#include "precomp.h"
// This table translates a given TWTY code to it corresponding
// size in bytes. The table is indexed by TWTY code.
const TW_UINT16 TWTY_STRFIRST = TWTY_STR32; const TW_UINT16 TWTY_STRLAST = TWTY_STR255; const TW_UINT32 LAST_ITEMTYPE = TWTY_STR255; const TW_UINT32 g_ItemSizeTable[LAST_ITEMTYPE + 1] = { sizeof(TW_INT8), sizeof(TW_INT16), sizeof(TW_INT32), sizeof(TW_UINT8), sizeof(TW_UINT16), sizeof(TW_UINT32), sizeof(TW_BOOL), sizeof(TW_FIX32), sizeof(TW_FRAME), sizeof(TW_STR32), sizeof(TW_STR64), sizeof(TW_STR128), sizeof(TW_STR255), };
// TWAIN capabilty class implemenation
TW_UINT16 CCap::ICap(PCAPDATA pCapData) { if (!pCapData || pCapData->ItemType > LAST_ITEMTYPE) return TWCC_BADVALUE;
m_ItemSize = g_ItemSizeTable[pCapData->ItemType];
if (m_ItemSize != pCapData->ItemSize) return TWCC_BADVALUE; //
// StrData only applies to TW_STRxxx
if (pCapData->pStrData && (pCapData->ItemSize < sizeof(TW_STR32) || pCapData->ItemType < TWTY_STRFIRST || pCapData->ItemType > TWTY_STRLAST)) { return TWCC_BADVALUE; } //
// Itemlist only applies to TWON_ENUMERATION
if (pCapData->ItemList && TWON_ENUMERATION != pCapData->ConType) return TWCC_BADVALUE;
m_ItemType = pCapData->ItemType; m_CapId = pCapData->CapId; m_ConType = pCapData->ConType; m_StepSize = pCapData->StepSize; m_CurrentValue = pCapData->Current; m_DefaultValue = pCapData->Default; m_BaseMinValue = m_CurMinValue = pCapData->MinValue; m_BaseMaxValue = m_CurMaxValue = pCapData->MaxValue; m_StepSize = pCapData->StepSize; m_CurNumItems = 0; m_ItemList = NULL; if (pCapData->pStrData && TWON_ONEVALUE == pCapData->ConType) { // string data
return Set(pCapData->ItemSize, (BYTE*)pCapData->pStrData); } if (TWON_ENUMERATION == pCapData->ConType) { return Set(pCapData->Default, pCapData->Current, pCapData->MaxValue - pCapData->MinValue + 1, (BYTE *)pCapData->ItemList ); } return TWCC_SUCCESS; }
TW_UINT16 CCap::Reset() { m_CurMinValue = m_BaseMinValue; m_CurMaxValue = m_BaseMaxValue; m_CurrentValue = m_DefaultValue; if (TWON_ENUMERATION == m_ConType) {
::LocalFree(m_ItemList); m_ItemList = NULL;
// restore original enumeration values
m_ItemList = m_ResetItemList; m_CurNumItems = m_ResetNumItems; m_CurrentValue = m_ResetCurIndex; m_DefaultValue = m_ResetDefIndex; m_BaseMinValue = 0; m_BaseMaxValue = m_ResetNumItems - 1; m_CurMinValue = m_BaseMinValue; m_CurMaxValue = m_BaseMaxValue; m_CurEnumMask = 0xFFFFFFFF >> (32 - m_ResetNumItems); m_CurNumItems = m_ResetNumItems;
} else {
// re-establish the mask and the count
m_CurNumItems = m_BaseMaxValue - m_BaseMinValue + 1; } m_CurEnumMask = 0xFFFFFFFF >> (32 - m_CurNumItems); } return TWCC_SUCCESS; }
float CCap::Fix32ToFloat(TW_FIX32 fix32) { float ffloat = 0.0f; int iexp = 1; int frac = fix32.Frac; while(frac/10 > 0){ iexp++; frac = (frac/10); } ffloat = (float)fix32.Whole + (float) ( (float) fix32.Frac / (float) pow(10,iexp)); return ffloat; }
