* * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORPORATION, 2000 * * TITLE: item.h * * VERSION: 1.0 * * AUTHOR: RickTu * * DATE: 10/18/00 * * DESCRIPTION: Describes item class used in print photos wizard * *****************************************************************************/
#define RF_ROTATE_90 0x00000001
#define RF_ROTATE_180 0x00000002
#define RF_ROTATE_270 0x00000004
#define RF_ROTATE_AS_NEEDED 0x00000008
#define RF_ROTATION_MASK 0x0000000F
#define RF_CROP_TO_FIT 0x00000010 // maintains aspect ratio
#define RF_SCALE_TO_FIT 0x00000020 // maintains aspect ratio
#define RF_STRETCH_TO_FIT 0x00000040 // does not maintain aspect ratio
#define RF_USE_THUMBNAIL_DATA 0x00001000 // use small res thumbnail data to render
#define RF_USE_MEDIUM_QUALITY_DATA 0x00002000 // use meidum quality data to render
#define RF_USE_FULL_IMAGE_DATA 0x00004000 // use full image bits to render
#define RF_SET_QUALITY_FOR_SCREEN 0x00010000 // this image is being rendered to the screen, so set the quality modes appropriately
#define RF_NO_ERRORS_ON_FAILURE_TO_ROTATE 0x80000000 // even if we can't rotate, continue and print non-rotated
typedef struct { Gdiplus::Graphics * g; Gdiplus::Rect * pDest; RENDER_DIMENSIONS Dim; UINT Flags; LONG lFrame; } RENDER_OPTIONS, *LPRENDER_OPTIONS;
HRESULT _CropImage( Gdiplus::Rect * pSrc, Gdiplus::Rect * pDest ); HRESULT _ScaleImage( Gdiplus::Rect * pSrc, Gdiplus::Rect * pDest );
class CPhotoItem {
enum { DontKnowImageType = 0, ImageTypeIsLowResolutionFax, ImageTypeIsNOTLowResolutionFax };
CPhotoItem( LPITEMIDLIST pidlFull ); ~CPhotoItem();
HBITMAP GetThumbnailBitmap( const SIZE &sizeDesired, LONG lFrame = 0 ); HBITMAP GetClassBitmap( const SIZE &sizeDesired ); HRESULT Render( RENDER_OPTIONS * pRO ); HRESULT GetImageFrameCount( LONG * pFrameCount); LPITEMIDLIST GetPIDL() {return _pidlFull;} LPTSTR GetFilename() {return _szFileName;} LONGLONG GetFileSize() {return _llFileSize;}
ULONG AddRef(); ULONG Release(); ULONG ReleaseWithoutDeleting();
private: HRESULT _DoRotateAnnotations( BOOL bClockwise, UINT Flags ); HRESULT _DoHandleRotation( Gdiplus::Image * pImage, Gdiplus::Rect &src, Gdiplus::Rect * pDest, UINT Flags, Gdiplus::REAL &ScaleFactorForY ); HRESULT _RenderAnnotations( HDC hDC, RENDER_DIMENSIONS * pDim, Gdiplus::Rect * pDest, Gdiplus::Rect &src, Gdiplus::Rect &srcAfterClipping ); HRESULT _MungeAnnotationDataForThumbnails( Gdiplus::Rect &src, Gdiplus::Rect &srcBeforeClipping, Gdiplus::Rect * pDest, UINT Flags ); HRESULT _LoadAnnotations(); HRESULT _CreateGdiPlusImage(); HRESULT _CreateGdiPlusThumbnail( const SIZE &sizeDesired, LONG lFrame = 0 ); HRESULT _DiscardGdiPlusImages();
HRESULT _GetThumbnailQualityImage( Gdiplus::Image ** ppImage, RENDER_OPTIONS * pRO, BOOL * pbNeedsToBeDeleted ); HRESULT _GetMediumQualityImage( Gdiplus::Image ** ppImage, RENDER_OPTIONS * pRO, BOOL * pbNeedsToBeDeleted ); HRESULT _GetFullQualityImage( Gdiplus::Image ** ppImage, RENDER_OPTIONS * pRO, BOOL * pbNeedsToBeDeleted );
LONG _cRef; LPITEMIDLIST _pidlFull; Gdiplus::Image * _pImage; Gdiplus::Bitmap * _pClassBitmap; Gdiplus::PropertyItem ** _pAnnotBits; CAnnotationSet * _pAnnotations; CComPtr<IStream> _pStream; LONG _lFrameCount; BOOL _bTimeFrames; CSimpleCriticalSection _csItem; HBITMAP * _pThumbnails; BOOL _bWeKnowAnnotationsDontExist; TCHAR _szFileName[MAX_PATH]; LONGLONG _llFileSize; UINT _uImageType; Gdiplus::REAL _DPIx; Gdiplus::REAL _DPIy;