Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Debug support
Albert Ting (AlbertT) 28-May-1994
Revision History:
#include "spllibp.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "trace.hxx"
#define DEFAULT_TRACE_TYPE TBackTraceMem
//#define DEFAULT_TRACE_TYPE TBackTraceFile // For tracing to file.
extern HANDLE ghMemHeap; extern HANDLE ghDbgMemHeap; pfCreateThread gpfSafeCreateThread;
#if DBG
UINT gLogFilter = (UINT)-1; VBackTrace* gpbtErrLog; VBackTrace* gpbtTraceLog;
extern VBackTrace* gpbtAlloc; extern VBackTrace* gpbtFree;
TStatus automated error logging and codepath testing.
TStatusBase& TStatusBase:: pNoChk( VOID ) { _pszFileA = NULL; return (TStatusBase&)*this; }
TStatusBase& TStatusBase:: pSetInfo( UINT uDbg, UINT uLine, LPCSTR pszFileA, LPCSTR pszModuleA ) { _uDbg = uDbg; _uLine = uLine; _pszFileA = pszFileA; SPLASSERT( pszFileA );
_pszModuleA = pszModuleA;
return (TStatusBase&)*this; }
DWORD TStatus:: dwGetStatus( VOID ) { //
// For now, return error code. Later it will return the actual
// error code.
return _dwStatus; }
DWORD TStatusBase:: operator=( DWORD dwStatus ) { //
// Check if we have an error, and it's not one of the two
// accepted "safe" errors.
// If pszFileA is not set, then we can safely ignore the
// error as one the client intended.
if( _pszFileA && dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS && dwStatus != _dwStatusSafe1 && dwStatus != _dwStatusSafe2 && dwStatus != _dwStatusSafe3 ){
#ifdef DBGLOG
// An unexpected error occured. Log an error and continue.
vDbgLogError( _uDbg, _uDbgLevel, _uLine, _pszFileA, _pszModuleA, pszDbgAllocMsgA( "TStatus set to %d\nLine %d, %hs\n", dwStatus, _uLine, _pszFileA )); #else
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "TStatus set to %d\nLine %d, %hs\n", dwStatus, _uLine, _pszFileA )); #endif
return _dwStatus = dwStatus; }
Same, but for HRESULTs.
TStatusHBase& TStatusHBase:: pNoChk( VOID ) { _pszFileA = NULL; return (TStatusH&)*this; }
TStatusHBase& TStatusHBase:: pSetInfo( UINT uDbg, UINT uLine, LPCSTR pszFileA, LPCSTR pszModuleA ) { _uDbg = uDbg; _uLine = uLine; _pszFileA = pszFileA; SPLASSERT( pszFileA );
_pszModuleA = pszModuleA;
return (TStatusH&)*this; }
HRESULT TStatusHBase:: operator=( HRESULT hrStatus ) { //
// Check if we have an error, and it's not one of the two
// accepted "safe" errors.
// If pszFileA is not set, then we can safely ignore the
// error as one the client intended.
if( _pszFileA && FAILED(hrStatus) && hrStatus != _hrStatusSafe1 && hrStatus != _hrStatusSafe2 && hrStatus != _hrStatusSafe3 ){
#ifdef DBGLOG
// An unexpected error occured. Log an error and continue.
vDbgLogError( _uDbg, _uDbgLevel, _uLine, _pszFileA, _pszModuleA, pszDbgAllocMsgA( "TStatusH set to %x\nLine %d, %hs\n", hrStatus, _uLine, _pszFileA )); #else
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "TStatusH set to %x\nLine %d, %hs\n", hrStatus, _uLine, _pszFileA )); #endif
return _hrStatus = hrStatus; }
HRESULT TStatusH:: hrGetStatus( VOID ) { //
// For now, return error code. Later it will return the actual
// error code.
return _hrStatus; } /********************************************************************
Same, but for BOOLs.
TStatusBBase& TStatusBBase:: pNoChk( VOID ) { _pszFileA = NULL; return (TStatusBBase&)*this; }
TStatusBBase& TStatusBBase:: pSetInfo( UINT uDbg, UINT uLine, LPCSTR pszFileA, LPCSTR pszModuleA ) { _uDbg = uDbg; _uLine = uLine; _pszFileA = pszFileA; SPLASSERT( pszFileA );
_pszModuleA = pszModuleA;
return (TStatusBBase&)*this; }
BOOL TStatusB:: bGetStatus( VOID ) { //
// For now, return error code. Later it will return the actual
// error code.
return _bStatus; }
BOOL TStatusBBase:: operator=( BOOL bStatus ) { //
// Check if we have an error, and it's not one of the two
// accepted "safe" errors.
