Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Routines to pre-migrate Win9x to NT
Muhunthan Sivapragasam (MuhuntS) 02-Jan-1996
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
// This data structure is used to keep track of printer drivers installed on
// Win9x and their NT names
typedef struct _DRIVER_INFO_9X {
struct _DRIVER_INFO_9X *pNext; LPSTR pszWin95Name; LPSTR pszNtName; } DRIVER_INFO_9X, *PDRIVER_INFO_9X;
UPGRADABLE_LIST UpgradableMonitors[] = { {"Local Port"}, { NULL } };
DWORD dwNetPrinters = 0; DWORD dwSharedPrinters = 0;
CHAR szRegPrefix[] = "HKLM\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Print\\"; CHAR szRegPrefixOnly[] = "System\\CurrentControlSet\\control\\Print\\Printers"; CHAR cszPrinterID[] = "PrinterID"; CHAR cszWinPrint[] = "winprint"; CHAR cszRaw[] = "RAW";
// the following drivers need not be warned or upgraded, they're handled by
// the fax folks. The names are not localized.
CHAR *pcszIgnoredDrivers[] = { "Microsoft Shared Fax Driver", "Microsoft Fax Client", NULL };
BOOL IsIgnoredDriver(LPCSTR pszDriverName) { DWORD i;
for (i=0; pcszIgnoredDrivers[i] != NULL; i++) { if (!strcmp(pcszIgnoredDrivers[i], pszDriverName)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
BOOL SearchRegTreeForPrinterId( IN DWORD dwPrinterId, IN LPCSTR pszRegRoot, IN LPSTR pszBuf, IN DWORD cchBufLen ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine searchs a given registry tree of DevNodes for a given printer id.
Arguments: dwPrinterId : Unique printer id we are searching for pszRegRoot : Registry path relative to HKLM pszBuf : Buffer to fill the registry key path on success cchBufLen : size of key buffer in characters
Return Value: TRUE on success, FALSE else
--*/ { BOOL bFound = FALSE; DWORD dwLen, dwIndex, dwDontCare, dwId, dwSize; HKEY hKey, hSubKey; LPSTR pszCur; DWORD dwLastError;
// Copy the registry path
dwLen = strlen(pszRegRoot) + 1; if ( dwLen + 1 > cchBufLen ) return FALSE;
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszRegRoot, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) ) return FALSE;
StringCchCopyA(pszBuf, cchBufLen, pszRegRoot); pszCur = pszBuf + dwLen; *(pszCur-1) = '\\'; *pszCur = 0;
// Walk thru each devnode looking for a matching PrinterId
for ( dwIndex = 0, dwSize = cchBufLen - dwLen ; !bFound && !RegEnumKeyExA(hKey, dwIndex, pszCur, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) && !RegOpenKeyExA(hKey, pszCur, 0, KEY_READ, &hSubKey) ; ++dwIndex, dwSize = cchBufLen - dwLen ) {
dwSize = sizeof(dwId); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueExA(hSubKey, cszPrinterID, 0, &dwDontCare, (LPBYTE)&dwId, &dwSize) ) { if ( dwId == dwPrinterId ) {
dwLen = strlen(pszBuf); bFound = SUCCEEDED(StringCchCopyA(pszBuf + dwLen, cchBufLen - dwLen, "\"")); } } else {
bFound = SearchRegTreeForPrinterId(dwPrinterId, pszBuf, pszBuf, cchBufLen);
if ( !bFound ) {
StringCchCopyA(pszBuf, cchBufLen, pszRegRoot); pszCur = pszBuf + dwLen; *(pszCur-1) = '\\'; *pszCur = 0; } }
RegCloseKey(hSubKey); }
return bFound; }
DWORD GetPrinterId( LPSTR pszPrinterName ) /*++
Routine Description: Given a printer id finds the printer id from PrinterDriverData. Call to GetPrinterData screws up migration dll local data for unknown reasons. So now we access the registry directly
Arguments: pszPrinterName : Printer name to get id for
Return Value: 0 on failure else PrinterID from registry is returned
--*/ { CHAR szKey[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwId = 0, dwType, dwSize;
if ( strlen(szRegPrefixOnly) + strlen(pszPrinterName) + strlen("PrinterDriverData") + 3 > MAX_PATH ) return dwId;
StringCchPrintfA(szKey, SIZECHARS(szKey), "%s\\%s\\PrinterDriverData", szRegPrefixOnly, pszPrinterName);
