Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Utility to convert AFM file(s) to NTF file.
Windows NT PostScript driver.
Revision History:
02/16/98 -ksuzuki- Added OCF font support.
09/08/97 -ksuzuki- Added code to look for PSFAMILY.DAT file from the directory where makentf is invoked.
09/16/96 -PPeng- Add the fucntion to write PS Encoding vectors out - for debugging and create PS Encoding Arrays as PScript resource files.
09/16/96 -slam- Created.
mm/dd/yy -author- description
#include <windows.h>
#include "lib.h"
#include "ppd.h"
#include "pslib.h"
#include "afm2ntm.h"
#include "cjkfonts.h"
#include "writentf.h"
// Globals
HINSTANCE ghInstance; PUPSCODEPT UnicodetoPs; PTBL pFamilyTbl; PSTR pAFMCharacterSetString; PSTR Adobe_Japan1_0 = "Adobe-Japan1-0\n"; DWORD dwLastErr; PSTR pAFMFileName = NULL; BOOL bVerbose = FALSE; BOOL bOptimize = FALSE;
// Number of auxiliary character set. Its cheif
// purpose is to support 83pv.
#define NUM_AUX_CS 1
// This macro is used to see whether the argument
// matches the differential between CS_SHIFTJIS
// and CS_WEST_MAX.
#define IS_CS_SHIFTJIS(delta) \
((delta) == (CS_SHIFTJIS - CS_WEST_MAX))
// Prototype
BOOL WritePSEncodings( IN PWSTR pwszFileName, IN WINCPTOPS *CPtoPSList, IN DWORD dwPages ); BOOL NeedBuildMoreNTM( PBYTE pAFM );
void __cdecl main( int argc, char **argv )
Routine Description:
Makentf takes four steps to create a .NTF file.
Step 1: Initialization.
Step 2: Convert AFM(s) to NTM(s).
Step 3: Write GLYPHSETDATA(s) and NTM(s) to a .NTF file.
Step 4: Clean up.
argc - The path of and arguments given to this program. argv - The number of elements pointed to by argc.
Return Value:
{ WCHAR wstrNTFFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wstrAFMFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wstrDATFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR DatFilePath[MAX_PATH]; PNTM *aPNTM; PNTM pNTM; PGLYPHSETDATA *aGlyphSets; PWINCODEPAGE *aWinCodePages; PWINCODEPAGE pAllWinCodePages[CS_MAX]; PUPSCODEPT pFontChars; CHSETSUPPORT flCsupFont, flCsupGlyphSet, flCsupMatch, flCsupAll; ULONG cNumNTM, cSizeNTM, ulLength, nUnicodeChars; PULONG *aUniPsTbl; LONG lMatch, lMatchAll; PBYTE pAFM; FLONG flCurCset, flLastCset; ULONG cNumGlyphSets, cSizeGlyphSets; DWORD ulFileSize; PBYTE pFamDatFile; PBYTE pCMaps[CMAPS_PER_COL]; HANDLE hmodule, hModCMaps[CMAPS_PER_COL]; USHORT cNTMCurFont; INT nArgcOffset; LONG c; ULONG i, j; BOOL bIs90mspFont; BOOL bIsKSCmsHWFont;
// Step 1: Initialization.
// Check if there are enough parameters.
if (argc == 1) { printf("MakeNTF usage:\n"); printf("1. MakeNTF [-v] [-o] <NTF> <AFMs>\n"); printf(" Create an NTF file from AFM files.\n"); printf(" -v: verbose (print various info)\n"); printf(" -o: optimize (write glyphset only referenced)\n"); printf("\n"); printf("2. MakeNTF <PSEncodingNameList>\n"); printf(" Generate PS encoding name list.\n"); return; }
wstrNTFFile[0] = 0;
if (argc == 2) { ulLength = strlen(argv[1]) + 1; MULTIBYTETOUNICODE(wstrNTFFile, ulLength*sizeof(WCHAR), NULL, argv[1], ulLength); WritePSEncodings(wstrNTFFile, &aPStoCP[0], CS_MAX); return; } else { nArgcOffset = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= 2; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-v")) { bVerbose = TRUE; nArgcOffset++; } if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-o")) { bOptimize = TRUE; nArgcOffset++; } } }
if (bVerbose) printf("%%%%[Begin MakeNTF]%%%%\n\n");
// Initiliaze variables that relate to memory allocation.
