* MODULE: asphelp.cpp * * PURPOSE: Implementation of the printer helper library * * Copyright (C) 1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation * * History: * * 09/12/97 weihaic Created * \*****************************************************************************/
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <strsafe.h>
#include "gensph.h"
#include "oleprn.h"
#include "printer.h"
#include "asphelp.h"
Casphelp::Casphelp() { DWORD dwSize = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1;
m_bOnStartPageCalled = FALSE; m_bTCPMonSupported = FALSE; m_hPrinter = NULL; m_hXcvPrinter = NULL; m_pInfo2 = NULL; m_bCalcJobETA = FALSE; m_pPrinter = NULL;
if ( ! GetComputerName (m_szComputerName, &dwSize) ) // Set the first char to '\0'.
m_szComputerName[0] = 0; }
// Casphelp
STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::OnStartPage (IUnknown* pUnk) { if ( !pUnk ) return E_POINTER;
CComPtr<IScriptingContext> spContext; HRESULT hr;
// Get the IScriptingContext Interface
hr = pUnk->QueryInterface(IID_IScriptingContext, (void **)&spContext); if ( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
// Get Request Object Pointer
hr = spContext->get_Request(&m_piRequest); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { spContext.Release(); return hr; }
// Get Response Object Pointer
hr = spContext->get_Response(&m_piResponse); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { m_piRequest.Release(); return hr; }
// Get Server Object Pointer
hr = spContext->get_Server(&m_piServer); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { m_piRequest.Release(); m_piResponse.Release(); return hr; }
// Get Session Object Pointer
hr = spContext->get_Session(&m_piSession); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { m_piRequest.Release(); m_piResponse.Release(); m_piServer.Release(); return hr; }
// Get Application Object Pointer
hr = spContext->get_Application(&m_piApplication); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { m_piRequest.Release(); m_piResponse.Release(); m_piServer.Release(); m_piSession.Release(); return hr; } m_bOnStartPageCalled = TRUE; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::OnEndPage () { m_bOnStartPageCalled = FALSE; // Release all interfaces
m_piRequest.Release(); m_piResponse.Release(); m_piServer.Release(); m_piSession.Release(); m_piApplication.Release();
return S_OK; }
* FUNCTION: Open * * PURPOSE: Open method, try to open a printer and get the printer info2 * * ARGUMENTS: * * pPrinterName: Printer Name * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode are * ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_NAME: Invalid printer name * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::Open(BSTR pPrinterName) { static const TCHAR cszPrefix[] = TEXT(",XcvPort "); static const TCHAR cszPattern[] = TEXT("%s\\,XcvPort %s");
LPTSTR pszXcvPortName = NULL; DWORD dwXcvPortNameLength = 0; TCHAR szMonitorName[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if ( ! (m_pPrinter = new CPrinter) ) { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_PRINTER_NAME); goto CleanOut; }
if ( ! (m_pPrinter->Open (pPrinterName, &m_hPrinter))) { goto CleanOut; }
if ( ! (m_pInfo2 = m_pPrinter->GetPrinterInfo2 ()) ) { goto CleanOut; }
// Open the XcvPrinter
// Compose the openprinter string
if ( m_pInfo2->pServerName && lstrcmp(m_pInfo2->pServerName, TEXT ("")) ) { // Alloc the memeory for open printer string with server name
dwXcvPortNameLength = lstrlen(cszPattern) + lstrlen (m_pInfo2->pServerName) + lstrlen (m_pInfo2->pPortName) + 1; if ( ! (pszXcvPortName = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc (LPTR, sizeof(TCHAR) * dwXcvPortNameLength)) ) { goto CleanOut; }
// Construct the OpenPrinter String with the server name
StringCchPrintf(pszXcvPortName, dwXcvPortNameLength, cszPattern, m_pInfo2->pServerName, m_pInfo2->pPortName); } else { // Alloc the memeory for open printer string without server name
dwXcvPortNameLength = lstrlen(cszPrefix) + lstrlen (m_pInfo2->pPortName) + 1; if ( ! (pszXcvPortName = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc (LPTR, sizeof (TCHAR) * dwXcvPortNameLength)) ) { goto CleanOut; }
// Construct the OpenPrinter String with the server name
StringCchCopy (pszXcvPortName, dwXcvPortNameLength, cszPrefix); StringCchCat (pszXcvPortName, dwXcvPortNameLength, m_pInfo2->pPortName); }
// Now the openprinter string is ready, call the openprinter
// We open the port using the default access previlige, because that is
// enought for getting all the XcvData we need.
