEX_DrvTextOut, (PFN)DrvTextOut }, { INDEX_DrvSendPage, (PFN)DrvSendPage }, { INDEX_DrvStartPage, (PFN)DrvStartPage }, { INDEX_DrvStartDoc, (PFN)DrvStartDoc }, { INDEX_DrvEndDoc, (PFN)DrvEndDoc },
{ INDEX_DrvEscape, (PFN)DrvEscape }, };
#define TOTAL_DRVFUNC (sizeof(DrvFuncTable)/sizeof(DrvFuncTable[0]))
HINSTANCE ghInstance;
BOOL DllMain( HANDLE hModule, ULONG ulReason, PCONTEXT pContext )
Routine Description:
DLL initialization procedure.
hModule - DLL instance handle ulReason - Reason for the call pContext - Pointer to context (not used by us)
Return Value:
TRUE if DLL is initialized successfully, FALSE otherwise.
{ switch (ulReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
ghInstance = hModule; break;
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL DrvQueryDriverInfo( DWORD dwMode, PVOID pBuffer, DWORD cbBuf, PDWORD pcbNeeded )
Routine Description:
Query driver information
dwMode - Specify the information being queried pBuffer - Points to output buffer cbBuf - Size of output buffer in bytes pcbNeeded - Return the expected size of output buffer
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ switch (dwMode) { case DRVQUERY_USERMODE:
PLOTASSERT(1, "DrvQueryDriverInfo: pcbNeeded [%08lx] is NULL", pcbNeeded != NULL, pcbNeeded); *pcbNeeded = sizeof(DWORD);
if (pBuffer == NULL || cbBuf < sizeof(DWORD)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return FALSE; }
*((PDWORD) pBuffer) = TRUE; return TRUE;
PLOTERR(("Unknown dwMode in DrvQueryDriverInfo: %d\n", dwMode)); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } }
BOOL DrvEnableDriver( ULONG iEngineVersion, ULONG cb, DRVENABLEDATA *pded )
Routine Description:
Requests the driver to fill in a structure containing recognized functions and other control information. One time initialization, such as semaphore allocation may be performed, but no device activity should happen. That is done when DrvEnablePDEV is called. This function is the only way the engine can determine what functions we supply to it.
iEngineVersion - The engine version which we run under
cb - total bytes in pded
pded - Pointer to the DRVENABLEDATA data structure
Return Value:
TRUE if sucssfully FALSE otherwise
01-Dec-1993 Wed 02:03:20 created
03-Mar-1994 Thu 10:04:30 updated Adding EngineVersion check to make sure ourself can run correctly.
Revision History:
{ PLOTDBG(DBG_ENABLEDRV, ("DrvEnableDriver: EngineVersion=%08lx, Request=%08lx", iEngineVersion, DDI_DRIVER_VERSION_NT4));
// Verify the Engine version is at least what we know we can work with.
// If its older, error out now, as we don't know what may happen.
if (iEngineVersion < DDI_DRIVER_VERSION_NT4) {
PLOTRIP(("DrvEnableDriver: EARLIER VERSION: EngineVersion(%08lx) < Request(%08lx)", iEngineVersion, DDI_DRIVER_VERSION_NT4));
SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_DRIVER_LEVEL); return(FALSE); }
// cb is a count of the number of bytes available in pded. It is not
// clear that there is any significant use of the engine version number.
// Returns TRUE if successfully enabled, otherwise FALSE.
// iEngineVersion is the engine version while DDI_DRIVER_VERSION is the
// driver version. So, unless we re-compile the driver and get a new
// version of driver, we can only stick with our version.
if (cb < sizeof(DRVENABLEDATA)) {
PLOTRIP(("DrvEnableDriver: cb=%ld, should be %ld\n", cb, sizeof(DRVENABLEDATA))); return(FALSE); }
pded->iDriverVersion = DDI_DRIVER_VERSION_NT4;
// Fill in the driver table returned to the engine. This table is used
// by GDI to call the rest of our functinos.
pded->c = TOTAL_DRVFUNC; pded->pdrvfn = (DRVFN *)DrvFuncTable;
// Initialize the GPC cache
return(TRUE); }
VOID DrvDisableDriver( VOID )
Routine Description:
Called just before the engine unloads the driver. Main purpose is to allow freeing of any resources obtained during the DrvEnableDriver() call.
Return Value:
01-Dec-1993 Wed 02:02:18 created
01-Feb-1994 Tue 22:03:03 updated Make sure we unload the cache.
