* * $Workfile: InptChkr.cpp $ * * Copyright (C) 1997 Hewlett-Packard Company. * Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation. * All rights reserved. * * 11311 Chinden Blvd. * Boise, Idaho 83714 * *****************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
#include "TCPMonUI.h"
#include "UIMgr.h"
#include "InptChkr.h"
#include "Resource.h"
#include "IPAddr.h"
#include "HostName.h"
// FUNCTION: CInputChecker constructor
// PURPOSE: initialize a CInputChecker class
CInputChecker::CInputChecker() { m_bLinked = FALSE; m_InputStorageStringAddress[0] = '\0'; m_InputStorageStringPortNumber[0] = '\0'; m_InputStorageStringDeviceIndex[0] = '\0'; m_InputStorageStringQueueName[0] = '\0';
} // constructor
// FUNCTION: CInputChecker destructor
// PURPOSE: deinitialize a CInputChecker class
CInputChecker::~CInputChecker() { } // destructor
// FUNCTION: OnUpdatePortName(idEditCtrl, hwndEditCtrl)
// PURPOSE: to handle EN_UPDATE message when the edit control is the Port Name input.
void CInputChecker::OnUpdatePortName(int idEditCtrl, HWND hwndEditCtrl) { // the edit control for Port Name had text changed in it.
BOOL bModified = static_cast<BOOL> (SendMessage(hwndEditCtrl, EM_GETMODIFY, 0,0)); if(bModified) { TCHAR tcsAddr[MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH] = NULLSTR; TCHAR tcsLastValidAddr[MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH] = NULLSTR; GetWindowText(hwndEditCtrl, tcsAddr, MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH);
if(! IsValidPortNameInput(tcsAddr, tcsLastValidAddr, SIZEOF_IN_CHAR(tcsLastValidAddr))) { // the port name that was entered is not valid so beep and set the text
// back to the last valid entry. This test for validity does not
// include testing for the right length just proper character set.
MessageBeep((UINT)-1); DWORD dwSel = Edit_GetSel(hwndEditCtrl); SetWindowText(hwndEditCtrl, tcsLastValidAddr); Edit_SetSel(hwndEditCtrl, LOWORD(dwSel) - 1, HIWORD(dwSel) - 1); }
m_bLinked = FALSE; }
} // OnUpdatePortName
// FUNCTION: OnUpdatePortNumber(idEditCtrl, hwndEditCtrl)
// PURPOSE: to handle EN_UPDATE message when the edit control is the Port Number input.
void CInputChecker::OnUpdatePortNumber(int idEditCtrl, HWND hwndEditCtrl) { // the edit control for Port Number had text changed in it.
if(! IsValidPortNumberInput(tcsPortNum, tcsLastValidPortNum, SIZEOF_IN_CHAR(tcsLastValidPortNum))) { // the port number that was entered is not valid so beep and set the text
// back to the last valid entry. This test for validity does not
// include testing for the right length just proper character set.
MessageBeep((UINT)-1); DWORD dwSel = Edit_GetSel(hwndEditCtrl); SetWindowText(hwndEditCtrl, tcsLastValidPortNum); Edit_SetSel(hwndEditCtrl, LOWORD(dwSel) - 1, HIWORD(dwSel) - 1); }
} // OnUpdatePortNumber
// FUNCTION: OnUpdateDeviceIndex(idEditCtrl, hwndEditCtrl)
// PURPOSE: to handle EN_UPDATE message when the edit control is the Device Index input.
void CInputChecker::OnUpdateDeviceIndex(int idEditCtrl, HWND hwndEditCtrl) { // the edit control for Port Number had text changed in it.
if(! IsValidDeviceIndexInput(tcsDeviceIndex, tcsLastValidDeviceIndex, SIZEOF_IN_CHAR(tcsLastValidDeviceIndex))) { // the device index that was entered is not valid so beep and set the
// text back to the last valid entry. This test for validity does not
// include testing for the right length just proper character set.
MessageBeep((UINT)-1); DWORD dwSel = Edit_GetSel(hwndEditCtrl); SetWindowText(hwndEditCtrl, tcsLastValidDeviceIndex); Edit_SetSel(hwndEditCtrl, LOWORD(dwSel) - 1, HIWORD(dwSel) - 1); }
} // OnUpdateDeviceIndex
// FUNCTION: OnUpdateAddress(idEditCtrl, hwndEditCtrl)
// PURPOSE: to handle EN_UPDATE message when the edit control is the Address input.
void CInputChecker::OnUpdateAddress(HWND hDlg, int idEditCtrl, HWND hwndEditCtrl, LPTSTR psztServerName) { // the edit control for IP Address or Device Name had text changed in it.
