Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
GPC-to-GPD conversion program
User-mode, stand-alone utility tool
Revision History:
10/16/96 -zhanw- Created it.
#include "gpc2gpd.h"
#if !defined(DEVSTUDIO) // MDT only uses onre routine
VOID VUsage( PSTR pstrProgName )
{ printf("usage: gpc2gpd -I<GPC file>\r\n"); printf(" -M<model index>\r\n"); printf(" -R<resource DLL>\r\n"); printf(" -O<GPD file>\r\n"); printf(" -N<Model Name>\r\n"); printf(" -S<0> -- output display strings directly \r\n"); printf(" <1> -- output display strings as value macros\r\n"); printf(" (see stdnames.gpd) \r\n"); printf(" <2> -- output display strings as RC id's (see common.rc)\r\n"); printf(" -P -- if present, use spooler names for standard papersizes\r\n"); }
#endif //!defined(DEVSTUDIO)
void VOutputGlobalEntries( IN OUT PCONVINFO pci, IN PSTR pstrModelName, IN PSTR pstrResourceDLLName, IN PSTR pstrGPDFileName) { VOut(pci, "*GPDSpecVersion: \"1.0\"\r\n");
// *CodePage should be defined in the included GPD file
if (pci->dwStrType == STR_MACRO) VOut(pci, "*Include: \"StdNames.gpd\"\r\n"); else VOut(pci, "*CodePage: 1252\r\n");
VOut(pci, "*GPDFileVersion: \"1.0\"\r\n"); VOut(pci, "*GPDFileName: \"%s\"\r\n", pstrGPDFileName);
VOut(pci, "*ModelName: \"%s\"\r\n", pstrModelName); VOut(pci, "*MasterUnits: PAIR(%d, %d)\r\n", pci->pdh->ptMaster.x, pci->pdh->ptMaster.y); VOut(pci, "*ResourceDLL: \"%s\"\r\n", pstrResourceDLLName);
if (pci->pdh->fTechnology == GPC_TECH_TTY) VOut(pci, "*PrinterType: TTY\r\n"); else if (pci->pmd->fGeneral & MD_SERIAL) VOut(pci, "*PrinterType: SERIAL\r\n"); else VOut(pci, "*PrinterType: PAGE\r\n");
if ((pci->pmd->fGeneral & MD_COPIES) && pci->ppc->sMaxCopyCount > 1) VOut(pci, "*MaxCopies: %d\r\n", pci->ppc->sMaxCopyCount); if (pci->pmd->sCartSlots > 0) VOut(pci, "*FontCartSlots: %d\r\n", pci->pmd->sCartSlots);
if (pci->pmd->fGeneral & MD_CMD_CALLBACK) pci->dwErrorCode |= ERR_MD_CMD_CALLBACK; }
#if !defined(DEVSTUDIO) // MDT only uses the above code
void VPrintErrors( IN HANDLE hLogFile, IN DWORD dwError) { DWORD dwNumBytesWritten; DWORD i, len;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_ERRS; i++) { if (dwError & gdwErrFlag[i]) { len = strlen(gpstrErrMsg[i]);
if (!WriteFile(hLogFile, gpstrErrMsg[i], len, &dwNumBytesWritten, NULL) || dwNumBytesWritten != len) return; // abort
} } }
INT _cdecl main( INT argc, CHAR **argv ) /*++
Routine Desscription:
This routine parses the command line parameters, maps the GPC file into memory and creates the output GPD file. It then starts converting GPC data by calling various sub-routines. If any error occurs, it reports errors and tries to continue if possible.
The following command line parameters are supported: -I<GPC_file> : the file name does not need double quotes. Ex. -Icanon330.gpc -M<model_id>: an integer, such as 1, which is the string resource id of the the model name in the .rc file that comes with the given GPC file. -N<model_name>: a string, such as "HP LaserJet 4L". -R<resource_dll>: the resource dll to be associated with the generated GPD file. Ex. -Rcanon330.dll -O<GPD_file>: the output GPD file name. Ex. -Ohplj4l.gpd -S<style>: the string style used in generating the GPD file for standard names. -S0 means using the direct strings for *Name entries. -S1 means using string value macros for *Name entries. This is mainly used for on-the-fly conversion. The value macros are defined in printer5\inc\stdnames.gpd. -S2 means using RC string id's. These strings are defined in printer5\inc\common.rc. -P rcNameID: 0x7fffffff for standard papersizes.