if ( !OpenPrinter(pszXcvPortName, &m_hXcvPrinter, NULL) ) { // Reset the handle
m_hXcvPrinter = NULL; }
// Check if we're using the standard universal monitor "TCPMON.DLL"
if ( GetMonitorName(szMonitorName, ARRAYSIZE(szMonitorName)) ) m_bTCPMonSupported = !(lstrcmpi(szMonitorName, STANDARD_SNMP_MONITOR_NAME)); else m_bTCPMonSupported = FALSE;
bRet = TRUE;
CleanOut: if (pszXcvPortName) LocalFree (pszXcvPortName);
if (bRet) { return S_OK; } else { Cleanup (); return SetAspHelpScriptingError(GetLastError ()); } }
* FUNCTION: Close * * PURPOSE: Close method, cleanup the allocated handle/memory * * ARGUMENTS: * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: always. * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::Close() { Cleanup(); return S_OK; }
* FUNCTION: get_IPAddress * * PURPOSE: Get operation for IPAddress property * * ARGUMENTS: * * pbstrVal: Return value for the IpAddress. * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_IPAddress(BSTR * pbstrVal) { return GetXcvDataBstr (L"IPAddress", pbstrVal); }
* FUNCTION: get_Community * * PURPOSE: Get operation for Community property * * ARGUMENTS: * * pbstrVal: Return value for the Community. * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_Community(BSTR * pbstrVal) { return GetXcvDataBstr (L"SNMPCommunity", pbstrVal); }
* FUNCTION: get_SNMPDevice * * PURPOSE: Get operation for SNMPDevice property * * ARGUMENTS: * * pbstrVal: Return value for the SNMPDevice. * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_SNMPDevice(DWORD * pdwVal) { return GetXcvDataDword (L"SNMPDeviceIndex", pdwVal); }
* FUNCTION: get_SNMPSupported * * PURPOSE: Get operation for SNMPSupported property * * ARGUMENTS: * * pbVal: Return value for the SNMPSupported. (TRUE or FALSE) * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_SNMPSupported(BOOL * pbVal) { DWORD dwVal; HRESULT hr;
*pbVal = FALSE;
// Find out if it is an SNMP monitor
hr = GetXcvDataDword (L"SNMPEnabled", &dwVal); if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) ) *pbVal = dwVal;
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_IsHTTP(BOOL * pbVal) { static const TCHAR c_szHttp[] = TEXT("http://"); static const TCHAR c_szHttps[] = TEXT("https://");
*pbVal = FALSE;
if ( !m_pInfo2 ) return Error(IDS_NO_PRINTER_OPEN, IID_Iasphelp, E_HANDLE);
// Check if it is a masq printer and connected to an http port
// then the port name is the url.
if ( ( m_pInfo2->Attributes & PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_LOCAL ) && ( m_pInfo2->Attributes & PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_NETWORK ) ) {
if ( m_pInfo2->pPortName ) { //
// Compare the port name prefex to see if it is an HTTP port.
if ( !_tcsnicmp( m_pInfo2->pPortName, c_szHttp, _tcslen( c_szHttp ) ) || !_tcsnicmp( m_pInfo2->pPortName, c_szHttps, _tcslen( c_szHttps ) ) ) { //
// Masq printers connected via a http print provider do have not
// useful job status information therefor the standard win32
// queue view is not the preferred view.