BOOL bValid = IsValidAddressInput(tcsAddr, tcsLastValidAddr, SIZEOF_IN_CHAR(tcsLastValidAddr)); if(! bValid) { // the address that was entered is not valid so beep and set the text
// back to the last valid entry. This test for validity does not
// include testing for the right length just proper character set.
MessageBeep((UINT)-1); DWORD dwSel = Edit_GetSel(hwndEditCtrl); SetWindowText(hwndEditCtrl, tcsLastValidAddr); Edit_SetSel(hwndEditCtrl, LOWORD(dwSel) - 1, HIWORD(dwSel) - 1); } else // The address is valid.
{ if(m_bLinked) { MakePortName(tcsAddr, COUNTOF (tcsAddr)); SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_EDIT_PORT_NAME), tcsAddr); } }
} // OnUpdateAddress
// FUNCTION: OnUpdateQueueName(idEditCtrl, hwndEditCtrl)
// PURPOSE: to handle EN_UPDATE message when the edit control is the QueueName input.
void CInputChecker::OnUpdateQueueName(int idEditCtrl, HWND hwndEditCtrl) { // the edit control for QueueName had text changed in it.
TCHAR tcsQueueName[MAX_QUEUENAME_LEN] = NULLSTR; TCHAR tcsLastValidQueueName[MAX_QUEUENAME_LEN] = NULLSTR; GetWindowText(hwndEditCtrl, tcsQueueName, MAX_QUEUENAME_LEN);
if(! IsValidQueueNameInput(tcsQueueName, tcsLastValidQueueName, SIZEOF_IN_CHAR(tcsLastValidQueueName))) { // the device index that was entered is not valid so beep and set the
// text back to the last valid entry. This test for validity does not
// include testing for the right length just proper character set.
MessageBeep((UINT)-1); DWORD dwSel = Edit_GetSel(hwndEditCtrl); SetWindowText(hwndEditCtrl, tcsLastValidQueueName); Edit_SetSel(hwndEditCtrl, LOWORD(dwSel) - 1, HIWORD(dwSel) - 1); }
} // OnUpdateQueueName
// FUNCTION: IsValidPortNameInput(TCHAR ptcsAddressInput[MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH], TCHAR *ptcsReturnLastValid)
// PURPOSE: IsValidPortNameInput is used for validation while the user is typing.
// Arguments: ptcsAddressInput is the user input.
// ptcsReturnLastValid is the last valid user input
// from the last time this function was called.
// CRtnValSize size in chars ( or wide chars) of the destination
// buffer.
// Return Value: Returns TRUE if the input is valid. FALSE otherwise, with ptcsReturnLastValid set.
// Comments: Any input is valid until I hear otherwise.
BOOL CInputChecker::IsValidPortNameInput(TCHAR *ptcsAddressInput, TCHAR *ptcsReturnLastValid, DWORD CRtnValSize) { DWORD dwLen = 0; BOOL bValid = FALSE;
// Valid port name is non-blank and does not include ,
if ( ptcsAddressInput ) {
while ( ptcsAddressInput[dwLen] != TEXT('\0') && ptcsAddressInput[dwLen] != TEXT(',') ) ++dwLen;
bValid = dwLen && ptcsAddressInput[dwLen] != TEXT(','); }
if ( CRtnValSize ) {
if ( dwLen + 1 > CRtnValSize ) dwLen = CRtnValSize - 1;
lstrcpyn(ptcsReturnLastValid, ptcsAddressInput ? ptcsAddressInput : L"", dwLen+1); }
return bValid; } // IsValidPortNameInput
// FUNCTION: IsValidCommunityNameInput(TCHAR ptcsCommunityNameInput[MAX_SNMP_COMMUNITY_STR_LEN], TCHAR *ptcsReturnLastValid)
// PURPOSE: IsValidCommunityNameInput is used for validation while the user is typing.
// Arguments: ptcsCommunityNameInput is the user input.
// ptcsReturnLastValid is the last valid user input
// from the last time this function was called.
// CRtnValSize size in chars ( or wide chars) of the destination
// buffer.