Revision History:
{ DestroyCachedData();
PLOTDBG(DBG_DISABLEDRV, ("DrvDisableDriver: Done!!")); }
VOID FreeAllocMem( PPDEV pPDev )
Routine Description:
This function frees all the memory allocated during the lifetime of the PDEV.
pPDev - Our instance data
Return Value:
24-Oct-1995 Tue 16:28:35 created
Revision History:
{ //
// Free any memory allocated during PDEV initialization.
if (pPDev) {
if (pPDev->hPalDefault) {
EngDeletePalette(pPDev->hPalDefault); pPDev->hPalDefault = NULL; }
if (pDrvHTInfo = (PDRVHTINFO)(pPDev->pvDrvHTData)) {
if (pDrvHTInfo->pHTXB) {
LocalFree((HLOCAL)pDrvHTInfo->pHTXB); pDrvHTInfo->pHTXB = NULL; }
pPDev->pvDrvHTData = NULL; }
if (pPDev->pPenCache) {
LocalFree((HLOCAL)pPDev->pPenCache); pPDev->pPenCache = NULL; }
if (pPDev->pTransPosTable) {
LocalFree((HLOCAL)pPDev->pTransPosTable); pPDev->pTransPosTable = NULL; }
LocalFree((HLOCAL)pPDev); } }
DHPDEV DrvEnablePDEV( DEVMODEW *pPlotDMIn, PWSTR pwszLogAddr, ULONG cPatterns, HSURF *phsurfPatterns, ULONG cjDevCaps, ULONG *pDevCaps, ULONG cjDevInfo, DEVINFO *pDevInfo, HDEV hdev, PWSTR pwszDeviceName, HANDLE hDriver )
Routine Description:
Function called to let the driver create the data structures needed to support the device, and also to tell the engine about its capabilities. This is the stage where we find out exactly which device we are dealing with, and so we need to find out its capabilities.
pPlotDMIn - Pointer to the DEVMODE data structure
pwszLogAddr - pointer to the output location, (ie. LPT1
cPatterns - Count of pattern to be set in phsurfPatterns
phsurfPatterns - pointer to the standard pattern HSURF array
cjDevCaps - total size of pDevCaps pointed to.
pDevCaps - pointer to the device cap DWORDs
cjDevInfo - total size of pDevInfo pointed to
pDevInfo - pointer to the DEVINFO data structure
hdev - Handle to the logical device from the engine
pwszDeviceName - pointer to the plotter device name
hDriver - handle to this driver
Return Value:
DHPDEV if sucessful, NULL if failed
15-Dec-1993 Wed 21:04:40 updated Add cached mechanism for the PLOTGPC
14-Dec-1993 Tue 20:22:26 updated Update how the pen plotter data should work
23-Nov-1993 Tue 19:48:08 updated Clean up and using new devmode.c in ..\lib directory
17:30 on Mon 1 Apr 1991 Took skeletal code from RASDD printer driver
16-Jul-1996 Tue 13:59:15 updated Fix up the pData in the PLOTGPC/GPCVARSIZE structure, since the pointer is based on the cached GPC not the clone copy of it
Revision History:
PDRIVER_INFO_2 pDriverInfo = NULL; DWORD dwBytesNeeded;
pwszDataFile = EngGetPrinterDataFileName(hdev);
if (!GetPrinterDriver(hDriver, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, &dwBytesNeeded) && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER && (pDriverInfo = (PDRIVER_INFO_2)LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwBytesNeeded)) && GetPrinterDriver(hDriver, NULL, 2, (LPBYTE)pDriverInfo, dwBytesNeeded, &dwBytesNeeded)) { pwszDataFile = pDriverInfo->pDataFile; }
if (!pwszDataFile) {
PLOTRIP(("DrvEnablePDEV: pwszDataFile is NULL"));
} else if (!(pPlotGPC = GetCachedPlotGPC(pwszDataFile))) {
PLOTRIP(("DrvEnablePDEV: GetCachedPlotGPC(%ws) failed", pwszDataFile));
} else if (!(pPDev = (PPDEV)LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(PDEV) + sizeof(DRVHTINFO) + pPlotGPC->cjThis + pPlotGPC->SizeExtra))) {
// Free the cached pPlotGPC before we leave
PLOTRIP(("DrvEnablePDEV: LocalAlloc(PDEV + DRVHTINFO + pPlotGPC) failed."));
} else {
PLOTDBG(DBG_ENABLEPDEV,("EnablePDEV: PlotGPC data file=%ws", pwszDataFile));
// If we got the PDEV set the ID for later checking, also set the
// hPrinter so we can use it later
pPDev->pvDrvHTData = (LPVOID)((LPBYTE)pPDev + sizeof(PDEV)); pPDev->hPrinter = hDriver; pPDev->SizePDEV = sizeof(PDEV); pPDev->PDEVBegID = PDEV_BEG_ID; pPDev->PDEVEndID = PDEV_END_ID;
// We will get the PLOTGPC from the cach, the pPlotGPC is
// allocated by the ReadPlotGPCFromFile() using LocalAlloc().
