Copyright (c) 1996 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation of the functions to use NT4.0 font format.
Windows NT Unidrv driver
Revision History:
06/02/97 -eigos- Created
#include "font.h"
// Macro
#define ADDR_CONV(x) ((BYTE *)pFDH + pFDH->x)
ULONG UlCharsetToCodepage( BYTE ubCharSet) { CHARSETINFO CharsetInfo; //
// Initialize CharsetInfo
CharsetInfo.ciCharset = 0; CharsetInfo.ciACP = 1252; CharsetInfo.fs.fsUsb[0] = 0x01; CharsetInfo.fs.fsUsb[1] = CharsetInfo.fs.fsUsb[2] = CharsetInfo.fs.fsUsb[3] = 0; CharsetInfo.fs.fsCsb[0] = 0x01; CharsetInfo.fs.fsCsb[1] = 0;
PrdTranslateCharsetInfo((UINT)ubCharSet, &CharsetInfo, TCI_SRCCHARSET); return CharsetInfo.ciACP; }
BOOL BGetOldFontInfo( FONTMAP *pfm, BYTE *pRes ) /*++
Routine Description:
Fill in the FONTMAP data using the NT format data passed to us. There is not too much for us to do, since the NT data is all in the desired format. However, we do have to update some addresses.
pfm - Pointer to FONTMAP.
pRes - Pointer to Font Resource.
Return Value:
TRUE - for success FALSE - for failure
Note: 12-05-96: Created it -ganeshp- --*/ {
ASSERT(pfm != NULL && pRes != NULL && pfm->dwFontType == FMTYPE_DEVICE && pfm->flFlags & FM_IFIVER40);
pfmdev = pfm->pSubFM;
pfmdev->pvFontRes = pRes;
// Old Format Data
// Verify that there is some semblance of correctness
if( pFDH->cjThis != sizeof( FI_DATA_HEADER ) ) { ERR(( "BGetOldFontInfo: invalid FI_DATA_HEADER\n" )); return FALSE; }
// Mark this data as being in a resource
pfm->flFlags |= (FM_IFIRES | FM_FONTCMD);
if (!(pfm->flFlags & FM_SOFTFONT)) { if( pFDH->dwCDSelect ) { pfmdev->cmdFontSel.pCD = (CD *)ADDR_CONV( dwCDSelect ); ASSERT(pfmdev->cmdFontSel.pCD); }
if( pFDH->dwCDDeselect ) { pfmdev->cmdFontDesel.pCD = (CD *)ADDR_CONV( dwCDDeselect ); ASSERT(pfmdev->cmdFontDesel.pCD); }
if( pFDH->dwETM ) { pfmdev->pETM = (EXTTEXTMETRIC *)ADDR_CONV( dwETM ); }
if( pFDH->dwWidthTab ) { pfmdev->W.psWidth = (short *)ADDR_CONV( dwWidthTab ); pfm->flFlags |= FM_WIDTHRES; /* Width vector too! */ }
* Miscellaneous odds & ends. */
pfmdev->ulCodepage = UlCharsetToCodepage(pfm->pIFIMet->jWinCharSet);
pfmdev->sCTTid = pFDH->u.sCTTid; pfmdev->fCaps = pFDH->fCaps; pfmdev->wDevFontType = pFDH->wFontType; pfm->wXRes = pFDH->wXRes; pfm->wYRes = pFDH->wYRes; pfmdev->sYAdjust = pFDH->sYAdjust; pfmdev->sYMoved = pFDH->sYMoved;
return TRUE; }
BOOL BRLEOutputGlyph( TO_DATA *pTod ) /*++
Routine Description: Send printer commands to print the glyph passed in. Basically we do the translation from ANSI to the printer's representation,
Arguments: hg HGLYPH of interest
Return Value: TRUE for success and FALSE for failure.FALSE being a failure of Spool
1/22/1997 -ganeshp- Created it. --*/
FONTPDEV *pFontPDev; // Font PDEV
FONTMAP_DEV *pFMDev; // Device font PDEV
FONTMAP *pFM; // Fontmap data structure
NT_RLE *pntrle; // Access to data to send to printer
COMMAND *pCmd; // Command Pointer
HGLYPH hg; UHG uhg; // Various flavours of HGLYPH contents
INT iLen; // Length of string
INT iIndex; // Index from glyph to width table
INT cGlyphs; INT iX, iY, iXInc, iYInc; BYTE *pb; // Determining length for above
BOOL bRet; // Returned to caller
BOOL bSetCursorForEachGlyph;
pPDev = pTod->pPDev; pFontPDev = pPDev->pFontPDev; pFM = pTod->pfm; pFMDev = pFM->pSubFM; pntrle = pFMDev->pvNTGlyph; cGlyphs = pTod->cGlyphsToPrint; pgp = pTod->pgp;