// Return Value: Returns TRUE if the input is valid. FALSE otherwise, with ptcsReturnLastValid set.
// Comments: Any input is valid until I hear otherwise.
BOOL CInputChecker::IsValidCommunityNameInput(TCHAR *ptcsCommunityNameInput, TCHAR *ptcsReturnLastValid, DWORD CRtnValSize) { return TRUE;
} // IsValidCommunityNameInput
// FUNCTION: IsValidPortNumberInput(TCHAR ptcsAddressInput[MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH], TCHAR *ptcsReturnLastValid)
// PURPOSE: IsValidPortNumberInput is used for validation while the user is typing.
// Arguments: ptcsAddressInput is the user input.
// ptcsReturnLastValid is the last valid user input
// from the last time this function was called.
// CRtnValSize size in chars ( or wide chars) of the destination
// buffer.
// Return Value: Returns TRUE if the input is valid. FALSE otherwise, with ptcsReturnLastValid set.
// Comments: The input is valid if it contains only digit characters.
BOOL CInputChecker::IsValidPortNumberInput(TCHAR *ptcsPortNumInput, TCHAR *ptcsReturnLastValid, DWORD CRtnValSize) { BOOL bIsValid = TRUE; TCHAR *charPtr = NULL; TCHAR ptcsString[MAX_PORTNUM_STRING_LENGTH] = NULLSTR;
lstrcpyn(ptcsString, ptcsPortNumInput, MAX_PORTNUM_STRING_LENGTH ); bIsValid = (_tcslen(ptcsString) <= MAX_PORTNUM_STRING_LENGTH);
for (charPtr = ptcsString; bIsValid && *charPtr; charPtr++) { switch (*charPtr) { case (TCHAR)'0': case (TCHAR)'1': case (TCHAR)'2': case (TCHAR)'3': case (TCHAR)'4': case (TCHAR)'5': case (TCHAR)'6': case (TCHAR)'7': case (TCHAR)'8': case (TCHAR)'9': bIsValid = TRUE; break;
default: bIsValid = FALSE; break; } }
if (!bIsValid) { if(ptcsReturnLastValid != NULL) { lstrcpyn(ptcsReturnLastValid, m_InputStorageStringPortNumber, CRtnValSize); } } else { lstrcpyn(m_InputStorageStringPortNumber, ptcsString, MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH); } return(bIsValid);
} // IsValidPortNumberInput
// FUNCTION: IsValidDeviceIndexInput(TCHAR ptcsAddressInput[MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH], TCHAR *ptcsReturnLastValid)
// PURPOSE: IsValidDeviceIndexInput is used for validation while the user is typing.
// Arguments: ptcsAddressInput is the user input.
// ptcsReturnLastValid is the last valid user input
// from the last time this function was called.
// CRtnValSize size in chars ( or wide chars) of the destination
// buffer.
// Return Value: Returns TRUE if the input is valid. FALSE otherwise, with ptcsReturnLastValid set.
// Comments: The input is valid if it contains only digit characters.
BOOL CInputChecker::IsValidDeviceIndexInput(TCHAR *ptcsDeviceIndexInput, TCHAR *ptcsReturnLastValid, DWORD CRtnValSize) { BOOL bIsValid = TRUE; TCHAR *charPtr = NULL; TCHAR ptcsString[MAX_SNMP_DEVICENUM_STRING_LENGTH] = NULLSTR;
lstrcpyn(ptcsString, ptcsDeviceIndexInput, MAX_SNMP_DEVICENUM_STRING_LENGTH); bIsValid = (_tcslen(ptcsString) <= MAX_SNMP_DEVICENUM_STRING_LENGTH);
for (charPtr = ptcsString; bIsValid && *charPtr; charPtr++) { switch (*charPtr) { case (TCHAR)'0': case (TCHAR)'1': case (TCHAR)'2': case (TCHAR)'3': case (TCHAR)'4': case (TCHAR)'5': case (TCHAR)'6': case (TCHAR)'7': case (TCHAR)'8': case (TCHAR)'9': bIsValid = TRUE; break;
default: bIsValid = FALSE; break; } }
if (!bIsValid) { if(ptcsReturnLastValid != NULL) { lstrcpyn(ptcsReturnLastValid, m_InputStorageStringDeviceIndex, CRtnValSize); } } else { lstrcpyn(m_InputStorageStringDeviceIndex, ptcsString, MAX_SNMP_DEVICENUM_STRING_LENGTH); } return(bIsValid);
} // IsValidDeviceIndexInput
// FUNCTION: IsValidAddressInput(TCHAR ptcsAddressInput[MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH], TCHAR *ptcsReturnLastValid)
// PURPOSE: IsValidAddressInput is used for validation while the user is typing.
