Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Parser for converting PPD file from ASCII text to binary data
PostScript driver, PPD parser
Revision History:
12/03/96 -davidx- Check binary file date against all source printer description files.
09/30/96 -davidx- Cleaner handling of ManualFeed and AutoSelect feature.
09/17/96 -davidx- Add link field to order dependency structure.
08/22/96 -davidx- New binary data format for NT 5.0.
08/20/96 -davidx- Common coding style for NT 5.0 drivers.
03/26/96 -davidx- Created it.
#include "lib.h"
#include "ppd.h"
#include "ppdparse.h"
#include "ppdrsrc.h"
// Round up n to a multiple of m
#define ROUND_UP_MULTIPLE(n, m) ((((n) + (m) - 1) / (m)) * (m))
// Round up n to a multiple of sizeof(DWORD) = 4
#define DWORD_ALIGN(n) (((n) + 3) & ~3)
// Raise an exception to cause VPackBinaryData to fail
#define PACK_BINARY_DATA_EXCEPTION() RaiseException(0xC0000000, 0, 0, NULL);
// Display a semantic error message
#define SEMANTIC_ERROR(arg) { TERSE(arg); pParserData->bErrorFlag = TRUE; }
// Data structure to store meta-information about a printer feature
// Note that the default order dependency value is relative to MAX_ORDER_VALUE.
// Explicitly specified order value must be less than MAX_ORDER_VALUE.
// We assume all printer-sticky features have higher priority than
// all doc-sticky features. The priority values for printer-sticky
// feature must be >= PRNPROP_BASE_PRIORITY.
#define MAX_ORDER_VALUE 0x7fffffff
typedef struct _FEATUREDATA {
DWORD dwFeatureID; // predefined feature ID
DWORD dwOptionSize; // size of the associated option structure
DWORD dwPriority; // feature priority
DWORD dwFlags; // feature flags
// Special code page value used internally in this file.
// Make sure they don't conflict with standard code page values.
#define CP_ERROR 0xffffffff
#define CP_UNICODE 0xfffffffe
PFEATUREDATA PGetFeatureData( DWORD dwFeatureID )
Routine Description:
Return meta-information about the requested feature
dwFeatureID - Specifies what feature the caller is interested in
Return Value:
Pointer to a FEATUREDATA structure corresponding to the request feature
DWORD dwIndex;
for (dwIndex = 0; FeatureData[dwIndex].dwFeatureID != GID_UNKNOWN; dwIndex++) { if (FeatureData[dwIndex].dwFeatureID == dwFeatureID) break; }
return &FeatureData[dwIndex]; }
VOID VGrowPackBuffer( PPARSERDATA pParserData, DWORD dwBytesNeeded )
Routine Description:
Grow the buffer used to hold packed binary data if necessary
pParserData - Points to parser data structure dwBytesNeeded - Number of bytes needed
Return Value:
#define PACK_BUFFER_MAX 1024 // measured in number of pages
// We need to commit more memory if the number of bytes needed plus the
// number of bytes used is over the maximum number of bytes committed.
if ((dwBytesNeeded += pParserData->dwBufSize) > pParserData->dwCommitSize) { //
// Check if we're being called for the first time.
// In that case, we'll need to reserved the virtual address space.
if (pParserData->pubBufStart == NULL) { SYSTEM_INFO SystemInfo; PBYTE pbuf;
GetSystemInfo(&SystemInfo); pParserData->dwPageSize = SystemInfo.dwPageSize;
pbuf = VirtualAlloc(NULL, PACK_BUFFER_MAX * SystemInfo.dwPageSize, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE);
if (pbuf == NULL) { ERR(("Cannot reserve memory: %d\n", GetLastError())); PACK_BINARY_DATA_EXCEPTION(); }
pParserData->pubBufStart = pbuf; pParserData->pInfoHdr = (PINFOHEADER) pbuf; pParserData->pUIInfo = (PUIINFO) (pbuf + sizeof(INFOHEADER)); pParserData->pPpdData = (PPPDDATA) (pbuf + sizeof(INFOHEADER) + sizeof(UIINFO)); }
// Make sure we're not overflowing
if (dwBytesNeeded > (PACK_BUFFER_MAX * pParserData->dwPageSize)) { ERR(("Binary printer description is too big.\n")); PACK_BINARY_DATA_EXCEPTION(); }
// Commit the extra amount of memory needed (rounded up
// to the next page boundary). Note that the memory allocated
// using VirtualAlloc is zero-initialized.
dwBytesNeeded -= pParserData->dwCommitSize; dwBytesNeeded = ROUND_UP_MULTIPLE(dwBytesNeeded, pParserData->dwPageSize); pParserData->dwCommitSize += dwBytesNeeded;
if (! VirtualAlloc(pParserData->pubBufStart, pParserData->dwCommitSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE)) { ERR(("Cannot commit memory: %d\n", GetLastError())); PACK_BINARY_DATA_EXCEPTION(); } } }
PVOID PvFindListItem( PVOID pvList, PCSTR pstrName, PDWORD pdwIndex )
Routine Description:
Find a named item from a linked-list
pParserData - Points to parser data structure pstrName - Specifies the item name to be found pdwIndex - Points to a variable for returning a zero-based item index
Return Value:
Points to the named listed item, NULL if the named item is not in the list
We're not bothering with fancy data structures here because the parser is used infrequently to convert a ASCII printer description file to its binary version. After that, the driver will access binary data directly.
{ PLISTOBJ pItem; DWORD dwIndex;
for (pItem = pvList, dwIndex = 0; pItem && strcmp(pItem->pstrName, pstrName) != EQUAL_STRING; pItem = pItem->pNext, dwIndex++) { }
if (pdwIndex) *pdwIndex = dwIndex;
return pItem; }
DWORD DwCountListItem( PVOID pvList )
Routine Description:
Count the number of items in a linked-list
pvList - Points to a linked-list
Return Value:
Number of items in a linked-list
{ PLISTOBJ pItem; DWORD dwCount;
for (pItem = pvList, dwCount = 0; pItem != NULL; pItem = pItem->pNext, dwCount++) { }
return dwCount; }
VOID VPackStringUnicode( PPARSERDATA pParserData, PTRREF *ploDest, PWSTR pwstrSrc )
Routine Description:
Pack a Unicode string into the binary data file
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure ploDest - Returns the byte offset of the packed Unicode string pwstrSrc - Specifies the source Unicode string to be packed
Return Value:
{ if (pwstrSrc == NULL) *ploDest = 0; else { DWORD dwSize = (wcslen(pwstrSrc) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
VGrowPackBuffer(pParserData, dwSize); CopyMemory(pParserData->pubBufStart + pParserData->dwBufSize, pwstrSrc, dwSize);
*ploDest = pParserData->dwBufSize; pParserData->dwBufSize += DWORD_ALIGN(dwSize); } }
VOID VPackStringRsrc( PPARSERDATA pParserData, PTRREF *ploDest, INT iStringId )
Routine Description:
Pack a Unicode string resource into the binary data file
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure ploDest - Returns the byte offset of the packed Unicode string iStringId - Specifies the resource ID of the Unicode string to be packed
Return Value:
if (! LoadString(ghInstance, iStringId, awchBuffer, MAX_XLATION_LEN)) awchBuffer[0] = NUL;
VPackStringUnicode(pParserData, ploDest, awchBuffer); }
VOID VPackStringAnsi( PPARSERDATA pParserData, PTRREF *ploDest, PSTR pstrSrc )
Routine Description:
Pack an ANSI string into the binary data file
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure ploDest - Returns the byte offset of the packed ANSI string pstrSrc - Specifies the source ANSI string to be packed
Return Value:
{ if (pstrSrc == NULL) *ploDest = 0; else { DWORD dwSize = strlen(pstrSrc) + 1;
VGrowPackBuffer(pParserData, dwSize); CopyMemory(pParserData->pubBufStart + pParserData->dwBufSize, pstrSrc, dwSize);
*ploDest = pParserData->dwBufSize; pParserData->dwBufSize += DWORD_ALIGN(dwSize); } }
INT ITranslateToUnicodeString( PWSTR pwstr, PCSTR pstr, INT iLength, UINT uCodePage )
Routine Description:
Translate an ANSI string to Unicode string
pwstr - Buffer for storing Unicode string pstr - Pointer to ANSI string to be translated iLength - Length of ANSI string, in bytes uCodePage - Code page used to do the translation
Return Value:
Number of Unicode characters translated 0 if there is an error
{ ASSERT(iLength >= 0);
if (uCodePage == CP_UNICODE) { INT i;
// Make sure the Unicode translation string has even number of bytes
if (iLength & 1) { TERSE(("Odd number of bytes in Unicode translation string.\n")); iLength--; }
// We assume Unicode values are specified in big-endian format in
// the PPD file. Internally we store Unicode values in little-endian
// format. So we need to swap bytes here.
iLength /= sizeof(WCHAR);
for (i=iLength; i--; pstr += 2) *pwstr++ = (pstr[0] << 8) | ((BYTE) pstr[1]); } else { if (uCodePage == CP_ERROR) uCodePage = CP_ACP;
iLength = MultiByteToWideChar(uCodePage, 0, pstr, iLength, pwstr, iLength);
ASSERT(iLength >= 0); }
return iLength; }
VOID VPackStringAnsiToUnicode( PPARSERDATA pParserData, PTRREF *ploDest, PSTR pstrSrc, INT iLength )
Routine Description:
Convert an ANSI string to Unicode and pack it into the binary data file
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure ploDest - Returns the byte offset of the packed Unicode string pstrSrc - Specifies the source ANSI string to be packed iLength - Specifies the byte length of the ANSI string
Return Value:
{ INT iSize; PTSTR ptstr;
// Source string is NULL
if (pstrSrc == NULL) { *ploDest = 0; return; }
// If source string length is -1, it means
// the source string is null-terminated.
if (iLength == -1) iLength = strlen(pstrSrc);
if (pParserData->uCodePage == CP_UNICODE) { //
// Source string is Unicode string
iSize = iLength + sizeof(WCHAR); } else { //
// Source string is ANSI string
iSize = (iLength + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); }
VGrowPackBuffer(pParserData, iSize); ptstr = (PTSTR) (pParserData->pubBufStart + pParserData->dwBufSize); *ploDest = pParserData->dwBufSize; pParserData->dwBufSize += DWORD_ALIGN(iSize);
ITranslateToUnicodeString(ptstr, pstrSrc, iLength, pParserData->uCodePage); }
VOID VPackStringXlation( PPARSERDATA pParserData, PTRREF *ploDest, PSTR pstrName, PINVOCOBJ pXlation )
Routine Description:
Figure out the display name of an item, convert it from ANSI to Unicode string, and pack it into the binary data
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure ploDest - Returns the byte offset of the packed Unicode string pstrName - Specifies the name string associated with the item pXlation - Specifies the translation string associated with the item
Return Value:
{ //
// The display name of an item is its translation string if there is one.
// Otherwise, the display name is the same as the name of the item.
// If the translation is present, use the current language encoding
// to convert it to Unicode. Otherwise, we always use the ISOLatin1
// encoding to convert the name of the item to Unicode.
if (pXlation && pXlation->pvData && pParserData->uCodePage != CP_ERROR) VPackStringAnsiToUnicode(pParserData, ploDest, pXlation->pvData, pXlation->dwLength); else { UINT uCodePage = pParserData->uCodePage;
pParserData->uCodePage = 1252; VPackStringAnsiToUnicode(pParserData, ploDest, pstrName, -1); pParserData->uCodePage = uCodePage; } }
VOID VPackInvocation( PPARSERDATA pParserData, PINVOCATION pInvocation, PINVOCOBJ pInvocObj )
Routine Description:
Pack an invocation string into the binary data
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure pInvocation - Returns information about the packed invocation string pInvocObj - Points to the invocation string to be packed
Return Value:
{ if (IS_SYMBOL_INVOC(pInvocObj)) { //
// The invocation is a symbol reference
PSYMBOLOBJ pSymbol = pInvocObj->pvData;
pInvocation->dwCount = pSymbol->Invocation.dwLength;
// For symbol invocation, Invocation.pvData actually stores the
// 32-bit offset value (See function VPackSymbolDefinitions), so
// it's safe to cast it into ULONG/DWORD.
pInvocation->loOffset = (PTRREF) PtrToUlong(pSymbol->Invocation.pvData); } else if (pInvocObj->dwLength == 0) { pInvocation->dwCount = 0; pInvocation->loOffset = 0; } else { //
// Notice that we're always padding a zero byte at the end of
// the invocation string. This byte is not counted in dwLength.
