Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. Module Name: prntuifn.cxx Abstract: This file contains the implementation for the Print UI class Author: Khaled Sedky (khaleds) 31-Jan-2000 Revision History: --*/ #include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#ifndef __PRNTUIFN_HPP__
#include "prntuifn.hpp"
#ifndef __LDFUNCS_HPP__
#include "ldfuncs.hpp"
#ifndef __LDMGR_HPP__
#include "ldmgr.hpp"
/* --------------------------------- */ /* Implemetation of class TPrintUIMgr */ /* --------------------------------- */
Function Name: TPrintUIMgr :: TPrintUIMgr Description: Contructor of Print UI functions intstatiation object Parameters: None Return Value: None --*/ TPrintUIMgr :: TPrintUIMgr( IN TLoad64BitDllsMgr* pIpLdrObj ) : m_pLdrObj(pIpLdrObj), TClassID("TPrintUIMgr") { m_pLdrObj->AddRef(); }
Function Name: TPrintUIMgr :: ~TPrintUIMgr Description: Destructor of Print UI functions intstatiation object Parameters: None Return Value: None --*/ TPrintUIMgr :: ~TPrintUIMgr() { m_pLdrObj->Release(); }
Function Name: TPrintUIMgr :: QueueCreate Description: Creates a printer queue Parameters: hWnd : Parent hwnd. PrinterName : Printer name. CmdShow : Show command. lParam : currently unused. Return Value: DWORD : Error Code in case of Failure ERROR_SUCCESS in case of success --*/ DWORD TPrintUIMgr :: QueueCreate( IN HWND hWnd, IN LPCWSTR pszPrinterName, IN INT CmdShow, IN LPARAM lParam ) { return PrintUIMethod("vQueueCreate", hWnd, pszPrinterName, CmdShow, lParam, AsyncPrintUIMethod, TPrintUIMgr::KQueueCreateOp);
Function Name: TPrintUIMgr :: PrinterPropPages Description: This function opens the property sheet of specified printer. Parameters: hWnd : Parent hwnd. PrinterName : Printer name. CmdShow : Show command. lParam : currently unused. Return Value: DWORD : Error Code in case of Failure ERROR_SUCCESS in case of success --*/ DWORD TPrintUIMgr :: PrinterPropPages( IN HWND hWnd, IN LPCWSTR pszPrinterName, IN INT CmdShow, IN LPARAM lParam ) { return PrintUIMethod("vPrinterPropPages", hWnd, pszPrinterName, CmdShow, lParam, AsyncPrintUIMethod, TPrintUIMgr::KPrinterPropPagesOp);
Function Name: TPrintUIMgr :: DocumentDefaults Description: Bring up document defaults Parameters: hWnd : Parent hwnd. PrinterName : Printer name. CmdShow : Show command. lParam : currently unused. Return Value: DWORD : Error Code in case of Failure ERROR_SUCCESS in case of success --*/ DWORD TPrintUIMgr :: DocumentDefaults( IN HWND hWnd, IN LPCWSTR pszPrinterName, IN INT CmdShow, IN LPARAM lParam ) { return PrintUIMethod("vDocumentDefaults", hWnd, pszPrinterName, CmdShow, lParam, AsyncPrintUIMethod, TPrintUIMgr::KDocumentDefaultsOp); }
Function Name: TPrintUIMgr :: PrintUIMethod Description: Disptach the appropriate print UI method in a separate thread Parameters: Method : Name of Method to be instantiated hWnd : Parent hwnd. PrinterName : Printer name. CmdShow : Show command. lParam : currently unused. pThrdFn : Pointer to the Print UI method Op : requested Print UI operation Return Value: DWORD : Error Code in case of Failure ERROR_SUCCESS in case of success --*/ DWORD TPrintUIMgr :: PrintUIMethod( IN LPCSTR Method, IN HWND hWnd, IN LPCWSTR pszName, IN INT CmdShow, IN LPARAM lParam, IN LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE pThrdFn, IN TPrintUIMgr::EPrintUIOp Op ) { DWORD ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE hPrintUI = NULL; PFNPRINTUIMETHOD pfn; RPC_STATUS RpcStatus;
if((RpcStatus = RpcImpersonateClient(0)) == RPC_S_OK) { m_pLdrObj->RefreshLifeSpan();
if(hPrintUI = LoadLibrary(L"printui.dll")) { if(pfn = reinterpret_cast<PFNPRINTUIMETHOD>(GetProcAddress(hPrintUI,Method))) { SPrintUIThreadData* pNewThrdData = new SPrintUIThreadData; if(pNewThrdData) { HANDLE hPrintUIMethodThrd; DWORD PrintUIThrdId;
pNewThrdData->hWnd = hWnd; pNewThrdData->pszName = pszName; pNewThrdData->CmdShow = CmdShow; pNewThrdData->lParam = lParam; pNewThrdData->hLib = hPrintUI; pNewThrdData->pLdrObj = m_pLdrObj; pNewThrdData->pfn = pfn; pNewThrdData->Op = Op;
if(hPrintUIMethodThrd = CreateThread(NULL, 0, pThrdFn, (PVOID)pNewThrdData, 0, &PrintUIThrdId)) { CloseHandle(hPrintUIMethodThrd); } else { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); delete pNewThrdData; }