// *** NOW we will Clone the cached pPlotGPC then un-cached it
pPDev->pPlotGPC = (PPLOTGPC)((LPBYTE)pPDev + sizeof (PDEV) + sizeof(DRVHTINFO));
CopyMemory(pPDev->pPlotGPC, pPlotGPC, pPlotGPC->cjThis + pPlotGPC->SizeExtra);
// 16-Jul-1996 Tue 13:59:15 updated
// Fix up the pData in the PLOTGPC/GPCVARSIZE structure, since the
// pointer is based on the cached GPC not the clone copy of it
FIXUP_PLOTGPC_PDATA(pPDev->pPlotGPC, pPlotGPC, InitString.pData); FIXUP_PLOTGPC_PDATA(pPDev->pPlotGPC, pPlotGPC, Forms.pData); FIXUP_PLOTGPC_PDATA(pPDev->pPlotGPC, pPlotGPC, Pens.pData);
// Now, depending on if its a pen/raster device, we will update
// the pen data.
PLOTASSERT(1, "Raster Plotter should not have PEN data [%08lx]", ((pPDev->pPlotGPC->Flags & PLOTF_RASTER) && (pPDev->pPlotGPC->Pens.pData == NULL)) || ((!(pPDev->pPlotGPC->Flags & PLOTF_RASTER)) && (pPDev->pPlotGPC->Pens.pData != NULL)), pPDev->pPlotGPC->Pens.pData);
// Read the data from the registry which defines device settings.
// The user may have modified the paper type loaded etc.
GetDefaultPlotterForm(pPDev->pPlotGPC, &(pPDev->CurPaper));
// Set the default Flags in case we did not update from the registry
if (IS_RASTER(pPDev)) {
// Raster devices do not need pen data
UpdateFromRegistry(hDriver, &(pPDev->pPlotGPC->ci), &(pPDev->pPlotGPC->DevicePelsDPI), &(pPDev->pPlotGPC->HTPatternSize), &(pPDev->CurPaper), &(pPDev->PPData), NULL, 0, NULL);
} else {
// The Pen plotter does not need ColorInfo, DevicePelsDPI and
// HTPatternSize
UpdateFromRegistry(hDriver, NULL, NULL, NULL, &(pPDev->CurPaper), &(pPDev->PPData), NULL, MAKELONG(0xFFFF, pPDev->pPlotGPC->MaxPens), (PPENDATA)pPDev->pPlotGPC->Pens.pData); }
// common code for DrvEnablePDEV and DrvResetPDEV
// we must first copy the device name to the pPDev->PlotDM
// then call the common code.
WCPYFIELDNAME(pPDev->PlotDM.dm.dmDeviceName, pwszDeviceName);
if (!CommonStartPDEV(pPDev, pPlotDMIn, cPatterns, phsurfPatterns, cjDevCaps, pDevCaps, cjDevInfo, pDevInfo)) {
FreeAllocMem(pPDev); pPDev = NULL;
} }
if (pDriverInfo) {
LocalFree((HLOCAL)pDriverInfo); }
return((DHPDEV)pPDev); }
BOOL DrvResetPDEV( DHPDEV dhpdevOld, DHPDEV dhpdevNew )
Routine Description:
Called when an application wishes to change the output style in the midst of a job. Typically this would be to change from portrait to landscape or vice versa. Any other sensible change is permitted.