aPNTM = NULL; aGlyphSets = NULL; pFamilyTbl = NULL; UnicodetoPs = NULL; aUniPsTbl = NULL; aWinCodePages = NULL; cNumNTM = cSizeNTM = 0; cNumGlyphSets = cSizeGlyphSets = 0;
// Initialize Glyphset counter, list of all possible Windows charsets.
for (i =0; i < CS_MAX; i++) { pAllWinCodePages[i] = &aStdCPList[i]; }
// Create a copy of the Unicode->PS char mapping table and sort it
// in Unicode point order.
if ((UnicodetoPs = (PUPSCODEPT) MemAllocZ((size_t) sizeof(UPSCODEPT) * NUM_PS_CHARS)) == NULL) { dwLastErr = GetLastError(); ERR(("makentf - main: malloc for UnicodetoPs (%ld)\n", dwLastErr)); return; } memcpy(UnicodetoPs, PstoUnicode, (size_t) sizeof(UPSCODEPT) * NUM_PS_CHARS); qsort(UnicodetoPs, (size_t) NUM_PS_CHARS, (size_t) sizeof(UPSCODEPT), CmpUniCodePts);
// Build complete path name for PS family DAT file.
GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, DatFilePath); StringCchCatW(DatFilePath, CCHOF(DatFilePath), DatFileName);
// Open PS font family .DAT file and build the font family table.
if (!(hmodule = MapFileIntoMemory(DatFilePath, &pFamDatFile, &ulFileSize))) { //
// One more try: look for it from the directory where makentf is
// invoked (or from the root directory).
DECLSPEC_IMPORT LPWSTR* APIENTRY CommandLineToArgvW(LPCWSTR, int*); LPWSTR p, pLast, *pCmdLine; int nArgc;
pCmdLine = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &nArgc); if (pCmdLine == NULL) { dwLastErr = GetLastError(); ERR(("makentf - main: CommandLineToArgvW (%ld)\n", dwLastErr)); UnmapFileFromMemory(hmodule); goto CLEAN_UP; } StringCchCopyW(DatFilePath, CCHOF(DatFilePath), pCmdLine[0]); GlobalFree(pCmdLine);
p = pLast = DatFilePath; while ((p = wcsstr(p, L"\\")) != NULL) { pLast = p; p += 2; } StringCchCopyW(pLast, CCHOF(DatFilePath) - (pLast - DatFilePath), DatFileName); hmodule = MapFileIntoMemory(DatFilePath, &pFamDatFile, &ulFileSize); if (!hmodule) { dwLastErr = GetLastError(); ERR(("makentf - main: can't open PSFAMILY.DAT file (%ld)\n", dwLastErr)); UnmapFileFromMemory(hmodule); goto CLEAN_UP; } } BuildPSFamilyTable(pFamDatFile, &pFamilyTbl, ulFileSize); UnmapFileFromMemory(hmodule);
// Allocate memory to store NTM pointers.
// We quadruple the number of the arguments of this program to get the
// number of NTM pointer. This is because
// 1) we need four NTM pointers maximum (two for H and V plus two for J
// 90ms and 83pv) for a CJK AFM, but,
// 2) we don't know at this time that how many of CJK AFMs we are going
// to process.
// Since we're only allocating pointers here it's usually OK to quadruple
// the number of the arguments and use it as the number of NTM pointers
// we need. (Don't forget to subtract two - one for the name of this
// program and the other for the target NTM file name - from the number
// of the arguments prior to quadruple.)
// Add 90msp-RKSJ support. we need 2 more NTFs - H and V for 90msp.