*pbVal = TRUE; } } }
return S_OK; }
VOID Casphelp::Cleanup() {
if ( m_hXcvPrinter != NULL ) { ClosePrinter (m_hXcvPrinter); m_hXcvPrinter = NULL; }
if ( m_pPrinter ) { delete (m_pPrinter); m_pPrinter = NULL; }
m_bTCPMonSupported = FALSE; return; }
Casphelp::~Casphelp() { Cleanup(); }
HRESULT Casphelp::GetXcvDataBstr(LPCTSTR pszId, BSTR *pbstrVal) { *pbstrVal = NULL;
if ( !m_bTCPMonSupported ) { *pbstrVal = SysAllocString (TEXT ("")); return S_OK; } else { if ( m_hXcvPrinter == NULL ) return Error(IDS_NO_XCVDATA, IID_Iasphelp, E_HANDLE); else { // Real case
DWORD dwNeeded = 0; DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPTSTR pszBuffer = NULL;
XcvData(m_hXcvPrinter, pszId, NULL, // Input Data
0, // Input Data Size
(LPBYTE)NULL, // Output Data
0, // Output Data Size
&dwNeeded, // size of output buffer server wants to return
&dwStatus); // return status value from remote component
if ( dwStatus != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { return SetAspHelpScriptingError(dwStatus); } else { pszBuffer = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc (LPTR, dwNeeded);
if ( !XcvData(m_hXcvPrinter, pszId, NULL, // Input Data
0, // Input Data Size
(LPBYTE)pszBuffer, // Output Data
dwNeeded, // Output Data Size
&dwNeeded, // size of output buffer server wants to return
&dwStatus) || dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // return status value from remote component
if ( pszBuffer ) LocalFree (pszBuffer); return SetAspHelpScriptingError(dwStatus); }
*pbstrVal = SysAllocString(pszBuffer); LocalFree (pszBuffer);
if ( ! *pbstrVal ) return Error(IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, IID_Iasphelp, E_OUTOFMEMORY); else return S_OK; } } } }
HRESULT Casphelp::GetXcvDataDword(LPCTSTR pszId, DWORD * pdwVal) { *pdwVal = 0;
if ( m_hXcvPrinter == NULL ) return Error(IDS_NO_XCVDATA, IID_Iasphelp, E_HANDLE); else { // Real case
DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwBuffer; DWORD dwNeeded = sizeof (dwBuffer); if ( !XcvData(m_hXcvPrinter, pszId, NULL, // Input Data
0, // Input Data Size
(LPBYTE)&dwBuffer, // Output Data
sizeof (dwBuffer), // Output Data Size
&dwNeeded, // size of output buffer server wants to return
&dwStatus) || dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // return status value from remote component
return SetAspHelpScriptingError(dwStatus); }
*pdwVal = dwBuffer; return S_OK; } }
* FUNCTION: get_IsTCPMonSupported * * PURPOSE: Get operation for IsTCPMonSupported property * * ARGUMENTS: * * pbVal: Return value for the IsTCPMonSupported. (TRUE if the specified * printer is using TCP Monitor, FALSE otherwise) * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_IsTCPMonSupported(BOOL * pbVal) { *pbVal = FALSE;
if ( m_hPrinter == NULL ) return Error(IDS_NO_PRINTER_OPEN, IID_Iasphelp, E_HANDLE);
*pbVal = m_bTCPMonSupported; return S_OK; }
* FUNCTION: get_Color * * PURPOSE: Get operation for Color property * * ARGUMENTS: * * pbVal: Return value for the Color. (TRUE if the specified * printer supports Color, FALSE otherwise) * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_Color(BOOL * pVal) { *pVal = FALSE;
if ( !m_pInfo2 ) return Error(IDS_NO_PRINTER_OPEN, IID_Iasphelp, E_HANDLE);