} else { ErrorCode = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); } } else { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); }
RpcStatus = RpcRevertToSelf(); } else { ErrorCode = RpcStatus; }
return ErrorCode; }
Function Name: TPrintUIMgr :: AsyncPrintUIMethod Description: The PrintUI method running in a separate thread Parameters: hWnd : Parent hwnd. PrinterName : Printer name. CmdShow : Show command. lParam : currently unused. Return Value: Always 0 --*/ DWORD TPrintUIMgr :: AsyncPrintUIMethod( IN PVOID pInThrdData ) { UINT msg;
SPrintUIThreadData* pNewThreadData = reinterpret_cast<SPrintUIThreadData *>(pInThrdData);
pNewThreadData->pLdrObj->IncUIRefCnt(); { __try { pNewThreadData->pfn(pNewThreadData->hWnd, pNewThreadData->pszName, pNewThreadData->CmdShow, pNewThreadData->lParam); } __except(1) { DWORD ExcpVal = pNewThreadData->pLdrObj->TranslateExceptionCode(RpcExceptionCode()); DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("TPrintUIMgr::AsyncPrintUIMethod failed in calling printui with an exception %u",ExcpVal)); SetLastError(ExcpVal); } } pNewThreadData->pLdrObj->DecUIRefCnt();
// Here we should post a message to the caller client window to inform
// it that the operation was completed and also whether it was succesful
// or not
switch(pNewThreadData->Op) { case TPrintUIMgr::KQueueCreateOp: { msg = WM_ENDQUEUECREATE; break; } case TPrintUIMgr::KPrinterPropPagesOp: { msg = WM_ENDPRINTERPROPPAGES; break; } case TPrintUIMgr::KDocumentDefaultsOp: { msg = WM_ENDDOCUMENTDEFAULTS; break; }
case TPrintUIMgr::KServerPropPagesOp: { msg = WM_ENDSERVERPROPPAGES; break; } } PostMessage(pNewThreadData->hWnd,msg, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0);
// Cleanup code
FreeLibrary(pNewThreadData->hLib); delete pInThrdData;
return 0; }
Function Name: TPrintUIMgr :: PrinterSetup Description: Brings up the install printer wizard. Parameters: hwnd - Parent window. uAction - Action requested (defined in windows\inc16\msprintx.h) cchPrinterName - Length of pszPrinterName buffer. pszPrinterName - Input setup printer name, Output pointer to new printer name pcchPrinterName - New length of pszPrinterName on return. pszServerName - Name of server that printer is on.
Return Value:
DWORD : Error Code in case of Failure ERROR_SUCCESS in case of success --*/ DWORD TPrintUIMgr :: PrinterSetup( IN HWND hWnd, IN UINT uAction, IN UINT cchPrinterName, IN OUT LPWSTR pszPrinterName, OUT UINT* pcchPrinterName, IN LPCWSTR pszServerName ) { DWORD ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; HANDLE hPrintUI = NULL; BOOL bRetVal = FALSE; PFNPRINTUIPRINTERSETUP pfn = NULL; UINT msg;
SPLASSERT(m_pLdrObj); m_pLdrObj->RefreshLifeSpan();
if(hPrintUI = LoadLibrary(L"printui.dll")) { if(pfn = reinterpret_cast<PFNPRINTUIPRINTERSETUP>(GetProcAddress(hPrintUI,"bPrinterSetup"))) { m_pLdrObj->IncUIRefCnt(); { __try { bRetVal = pfn(hWnd, uAction, cchPrinterName, pszPrinterName, pcchPrinterName, pszServerName); ErrorCode = GetLastError(); } __except(1) { DWORD ExcpVal = m_pLdrObj->TranslateExceptionCode(RpcExceptionCode()); DBGMSG(DBG_WARN, ("TPrintUIMgr::PrinterSetup failed in calling printui with an exception %u",ExcpVal)); SetLastError(ExcpVal); ErrorCode = ExcpVal; } } m_pLdrObj->DecUIRefCnt(); } else { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); } FreeLibrary(hPrintUI); } else { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); }
// Here we should post a message to the caller client window to inform
// it that the operation was completed and also whether it was succesful
// or not
PostMessage(hWnd,WM_ENDPRINTERSETUP, (WPARAM)bRetVal, (LPARAM)ErrorCode);
return ErrorCode; }
Function Name: TPrintUIMgr :: ServerPropPages Description: This function opens the property sheet of specified server. Parameters: hWnd : Parent hwnd. PrinterName : Server name. CmdShow : Show command. lParam : currently unused. Return Value: DWORD : Error Code in case of Failure ERROR_SUCCESS in case of success --*/ DWORD TPrintUIMgr :: ServerPropPages( IN HWND hWnd, IN LPCWSTR pszServerName, IN INT CmdShow, IN LPARAM lParam ) { return PrintUIMethod("vServerPropPages", hWnd, pszServerName, CmdShow, lParam, AsyncPrintUIMethod, TPrintUIMgr::KServerPropPagesOp);