ASSERT(pPDev && pFontPDev && pFM && pFMDev && pntrle && pgp);
bSetCursorForEachGlyph = SET_CURSOR_FOR_EACH_GLYPH(pTod->flAccel);
if (!bSetCursorForEachGlyph) VSetCursor( pPDev, pgp->ptl.x, pgp->ptl.y, MOVE_ABSOLUTE, &ptlRem);
bRet = FALSE; /* Default case */ iX = iY = 0;
while (cGlyphs --) { hg = uhg.hg = pgp->hg; /* Lets us look at it however we want */ iX = pgp->ptl.x; iY = pgp->ptl.y;
// Move to the next character's position
if (bSetCursorForEachGlyph) VSetCursor( pPDev, iX, iY, MOVE_ABSOLUTE, &ptlRem);
if( pntrle ) { /* The normal case - a standard device font */
switch( pntrle->wType ) { case RLE_DIRECT: /* Up to 2 bytes of data */ iLen = uhg.rd.b1 ? 2 : 1; iIndex = uhg.rd.wIndex;
bRet = WriteSpoolBuf( pPDev, &uhg.rd.b0, iLen ) == iLen;
case RLE_PAIRED: /* Two glyphs (1 byte), overstruck */ /*
* First, try to use cursor push/pop escapes to * overlay the 2 characters. If they are not * available, try the backspace. If it doesn't exist * either, ignore the second character. */
if ( uhg.rd.b1 && (pCmd != NULL) ) { /* Pushed the position; output ch1, pop position, ch2 */ bRet = WriteSpoolBuf( pPDev, &uhg.rd.b0, 1 ) == 1; WriteChannel( pPDev, pCmd ); bRet = WriteSpoolBuf( pPDev, &uhg.rd.b1, 1 ) == 1; } else { pCmd = COMMANDPTR(pPDev->pDriverInfo, CMD_BACKSPACE);
bRet = WriteSpoolBuf( pPDev, &uhg.rd.b0, 1 ) == 1; if( uhg.rd.b1 && (pFontPDev->flFlags & FDV_BKSP_OK) ) { WriteChannel( pPDev, pCmd ); bRet = WriteSpoolBuf( pPDev, &uhg.rd.b1, 1 ) == 1; } } iIndex = uhg.rd.wIndex;
case RLE_LI_OFFSET: /* Compact format of offset mode */ if( uhg.rli.bLength <= 2 ) { /* Compact format: the data is in the offset field */ pb = &uhg.rlic.b0; } else { /* Standard format: the offset points to the data */ pb = (BYTE *)pntrle + uhg.rli.wOffset; } iLen = uhg.rli.bLength; iIndex = uhg.rli.bIndex;
bRet = WriteSpoolBuf(pPDev, pb, iLen ) == iLen; break;
case RLE_L_OFFSET: /* Arbitrary length strings */ /*
* The HGLYPH contains a 3 byte offset from the beginning of * the memory area, and a 1 byte length field. */ pb = (BYTE *)pntrle + (hg & 0xffffff); iLen = (hg >> 24) & 0xff;
iIndex = *((WORD *)pb); pb += sizeof( WORD );
bRet = WriteSpoolBuf(pPDev, pb, iLen ) == iLen;
default: ERR(( "Rasdd!bOutputGlyph: Unknown HGLYPH format %d\n", pntrle->wType )); SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ); break; } }
// After drawing the character, in the printer, the cursor position
// moves. Update the UNIDRV internal value to reduce the amount of
// command to send.
if (bSetCursorForEachGlyph) { if( pFMDev->W.psWidth) { iXInc = pFMDev->W.psWidth[iIndex]; iXInc = iXInc * pPDev->ptGrxRes.x / pFM->wXRes; } else iXInc = ((IFIMETRICS *)(pFM->pIFIMet))->fwdMaxCharInc;
if( pFM->flFlags & FM_SCALABLE ) { iXInc = LMulFloatLong(&pFontPDev->ctl.eXScale,iXInc); }
if (pTod->flAccel & SO_VERTICAL) { iYInc = iXInc; iXInc = 0; } else { iYInc = 0; }
VSetCursor( pPDev, iXInc, iYInc, MOVE_RELATIVE|MOVE_UPDATE, &ptlRem); }
pgp ++; }
* If the output succeeded, update our view of the printer's * cursor position. Typically, this will be to move along the * width of the glyph just printed. */
if( bRet && pFM) { //
// Output may have succeeded, so update the position for default
// placement.