// So I change the estimation number from 4 to 6. Jack 3/15/2000
// aPNTM = MemAllocZ(((argc - 2 - nArgcOffset) * 4) * sizeof(PNTM));
aPNTM = MemAllocZ(((argc - 2 - nArgcOffset) * 6) * sizeof(PNTM)); if (aPNTM == NULL) { dwLastErr = GetLastError(); ERR(("makentf - main: malloc for aPNTM (%ld)\n", dwLastErr)); goto CLEAN_UP; }
// Allocate memory to store pointers to Glyphset related data. We don't
// know how many Glyphsets we will need - but we know it will be at most
// equal to the number of character sets we support, although this will
// probably never occur. Since we're only allocating ptrs here we'll go
// ahead and alloc the max. Don't forget an extra entry for the Unicode
// GLYPHSET data.
if ((aGlyphSets = MemAllocZ(i * sizeof(PGLYPHSETDATA))) == NULL) { dwLastErr = GetLastError(); ERR(("makentf - main: malloc for aGlyphSets (%ld)\n", dwLastErr)); goto CLEAN_UP; } if ((aUniPsTbl = MemAllocZ(i * sizeof(PULONG))) == NULL) { dwLastErr = GetLastError(); ERR(("makentf - main: malloc for aUniPsTbl (%ld)\n", dwLastErr)); goto CLEAN_UP; } if ((aWinCodePages = MemAllocZ(i * sizeof(PWINCODEPAGE))) == NULL) { dwLastErr = GetLastError(); ERR(("makentf - main: malloc for aWinCodePages (%ld)\n", dwLastErr)); goto CLEAN_UP; }
// Precreate Western GLYPHSETs.
// Note that this for loop assumes that the enum numbers from CS_228 to
// CS_WEST_MAX are in ascending order incrementally.
if (bVerbose && !bOptimize) printf("%%%%[Begin Precreate Western Glyphsets]%%%%\n\n");
for (i = CS_228; i < CS_WEST_MAX; i++, cNumGlyphSets++) { aWinCodePages[cNumGlyphSets] = &aStdCPList[i]; CreateGlyphSets(&aGlyphSets[cNumGlyphSets], aWinCodePages[cNumGlyphSets], &aUniPsTbl[cNumGlyphSets]); cSizeGlyphSets += aGlyphSets[cNumGlyphSets]->dwSize; }
if (bVerbose && !bOptimize) printf("%%%%[End Precreate Western Glyphsets]%%%%\n\n");
// Step 2: Convert AFM(s) to NTM(s).
if (bVerbose) printf("%%%%[Begin Covert AFM to NTM]%%%%\n\n");
for (i = 2 + nArgcOffset; i < (ULONG)argc; i++) { //
// Get AFM filename.
ulLength = strlen(argv[i]) + 1; MULTIBYTETOUNICODE(wstrAFMFile, ulLength*sizeof(WCHAR), NULL, argv[i], ulLength);
// Map AFM file into memory.
if (!(hmodule = MapFileIntoMemory(wstrAFMFile, &pAFM, NULL))) { dwLastErr = GetLastError(); ERR(("makentf - main: MapFileIntoMemory (%ld)\n", dwLastErr)); goto CLEAN_UP; }
pAFMFileName = argv[i];
bIs90mspFont = FALSE; bIsKSCmsHWFont = FALSE;
// Initialization of pAFMCharacterSet must be done here
// *before* CREATE_OCF_DATA_FROM_CID_DATA tag. The cheif
// purpose of the initialization here is to support
// OCF/83pv font.
// Determine which charsets this font supports. To find that,
// we use the following variables.
// flCsupFont: Combination of charset of the target font
// flCsupGlyphSet: Charset of the target font's glyphset
// lMatch: Index corresponding to CHSETSUPPORT, or -1
// flCsupMatch: Combination of charset of a closest font, or 0
flCsupFont = GetAFMCharSetSupport(pAFM, &flCsupGlyphSet);
CREATE_90MSP_RKSJ_NTM: CREATE_KSCMS_HW_NTM: lMatch = -1; flCsupMatch = 0; if (flCsupGlyphSet == CS_NOCHARSET) { //
// Determine if the current font matches any of the codepages
// we have created so far.
lMatch = FindClosestCodePage(aWinCodePages, cNumGlyphSets, flCsupFont, &flCsupMatch); } else { if (flCsupGlyphSet == CS_228) lMatch = 0; else if (flCsupGlyphSet == CS_314) lMatch = 1; flCsupMatch = flCsupFont; }
if ((flCsupGlyphSet == CS_NOCHARSET) && ((lMatch == -1) || ((flCsupMatch & flCsupFont) != flCsupFont))) { //
// Either:
// We haven't created a charset which could be used to represent
// this font so far.