DWORD dwRet = MyDeviceCapabilities(m_pInfo2->pPrinterName, m_pInfo2->pPortName, DC_COLORDEVICE, NULL, NULL); if ( dwRet == DWERROR ) return SetAspHelpScriptingError(GetLastError());
*pVal = (BOOLEAN) dwRet; return S_OK; }
* FUNCTION: get_Duplex * * PURPOSE: Get operation for Duplex property * * ARGUMENTS: * * pbVal: Return value for the Duplex. (TRUE if the specified * printer supports Duplex, FALSE otherwise) * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_Duplex(BOOL * pVal) { *pVal = FALSE;
if ( !m_pInfo2 ) return Error(IDS_NO_PRINTER_OPEN, IID_Iasphelp, E_HANDLE);
DWORD dwRet = MyDeviceCapabilities(m_pInfo2->pPrinterName, m_pInfo2->pPortName, DC_DUPLEX, NULL, NULL); if ( dwRet == DWERROR ) return SetAspHelpScriptingError(GetLastError());
*pVal = (BOOL) dwRet; return S_OK; }
* FUNCTION: get_MaximumResolution * * PURPOSE: Get operation for MaximumResolution property * * ARGUMENTS: * * pVal: Return value of Maximum Resolution (in DPI) * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_MaximumResolution(long * pVal) { *pVal = 0;
if ( !m_pInfo2 ) return Error(IDS_NO_PRINTER_OPEN, IID_Iasphelp, E_HANDLE);
DWORD cbNeeded;
DWORD dwRet = GetPrinterDataEx(m_hPrinter, SPLDS_DRIVER_KEY, SPLDS_PRINT_MAX_RESOLUTION_SUPPORTED, NULL, (LPBYTE) pVal, sizeof(DWORD), &cbNeeded); if ( dwRet != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { *pVal = 0; return SetAspHelpScriptingError(dwRet); }
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_MediaReady(VARIANT * pVal) { return GetPaperAndMedia(pVal, DC_MEDIAREADY); }
* FUNCTION: get_PaperNames * * PURPOSE: Get operation for PaperNames property * * ARGUMENTS: * * pVal: Return a list of supported paper names (in an array of BSTR) * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_PaperNames(VARIANT * pVal) { return GetPaperAndMedia(pVal, DC_PAPERNAMES); }
HRESULT Casphelp::GetPaperAndMedia(VARIANT * pVal, WORD wDCFlag) { SAFEARRAY *psa = NULL; SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[1]; long ix[1]; VARIANT var; DWORD i; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if ( !m_pInfo2 ) return Error(IDS_NO_PRINTER_OPEN, IID_Iasphelp, E_HANDLE);
DWORD dwRet = MyDeviceCapabilities(m_pInfo2->pPrinterName, m_pInfo2->pPortName, wDCFlag, NULL, NULL); if ( dwRet == DWERROR ) return SetAspHelpScriptingError(GetLastError());
LPTSTR lpMedia = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(TCHAR) * dwRet * LENGTHOFPAPERNAMES);
if ( !lpMedia ) return SetAspHelpScriptingError(GetLastError());
dwRet = MyDeviceCapabilities(m_pInfo2->pPrinterName, m_pInfo2->pPortName, wDCFlag, lpMedia, NULL); if ( dwRet == DWERROR ) { hr = SetAspHelpScriptingError(GetLastError()); goto BailOut; }
// Paper Names are now in MULTI_SZ lpMedia
rgsabound[0].lLbound = 0; rgsabound[0].cElements = dwRet;
// Create a SafeArray to eventually return
if ( ! (psa = SafeArrayCreate(VT_VARIANT, 1, rgsabound)) ) { hr = Error(IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, IID_Iasphelp, E_OUTOFMEMORY); goto BailOut; }
// Fill in the SafeArray
for ( i = 0; i < dwRet; i++ ) { var.vt = VT_BSTR; if ( ! (var.bstrVal = SysAllocString(lpMedia + (i*LENGTHOFPAPERNAMES))) ) { hr = Error(IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, IID_Iasphelp, E_OUTOFMEMORY); goto BailOut; } ix[0] = i; hr = SafeArrayPutElement(psa, ix, &var); if (FAILED ( hr )) { hr = Error(IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, IID_Iasphelp, E_OUTOFMEMORY); goto BailOut; } VariantClear(&var); }
// Assign good stuff to Out param
VariantInit(pVal); pVal->vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT; pVal->parray = psa; LocalFree(lpMedia); return S_OK;
BailOut: LocalFree(lpMedia); if ( psa ) SafeArrayDestroy(psa);
return hr; }
* FUNCTION: get_PageRate * * PURPOSE: Get operation for PageRate property * * ARGUMENTS: * * pVal: Return a PageRate of the specified printer * (Unit: PPM / CPS / LPM / IPM) * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_PageRate(long * pVal) { *pVal = 0;
if ( !m_pInfo2 ) return Error(IDS_NO_PRINTER_OPEN, IID_Iasphelp, E_HANDLE);
DWORD dwRet;
dwRet = MyDeviceCapabilities(m_pInfo2->pPrinterName, m_pInfo2->pPortName, DC_PRINTRATE, NULL, NULL); if ( dwRet == DWERROR ) return SetAspHelpScriptingError(GetLastError());
*pVal = (long) dwRet; return S_OK; }
* FUNCTION: get_PageRateUnit * * PURPOSE: Get operation for PageRate property * * ARGUMENTS: * * pVal: Return a Unit of the Page Rate of a specified printer * (Unit: PPM / CPS / LPM / IPM) * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_PageRateUnit (long * pVal) { *pVal = 0;
if ( !m_pInfo2 ) return Error(IDS_NO_PRINTER_OPEN, IID_Iasphelp, E_HANDLE);
DWORD dwRet = MyDeviceCapabilities(m_pInfo2->pPrinterName, m_pInfo2->pPortName, DC_PRINTRATEUNIT, NULL, NULL);
if ( dwRet == DWERROR ) return SetAspHelpScriptingError(GetLastError());
*pVal = (long) dwRet; return S_OK; }
* FUNCTION: get_PortName * * PURPOSE: Get operation for PortName property * * ARGUMENTS: * * pVal: Return the port name of the specified printer * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_PortName(BSTR * pbstrVal) { HRESULT hRet = S_OK;
if ( !m_pInfo2 ) return Error(IDS_NO_PRINTER_OPEN, IID_Iasphelp, E_HANDLE);
if ( !(*pbstrVal = SysAllocString (m_pInfo2->pPortName)) ) hRet = Error(IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, IID_Iasphelp, E_OUTOFMEMORY);
return hRet; }
* FUNCTION: get_DriverName * * PURPOSE: Get operation for DriverName property * * ARGUMENTS: * * pVal: Return the driver name of the specified printer * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_DriverName(BSTR * pbstrVal) { HRESULT hRet = S_OK;
if ( !m_pInfo2 ) return Error(IDS_NO_PRINTER_OPEN, IID_Iasphelp, E_HANDLE);
if ( !(*pbstrVal = SysAllocString (m_pInfo2->pDriverName)) ) hRet = Error(IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, IID_Iasphelp, E_OUTOFMEMORY);
return hRet; }
* FUNCTION: get_ComputerName * * PURPOSE: Get operation for ComputerName property * * ARGUMENTS: * * pVal: Return the computer name of the server * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_ComputerName(BSTR * pVal) { if ( !(*pVal = SysAllocString (m_szComputerName)) ) return Error(IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, IID_Iasphelp, E_OUTOFMEMORY);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT Casphelp::SetAspHelpScriptingError(DWORD dwError) { return (SetScriptingError(CLSID_asphelp, IID_Iasphelp, dwError)); }
* FUNCTION: get_LongPaperName * * PURPOSE: Get operation for LongPaperName property * Translate the short paper name to the long paper name * * ARGUMENTS: * * bstrShortName: The short paper name * pVal: Pointer to the long paper name * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_LongPaperName(BSTR bstrShortName, BSTR * pVal) { struct PaperNameMapping { LPCWSTR pShortName; DWORD dwLongNameID; };
static const WCHAR cHyphen = L'-'; static const WCHAR cszUnknown[] = L"Unknown"; static const LPCWSTR pMediaArray[] = { L"-envelope", L"-white", L"-transparent", L"-coloured", NULL};
static const PaperNameMapping nameMapping[] = { {L"iso-a0", IDS_A0_841_X_1189_MM}, {L"iso-a1", IDS_A1_594_X_841_MM}, {L"iso-a2", IDS_A2_420_X_594_MM}, {L"iso-a3", IDS_A3_297_X_420_MM}, {L"iso-a4", IDS_A4_210_X_297_MM}, {L"iso-a5", IDS_A5_148_X_210_MM}, {L"iso-a6", IDS_A6_105_X_148_MM}, {L"iso-a7", IDS_A7_74_X_105_MM}, {L"iso-a8", IDS_A8_52_X_74_MM}, {L"iso-a9", IDS_A9_37_X_52_MM}, {L"iso-a10", IDS_A10_26_X_37_MM}, {L"iso-b0", IDS_B0_1000_X_1414_MM}, {L"iso-b1", IDS_B1_707_X_1000_MM}, {L"iso-b2", IDS_B2_500_X_707_MM}, {L"iso-b3", IDS_B3_353_X_500_MM}, {L"iso-b4", IDS_B4_250_X_353_MM}, {L"iso-b5", IDS_B5_176_X_250_MM}, {L"iso-b6", IDS_B6_125_X_176_MM}, {L"iso-b7", IDS_B7_88_X_125_MM}, {L"iso-b8", IDS_B8_62_X_88_MM}, {L"iso-b9", IDS_B9_44_X_62_MM}, {L"iso-b10", IDS_B10_31_X_44_MM}, {L"iso-c0", IDS_C0_917_X_1297_MM}, {L"iso-c1", IDS_C1_648_X_917_MM}, {L"iso-c2", IDS_C2_458_X_648_MM}, {L"iso-c3", IDS_C3_324_X_458_MM}, {L"iso-c4", IDS_C4_ENVELOPE_229_X_324_MM}, {L"iso-c5", IDS_C5_ENVELOPE_162_X_229_MM}, {L"iso-c6", IDS_C6_114_X_162_MM}, {L"iso-c7", IDS_C7_81_X_114_MM}, {L"iso-c8", IDS_C8_57_X_81_MM}, {L"iso-designated", IDS_DL_ENVELOPE_110_X_220_MM}, {L"jis-b0", IDS_B0_1030_X_1456_MM}, {L"jis-b1", IDS_B1_728_X_1030_MM}, {L"jis-b2", IDS_B2_515_X_728_MM}, {L"jis-b3", IDS_B3_364_X_515_MM}, {L"jis-b4", IDS_B4_257_X_364_MM}, {L"jis-b5", IDS_B5_182_X_257_MM}, {L"jis-b6", IDS_B6_128_X_182_MM}, {L"jis-b7", IDS_B7_91_X_128_MM}, {L"jis-b8", IDS_B8_64_X_91_MM}, {L"jis-b9", IDS_B9_45_X_64_MM}, {L"jis-b10", IDS_B10_32_X_45_MM}, {L"na-letter", IDS_LETTER_8_5_X_11_IN}, {L"letter", IDS_LETTER_8_5_X_11_IN}, {L"na-legal", IDS_LEGAL_8_5_X_14_IN}, {L"legal", IDS_LEGAL_8_5_X_14_IN}, {L"na-10x13", IDS_ENVELOPE_10X13}, {L"na-9x12x", IDS_ENVELOPE_9X12}, {L"na-number-10", IDS_ENVELOPE_10}, {L"na-7x9", IDS_ENVELOPE_7X9}, {L"na-9x11x", IDS_ENVELOPE_9X11}, {L"na-10x14", IDS_ENVELOPE_10X14}, {L"na-number-9", IDS_ENVELOPE_9}, {L"na-6x9", IDS_ENVELOPE_6X9}, {L"na-10x15", IDS_ENVELOPE_10X15}, {L"a", IDS_ENGINEERING_A_8_5_X_11_IN}, {L"b", IDS_ENGINEERING_B_11_X_17_IN}, {L"c", IDS_ENGINEERING_C_17_X_22_IN}, {L"d", IDS_ENGINEERING_D_22_X_34_IN}, {L"e", IDS_ENGINEERING_E_34_X_44_IN}, {NULL, 0} };
const PaperNameMapping *pMapping = nameMapping; LPWSTR pTail = NULL ; DWORD dwLongNameID = 0; WCHAR szBuffer [cdwBufSize]; PWSTR pBuffer = szBuffer; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ( !bstrShortName ) { hr = E_POINTER; }
if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { //
// find the last char '-'
pTail = wcsrchr(bstrShortName, cHyphen ); if ( pTail ) {
const LPCWSTR *pMedia = pMediaArray;
while ( *pMedia ) { if ( !lstrcmpi (*pMedia, pTail) ) { //
// Mark it to be NULL;
*pTail = 0; break; } pMedia++; } }
while ( pMapping->pShortName ) { if ( !lstrcmpi (pMapping->pShortName, bstrShortName) ) { //
// Found a match
dwLongNameID = pMapping->dwLongNameID; break; } pMapping++; }
if ( pTail ) *pTail = cHyphen;
if (dwLongNameID) { if ( !LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance(), dwLongNameID, szBuffer, cdwBufSize) ) { hr = SetAspHelpScriptingError(GetLastError()); }
if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) { if ( !(*pVal = SysAllocString (pBuffer)) ) { hr = Error(IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, IID_Iasphelp, E_OUTOFMEMORY); } } } else { if ( !(*pVal = SysAllocString (cszUnknown)) ) { hr = Error(IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, IID_Iasphelp, E_OUTOFMEMORY); } } }
return hr; }
* FUNCTION: get_MibErrorDscp * * PURPOSE: Get operation for MibErrorDscp property * Map the mib error code to the error description * * ARGUMENTS: * * dwError: The error code * pVal: Pointer to the error description * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/
ErrorMapping *pMapping = errorMapping; DWORD dwErrorDscpID = 0; TCHAR szBuffer [cdwBufSize];
if ( !pVal ) return E_POINTER;
szBuffer[0] = 0;
while ( pMapping->dwError ) { if ( pMapping->dwError == dwError ) { // Found a match
dwErrorDscpID = pMapping->dwErrorDscpID; break; } pMapping++; }
if ( dwErrorDscpID ) { if ( !LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance(), dwErrorDscpID, szBuffer, cdwBufSize) ) return SetAspHelpScriptingError(GetLastError()); }
if ( !(*pVal = SysAllocString (szBuffer)) ) return Error(IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, IID_Iasphelp, E_OUTOFMEMORY);
return S_OK; }
* FUNCTION: CalcJobETA * * PURPOSE: Calculate Job Completion Time * * ARGUMENTS: * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::CalcJobETA() { if (m_pPrinter && (m_pPrinter->CalJobEta() || GetLastError () == ERROR_INVALID_DATA) && // If the error is ERROR_INVALID_DATA, m_dwJobCompletionMinute = -1
(m_pPrinter->GetJobEtaData (m_dwJobCompletionMinute, m_dwPendingJobCount, m_dwAvgJobSize, m_dwAvgJobSizeUnit))) { m_bCalcJobETA = TRUE; return S_OK; } else return Error(IDS_NO_PRINTER_OPEN, IID_Iasphelp, E_HANDLE); }
* * FUNCTION: get_PendingJobCount * * PURPOSE: Get the number of pending jobs. This value is calculated in * CalcJobETA() * * ARGUMENTS: * * pVal: The number of pending jobs * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_PendingJobCount(long * pVal) { HRESULT hr = E_HANDLE;
if (pVal) if ( m_bCalcJobETA ) { *pVal = m_dwPendingJobCount; hr = S_OK; } else *pVal = 0;
if (hr != S_OK) return Error(IDS_NO_PRINTER_OPEN, IID_Iasphelp, hr); else return S_OK; }
* * FUNCTION: get_JobCompletionMinute * * PURPOSE: Get the minute when the pending jobs are expected to complete. * This value is calculated in CalcJobETA() * * ARGUMENTS: * * pVal: The value of the minute * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_JobCompletionMinute(long * pVal) { HRESULT hr = E_HANDLE;
if (pVal) if ( m_bCalcJobETA ) { *pVal = m_dwJobCompletionMinute; hr = S_OK; } else *pVal = 0;
if (hr != S_OK) return Error(IDS_NO_PRINTER_OPEN, IID_Iasphelp, hr); else return S_OK; }
* * FUNCTION: get_AvgJobSizeUnit * * PURPOSE: Get the unit (either PagePerJob or BytePerJob) of the * average job size. * This value is calculated in CalcJobETA() * * ARGUMENTS: * * pVal: The value of the unit * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_AvgJobSizeUnit(long * pVal) { HRESULT hr = E_HANDLE;
if (pVal) if ( m_bCalcJobETA ) { *pVal = m_dwAvgJobSizeUnit; hr = S_OK; } else *pVal = 0;
if (hr != S_OK) return Error(IDS_NO_PRINTER_OPEN, IID_Iasphelp, hr); else return S_OK; }
* * FUNCTION: get_AvgJobSize * * PURPOSE: Get the average job size. * This value is calculated in CalcJobETA() * * ARGUMENTS: * * pVal: The value of the average job size * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_AvgJobSize(long * pVal) { HRESULT hr = E_HANDLE;
if (pVal) if ( m_bCalcJobETA ) { *pVal = m_dwAvgJobSize; hr = S_OK; } else *pVal = 0;
if (hr != S_OK) return Error(IDS_NO_PRINTER_OPEN, IID_Iasphelp, hr); else return S_OK;
* * FUNCTION: get_Status * * PURPOSE: Get the printer status. * The difference between Status and the one got * from PRINTER_INFO_2 is that when the printer is offline * This function return a status with PRINTE_STATUS_OFFLINE * set. * * ARGUMENTS: * * pVal: The value of the average job size * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_Status(long * pVal) { *pVal = 0;
if ( !m_pInfo2 ) return Error(IDS_NO_PRINTER_OPEN, IID_Iasphelp, E_HANDLE);
*pVal = m_pInfo2->Status; return S_OK; }
* * FUNCTION: get_ErrorDscp * * PURPOSE: Convert the error code to a descriptive string. * * ARGUMENTS: * * lErrCode: The error code * pVal: Pointer to the descriptive string. * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_ErrorDscp(long lErrCode, BSTR * pVal) {
ErrorMapping *pMapping = errorMapping; DWORD dwErrorDscpID = 0; DWORD dwError = ((DWORD)lErrCode) & 0xFFFF; TCHAR szBuffer [cdwBufSize];
if ( !pVal ) return E_POINTER;
szBuffer[0] = 0;
while ( pMapping->dwError ) { if ( pMapping->dwError == dwError ) { // Found a match
dwErrorDscpID = pMapping->dwErrorDscpID; break; } pMapping++; }
if ( dwErrorDscpID ) { if ( !LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance(), dwErrorDscpID, szBuffer, cdwBufSize) ) return SetAspHelpScriptingError(GetLastError()); } else {
if ( !FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwError, 0, szBuffer, cdwBufSize, NULL) ) { return SetAspHelpScriptingError(GetLastError()); } }
if ( !(*pVal = SysAllocString (szBuffer)) ) return Error(IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, IID_Iasphelp, E_OUTOFMEMORY);
return S_OK; }
* FUNCTION: get_ShareName * * PURPOSE: Get operation for ShareName property * * ARGUMENTS: * * pVal: Return the share name of the specified printer * * RETURN VALUE: * S_OK: If succeed. * E_HANDLE: Open method has not been called. * E_OUTOFMEMORY: Out of memory. * * 0x8007000 | Win32Error Code: * If any call to win32 API fails, we return the 32 bit error * including the Severity Code, Facility Code and the Win32 Error * Code. * A possible list of Win32ErrorCode is * ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: Out of memory. * * \*****************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_ShareName(BSTR * pbstrVal) { HRESULT hRet = S_OK;
if ( !m_pInfo2 ) return Error(IDS_NO_PRINTER_OPEN, IID_Iasphelp, E_HANDLE);
if ( !(*pbstrVal = SysAllocString (m_pInfo2->pShareName)) ) hRet = Error(IDS_OUT_OF_MEMORY, IID_Iasphelp, E_OUTOFMEMORY);
return hRet; }
STDMETHODIMP Casphelp::get_IsCluster(BOOL * pbVal) { DWORD dwClusterState;
*pbVal = FALSE;
if ((GetNodeClusterState (NULL, &dwClusterState) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (dwClusterState == ClusterStateRunning)) {
*pbVal = TRUE; }
return S_OK;