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) ) {
dwSize = sizeof(dwId); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueExA(hKey, cszPrinterID, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwId, &dwSize) ) dwId = 0;
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
return dwId; }
BOOL RegPathFromPrinter( IN LPSTR pszPrinterName, OUT LPSTR szKeyBuffer, IN DWORD cchKeyBufLen ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine returns the registry path of the DevNode for a printer. This should be marked as Handled or as Incompatible in the migrate.inf to report to the user
Arguments: pszPrinterName : Printer name szKeyBuffer : Buffer to fill in the registry path cchKeyBufLen : Length of key buffer in characters
Return Value: TRUE on success, FALSE else
--*/ { DWORD dwPrinterId, dwLen; CHAR szHeader[] = "\"HKLM\\"; CHAR szRegPrinterPrefix[] = "Printers\\";
// Add "HKLM\ at the beginning and "\" at the end
dwLen = strlen(szHeader);
if ( dwLen + 1 > cchKeyBufLen ) return FALSE;
StringCchCopyA(szKeyBuffer, cchKeyBufLen, szHeader);
// If a printer id is found then there is a DevNode list that
// registry path, otherwise return spooler registry path
if ( dwPrinterId = GetPrinterId(pszPrinterName) ) {
return SearchRegTreeForPrinterId(dwPrinterId, "Enum\\Root\\printer", szKeyBuffer + dwLen, cchKeyBufLen - dwLen) || SearchRegTreeForPrinterId(dwPrinterId, "Enum\\LPTENUM", szKeyBuffer + dwLen, cchKeyBufLen - dwLen) || SearchRegTreeForPrinterId(dwPrinterId, "Enum\\IRDA", szKeyBuffer + dwLen, cchKeyBufLen - dwLen);
} else {
dwLen = strlen(szRegPrefix) + strlen(szRegPrinterPrefix) + strlen(pszPrinterName) + 3;
if ( dwLen >= cchKeyBufLen ) return FALSE;
szKeyBuffer[0] = '"'; StringCchCopyA(szKeyBuffer + 1, cchKeyBufLen - 1, szRegPrefix); StringCchCatA(szKeyBuffer, cchKeyBufLen, szRegPrinterPrefix); StringCchCatA(szKeyBuffer, cchKeyBufLen, pszPrinterName); StringCchCatA(szKeyBuffer, cchKeyBufLen, "\"");
return TRUE; }
return FALSE;
LONG CALLBACK Initialize9x( IN LPCSTR pszWorkingDir, IN LPCSTR pszSourceDir, LPVOID Reserved ) /*++
Routine Description: This is an export for setup to call during the report phase. This is the first function called on the migration DLL.
Arguments: pszWorkingDir : Gives the working directory assigned for printing pszSourceDir : Source location for NT distribution files Reserved : Leave it alone
Return Value: Win32 error code
--*/ { POEM_UPGRADE_INFO pOemUpgradeInfo; BOOL bFail = TRUE;
UpgradeData.pszDir = AllocStrA(pszWorkingDir); UpgradeData.pszSourceA = AllocStrA(pszSourceDir); UpgradeData.pszSourceW = NULL;
bFail = UpgradeData.pszDir == NULL || UpgradeData.pszSourceA == NULL;
return bFail ? GetLastError() : ERROR_SUCCESS; }
LONG CALLBACK MigrateUser9x( IN HWND hwndParent, IN LPCSTR pszUnattendFile, IN HKEY hUserRegKey, IN LPCSTR pszUserName, LPVOID Reserved ) /*++
Routine Description: Process per user settings
Return Value: None
--*/ { //
// Nothing to do
VOID DestroyDriverInfo9xList( IN PDRIVER_INFO_9X pDriverInfo9x ) /*++
Routine Description: Free memory for the driver entries in DRIVER_INFO_9X linked list
Arguments: pDriverInfo9x : Beginning of the linked list
Return Value: None
--*/ { PDRIVER_INFO_9X pNext;
while ( pDriverInfo9x ) {
pNext = pDriverInfo9x->pNext; FreeMem(pDriverInfo9x); pDriverInfo9x = pNext; } }
PDRIVER_INFO_9X AllocateDriverInfo9x( IN LPSTR pszNtName, IN LPSTR pszWin95Name, IN OUT LPBOOL pbFail ) /*++
Routine Description: Allocate memory and create a DRIVER_INFO_9X structure
Arguments: pszNtName : NT printer driver model name. This could be NULL if no matching entry is found on ntprint.inf pszWin95Name : Win95 printer driver name pbFail : Set on an error -- no more processing needed