// -or-
// We know this font supports at least 1 of the charsets we have
// created, but there might be a better match in the list of all
// possible charsets.
lMatchAll = FindClosestCodePage(pAllWinCodePages, CS_MAX, flCsupFont, &flCsupAll); if ((flCsupAll == flCsupFont) || (flCsupAll & flCsupFont) > (flCsupMatch & flCsupFont)) { //
// Found a better match in a codepage which has not yet
// been created.
lMatch = lMatchAll;
// Create a GLYPHSETDATA struct for this codepage and add
// it to the list of those we've created so far.
aWinCodePages[cNumGlyphSets] = &aStdCPList[lMatch];
// Determine if this is a CJK font.
if (lMatch < CS_WEST_MAX) { //
// Western font.
CreateGlyphSets(&aGlyphSets[cNumGlyphSets], aWinCodePages[cNumGlyphSets], &aUniPsTbl[cNumGlyphSets]);
cSizeGlyphSets += aGlyphSets[cNumGlyphSets]->dwSize;
// Glyphset for this font is the one we just created.
lMatch = cNumGlyphSets; cNumGlyphSets += 1; } else { //
// CJK font.
// Map the CMap files on memory first.
j = (ULONG)lMatch - CS_WEST_MAX;
for (c = 0; c < CMAPS_PER_COL; c++) { hModCMaps[c] = MapFileIntoMemory(CjkFnameTbl[j][c], &pCMaps[c], NULL); if (hModCMaps[c] == NULL) { while (--c >= 0) { UnmapFileFromMemory(hModCMaps[c]); } dwLastErr = GetLastError(); ERR(("makentf - main: MapFileIntoMemory (%ld)\n", dwLastErr)); goto CLEAN_UP; } }
// Since we're creating 2 GLYPHSETs (H and V variants)
// Create 2 codepage entries which point to the same
// Win codepage.
aWinCodePages[cNumGlyphSets + 1] = &aStdCPList[lMatch];
// Use the CMap files to create the new GLYPHSETs.
CreateCJKGlyphSets(&pCMaps[0], &pCMaps[2], &aGlyphSets[cNumGlyphSets], aWinCodePages[cNumGlyphSets], &aUniPsTbl[cNumGlyphSets]);
// Unmap the CMap files.
for (c = 0; c < CMAPS_PER_COL; c++) { UnmapFileFromMemory(hModCMaps[c]); }
// We've created both an H and V GLYPHSET.
cSizeGlyphSets += aGlyphSets[cNumGlyphSets]->dwSize; cSizeGlyphSets += aGlyphSets[cNumGlyphSets + 1]->dwSize;
// Glyphsets for this font are the ones we just created.
lMatch = cNumGlyphSets; cNumGlyphSets += 2; } } }
// Determine number of NTMs to be created for this font.
cNTMCurFont = (aWinCodePages[lMatch]->pCsetList[0] < CS_WEST_MAX) ? 1 : 2;
do { //
// Generate NTM from AFM.
aPNTM[cNumNTM] = AFMToNTM(pAFM, aGlyphSets[lMatch], aUniPsTbl[lMatch], ((flCsupGlyphSet != CS_NOCHARSET) ? &flCsupFont : NULL), ((flCsupFont & CS_CJK) ? TRUE : FALSE), bIs90mspFont | bIsKSCmsHWFont);
if (aPNTM[cNumNTM] != NULL) { //
// Put the NTMs into a data array for WriteNTF.
cSizeNTM += NTM_GET_SIZE(aPNTM[cNumNTM]); cNumNTM++; } else { ERR(("makentf - main: AFMToNTM failed to create NTM:%s\n", argv[i])); }
cNTMCurFont--; lMatch++; } while (cNTMCurFont);
// 90msp font support. jjia 3/16/2000
if (flCsupFont == CSUP(CS_SHIFTJIS)) { if (NeedBuildMoreNTM(pAFM)) { flCsupFont = CSUP(CS_SHIFTJISP); bIs90mspFont = TRUE; goto CREATE_90MSP_RKSJ_NTM; // here we go again!