dhpdevOld - the OLD pPDev which we returned in DrvEnablePDEV
dhpdevNew - the NEW pPDev which we returned in DrvEnablePDEV
Return Value:
23-Nov-1993 Tue 20:07:45 updated totaly re-write
17:30 on Mon 1 Apr 1991 Took skeletal code from RASDD printer driver
Revision History:
{ #define pPDevOld ((PDEV *) dhpdevOld)
#define pPDevNew ((PDEV *) dhpdevNew)
// Make sure we got the correct pPlotDMin for this pPDev
if ((pPDevOld->PlotDM.dm.dmDriverVersion != pPDevNew->PlotDM.dm.dmDriverVersion) || (wcscmp((LPWSTR)pPDevOld->PlotDM.dm.dmDeviceName, (LPWSTR)pPDevNew->PlotDM.dm.dmDeviceName))) {
PLOTERR(("DrvResetPDEV: Incompatible PLOTDEVMODE")); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return(FALSE); }
// We have nothing to carry over from old to new
#undef pPDevNew
#undef pPDevOld
VOID DrvCompletePDEV( DHPDEV dhpdev, HDEV hpdev )
Routine Description:
Called when the engine has completed installation of the physical device. Basically it provides the connection between the engine's hpdev and ours. Some functions require us to pass in the engines's hpdev, so we save it now in our pdev so that we can get to it later.
dhpdev - Returned from dhpdevCreatePDEV
hpdev - Engine's corresponding handle
Return Value:
01-Dec-1993 Wed 01:56:58 created
Revision History:
{ //
// Simply record the value in the PDEV we have allocated.
((PPDEV)dhpdev)->hpdev = hpdev;
VOID DrvDisablePDEV( DHPDEV dhpdev )
Routine Description:
Called when the engine has finished with this PDEV. Basically we throw away all connections etc. then free the memory.
dhpdev - OUR handle to the pdev
Return Value:
01-Dec-1993 Wed 01:55:43 created
Revision History:
{ #define pPDev ((PDEV *) dhpdev)
// Undo all that has been done with the PDEV. Basically this means
// freeing the memory we consumed.
PLOTDBG(DBG_DISABLEPDEV, ("DrvDisablePDEV: FreeAllocMem() completes"));
#undef pPDev
HSURF DrvEnableSurface( DHPDEV dhpdev )
Routine Description:
Function to create the physical drawing surface for the pdev that was created earlier. Since we don't really have a bitmap surface, all we do here is allocate the output buffer. This is typical for a Device Managed Surface. After this call completes succesfully, GDI can start drawing on our surface.
dhpdev - OUR handle to the pdev
Return Value:
HSURF for the surface we created
01-Dec-1993 Wed 01:47:36 created
10-Dec-1993 Fri 16:36:37 updated Move PlotCreatePalette() to here to prevent GP
16-Dec-1993 Thu 12:16:11 updated Move PlotCreatePalette() out to SendPageHeader() in output.c so that we do not sending some PC commands which has no effects.
06-Jan-1994 Thu 04:12:37 updated Re-arrange the code sequence. Adding Error codes so it will failed the call if engine said so.
Revision History:
{ #define pPDev ((PPDEV)dhpdev)
pDrvHTInfo = (PDRVHTINFO)(pPDev->pvDrvHTData);
// Make sure we delete this xlate table before we process the new
// surface
if (pDrvHTInfo->pHTXB) {
LocalFree((HLOCAL)pDrvHTInfo->pHTXB); pDrvHTInfo->pHTXB = NULL; }
pDrvHTInfo->Flags = 0; pDrvHTInfo->PalXlate[0] = 0xff; pDrvHTInfo->HTPalXor = HTPALXOR_SRCCOPY;
// Since output is expected to follow this call, allocate storage for the
// output buffer. This used to be statically allocated within the PDEV but
// now we can save that space for INFO type DCs, since CreateIC won't
// actually end up calling DrvEnableSurface.
if (!AllocOutBuffer(pPDev)) {
PLOTERR(("DrvEnableSurface: AllocOutBuffer() failed"));
return(NULL); }
// For now pass in my PDev pointer as the dhsurf value. If we actually
// need to pass back an hsurf to the engine later, We can use this value
// as a pointer to the hsurf value stored in our PDev.
SurfSize.cx = pPDev->HorzRes; SurfSize.cy = pPDev->VertRes;
if (!(pPDev->hsurf = EngCreateDeviceSurface((DHSURF)pPDev, SurfSize, IS_RASTER(pPDev) ? BMF_24BPP : BMF_4BPP))) { PLOTERR(("DrvEnableSurface: EngCreateDeviceSurface() failed")); return(NULL); }
// Now we need to associate the newly created surface with the already
// created PDEV. In this function, we inform the NT graphics engine,
// which functions our driver supports.