VGrowPackBuffer(pParserData, pInvocObj->dwLength+1);
CopyMemory(pParserData->pubBufStart + pParserData->dwBufSize, pInvocObj->pvData, pInvocObj->dwLength);
pInvocation->dwCount = pInvocObj->dwLength; pInvocation->loOffset = pParserData->dwBufSize; pParserData->dwBufSize += DWORD_ALIGN(pInvocObj->dwLength+1); } }
Routine Description:
Pack an job file patch invocation string into the binary data
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure pInvocation - Returns information about the packed invocation string pInvocObj - Points to the invocation string to be packed
Return Value:
{ if (pPatchObj->Invocation.dwLength == 0) { pPackedPatch->dwCount = 0; pPackedPatch->loOffset = 0; } else { //
// Notice that we're always padding a zero byte at the end of
// the invocation string. This byte is not counted in dwLength.
VGrowPackBuffer(pParserData, pPatchObj->Invocation.dwLength+1);
CopyMemory(pParserData->pubBufStart + pParserData->dwBufSize, pPatchObj->Invocation.pvData, pPatchObj->Invocation.dwLength);
pPackedPatch->loOffset = pParserData->dwBufSize; pPackedPatch->dwCount = pPatchObj->Invocation.dwLength;
pParserData->dwBufSize += DWORD_ALIGN(pPatchObj->Invocation.dwLength+1); }
pPackedPatch->lJobPatchNo = pPatchObj->lPatchNo; }
VOID VPackSymbolDefinitions( PPARSERDATA pParserData )
Routine Description:
Pack all symbol definitions into the binary data
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure
Return Value:
for (pSymbol = pParserData->pSymbols; pSymbol != NULL; pSymbol = pSymbol->pNext) { pInvocObj = &pSymbol->Invocation; ASSERT(! IS_SYMBOL_INVOC(pInvocObj));
if (pInvocObj->dwLength == 0) pInvocObj->pvData = NULL; else { //
// Notice that we're always padding a zero byte at the end of
// the invocation string. This byte is not counted in dwLength.
VGrowPackBuffer(pParserData, pInvocObj->dwLength+1);
CopyMemory(pParserData->pubBufStart + pParserData->dwBufSize, pInvocObj->pvData, pInvocObj->dwLength);
pInvocObj->pvData = (PVOID)ULongToPtr(pParserData->dwBufSize); pParserData->dwBufSize += DWORD_ALIGN(pInvocObj->dwLength+1); } } }
VOID VResolveSymbolInvocation( PPARSERDATA pParserData, PINVOCOBJ pInvocObj )
Routine Description:
Check if an invocation string is a symbol reference and resolve it if necessary
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure pInvocObj - Specifies the invocation string to be resolved
Return Value:
{ if (IS_SYMBOL_INVOC(pInvocObj)) { PSTR pstrName; PSYMBOLOBJ pSymbol;
pstrName = (PSTR) pInvocObj->pvData;
if ((pSymbol = PvFindListItem(pParserData->pSymbols, pstrName, NULL)) == NULL) { SEMANTIC_ERROR(("Undefined symbol: %s\n", pstrName)); pInvocObj->dwLength = 0; pInvocObj->pvData = NULL; } else pInvocObj->pvData = (PVOID) pSymbol; } }
VOID VResolveSymbolReferences( PPARSERDATA pParserData )
Routine Description:
Resolve all symbol references in the parsed PPD data
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure
Return Value:
VResolveSymbolInvocation(pParserData, &pParserData->Password); VResolveSymbolInvocation(pParserData, &pParserData->ExitServer); VResolveSymbolInvocation(pParserData, &pParserData->PatchFile); VResolveSymbolInvocation(pParserData, &pParserData->JclBegin); VResolveSymbolInvocation(pParserData, &pParserData->JclEnterPS); VResolveSymbolInvocation(pParserData, &pParserData->JclEnd); VResolveSymbolInvocation(pParserData, &pParserData->ManualFeedFalse);
for (pFeature = pParserData->pFeatures; pFeature != NULL; pFeature = pFeature->pNext) { VResolveSymbolInvocation(pParserData, &pFeature->QueryInvoc);
for (pOption = pFeature->pOptions; pOption != NULL; pOption = pOption->pNext) { VResolveSymbolInvocation(pParserData, &pOption->Invocation); } }
for (pJobPatchFile = pParserData->pJobPatchFiles; pJobPatchFile != NULL; pJobPatchFile = pJobPatchFile->pNext) { VResolveSymbolInvocation(pParserData, &pJobPatchFile->Invocation); } }
BOOL BFindUIConstraintFeatureOption( PPARSERDATA pParserData, PCSTR pstrKeyword, PFEATUREOBJ *ppFeature, PDWORD pdwFeatureIndex, PCSTR pstrOption, POPTIONOBJ *ppOption, PDWORD pdwOptionIndex )
Routine Description:
Find the feature/option specified in UIConstraints and OrderDependency entries
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure pstrKeyword - Specifies the feature keyword string ppFeature - Return a pointer to the feature structure found pdwFeatureIndex - Return the index of the feature found pstrOption - Specifies the option keyword string ppOption - Return a pointer to the option structure found pdwOptionIndex - Return the index of the option found
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if the specified feature/option is not found
{ if (! (pstrKeyword = PstrStripKeywordChar(pstrKeyword))) return FALSE;
// HACK:
// replace *ManualFeed True option with *InputSlot ManualFeed option
// replace *CustomPageSize True option with *PageSize CustomPageSize option
if ((strcmp(pstrKeyword, gstrManualFeedKwd) == EQUAL_STRING) && (*pstrOption == NUL || strcmp(pstrOption, gstrTrueKwd) == EQUAL_STRING || strcmp(pstrOption, gstrOnKwd) == EQUAL_STRING)) { pstrKeyword = gstrInputSlotKwd; pstrOption = gstrManualFeedKwd; } else if ((strcmp(pstrKeyword, gstrCustomSizeKwd) == EQUAL_STRING) && (*pstrOption == NUL || strcmp(pstrOption, gstrTrueKwd) == EQUAL_STRING)) { pstrKeyword = gstrPageSizeKwd; pstrOption = gstrCustomSizeKwd; } else if (strcmp(pstrKeyword, gstrVMOptionKwd) == EQUAL_STRING) pstrKeyword = gstrInstallMemKwd;
// Find the specified feature
if (! (*ppFeature = PvFindListItem(pParserData->pFeatures, pstrKeyword, pdwFeatureIndex))) return FALSE;
// Find the specified option
if (*pstrOption) { return (*ppOption = PvFindListItem((*ppFeature)->pOptions, pstrOption, pdwOptionIndex)) != NULL; } else { *ppOption = NULL; *pdwOptionIndex = OPTION_INDEX_ANY; return TRUE; } }
VOID VPackUIConstraints( PPARSERDATA pParserData )
Routine Description:
Pack UIConstraints information into binary data
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure
Return Value:
{ PUICONSTRAINT pPackedConstraint; PFEATUREOBJ pFeature; POPTIONOBJ pOption; PLISTOBJ pConstraint; DWORD dwConstraints, dwConstraintBufStart;
// By default, there is no constaint for all features and options
for (pFeature = pParserData->pFeatures; pFeature != NULL; pFeature = pFeature->pNext) { pFeature->dwConstraint = NULL_CONSTRAINT;
for (pOption = pFeature->pOptions; pOption != NULL; pOption = pOption->pNext) { pOption->dwConstraint = NULL_CONSTRAINT; } }
// Count the number of *UIConstraints entries
dwConstraints = DwCountListItem(pParserData->pUIConstraints);
if (dwConstraints == 0) return; //
// Don't yet grow the buffer, we only number the number of constraints after we
// evaluated the *ManualFeed: False constraints. pPackedConstraint points right
// after the end of the current buffer
pPackedConstraint = (PUICONSTRAINT) (pParserData->pubBufStart + pParserData->dwBufSize); dwConstraintBufStart = pParserData->dwBufSize;
// Interpret each *UIConstraints entry
dwConstraints = 0;
for (pConstraint = pParserData->pUIConstraints; pConstraint != NULL; pConstraint = pConstraint->pNext) { PFEATUREOBJ pFeature2; POPTIONOBJ pOption2; DWORD dwFeatureIndex, dwOptionIndex, dwManFeedFalsePos = 0; CHAR achWord1[MAX_WORD_LEN]; CHAR achWord2[MAX_WORD_LEN]; CHAR achWord3[MAX_WORD_LEN]; CHAR achWord4[MAX_WORD_LEN]; PSTR pstr = pConstraint->pstrName; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
// The value for a UIConstraints entry consists of four separate components:
// featureName1 [optionName1] featureName2 [optionName2]
(VOID) BFindNextWord(&pstr, achWord1);
if (IS_KEYWORD_CHAR(*pstr)) achWord2[0] = NUL; else (VOID) BFindNextWord(&pstr, achWord2);
(VOID) BFindNextWord(&pstr, achWord3); (VOID) BFindNextWord(&pstr, achWord4);
// hack the *ManualFeed False constraints
if ((IS_KEYWORD_CHAR(achWord1[0])) && (strcmp(&(achWord1[1]), gstrManualFeedKwd) == EQUAL_STRING) && (strcmp(achWord2, gstrFalseKwd) == EQUAL_STRING)) { //
// check the validity of the constraint feature/option. Fall through if invalid
if (BFindUIConstraintFeatureOption(pParserData, achWord3, &pFeature, &dwFeatureIndex, achWord4, &pOption, &dwOptionIndex)) dwManFeedFalsePos = 1; } else if ((IS_KEYWORD_CHAR(achWord3[0])) && (strcmp(&(achWord3[1]), gstrManualFeedKwd) == EQUAL_STRING) && (strcmp(achWord4, gstrFalseKwd) == EQUAL_STRING)) { //
// check the validity of the constraint feature/option. Fall through if invalid
if (BFindUIConstraintFeatureOption(pParserData, achWord1, &pFeature, &dwFeatureIndex, achWord2, &pOption, &dwOptionIndex)) dwManFeedFalsePos = 2;
} if (dwManFeedFalsePos) { //
// get the index of the manual feed input slot
DWORD dwInputSlotFeatIndex, dwManFeedSlotIndex, dwInputSlotCount, dwSlotIndex; PFEATUREOBJ pInputSlotFeature;
if ((pInputSlotFeature = PvFindListItem(pParserData->pFeatures, gstrInputSlotKwd, &dwInputSlotFeatIndex)) == NULL) { ERR(("Input slot feature not found !!!")); continue; }
// get the number of input slots. Note that this includes the dummy "*UseFormTrayTable" slot.
dwInputSlotCount = DwCountListItem((PVOID) pInputSlotFeature->pOptions);
if (dwInputSlotCount <= 2) // to make sense there must be at least 3 slot, incl. UseFormTrayTable+ManualFeed
{ ERR(("ManualFeed used - internally at least 3 input slots expected !")); continue; }
// grow the buffer for constraints. Two less than input slots because
// 1 input slot is the dummy UseFormTrayTable slot
// 1 input slot is the ManualFeed slot that I don't want to constraint
VGrowPackBuffer(pParserData, (dwInputSlotCount -2) * sizeof(UICONSTRAINT));
if (dwManFeedFalsePos == 1) { //
// add constraints to each input slot for the constrained feature
POPTIONOBJ pNextObj = pInputSlotFeature->pOptions;
ASSERT(strcmp(pNextObj->pstrName, "*UseFormTrayTable") == EQUAL_STRING); // in case we change the logic some time later...