Return Value: Returns pointer to the allocated DRIVER_INFO_9X structure. Memory is also allocated for the strings
--*/ { PDRIVER_INFO_9X pInfo; DWORD cbSize; LPSTR pszEnd;
if ( *pbFail ) return NULL;
cbSize = strlen(pszWin95Name) + 1; if ( pszNtName ) cbSize += strlen(pszNtName) + 1;
cbSize *= sizeof(CHAR); cbSize += sizeof(DRIVER_INFO_9X);
if ( pInfo = AllocMem(cbSize) ) { DWORD dwBufSize;
pszEnd = (LPBYTE) pInfo + cbSize;
if ( pszNtName ) {
dwBufSize = strlen(pszNtName) + 1; pszEnd -= dwBufSize; StringCchCopyA(pszEnd, dwBufSize, pszNtName); pInfo->pszNtName = pszEnd; } dwBufSize = strlen(pszWin95Name) + 1; pszEnd -= dwBufSize; StringCchCopyA(pszEnd, dwBufSize, pszWin95Name); pInfo->pszWin95Name = pszEnd;
} else {
*pbFail = TRUE; }
return pInfo; }
LPSTR FindNtModelNameFromWin95Name( IN OUT HDEVINFO hDevInfo, IN HINF hNtInf, IN HINF hUpgInf, IN LPCSTR pszWin95Name, IN OUT LPBOOL pbFail ) /*++
Routine Description: This routine finds the NT printer driver model name from the Win9x name Rules followed: 1. If a name mapping is used in prtupg9x.inf use it 2. Else just use the Win95 as it is
hDevInfo : Printer device class list. Has all drivers from NT built hNtInf : Handle to the NT ntprint.inf hUpgInfo : Handle to prtupg9x.inf DiskSpaceList : Handle to disk space list. Add driver files to this pszWin95Name : Windows 95 printer driver name pbFail : Set on an error -- no more processing needed
Return Value: Pointer to the NT printer driver name. Memory is allocated and caller has to free it
--*/ { BOOL bFound = FALSE; DWORD dwIndex, dwNeeded; CHAR szNtName[LINE_LEN]; INFCONTEXT InfContext; SP_DRVINFO_DATA_A DrvInfoData;
if ( *pbFail ) return NULL;
// See in prtupg9x.inf to see if the driver has a different name on NT
if ( SetupFindFirstLineA(hUpgInf, "Printer Driver Mapping", pszWin95Name, &InfContext) ) {
// If for some reason we could not get NT name we will still continue
// with other driver models
if ( !SetupGetStringField(&InfContext, 1, szNtName, sizeof(szNtName)/sizeof(szNtName[0]), NULL) ) return NULL; } else {
// If there is no mapping in the upgrade inf then look for Win95 name
// in ntprint.inf
if ( strlen(pszWin95Name) > LINE_LEN - 1 ) return NULL;
StringCchCopyA(szNtName, SIZECHARS(szNtName), pszWin95Name); }
// NOTE only for beta2
// DrvInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(DrvInfoData);
DrvInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DRVINFO_DATA_V1); for ( dwIndex = 0 ; SetupDiEnumDriverInfoA(hDevInfo, NULL, SPDIT_CLASSDRIVER, dwIndex, &DrvInfoData); ++dwIndex ) {
if ( !_strcmpi(DrvInfoData.Description, szNtName) ) {
bFound = TRUE; break; } }
if ( !bFound ) return NULL;
return AllocStrA(szNtName); }
VOID WriteFileToBeDeletedInInf( IN LPCSTR pszInfName, IN LPCSTR pszFileName ) /*++
Routine Description: Writes a file which is to be deleted on migration to NT in the migrate.inf
Arguments: pszInfName : Full path to the migrate.inf pszFileName : Fully qualified filename to be deleted
Return Value: None
--*/ { CHAR szString[MAX_PATH+2];
szString[0] = '"'; if ( GetSystemDirectoryA(szString + 1, SIZECHARS(szString)-2) ) {
StringCchCatA(szString, SIZECHARS(szString), "\\"); StringCchCatA(szString, SIZECHARS(szString), pszFileName); StringCchCatA(szString, SIZECHARS(szString), "\""); WritePrivateProfileStringA("Moved", szString, "", pszInfName); } }
VOID WriteRegistryEntryHandled( IN LPCSTR pszInfName, IN LPCSTR pszRegEntry ) /*++
Routine Description: Writes a registry entry which is being handled by printer upgrade code in migrate.inf. Setup looks at these entries across all mig dlls to see what componnets can't be upgraded.