PLOTERR(("DrvEnableSurface: EngAssociateSurface() failed"));
DrvDisableSurface((DHPDEV)pPDev->hpdev); EngDeleteSurface(pPDev->hsurf);
return(NULL); }
#undef pPDev
VOID DrvDisableSurface( DHPDEV dhpdev )
Routine Description:
The drawing surface is no longer required, so we can delete any memory we allocated in conjunction with it.
dhpdev - our pPDev
Return Value:
01-Dec-1993 Wed 01:45:39 created
Revision History:
{ #define pPDev ((PPDEV)dhpdev)
if (pPDev->hsurf) {
EngDeleteSurface(pPDev->hsurf); }
#undef pPDev
DWORD hypot( DWORD x, DWORD y )
Routine Description:
Returns the length of the hypotenous of a xRight triangle whose sides are passed in as the parameters.
x - x side of the triangle
y - y size of the triangle
Return Value:
13:54 on Tue 02 Feb 1993 Re-instated from Win 3.1, for compatability.
01-Dec-1993 Wed 01:10:55 updated update to DWORD
Revision History:
{ DWORD hypo; DWORD Delta; DWORD Target;
// Finds the hypoteneous of a xRight triangle with legs equal to x and y.
// Assumes x, y, hypo are integers. Use sq(x) + sq(y) = sq(hypo);
// Start with MAX(x, y), use sq(x + 1) = sq(x) + 2x + 1 to incrementally
// get to the target hypotenouse.
hypo = max(x, y); Target = min(x, y); Target *= Target;
for (Delta = 0; Delta < Target; hypo++) {
Delta += (DWORD)((hypo << 1) + 1); }
return(hypo); }
VOID FillDeviceCaps( PPDEV pPDev, GDIINFO *pGDIInfo )
Routine Description:
Set up the device caps for this particular plotter. Some fields require calculations based on device resolution, etc.
We simply fill the GDIINFO structure passed to us. The calling function will take care of copying the information into the Graphics Engine's buffer.
pPDev - Pointer to the PDEV data structure
pGDIInfo - Pointer to the GDIINFO data structure to be filled in
Return Value:
24-Nov-1993 Wed 22:38:10 updated Re-write, and using CurForm to replace the pform and PAPER_DIM
23-Dec-1993 Thu 21:56:20 updated Make halftone bitmap surface also look at dmColor which set by the user if it want to print grey scale or device is not color
07-Feb-1994 Mon 20:37:13 updated When is DMCOLOR_COLOR the ulNumColors return to the engine will be MaxPens which specified in the PCD file not 8
Revision History:
// we will always start from clean state
ZeroMemory(pGDIInfo, sizeof(GDIINFO));
// Get pDrvHTInfo data pointer and set the basic version information
pDrvHTInfo = (PDRVHTINFO)pPDev->pvDrvHTData; pGDIInfo->ulVersion = DRIVER_VERSION; pGDIInfo->ulTechnology = (IS_RASTER(pPDev) ? DT_RASPRINTER : DT_PLOTTER);
// We have pPDev->PlotForm updated during the ValidateSetPLOTDM() call, so
// use it, we need to look into the dmScale to see if we need to scale
// all of the values.
Scale = (LONG)pPDev->PlotDM.dm.dmScale; pGDIInfo->ulHorzSize = pPDev->PlotForm.LogExt.cx / (Scale * 10); pGDIInfo->ulVertSize = pPDev->PlotForm.LogExt.cy / (Scale * 10); pPDev->HorzRes = pGDIInfo->ulHorzRes = SPLTOENGUNITS(pPDev, pPDev->PlotForm.LogExt.cx); pPDev->VertRes = pGDIInfo->ulVertRes = SPLTOENGUNITS(pPDev, pPDev->PlotForm.LogExt.cy);
PLOTDBG(DBG_GDICAPS, ("GDICAPS: H/V Size=%d x %d, H/V Res=%ld x %ld", pGDIInfo->ulHorzSize, pGDIInfo->ulVertSize, pGDIInfo->ulHorzRes, pGDIInfo->ulVertRes));
