Copyright (c) 97 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Standard TCP/IP Port Monitor class to handle INI file settings
Author: Muhunthan Sivapragasam (MuhuntS) 19-Nov-1997
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "tcpmonui.h"
#include "rtcpdata.h"
#include "lprdata.h"
#include "IniSection.h"
BOOL StringMatch( LPCTSTR psz1, LPCTSTR psz2 // * is a wild char in this
) { LPCTSTR p1 = NULL, p2 = NULL;
for ( p1 = psz1, p2 = psz2 ; *p1 && *p2 ; ) {
// A * matches any sub-string
if ( *p2 == TEXT('*') ) {
++p2; if ( !*p2 ) { return TRUE; }
for ( ; *p1 ; ++p1 ) if ( StringMatch(p1, p2) ) { return TRUE; }
break; } else if ( *p1 == *p2 ) {
++p1; ++p2; } else break; }
if( !*p1 && *p2 == TEXT( '*' )) { ++p2; if (!*p2 ) { return TRUE; } }
return !*p1 && !*p2; }
BOOL IniSection:: FindINISectionFromPortDescription( LPCTSTR pszPortDesc ) /*++
--*/ { LPTSTR pszBuf = NULL, pszKey = NULL; DWORD rc = 0, dwLen = 0, dwBufLen = 1024; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
pszBuf = (LPTSTR) malloc(dwBufLen*sizeof(TCHAR));
// Read all the key names in the ini file
while ( pszBuf ) {
rc = GetPrivateProfileString(PORT_SECTION, NULL, NULL, pszBuf, dwBufLen, m_szIniFileName);
if ( rc == 0 ) { goto Done; }
if ( rc < dwBufLen - 2 ) { break; // Succesful exit; Read all port descriptions
free(pszBuf); dwBufLen *= 2;
pszBuf = (LPTSTR) malloc(dwBufLen*sizeof(TCHAR)); }
if ( !pszBuf ) goto Done;
// Go through the list of key names in the .INI till we find a match
for ( pszKey = pszBuf ; *pszKey ; pszKey += dwLen + 1 ) {
// Keys start and end with " we need to do match w/o them
dwLen = _tcslen(pszKey); pszKey[dwLen-1] = TCHAR('\0');
if ( StringMatch(pszPortDesc, pszKey+1) ) {
pszKey[dwLen-1] = TCHAR('\"'); GetPrivateProfileString(PORT_SECTION, pszKey, NULL, m_szSectionName, MAX_SECTION_NAME, m_szIniFileName); bRet = TRUE; goto Done; } }
Done: if ( pszBuf ) { free(pszBuf); }
return( bRet ); }
IniSection:: IniSection( void ) { DWORD dwLen = 0, dwSize = 0;
m_szSectionName[0] = TEXT('\0'); m_szIniFileName[0] = TEXT('\0');
dwSize = sizeof(m_szIniFileName)/sizeof(m_szIniFileName[0]); dwLen = GetSystemDirectory(m_szIniFileName, dwSize);
if ( dwLen + _tcslen(PORTMONITOR_INI_FILE) > dwSize ) { return; } StringCchCat (m_szIniFileName, dwSize, PORTMONITOR_INI_FILE);
IniSection:: ~IniSection( ) { // Nothing to do
BOOL IniSection:: GetString( IN LPTSTR pszKey, OUT TCHAR szBuf[], IN DWORD cchBuf ) { DWORD rc = 0;
rc = GetPrivateProfileString(m_szSectionName, pszKey, NULL, szBuf, cchBuf, m_szIniFileName);
return rc > 0 && rc < cchBuf - 1; }
BOOL IniSection:: GetDWord( IN LPTSTR pszKey, OUT LPDWORD pdwValue ) { UINT uVal;
uVal = GetPrivateProfileInt(m_szSectionName, pszKey, -1, m_szIniFileName);
if ( uVal != -1 ) {
*pdwValue = (DWORD) uVal; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
BOOL IniSection:: SetIniSection( LPTSTR pszPortSection ) { lstrcpyn( m_szSectionName, pszPortSection, MAX_SECTION_NAME );
return( TRUE ); }
BOOL IniSection:: GetIniSection( LPTSTR pszPortDescription ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if ( m_szIniFileName[0] != 0 ) { bRet = FindINISectionFromPortDescription(pszPortDescription); }
return( bRet ); }
// FUNCTION: GetPortInfo
// PURPOSE: To read information about a device from the ini file.