TW_FIX32 CCap::FloatToFix32(float ffloat) { TW_FIX32 fix32; memset(&fix32,0,sizeof(fix32)); fix32.Whole = (TW_INT16)ffloat; float fVal = (ffloat - (float)fix32.Whole); fVal = (fVal * 100000.0f); fix32.Frac = (TW_UINT16)(fVal); return fix32; }
TW_FIX32 CCap::FloatToFix32(float f) { char fstr[64]; char *p = NULL; TW_FIX32 f32; sprintf(fstr, "%f", f); p = strchr(fstr, '.'); if (p != NULL) { *p = '\0'; f32.Whole = (TW_INT16)atoi(fstr); f32.Frac = (TW_UINT16)atoi(p + 1); } return f32; }
float CCap::Fix32ToFloat(TW_FIX32 fix32) { return(float)fix32.Whole + (float)(fix32.Frac / 65536.0); }
TW_UINT32 CCap::ExtractValue(BYTE *pData) { TW_UINT32 Value = 0; if (pData) { switch (m_ItemType) { case TWTY_INT8: Value = *((TW_INT8 *)pData); break; case TWTY_UINT8: Value = *((TW_UINT8 *)pData); break; case TWTY_INT16: Value = *((TW_INT16 *)pData); break; case TWTY_UINT16: Value = *((TW_UINT16 *)pData); break; case TWTY_INT32: Value = *((TW_INT32 *)pData); break; case TWTY_UINT32: Value = *((TW_UINT32 *)pData); break; case TWTY_BOOL: Value = *((TW_BOOL *)pData); break; case TWTY_FIX32: Value = *((TW_UINT32 *)pData); break; default: break;
} } return Value; }
TW_UINT32 CCap::GetCurrent() { if (m_ItemSize > sizeof(TW_UINT32)) return 0;
if (TWON_ENUMERATION == m_ConType) { DBG_TRC(("CCap::GetCurrent(), Extracting %d index from TWON_ENUMERATION",m_CurrentValue)); return ExtractValue(m_ItemList + m_CurrentValue * m_ItemSize); } return m_CurrentValue; }
TW_UINT32 CCap::GetDefault() { if (m_ItemSize > sizeof(TW_UINT32)) return 0;
if (TWON_ENUMERATION == m_ConType) { return ExtractValue(m_ItemList + m_DefaultValue * m_ItemSize); } return m_DefaultValue; }
TW_UINT16 CCap::Set(TW_UINT32 StrDataSize,BYTE *pStrData) { if (m_ItemSize != StrDataSize || TWTY_STRFIRST < m_ItemType || TWTY_STRLAST < m_ItemType) { //
// Only apply to string
return TWCC_BADVALUE; } if (!m_pStrData) { m_pStrData = new BYTE[StrDataSize]; if (!m_pStrData) return TWCC_LOWMEMORY; } memcpy(m_pStrData, pStrData, StrDataSize); return TWCC_SUCCESS; }
TW_UINT16 CCap::Set(TW_UINT32 DefValue,TW_UINT32 CurValue,TW_UINT32 MinValue, TW_UINT32 MaxValue,TW_UINT32 StepSize) { //
// This is for TWON_ONEVALUE or TWON_RANGE container type only
if (TWON_ONEVALUE != m_ConType && TWON_RANGE != m_ConType) return TWCC_BADVALUE;
m_BaseMinValue = m_CurMinValue = MinValue; m_BaseMaxValue = m_CurMaxValue = MaxValue; m_StepSize = StepSize; m_CurrentValue = CurValue; m_DefaultValue = DefValue; return TWCC_SUCCESS; }
TW_UINT16 CCap::Set(TW_UINT32 DefIndex,TW_UINT32 CurIndex,TW_UINT32 NumItems, BYTE *ItemList,BOOL bForce) { //
// Total number of items must be less or equal to 32
// The container type must be TWON_ENUMERATION.
if(bForce){ m_ConType = TWON_ENUMERATION; }
return Set(DefIndex,CurIndex,NumItems,ItemList); }
TW_UINT16 CCap::Set(TW_UINT32 DefIndex,TW_UINT32 CurIndex,TW_UINT32 NumItems, BYTE * ItemList) { //
// The container type must be TWON_ENUMERATION.