Arguments: pszInfName : Full path to the migrate.inf pszRegEntry : Fully qualified registry entry which is handled
Return Value: None
--*/ { WritePrivateProfileStringA("Handled", pszRegEntry, "\"Registry\"", pszInfName); }
BOOL IsAnICMFile( IN LPCSTR pszFileName ) { DWORD dwLen = strlen(pszFileName); LPCSTR psz = pszFileName + dwLen - 4;
if ( dwLen > 3 && (!_strcmpi(psz, ".ICM") || !_strcmpi(psz, ".ICC")) ) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
VOID LogDriverEntry( IN LPCSTR pszInfName, IN LPDRIVER_INFO_3A pDriverInfo3, IN BOOL bUpgradable ) /*++
Routine Description: Log information about a printer driver in the migrate.inf. Write all printer driver files to be deleted. Also if a matching NT driver is found write the driver as handled.
Arguments: pszInfName : Full path to the migrate.inf pDriverInfo3 : Pointer to DRIVER_INFO_3A of the driver bUpgradable : If TRUE a matching NT driver is found
Return Value: None
--*/ { CHAR szRegDrvPrefix[] = "Environments\\Windows 4.0\\Drivers\\"; LPSTR psz; DWORD dwLen;
// Write each driver file as to be deleted
for ( psz = pDriverInfo3->pDependentFiles ; psz && *psz ; psz += strlen(psz) + 1) {
// ICM migration dll will handle color profiles
if ( IsAnICMFile(psz) ) continue;
WriteFileToBeDeletedInInf(pszInfName, psz); }
// If a matching NT driver entry is found make an entry to indicate the
// driver will be upgraded against the registry entry name'
if ( !bUpgradable ) return;
dwLen = strlen(szRegPrefix) + strlen(szRegDrvPrefix) + strlen(pDriverInfo3->pName) + 3; if ( !(psz = AllocMem(dwLen * sizeof(CHAR))) ) return;
*psz = '"'; StringCchCopyA(psz + 1, dwLen - 1, szRegPrefix); StringCchCatA(psz, dwLen, szRegDrvPrefix); StringCchCatA(psz, dwLen, pDriverInfo3->pName); StringCchCatA(psz, dwLen, "\"");
WriteRegistryEntryHandled(pszInfName, psz);
FreeMem(psz); }
VOID LogMonitorEntry( IN LPCSTR pszInfName, IN LPMONITOR_INFO_1A pMonitorInfo1, IN BOOL bUpgradable ) /*++
Routine Description: Log information about a print monitor in the migrate.inf. Write the monitor.dll to be deleted. Also if the monitor will be upgraded write it in the handled section
Arguments: pszInfName : Full path to the migrate.inf pMonitorInfo1 : Pointer to MONITOR_INFO_1A of the monitor bUpgradable : If TRUE a matching NT driver is found
Return Value: None
--*/ { CHAR szRegMonPrefix[] = "Monitors\\"; LPSTR psz; DWORD dwLen;
// If a matching NT driver entry is found make an entry to indicate the
// driver will be upgraded against the registry entry name'
if ( !bUpgradable ) return;
dwLen = strlen(szRegPrefix) + strlen(szRegMonPrefix) + strlen(pMonitorInfo1->pName) + 3;
if ( !(psz = AllocMem(dwLen * sizeof(CHAR))) ) return;
*psz = '"'; StringCchCopyA(psz + 1, dwLen - 1, szRegPrefix); StringCchCatA( psz, dwLen, szRegMonPrefix); StringCchCatA( psz, dwLen, pMonitorInfo1->pName); StringCchCatA( psz, dwLen, "\"");
WriteRegistryEntryHandled(pszInfName, psz);
FreeMem(psz); }
VOID LogPrinterEntry( IN LPCSTR pszInfName, IN LPPRINTER_INFO_2A pPrinterInfo2, IN BOOL bUpgradable ) /*++
Routine Description: Log information about a printer in the migrate.inf. If the printer will be upgraded write it in the handled section. Otherwise we will write a incompatibility message.