BOOL IniSection:: GetPortInfo(LPCTSTR pAddress, PPORT_DATA_1 pPortInfo, DWORD dwPortIndex, BOOL bBypassMibProbe) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; TCHAR KeyName[26];
if( !Valid() ) { bRet = FALSE; goto Done; }
// Protocol
StringCchPrintf (KeyName, COUNTOF (KeyName), PROTOCOL_KEY, dwPortIndex); TCHAR tcsProtocol[50]; GetPrivateProfileString(m_szSectionName, KeyName, TEXT(""), tcsProtocol, 50, m_szIniFileName);
if( !_tcsicmp( RAW_PROTOCOL_TEXT, tcsProtocol)) { pPortInfo->dwProtocol = PROTOCOL_RAWTCP_TYPE;
// Port Number
StringCchPrintf (KeyName, COUNTOF (KeyName), PORT_NUMBER_KEY, dwPortIndex); pPortInfo->dwPortNumber = GetPrivateProfileInt(m_szSectionName, KeyName, DEFAULT_PORT_NUMBER, m_szIniFileName);
} else if( !_tcsicmp( LPR_PROTOCOL_TEXT, tcsProtocol)) { pPortInfo->dwProtocol = PROTOCOL_LPR_TYPE; pPortInfo->dwPortNumber = LPR_DEFAULT_PORT_NUMBER;
StringCchPrintf (KeyName, COUNTOF (KeyName), QUEUE_KEY, dwPortIndex); GetPrivateProfileString(m_szSectionName, KeyName, DEFAULT_QUEUE, pPortInfo->sztQueue, MAX_QUEUENAME_LEN, m_szIniFileName);
// LPR Double Spool - default 0
StringCchPrintf (KeyName, COUNTOF (KeyName), DOUBLESPOOL_KEY, dwPortIndex); pPortInfo->dwDoubleSpool = GetPrivateProfileInt(m_szSectionName, KeyName, 0, m_szIniFileName);
// CommunityName
StringCchPrintf (KeyName, COUNTOF (KeyName), COMMUNITY_KEY, dwPortIndex); GetPrivateProfileString(m_szSectionName, KeyName, DEFAULT_SNMP_COMUNITY, pPortInfo->sztSNMPCommunity, MAX_SNMP_COMMUNITY_STR_LEN, m_szIniFileName);
// DeviceIndex - default 1
StringCchPrintf (KeyName, COUNTOF (KeyName), DEVICE_KEY, dwPortIndex); pPortInfo->dwSNMPDevIndex = GetPrivateProfileInt(m_szSectionName, KeyName, 1, m_szIniFileName);
// SNMP Status Enabled - default ON
TCHAR szTemp[50]; StringCchPrintf (KeyName, COUNTOF (KeyName), PORT_STATUS_ENABLED_KEY, dwPortIndex); GetPrivateProfileString(m_szSectionName, KeyName, YES_TEXT, szTemp, SIZEOF_IN_CHAR(szTemp), m_szIniFileName);
if ( !(_tcsicmp( szTemp, YES_TEXT ))){ pPortInfo->dwSNMPEnabled = TRUE; } else if (!(_tcsicmp( szTemp, NO_TEXT ))) { pPortInfo->dwSNMPEnabled = FALSE; } else {
if (bBypassMibProbe) pPortInfo->dwSNMPEnabled = FALSE; else {
BOOL bSupported;
if (SupportsPrinterMIB( pAddress, &bSupported)) { pPortInfo->dwSNMPEnabled = bSupported; } else {
// Error case, we have to disable SNMP
pPortInfo->dwSNMPEnabled = FALSE;
// The caller can check the returned error code to determine
// whether the last error is "Device Not Found". If so,
// the client should by pass Mib Probe in the next call
bRet = FALSE; }
Done: return( bRet );
} // GetPortInfo
BOOL IniSection:: SupportsPrinterMIB( LPCTSTR pAddress, PBOOL pbSupported ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; CTcpMibABC *pTcpMib = NULL; FARPROC pfnGetTcpMibPtr = NULL;
if ( !g_hTcpMibLib ) { goto Done; }
pfnGetTcpMibPtr = ::GetProcAddress(g_hTcpMibLib, "GetTcpMibPtr");
if ( !pfnGetTcpMibPtr ) { goto Done; }
if ( pTcpMib = (CTcpMibABC *) pfnGetTcpMibPtr() ) {
char HostName[MAX_NETWORKNAME_LEN] = "";
UNICODE_TO_MBCS(HostName, MAX_NETWORKNAME_LEN, pAddress, -1); bRet = pTcpMib->SupportsPrinterMib(HostName, DEFAULT_SNMP_COMMUNITYA, DEFAULT_SNMP_DEVICE_INDEX, pbSupported); }
Done: return bRet; } // GetDeviceType