pGDIInfo->szlPhysSize.cx = SPLTOENGUNITS(pPDev,pPDev->PlotForm.LogSize.cx); pGDIInfo->szlPhysSize.cy = SPLTOENGUNITS(pPDev,pPDev->PlotForm.LogSize.cy); pGDIInfo->ptlPhysOffset.x = SPLTOENGUNITS(pPDev,pPDev->PlotForm.PhyOrg.x); pGDIInfo->ptlPhysOffset.y = SPLTOENGUNITS(pPDev,pPDev->PlotForm.PhyOrg.y);
PLOTDBG(DBG_GDICAPS, ("GDICAPS: PhySize= %d x %d, PhyOff=(%ld, %ld)", pGDIInfo->szlPhysSize.cx, pGDIInfo->szlPhysSize.cy, pGDIInfo->ptlPhysOffset.x, pGDIInfo->ptlPhysOffset.y));
// Assume the device has a 1:1 aspect ratio
pGDIInfo->ulLogPixelsX = pGDIInfo->ulLogPixelsY = (pPDev->lCurResolution * Scale / 100);
PLOTDBG(DBG_GDICAPS, ("GDICAPS: LogPixelsX/Y = %d x %d", pGDIInfo->ulLogPixelsX, pGDIInfo->ulLogPixelsY));
pGDIInfo->ulAspectX = pGDIInfo->ulAspectY = pPDev->lCurResolution; pGDIInfo->ulAspectXY = hypot(pGDIInfo->ulAspectX, pGDIInfo->ulAspectY);
pGDIInfo->ciDevice = pPDev->pPlotGPC->ci; pGDIInfo->ulDevicePelsDPI = (DWORD)pPDev->pPlotGPC->DevicePelsDPI * (DWORD)Scale / (DWORD)100; pGDIInfo->ulHTPatternSize = pPDev->pPlotGPC->HTPatternSize; pGDIInfo->flHTFlags = HT_FLAG_HAS_BLACK_DYE; pGDIInfo->ulPrimaryOrder = PRIMARY_ORDER_CBA;
PLOTDBG(DBG_GDICAPS, ("GDICAPS: HTPatSize=%ld, DevPelsDPI=%ld, PrimaryOrder=%ld", pGDIInfo->ulHTPatternSize, pGDIInfo->ulDevicePelsDPI, pGDIInfo->ulPrimaryOrder));
// If the device is a color device, then set up the Halftoning info now.
if (pPDev->PlotDM.dm.dmColor == DMCOLOR_COLOR) {
// Do this only if we really want to do color in R/G/B not C/M/Y
PLOTDBG(DBG_DEVCAPS, ("FillDeviceCaps: Doing Color Output"));
pDrvHTInfo->HTPalCount = 8; pDrvHTInfo->HTBmpFormat = (BYTE)BMF_4BPP; pDrvHTInfo->AltBmpFormat = (BYTE)BMF_1BPP; pGDIInfo->ulHTOutputFormat = HT_FORMAT_4BPP;
} else {
pDrvHTInfo->HTPalCount = 2; pDrvHTInfo->HTBmpFormat = (BYTE)BMF_1BPP; pDrvHTInfo->AltBmpFormat = (BYTE)0xff; pGDIInfo->ulHTOutputFormat = HT_FORMAT_1BPP;
// Using this flag will give us a good benefit, the flag notifies gdi
// and halftone eng. that the output from halftone will be
// 0=white and 1=black
// as opposed to the typical 0=black, 1=white, so that at 99% of time
// we do not have to flip the B/W buffer except if CopyBits is from the
// calling app.
// pGDIInfo->flHTFlags |= HT_FLAG_OUTPUT_CMY;
PLOTDBG(DBG_DEVCAPS, ("FillDeviceCaps: Doing GREY SCALE (%hs) Output", (pGDIInfo->flHTFlags & HT_FLAG_OUTPUT_CMY) ? "CMY: 0=W, 1=K" : "RGB: 0=K, 1=W")); }
pGDIInfo->ulNumColors = pPDev->pPlotGPC->MaxPens; pDrvHTInfo->Flags = 0; pDrvHTInfo->PalXlate[0] = 0xff; pDrvHTInfo->HTPalXor = HTPALXOR_SRCCOPY;
pGDIInfo->cBitsPixel = 24; pGDIInfo->cPlanes = 1;
// Some other information the Engine expects us to fill in.
pGDIInfo->ulDACRed = 0; pGDIInfo->ulDACGreen = 0; pGDIInfo->ulDACBlue = 0; pGDIInfo->flRaster = 0; pGDIInfo->flTextCaps = 0; pGDIInfo->xStyleStep = 1; pGDIInfo->yStyleStep = 1; pGDIInfo->denStyleStep = PLOT_STYLE_STEP(pPDev);
BOOL FillDevInfo( PPDEV pPDev, DEVINFO *pDevInfo )
Routine Description:
Set up the device info for this particular plotter. Some fields require calculations based on device resolution, etc.