// if we have an existing list, but not a backup
// make a backup..
if (m_ItemList) {
// make a backup if one does not exist
if (NULL == m_ResetItemList) {
// save backup list and set current list pointer
// to NULL
m_ResetItemList = m_ItemList; m_ResetDefIndex = DefIndex; m_ResetCurIndex = CurIndex; m_ResetNumItems = NumItems; m_ItemList = NULL; } else { ::LocalFree(m_ItemList); m_ItemList = NULL; } }
m_BaseMinValue = m_BaseMaxValue = m_CurMinValue = m_CurMaxValue = m_DefaultValue = m_CurrentValue = m_CurEnumMask = 0; m_ItemList = NULL; m_CurNumItems = 0;
if (NumItems && ItemList) { m_ItemList = (BYTE*)LocalAlloc(LPTR,(NumItems * m_ItemSize)); if (!m_ItemList) return TWCC_LOWMEMORY;
m_CurrentValue = CurIndex; m_DefaultValue = DefIndex; m_BaseMinValue = 0; m_BaseMaxValue = NumItems - 1; m_CurMinValue = m_BaseMinValue; m_CurMaxValue = m_BaseMaxValue; m_CurEnumMask = 0xFFFFFFFF >> (32 - NumItems); m_CurNumItems = NumItems; memcpy(m_ItemList, (BYTE*)ItemList, m_ItemSize * NumItems); } return TWCC_SUCCESS; }
int CCap::CompareValue(TW_UINT32 valThis, TW_UINT32 valThat) { //
// When they are equal, they are equal no matter they are signed or not.
if (valThis == valThat) return 0;
switch (m_ItemType) { case TWTY_INT8: case TWTY_INT16: case TWTY_INT32: //
// Signed.
return(TW_INT32)valThis > (TW_INT32)valThat ? 1 : -1; break;
case TWTY_UINT8: case TWTY_UINT16: case TWTY_UINT32: //
// Unsigned.
return valThis > valThat ? 1 : -1; break;
case TWTY_FIX32: { TW_FIX32 fix32This; TW_FIX32 fix32That; memcpy(&fix32This, &valThis, sizeof(TW_UINT32)); memcpy(&fix32That, &valThat, sizeof(TW_UINT32)); return Fix32ToFloat(fix32This) > Fix32ToFloat(fix32That) ? 1 : -1; break; } case TWTY_BOOL: { //
// eqaul or non-eqaul. Relational comparisons are meaningless
// valVal == valAgianst is handled up front.
if (valThis && valThat) return 0; //
// We know they are non-eqaul but we can not tell which one
// is larger.
return -2; break; } default: return -2; } }
TW_UINT32 CCap::GetClosestValue(TW_UINT32 Value) { if (TWON_RANGE != m_ConType) return Value;
TW_UINT32 ClosestValue = Value;
if (TWON_RANGE == m_ConType) { if (CompareValue(ClosestValue, m_CurMinValue) >= 0 && CompareValue(m_CurMaxValue, ClosestValue) >= 0) { TW_UINT32 AlignedValue; AlignedValue = m_CurMinValue; while (CompareValue(m_CurMaxValue, AlignedValue) >= 0) { if (CompareValue(AlignedValue, ClosestValue) >= 0) { //
// either the values match or we found
// the closest one
ClosestValue = AlignedValue; break; } AlignedValue += m_StepSize; } } } return ClosestValue; }
TW_UINT16 CCap::SetCurrent(TW_UINT32 NewValue) { TW_UINT16 twCc = TWCC_SUCCESS;
switch (m_ConType) { case TWON_ONEVALUE: if(m_ItemType == TWTY_BOOL){ m_CurrentValue = NewValue; } else { if (m_CapId == CAP_XFERCOUNT){
// since we are dealing with unsigned values, just
// allow the setting for CAP_XFERCOUNT to fall through.
m_CurrentValue = NewValue; } else { // The value must be between m_CurMinValue and m_CurMaxValue
if (CompareValue(NewValue, m_CurMinValue) >= 0 && CompareValue(m_CurMaxValue, NewValue) >= 0) {
// The value is okay. Set it
m_CurrentValue = NewValue; } else { twCc = TWCC_BADVALUE; } } } break;
case TWON_RANGE: //
// The value must be between m_CurMinValue and m_CurMaxValue.