if( !bSetCursorForEachGlyph) { if( pFMDev->W.psWidth ) { /*
* Proportional font - so use the width table. Note that * it will also need scaling, since the fontwidths are stored * in the text resolution units. */ /* This also scales correctly for downloaded fonts */
iXInc = pFMDev->W.psWidth[iIndex]; iXInc = iXInc * pPDev->ptGrxRes.x / pFM->wXRes; } else { /*
* Fixed pitch font - metrics contains the information. NOTE * that scaling is NOT required here, since the metrics data * has already been scaled. */ iXInc = ((IFIMETRICS *)(pFM->pIFIMet))->fwdMaxCharInc; }
if( pFM->flFlags & FM_SCALABLE ) { iXInc = LMulFloatLong(&pFontPDev->ctl.eXScale,iXInc); }
if (pTod->flAccel & SO_VERTICAL) { iYInc = iXInc; iXInc = 0; } else { iYInc = 0; }
VSetCursor( pPDev, (iX + iXInc) - pTod->pgp->ptl.x, (iY + iYInc) - pTod->pgp->ptl.y, MOVE_RELATIVE | MOVE_UPDATE, &ptlRem); } } else bRet = FALSE;
return bRet; }
BOOL BRLESelectFont( PDEV *pPDev, PFONTMAP pFM, POINTL *pptl) { FONTMAP_DEV *pfmdev = pFM->pSubFM; CD *pCD;
ASSERT(pPDev && pfmdev);
if (!(pCD = pfmdev->cmdFontSel.pCD)) return FALSE;
pfmdev->pfnDevSelFont(pPDev, pCD->rgchCmd, pCD->wLength, pptl);
return TRUE; }
BOOL BSelectNonScalableFont( PDEV *pPDev, BYTE *pbCmd, INT iCmdLength, POINTL *pptl) { if( iCmdLength > 0 && pbCmd && WriteSpoolBuf( pPDev, pbCmd, iCmdLength ) != iCmdLength) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL BSelectPCLScalableFont( PDEV *pPDev, BYTE *pbCmd, INT iCmdLength, POINTL *pptl) { INT iIn, iConv, iOut, iLen; BYTE aubLocal[80];
ASSERT(pPDev && pbCmd && pptl);
iOut = 0;
for( iIn = 0; (iIn < iCmdLength) && (iOut < CCHOF (aubLocal)); iIn++ ) { if( pbCmd[ iIn ] == '#') { //
// The next byte tells us what information is required.
switch ( pbCmd[ iIn + 1 ] ) { case 'v': case 'V': /* Want the font's height */ iConv = pptl->y; break;
case 'h': case 'H': /* Want the pitch */ iConv = pptl->x; break;
default: /* This should not happen! */ ERR(( "UniFont!BSelScalableFont(): Invalid command format\n")); return FALSE; /* Bad news */ } iLen = IFont100toStr( &aubLocal[ iOut ], CCHOF(aubLocal) - iOut, iConv );
if ( (iLen < 0) || iLen > ( (INT) CCHOF(aubLocal) - iOut ) ) { ERR(( "UniFont!BSelectPCLScalableFont(): Error. Command may be too big\n")); return FALSE; /* Bad news */ }
iOut += iLen;
} else aubLocal[iOut++] = pbCmd[iIn]; }
WriteSpoolBuf( pPDev, aubLocal, iOut);
return TRUE; }
BOOL BSelectCapslScalableFont( PDEV *pPDev, BYTE *pbCmd, INT iCmdLength, POINTL *pptl) { INT iIn, iConv, iOut, iLen; BYTE aubLocal[80];
ASSERT(pPDev && pbCmd && pptl);
iOut = 0;
for( iIn = 0; iIn < iCmdLength && (iOut < CCHOF (aubLocal) ) ; iIn++ ) { if( pbCmd[ iIn ] == '#') { //
// The next byte tells us what information is required.
switch ( pbCmd[ iIn + 1 ] ) { case 'v': case 'V': iConv = pptl->y * 300 / 72; break;
case 'h': case 'H': iConv = pptl->x; break;
default: ERR(( "Invalid command format\n")); return FALSE; } iIn ++;
iLen = iDrvPrintfSafeA(&aubLocal[iOut], CCHOF(aubLocal)-iOut, "%d", (iConv + 50)/100); if ( iLen <= 0 || iLen > (INT)CCHOF(aubLocal)-iOut ) { ERR( ("Invalid command format. Command maybe too big\n")); return FALSE; } iOut += iLen; } else aubLocal[iOut++] = pbCmd[iIn]; }
WriteSpoolBuf( pPDev, aubLocal, iOut);
return TRUE; }
BOOL BSelectPPDSScalableFont( PDEV *pPDev, BYTE *pbCmd, INT iCmdLength, POINTL *pptl) { INT iIn, iOut, iConv; BYTE aubLocal[80];
ASSERT(pPDev && pbCmd && pptl);
iOut = 0;
for( iIn = 0; iIn < iCmdLength && (iOut < CCHOF (aubLocal) ); iIn++ ) { if (pbCmd[ iIn ] == '\x0B' && pbCmd[ iIn + 1] == '#') //
// Height param for PPDS
{ if ( iOut + 8 < CCHOF (aubLocal) ) //8 chars to be written into aubLocal
aubLocal[ iOut++ ] = '\x0B'; aubLocal[ iOut++ ] = '\x06'; iConv = pptl->y; //
// Due to restriction of PPDS cmds, param must be sent in
// xxx.xx format !
if ( ( iDrvPrintfSafeA(&aubLocal[ iOut ], CCHOF(aubLocal)-iOut, "%05d",iConv ) ) != 5 ) return FALSE; /* Bad news */ //
// insert the decimal point
aubLocal[ iOut+5 ] = aubLocal[ iOut+4 ]; aubLocal[ iOut+4 ] = aubLocal[ iOut+3 ]; aubLocal[ iOut+3 ] = '.'; iOut += 6; // xxx.xx ( ie 6 incl decimal pt
iIn++; } else { ERR( ("Invalid command format. Command maybe too big\n")); return FALSE; } } else if (pbCmd[ iIn ] == '\x0E' && pbCmd[ iIn + 1] == '#') //
// Pitch param for GPC_TECH_PPDS
{ if ( iOut + 9 < CCHOF (aubLocal) ) //9 chars to be written into aubLocal
{ aubLocal[ iOut++ ] = '\x0E'; aubLocal[ iOut++ ] = '\x07'; aubLocal[ iOut++ ] = '\x30'; // special byte required
iConv = pptl->x;
if ( ( iDrvPrintfSafeA(&aubLocal[ iOut ], CCHOF(aubLocal)-iOut, "%05d",iConv ) ) != 5 ) return FALSE; //
// insert the decimal point
aubLocal[ iOut+5 ] = aubLocal[ iOut+4 ]; aubLocal[ iOut+4 ] = aubLocal[ iOut+3 ]; aubLocal[ iOut+3 ] = '.';
iOut += 6; // xxx.xx ( ie 6 incl decimal pt
iIn++; } else { ERR( ("Invalid command format. Command maybe too big\n")); return FALSE; } } else //
// No translation necessary
aubLocal[ iOut++ ] = pbCmd[ iIn ];
WriteSpoolBuf( pPDev, aubLocal, iOut );
return TRUE;
ASSERT(pPDev && pFM);
pfmdev = pFM->pSubFM; pCD = pfmdev->cmdFontDesel.pCD;
if (pCD && pCD->wLength != 0 && pCD->rgchCmd && pCD->wLength != WriteSpoolBuf(pPDev, pCD->rgchCmd, pCD->wLength)) bRet = FALSE;
return bRet; }
INT IGetIFIGlyphWidth( PDEV *pPDev, FONTMAP *pFM, HGLYPH hg) { FONTMAP_DEV *pfmdev; NT_RLE *pntrle; // The RLE stuff - may be needed
UHG uhg; // Defined access to HGLYPH contents
INT iWide = 0;
ASSERT(pPDev && pFM);
pfmdev = pFM->pSubFM; pntrle = pfmdev->pvNTGlyph;
ASSERT(pfmdev && pntrle);
if( pfmdev->W.psWidth ) { /* Proportional font - width varies per glyph */
uhg.hg = (HGLYPH)hg;
* We need the index value from the HGLYPH. The * index is the offset in the width table. For all * but the >= 24 bit offset types, the index is * included in the HGLYPH. For the 24 bit offset, * the first WORD of the destination is the index, * while for the 32 bit offset, it is the second WORD * at the offset. */
switch( pntrle->wType ) { case RLE_DIRECT: case RLE_PAIRED: iWide = uhg.rd.wIndex; break;
case RLE_LI_OFFSET: iWide = uhg.rli.bIndex; break;
case RLE_L_OFFSET: iWide = (DWORD)uhg.hg & 0x00ffffff; iWide = *((WORD *)((BYTE *)pntrle + iWide)); break;
case RLE_OFFSET: iWide = (DWORD)uhg.hg + sizeof( WORD ); iWide = *((WORD *)((BYTE *)pntrle + iWide)); break; }
iWide = pfmdev->W.psWidth[iWide];
// If this is a proportionally spaced font,
// we need to adjust the width table entries
// to the current resolution. The width tables are NOT
// converted for lower resolutions, so we add the factor in now.
// Fixed pitch fonts must not be adjusted, since the width is converted
// in the font metrics.
iWide = iWide * pPDev->ptGrxRes.x / pFM->wXRes; } else { //
// Fixed pitch fonts come from IFIMETRICS
iWide = ((IFIMETRICS *)(pFM->pIFIMet))->fwdMaxCharInc;
return iWide; }