} } bIs90mspFont = FALSE;
if (flCsupFont == CSUP(CS_HANGEUL)) { if (NeedBuildMoreNTM(pAFM)) { flCsupFont = CSUP(CS_HANGEULHW); bIsKSCmsHWFont = TRUE; goto CREATE_KSCMS_HW_NTM; // here we go again!
} } bIsKSCmsHWFont = FALSE;
// OCF/83pv font support. Create OCF glyphset and NTM data from
// CID AFM file.
if ((flCsupFont == CSUP(CS_SHIFTJIS)) || (flCsupFont == CSUP(CS_SHIFTJISP))) { pAFMCharacterSetString = Adobe_Japan1_0; goto CREATE_OCF_DATA_FROM_CID_DATA; // here we go again!
UnmapFileFromMemory(hmodule); }
if (bVerbose) printf("%%%%[End Convert AFM to NTM]%%%%\n\n");
// Create Unicode GLYPHSET. This glyphset is created here since we don't
// want any NTMs to reference this glyphset.
if (bVerbose && !bOptimize) printf("%%%%[Begin Create Unicode glyphset]%%%%\n\n");
CreateGlyphSets(&aGlyphSets[cNumGlyphSets], &UnicodePage, &aUniPsTbl[cNumGlyphSets]); cSizeGlyphSets += aGlyphSets[cNumGlyphSets]->dwSize; cNumGlyphSets++;
if (bVerbose && !bOptimize) printf("%%%%[End Create Unicode glyphset]%%%%\n\n");
// Step 3: Write GLYPHSETDATA(s) and NTM(s) to a .NTF file.
if (bVerbose) printf("%%%%[Begin Write NTF]%%%%\n\n");
ulLength = strlen(argv[1 + nArgcOffset]) + 1; MULTIBYTETOUNICODE( wstrNTFFile, ulLength*sizeof(WCHAR), NULL, argv[1 + nArgcOffset], ulLength);
if (!WriteNTF(wstrNTFFile, cNumGlyphSets, cSizeGlyphSets, aGlyphSets, cNumNTM, cSizeNTM, aPNTM )) { ERR(("makentf: main - Can't write .NTF file\n")); }
if (bVerbose) printf("%%%%[End Write NTF]%%%%\n\n");
// Step 4: Clean up.
CLEAN_UP: for (i = 0; i < cNumNTM; i++) { MemFree(aPNTM[i]); } for (i = 0; i < cNumGlyphSets; i++) { MemFree(aGlyphSets[i]); if (aUniPsTbl[i] != NULL) { //
// Could have a null ptr if this is a Pi Font.
MemFree(aUniPsTbl[i]); } }
MemFree(aPNTM ? aPNTM : NULL); MemFree(aGlyphSets ? aGlyphSets : NULL); MemFree(pFamilyTbl ? pFamilyTbl : NULL); MemFree(UnicodetoPs ? UnicodetoPs : NULL); MemFree(aUniPsTbl ? aUniPsTbl : NULL); MemFree(aWinCodePages ? aWinCodePages : NULL);
if (bVerbose) printf("%%%%[End MakeNTF]%%%%\n\n"); }
// Formating functions - copied from PScript\Output.c
INT OPVsprintf( OUT LPSTR buf, IN LPCSTR fmtstr, IN va_list arglist )
Routine Description:
Takes a pointer to an argument list, then formats and writes the given data to the memory pointed to by buffer.
buf Storage location for output fmtstr Format specification arglist Pointer to list of arguments
Return Value:
Return the number of characters written, not including the terminating null character, or a negative value if an output error occurs.