// Arguments: ptcsAddressInput is the user input.
// ptcsReturnLastValid is the last valid user input
// from the last time this function was called.
// CRtnValSize size in chars ( or wide chars) of the destination
// buffer.
// Return Value: Returns TRUE if the input is valid. FALSE otherwise.
// Comments: The input is valid if it contains characters that are either valid for
// an IP Address or a Host Name or both.
BOOL CInputChecker::IsValidAddressInput(TCHAR *ptcsAddressInput, TCHAR *ptcsReturnLastValid, DWORD CRtnValSize) { TCHAR *charPtr = NULL; TCHAR ptcsString[MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH] = NULLSTR; BOOL bIsValid = FALSE;
lstrcpyn(ptcsString, ptcsAddressInput, MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH);
bIsValid = (_tcslen(ptcsString) <= MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH); for (charPtr = ptcsString; bIsValid && *charPtr; charPtr++) { switch (*charPtr) { case (TCHAR)' ': case (TCHAR)'"': case (TCHAR)'&': case (TCHAR)'*': case (TCHAR)'(': case (TCHAR)')': case (TCHAR)'+': case (TCHAR)',': case (TCHAR)'/': case (TCHAR)':': case (TCHAR)';': case (TCHAR)'<': case (TCHAR)'=': case (TCHAR)'>': case (TCHAR)'?': case (TCHAR)'[': case (TCHAR)'\\': case (TCHAR)']': case (TCHAR)'|': case (TCHAR)'~': case (TCHAR)'@': case (TCHAR)'#': case (TCHAR)'$': case (TCHAR)'%': case (TCHAR)'^': case (TCHAR)'!': // other invalid character cases here
bIsValid = FALSE; break;
default: break; } } if (!bIsValid) { if(ptcsReturnLastValid != NULL) { lstrcpyn(ptcsReturnLastValid, m_InputStorageStringAddress, CRtnValSize); } } else { lstrcpyn(m_InputStorageStringAddress, ptcsString, MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH); } return(bIsValid);
} // IsValidAddressInput
// FUNCTION: IsValidQueueNameInput(TCHAR ptcsAddressInput[MAX_QUEUENAME_LEN], TCHAR *ptcsReturnLastValid)
// PURPOSE: IsValidQueueNameInput is used for validation while the user is typing.
// Arguments: ptcsQueueNameInput is the user input.
// ptcsReturnLastValid is the last valid user input
// from the last time this function was called.
// CRtnValSize size in chars ( or wide chars) of the destination
// buffer.
// Return Value: Returns TRUE if the input is valid. FALSE otherwise.
// Comments: The name is limited to 14 characters and must consist entirely of the
// characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and _ (underscore).
BOOL CInputChecker::IsValidQueueNameInput(TCHAR *ptcsQueueNameInput, TCHAR *ptcsReturnLastValid, DWORD CRtnValSize) { BOOL bIsValid = TRUE; TCHAR *charPtr = NULL; TCHAR ptcsString[MAX_QUEUENAME_LEN] = NULLSTR;
lstrcpyn(ptcsString, ptcsQueueNameInput, MAX_QUEUENAME_LEN ); bIsValid = (_tcslen(ptcsString) <= MAX_QUEUENAME_LEN);
for (charPtr = ptcsString; bIsValid && *charPtr; charPtr++) { switch (*charPtr) {
case (TCHAR)' ': case (TCHAR)'"': case (TCHAR)'&': case (TCHAR)'*': case (TCHAR)'(': case (TCHAR)')': case (TCHAR)'+': case (TCHAR)',': case (TCHAR)'/': case (TCHAR)':': case (TCHAR)';': case (TCHAR)'<': case (TCHAR)'=': case (TCHAR)'>': case (TCHAR)'?': case (TCHAR)'[': case (TCHAR)'\\': case (TCHAR)']': case (TCHAR)'|': case (TCHAR)'~': case (TCHAR)'@': case (TCHAR)'#': case (TCHAR)'$': case (TCHAR)'%': case (TCHAR)'^': case (TCHAR)'!': bIsValid = FALSE; break;
default: bIsValid = TRUE; break; } }
if (!bIsValid) { if(ptcsReturnLastValid != NULL) { lstrcpyn(ptcsReturnLastValid, m_InputStorageStringQueueName, CRtnValSize); } } else { lstrcpyn(m_InputStorageStringQueueName, ptcsString, MAX_QUEUENAME_LEN); } return(bIsValid);
} // IsValidQueueNameInput
// FUNCTION: MakePortName(TCHAR *strAddr)
// PURPOSE: To return a string that will be a unique port
// name when the port is added.
void CInputChecker::MakePortName(TCHAR *strAddr, size_t cchAddr) { _ASSERTE(m_bLinked == TRUE);
if(GetAddressType(strAddr) == IPAddress) { // The address is an IP address
TCHAR NameString[10] = NULLSTR;
if (LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_STRING_NAME_IP, NameString, COUNTOF (NameString))) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH+1] = NULLSTR; HRESULT hr = StringCchPrintf (szTemp, COUNTOF (szTemp), TEXT( "%s%.*s" ), NameString, MAX_ADDRESS_LENGTH - _tcslen(NameString), strAddr);
if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { StringCchCopy ( strAddr, cchAddr, szTemp ); } } }
} // MakePortName
// FUNCTION: PortNumberIsLegal(TCHAR *ptcsPortNumber)
// PURPOSE: To determine if the PortNum passed in in the parameter ptcsAddress
// is legal.
BOOL CInputChecker::PortNumberIsLegal(TCHAR *ptcsPortNumber) { if(IsValidPortNumberInput(ptcsPortNumber, NULL, 0) && _tcslen(ptcsPortNumber) >= 1 && _tcslen(ptcsPortNumber) <= MAX_PORTNUM_STRING_LENGTH) { return TRUE; } return FALSE;
} // PortNumberIsLegal
// FUNCTION: CommunityNameIsLegal(TCHAR *ptcsCommunityName)
// PURPOSE: To determine if the Community Name passed in in the parameter ptcsAddress
// is legal.
BOOL CInputChecker::CommunityNameIsLegal(TCHAR *ptcsCommunityName) { if(IsValidCommunityNameInput(ptcsCommunityName) && _tcslen(ptcsCommunityName) >= 1 && _tcslen(ptcsCommunityName) <= MAX_SNMP_COMMUNITY_STR_LEN) { return TRUE; } return FALSE;
} // CommunityNameIsLegal
// FUNCTION: QueueNameIsLegal(TCHAR *ptcsQueueName)
// PURPOSE: To determine if the PortNum passed in in the parameter ptcsAddress
// is legal.
BOOL CInputChecker::QueueNameIsLegal(TCHAR *ptcsQueueName) { if(IsValidQueueNameInput(ptcsQueueName) && _tcslen(ptcsQueueName) >= 1 && _tcslen(ptcsQueueName) <= MAX_QUEUENAME_LEN) { return TRUE; } return FALSE;
} // QueueNameIsLegal
// FUNCTION: GetAddressType(TCHAR *ptcsAddress)
// PURPOSE: To determine if the address passed in in the parameter ptcsAddress
// is an ip address or a host name.
AddressType CInputChecker::GetAddressType(TCHAR *ptcsAddress) { // determine if we are dealing with a name or an ip address
// if it's an IP Address it will start with a number, otherwise
// it will start with a letter or other character.
if( ptcsAddress[0] == '0' || ptcsAddress[0] == '1' || ptcsAddress[0] == '2' || ptcsAddress[0] == '3' || ptcsAddress[0] == '4' || ptcsAddress[0] == '5' || ptcsAddress[0] == '6' || ptcsAddress[0] == '7' || ptcsAddress[0] == '8' || ptcsAddress[0] == '9') { CIPAddress IPAddr; if (IPAddr.IsValid(ptcsAddress)) return(IPAddress); else return (HostName); } else { return(HostName); }
} // GetAddressType
// FUNCTION: AddressIsLegal(TCHAR *ptcsAddress)
// PURPOSE: To determine if the address passed in in the parameter ptcsAddress
// is legal -- That is not too short and either a legal ip address or
// a legal host name.
BOOL CInputChecker::AddressIsLegal(TCHAR *ptcsAddress) { BOOL bLegalAddress = TRUE;
// determine if the input is at least 2 characters long.
if((_tcslen(ptcsAddress) > 1)) { if( GetAddressType(ptcsAddress) == IPAddress ) { CIPAddress IPAddr; bLegalAddress = IPAddr.IsValid(ptcsAddress); } else { CHostName HostName(ptcsAddress); bLegalAddress = HostName.IsValid(); } } else { bLegalAddress = FALSE; }
return bLegalAddress;
} // AddressIsLegal
// FUNCTION: PortNameIsLegal(TCHAR *ptcsPortName)
// PURPOSE: To determine if the PortName passed in in the parameter ptcsPortName
// is legal
// Return Value: True if the port name is legal. False if it is not.
// Parameters: ptcsPortName - the name of the port to check for legality.
BOOL CInputChecker::PortNameIsLegal(TCHAR *ptcsPortName) { DWORD dwLen;
dwLen = ptcsPortName && *ptcsPortName ? _tcslen(ptcsPortName) : 0;
// Remove trailing spaces
while ( dwLen && ptcsPortName[dwLen-1] == ' ' ) --dwLen;
if ( dwLen == 0 ) return FALSE;
ptcsPortName[dwLen] = TEXT('\0');
for ( ; *ptcsPortName ; ++ptcsPortName ) if ( *ptcsPortName == TEXT(',') || *ptcsPortName == TEXT('\\') || *ptcsPortName == TEXT('/') ) return FALSE;
return TRUE; } // PortNameIsLegal
// FUNCTION: SNMPDevIndexIsLegal(TCHAR *ptcsPortName)
// PURPOSE: To determine if the SNMPDevIndex passed in in the parameter psztSNMPDevIndex
// is legal
// Return Value: True if the index is legal. False if it is not.
// Parameters: psztSNMPDevIndex - the device index to check for legality.
BOOL CInputChecker::SNMPDevIndexIsLegal(TCHAR *psztSNMPDevIndex) { if((! IsValidDeviceIndexInput(psztSNMPDevIndex)) || (_tcslen(psztSNMPDevIndex) < 1)) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE;
} // SNMPDevIndexIsLegal
// FUNCTION: PortNameIsUnique(TCHAR *ptcsPortName)
// PURPOSE: To determine if the PortName passed in in the parameter ptcsPortName
// is Unique.
// Return Value: True if the port does not exist. False if it does.
// Parameters: psztPortName - the name of the port to check for prior existance.
// Note: The spooler must be running on the system in order for this function
// to work properly.
BOOL CInputChecker::PortNameIsUnique(TCHAR *ptcsPortName, LPTSTR psztServerName) { return(! PortExists(ptcsPortName, psztServerName));
} // PortNameIsUnique
// FUNCTION: PortExists()
// PURPOSE: Enumerate ports and search for the given port name
// Return Value: True if the port exists. False if it does not.
// Parameters: psztPortName - the name of the port to check for existance.
// psztServerName - The Name of the server to check on.
// Note: The spooler must be running on the system in order for this function
// to work properly.
BOOL CInputChecker::PortExists(LPTSTR psztPortName, LPTSTR psztServerName) { BOOL Exists = FALSE;
PORT_INFO_1 *pi1 = NULL; DWORD pcbNeeded = 0; DWORD pcReturned = 0; BOOL res = EnumPorts((psztServerName[0] == '\0') ? NULL : psztServerName, 1, // specifies type of port info structure
(LPBYTE)pi1, // pointer to buffer to receive array of port info. structures
0, // specifies size, in bytes, of buffer
&pcbNeeded, // pointer to number of bytes stored into buffer (or required buffer size)
&pcReturned // pointer to number of PORT_INFO_*. structures stored into buffer
DWORD err = GetLastError(); if(res == 0 && ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == err) { pi1 = (PORT_INFO_1 *) malloc(pcbNeeded); if(pi1 == NULL) { pcbNeeded = 0; }
res = EnumPorts((psztServerName[0] == '\0') ? NULL : psztServerName, 1, (LPBYTE)pi1, pcbNeeded, &pcbNeeded, &pcReturned);
for(DWORD i=0;i<pcReturned; i++) { if(0 == _tcsicmp(pi1[i].pName, psztPortName)) { Exists = TRUE; break; } } } if(pi1 != NULL) { free(pi1); pi1 = NULL; }
} // PortExists