// If pszFileA is not set, then we can safely ignore the
// error as one the client intended.
if( _pszFileA && !bStatus ){
DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
if( dwLastError != _dwStatusSafe1 && dwLastError != _dwStatusSafe2 && dwLastError != _dwStatusSafe3 ){
#ifdef DBGLOG
// An unexpected error occured. Log an error and continue.
vDbgLogError( _uDbg, _uDbgLevel, _uLine, _pszFileA, _pszModuleA, pszDbgAllocMsgA( "TStatusB set to FALSE, LastError = %d\nLine %d, %hs\n", GetLastError(), _uLine, _pszFileA )); #else
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "TStatusB set to FALSE, LastError = %d\nLine %d, %hs\n", GetLastError(), _uLine, _pszFileA )); #endif
} }
return _bStatus = bStatus; }
VOID vWarnInvalid( PVOID pvObject, UINT uDbg, UINT uLine, LPCSTR pszFileA, LPCSTR pszModuleA )
Routine Description:
Warns that an object is invalid.
Return Value:
{ #if DBGLOG
vDbgLogError( uDbg, DBG_WARN, uLine, pszFileA, pszModuleA, pszDbgAllocMsgA( "Invalid Object %x LastError = %d\nLine %d, %hs\n", (ULONG_PTR)pvObject, GetLastError(), uLine, pszFileA )); #else
DBGMSG( DBG_WARN, ( "Invalid Object %x LastError = %d\nLine %d, %hs\n", (DWORD)pvObject, GetLastError(), uLine, pszFileA )); #endif
Generic Error logging package.
VOID DbgMsg( LPCSTR pszMsgFormat, ... ) { CHAR szMsgText[1024]; va_list vargs;
va_start( vargs, pszMsgFormat ); StringCchVPrintfA( szMsgText, COUNTOF(szMsgText), pszMsgFormat, vargs ); va_end( vargs );
#ifndef DBGLOG
// Prefix the string if the first character isn't a space:
if( szMsgText[0] && szMsgText[0] != ' ' ){ OutputDebugStringA( MODULE ); } #endif
OutputDebugStringA( szMsgText ); }
#ifdef DBGLOG
LPSTR pszDbgAllocMsgA( LPCSTR pszMsgFormatA, ... ) { CHAR szMsgTextA[1024]; UINT cbStr; LPSTR pszMsgA;
va_list vargs;
va_start(vargs, pszMsgFormatA);
__try { StringCchVPrintfA( szMsgTextA, COUNTOF(szMsgTextA), pszMsgFormatA, vargs ); } __except(( GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION || GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT) ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH ) {
OutputDebugStringA( "SPL: <Bad DbgMsg !!> " ); OutputDebugStringA( pszMsgFormatA ); }
cbStr = ( lstrlenA( szMsgTextA ) + 1 ) * sizeof( szMsgTextA[0] );
pszMsgA = (LPSTR)DbgAllocMem( cbStr );
if( pszMsgA ){ CopyMemory( pszMsgA, szMsgTextA, cbStr ); }
return pszMsgA; }
VOID vDbgLogError( UINT uDbg, UINT uDbgLevel, UINT uLine, LPCSTR pszFileA, LPCSTR pszModuleA, LPCSTR pszMsgA ) { DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); VBackTrace* pBackTrace = gpbtTraceLog;
if(( uDbgLevel & DBG_PRINT_MASK & uDbg ) && pszMsgA ){
if( !( uDbgLevel & DBG_NOHEAD )){
OutputDebugStringA( pszModuleA ); } OutputDebugStringA( pszMsgA ); }
if(( uDbgLevel << DBG_BREAK_SHIFT ) & uDbg ){
DebugBreak(); }
if( gLogFilter & uDbgLevel ) { //
// Log the failure.
