#ifndef __COLLMGR_HPP__
#define __COLLMGR_HPP__
Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. Module Name: collmgr.hpp Abstract: This file contains the declaration of a generic linked list which could encapsulate any data type even if complex ones. The list is defined as a manager and a node. The manager manages the given nodes of that type. Author: Khaled Sedky (khaleds) 21-Jun-2000 Revision History: --*/
#ifndef __LDERROR_HPP__
#include "lderror.hpp"
#ifndef __LDMGR_HPP__
#include "ldmgr.hpp"
// Forward Declarations
template <class E,class C> class TLstNd; template <class E,class C> class TLstMgr;
// E here is the element and C is a major content in this element.
// or in other words the index of the element . It could be described
// as the component by which the element is created or by which it
// is compared against.C is the type used as a key for comparisons.
template <class E,class C> class TLstNd { //
// Public methods of the class
friend class TLstMgr<E,C>;
TLstNd<E,C>( VOID );
// Copy Constructor
TLstNd<E,C>( IN CONST TLstNd<E,C>& );
// Copy constructor based on the Element saved
// in the list
TLstNd<E,C>( IN const E& );
TLstNd<E,C>( IN E* );
// A Copy constructor based on the
// component
TLstNd<E,C>( IN const C& );
~TLstNd<E,C>( VOID );
const E& operator=( IN const E& );
BOOL operator==( IN const E& ) const;
BOOL operator==( IN const C& ) const; E& operator*( VOID );
E* SetNodeData( IN E* );
// Private members and helper functions (if any)
private: E* m_pD; TLstNd<E,C> *m_pNext; TLstNd<E,C> *m_pPrev; };
template <class E,class C> class TLstMgr : public TClassID, public TLd64BitDllsErrorHndlr { //
// Public methods of the class
friend TLstNd<E,C>;
// To optimize the overhead of allocating
// and Freeing memroy , the user of this
// class might resort to using the FreeList
// support which enable him to recycle nodes
// when they are not longer required.
enum EListType { KFreeListSupport, KNoFreeListSupport, };
// Based on the index of the collection, Entries,
// maybe or may not be unique. Based on this Flag
// being set in the constructor, the List search
// criteria is decided and so is the Appending
// algorithm
enum EEntriesType { KUniqueEntries = 0, KNonUniqueEntries };
TLstMgr<E,C>( IN typename TLstMgr<E,C>::EEntriesType ThisListEntriesType = TLstMgr<E,C>::KNonUniqueEntries, IN typename TLstMgr<E,C>::EListType ThisListType = TLstMgr<E,C>::KNoFreeListSupport, IN OUT HRESULT* hRes = NULL ); ~TLstMgr<E,C>( VOID );
TLstNd<E,C>* AppendListByElem( IN const E& );
TLstNd<E,C>* AppendListByElem( IN E* );
TLstNd<E,C>* AppendListByElem( IN const C & );
HRESULT RmvElemFromList( IN const E& ); HRESULT RmvElemFromList( IN const C& );
HRESULT RmvElemAtPosFromList( IN DWORD );
HRESULT DestructList( VOID );
E& GetElementAtPos( IN DWORD ) const;
E* GetElementAtPosByRef( IN DWORD ) const;
E& operator[]( IN DWORD ) const;
TLstNd<E,C>* ElementInList( IN const C& ) const;
BOOL HaveElements( VOID ) const;
DWORD GetNumOfListNodes( VOID ) const;
// Private members and helper functions (if any)
TLstNd<E,C> *m_pHead; TLstNd<E,C> *m_pTail; DWORD m_cNumOfNodes; BOOL m_bUnique; //
// To protect the linked list data members
// in a multithread environment.
template <class E,class C> class TLstItrtr : public TClassID { public:
TLstItrtr<E,C>( IN const TLstMgr<E,C>& );
TLstNd<E,C>& operator*( VOID );
TLstNd<E,C>& operator++( VOID );
const TLstNd<E,C> operator++( int );
TLstNd<E,C>& operator--( VOID );
const TLstNd<E,C> operator--( int ); private: TLstMgr<E,C> *m_pItrtdMgrPrxy; TLstNd<E,C> *m_pCrntNode; };
// This is an abstract class which never
// get instantiated. Any Element other than
// primitive Data types , has to inherit from
// this class . There are some mandatory
// methods that need to be implemented
class TGenericElement : public TRefCntMgr { public: //
// A BOOL variable indicating Validity
// of the object should be defined here.
// This should be set by SetValidity and
// queried by Validate.
TGenericElement() {};
// We internally create the elements in
// the list to be independent of the client
// and that is when we call the equal operator
/* virtual const TGenericElement&
operator=( IN const TGenericElement& );
// Since many of the interfaces supplied by the
// List Manager rely on comparisons between the
// internally maintained elements , so we need
// an == opoperator and a ! operator.
virtual BOOL operator==( IN const TGenericElement& ) const;
virtual BOOL operator!( VOID ) const;*/
// Some times we might return a dummy invalid
// element to invalidate the result of a list
// manager method
virtual VOID SetValidity( IN DWORD ) = 0;
virtual BOOL Validate( VOID ) const = 0; };
// Since our iimplementation of C++ does not have a #pragma implementation ,
// so I am including the implementation file directly in the header file
#include "collmgr.cxx"
#endif //__COLLMGR_HPP__