// since the UseFormTrayTable is the first option, start with the second
pNextObj = pNextObj->pNext; ASSERT(pNextObj != NULL);
while (pNextObj) { //
// skip the manual feed input slot, don't constrain that
if (strcmp(pNextObj->pstrName, gstrManualFeedKwd) == EQUAL_STRING) { pNextObj = pNextObj->pNext; continue; }
pPackedConstraint[dwConstraints].dwNextConstraint = pNextObj->dwConstraint; pNextObj->dwConstraint = dwConstraints;
pPackedConstraint[dwConstraints].dwFeatureIndex = dwFeatureIndex; pPackedConstraint[dwConstraints].dwOptionIndex = dwOptionIndex; dwConstraints++;
pNextObj = pNextObj->pNext; } } else { //
// find the option index of the manual feed slot
if (PvFindListItem(pInputSlotFeature->pOptions, gstrManualFeedKwd, &dwManFeedSlotIndex) == NULL) { ERR(("ManualFeed slot not found among InputSlots !!!")); continue; }
// add constraints to the affected feature for all input slots BUT the manual feed slot
// and the UseFormTrayTable slot
// start with slot index 1, because the first slot is always *UseFormTrayTable
for (dwSlotIndex = 1; dwSlotIndex < dwInputSlotCount; dwSlotIndex++) { if (dwSlotIndex == dwManFeedSlotIndex) continue;
if (pOption == NULL) { //
// OptionKeyword1 field is not present
pPackedConstraint[dwConstraints].dwNextConstraint = pFeature->dwConstraint; pFeature->dwConstraint = dwConstraints; } else { //
// OptionKeyword1 field is present
pPackedConstraint[dwConstraints].dwNextConstraint = pOption->dwConstraint; pOption->dwConstraint = dwConstraints; }
pPackedConstraint[dwConstraints].dwFeatureIndex = dwInputSlotFeatIndex; pPackedConstraint[dwConstraints].dwOptionIndex = dwSlotIndex; dwConstraints++; } }
// increase the committed buffer size so additional VGrowPackBuffer calls can allocate
// additional pages if needed for more *ManualFeed False constraints
pParserData->dwBufSize += DWORD_ALIGN((dwInputSlotCount -2) * sizeof(UICONSTRAINT));
continue; } // back to the normal course of events.
if (BFindUIConstraintFeatureOption(pParserData, achWord1, &pFeature, &dwFeatureIndex, achWord2, &pOption, &dwOptionIndex) && BFindUIConstraintFeatureOption(pParserData, achWord3, &pFeature2, &dwFeatureIndex, achWord4, &pOption2, &dwOptionIndex)) { VGrowPackBuffer(pParserData, sizeof(UICONSTRAINT));
if (pOption == NULL) { //
// OptionKeyword1 field is not present
pPackedConstraint[dwConstraints].dwNextConstraint = pFeature->dwConstraint; pFeature->dwConstraint = dwConstraints; } else { //
// OptionKeyword1 field is present
pPackedConstraint[dwConstraints].dwNextConstraint = pOption->dwConstraint; pOption->dwConstraint = dwConstraints; }
pPackedConstraint[dwConstraints].dwFeatureIndex = dwFeatureIndex; pPackedConstraint[dwConstraints].dwOptionIndex = dwOptionIndex;
dwConstraints++; bSuccess = TRUE;
// increase the committed buffer size so additional VGrowPackBuffer calls can allocate
// additional pages if needed for more *ManualFeed False constraints
pParserData->dwBufSize += DWORD_ALIGN(sizeof(UICONSTRAINT));
if (! bSuccess) SEMANTIC_ERROR(("Invalid *UIConstraints entry: %s\n", pConstraint->pstrName)); }
// Save the packed UIConstraints information in the binary data
if (dwConstraints == 0) { pParserData->pUIInfo->UIConstraints.dwCount = 0; pParserData->pUIInfo->UIConstraints.loOffset = 0; } else { pParserData->pUIInfo->UIConstraints.dwCount = dwConstraints; pParserData->pUIInfo->UIConstraints.loOffset = dwConstraintBufStart; } }
VOID VPackOrderDependency( PPARSERDATA pParserData, PARRAYREF parefDest, PLISTOBJ pOrderDep )
Routine Description:
Pack OrderDependency/QueryOrderDependency information into binary data
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure parefDest - Stores information about where the order dependency info is packed pOrderDep - Specifies the list of order dependencies to be packed
Return Value:
{ static const STRTABLE SectionStrs[] = { { "DocumentSetup", SECTION_DOCSETUP}, { "AnySetup", SECTION_ANYSETUP}, { "PageSetup", SECTION_PAGESETUP}, { "Prolog", SECTION_PROLOG}, { "ExitServer", SECTION_EXITSERVER}, { "JCLSetup", SECTION_JCLSETUP}, { NULL, SECTION_UNASSIGNED} };
PORDERDEPEND pPackedDep; PFEATUREOBJ pFeature; POPTIONOBJ pOption; DWORD dwOrderDep, dwFeatures, dwIndex; DWORD dwFeatureIndex, dwOptionIndex, dwSection; LONG lOrder;
// The maximum number of entries we need is:
// number of printer features + number of order dependency entries
dwFeatures = pParserData->pInfoHdr->RawData.dwDocumentFeatures + pParserData->pInfoHdr->RawData.dwPrinterFeatures;
dwOrderDep = dwFeatures + DwCountListItem(pOrderDep); VGrowPackBuffer(pParserData, dwOrderDep * sizeof(ORDERDEPEND)); pPackedDep = (PORDERDEPEND) (pParserData->pubBufStart + pParserData->dwBufSize);
// Create a default order dependency entry for each feature
for (pFeature = pParserData->pFeatures, dwFeatureIndex = 0; pFeature != NULL; pFeature = pFeature->pNext, dwFeatureIndex++) { pPackedDep[dwFeatureIndex].lOrder = MAX_ORDER_VALUE; pPackedDep[dwFeatureIndex].dwSection = SECTION_UNASSIGNED; pPackedDep[dwFeatureIndex].dwPPDSection = SECTION_UNASSIGNED; pPackedDep[dwFeatureIndex].dwFeatureIndex = dwFeatureIndex; pPackedDep[dwFeatureIndex].dwOptionIndex = OPTION_INDEX_ANY; }
// Interpret each order dependency entry
for (dwOrderDep = dwFeatures; pOrderDep != NULL; pOrderDep = pOrderDep->pNext) { CHAR achWord1[MAX_WORD_LEN]; CHAR achWord2[MAX_WORD_LEN]; PSTR pstr = pOrderDep->pstrName; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
// Each order dependency entry has the following components:
// order section mainKeyword [optionKeyword]
if (BGetFloatFromString(&pstr, &lOrder, FLTYPE_INT) && BFindNextWord(&pstr, achWord1) && BSearchStrTable(SectionStrs, achWord1, &dwSection) && BFindNextWord(&pstr, achWord1)) { (VOID) BFindNextWord(&pstr, achWord2);
if (BFindUIConstraintFeatureOption(pParserData, achWord1, &pFeature, &dwFeatureIndex, achWord2, &pOption, &dwOptionIndex)) { //
// Check if an OrderDependency for the same feature/option
// has appeared before.
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwOrderDep; dwIndex++) { if (pPackedDep[dwIndex].dwFeatureIndex == dwFeatureIndex && pPackedDep[dwIndex].dwOptionIndex == dwOptionIndex) { break; } }
if (dwIndex < dwOrderDep && pPackedDep[dwIndex].lOrder < MAX_ORDER_VALUE) { TERSE(("Duplicate order dependency entry: %s\n", pOrderDep->pstrName)); } else { if (dwIndex >= dwOrderDep) dwIndex = dwOrderDep++;
// Ensure the specified order value is less than MAX_ORDER_VALUE
if (lOrder >= MAX_ORDER_VALUE) { WARNING(("Order dependency value too big: %s\n", pOrderDep->pstrName)); lOrder = MAX_ORDER_VALUE - 1; }
pPackedDep[dwIndex].dwSection = dwSection; pPackedDep[dwIndex].dwPPDSection = dwSection; pPackedDep[dwIndex].lOrder = lOrder; pPackedDep[dwIndex].dwFeatureIndex = dwFeatureIndex; pPackedDep[dwIndex].dwOptionIndex = dwOptionIndex; }
bSuccess = TRUE; } }
if (! bSuccess) SEMANTIC_ERROR(("Invalid order dependency: %s\n", pOrderDep->pstrName)); }
// Tell the caller where the packed order dependency information is stored
if (dwOrderDep == 0) { parefDest->dwCount = 0; parefDest->loOffset = 0; return; }
parefDest->dwCount = dwOrderDep; parefDest->loOffset = pParserData->dwBufSize; pParserData->dwBufSize += DWORD_ALIGN(dwOrderDep * sizeof(ORDERDEPEND));
// Sort order dependency information using the order value
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex+1 < dwOrderDep; dwIndex++) { DWORD dwMinIndex, dwLoop;
// Nothing fancy here - straight-forward selection sort
dwMinIndex = dwIndex;
for (dwLoop = dwIndex+1; dwLoop < dwOrderDep; dwLoop++) { if ((pPackedDep[dwLoop].lOrder < pPackedDep[dwMinIndex].lOrder) || (pPackedDep[dwLoop].lOrder == pPackedDep[dwMinIndex].lOrder && pPackedDep[dwLoop].dwSection < pPackedDep[dwMinIndex].dwSection)) { dwMinIndex = dwLoop; } }
if (dwMinIndex != dwIndex) { ORDERDEPEND TempDep;
TempDep = pPackedDep[dwIndex]; pPackedDep[dwIndex] = pPackedDep[dwMinIndex]; pPackedDep[dwMinIndex] = TempDep; } }
// Resolve AnySetup into either DocumentSetup or PageSetup
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwOrderDep; dwIndex++) { if (pPackedDep[dwIndex].dwSection == SECTION_PAGESETUP) dwSection = SECTION_PAGESETUP; else if (pPackedDep[dwIndex].dwSection == SECTION_ANYSETUP) pPackedDep[dwIndex].dwSection = dwSection; }
// Maintain a linked-list of order dependency entries for each feature
// starting with the entry whose dwOptionIndex = OPTION_INDEX_ANY.
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwOrderDep; dwIndex++) pPackedDep[dwIndex].dwNextOrderDep = NULL_ORDERDEP;
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwOrderDep; dwIndex++) { DWORD dwLastIndex, dwLoop;
if (pPackedDep[dwIndex].dwOptionIndex != OPTION_INDEX_ANY) continue;
dwLastIndex = dwIndex;
for (dwLoop = 0; dwLoop < dwOrderDep; dwLoop++) { if (pPackedDep[dwLoop].dwFeatureIndex == pPackedDep[dwIndex].dwFeatureIndex && pPackedDep[dwLoop].dwOptionIndex != OPTION_INDEX_ANY) { pPackedDep[dwLastIndex].dwNextOrderDep = dwLoop; dwLastIndex = dwLoop; } }
pPackedDep[dwLastIndex].dwNextOrderDep = NULL_ORDERDEP; }
// !!!CR
// Needs to flag out-of-order OrderDependency.
VOID VCountAndSortPrinterFeatures( PPARSERDATA pParserData )
Routine Description:
Count the number of doc- and printer-sticky features and sort them into two separate groups
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure
Return Value:
{ PFEATUREOBJ pFeature, pNext, pDocFeatures, pPrinterFeatures; DWORD dwDocFeatures, dwPrinterFeatures;
// Count the number of doc- and printer-sticky features
pDocFeatures = pPrinterFeatures = NULL; dwDocFeatures = dwPrinterFeatures = 0; pFeature = pParserData->pFeatures;
while (pFeature != NULL) { pNext = pFeature->pNext;
if (pFeature->bInstallable) { pFeature->pNext = pPrinterFeatures; pPrinterFeatures = pFeature; dwPrinterFeatures++; } else { pFeature->pNext = pDocFeatures; pDocFeatures = pFeature; dwDocFeatures++; }
pFeature = pNext; }
ASSERTMSG((dwDocFeatures + dwPrinterFeatures <= MAX_PRINTER_OPTIONS), ("Too many printer features.\n"));
// Rearrange the features so that all doc-sticky features
// are in front of printer-sticky features
pFeature = NULL;
while (pPrinterFeatures != NULL) { pNext = pPrinterFeatures->pNext; pPrinterFeatures->pNext = pFeature; pFeature = pPrinterFeatures; pPrinterFeatures = pNext; }
while (pDocFeatures != NULL) { pNext = pDocFeatures->pNext; pDocFeatures->pNext = pFeature; pFeature = pDocFeatures; pDocFeatures = pNext; }
pParserData->pFeatures = pFeature; pParserData->pInfoHdr->RawData.dwDocumentFeatures = dwDocFeatures; pParserData->pInfoHdr->RawData.dwPrinterFeatures = dwPrinterFeatures; }
VOID VProcessPrinterFeatures( PPARSERDATA pParserData )
Routine Description:
Process printer features and handle any special glitches
pParserData - Points to parser data structure
Return Value:
for (pFeature = pParserData->pFeatures; pFeature; pFeature = pFeature->pNext) { //
// If a feature has no option but has a default specified, then
// synthesize an option with empty invocation string.
if (pFeature->pstrDefault && pFeature->pOptions == NULL) { pOption = ALLOC_PARSER_MEM(pParserData, pFeature->dwOptionSize);
if (pOption == NULL) { ERR(("Memory allocation failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); PACK_BINARY_DATA_EXCEPTION(); }
// NOTE: it's ok for both pOption->pstrName and pFeature->pstrDefault
// to point to the same string here. The memory is deallocated when
// the parser heap is destroyed.