// Capture significant errors in separate error log.
if( uDbgLevel & DBG_ERRLOG_CAPTURE ){ pBackTrace = gpbtErrLog; }
if (pBackTrace) { pBackTrace->hCapture( (ULONG_PTR)pszMsgA, uLine | ( uDbgLevel << DBG_BREAK_SHIFT ), (ULONG_PTR)pszFileA ); } else { //
// Backtracing is not enabled, free the message string that is
// passed in.
if(pszMsgA) { DbgFreeMem((PVOID)pszMsgA); } } } else { //
// Just free up the memory if this line is not captured
// actually this happens when uDbgLevel == DBG_NONE (0)
if( pszMsgA ) { DbgFreeMem( (PVOID)pszMsgA ); } }
SetLastError( dwLastError ); }
#endif // def DBGLOG
#endif // DBG
#if DBG
BOOL bSplLibInit( pfCreateThread pfSafeCreateThread ) { BOOL bValid;
bValid = (ghMemHeap = HeapCreate( 0, 1024*4, 0 )) && (ghDbgMemHeap = HeapCreate( 0, 1024*4, 0 )) && (VBackTrace::bInit( )) && #ifdef TRACE_ENABLED
(gpbtAlloc = new DEFAULT_MEM_TRACE_TYPE) && (gpbtFree = new DEFAULT_MEM_TRACE_TYPE) && (gpbtErrLog = new DEFAULT_TRACE_TYPE( VBackTrace::kString )) && (gpbtTraceLog = new DEFAULT_TRACE_TYPE( VBackTrace::kString )) && #endif
(MRefCom::gpcsCom = new MCritSec) && MRefCom::gpcsCom->bValid();
gpfSafeCreateThread = ( pfSafeCreateThread ) ? pfSafeCreateThread : CreateThread;
if( bValid ){ gDbgPointers.pfnAllocBackTrace = &DbgAllocBackTrace; gDbgPointers.pfnAllocBackTraceMem = &DbgAllocBackTraceMem; gDbgPointers.pfnAllocBackTraceFile = &DbgAllocBackTraceFile; gDbgPointers.pfnFreeBackTrace = &DbgFreeBackTrace; gDbgPointers.pfnCaptureBackTrace = &DbgCaptureBackTrace; gDbgPointers.pfnAllocCritSec = &DbgAllocCritSec; gDbgPointers.pfnFreeCritSec = &DbgFreeCritSec; gDbgPointers.pfnInsideCritSec = &DbgInsideCritSec; gDbgPointers.pfnOutsideCritSec = &DbgOutsideCritSec; gDbgPointers.pfnEnterCritSec = &DbgEnterCritSec; gDbgPointers.pfnLeaveCritSec = &DbgLeaveCritSec; gDbgPointers.pfnSetAllocFail = &DbgSetAllocFail;
gDbgPointers.hMemHeap = ghMemHeap; gDbgPointers.hDbgMemHeap = ghDbgMemHeap; gDbgPointers.pbtAlloc = gpbtAlloc; gDbgPointers.pbtFree = gpbtFree; gDbgPointers.pbtErrLog = gpbtErrLog; gDbgPointers.pbtTraceLog = gpbtTraceLog;
gpDbgPointers = &gDbgPointers; } return bValid; }
VOID vSplLibFree( VOID ) { SPLASSERT( MRefCom::gpcsCom->bOutside( )); delete MRefCom::gpcsCom;
if (ghMemHeap) { HeapDestroy( ghMemHeap ); ghMemHeap = NULL; }
if (ghDbgMemHeap) { HeapDestroy( ghDbgMemHeap ); ghDbgMemHeap = NULL; } }
BOOL bSplLibInit( pfCreateThread pfSafeCreateThread ) { UINT RetLen; UINT HeapFragValue = 2;
gpfSafeCreateThread = ( pfSafeCreateThread ) ? pfSafeCreateThread : CreateThread;
ghMemHeap = HeapCreate(0, 1024*4, 0);
if (ghMemHeap) { //
// Activate LFH (low fragmentation) for the spooler heap. We don't care if the
// function fails. LFH won't go in effect if certain gflags are set.
HeapSetInformation(ghMemHeap, HeapCompatibilityInformation, &HeapFragValue, sizeof(HeapFragValue)); }
return !!ghMemHeap; }
VOID vSplLibFree( VOID ) { if (ghMemHeap) { HeapDestroy( ghMemHeap ); ghMemHeap = NULL; } }
Stub these out so non-debug builds will find them.
#if !DBG
#ifdef DBGLOG
LPSTR pszDbgAllocMsgA( LPCSTR pszMsgFormatA, ... ) { return NULL; }
VOID vDbgLogError( UINT uDbg, UINT uDbgLevel, UINT uLine, LPCSTR pszFileA, LPCSTR pszModuleA, LPCSTR pszMsgA ) { }
VOID vDbgMsg2( LPCTSTR pszMsgFormat, ... ) { }
#endif // ndef DBGLOG
#endif // !DBG