Arguments: argc - number of arguments **argv - pointer to an array of strings
Return value: 0
--*/ { PSTR pstrProgName; PSTR pstrGPCFileName = NULL; WCHAR wstrGPCFile[MAX_PATH]; PSTR pstrGPDFileName = NULL; WCHAR wstrGPDFile[MAX_PATH]; PSTR pstrResourceDLLName = NULL; PSTR pstrModelName = NULL; HFILEMAP hGPCFileMap; CONVINFO ci; // structure to keep track conversion information
DWORD dwStrType = STR_MACRO; // default
WORD wModelIndex; BOOL bUseSystemPaperNames = FALSE;
// Go through the command line arguments
pstrProgName = *argv++; argc--;
if (argc == 0) goto error_exit;
for ( ; argc--; argv++) { PSTR pArg = *argv;
if (*pArg == '-' || *pArg == '/') { switch (*++pArg) { case 'I': pstrGPCFileName = ++pArg; break;
case 'M': wModelIndex = (WORD)atoi(++pArg); break;
case 'R': pstrResourceDLLName = ++pArg; break;
case 'O': pstrGPDFileName = ++pArg; break;
case 'N': pstrModelName = ++pArg; break;
case 'S': dwStrType = atoi(++pArg); break;
case 'P': bUseSystemPaperNames = TRUE; break;
default: goto error_exit; } } else goto error_exit; }
// check if we have all the arguments needed
if (!pstrGPCFileName || !pstrGPDFileName || !pstrResourceDLLName || !wModelIndex || !pstrModelName) goto error_exit;
ZeroMemory((PVOID)&ci, sizeof(CONVINFO));
// Open the GPC file and map it into memory.
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pstrGPCFileName, -1, wstrGPCFile, MAX_PATH); hGPCFileMap = MapFileIntoMemory((LPCTSTR)wstrGPCFile, (PVOID *)&(ci.pdh), NULL); if (!hGPCFileMap) { ERR(("Couldn't open file: %ws\r\n", pstrGPCFileName)); return (-1); } //
// create the output GPD file. If the given file already exists,
// overwrite it.
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pstrGPDFileName, -1, wstrGPDFile, MAX_PATH); ci.hGPDFile = CreateFile((PCTSTR)wstrGPDFile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (ci.hGPDFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ERR(("Couldn't create file: %ws\r\n", pstrGPDFileName)); UnmapFileFromMemory(hGPCFileMap); return (-1); }
// GPC file sanity check
if (ci.pdh->sMagic != 0x7F00 || !(ci.pmd = (PMODELDATA)GetTableInfo(ci.pdh, HE_MODELDATA, wModelIndex-1)) || !(ci.ppc = (PPAGECONTROL)GetTableInfo(ci.pdh, HE_PAGECONTROL, ci.pmd->rgi[MD_I_PAGECONTROL]))) { ci.dwErrorCode |= ERR_BAD_GPCDATA; goto exit; } //
// allocate dynamic buffers needed for conversion
if (!(ci.ppiSize=(PPAPERINFO)MemAllocZ(ci.pdh->rghe[HE_PAPERSIZE].sCount*sizeof(PAPERINFO))) || !(ci.ppiSrc=(PPAPERINFO)MemAllocZ(ci.pdh->rghe[HE_PAPERSOURCE].sCount*sizeof(PAPERINFO))) || !(ci.presinfo=(PRESINFO)MemAllocZ(ci.pdh->rghe[HE_RESOLUTION].sCount*sizeof(RESINFO)))) { ci.dwErrorCode |= ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto exit; }
ci.dwStrType = dwStrType; ci.bUseSystemPaperNames = bUseSystemPaperNames ;
// generate GPD data
VOutputGlobalEntries(&ci, pstrModelName, pstrResourceDLLName, pstrGPDFileName); VOutputUIEntries(&ci); VOutputPrintingEntries(&ci);
exit: UnmapFileFromMemory(hGPCFileMap); CloseHandle(ci.hGPDFile); if (ci.ppiSize) MemFree(ci.ppiSize); if (ci.ppiSrc) MemFree(ci.ppiSrc); if (ci.presinfo) MemFree(ci.presinfo); if (ci.dwErrorCode) { PWSTR pwstrLogFileName; INT i; HANDLE hLogFile;
// Open the log file and print out errors/warnings.
// Borrow the GPD file name buffer.
pwstrLogFileName = wstrGPDFile; i = _tcslen((PTSTR)pwstrLogFileName); if (_tcsrchr((PTSTR)pwstrLogFileName, TEXT('.')) != NULL) i = i - 4; // there is a .GPD extension
StringCchCopyW((PTSTR)pwstrLogFileName + i, CCHOF(wstrGPDFile) - i, TEXT(".log"));
hLogFile = CreateFile((PCTSTR)pwstrLogFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hLogFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ERR(("Couldn't create the log file\r\n")); return (-1); } VPrintErrors(hLogFile, ci.dwErrorCode); CloseHandle(hLogFile); }
return 0;
error_exit: VUsage(pstrProgName); return (-1); }
#endif // !defined(DEVSTUDIO)