pOption->pstrName = pFeature->pstrDefault; pFeature->pOptions = pOption; }
// Special handling of *InputSlot feature
// Make sure the very first option is always "*UseFormTrayTable"
if (pFeature->dwFeatureID == GID_INPUTSLOT) { pOption = ALLOC_PARSER_MEM(pParserData, pFeature->dwOptionSize);
if (pOption == NULL) { ERR(("Memory allocation failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); PACK_BINARY_DATA_EXCEPTION(); }
pOption->pstrName = "*UseFormTrayTable"; pOption->pNext = pFeature->pOptions; pFeature->pOptions = pOption;
((PTRAYOBJ) pOption)->dwTrayIndex = DMBIN_FORMSOURCE; } } }
VOID VPackPrinterFeatures( PPARSERDATA pParserData )
Routine Description:
Pack printer feature and option information into binary data
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure
Return Value:
{ PFEATUREOBJ pFeature; PFEATURE pPackedFeature; POPTIONOBJ pOption; POPTION pPackedOption; DWORD dwFeatureIndex, dwOptionIndex, dwCount;
// Reserve space in the binary data for an array of FEATURE structures
dwCount = pParserData->pInfoHdr->RawData.dwDocumentFeatures + pParserData->pInfoHdr->RawData.dwPrinterFeatures;
VGrowPackBuffer(pParserData, dwCount * sizeof(FEATURE)); pPackedFeature = (PFEATURE) (pParserData->pubBufStart + pParserData->dwBufSize); pParserData->pUIInfo->loFeatureList = pParserData->dwBufSize; pParserData->dwBufSize += DWORD_ALIGN(dwCount * sizeof(FEATURE));
for (pFeature = pParserData->pFeatures, dwFeatureIndex = 0; pFeature != NULL; pFeature = pFeature->pNext, dwFeatureIndex++, pPackedFeature++) { PFEATUREDATA pFeatureData;
// Pack feature information
VPackStringAnsi(pParserData, &pPackedFeature->loKeywordName, pFeature->pstrName);
VPackStringXlation(pParserData, &pPackedFeature->loDisplayName, pFeature->pstrName, &pFeature->Translation);
VPackInvocation(pParserData, &pPackedFeature->QueryInvocation, &pFeature->QueryInvoc);
pFeatureData = PGetFeatureData(pFeature->dwFeatureID); pPackedFeature->dwFlags = pFeatureData->dwFlags; pPackedFeature->dwOptionSize = pFeatureData->dwOptionSize; pPackedFeature->dwFeatureID = pFeature->dwFeatureID; pPackedFeature->dwUIType = pFeature->dwUIType; pPackedFeature->dwUIConstraintList = pFeature->dwConstraint; pPackedFeature->dwNoneFalseOptIndex = OPTION_INDEX_ANY;
if (pFeature->bInstallable) { pPackedFeature->dwPriority = pFeatureData->dwPriority + PRNPROP_BASE_PRIORITY; pPackedFeature->dwFeatureType = FEATURETYPE_PRINTERPROPERTY; } else { ASSERT(pFeatureData->dwPriority < PRNPROP_BASE_PRIORITY); pPackedFeature->dwPriority = pFeatureData->dwPriority; pPackedFeature->dwFeatureType = FEATURETYPE_DOCPROPERTY; }
// For non-PickMany features, use the very first option as the default
// if none is explicitly specified. Otherwise, default to OPTION_INDEX_ANY.
pPackedFeature->dwDefaultOptIndex = (pFeature->dwUIType == UITYPE_PICKMANY) ? OPTION_INDEX_ANY : 0;
// If this feature is a predefined feature, save a reference to it
if (pFeature->dwFeatureID < MAX_GID) { pParserData->pUIInfo->aloPredefinedFeatures[pFeature->dwFeatureID] = pParserData->pUIInfo->loFeatureList + (dwFeatureIndex * sizeof(FEATURE)); }
// Reserve space in the binary data for an array of OPTION structures
if ((dwCount = DwCountListItem(pFeature->pOptions)) == 0) { TERSE(("No options for feature: %s\n", pFeature->pstrName)); pPackedFeature->Options.loOffset = 0; pPackedFeature->Options.dwCount = 0; continue; }
ASSERTMSG((dwCount < OPTION_INDEX_ANY), ("Too many options for feature: %s\n", pFeature->pstrName));
VGrowPackBuffer(pParserData, dwCount * pFeatureData->dwOptionSize); pPackedOption = (POPTION) (pParserData->pubBufStart + pParserData->dwBufSize); pPackedFeature->Options.loOffset = pParserData->dwBufSize; pPackedFeature->Options.dwCount = dwCount; pParserData->dwBufSize += DWORD_ALIGN(dwCount * pFeatureData->dwOptionSize);
for (pOption = pFeature->pOptions, dwOptionIndex = 0; pOption != NULL; pOption = pOption->pNext, dwOptionIndex++) { BOOL bIsDefaultOption = FALSE; // TRUE if current option is default
// Pack option information
VPackStringAnsi(pParserData, &pPackedOption->loKeywordName, pOption->pstrName);
VPackStringXlation(pParserData, &pPackedOption->loDisplayName, pOption->pstrName, &pOption->Translation);
VPackInvocation(pParserData, &pPackedOption->Invocation, &pOption->Invocation);
pPackedOption->dwUIConstraintList = pOption->dwConstraint;
// Check if the current option is the default option
// or if it's the None/False option
if (pFeature->pstrDefault && strcmp(pOption->pstrName, pFeature->pstrDefault) == EQUAL_STRING) { pPackedFeature->dwDefaultOptIndex = dwOptionIndex; bIsDefaultOption = TRUE; }
if (strcmp(pOption->pstrName, gstrNoneKwd) == EQUAL_STRING || strcmp(pOption->pstrName, gstrFalseKwd) == EQUAL_STRING) { pPackedFeature->dwNoneFalseOptIndex = dwOptionIndex; }
// Handle extra fields after the generic OPTION structure
switch (pFeature->dwFeatureID) { case GID_PAGESIZE:
{ PPAGESIZE pPageSize = (PPAGESIZE) pPackedOption; PPAPEROBJ pPaper = (PPAPEROBJ) pOption; PRECT prect; PSIZE psize;
if (strcmp(pOption->pstrName, gstrCustomSizeKwd) == EQUAL_STRING) { PPPDDATA pPpdData; LONG lMax;
// Special case for CustomPageSize option
pPpdData = pParserData->pPpdData; psize = &pPageSize->szPaperSize; prect = &pPageSize->rcImgArea;
pPageSize->szPaperSize = pPaper->szDimension; pPageSize->rcImgArea = pPaper->rcImageArea; pPageSize->dwPaperSizeID = DMPAPER_CUSTOMSIZE;
VPackStringRsrc(pParserData, &pPackedOption->loDisplayName, IDS_PSCRIPT_CUSTOMSIZE);
// If either MaxMediaWidth or MaxMediaHeight is missing,
// we'll use the max width or height values from
// ParamCustomPageSize.
if (psize->cx <= 0) psize->cx = MAXCUSTOMPARAM_WIDTH(pPpdData);
if (psize->cy <= 0) psize->cy = MAXCUSTOMPARAM_HEIGHT(pPpdData);
if (psize->cx > 0 && psize->cy > 0 && MINCUSTOMPARAM_ORIENTATION(pPpdData) <= 3) { pParserData->pUIInfo->dwFlags |= FLAG_CUSTOMSIZE_SUPPORT; pParserData->pUIInfo->dwCustomSizeOptIndex = dwOptionIndex;
// Make sure the hardware margins are not larger than
// the maximum media width or height.
// This is only significant for cut-sheet device.
if (pParserData->dwCustomSizeFlags & CUSTOMSIZE_CUTSHEET) { lMax = min(psize->cx, psize->cy);
if (prect->left < 0 || prect->left >= lMax) prect->left = 0;
if (prect->right < 0 || prect->right >= lMax) prect->right = 0;
if (prect->top < 0 || prect->top >= lMax) prect->top = 0;
if (prect->bottom < 0 || prect->bottom >= lMax) prect->bottom = 0; }
// Validate custom page size parameters
if (MAXCUSTOMPARAM_WIDTH(pPpdData) > psize->cx) MAXCUSTOMPARAM_WIDTH(pPpdData) = psize->cx;
if (MAXCUSTOMPARAM_HEIGHT(pPpdData) > psize->cy) MAXCUSTOMPARAM_HEIGHT(pPpdData) = psize->cy;
if (MINCUSTOMPARAM_HEIGHT(pPpdData) <= MICRONS_PER_INCH) MINCUSTOMPARAM_HEIGHT(pPpdData) = MICRONS_PER_INCH; } } else { psize = &pPaper->szDimension; prect = &pPaper->rcImageArea;
if (strcmp(pOption->pstrName, gstrLetterSizeKwd) == EQUAL_STRING) { if ((abs(psize->cx - LETTER_PAPER_WIDTH) < 1000) && (abs(psize->cy - LETTER_PAPER_LENGTH) < 1000)) { pParserData->pUIInfo->dwFlags |= FLAG_LETTER_SIZE_EXISTS; } } else if (strcmp(pOption->pstrName, gstrA4SizeKwd) == EQUAL_STRING) { if ((abs(psize->cx - A4_PAPER_WIDTH) < 1000) && (abs(psize->cy - A4_PAPER_LENGTH) < 1000)) { pParserData->pUIInfo->dwFlags |= FLAG_A4_SIZE_EXISTS; } }
// Verify paper dimension
if (psize->cx <= 0 || psize->cy <= 0) { SEMANTIC_ERROR(("Invalid PaperDimension for: %s\n", pOption->pstrName));
pPageSize->szPaperSize = pPaper->szDimension;
// Verify imageable area
if (prect->left < 0 || prect->left >= prect->right || prect->bottom < 0|| prect->bottom >= prect->top || prect->right > psize->cx || prect->top > psize->cy) { SEMANTIC_ERROR(("Invalid ImageableArea for: %s\n", pOption->pstrName));
prect->left = prect->bottom = 0; prect->right = psize->cx; prect->top = psize->cy; }
// Convert from PS to GDI coordinate system
pPageSize->rcImgArea.left = prect->left; pPageSize->rcImgArea.right = prect->right; pPageSize->rcImgArea.top = psize->cy - prect->top; pPageSize->rcImgArea.bottom = psize->cy - prect->bottom;
// Driver paper size ID starts at DRIVER_PAPERSIZE_ID
pPageSize->dwPaperSizeID = dwOptionIndex + DRIVER_PAPERSIZE_ID; } }
{ PRESOLUTION pResolution = (PRESOLUTION) pPackedOption; PRESOBJ pResObj = (PRESOBJ) pOption; PSTR pstr = pOption->pstrName; LONG lXdpi, lYdpi; BOOL bValid;
pResolution->iXdpi = pResolution->iYdpi = DEFAULT_RESOLUTION; pResolution->fxScreenFreq = pResObj->fxScreenFreq; pResolution->fxScreenAngle = pResObj->fxScreenAngle;
if (BGetIntegerFromString(&pstr, &lXdpi)) { lYdpi = lXdpi;
while (*pstr && !IS_DIGIT(*pstr)) pstr++;
if ((*pstr == NUL || BGetIntegerFromString(&pstr, &lYdpi)) && (lXdpi > 0 && lXdpi <= MAX_SHORT) && (lYdpi > 0 && lYdpi <= MAX_SHORT)) { pResolution->iXdpi = (INT) lXdpi; pResolution->iYdpi = (INT) lYdpi; bValid = TRUE; } }
if (! bValid) SEMANTIC_ERROR(("Invalid resolution option: %s\n", pOption->pstrName)); } break;
{ PDUPLEX pDuplex = (PDUPLEX) pPackedOption;
if (strcmp(pOption->pstrName, gstrDuplexTumble) == EQUAL_STRING) { //
// Horizontal == ShortEdge == Tumble
pDuplex->dwDuplexID = DMDUP_HORIZONTAL; } else if (strcmp(pOption->pstrName, gstrDuplexNoTumble) == EQUAL_STRING) { //
// Vertical == LongEdge == NoTumble
pDuplex->dwDuplexID = DMDUP_VERTICAL; } else pDuplex->dwDuplexID = DMDUP_SIMPLEX; } break;
{ PCOLLATE pCollate = (PCOLLATE) pPackedOption;
pCollate->dwCollateID = (strcmp(pOption->pstrName, gstrTrueKwd) == EQUAL_STRING || strcmp(pOption->pstrName, gstrOnKwd) == EQUAL_STRING) ? DMCOLLATE_TRUE : DMCOLLATE_FALSE; } break;
((PMEDIATYPE) pPackedOption)->dwMediaTypeID = dwOptionIndex + DMMEDIA_USER; break;
{ PINPUTSLOT pInputSlot = (PINPUTSLOT) pPackedOption; PTRAYOBJ pTray = (PTRAYOBJ) pOption; DWORD dwReqPageRgn;
if ((dwReqPageRgn = pTray->dwReqPageRgn) == REQRGN_UNKNOWN) dwReqPageRgn = pParserData->dwReqPageRgn;
if (dwReqPageRgn != REQRGN_FALSE) pInputSlot->dwFlags |= INPUTSLOT_REQ_PAGERGN;
// Special handling of predefined input slots:
// ManualFeed and AutoSelect
switch (pTray->dwTrayIndex) { case DMBIN_FORMSOURCE:
pInputSlot->dwPaperSourceID = pTray->dwTrayIndex; break;
pInputSlot->dwPaperSourceID = pTray->dwTrayIndex;
VPackStringRsrc(pParserData, &pPackedOption->loDisplayName, IDS_TRAY_MANUALFEED); break;
pInputSlot->dwPaperSourceID = dwOptionIndex + DMBIN_USER; break; } } break;
{ PBINOBJ pBinObj = (PBINOBJ) pOption;
// if this is the default bin, set the default output order, if specified
// by the DefaultOutputOrder entry in the PPD-file
if (bIsDefaultOption && pParserData->bDefOutputOrderSet) { //
// If multiple bins: warn if different options specified
if ((dwCount > 1) && (pBinObj->bReversePrint != pParserData->bDefReversePrint)) { TERSE(("Warning: explicit *DefaultPageOrder overwrites PageStackOrder of OutputBin\n")); }
((POUTPUTBIN) pPackedOption)->bOutputOrderReversed = pParserData->bDefReversePrint; } else { //
// for non-default bins, the default output order has no effect - the PPD spec says
// "*DefaultOutputOrder indicates the default stacking order of the default output bin."
((POUTPUTBIN) pPackedOption)->bOutputOrderReversed = pBinObj->bReversePrint; } }
{ PMEMOPTION pMemOption = (PMEMOPTION) pPackedOption; PMEMOBJ pMemObj = (PMEMOBJ) pOption; DWORD dwMinFreeMem;
// Store PPD's original *VMOption value into dwInstalledMem.
// This is only used for the new PPD helper function GetOptionAttribute().
// (see comments in inc\parser.h)
pMemOption->dwInstalledMem = pMemObj->dwFreeVM;
dwMinFreeMem = pParserData->dwLangLevel <= 1 ? MIN_FREEMEM_L1 : MIN_FREEMEM_L2; if (pMemObj->dwFreeVM < dwMinFreeMem) { SEMANTIC_ERROR(("Invalid memory option: %s\n", pOption->pstrName)); pMemObj->dwFreeVM = dwMinFreeMem; }
pMemOption->dwFreeMem = pMemObj->dwFreeVM; pMemOption->dwFreeFontMem = pMemObj->dwFontMem; } break;
if (strcmp(pOption->pstrName, gstrLongKwd) == EQUAL_STRING) { pParserData->pPpdData->dwLeadingEdgeLong = dwOptionIndex;
if (dwOptionIndex == pPackedFeature->dwDefaultOptIndex) pParserData->pPpdData->dwCustomSizeFlags &= ~CUSTOMSIZE_SHORTEDGEFEED; } else if (strcmp(pOption->pstrName, gstrShortKwd) == EQUAL_STRING) { pParserData->pPpdData->dwLeadingEdgeShort = dwOptionIndex;
if (dwOptionIndex == pPackedFeature->dwDefaultOptIndex) pParserData->pPpdData->dwCustomSizeFlags |= CUSTOMSIZE_SHORTEDGEFEED; }
if (strcmp(pOption->pstrName, gstrTrueKwd) == EQUAL_STRING) { pParserData->pPpdData->dwUseHWMarginsTrue = dwOptionIndex; pParserData->pPpdData->dwCustomSizeFlags |= CUSTOMSIZE_CUTSHEET;
if (dwOptionIndex == pPackedFeature->dwDefaultOptIndex) pParserData->pPpdData->dwCustomSizeFlags |= CUSTOMSIZE_DEFAULTCUTSHEET; } else if (strcmp(pOption->pstrName, gstrFalseKwd) == EQUAL_STRING) { pParserData->pPpdData->dwUseHWMarginsFalse = dwOptionIndex; pParserData->pPpdData->dwCustomSizeFlags |= CUSTOMSIZE_ROLLFED;
if (dwOptionIndex == pPackedFeature->dwDefaultOptIndex) pParserData->pPpdData->dwCustomSizeFlags &= ~CUSTOMSIZE_DEFAULTCUTSHEET; } break; }
pPackedOption = (POPTION) ((PBYTE) pPackedOption + pFeatureData->dwOptionSize); } } }
VOID VPackNt4Mapping( PPARSERDATA pParserData )
Routine Description:
Pack NT4 feature index mapping information
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure
Return Value:
{ PPPDDATA pPpdData; PFEATURE pPackedFeatures; PBYTE pubNt4Mapping; DWORD dwCount, dwIndex, dwNt4Index; INT iInputSlotIndex; BYTE ubInputSlotOld, ubInputSlotNew;
pPpdData = pParserData->pPpdData; pPpdData->dwNt4Checksum = pParserData->wNt4Checksum; pPpdData->dwNt4DocFeatures = pParserData->pUIInfo->dwDocumentFeatures; pPpdData->dwNt4PrnFeatures = pParserData->pUIInfo->dwPrinterFeatures;
iInputSlotIndex = -1; ubInputSlotNew = 0xff;
if (pParserData->iDefInstallMemIndex >= 0) pParserData->iDefInstallMemIndex += pPpdData->dwNt4DocFeatures;
dwCount = pPpdData->dwNt4DocFeatures + pPpdData->dwNt4PrnFeatures; pPpdData->Nt4Mapping.dwCount = dwCount;
VGrowPackBuffer(pParserData, dwCount * sizeof(BYTE)); pubNt4Mapping = (PBYTE) (pParserData->pubBufStart + pParserData->dwBufSize); pPpdData->Nt4Mapping.loOffset = pParserData->dwBufSize; pParserData->dwBufSize += DWORD_ALIGN(dwCount * sizeof(BYTE));
pPackedFeatures = (PFEATURE) (pParserData->pubBufStart + pParserData->pUIInfo->loFeatureList);
for (dwIndex=dwNt4Index=0; dwIndex <= dwCount; dwIndex++) { BOOL bMapped = TRUE;
// ManualFeed used to be a feature in NT4,
// but not anymore in NT5
if (pParserData->iReqPageRgnIndex == (INT) dwIndex) ubInputSlotNew = (BYTE) dwNt4Index;
if (pParserData->iManualFeedIndex == (INT) dwIndex) { pPpdData->dwNt4DocFeatures++; dwNt4Index++; }
// DefaultInstalledMemory causes a bogus feature to be added on NT4
if (pParserData->iDefInstallMemIndex == (INT) dwIndex) { pPpdData->dwNt4PrnFeatures++; dwNt4Index++; }
if (dwIndex == dwCount) break;
switch (pPackedFeatures[dwIndex].dwFeatureID) { case GID_MEDIATYPE: case GID_OUTPUTBIN:
// a feature in NT4 only if within Open/CloseUI
if (pParserData->aubOpenUIFeature[pPackedFeatures[dwIndex].dwFeatureID]) break;
// fall through
// not a feature in NT4
bMapped = FALSE; break;
iInputSlotIndex = dwIndex; break; }
if (bMapped) { pubNt4Mapping[dwIndex] = (BYTE) dwNt4Index; dwNt4Index++; } else { pPpdData->dwNt4DocFeatures--; pubNt4Mapping[dwIndex] = 0xff; } }
// RequiresPageRegion causes InputSlot feature to be created on NT4
if (iInputSlotIndex >= 0 && pParserData->iReqPageRgnIndex >= 0) { ubInputSlotOld = pubNt4Mapping[iInputSlotIndex];
if (ubInputSlotOld > ubInputSlotNew) { for (dwIndex=0; dwIndex < dwCount; dwIndex++) { if (pubNt4Mapping[dwIndex] >= ubInputSlotNew && pubNt4Mapping[dwIndex] < ubInputSlotOld) { pubNt4Mapping[dwIndex]++; } } } else if (ubInputSlotOld < ubInputSlotNew) { for (dwIndex=0; dwIndex < dwCount; dwIndex++) { if (pubNt4Mapping[dwIndex] > ubInputSlotOld && pubNt4Mapping[dwIndex] <= ubInputSlotNew) { pubNt4Mapping[dwIndex]--; } } }
pubNt4Mapping[iInputSlotIndex] = ubInputSlotNew; } }
VOID VPackDeviceFonts( PPARSERDATA pParserData )
Routine Description:
Pack device font information into binary data
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure
Return Value:
{ PDEVFONT pDevFont; PFONTREC pFontObj; DWORD dwIndex, dwFonts;
// Count the number of device fonts and
// reserve enough space in the packed binary data
if ((dwFonts = DwCountListItem(pParserData->pFonts)) == 0) return;
VGrowPackBuffer(pParserData, dwFonts * sizeof(DEVFONT)); pParserData->pPpdData->DeviceFonts.dwCount = dwFonts; pParserData->pPpdData->DeviceFonts.loOffset = pParserData->dwBufSize;
pDevFont = (PDEVFONT) (pParserData->pubBufStart + pParserData->dwBufSize); pParserData->dwBufSize += DWORD_ALIGN(dwFonts * sizeof(DEVFONT));
// Pack information about each device font
for (pFontObj = pParserData->pFonts; pFontObj != NULL; pFontObj = pFontObj->pNext) { VPackStringAnsi(pParserData, &pDevFont->loFontName, pFontObj->pstrName);
VPackStringXlation(pParserData, &pDevFont->loDisplayName, pFontObj->pstrName, &pFontObj->Translation);
VPackStringAnsi(pParserData, &pDevFont->loEncoding, pFontObj->pstrEncoding); VPackStringAnsi(pParserData, &pDevFont->loCharset, pFontObj->pstrCharset); VPackStringAnsi(pParserData, &pDevFont->loVersion, pFontObj->pstrVersion);
pDevFont->dwStatus = pFontObj->dwStatus; pDevFont++; }
// Calculate the byte-offset to the default DEVFONT structure (if any)
if (pParserData->pstrDefaultFont && PvFindListItem(pParserData->pFonts, pParserData->pstrDefaultFont, &dwIndex)) { pParserData->pPpdData->loDefaultFont = pParserData->pPpdData->DeviceFonts.loOffset + (dwIndex * sizeof(DEVFONT)); } }
VOID VPackJobPatchFiles( PPARSERDATA pParserData )
Routine Description:
Pack *JobPatchFile information into binary data
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure
Return Value:
{ PJOBPATCHFILE pPackedPatch; PJOBPATCHFILEOBJ pJobPatchFile; DWORD dwJobPatchFiles;
// Count the number of *JobPatchFile entries
dwJobPatchFiles = DwCountListItem((PVOID) pParserData->pJobPatchFiles);
if (dwJobPatchFiles > 0) { //
// Reserve enough space in the packed binary data
VGrowPackBuffer(pParserData, dwJobPatchFiles * sizeof(JOBPATCHFILE)); pParserData->pPpdData->JobPatchFiles.dwCount = dwJobPatchFiles; pParserData->pPpdData->JobPatchFiles.loOffset = pParserData->dwBufSize;
pPackedPatch = (PJOBPATCHFILE) (pParserData->pubBufStart + pParserData->dwBufSize); pParserData->dwBufSize += DWORD_ALIGN(dwJobPatchFiles * sizeof(JOBPATCHFILE));
// Pack each *JobPatchFile invocation string
for (pJobPatchFile = pParserData->pJobPatchFiles; pJobPatchFile != NULL; pJobPatchFile = pJobPatchFile->pNext) { VPackPatch(pParserData, pPackedPatch, pJobPatchFile); pPackedPatch++; } } }
static TTFSUBSTRESINFO TTFSubstResInfo[] = { { FALSE, IDS_1252_BEGIN, IDS_1252_END}, { TRUE, IDS_932_BEGIN, IDS_932_END}, { TRUE, IDS_936_BEGIN, IDS_936_END}, { TRUE, IDS_949_BEGIN, IDS_949_END}, };
VOID VPackDefaultTrueTypeSubstTable( PPARSERDATA pParserData )
Routine Description:
Pack the default TrueType font substitution table into the binary data
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure
Return Value:
#define MAX_FONT_NAME 256
{ INT iNumInfo, iInfo, iCount, iLenTT, iLenPS, i; DWORD dwSize, dwLeft, dw; TCHAR tchBuf[MAX_FONT_NAME]; PTSTR ptstrTable; HRSRC hrRcData; HGLOBAL hgRcData; PWORD pwRcData;
// Calculate how much memory we need to hold the default TrueType to
// PostScript substitution names. The counter is initialized to 1, instead
// of 0, for the last NUL terminator. Count the names from the STRING
// resource, then from RCDATA resource.
dwSize = 1;
iNumInfo = sizeof(TTFSubstResInfo) / sizeof(TTFSUBSTRESINFO);
for (iInfo = 0; iInfo < iNumInfo; iInfo++) { iCount = TTFSubstResInfo[iInfo].wIDEnd - TTFSubstResInfo[iInfo].wIDBegin + 1;
for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { iLenTT = LoadString(ghInstance, TTFSubstResInfo[iInfo].wIDBegin + i, tchBuf, MAX_FONT_NAME);
if (iLenTT == 0) { ERR(("VPackDefaultTrueTypeSubstTable: load TT string failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); return; }
iLenPS = LoadString(ghInstance, TTFSubstResInfo[iInfo].wIDBegin + i + TT2PS_INTERVAL, tchBuf, MAX_FONT_NAME);
if (iLenPS == 0) { ERR(("VPackDefaultTrueTypeSubstTable: load PS string failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); return; }
dwSize += (iLenTT + 1) + (iLenPS + 1);
if (TTFSubstResInfo[iInfo].bCJK == TRUE) { // We need names beginning with '@' too for CJK.
dwSize += (1 + iLenTT + 1) + (1 + iLenPS + 1); } }
if (TTFSubstResInfo[iInfo].bCJK == TRUE) { hrRcData = FindResource(ghInstance, (LPCTSTR)TTFSubstResInfo[iInfo].wIDBegin, RT_RCDATA); if (hrRcData == NULL) { ERR(("VPackDefaultTrueTypeSubstTable: find RCDATA failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); return; }
// Load the resource and get its size.
hgRcData = LoadResource(ghInstance, hrRcData); if (hgRcData == NULL) { ERR(("VPackDefaultTrueTypeSubstTable: load RCDATA failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); return; }
// The first WORD of the IDR resource tells the size of the strings.
pwRcData = (PWORD)LockResource(hgRcData); if (pwRcData == NULL) { ERR(("VPackDefaultTrueTypeSubstTable: lock RCDATA failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); return; }
dw = *pwRcData; if (dw % 2) { ERR(("VPackDefaultTrueTypeSubstTable: RCDATA size is odd.\n")); return; }
dwSize += dw / 2; } }
// Reserve enough space in the packed binary data
dwSize *= sizeof(TCHAR);
VGrowPackBuffer(pParserData, dwSize); ptstrTable = (PTSTR) (pParserData->pubBufStart + pParserData->dwBufSize);
pParserData->pUIInfo->loFontSubstTable = pParserData->dwBufSize; pParserData->pUIInfo->dwFontSubCount = dwSize; pParserData->dwBufSize += DWORD_ALIGN(dwSize);
// Save the default substitution table in the binary data
dwLeft = dwSize;
for (iInfo = 0; iInfo < iNumInfo; iInfo++) { iCount = TTFSubstResInfo[iInfo].wIDEnd - TTFSubstResInfo[iInfo].wIDBegin + 1;
for (i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { iLenTT = LoadString(ghInstance, TTFSubstResInfo[iInfo].wIDBegin + i, ptstrTable, dwLeft);
if (iLenTT == 0) { ERR(("VPackDefaultTrueTypeSubstTable: load TT string failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); goto fail_cleanup; }
ptstrTable += iLenTT + 1; dwLeft -= (iLenTT + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR);
iLenPS = LoadString(ghInstance, TTFSubstResInfo[iInfo].wIDBegin + i + TT2PS_INTERVAL, ptstrTable, dwLeft);
if (iLenPS == 0) { ERR(("VPackDefaultTrueTypeSubstTable: load PS string failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); goto fail_cleanup; }
ptstrTable += iLenPS + 1; dwLeft -= (iLenPS + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR);
if (TTFSubstResInfo[iInfo].bCJK == TRUE) { // We need names beginning with '@' too for CJK.
*ptstrTable++ = L'@'; dwLeft -= sizeof (TCHAR);
if (!LoadString(ghInstance, TTFSubstResInfo[iInfo].wIDBegin + i, ptstrTable, dwLeft)) { ERR(("VPackDefaultTrueTypeSubstTable: load TT string failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); goto fail_cleanup; }
ptstrTable += iLenTT + 1; dwLeft -= (iLenTT + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR);
*ptstrTable++ = L'@'; dwLeft -= sizeof (TCHAR);
if (!LoadString(ghInstance, TTFSubstResInfo[iInfo].wIDBegin + i + TT2PS_INTERVAL, ptstrTable, dwLeft)) { ERR(("VPackDefaultTrueTypeSubstTable: load PS string failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); goto fail_cleanup; }
ptstrTable += iLenPS + 1; dwLeft -= (iLenPS + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR); } }
if (TTFSubstResInfo[iInfo].bCJK == TRUE) { hrRcData = FindResource(ghInstance, (LPCTSTR)TTFSubstResInfo[iInfo].wIDBegin, RT_RCDATA); if (hrRcData == NULL) { ERR(("VPackDefaultTrueTypeSubstTable: find RCDATA failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); goto fail_cleanup; }
hgRcData = LoadResource(ghInstance, hrRcData); if (hgRcData == NULL) { ERR(("VPackDefaultTrueTypeSubstTable: load RCDATA failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); goto fail_cleanup; }
pwRcData = (PWORD)LockResource(hgRcData); if (pwRcData == NULL) { ERR(("VPackDefaultTrueTypeSubstTable: lock RCDATA failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); goto fail_cleanup; }
dw = *pwRcData++; if (dw % 2) { ERR(("VPackDefaultTrueTypeSubstTable: RCDATA size is odd.\n")); goto fail_cleanup; }
memcpy(ptstrTable, pwRcData, dw);
ptstrTable += dw / 2; dwLeft -= dw; } }
// Succeed
// Fail
pParserData->pUIInfo->loFontSubstTable = 0; pParserData->pUIInfo->dwFontSubCount = 0; }
VOID VPackTrueTypeSubstTable( PPARSERDATA pParserData )
Routine Description:
Pack the TrueType font substitution table into the binary data
pParserData - Points to the parser data structure
Return Value:
{ PTTFONTSUB pTTFontSub; DWORD dwSize; PTSTR ptstrTable, ptstrStart;
// Figure out how much space we'll need to store the font substitution table.
// This is an estimate and may be a little higher than what we actually need.
ASSERT(pParserData->pTTFontSubs != NULL);
for (pTTFontSub = pParserData->pTTFontSubs, dwSize = 1; pTTFontSub != NULL; pTTFontSub = pTTFontSub->pNext) { if (pTTFontSub->Translation.dwLength) dwSize += pTTFontSub->Translation.dwLength + 1; else dwSize += strlen(pTTFontSub->pstrName) + 1;
dwSize += pTTFontSub->PSName.dwLength + 1; }
// Reserve enough space in the packed binary data
dwSize *= sizeof(TCHAR); VGrowPackBuffer(pParserData, dwSize); ptstrStart = ptstrTable = (PTSTR) (pParserData->pubBufStart + pParserData->dwBufSize); pParserData->pUIInfo->loFontSubstTable = pParserData->dwBufSize; pParserData->dwBufSize += DWORD_ALIGN(dwSize);
for (pTTFontSub = pParserData->pTTFontSubs; pTTFontSub != NULL; pTTFontSub = pTTFontSub->pNext) { INT iChars;
// TrueType font family name
if (pTTFontSub->Translation.dwLength) { iChars = ITranslateToUnicodeString( ptstrTable, pTTFontSub->Translation.pvData, pTTFontSub->Translation.dwLength, pParserData->uCodePage); } else { iChars = ITranslateToUnicodeString( ptstrTable, pTTFontSub->pstrName, strlen(pTTFontSub->pstrName), 1252);
if (iChars <= 0) break;
ptstrTable += iChars + 1;
// PS font family name
iChars = ITranslateToUnicodeString( ptstrTable, pTTFontSub->PSName.pvData, pTTFontSub->PSName.dwLength, pParserData->uCodePage);
if (iChars <= 0) break;
ptstrTable += iChars + 1; }
if (pTTFontSub != NULL) { ERR(("Error packing font substitution table\n")); ptstrTable = ptstrStart; }
*ptstrTable++ = NUL; pParserData->pUIInfo->dwFontSubCount = (DWORD)(ptstrTable - ptstrStart) * sizeof(TCHAR); }
VOID VPackFileDateInfo( PPARSERDATA pParserData )
Routine Description:
Pack source PPD filenames and dates
pParserData - Points to parser data structure
Return Value:
{ PRAWBINARYDATA pRawData; DWORD dwCount; PFILEDATEINFO pFileDateInfo; PTSTR ptstrFullname; PLISTOBJ pItem; HANDLE hFile;
pRawData = &pParserData->pInfoHdr->RawData; dwCount = DwCountListItem(pParserData->pPpdFileNames);
if (pRawData->FileDateInfo.dwCount = dwCount) { VGrowPackBuffer(pParserData, dwCount * sizeof(FILEDATEINFO)); pRawData->FileDateInfo.loOffset = pParserData->dwBufSize; pFileDateInfo = (PFILEDATEINFO) (pParserData->pubBufStart + pParserData->dwBufSize); pParserData->dwBufSize += DWORD_ALIGN(dwCount * sizeof(FILEDATEINFO));
for (pItem = pParserData->pPpdFileNames; pItem; pItem = pItem->pNext) { dwCount--; ptstrFullname = (PTSTR) pItem->pstrName;
VPackStringUnicode(pParserData, &pFileDateInfo[dwCount].loFileName, ptstrFullname);
if ((hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || !GetFileTime(hFile, NULL, NULL, &pFileDateInfo[dwCount].FileTime)) { ERR(("GetFileTime '%ws' failed: %d\n", ptstrFullname, GetLastError())); GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&pFileDateInfo[dwCount].FileTime); }
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hFile); } } }
VOID VMapLangEncodingToCodePage( PPARSERDATA pParserData )
Routine Description:
Map LanguageEncoding to code page
pParserData - Points to parser data structure
Return Value:
{ UINT uCodePage = CP_ACP; CPINFO cpinfo;
switch (pParserData->dwLangEncoding) { case LANGENC_ISOLATIN1: uCodePage = 1252; break;
case LANGENC_JIS83_RKSJ: uCodePage = 932; break;
case LANGENC_UNICODE: uCodePage = CP_UNICODE; break;
case LANGENC_NONE: break;
default: RIP(("Unknown language encoding: %d\n", pParserData->dwLangEncoding)); break; }
// Make sure the requested code page is available
if (uCodePage != CP_UNICODE && uCodePage != CP_ACP && !GetCPInfo(uCodePage, &cpinfo)) { WARNING(("Code page %d is not available\n", uCodePage)); uCodePage = CP_ERROR; }
pParserData->uCodePage = uCodePage; }
BOOL BPackBinaryData( PPARSERDATA pParserData )
Routine Description:
Pack the parsed PPD information into binary format
pParserData - Points to parser data structure
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwMinFreeMem; BOOL bResult = FALSE;
__try { //
// Quick-access pointers to various data structures.
// Pack fixed header data structures
dwSize = sizeof(INFOHEADER) + sizeof(UIINFO) + sizeof(PPDDATA); VGrowPackBuffer(pParserData, dwSize); pParserData->dwBufSize = DWORD_ALIGN(dwSize); pInfoHdr = pParserData->pInfoHdr; pUIInfo = pParserData->pUIInfo; pPpdData = pParserData->pPpdData;
pInfoHdr->RawData.dwParserSignature = PPD_PARSER_SIGNATURE; pInfoHdr->RawData.dwParserVersion = PPD_PARSER_VERSION;
#if 0
pInfoHdr->RawData.dwChecksum32 = pParserData->dwChecksum32; #endif
pInfoHdr->loUIInfoOffset = sizeof(INFOHEADER); pInfoHdr->loDriverOffset = sizeof(INFOHEADER) + sizeof(UIINFO);
// Pack source PPD filenames and dates
// Perform a few miscellaneous checks
if (pParserData->pOpenFeature) SEMANTIC_ERROR(("Missing CloseUI for: %s\n", pParserData->pOpenFeature->pstrName));
if (pParserData->bInstallableGroup) SEMANTIC_ERROR(("Missing CloseGroup: InstallableOptions\n"));
if (pParserData->NickName.dwLength == 0) SEMANTIC_ERROR(("Missing *NickName and *ShortNickName entry\n"));
if (pParserData->Product.dwLength == 0) SEMANTIC_ERROR(("Missing *Product entry\n"));
if (pParserData->dwSpecVersion == 0) SEMANTIC_ERROR(("Missing *PPD-Adobe and *FormatVersion entry\n"));
if (pParserData->dwLangLevel == 0) { SEMANTIC_ERROR(("Missing *LanguageLevel entry\n")); pParserData->dwLangLevel = 1; }
dwMinFreeMem = pParserData->dwLangLevel <= 1 ? MIN_FREEMEM_L1 : MIN_FREEMEM_L2; if (pParserData->dwFreeMem < dwMinFreeMem) { SEMANTIC_ERROR(("Invalid *FreeVM entry\n")); pParserData->dwFreeMem = dwMinFreeMem; }
// Map LanguageEncoding to code page
// Count the number of doc- and printer-sticky features
// and sort them into two separate groups
// Fill out fields in the UIINFO structure
pUIInfo->dwSize = sizeof(UIINFO); pUIInfo->dwDocumentFeatures = pInfoHdr->RawData.dwDocumentFeatures; pUIInfo->dwPrinterFeatures = pInfoHdr->RawData.dwPrinterFeatures; pUIInfo->dwTechnology = DT_RASPRINTER; pUIInfo->dwMaxCopies = MAX_COPIES; pUIInfo->dwMinScale = MIN_SCALE; pUIInfo->dwMaxScale = MAX_SCALE; pUIInfo->dwSpecVersion = pParserData->dwSpecVersion; pUIInfo->dwLangEncoding = pParserData->dwLangEncoding; pUIInfo->dwLangLevel = pParserData->dwLangLevel; pUIInfo->dwPrintRate = pUIInfo->dwPrintRatePPM = pParserData->dwThroughput;
#ifndef WINNT_40
pUIInfo->dwPrintRateUnit = PRINTRATEUNIT_PPM; #endif
// Note: We assume all printers can support binary protocol
pUIInfo->dwProtocols = pParserData->dwProtocols | PROTOCOL_BINARY;
pUIInfo->dwJobTimeout = pParserData->dwJobTimeout; pUIInfo->dwWaitTimeout = pParserData->dwWaitTimeout; pUIInfo->dwTTRasterizer = pParserData->dwTTRasterizer; pUIInfo->dwFreeMem = pParserData->dwFreeMem; pUIInfo->fxScreenAngle = pParserData->fxScreenAngle; pUIInfo->fxScreenFreq = pParserData->fxScreenFreq; pUIInfo->dwCustomSizeOptIndex = OPTION_INDEX_ANY;
pPpdData->dwPpdFilever = pParserData->dwPpdFilever; pPpdData->dwFlags = pParserData->dwPpdFlags;
// Our internal unit is microns, thus 25400 units per inch.
pUIInfo->ptMasterUnits.x = pUIInfo->ptMasterUnits.y = 25400;
if (pParserData->dwColorDevice) pUIInfo->dwFlags |= FLAG_COLOR_DEVICE;
if (pParserData->dwLSOrientation != LSO_MINUS90) pUIInfo->dwFlags |= FLAG_ROTATE90;
if (PvFindListItem(pParserData->pFeatures, "StapleLocation", NULL) || PvFindListItem(pParserData->pFeatures, "StapleX", NULL) && PvFindListItem(pParserData->pFeatures, "StapleY", NULL)) { pUIInfo->dwFlags |= FLAG_STAPLE_SUPPORT; }
if (pParserData->bDefReversePrint) pUIInfo->dwFlags |= FLAG_REVERSE_PRINT;
if (pParserData->dwLangLevel > 1) { if (pParserData->bEuroInformationSet) { if (!pParserData->bHasEuro) pUIInfo->dwFlags |= FLAG_ADD_EURO; } else if (pParserData->dwPSVersion < 3011) pUIInfo->dwFlags |= FLAG_ADD_EURO; }
if (pParserData->bTrueGray) pUIInfo->dwFlags |= FLAG_TRUE_GRAY;
VPackStringAnsiToUnicode( pParserData, &pUIInfo->loNickName, pParserData->NickName.pvData, pParserData->NickName.dwLength);
// Pack symbol definitions and resolve symbol references
VPackSymbolDefinitions(pParserData); VResolveSymbolReferences(pParserData);
VPackInvocation(pParserData, &pUIInfo->Password, &pParserData->Password); VPackInvocation(pParserData, &pUIInfo->ExitServer, &pParserData->ExitServer);
// Copy and validate custom page size parameters
pPpdData->dwUseHWMarginsTrue = pPpdData->dwUseHWMarginsFalse = pPpdData->dwLeadingEdgeLong = pPpdData->dwLeadingEdgeShort = OPTION_INDEX_ANY; pPpdData->dwCustomSizeFlags = pParserData->dwCustomSizeFlags;
CopyMemory(pPpdData->CustomSizeParams, pParserData->CustomSizeParams, sizeof(pPpdData->CustomSizeParams));
// Process the printer features and handle any special glitches
// Pack UIConstraints information
// Pack OrderDependency and QueryOrderDependency information
VPackOrderDependency(pParserData, &pPpdData->OrderDeps, pParserData->pOrderDep); VPackOrderDependency(pParserData, &pPpdData->QueryOrderDeps, pParserData->pQueryOrderDep);
// Pack printer features and options
// Fill out fields in PPDDATA structure
pPpdData->dwSizeOfStruct = sizeof(PPDDATA); pPpdData->dwExtensions = pParserData->dwExtensions; pPpdData->dwSetResType = pParserData->dwSetResType; pPpdData->dwPSVersion = pParserData->dwPSVersion;
// Scan the document-sticky feature list to check if "OutputOrder" is available.
// If it is, remember its feature index, which will be used by UI code.
{ PFEATURE pFeature; DWORD dwIndex; PCSTR pstrKeywordName;
pPpdData->dwOutputOrderIndex = INVALID_FEATURE_INDEX;
pFeature = OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pInfoHdr, pUIInfo->loFeatureList);
ASSERT(pFeature != NULL);
for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < pUIInfo->dwDocumentFeatures; dwIndex++, pFeature++) { if ((pstrKeywordName = OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pInfoHdr, pFeature->loKeywordName)) && strcmp(pstrKeywordName, "OutputOrder") == EQUAL_STRING) { pPpdData->dwOutputOrderIndex = dwIndex; break; } } }
VPackInvocation(pParserData, &pPpdData->PSVersion, &pParserData->PSVersion); VPackInvocation(pParserData, &pPpdData->Product, &pParserData->Product);
// If neither roll-fed nor cut-sheet flag is set, assume to be roll-fed
if (! (pPpdData->dwCustomSizeFlags & (CUSTOMSIZE_CUTSHEET|CUSTOMSIZE_ROLLFED))) pPpdData->dwCustomSizeFlags |= CUSTOMSIZE_ROLLFED;
// If roll-fed flag is not set, default must be cut-sheet
if (! (pPpdData->dwCustomSizeFlags & CUSTOMSIZE_ROLLFED)) pPpdData->dwCustomSizeFlags |= CUSTOMSIZE_DEFAULTCUTSHEET; }
VPackInvocation(pParserData, &pPpdData->PatchFile, &pParserData->PatchFile); VPackInvocation(pParserData, &pPpdData->JclBegin, &pParserData->JclBegin); VPackInvocation(pParserData, &pPpdData->JclEnterPS, &pParserData->JclEnterPS); VPackInvocation(pParserData, &pPpdData->JclEnd, &pParserData->JclEnd); VPackInvocation(pParserData, &pPpdData->ManualFeedFalse, &pParserData->ManualFeedFalse);
// Pack NT4 feature index mapping information
// Pack device font information
// Pack JobPatchFile information
// Pack default TrueType font substitution table
if (pParserData->pTTFontSubs == NULL || pParserData->uCodePage == CP_ERROR) VPackDefaultTrueTypeSubstTable(pParserData); else VPackTrueTypeSubstTable(pParserData);
pInfoHdr->RawData.dwFileSize = pParserData->dwBufSize; bResult = TRUE; } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ERR(("PackBinaryData failed.\n")); }
return bResult; }
BOOL BSaveBinaryDataToFile( PPARSERDATA pParserData, PTSTR ptstrPpdFilename )
Routine Description:
Cache the binary PPD data in a file
pParserData - Points to parser data structure ptstrPpdFilename - Specifies the PPD filename
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ PTSTR ptstrBpdFilename; HANDLE hFile; DWORD dwBytesWritten; BOOL bResult = FALSE;
// Generate a binary file name based the original filename
// Create a file and write data to it
if ((ptstrBpdFilename = GenerateBpdFilename(ptstrPpdFilename)) != NULL && (hFile = CreateFile(ptstrBpdFilename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN | SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT | SECURITY_ANONYMOUS, NULL)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { bResult = WriteFile(hFile, pParserData->pubBufStart, pParserData->dwBufSize, &dwBytesWritten, NULL) && (pParserData->dwBufSize == dwBytesWritten);
CloseHandle(hFile); }
if (! bResult) ERR(("Couldn't cache binary PPD data: %d\n", GetLastError()));
MemFree(ptstrBpdFilename); return bResult; }
VOID VFreeParserData( PPARSERDATA pParserData )
Routine Description:
Free up memory used to hold parser data structure
pParserData - Points to parser data structure
Return Value:
if (pParserData->pubBufStart) VirtualFree(pParserData->pubBufStart, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
MemFree(pParserData->Value.pbuf); HeapDestroy(pParserData->hHeap); }
Routine Description:
Allocate memory to hold PPD parser data
Return Value:
Pointer to allocated parser data structure NULL if there is an error
{ PPARSERDATA pParserData; HANDLE hHeap;
// Create a heap and allocate memory space from it
if (! (hHeap = HeapCreate(0, 16*1024, 0)) || ! (pParserData = HeapAlloc(hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(PARSERDATA)))) { ERR(("Memory allocation failed: %d\n", GetLastError()));
if (hHeap) HeapDestroy(hHeap);
return NULL; }
pParserData->hHeap = hHeap; pParserData->pvStartSig = pParserData->pvEndSig = pParserData;
// Initialize the parser data structure - we only need to worry
// about non-zero fields here.
pParserData->dwChecksum32 = 0xFFFFFFFF; pParserData->dwFreeMem = min(MIN_FREEMEM_L1, MIN_FREEMEM_L2); pParserData->dwJobTimeout = DEFAULT_JOB_TIMEOUT; pParserData->dwWaitTimeout = DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT; pParserData->iManualFeedIndex = pParserData->iReqPageRgnIndex = pParserData->iDefInstallMemIndex = -1; pParserData->wNt4Checksum = 0; pParserData->dwPpdFlags = PPDFLAG_PRINTPSERROR;
// Initialize buffers for storing keyword, option, translation, and value.
// Build up data structures to speed up keyword lookup
SET_BUFFER(&pParserData->Keyword, pParserData->achKeyword); SET_BUFFER(&pParserData->Option, pParserData->achOption); SET_BUFFER(&pParserData->Xlation, pParserData->achXlation);
if (IGrowValueBuffer(&pParserData->Value) != PPDERR_NONE || ! BInitKeywordLookup(pParserData)) { VFreeParserData(pParserData); return NULL; }
return pParserData; }
BOOL BRememberSourceFilename( PPARSERDATA pParserData, PTSTR ptstrFilename )
Routine Description:
Remember the full pathname to the source PPD file
pParserData - Points to parser data structure ptstrFilename - Specifies the source PPD filename
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if there is an error
{ PLISTOBJ pItem; TCHAR ptstrFullname[MAX_PATH]; PTSTR ptstrFilePart; DWORD dwSizeChars, dwSizeChars2; DWORD dwSizeBytes; // size of buffer to hold pathname
// Get the full pathname to the specified source PPD file
dwSizeChars = GetFullPathName(ptstrFilename, MAX_PATH, ptstrFullname, &ptstrFilePart);
if (dwSizeChars == 0) { ERR(("GetFullPathName failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); return FALSE; }
// Remember the source PPD filenames
dwSizeBytes = (dwSizeChars + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
if (! (pItem = ALLOC_PARSER_MEM(pParserData, sizeof(LISTOBJ) + dwSizeBytes))) return FALSE;
pItem->pstrName = (PSTR) ((PBYTE) pItem + sizeof(LISTOBJ));
// let GetFullPathName write directly into the real buffer!
dwSizeChars2 = GetFullPathName(ptstrFilename, dwSizeChars + 1, (PTSTR)pItem->pstrName, &ptstrFilePart);
if((dwSizeChars2 == 0) || (dwSizeChars2 > dwSizeChars)) { ERR(("GetFullPathName failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); return FALSE; // no need to free pItem since Heap is destroyed automatically.
pItem->pNext = pParserData->pPpdFileNames; pParserData->pPpdFileNames = pItem; return TRUE; }
// 16-bit crc checksum table - copied from win95
static const WORD Crc16Table[] = { 0x0000, 0x1021, 0x2042, 0x3063, 0x4084, 0x50a5, 0x60c6, 0x70e7, 0x8108, 0x9129, 0xa14a, 0xb16b, 0xc18c, 0xd1ad, 0xe1ce, 0xf1ef, 0x1231, 0x0210, 0x3273, 0x2252, 0x52b5, 0x4294, 0x72f7, 0x62d6, 0x9339, 0x8318, 0xb37b, 0xa35a, 0xd3bd, 0xc39c, 0xf3ff, 0xe3de, 0x2462, 0x3443, 0x0420, 0x1401, 0x64e6, 0x74c7, 0x44a4, 0x5485, 0xa56a, 0xb54b, 0x8528, 0x9509, 0xe5ee, 0xf5cf, 0xc5ac, 0xd58d, 0x3653, 0x2672, 0x1611, 0x0630, 0x76d7, 0x66f6, 0x5695, 0x46b4, 0xb75b, 0xa77a, 0x9719, 0x8738, 0xf7df, 0xe7fe, 0xd79d, 0xc7bc, 0x48c4, 0x58e5, 0x6886, 0x78a7, 0x0840, 0x1861, 0x2802, 0x3823, 0xc9cc, 0xd9ed, 0xe98e, 0xf9af, 0x8948, 0x9969, 0xa90a, 0xb92b, 0x5af5, 0x4ad4, 0x7ab7, 0x6a96, 0x1a71, 0x0a50, 0x3a33, 0x2a12, 0xdbfd, 0xcbdc, 0xfbbf, 0xeb9e, 0x9b79, 0x8b58, 0xbb3b, 0xab1a, 0x6ca6, 0x7c87, 0x4ce4, 0x5cc5, 0x2c22, 0x3c03, 0x0c60, 0x1c41, 0xedae, 0xfd8f, 0xcdec, 0xddcd, 0xad2a, 0xbd0b, 0x8d68, 0x9d49, 0x7e97, 0x6eb6, 0x5ed5, 0x4ef4, 0x3e13, 0x2e32, 0x1e51, 0x0e70, 0xff9f, 0xefbe, 0xdfdd, 0xcffc, 0xbf1b, 0xaf3a, 0x9f59, 0x8f78, 0x9188, 0x81a9, 0xb1ca, 0xa1eb, 0xd10c, 0xc12d, 0xf14e, 0xe16f, 0x1080, 0x00a1, 0x30c2, 0x20e3, 0x5004, 0x4025, 0x7046, 0x6067, 0x83b9, 0x9398, 0xa3fb, 0xb3da, 0xc33d, 0xd31c, 0xe37f, 0xf35e, 0x02b1, 0x1290, 0x22f3, 0x32d2, 0x4235, 0x5214, 0x6277, 0x7256, 0xb5ea, 0xa5cb, 0x95a8, 0x8589, 0xf56e, 0xe54f, 0xd52c, 0xc50d, 0x34e2, 0x24c3, 0x14a0, 0x0481, 0x7466, 0x6447, 0x5424, 0x4405, 0xa7db, 0xb7fa, 0x8799, 0x97b8, 0xe75f, 0xf77e, 0xc71d, 0xd73c, 0x26d3, 0x36f2, 0x0691, 0x16b0, 0x6657, 0x7676, 0x4615, 0x5634, 0xd94c, 0xc96d, 0xf90e, 0xe92f, 0x99c8, 0x89e9, 0xb98a, 0xa9ab, 0x5844, 0x4865, 0x7806, 0x6827, 0x18c0, 0x08e1, 0x3882, 0x28a3, 0xcb7d, 0xdb5c, 0xeb3f, 0xfb1e, 0x8bf9, 0x9bd8, 0xabbb, 0xbb9a, 0x4a75, 0x5a54, 0x6a37, 0x7a16, 0x0af1, 0x1ad0, 0x2ab3, 0x3a92, 0xfd2e, 0xed0f, 0xdd6c, 0xcd4d, 0xbdaa, 0xad8b, 0x9de8, 0x8dc9, 0x7c26, 0x6c07, 0x5c64, 0x4c45, 0x3ca2, 0x2c83, 0x1ce0, 0x0cc1, 0xef1f, 0xff3e, 0xcf5d, 0xdf7c, 0xaf9b, 0xbfba, 0x8fd9, 0x9ff8, 0x6e17, 0x7e36, 0x4e55, 0x5e74, 0x2e93, 0x3eb2, 0x0ed1, 0x1ef0 };
WORD WComputeCrc16Checksum( IN PBYTE pbuf, IN DWORD dwCount, IN WORD wChecksum )
Routine Description:
Compute the 16-bit CRC checksum on a buffer of data
pbuf - Points to a data buffer dwCount - Number of bytes in the data buffer wChecksum - Initial checksum value
Return Value:
Resulting checksum value
{ while (dwCount--) wChecksum = Crc16Table[(wChecksum >> 8) ^ *pbuf++] ^ (wChecksum << 8);
return wChecksum; }
DWORD dwComputeFeatureOptionChecksum( PPARSERDATA pParserData )
Routine Description:
Compute checksum for only feature/option keyword strings.
pParserData - Points to parser data structure
Return Value:
32bit checksum value
{ PINFOHEADER pInfoHdr; PUIINFO pUIInfo; PFEATURE pFeature; POPTION pOption; DWORD dwFeatureCount, dwFeatureIndex, dwOptionCount, dwOptionIndex; PBYTE pBuf; DWORD dwBufSize;
pInfoHdr = pParserData->pInfoHdr; pUIInfo = (PUIINFO)((PBYTE)pInfoHdr + sizeof(INFOHEADER));
dwFeatureCount = pInfoHdr->RawData.dwDocumentFeatures + pInfoHdr->RawData.dwPrinterFeatures;
pFeature = OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pInfoHdr, pUIInfo->loFeatureList);
ASSERT(dwFeatureCount == 0 || pFeature != NULL);
for (dwFeatureIndex = 0; dwFeatureIndex < dwFeatureCount; dwFeatureIndex++, pFeature++) { pBuf = OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pInfoHdr, pFeature->loKeywordName);
dwBufSize = strlen((PSTR)pBuf) + 1;
pParserData->dwChecksum32 = ComputeCrc32Checksum(pBuf, dwBufSize, pParserData->dwChecksum32);
if (dwOptionCount = pFeature->Options.dwCount) { pOption = OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pInfoHdr, pFeature->Options.loOffset);
ASSERT(pOption != NULL);
for (dwOptionIndex = 0; dwOptionIndex < dwOptionCount; dwOptionIndex++) { pBuf = OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pInfoHdr, pOption->loKeywordName); dwBufSize = strlen((PSTR)pBuf) + 1;
pParserData->dwChecksum32 = ComputeCrc32Checksum(pBuf, dwBufSize, pParserData->dwChecksum32); pOption = (POPTION)((PBYTE)pOption + pFeature->dwOptionSize); } } }
return pParserData->dwChecksum32; }
DWORD dwCalcMaxKeywordSize( IN PPARSERDATA pParserData, IN INT iMode )
Routine Description:
Calculate the maximum buffer size for storing feature/option keyword pairs in Registry.
pParserData - Points to parser data structure iMode - For either doc- or printer- sticky features
Return Value:
The maximum buffer size needed for storing feature/option keyword paris.
{ PINFOHEADER pInfoHdr; PUIINFO pUIInfo; PFEATURE pFeature; POPTION pOption; DWORD dwStart, dwFeatureCount, dwFeatureIndex, dwOptionCount, dwOptionIndex; PSTR pBuf; DWORD dwMaxSize, dwOptionSize, dwOptionMax;
dwMaxSize = 0;
pInfoHdr = pParserData->pInfoHdr; pUIInfo = pParserData->pUIInfo;
if (iMode == MODE_DOCUMENT_STICKY) { dwStart = 0; dwFeatureCount = pUIInfo->dwDocumentFeatures; } else { ASSERT(iMode == MODE_PRINTER_STICKY);
dwStart = pUIInfo->dwDocumentFeatures; dwFeatureCount = pUIInfo->dwPrinterFeatures; }
pFeature = OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pInfoHdr, pUIInfo->loFeatureList);
ASSERT(dwFeatureCount == 0 || pFeature != NULL);
pFeature += dwStart;
for (dwFeatureIndex = 0; dwFeatureIndex < dwFeatureCount; dwFeatureIndex++, pFeature++) { pBuf = OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pInfoHdr, pFeature->loKeywordName);
dwMaxSize += strlen(pBuf) + 1;
dwOptionMax = 0; if (dwOptionCount = pFeature->Options.dwCount) { pOption = OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pInfoHdr, pFeature->Options.loOffset);
ASSERT(pOption != NULL);
for (dwOptionIndex = 0; dwOptionIndex < dwOptionCount; dwOptionIndex++) { pBuf = OFFSET_TO_POINTER(pInfoHdr, pOption->loKeywordName); dwOptionSize = strlen(pBuf) + 1;
if (pFeature->dwUIType != UITYPE_PICKMANY) { if (dwOptionMax < dwOptionSize) dwOptionMax = dwOptionSize; } else // count all options for PickMany feature
dwMaxSize += dwOptionSize;
pOption = (POPTION)((PBYTE)pOption + pFeature->dwOptionSize); } }
// Add the max option keyword size here for non-PickMany feature
if (pFeature->dwUIType != UITYPE_PICKMANY) dwMaxSize += dwOptionMax;
// One extra byte for the \0x0A delimiter between features
dwMaxSize += 1; }
return dwMaxSize; }
PPDERROR IParseFile( PPARSERDATA pParserData, PTSTR ptstrFilename )
Routine Description:
Parse a PPD file
pParserData - Points to parser data structure ptstrFilename - Specifies the name of the file to be parsed
Return Value:
PPDERR_NONE if successful, error code otherwise
{ PPDERROR iStatus; PFILEOBJ pFile; INT iSyntaxErrors = 0;
// Map the file into memory for read-only access
VALIDATE_PARSER_DATA(pParserData); ASSERT(ptstrFilename != NULL);
if (! BRememberSourceFilename(pParserData, ptstrFilename) || ! (pFile = PCreateFileObj(ptstrFilename))) { return PPDERR_FILE; }
pParserData->pFile = pFile;
#if 0
// Compute the 32-bit CRC checksum of the file content
pParserData->dwChecksum32 = ComputeCrc32Checksum(pFile->pubStart, pFile->dwFileSize, pParserData->dwChecksum32); #endif
// Compute the 16-bit CRC checksum as well for PS4 compatibility
pParserData->wNt4Checksum = WComputeCrc16Checksum(pFile->pubStart, pFile->dwFileSize, pParserData->wNt4Checksum);
// Process entries in the file
while ((iStatus = IParseEntry(pParserData)) != PPDERR_EOF) { if (iStatus == PPDERR_SYNTAX) iSyntaxErrors++; else if (iStatus != PPDERR_NONE) { VDeleteFileObj(pFile); return iStatus; } }
if (END_OF_FILE(pFile) && !END_OF_LINE(pFile)) TERSE(("Incomplete last line ignored.\n"));
// Unmap the file and return to the caller
return (iSyntaxErrors > 0) ? PPDERR_SYNTAX : PPDERR_NONE; }
PRAWBINARYDATA PpdParseTextFile( PTSTR ptstrPpdFilename )
Routine Description:
PPD parser main entry point
ptstrPpdFilename - Specifies the PPD file to be parsed
Return Value:
Pointer to parsed binary PPD data, NULL if there is an error
// Allocate parser data structure
ASSERT(ptstrPpdFilename != NULL);
if (! (pParserData = PAllocParserData())) return NULL;
// Parse the PPD file
iStatus = IParseFile(pParserData, ptstrPpdFilename);
if (iStatus == PPDERR_NONE || iStatus == PPDERR_SYNTAX) { //
// Pack the parsed information into binary format
pParserData->bErrorFlag = FALSE;
if (BPackBinaryData(pParserData)) { //
// After binary data is packed, we calculate the 32bit checksum
// for only feature/option keyword strings (instead of for the
// whole PPD file). Doing this will enable us to retain option
// selections when the PPD file is modified without feature/option
// changes.
pParserData->pInfoHdr->RawData.dwChecksum32 = dwComputeFeatureOptionChecksum(pParserData);
// Calculate the maximum buffer sizes for storing feature/option
// keyword pairs in Registry
pParserData->pUIInfo->dwMaxDocKeywordSize = dwCalcMaxKeywordSize(pParserData, MODE_DOCUMENT_STICKY); pParserData->pUIInfo->dwMaxPrnKeywordSize = dwCalcMaxKeywordSize(pParserData, MODE_PRINTER_STICKY);
#ifndef WINNT_40
pParserData->pPpdData->dwUserDefUILangID = (DWORD)GetUserDefaultUILanguage();
pParserData->pPpdData->dwUserDefUILangID = 0;
// Save binary data to a file
(VOID) BSaveBinaryDataToFile(pParserData, ptstrPpdFilename);
// Here we'll copy the packed binary data to a different buffer.
// This is necessary because the packed data buffer was allocated
// using VirtualAlloc. If we return that pointer back to the caller,
// the caller would need to call VirtualFree to release it.
if (pRawData = MemAlloc(pParserData->dwBufSize)) { CopyMemory(pRawData, pParserData->pubBufStart, pParserData->dwBufSize); } else ERR(("Memory allocation failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); } }
if (iStatus == PPDERR_SYNTAX || pParserData->bErrorFlag) WARNING(("Errors found in %ws\n", ptstrPpdFilename));
VFreeParserData(pParserData); return pRawData; }
PPDERROR IGrowValueBuffer( PBUFOBJ pBufObj )
Routine Description:
Grow the buffer used for holding the entry value
pBufObj - Specifies the buffer to be enlarged
Return Value:
PPDERR_NONE if successful, error code otherwise
{ DWORD dwNewLen = pBufObj->dwMaxLen + VALUE_BUFFER_INCREMENT; PBYTE pbuf;
if (! IS_BUFFER_FULL(pBufObj)) WARNING(("Trying to grow buffer while it's not yet full.\n"));
if (! (pbuf = MemAllocZ(dwNewLen))) { ERR(("Memory allocation failed: %d\n", GetLastError())); return PPDERR_MEMORY; }
if (pBufObj->pbuf) { CopyMemory(pbuf, pBufObj->pbuf, pBufObj->dwSize); MemFree(pBufObj->pbuf); }
pBufObj->pbuf = pbuf; pBufObj->dwMaxLen = dwNewLen; return PPDERR_NONE; }