This is NOT a full implementation of "vsprintf" as found in the C runtime library. Specifically, the only form of format specification allowed is %type, where "type" can be one of the following characters:
d INT signed decimal integer l LONG signed decimal integer u ULONG unsigned decimal integer s CHAR* character string c CHAR character x,X DWORD hex number (emits at least two digits, uppercase) b BOOL boolean (true or false) f LONG 24.8 fixed-pointed number o CHAR octal number
{ LPSTR ptr = buf;
ASSERT(buf && fmtstr);
while (*fmtstr != NUL) {
if (*fmtstr != '%') {
// Normal character
*ptr++ = *fmtstr++;
} else {
// Format specification
switch (*++fmtstr) {
case 'd': // signed decimal integer
_ltoa((LONG) va_arg(arglist, INT), ptr, 10); ptr += strlen(ptr); break;
case 'l': // signed decimal integer
_ltoa(va_arg(arglist, LONG), ptr, 10); ptr += strlen(ptr); break;
case 'u': // unsigned decimal integer
_ultoa(va_arg(arglist, ULONG), ptr, 10); ptr += strlen(ptr); break;
case 's': // character string
{ LPSTR s = va_arg(arglist, LPSTR);
while (*s) *ptr++ = *s++; } break;
case 'c': // character
*ptr++ = va_arg(arglist, CHAR); break;
case 'x': case 'X': // hexdecimal number
{ ULONG ul = va_arg(arglist, ULONG); INT ndigits = 8;
while (ndigits > 2 && ((ul >> (ndigits-1)*4) & 0xf) == 0) ndigits--;
while (ndigits-- > 0) *ptr++ = HexDigit(ul >> ndigits*4); } break;
case 'o':
{ CHAR ch = va_arg(arglist, CHAR);
*ptr++ = (char)((ch & 0xC0) >> 6) + (char)'0'; *ptr++ = (char)((ch & 0x38) >> 3) + (char)'0'; *ptr++ = (char)(ch & 0x07) + (char)'0'; } break;
case 'b': // boolean
StringCchCopyA(ptr, (size_t)((ptr - buf)/sizeof(CHAR)), (va_arg(arglist, BOOL)) ? "true" : "false"); ptr += strlen(ptr); break;
case 'f': // 24.8 fixed-pointed number
{ LONG l = va_arg(arglist, LONG); ULONG ul, scale;
// sign character
if (l < 0) { *ptr++ = '-'; ul = -l; } else ul = l;
// integer portion
_ultoa(ul >> 8, ptr, 10); ptr += strlen(ptr);
// fraction
ul &= 0xff; if (ul != 0) {
// We output a maximum of 3 digits after the
// decimal point, but we'll compute to the 5th
// decimal point and round it to 3rd.
ul = ((ul*100000 >> 8) + 50) / 100; scale = 100;
*ptr++ = '.';
do {
*ptr++ = (CHAR) (ul/scale + '0'); ul %= scale; scale /= 10;
} while (scale != 0 && ul != 0) ; } } break;
if (*fmtstr != NUL) *ptr++ = *fmtstr; else { ERR(("Invalid format specification\n")); fmtstr--; } break; }
// Skip the type characterr
fmtstr++; } }
*ptr = NUL; return (INT)(ptr - buf); }
INT OPSprintf( OUT LPSTR buf, IN LPCSTR fmtstr, IN ... )
{ va_list arglist; INT iRc;
va_start(arglist, fmtstr); iRc = OPVsprintf(buf, fmtstr, arglist); va_end(arglist);
return iRc; }
int __cdecl compareWinCpt(const void *elem1, const void *elem2) { PWINCPT p1; PWINCPT p2;
p1 = (PWINCPT)elem1; p2 = (PWINCPT)elem2;
if (p1->usWinCpt == p2->usWinCpt) return(0); else if (p1->usWinCpt < p2->usWinCpt) return(-1); else return(1); }
VOID SortWinCPT( IN OUT WINCPT *pSortedWinCpts, IN WINCPTOPS *pCPtoPS ) { // pSortedWinCpts must point to a buffer big enough sizeof(WINCPT)* MAX_CSET_CHARS)
memcpy(pSortedWinCpts, &(pCPtoPS->aWinCpts), sizeof(WINCPT)* MAX_CSET_CHARS);