Arguments: pszInfName : Full path to the migrate.inf pPrinterInfo2 : Pointer to PRINTER_INFO_2A of the printer bUpgradable : If TRUE printer will be migrated, else not
Return Value: None
--*/ { CHAR szRegPath[MAX_PATH], szPrefix[] = "\\Hardware\\"; LPSTR psz, psz2, psz3; DWORD dwLen;
if ( !RegPathFromPrinter(pPrinterInfo2->pPrinterName, szRegPath, MAX_PATH) ) {
return; }
if ( bUpgradable ) {
WriteRegistryEntryHandled(pszInfName, szRegPath); } else {
dwLen = strlen(pPrinterInfo2->pPrinterName) + strlen(szPrefix) + 3; psz2 = AllocMem(dwLen * sizeof(CHAR));
if ( psz2 ) {
StringCchPrintfA(psz2, dwLen, "%s%s", szPrefix, pPrinterInfo2->pPrinterName);
WritePrivateProfileStringA(psz2, szRegPath, "\"Registry\"", pszInfName);
if ( psz = GetStringFromRcFileA(IDS_PRINTER_CANT_MIGRATE) ) {
dwLen = strlen(psz) + strlen(psz2); if ( psz3 = AllocMem(dwLen * sizeof(CHAR)) ) {
StringCchPrintfA(psz3, dwLen, psz, pPrinterInfo2->pPrinterName);
WritePrivateProfileStringA("Incompatible Messages", psz2, psz3, pszInfName);
FreeMem(psz3); } FreeMem(psz); } FreeMem(psz2); } } }
VOID ProcessPrinterDrivers( IN HANDLE hFile, IN LPCSTR pszInfName, IN HWND hwnd, OUT PDRIVER_INFO_9X *ppDriverInfo9x, IN OUT LPBOOL pbFail ) /*++
Routine Description: Process printer drivers for upgrade
Arguments: hFile : Handle to print9x.txt. Printing configuration info is written here for use on NT side pszInfName : Inf name to log upgrade info hwnd : Parent window handle for any UI DiskSpaceList : Handle to disk space list to queue up file operations ppDriverInfo9x : On return gives the list of printer drivers and their Nt names pbFail : Set on an error -- no more processing needed
Return Value: None
--*/ { LPBYTE pBuf = NULL; DWORD dwNeeded, dwReturned; LPSTR psz, pszNtModelName; HDEVINFO hDevInfo; HINF hUpgInf, hNtInf; LPDRIVER_INFO_3A pDriverInfo3; PDRIVER_INFO_9X pCur;
hDevInfo = hUpgInf = hNtInf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// Get the list of drivers installed from spooler
if ( *pbFail || EnumPrinterDriversA(NULL, NULL, 3, NULL, 0, &dwNeeded, &dwReturned) ) {
if ( !*pbFail ) WriteToFile(hFile, pbFail, "[PrinterDrivers]\n"); goto Cleanup; }
if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER || !(pBuf = AllocMem(dwNeeded)) || !EnumPrinterDriversA(NULL, NULL, 3, pBuf, dwNeeded, &dwNeeded, &dwReturned) ) {
*pbFail = TRUE; goto Cleanup; }
InitDriverMapping(&hDevInfo, &hNtInf, &hUpgInf, pbFail);
// For each driver ...
// If we find a suitable NT driver name write it to file
// else write Win95 name with a * at the beginning of the line
// to tell this can't be upgraded (but log error on NT)
WriteToFile(hFile, pbFail, "[PrinterDrivers]\n");
for ( dwNeeded = 0, pDriverInfo3 = (LPDRIVER_INFO_3A)pBuf ; dwNeeded < dwReturned ; ++dwNeeded, ++pDriverInfo3 ) {
if (IsIgnoredDriver(pDriverInfo3->pName)) { continue; }
pszNtModelName = FindNtModelNameFromWin95Name(hDevInfo, hNtInf, hUpgInf, pDriverInfo3->pName, pbFail);
if ( !(pCur = AllocateDriverInfo9x(pszNtModelName, pDriverInfo3->pName, pbFail)) ) {
FreeMem(pszNtModelName); pszNtModelName = NULL; goto Cleanup; }
// Add the info in the linked lise
if ( *ppDriverInfo9x ) pCur->pNext = *ppDriverInfo9x;
*ppDriverInfo9x = pCur;
// If pszNtModelName is NULL we could not decide which driver to
// install
if ( pszNtModelName ) {
LogDriverEntry(pszInfName, pDriverInfo3, TRUE); WriteString(hFile, pbFail, pszNtModelName); } else {
LogDriverEntry(pszInfName, pDriverInfo3, FALSE); WriteString(hFile, pbFail, pDriverInfo3->pName); }
FreeMem(pszNtModelName); pszNtModelName = NULL; }
Cleanup: WriteToFile(hFile, pbFail, "\n");
// Close all the inf since we do not need them
CleanupDriverMapping(&hDevInfo, &hNtInf, &hUpgInf);
FreeMem(pBuf); }
VOID FixupPrinterInfo2( LPPRINTER_INFO_2A pPrinterInfo2 ) /*++
Routine Description: Fixup the PRINTER_INFO_2 we got from Win95 spooler before writing to the text file so that AddPrinter will be ok on NT side
Arguments: pPrinterInfo2 : Points to the PRINTER_INFO_2
Return Value: None
--*/ { //
// Default datatype is always RAW
pPrinterInfo2->pDatatype = cszRaw;
// Only print processor for in-box drivers is winprint
pPrinterInfo2->pPrintProcessor = cszWinPrint;
// Remove the enable bidi bit. NT driver may or may not have a LM
// If it does AddPrinter on NT automatically enables bidi
pPrinterInfo2->Attributes &= ~PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_ENABLE_BIDI;
// Remove the work-offline bit. It makes no sense to carry it over.
// With network printers this is a big problem because Win2K does not set
// work offline, and UI does not allow user to disable it if set.
pPrinterInfo2->Attributes &= ~PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_WORK_OFFLINE;
// Ignore Win9x separator page
pPrinterInfo2->pSepFile = NULL;
// We will ignore PRINTER_STATUS_PENDING_DELETION and still add it on NT
VOID ProcessPrinters( IN HANDLE hFile, IN HANDLE hFile2, IN LPCSTR pszInfName, IN PDRIVER_INFO_9X pDriverInfo9x, IN OUT LPBOOL pbFail ) /*++
Routine Description: Process printers for upgrade
Arguments: hFile : Handle to print9x.txt. Printing configuration info is written here for use on NT side hFile2 : Handle to netwkprn.txt pDriverInfo9x : Gives the list of drivers and corresponding NT drivers pbFail : Set on an error -- no more processing needed
Return Value: None
--*/ { LPBYTE pBuf1 = NULL; BOOL bFirst = TRUE, bFound; DWORD dwLevel, dwNeeded, dwPrinters, dwSize, dwIndex; LPPRINTER_INFO_2A pPrinterInfo2; PDRIVER_INFO_9X pCur; PUPGRADABLE_LIST pUpg; LPSTR pWinIniPorts = NULL, psz;
// Get the list of printers installed from spooler
if ( *pbFail || EnumPrintersA(PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL, NULL, 2, NULL, 0, &dwNeeded, &dwPrinters) ) {
if ( !*pbFail ) WriteToFile(hFile, pbFail, "[Ports]\n\n[Printers]\n"); goto Cleanup; }
if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER || !(pBuf1 = AllocMem(dwNeeded)) || !EnumPrintersA(PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL, NULL, 2, pBuf1, dwNeeded, &dwNeeded, &dwPrinters) ) {
*pbFail = TRUE; goto Cleanup; }
// Extract all the used local ports
WriteToFile(hFile, pbFail, "[Ports]\n");
for ( dwNeeded = 0, pPrinterInfo2 = (LPPRINTER_INFO_2A)pBuf1 ; dwNeeded < dwPrinters ; ++dwNeeded, ++pPrinterInfo2 ) { DWORD i;
// check for ignored drivers
if (IsIgnoredDriver(pPrinterInfo2->pDriverName)) { continue; } //
// Point-and-print printers are processed through netwkprn.txt
if (pPrinterInfo2->Attributes & PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_NETWORK) { continue; }
// check whether portname has been processed already
for (i = 0; i < dwNeeded; i++ ) { if (strcmp(pPrinterInfo2->pPortName, (((LPPRINTER_INFO_2A)pBuf1)+i)->pPortName) == 0) { break; } } if (i < dwNeeded) { DebugMsg("Port with multiple attached printers skipped"); continue; }
// if the printers is a FILE, LPT*: or COM*: port do nothing
if (_strnicmp(pPrinterInfo2->pPortName, "FILE:", 5) == 0)
{ DebugMsg("FILE: port skipped"); continue; }
if ((_strnicmp(pPrinterInfo2->pPortName, "COM", 3) == 0) || (_strnicmp(pPrinterInfo2->pPortName, "LPT", 3) == 0) ) { LPSTR psz = pPrinterInfo2->pPortName + 3;
if (isdigit(*psz)) { do { psz++; } while ( isdigit(*psz) );
if (*psz == ':') { DebugMsg("Local port COMx:/LPTx skipped"); continue; } } }
// check whether the port is listed in win.ini - if so, it's a local port that needs to be migrated
// if not, it's a third-party port that won't be migrated - warn !
// retrieve the win.ini section on ports only once
if (!pWinIniPorts) { DWORD dwBufSize = 32767; // this is the max. size acc. to MSDN
pWinIniPorts = AllocMem(dwBufSize); if (!pWinIniPorts) { *pbFail = TRUE; goto Cleanup; }
GetProfileSection("Ports", pWinIniPorts, dwBufSize); }
// search for the current port within the section, note that the entry is in the form
// <portname>=
// so I need to skip the = at the end
for (psz = pWinIniPorts; *psz ; psz += strlen(psz) + 1) { if (_strnicmp(pPrinterInfo2->pPortName, psz, strlen(pPrinterInfo2->pPortName)) == 0) { break; } }
if (!*psz) { //
// not found - this printer queue will not be migrated !
LogPrinterEntry(pszInfName, pPrinterInfo2, FALSE); } else { //
// found - write the entry for it to allow creation of the port on the NT side
WriteToFile(hFile, pbFail, "PortName: "); WriteString(hFile, pbFail, pPrinterInfo2->pPortName); } }
// Write the PRINTER_INFO_2 in the print95.txt file
WriteToFile(hFile, pbFail, "\n[Printers]\n"); WriteToFile(hFile2, pbFail, "[Printers]\n");
for ( dwNeeded = 0, pPrinterInfo2 = (LPPRINTER_INFO_2A)pBuf1 ; dwNeeded < dwPrinters ; ++dwNeeded, ++pPrinterInfo2 ) {
// check for ignored drivers
if (IsIgnoredDriver(pPrinterInfo2->pDriverName)) { continue; } FixupPrinterInfo2(pPrinterInfo2);
// Find the driver name from the installed drivers on Win9x and get
// the NT driver name
for ( pCur = pDriverInfo9x ; pCur && _strcmpi(pCur->pszWin95Name, pPrinterInfo2->pDriverName) ; pCur = pCur->pNext ) ;
if ( !pCur ) {
ASSERT(pCur != NULL); *pbFail = TRUE; goto Cleanup; }
// Pass the NT driver name here. If it is not NULL that gets written
// to the file, we won't need Win9x driver name on NT. If can't find
// an NT driver we will just write the Win9x driver name. It will be
// useful for error loggging
if ( pPrinterInfo2->Attributes & PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_NETWORK ) {
WritePrinterInfo2(hFile2, pPrinterInfo2, pCur->pszNtName, pbFail); } else {
// If the printer is shared write it to network printer file too
// since it needs to be shared when user logs in for the first time
if ( pPrinterInfo2->Attributes & PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_SHARED ) {
++dwSharedPrinters; WritePrinterInfo2(hFile2, pPrinterInfo2, pCur->pszNtName, pbFail); pPrinterInfo2->Attributes &= ~PRINTER_ATTRIBUTE_SHARED; }
WritePrinterInfo2(hFile, pPrinterInfo2, pCur->pszNtName, pbFail); }
// Now see if this printer is going to disappear on NT:
// Check if an NT driver is found
LogPrinterEntry(pszInfName, pPrinterInfo2, pCur->pszNtName != NULL); }
Cleanup: if (pWinIniPorts) { FreeMem(pWinIniPorts); }
WriteToFile(hFile, pbFail, "\n");
FreeMem(pBuf1); }
VOID ProcessPrintMonitors( IN LPCSTR pszInfName ) /*++
Routine Description: Process print monitors for upgrade.
We just look for monitors which are not in the list of upgradable monitors and add to the unupgradable list so that we can warn the user
Arguments: pszInfName : Inf name to log upgrade info
Return Value: None --*/ { LPBYTE pBuf = NULL; DWORD dwCount, dwNeeded, dwReturned; LPSTR psz; LPMONITOR_INFO_1A pMonitorInfo1; PUPGRADABLE_LIST pUpg; BOOL bFound;
if ( EnumMonitorsA(NULL, 1, NULL, 0, &dwNeeded, &dwReturned) || GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER || !(pBuf = AllocMem(dwNeeded)) || !EnumMonitorsA(NULL, 1, pBuf, dwNeeded, &dwNeeded, &dwReturned) ) {
goto Cleanup; }
for ( dwNeeded = dwCount = 0, pMonitorInfo1 = (LPMONITOR_INFO_1A)pBuf ; dwCount < dwReturned ; ++dwCount, ++pMonitorInfo1 ) {
for ( pUpg = UpgradableMonitors, bFound = FALSE ; pUpg->pszName ; ++pUpg ) {
if ( !strcmp(pMonitorInfo1->pName, pUpg->pszName) ) {
bFound = TRUE; break; } }
LogMonitorEntry(pszInfName, pMonitorInfo1, bFound); }
Cleanup: FreeMem(pBuf); }
LONG CALLBACK MigrateSystem9x( IN HWND hwndParent, IN LPCSTR pszUnattendFile, LPVOID Reserved ) /*++
Routine Description: Process system setttings for printing. This does all the work for printing upgrade
Arguments: hwndParent : Parent window for any UI pszUnattendFile : Pointer to unattend file pqwDiskSpace : On return gives the additional disk space needed on NT
Return Value: Win32 error code
--*/ { BOOL bFail = FALSE; DWORD dwRet; HANDLE hFile, hFile2; CHAR szFile[MAX_PATH], szInfName[MAX_PATH]; PDRIVER_INFO_9X pDriverInfo9x = NULL; #if DBG
CHAR szFile2[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwLocalRet = 0; #endif
StringCchPrintfA(szFile, SIZECHARS(szFile), "%s\\%s", UpgradeData.pszDir, "print95.txt"); StringCchPrintfA(szInfName, SIZECHARS(szInfName), "%s\\%s", UpgradeData.pszDir, "migrate.inf");
StringCchPrintfA(szFile, SIZECHARS(szFile), "%s\\%s", UpgradeData.pszDir, szNetprnFile); hFile2 = CreateFileA(szFile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
bFail = TRUE; goto Cleanup; }
ProcessPrinterDrivers(hFile, szInfName, hwndParent, &pDriverInfo9x, &bFail);
ProcessPrinters(hFile, hFile2, szInfName, pDriverInfo9x, &bFail);
// If no network, shared printers found remove netwkprn.txt since it will be
// empty
if ( dwNetPrinters == 0 && dwSharedPrinters == 0 ) {
CloseHandle(hFile2); hFile2 = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DeleteFileA(szFile); }
if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) CloseHandle(hFile);
if ( hFile2 != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) CloseHandle(hFile2);
#if DBG
// Make a copy in temp dir on debug builds so that if we messed up the
// upgrade we can figure out what went wrong.
// Setup deletes the working directory.
dwLocalRet = GetTempPathA(SIZECHARS(szFile2), szFile2);
if ( dwLocalRet && (dwLocalRet <= SIZECHARS(szFile2))) { StringCchPrintfA(szFile, SIZECHARS(szFile), "%s\\%s", UpgradeData.pszDir, "print95.txt"); StringCchCatA(szFile2, SIZECHARS(szFile2), "print95.txt"); CopyFileA(szFile, szFile2, FALSE); } #endif
dwRet = bFail ? GetLastError() : ERROR_SUCCESS; if ( bFail && dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS ) dwRet = STG_E_UNKNOWN;
if ( bFail ) DebugMsg("MigrateSystem9x failed with %d", dwRet);
return dwRet; }
// The following are to make sure if setup changes the header file they
// first tell me (otherwise they will break build of this)
P_INITIALIZE_9X pfnInitialize9x = Initialize9x; P_MIGRATE_USER_9X pfnMigrateUser9x = MigrateUser9x; P_MIGRATE_SYSTEM_9X pfnMigrateSystem9x = MigrateSystem9x;