We simply fill the DevInfo structure passed to us. The calling function will take care of copying the information into the Graphics Engine's buffer.
pPDev - pointer to the PDEV data structure
pDevInfo - pointer to the DEVINFO to be filled
Return Value:
TRUE if sucessful FALSE otherwise
01-Dec-1993 Wed 00:46:00 created
10-Dec-1993 Fri 16:37:06 updated Temp. disable and move the PlotCreatePalette to EnableSurf call
17-Dec-1993 Fri 16:37:06 updated Move PlotCreatePalette to StartDoc time
05-Jan-1994 Wed 22:54:21 updated Move PenColor Reference to this file and reference that directly as DWORD generate by RGB() marco
14-Jan-1994 Fri 15:35:02 updated Remove HTPatternSize param
23-Feb-1994 Wed 13:02:09 updated Make sure we return GCAPS_HALFTONE so that we will get DrvStretchBlt() callback
Revision History:
// Start with a clean slate.
ZeroMemory(pDevInfo, sizeof(DEVINFO));
// fill in the graphics capabilities flags we know we can handle at
// the very least.
// If RGB mode is on for color handling then text can be opaque
if (IS_RASTER(pPDev)) {
pDevInfo->flGraphicsCaps |= GCAPS_HALFTONE;
if (IS_COLOR(pPDev)) {
pDevInfo->flGraphicsCaps |= GCAPS_OPAQUERECT; } }
// Check and set the BEZIER capability of the device....
if (IS_BEZIER(pPDev)) {
pDevInfo->flGraphicsCaps |= GCAPS_BEZIERS; }
pDevInfo->flGraphicsCaps |= GCAPS_WINDINGFILL; }
// We don't process DrvDitherColor (perhaps later?), so set the size of
// the Dither Brush to 0 to indicate this to the engine. THIS IS IN THE
// SPEC FOR DrvDitherBrush () function.
pDevInfo->cxDither = 0; pDevInfo->cyDither = 0;
// the following line is set by PH. According to PH, we need
// to have 16 colors. We cannot only have 9 colors (for pen plotter).
// 01-Dec-1993 Wed 01:31:16 updated
// The reason that engine need 16 colors is it optimized by using bit 3
// as duplicate bit (used only bit 0/1/2) and bit 3 always mask off, so
// that engine can do faster comparsion
// If its a raster device, tell the engine that we are a 24 bit color
// device. This way we get the max resolution for bitmaps and brushes
// and can reducedown as required.
if (IS_RASTER(pPDev)) {
pDevInfo->iDitherFormat = BMF_24BPP;
} else {
pDevInfo->iDitherFormat = BMF_4BPP; }
if (pPDev->hPalDefault) {
EngDeletePalette(pPDev->hPalDefault); pPDev->hPalDefault = NULL; }
// Create the Pen palette based only on the total number of pens the
// device can handle.
if (IS_RASTER(pPDev)) {
// This is a raster device, we will always make it a 24-bit device so
// the engine will pass back max color info and we can dither/halftone
// as we see fit. If we don't do this, the Engine will reduce bitmaps
// to our color space before passing the bitmaps onto us.
if (!(pDevInfo->hpalDefault = EngCreatePalette(PAL_BGR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))) {
// The create failed so raise an error
PLOTERR(("FillDevInfo: EngCreatePalette(PAL_BGR) failed.")); return(FALSE); }
} else {
extern PALENTRY PlotPenPal[];
PLOTASSERT(1, "Too many pens defined for pen plotter (%ld)", (pPDev->pPlotGPC->Pens.Count <= MAX_PENPLOTTER_PENS), pPDev->pPlotGPC->Pens.Count);
if (pPDev->pPlotGPC->Pens.Count > MAX_PENPLOTTER_PENS) { return(FALSE); }
// Get the start of where to fill colors
pdwCur = &DevColor[0];
// 1st Entry is always WHITE
*pdwCur++ = RGB(255, 255, 255);
// Now go into a loop loading up the rest of the colors
PLOTDBG(DBG_PENPAL, ("Pen Palette #%02ld = 255:255:255", 0));
for (cPens = 1, pPenData = (PPENDATA)pPDev->pPlotGPC->Pens.pData; cPens <= (UINT)pPDev->pPlotGPC->Pens.Count; pPenData++) {
// Place the RGB value into the palette
PalEntry = PlotPenPal[pPenData->ColorIdx]; *pdwCur++ = RGB(PalEntry.R, PalEntry.G, PalEntry.B);
PLOTDBG(DBG_PENPAL, ("Pen Palette #%02ld = %03ld:%03ld:%03ld", cPens, (LONG)PalEntry.R, (LONG)PalEntry.G, (LONG)PalEntry.B));
// Track total number of pens defined
++cPens; }
// Last Pen is BRIGHT YELLOW WHITE, this is done so that a non-white
// will map to this pen, in order to effect painting on the device.