qsort(pSortedWinCpts, pCPtoPS->ulChCnt, sizeof(WINCPT), compareWinCpt);
// This function reads a list of CP to PS Name tables and writes an Text file
// with the corresponding PostScript Encoding arrays
// Need to run this whenever we changed the Mapping tables
// Format:
// 10 20 30 40
// 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
// CodePage = dddd (name)
// /name_up_to_32 % XX
BOOL WritePSEncodings( IN PWSTR pwszFileName, IN WINCPTOPS *CPtoPSList, IN DWORD dwPages ) { HANDLE hFile; ULONG i, j, k, l; WINCPTOPS *pCPtoPS; WINCPT sortedWinCpts[MAX_CSET_CHARS]; // maxiaml 255 chars
char buffer[256]; DWORD dwLen, ulByteWritten;
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ERR(("WritePSEncodings:CreateFile\n")); return(FALSE); }
for (i = 0; i < dwPages; i++) { pCPtoPS = CPtoPSList + i;
dwLen = OPSprintf(buffer, "\n\n CodePage = %d (%s)\n", pCPtoPS->usACP, pCPtoPS->pGSName);
if (!WriteFile(hFile, buffer, dwLen, (LPDWORD)&ulByteWritten, (LPOVERLAPPED)NULL) || ulByteWritten != dwLen) { ERR(("WritePSEncodings:WriteFile\n")); CloseHandle(hFile); return(FALSE); }
SortWinCPT(&(sortedWinCpts[0]), pCPtoPS);
k = sortedWinCpts[0].usWinCpt; for (j = 0; j < pCPtoPS->ulChCnt; j++, k++) { while (k < sortedWinCpts[j].usWinCpt) { dwLen = OPSprintf(buffer, " %% %X\n", k); if (!WriteFile(hFile, buffer, dwLen, (LPDWORD)&ulByteWritten, (LPOVERLAPPED)NULL) || ulByteWritten != dwLen) { ERR(("WritePSEncodings:WriteFile\n")); CloseHandle(hFile); return(FALSE); } k++; }
dwLen = OPSprintf(buffer, " %% %X\n", sortedWinCpts[j].usWinCpt); strncpy(buffer, "/", 1); l = strlen(sortedWinCpts[j].pPsName); strncpy(buffer + 1, sortedWinCpts[j].pPsName, l); if (!WriteFile(hFile, buffer, dwLen, (LPDWORD)&ulByteWritten, (LPOVERLAPPED)NULL) || ulByteWritten != dwLen) { ERR(("WritePSEncodings:WriteFile\n")); CloseHandle(hFile); return(FALSE); } } }
CloseHandle(hFile); return(TRUE); }
// This causes the error message to show up in your command window
// instead of the kernel debugger window.
ULONG _cdecl DbgPrint( PCSTR pstrFormat, ... )
{ va_list ap;
va_start(ap, pstrFormat); vprintf(pstrFormat, ap); va_end(ap);
return 0; }
VOID DbgBreakPoint( VOID )
{ exit(-1); }
BOOL NeedBuildMoreNTM( PBYTE pAFM ) { PPSFAMILYINFO pFamilyInfo; PSZ pszFontName;
pFamilyInfo = NULL; pszFontName = FindAFMToken(pAFM, PS_FONT_NAME_TOK);
if (NULL ==pszFontName) return FALSE;
pFamilyInfo = (PPSFAMILYINFO) bsearch(pszFontName, (PBYTE) (((PPSFAMILYINFO) (pFamilyTbl->pTbl))[0].pFontName), pFamilyTbl->usNumEntries, sizeof(PSFAMILYINFO), StrCmp); if (pFamilyInfo) { if (pFamilyInfo->usPitch != DEFAULT_PITCH) return TRUE; if (pFamilyInfo > ((PPSFAMILYINFO) (pFamilyTbl->pTbl))) { pFamilyInfo = pFamilyInfo - 1; if (!StrCmp(pFamilyInfo->pFontName, pszFontName) && (pFamilyInfo->usPitch != DEFAULT_PITCH)) return TRUE; } pFamilyInfo = pFamilyInfo + 1; if (pFamilyInfo < (((PPSFAMILYINFO) (pFamilyTbl->pTbl)) + pFamilyTbl->usNumEntries)) { pFamilyInfo = pFamilyInfo + 1; if (!StrCmp(pFamilyInfo->pFontName, pszFontName) && (pFamilyInfo->usPitch != DEFAULT_PITCH)) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }