Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Support the following functions related to sending data to the printer and print head movements, cursor control.
WriteSpoolBuf WriteAbortBuf FlushSpoolBuf WriteChannel WriteChannelEx XMoveTo YMoveTo
Windows NT Unidrv driver
Revision History:
10/14/96 -amandan- Created
--*/ #include "unidrv.h"
static int itoA( LPSTR , int ); INT IGetNumParameter( BYTE *, INT); BOOL BUniWritePrinter( IN PDEV* pPDev, IN LPVOID pBuf, IN DWORD cbBuf, OUT LPDWORD pcbWritten);
#define DELTA_X (pPDev->dwFontWidth/2)
#define DELTA_Y (dwMaxLineSpacing /5)
WriteSpoolBuf( PDEV *pPDev, BYTE *pbBuf, INT iCount ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is an intermediate routine for Unidrv to send characters to the printer via the spooler. All characters must be sent through the WriteSpool( ) call. WriteSpoolBuf is internal so that Unidrv can buffer up short command streams before calling WriteSpool. This routine also checks for error flags returned from WriteSpool.
pPDev - Pointer to PDEVICE struct pbBuf - Pointer to buffer containing data to be sent iCount - Count of number of bytes to send
Return Value:
The number of bytes sent to the printer
{ DWORD dw;
// Check for aborted output
if( pPDev->fMode & PF_ABORTED ) return 0;
// If the output buffer cannot accomodate the current request,
// flush the content of the buffer first.
if( (pPDev->iSpool) && (pPDev->iSpool + iCount > CCHSPOOL )) { if( !FlushSpoolBuf( pPDev ) ) { WriteAbortBuf(pPDev, pPDev->pbOBuf, pPDev->iSpool, 0) ; pPDev->iSpool = 0; return 0; // at least send previously cached stuff.
} }
// Check whether request is larger than output buffer, if so, skip buffering
// and write directly to spooler.
if( iCount >= CCHSPOOL ) { if( !BUniWritePrinter( pPDev, pbBuf, iCount, &dw ) ) { pPDev->iSpool = 0; pPDev->fMode |= PF_ABORTED; iCount = 0; } } else { //
// buffer up the output
if( pPDev->pbOBuf == NULL) return 0;
CopyMemory( pPDev->pbOBuf + pPDev->iSpool, pbBuf, iCount ); pPDev->iSpool += iCount; }
return iCount; }
VOID WriteAbortBuf( PDEV *pPDev, BYTE *pbBuf, INT iCount, DWORD dwWait ) { DWORD dwCount = 0; HMODULE hInst ; typedef BOOL (*PFNFLUSHPR)( HANDLE hPrinter, LPVOID pBuf, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcWritten, DWORD cSleep) ;
// Call FlushPrinter only if there is no plugin hooking WritePrinter .
// One of plug-ins hooks WritePrinter, the plug-in need to call FlushPrinter.
// In that case, UNIDRV should not call FlushPrinter.
if( pPDev->fMode & PF_ABORTED && !(pPDev->fMode2 & PF2_WRITE_PRINTER_HOOKED)) { #ifdef WINNT_40
; // Pretend we flushed
BOOL bRet; do { bRet = FlushPrinter(pPDev->devobj.hPrinter, pbBuf, iCount, &dwCount, dwWait); pbBuf += dwCount; iCount -= dwCount; } while (bRet && iCount > 0 && dwCount > 0); #endif
} }
BOOL FlushSpoolBuf( PDEV *pPDev ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function flush our internal buffer.
pPDev - Pointer to PDEVICE struct
Return Value:
TRUE if successful , otherwise FALSE
--*/ {
DWORD dwCount; //
// Check for aborted output
if( pPDev->fMode & PF_ABORTED ) return 0;
// Write the data out
if( pPDev->iSpool ) { if ( !BUniWritePrinter(pPDev, pPDev->pbOBuf, pPDev->iSpool, &dwCount) ) { pPDev->fMode |= PF_ABORTED; return FALSE; } pPDev->iSpool = 0; } return TRUE; }
INT XMoveTo( PDEV *pPDev, INT iXIn, INT fFlag ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is called to change the X position.
pPDev - Pointer to PDEVICE struct iXIn - Number of units to move in X direction fFlag - Specifies the different X move operations
Return Value:
The difference between requested and actual value sent to the device
{ int iX, iFineValue, iDiff = 0; GPDDRIVERINFO *pDrvInfo = pPDev->pDriverInfo; int iScale;
// If the position is given in graphics units, convert to master units
// ptGrxScale has been adjusted to suit the current orientation.
if (pPDev->pOrientation && pPDev->pOrientation->dwRotationAngle != ROTATE_NONE && pPDev->pGlobals->bRotateCoordinate == FALSE) iScale = pPDev->ptGrxScale.y; else iScale = pPDev->ptGrxScale.x;
if ( fFlag & MV_GRAPHICS ) { iXIn = (iXIn * iScale); }
// Since our print origin may not correspond with the printer's,
// there are times when we need to adjust the value passed in to
// match the desired location on the page.
iX = iXIn;
// Basically, only adjust if we are doing absolute move
if ( !(fFlag & (MV_RELATIVE | MV_PHYSICAL)) ) iX += pPDev->sf.ptPrintOffsetM.x;
// If it's a relative move, update iX (iX will be the absolute position)
// to reflect the current cursor position
if ( fFlag & MV_RELATIVE ) iX += pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.x;
//By definition a negative absolute move relative to Imageable origin
//is not allowed. But the MV_FORCE_CR flag bypasses this check.
if(!(fFlag & MV_FORCE_CR) && (iX - pPDev->sf.ptPrintOffsetM.x < 0)) iX = pPDev->sf.ptPrintOffsetM.x ;
// Update, only update our current cursor position and return
// Do nothing if the XMoveTo cmd is called to move to the current position.
if ( fFlag & MV_UPDATE ) { pPDev->ctl.ptAbsolutePos.x = pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.x = iX; return 0; }
if (!(pPDev->ctl.dwMode & MODE_CURSOR_X_UNINITIALIZED) && pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.x == iX ) return 0;
// If iX is zero and pGlobals->cxaftercr does not have
// CXCR_AT_GRXDATA_ORIGIN set, then we send CR and reset our
// cursor position to 0, which is the printable x origin
if (iX == 0 && (pPDev->pGlobals->cxaftercr == CXCR_AT_CURSOR_X_ORIGIN || pPDev->sf.ptPrintOffsetM.x == 0)) { pPDev->ctl.ptAbsolutePos.x = pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.x = 0; WriteChannel(pPDev, COMMANDPTR(pDrvInfo, CMD_CARRIAGERETURN)); pPDev->ctl.dwMode &= ~MODE_CURSOR_X_UNINITIALIZED; return 0; }
// Check whether we any X move cmd, PF_NO_XMOVE_CMD is set if we did
// not see any relative or absolute x move cmds
if( pPDev->fMode & PF_NO_XMOVE_CMD) { //
// There is no X move command(abs or relative), so we'll have to simulate
// using blanks or null graphics data (0)
// We assume that when XMoveto is called, the current font is always
// the default font IF the printer has no X movement command.
int iRelx = iX - pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.x ; int iDefWidth;
// Convert to Master Units
// BUG_BUG, Double check that we can use Default Font here when
// we have a custom TTY driver
// seems to work so far.
if ( iRelx < 0 && (!pPDev->bTTY || (DWORD)(-iRelx) > DELTA_X )) { if (pPDev->pGlobals->cxaftercr == CXCR_AT_CURSOR_X_ORIGIN) iRelx = iX; else if (pPDev->pGlobals->cxaftercr == CXCR_AT_PRINTABLE_X_ORIGIN) { // printing offset is only available in the callers
// cooridinates so if the move is being performed
// in different coordinates, the offset will be wrong.
ASSERT(!pPDev->pOrientation || pPDev->pOrientation->dwRotationAngle == ROTATE_NONE || pPDev->pGlobals->bRotateCoordinate == TRUE) ;
iRelx = iX - pPDev->sf.ptPrintOffsetM.x; }
WriteChannel( pPDev, COMMANDPTR(pDrvInfo, CMD_CARRIAGERETURN )); }
// Simulate X Move, algorithm is that we always send a blank space
// for every character width, and send graphics null data for
// the remainder, in the case of TTY we skip the remaining graphics that
// cannot be sent within a space character width.
iDefWidth = pPDev->dwFontWidth ; if (iDefWidth) {
while(iRelx >= iDefWidth) { WriteSpoolBuf( pPDev, (LPSTR)" ", 1 ); iRelx -= iDefWidth; } } else TERSE (("XMoveTo: iDefWidth = 0\n"));
// Send the remaining partial space via FineXMoveTo.
if (!pPDev->bTTY) { iDiff = iRelx; fFlag |= MV_FINE; // Use graphics mode to reach point
} else { DWORD dwTestValue = abs(iX - pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.x); COMMAND *pCmd;
// X movement commmands are available, so use them.
// We need to decide here whether relative or absolute command
// are favored
// General assumption: if dwTestValue > dwXMoveThreshold,
// absolute command will be favored
// BUG_BUG, if we are stripping blanks, we need to check whether
// it's legal to move in Graphics mode. If it's not, we have
// to get out of graphics mode before moving.
// Graphics module is responsible for keeping track
// of these things, and appearently so far, things work, so
// this is neither a bug nor a feature request at this time.
if (((pPDev->ctl.dwMode & MODE_CURSOR_X_UNINITIALIZED) || ((dwTestValue > pPDev->pGlobals->dwXMoveThreshold ) && iX >= 0) || !COMMANDPTR(pDrvInfo, CMD_XMOVERELRIGHT)) && (pCmd = COMMANDPTR(pDrvInfo, CMD_XMOVEABSOLUTE)) != NULL) { //
// if the move units are less than the master units then we need to
// check whether the new position will end up being the same as the
// original position. If so, no point in sending another command.
if (!(pPDev->ctl.dwMode & MODE_CURSOR_X_UNINITIALIZED) && (pPDev->ptDeviceFac.x > 1) && ((iX - (iX % pPDev->ptDeviceFac.x)) == pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.x)) { iDiff = iX - pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.x; } else { // check whether the no absolute move left flag is set. If set we need
// to send a CR before doing the absolute move.
if (iX < pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.x && pPDev->pGlobals->bAbsXMovesRightOnly) { WriteChannel( pPDev, COMMANDPTR(pDrvInfo, CMD_CARRIAGERETURN )); } pPDev->ctl.ptAbsolutePos.x = iX; //
// 3/13/97 ZhanW
// set up DestY as well in case it's needed (ex. FE printers).
// In that case, truncation error (iDiff) is not a concern.
// This is for backward compatibility with FE Win95 and FE NT4
// minidrivers.
pPDev->ctl.ptAbsolutePos.y = pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.y; iDiff = WriteChannelEx(pPDev, pCmd, pPDev->ctl.ptAbsolutePos.x, pPDev->ptDeviceFac.x);
} } else { //
// Use relative command to send move request
INT iRelRightValue = 0;
if( iX < pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.x ) { //
// Relative move left
// Optimize to avoid sending 0-move cmd.
if ((pPDev->ctl.ptRelativePos.x = pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.x - iX) < pPDev->ptDeviceFac.x) iDiff = pPDev->ctl.ptRelativePos.x; else iDiff = WriteChannelEx(pPDev, pCmd, pPDev->ctl.ptRelativePos.x, pPDev->ptDeviceFac.x); iDiff = -iDiff; } else { //
// No Relative left move cmd, use <CR> to reach start
// Will try to use relative right move cmd to send later
if (pPDev->pGlobals->cxaftercr == CXCR_AT_CURSOR_X_ORIGIN) iRelRightValue = iX; else if (pPDev->pGlobals->cxaftercr == CXCR_AT_PRINTABLE_X_ORIGIN) { // moveto code cannot handle case where printer cannot
// rotate its coordinate system, and we are in landscape mode
// and we are using relative move commands.
ASSERT(!pPDev->pOrientation || pPDev->pOrientation->dwRotationAngle == ROTATE_NONE || pPDev->pGlobals->bRotateCoordinate == TRUE) ;
iRelRightValue = iX - pPDev->sf.ptPrintOffsetM.x; } } } else { //
// Relative right move
// UNIITIALZIED is an invalid position, set to zero
iRelRightValue = iX - pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.x; }
if( iRelRightValue > 0 ) { if (pCmd = COMMANDPTR(pDrvInfo, CMD_XMOVERELRIGHT)) { //
// optimize to avoid 0-move cmd
if ((pPDev->ctl.ptRelativePos.x = iRelRightValue) < pPDev->ptDeviceFac.x) iDiff = iRelRightValue; else iDiff = WriteChannelEx(pPDev, pCmd, pPDev->ctl.ptRelativePos.x, pPDev->ptDeviceFac.x); } else iDiff = iRelRightValue; } } }
// Peform fine move command
if ( (fFlag & MV_FINE) && iDiff > 0 ) iDiff = FineXMoveTo( pPDev, iDiff );
// Update our current cursor position
pPDev->ctl.ptAbsolutePos.x = pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.x = iX - iDiff ;
if( fFlag & MV_GRAPHICS ) { iDiff = (iDiff / iScale); }
if (pPDev->fMode & PF_RESELECTFONT_AFTER_XMOVE) { VResetFont(pPDev); }
pPDev->ctl.dwMode &= ~MODE_CURSOR_X_UNINITIALIZED; return( iDiff); }
INT YMoveTo( PDEV *pPDev, INT iYIn, INT fFlag ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is called to change the Y position.
pPDev - Pointer to PDEVICE struct iYIn - Number of units to move in Y direction fFlag - Specifies the different Y move operations
Return Value:
The difference between requested and actual value sent to the device
INT iY, iDiff = 0; DWORD dwTestValue; GPDDRIVERINFO *pDrvInfo = pPDev->pDriverInfo; COMMAND *pAbsCmd; INT iScale;
// Convert to Master Units if the given units is in Graphics Units
// ptGrxScale has been adjusted to suit the current orientation.
if (pPDev->pOrientation && pPDev->pOrientation->dwRotationAngle != ROTATE_NONE && pPDev->pGlobals->bRotateCoordinate == FALSE) iScale = pPDev->ptGrxScale.x; else iScale = pPDev->ptGrxScale.y;
if ( fFlag & MV_GRAPHICS ) { iYIn = (iYIn * iScale); }
// Since our print origin may not correspond with the printer's,
// there are times when we need to adjust the value passed in to
// match the desired location on the page.
iY = iYIn;
// Basically, only adjust if we are doing absolute move
if ( !(fFlag & (MV_RELATIVE | MV_PHYSICAL)) ) iY += pPDev->sf.ptPrintOffsetM.y;
// Adjust iY to be the absolute position
if( fFlag & MV_RELATIVE ) iY += pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.y;
// Update, only update our current cursor position and return
// Do nothing if the YMoveTo cmd is called to move to the current position.
if( fFlag & MV_UPDATE ) { pPDev->ctl.ptAbsolutePos.y = pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.y = iY; return 0; }
if(!(pPDev->ctl.dwMode & MODE_CURSOR_Y_UNINITIALIZED) && pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.y == iY ) return 0;
// General assumption: if dwTestValue > dwYMoveThreshold,
// absolute Y move command will be favored. Also, for iY < 0,
// use relative command since some printers like old LaserJet have
// printable area above y=0 accessable only through relative move cmds.
// BUG_BUG, if we are stripping blanks, we need to check whether
// it's legal to move in Graphics mode. If it's not, we have
// to get out of graphics mode before moving.
// Graphics module is responsible for keeping track
// of these things, and appearently so far, things work, so
// this is neither a bug nor a feature request at this time.
dwTestValue = abs(iY - pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.y);
if (((pPDev->ctl.dwMode & MODE_CURSOR_Y_UNINITIALIZED) || (dwTestValue > pPDev->pGlobals->dwYMoveThreshold && iY >= 0)) && (pAbsCmd = COMMANDPTR(pDrvInfo, CMD_YMOVEABSOLUTE)) != NULL) { //
// if the move units are less than the master units then we need to
// check whether the new position will end up being the same as the
// original position. If so, no point in sending another command.
if (!(pPDev->ctl.dwMode & MODE_CURSOR_Y_UNINITIALIZED) && (pPDev->ptDeviceFac.y > 1) && ((iY - (iY % pPDev->ptDeviceFac.y)) == pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.y)) { iDiff = iY - pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.y; } else { pPDev->ctl.ptAbsolutePos.y = iY; pPDev->ctl.ptAbsolutePos.x = pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.x; iDiff = WriteChannelEx(pPDev, pAbsCmd, pPDev->ctl.ptAbsolutePos.y, pPDev->ptDeviceFac.y); } } else { DWORD dwSendCRFlags = 0; //
// FYMOVE_SEND_CR_FIRST indicates that it's required to send a CR
// before each line-spacing command
if (pPDev->fYMove & FYMOVE_SEND_CR_FIRST) { if ((pPDev->pGlobals->cxaftercr == CXCR_AT_CURSOR_X_ORIGIN)) dwSendCRFlags = MV_PHYSICAL | MV_FORCE_CR; else dwSendCRFlags = MV_PHYSICAL; // in this case CR takes you to Printable origin so
// MV_PHYSICAL flag should not appear.
// This is a bug, but we won't fix it till something
// breaks. Too risky. !!!! Bug_Bug !!!!
} //
// Use Relative Y-move commands
// Use line spacing if that is preferred
if ( ((pPDev->bTTY) || (pPDev->fYMove & FYMOVE_FAVOR_LINEFEEDSPACING && pPDev->arCmdTable[CMD_SETLINESPACING] != NULL) ) && (iY - pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.y > 0) && (pPDev->arCmdTable[CMD_LINEFEED] != NULL) ) { INT iLineSpacing; DWORD dwMaxLineSpacing = pPDev->pGlobals->dwMaxLineSpacing;
if (pPDev->bTTY && (INT)dwTestValue > 0) { // [Peterwo] here's a hack I tried that ensures that any request for a Y-move results
// in at least one CR being sent. It doesn't work, because bRealrender
// code sends Y move commands of one scanline each, resulting in
// one line feed per scanline.
// if( (INT)dwTestValue < dwMaxLineSpacing)
// dwTestValue = dwMaxLineSpacing;
// if you don't send anything, leave diff undisturbed
// so the error can accumulate otherwise many small
// cursor movements will not accumulate to cause one
// occasional actual movement.
// For TTY driver we round up the input value one fifth of
// line spacing. This is required for not sending too many
// line feeds for small Y movements.
DWORD dwTmpValue;
dwTmpValue = ((dwTestValue + DELTA_Y) / dwMaxLineSpacing) * dwMaxLineSpacing; if (dwTmpValue) { dwTestValue = dwTmpValue ; } } while ( (INT)dwTestValue > 0) { if (pPDev->bTTY) { iLineSpacing = dwMaxLineSpacing; if (dwTestValue < (DWORD)iLineSpacing) { iDiff = dwTestValue; break; } if ( dwSendCRFlags ) { XMoveTo( pPDev, 0, dwSendCRFlags ); dwSendCRFlags = 0; } } else { iLineSpacing =(INT)(dwTestValue > dwMaxLineSpacing ? dwMaxLineSpacing : dwTestValue); //
// new code to handle positioning error when linespacingmoveunit doesn't
// equal master units
if (pPDev->pGlobals->dwLineSpacingMoveUnit > 0) { DWORD dwScale = pPDev->pGlobals->ptMasterUnits.y / pPDev->pGlobals->dwLineSpacingMoveUnit; // optimize to avoid 0-move cmd when move unit is less than master units
if (dwTestValue < dwScale) { iDiff = dwTestValue; break; } // Modify line spacing to be multiple of moveunit
iLineSpacing -= (iLineSpacing % dwScale); } if ( dwSendCRFlags ) { XMoveTo( pPDev, 0, dwSendCRFlags ); dwSendCRFlags = 0; } if (pPDev->ctl.lLineSpacing == -1 || iLineSpacing != pPDev->ctl.lLineSpacing ) { pPDev->ctl.lLineSpacing = iLineSpacing; WriteChannel(pPDev, COMMANDPTR(pDrvInfo, CMD_SETLINESPACING)); } }
// Send the LF
WriteChannel(pPDev, COMMANDPTR(pDrvInfo, CMD_LINEFEED)); dwTestValue -= (DWORD)iLineSpacing; } } else { //
// Use relative command
if ( iY <= pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.y ) { //
// If there is no RELATIVE UP cmd, do nothing and return
if (pCmd = COMMANDPTR(pDrvInfo, CMD_YMOVERELUP)) { //
// optimize to avoid 0-move cmd
if ((pPDev->ctl.ptRelativePos.y = pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.y - iY) < pPDev->ptDeviceFac.y) iDiff = pPDev->ctl.ptRelativePos.y; else { // FYMOVE_SEND_CR_FIRST indicates that it's required to send a CR
// before each line-spacing command
if ( dwSendCRFlags ) XMoveTo( pPDev, 0, dwSendCRFlags );
iDiff = WriteChannelEx(pPDev, pCmd, pPDev->ctl.ptRelativePos.y, pPDev->ptDeviceFac.y); } iDiff = -iDiff; } else // Do nothing since we can't simulate it
iDiff = (iY - pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.y );
} else { if (pCmd = COMMANDPTR(pDrvInfo, CMD_YMOVERELDOWN)) { pPDev->ctl.ptRelativePos.y = iY - pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.y;
// optimize to avoid 0-move cmd
if (pPDev->ctl.ptRelativePos.y < pPDev->ptDeviceFac.y) iDiff = pPDev->ctl.ptRelativePos.y; else { // FYMOVE_SEND_CR_FIRST indicates that it's required to send a CR
// before each line-spacing command
if ( dwSendCRFlags ) XMoveTo( pPDev, 0, dwSendCRFlags );
iDiff = WriteChannelEx(pPDev, pCmd, pPDev->ctl.ptRelativePos.y, pPDev->ptDeviceFac.y); } } else iDiff = (iY - pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.y ); } } }
// Update our current cursor position
pPDev->ctl.ptAbsolutePos.y = pPDev->ctl.ptCursor.y = iY - iDiff;
if( fFlag & MV_GRAPHICS ) { iDiff = (iDiff / iScale); }
pPDev->ctl.dwMode &= ~MODE_CURSOR_Y_UNINITIALIZED; return (iDiff); }
INT FineXMoveTo( PDEV *pPDev, INT iX ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is called to make microspace justification. It is only called when the normal x movement commands cannot move the cursor to the asking position. For example, resolution is 180 DPI, x move command is 1/120". To move by 4 pixels in 180 DPI, CM_XM_RIGHT is sent with parameter = 2 (1/120") then one graphics pixel is sent (1/180). 4/180 = 2/120 + 1/180. 'iX' is always in MasterUnits.
pPDev - Pointer to PDEVICE struct iX - Amount to move in Master Units
Return Value:
The difference between the requested move and actual move
{ INT iDiff; INT iScale;
// Don't do micro justification in graphics mode for device that
// set x position at leftmost position on page after printing a
// block of data OR Y position auto move to next Y row after priting
// block of data.
if (pPDev->pGlobals->cxafterblock == CXSBD_AT_CURSOR_X_ORIGIN || pPDev->pGlobals->cxafterblock == CXSBD_AT_GRXDATA_ORIGIN || pPDev->pGlobals->cyafterblock == CYSBD_AUTO_INCREMENT) return iX;
// Convert Master units to Graphic units
// ptGrxScale has been adjusted to suit the current orientation.
if (pPDev->pOrientation && pPDev->pOrientation->dwRotationAngle != ROTATE_NONE && pPDev->pGlobals->bRotateCoordinate == FALSE) iScale = pPDev->ptGrxScale.y; else iScale = pPDev->ptGrxScale.x;
iDiff = iX % iScale; iX /= iScale;
if (iX > 0 ) { INT iMaxBuf, iTmp; BYTE rgch[ CCHMAXBUF ];
// Send the command, to send one block of data to the printer.
// Init the state variable first.
// BUG_BUG, how does this code work??
// What should we send for CMD_SENDBLOCKDATA?
// BUG_BUG, May be we should send BEGINGRAPHICS and ENDGRAPHICS later
pPDev->dwNumOfDataBytes = iX; WriteChannel( pPDev, COMMANDPTR(pPDev->pDriverInfo, CMD_SENDBLOCKDATA));
iMaxBuf = CCHMAXBUF - (CCHMAXBUF % pPDev->ctl.sBytesPerPinPass); iX *= pPDev->ctl.sBytesPerPinPass;
// Send out null graphics data, zeroes.
ZeroMemory( rgch, iX > CCHMAXBUF ? iMaxBuf : iX );
for ( ; iX > 0; iX -= iTmp) { iTmp = iX > iMaxBuf ? iMaxBuf : iX;
// BUG_BUG, OEMCustomization code might want to hook
// out this graphics move. Make this a bug when
// someone asks for it.
WriteSpoolBuf(pPDev, rgch, iTmp);
} WriteChannel( pPDev, COMMANDPTR(pPDev->pDriverInfo, CMD_ENDBLOCKDATA));
return iDiff; }
return iDiff; }
INT WriteChannel( PDEV *pPDev, COMMAND *pCmd ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine performs the following tasks: - Parse through the cmd invocation str and build a CMDPARAM struct for every %dddd encountered. - Call IProcessTokenStream to calculate the arToken value of the parameter. - Check for lMin and lMax in PARAMETER struct and send the command multiple times, if necessary(MaxRepeat was seen). - Call SendCmd to send the command to the printer.
pPDev - Pointer to PDEVICE struct pCmd - Pointer to command struct to send, used for sending sequence section cmds and predefined Unidrv commands
Return Value:
The last value send to the printer
--*/ #define MAX_NUM_PARAMS 16
{ BYTE *pInvocationStr; CMDPARAM *pCmdParam, *pCmdParamHead; INT i, iParamCount, iStrCount, iLastValue = 0, iRet; PARAMETER *pParameter; BOOL bMaxRepeat = FALSE; CMDPARAM arCmdParam[MAX_NUM_PARAMS];
if (pCmd == NULL) { TERSE(("WriteChannel - Command PTR is NULL.\n")) return (NOOCD); } //
// first check if this command requires callback
if (pCmd->dwCmdCallbackID != NO_CALLBACK_ID) { PLISTNODE pListNode; DWORD dwCount = 0; // count of parameters used
DWORD adwParams[MAX_NUM_PARAMS]; // max 16 params for each callback
if (!pPDev->pfnOemCmdCallback) return (NOOCD); //
// check if this callback uses any parameters
pListNode = LISTNODEPTR(pPDev->pDriverInfo, pCmd->dwStandardVarsList); while (pListNode) { if (dwCount >= MAX_NUM_PARAMS) { ASSERTMSG(FALSE,("Command callback exceeds # of parameters limit.\n")); return (NOOCD); }
adwParams[dwCount++] = *(pPDev->arStdPtrs[pListNode->dwData]);
if (pListNode->dwNextItem == END_OF_LIST) break; else pListNode = LISTNODEPTR(pPDev->pDriverInfo, pListNode->dwNextItem); }
FIX_DEVOBJ(pPDev, EP_OEMCommandCallback);
iRet = 0;
if(pPDev->pOemEntry) { if(((POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY)pPDev->pOemEntry)->pIntfOem ) // OEM plug in uses COM and function is implemented.
{ HRESULT hr ; hr = HComCommandCallback((POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY)pPDev->pOemEntry, (PDEVOBJ)pPDev, pCmd->dwCmdCallbackID, dwCount, adwParams, &iRet); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) ; // cool !
} else { iRet = (pPDev->pfnOemCmdCallback)((PDEVOBJ)pPDev, pCmd->dwCmdCallbackID, dwCount, adwParams); } }
return iRet ; }
// no cmd callback. Process the string.
pInvocationStr = CMDOFFSET_TO_PTR(pPDev, pCmd->strInvocation.loOffset); iStrCount = pCmd->strInvocation.dwCount;
pCmdParam = pCmdParamHead = arCmdParam; iParamCount = 0; //
// Process the parameter from the invocation str.
for (i= 0; i < iStrCount; i++) { if (pInvocationStr[i] == '%') { if (pInvocationStr[i + 1] == '%') { //
// Do nothing, just skip %%
i += 1; } else { //
// Build a list of CMDPARAM, one for each %dddd encounter
// in cmd invocation string.
BYTE *pCurrent = pInvocationStr + i + 1;
// Increment the parameter count
iParamCount++; if (iParamCount > MAX_NUM_PARAMS) { ASSERT (iParamCount <= MAX_NUM_PARAMS); return (NOOCD); }
// Copy the 4 character that represent to parameter index from cmd str
// pInvocationStr + i points to %, pInvocationStr + i + 1 points
// to first digit of param index
pParameter = PGetParameter(pPDev, pCurrent);
// Initialize CMDPARAM for SendCmd
// IProcessTokenStream calculate the integer value parameter
// from the token stream in PARAMETER, bMaxRepeat is set
// to TRUE if OP_MAX_REPEAT operator was encountered.
pCmdParam->iValue = IProcessTokenStream(pPDev, &pParameter->arTokens, &bMaxRepeat);
// Save the last value calculated (will only be used by XMoveTo and YMoveTo)
// which assumes there is only one paramter per move command
iLastValue = pCmdParam->iValue;
pCmdParam->dwFormat = pParameter->dwFormat; pCmdParam->dwDigits = pParameter->dwDigits; pCmdParam->dwFlags = pParameter->dwFlags;
if (pCmdParam->dwFlags & PARAM_FLAG_MIN_USED && pCmdParam->iValue < pParameter->lMin) { pCmdParam->iValue = pParameter->lMin; }
if (pCmdParam->dwFlags & PARAM_FLAG_MAX_USED && !bMaxRepeat && pCmdParam->iValue > pParameter->lMax) { pCmdParam->iValue = pParameter->lMax;
// Move to next paramter
pCmdParam++; } } }
// We are here means have a list of CMD parameter, pointed to by
// pCmdParamHead, one for each
// %dddd encountered, in the order they were encountered in invocation string
// MAJOR ASSUMPTION, GPD specification specifies that
// only ONE parameter is valid for commands that use OP_MAX_REPEAT operator
// So assume only one here (pCmdParamHead and pParameter are valid).
if (bMaxRepeat && pCmdParamHead->dwFlags & PARAM_FLAG_MAX_USED && pCmdParamHead->iValue > pParameter->lMax) { INT iRemainder, iRepeat;
ASSERT(iParamCount == 1);
iRemainder = pCmdParamHead->iValue % pParameter->lMax; iRepeat = pCmdParamHead->iValue / pParameter->lMax;
while (iRepeat--) { pCmdParamHead->iValue = pParameter->lMax; SendCmd(pPDev, pCmd, pCmdParamHead); }
// Send remainder
if (iRemainder > 0) { pCmdParamHead->iValue = iRemainder; SendCmd(pPDev, pCmd, pCmdParamHead); } } else { //
// Send the command to the printer
// SendCmd will process the command and format the parameters
// in the order encounter in the invocation string
SendCmd(pPDev, pCmd, pCmdParamHead); }
return (iLastValue); }
INT WriteChannelEx( PDEV *pPDev, COMMAND *pCmd, INT iRequestedValue, INT iDeviceScaleFac ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine performs the following tasks: - Call WriteChannel to write the command and get the value of the last paramter calculated for the cmd. - Use device factor to convert device units returned from WriteChannel to master units - Take the difference between requested and actual value
pPDev - Pointer to PDEVICE struct pCmd - Pointer to command struct to send, used for sending sequence section cmds and predefined Unidrv commands iRequestedValue - Value of requested move command in Master units iDeviceScaleFac - Scale factor to convert Device units to Master units
Return Value:
The difference between actual value and requested value in Master units
This function is only called only by XMoveTo and YMoveTo and assumes that all move commands have only one parameter.
{ INT iActualValue;
// Get the device unit returned from WriteChannel and convert it
// to Master units based on the scale factor passed in
// Scale = Master/Device.
iActualValue = WriteChannel(pPDev, pCmd); iActualValue *= iDeviceScaleFac;
return (iRequestedValue - iActualValue);
PPARAMETER PGetParameter( PDEV *pPDev, BYTE *pInvocationStr ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine get the parameter index from pInvocationStr passed in and return the PARAMETER struct associated with the index
pPDev - Pointer to PDEVICE struct pInvocationStr - Pointer Invocation str containing the index
Return Value:
Pointer to PARAMETER struct associated with the index specified in the invocation string.
Parameter index is the 4 bytes pointed to by pInvocationStr
--*/ {
BYTE arTemp[5]; INT iParamIndex; PARAMETER *pParameter;
// Copy the 4 character that represent to parameter index from cmd str
// pInvocationStr
strncpy(arTemp, pInvocationStr, 4); arTemp[4] = '\0'; iParamIndex = atoi(arTemp); pParameter = PARAMETERPTR(pPDev->pDriverInfo, iParamIndex);
ASSERT(pParameter != NULL);
return (pParameter); }
VOID SendCmd( PDEV *pPDev, COMMAND *pCmd, CMDPARAM *pParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called by WriteChannel to write one command to the printer via. WriteSpoolBuf. WriteChannel passes a pointer to an array of CMDPARAM. Each CMDPARAM describes the parameter for each %dddd encounter in cmd invocation string (the CMDPARAM is sorted in the order encountered).
pPDev - Pointer to PDEVICE struct pCmd - Pointer to COMMAND struct pParam - Pointer to and array CMDPARAM struct, containing everything needed to format the parameter
Return Value:
--*/ { INT iInput, iOutput; // Used to index through input and output buffers
BYTE arOutputCmd[CCHMAXBUF]; // Output buffer to send to printer
PBYTE pInputCmd; // Pointer to Cmd invocation str.
// Get the command invocation string
pInputCmd = CMDOFFSET_TO_PTR(pPDev, pCmd->strInvocation.loOffset); iOutput = 0;
// Go through all the bytes in the invocation string and transfer them
// to the output buffer. Replace %dddd with format value calculated
// and %% with %.
for (iInput = 0; iInput < (INT)pCmd->strInvocation.dwCount; iInput++) { if (pInputCmd[iInput] == '%' ) {
if (pInputCmd[iInput + 1] == '%') { //
// %% equals '%', skip over marker %%
arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = '%'; iInput += 1;
} else { INT iValue; DWORD dwFlags, dwDigits, dwFormat;
// Skip over the marker % and dddd for %dddd found in invocation str.
// Skip 4 bytes (%dddd)
iInput += 4;
dwDigits = pParam->dwDigits; dwFlags = pParam->dwFlags; dwFormat = pParam->dwFormat; iValue = pParam->iValue; pParam++;
// Format the parameter according the the dwFormat specified in PARAMETER struct
switch (dwFormat) {
// case 'd': parameter as decimal number
// case 'D': same as case 'd' with + sign if value > 0
// case 'c': parameter as a single character
// case 'C': parameter as character plus '0'
// case 'f': parameter as decinal number with decimal point inserted
// before the second digit from the right.
// case 'l': parameter as word LSB first
// case 'm': parameter as word MSB first
// case 'q': parameter as Qume method, 1/48" movements
// case 'g': parameter as 2 *abs(param) + is_negative(param)
// case 'n': Canon integer encoding
// case 'v': NEC VFU encoding
// case '%': print a %
case 'D': if (iValue > 0) arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = '+'; //
// Fall through
case 'd': if (dwDigits > 0 && dwFlags & PARAM_FLAG_FIELDWIDTH_USED) { //
// Temp call to get the number of digits for the iValue
int iParamDigit = itoA(arOutputCmd + iOutput, iValue);
for ( ; iParamDigit < (INT)dwDigits; iParamDigit++) { //
// Zero pads
arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = '0'; } } iOutput += itoA( arOutputCmd + iOutput, iValue); break;
case 'C': iValue += '0';
// Fall through
case 'c': arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = (BYTE)iValue; break;
case 'f': { int x, y, i; BYTE arTemp[CCHMAXBUF]; LPSTR pCurrent = arOutputCmd + iOutput; ULONG cchpCurrentLen = 0; if ( (LONG)CCHOF(arOutputCmd) - iOutput > 0 ) { cchpCurrentLen = CCHOF(arOutputCmd) - iOutput; } else { break; }
x = iValue /100; y = iValue % 100;
iOutput += itoA(pCurrent, x);
StringCchCatA ( pCurrent, cchpCurrentLen, "."); //strcat(pCurrent, ".");
i = itoA(arTemp, y);
// Take care of the case where the mod yields 1 digit, pad a zero
if (i < 2 ) { StringCchCatA ( pCurrent, cchpCurrentLen, "0"); //strcat(pCurrent, "0");
} StringCchCatA(pCurrent, cchpCurrentLen, arTemp); //strcat(pCurrent, arTemp);
// Increment iOutput to include the 2 digits after the
// decimal and the "."
iOutput += 3; } break;
case 'l': arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = (BYTE)iValue; arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = (BYTE)(iValue >> 8); break;
case 'm': arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = (BYTE)(iValue >> 8); arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = (BYTE)iValue; break;
case 'q': arOutputCmd[ iOutput++ ] = (BYTE)(((iValue >> 8) & 0xf) + '@'); arOutputCmd[ iOutput++ ] = (BYTE)(((iValue >> 4) & 0xf) + '@'); arOutputCmd[ iOutput++ ] = (BYTE)((iValue & 0xf) + '@'); break;
case 'g': { if (iValue >= 0) iValue = iValue << 1; else iValue = ((-iValue) << 1) + 1;
while (iValue >= 64) { arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = (char)((iValue & 0x003f) + 63); iValue >>= 6; } arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = (char)(iValue + 191);
} break;
case 'n': { WORD absParam = (WORD)abs(iValue); WORD absTmp;
if (absParam <= 15) { arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = 0x20 | ((iValue >= 0)? 0x10:0) | (BYTE)absParam; } else if (absParam <= 1023) { arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = 0x40 | (BYTE)(absParam/16); arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = 0x20 | ((iValue >= 0)? 0x10:0) | (BYTE)(absParam % 16); } else { arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = 0x40 | (BYTE)(absParam / 1024); absTmp = absParam % 1024; arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = 0x40 | (BYTE)(absTmp / 16); arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = 0x20 | ((iValue >= 0)? 0x10:0) | (BYTE)(absTmp % 16); } } break;
case 'v': //
// NEC VFU(Vertical Format Unit)
// VFU is a command to specify a paper size
// (the length of form feed for the NEC 20PL dotmatrix
// printer.
// On NEC dotmatrix printer, 1 line is 1/6 inch.
// If you want to specify N line paper size,
// you need to send GS, N+1 Data and RS.
// GS (0x1d)
// TOF Data (0x41, 0x00)
// Data (0x40, 0x00)
// Data (0x40, 0x00)
// Data (0x40, 0x00)
// ..
// ..
// Data (0x40, 0x00)
// TOF Data (0x41, 0x00)
// RS (0x1e)
arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = 0x1D; arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = 0x41; arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = 0x00; while(--iValue > 0) { if( iOutput >= CCHMAXBUF - 5) { WriteSpoolBuf( pPDev, arOutputCmd, iOutput ); iOutput = 0; }
arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = 0x40; arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = 0x00; } arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = 0x41; arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = 0x00; arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = 0x1E; break;
default: break;
} } } else { //
// Copy the input to output and increment the output count
arOutputCmd[iOutput++] = pInputCmd[iInput];
// Write output cmd buffer out to spool buffer in the case
// where it full or nearly full (2/3 full)
if( iOutput >= (2 * sizeof( arOutputCmd )) / 3 ) { WriteSpoolBuf( pPDev, arOutputCmd, iOutput ); iOutput = 0; } }
// Write the data to spool buffer
if ( iOutput > 0 ) WriteSpoolBuf( pPDev, arOutputCmd, iOutput );
return; }
INT IProcessTokenStream( PDEV *pPDev, ARRAYREF *pToken , PBOOL pbMaxRepeat ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function process a given token stream and calculate the value for the command parameter.
pPDev - Pointer to PDEVICE pToken - Pointer to an array of TOKENSTREAM representing the operands and operators for RPN calc. pToken->dwCount is the number of TOKENSTREAM in the array. pToken->loOffset is the index to the first TOKENSTREAM in the array. pbMaxRepeat - Indicates a max repeat operator was seen in token stream
Return Value:
The calculated value, always an INT and set pbMaxRepeat TRUE if the OP_MAX_REPEAT operator was seen.
{ INT iRet = 0, sp = 0; INT arStack[MAX_STACK_SIZE]; DWORD dwCount = pToken->dwCount; TOKENSTREAM * ptstrToken = TOKENSTREAMPTR(pPDev->pDriverInfo, pToken->loOffset);
*pbMaxRepeat = FALSE;
while (dwCount--) { switch(ptstrToken->eType) { case OP_INTEGER: if (sp >= MAX_STACK_SIZE) goto ErrorExit;
arStack[sp++] = (INT)ptstrToken->dwValue; break;
case OP_VARI_INDEX: // dwValue is the index to standard variable list
if (sp >= MAX_STACK_SIZE) goto ErrorExit;
arStack[sp++] = (INT)*(pPDev->arStdPtrs[ptstrToken->dwValue]); break;
case OP_MIN: if (--sp <= 0) goto ErrorExit;
if (arStack[sp-1] > arStack[sp]) arStack[sp-1] = arStack[sp]; break;
case OP_MAX: if (--sp <= 0) goto ErrorExit;
if (arStack[sp-1] < arStack[sp]) arStack[sp-1] = arStack[sp]; break;
case OP_ADD: if (--sp <= 0) goto ErrorExit;
arStack[sp-1] += arStack[sp]; break;
case OP_SUB: if (--sp <= 0) goto ErrorExit;
arStack[sp-1] -= arStack[sp]; break;
case OP_MULT: if (--sp <= 0) goto ErrorExit;
arStack[sp-1] *= arStack[sp]; break;
case OP_DIV: if (--sp <= 0) goto ErrorExit;
arStack[sp-1] /= arStack[sp]; break;
case OP_MOD: if (--sp <= 0) goto ErrorExit;
arStack[sp-1] %= arStack[sp]; break;
case OP_MAX_REPEAT: //
// If pbMaxRepeat is TRUE, can only send the parameters in
// increment of lMax repeat value or smaller, set in Parameter list until
*pbMaxRepeat = TRUE; break;
case OP_HALT: if (sp == 0) goto ErrorExit;
iRet = arStack[--sp]; break;
default: VERBOSE (("IProcessTokenStream - unknown command!")); break; } ptstrToken++; }
return (iRet);
ErrorExit: ERR(("IProcessTokenStream, invalid stack pointer")); return 0; }
static int itoA( LPSTR buf, INT n ) { int fNeg; int i, j;
if( fNeg = (n < 0) ) n = -n;
for( i = 0; n; i++ ) { buf[i] = (char)(n % 10 + '0'); n /= 10; }
/* n was zero */ if( i == 0 ) buf[i++] = '0';
if( fNeg ) buf[i++] = '-';
for( j = 0; j < i / 2; j++ ) { int tmp;
tmp = buf[j]; buf[j] = buf[i - j - 1]; buf[i - j - 1] = (char)tmp; }
buf[i] = '\0';
return i; }
BOOL BUniWritePrinter( IN PDEV* pPDev, IN LPVOID pBuf, IN DWORD cbBuf, OUT LPDWORD pcbWritten) { DWORD dwCount; BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
// Is there any plug-in that hooks WritePrinter?
// If there is, the plug-in need to take care of all output.
// Call plug-in's WritePrinter method.
// OEM plug in uses COM and function is implemented.
if(((POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY)pPDev->pOemEntry)->pIntfOem ) { //
// Call only the first available WritePrinter method in
// multiple plug-ins.
if (pOemEntry->dwFlags & OEMWRITEPRINTER_HOOKED) { HRESULT hr;
// WritePrinter is supported by this plug-in DLL.
// Plug-in's WritePrinter should not return E_NOTIMPL or
pPDev->fMode2 |= PF2_CALLING_OEM_WRITE_PRINTER; hr = HComWritePrinter((POEM_PLUGIN_ENTRY)pPDev->pOemEntry, (PDEVOBJ)pPDev, pBuf, cbBuf, pcbWritten); pPDev->fMode2 &= ~PF2_CALLING_OEM_WRITE_PRINTER;
// If Plug-in's WritePrinter succeeded, return TRUE.
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// If the method is called and succeeded, return TRUE.
bReturn = TRUE; break; } else { //
// If WritePrinter method failed, break.
bReturn = FALSE; break; } } }
if (pPDev->pVectorProcs != NULL) { pPDev->devobj.pdevOEM = pPDev->pVectorPDEV; } } //
// If there is no WritePrinter hook, call spooler API WritePrinter.
else { bReturn = WritePrinter(pPDev->devobj.hPrinter, pBuf, cbBuf, pcbWritten) && cbBuf == *pcbWritten; }
return bReturn; }