// Otherwise, if a non-white pen, gets mapped to white, nothing
// would get rendered on the surface.
*pdwCur++ = RGB(255, 255, 254); cPens++;
PLOTDBG(DBG_PENPAL, ("Pen Palette #%02ld = 255:255:254", cPens - 1));
// Now create the engine palette
if (!(pDevInfo->hpalDefault = EngCreatePalette(PAL_INDEXED, cPens, DevColor, 0, 0, 0))) { //
// The create failed so raise an error
PLOTERR(("FillDevInfo: EngCreatePalette(PAL_INDEXED=%ld) failed.", cPens)); return(FALSE); } }
// Save the created palette / later we need to destroy it.
pPDev->hPalDefault = pDevInfo->hpalDefault;
return(TRUE); }
BOOL CommonStartPDEV( PDEV *pPDev, DEVMODEW *pPlotDMIn, ULONG cPatterns, HSURF *phsurfPatterns, ULONG cjDevCaps, ULONG *pDevCaps, ULONG cjDevInfo, DEVINFO *pDevInfo )
Routine Description:
Function to perform the PDEV initialization. This is common to DrvEnablePDEV and DrvResetPDEV. The individual functions do whatever is required before calling into here.
pPDev - the pPDev which we returned in DrvEnablePDEV
pPlotDMIn - Pointer to the DEVMODE data structure
cPatterns - Count of patterns to be set in phsurfPatterns
phsurfPatterns - pointer to the standard pattern HSURF array
cjDevCaps - total size of pDevCaps pointed to.
pDevCaps - pointer to the device cap DWORDs
cjDevInfo - total size of pDevInfo pointed to
pDevInfo - pointer to the DEVINFO data structure
Return Value:
23-Nov-1993 Tue 20:13:10 created Re-write
05-Jan-1994 Wed 23:34:18 updated Make PlotXDPI for the Pen Plotter rather than PLOTTER_UNITS_DPI
06-Jan-1994 Thu 13:10:11 updated Change RasterDPI always be the resoluton reports back to the engine
Revision History:
{ GDIINFO GdiInfo; DEVINFO DevInfo; DWORD dmErrBits;
// Validate the DEVMODE structure passed in by the user, If OK, set the
// appropriate fields in the PDEV, the validateSetPlotDM() will always
// return a valid PLOTDEVMODE so we just use it. Any valid DM info will
// merged into the final DEVMODE
if (dmErrBits = ValidateSetPLOTDM(pPDev->hPrinter, pPDev->pPlotGPC, pPDev->PlotDM.dm.dmDeviceName, (PPLOTDEVMODE)pPlotDMIn, &(pPDev->PlotDM), &(pPDev->CurForm))) {
PLOTWARN(("CommonStartPDEV: ValidateSetPLOTDM() ErrBits=%08lx", dmErrBits)); }
// fill in our PDEV structure...
// The RasterDPI will be used for raster printer resolution, for pen
// plotters this is the GPC's ideal resolution.
pPDev->lCurResolution = (LONG)pPDev->pPlotGPC->RasterXDPI;
PLOTDBG(DBG_GDICAPS, ("CURRENT Resolution = %ld", pPDev->lCurResolution));
SetPlotForm(&(pPDev->PlotForm), pPDev->pPlotGPC, &(pPDev->CurPaper), &(pPDev->CurForm), &(pPDev->PlotDM), &(pPDev->PPData));
// fill in the device capabilities in GDIINFO data structure for the engine
if ((cjDevCaps) && (pDevCaps)) {
FillDeviceCaps(pPDev, &GdiInfo); CopyMemory(pDevCaps, &GdiInfo, min(cjDevCaps, sizeof(GDIINFO))); }
// Fill in DevInfo data structrue
if ((cjDevInfo) && (pDevInfo)) {
if (!FillDevInfo(pPDev, &DevInfo)) {
return(FALSE); }
CopyMemory(pDevInfo, &DevInfo, min(cjDevInfo, sizeof(DEVINFO))); }
// Set it to NULL so that the engine can create halftone one for us
if ((cPatterns) && (phsurfPatterns)) {
ZeroMemory(phsurfPatterns, sizeof(HSURF) * cPatterns); }