if (CompareValue(NewValue, m_CurMinValue) >= 0 && CompareValue(m_CurMaxValue, NewValue) >= 0) { m_CurrentValue = GetClosestValue(NewValue); } else { twCc = TWCC_BADVALUE; } break; default: twCc = TWCC_BADVALUE; break; } return twCc; }
TW_UINT16 CCap::SetCurrent(VOID *pNewValue) { if (!pNewValue) return TWCC_BADVALUE;
TW_UINT16 twCc;
switch (m_ConType) { case TWON_ONEVALUE: if (m_ItemSize <= sizeof(TW_UINT32)) { // simple case, do it the easy way
twCc = SetCurrent(*((TW_UINT32 *)pNewValue)); } else { // this must be a string
memcpy(m_pStrData, pNewValue, m_ItemSize); twCc = TWCC_SUCCESS; } break; case TWON_RANGE: twCc = SetCurrent(*((TW_UINT32 *)pNewValue)); break; case TWON_ENUMERATION: { TW_UINT32 ui32; TW_UINT32 Mask; BYTE *ItemList;
// Presume guilty
Mask = m_CurEnumMask >> m_CurMinValue; //
// Have an alias so that we can save some calculations
ItemList = m_ItemList + m_CurMinValue * m_ItemSize; for (ui32 = m_CurMinValue; ui32 <= m_CurMaxValue; ui32 ++) { if (Mask & 1) { //
// This item is one of the possible selections
if (!memcmp(ItemList, (BYTE*)pNewValue, m_ItemSize)) { // The new value is within the selection and is
// one of the selection. We do not find the
// closes value for enumeration. Either they match or
// they do not.
m_CurrentValue = ui32; twCc = TWCC_SUCCESS; } } //
// Advance the item data pointer
Mask >>= 1; ItemList += m_ItemSize; } break; } default: twCc = TWCC_BADVALUE; } return twCc; }
TW_UINT16 CCap::GetOneValue(BOOL bDefault,TW_CAPABILITY *ptwCap) { if (!ptwCap) return TWCC_BADCAP;
TW_UINT32 TheValue;
TheValue = (bDefault) ? m_DefaultValue : m_CurrentValue;
HGLOBAL hContainer; TW_UINT32 ExtraSize; ExtraSize = m_ItemSize <= sizeof(TW_UINT32) ? 0 : m_ItemSize; hContainer = GlobalAlloc(GHND, sizeof(TW_ONEVALUE) + ExtraSize); if (hContainer) { TW_ONEVALUE *pOneValue = (TW_ONEVALUE*)GlobalLock(hContainer); if (pOneValue) { pOneValue->ItemType = m_ItemType; ptwCap->ConType = TWON_ONEVALUE; if (!ExtraSize) { // simple data
if (TWON_ENUMERATION == m_ConType) { pOneValue->Item = ExtractValue(m_ItemList + TheValue * m_ItemSize); } else pOneValue->Item = TheValue; } else { BYTE *pData; if (m_pStrData) { pData = m_pStrData; } else { // string data in enumeration
pData = m_ItemList + TheValue * m_ItemSize; } memcpy(&pOneValue->Item, pData, m_ItemSize); } GlobalUnlock(hContainer); ptwCap->hContainer = hContainer; return TWCC_SUCCESS; } else { GlobalFree(hContainer); } } return TWCC_LOWMEMORY; }
TW_UINT16 CCap::Get(TW_CAPABILITY *ptwCap) { if (!ptwCap) return TWCC_BADCAP; HGLOBAL hContainer = NULL; TW_UINT16 twCc = TWCC_SUCCESS; TW_RANGE *ptwRange = NULL; TW_ENUMERATION *ptwEnum = NULL; ptwCap->ConType = m_ConType; BYTE *pDst = NULL; BYTE *pSrc = NULL; TW_UINT32 Size = 0; TW_UINT32 Mask = 0; TW_UINT32 ui32 = 0;
switch (m_ConType) { case TWON_ONEVALUE: twCc = GetCurrent(ptwCap); break; case TWON_RANGE: { hContainer = GlobalAlloc(GHND, sizeof(TW_RANGE)); if (hContainer) { ptwRange = (TW_RANGE *)GlobalLock(hContainer); if (ptwRange) { ptwRange->ItemType = m_ItemType; ptwRange->MinValue = m_CurMinValue; ptwRange->MaxValue = m_CurMaxValue; ptwRange->StepSize = m_StepSize; ptwRange->DefaultValue = m_DefaultValue; ptwRange->CurrentValue = m_CurrentValue; GlobalUnlock(hContainer); ptwCap->hContainer = hContainer; twCc = TWCC_SUCCESS; } else { //
// Unable to lock the memory.
GlobalFree(hContainer); twCc = TWCC_LOWMEMORY; } } else { //
// Unable to allocate memory for the container
twCc = TWCC_LOWMEMORY; } break; } case TWON_ENUMERATION: { Size = sizeof(TW_ENUMERATION) + (m_CurNumItems * m_ItemSize); hContainer = GlobalAlloc(GHND, Size); if (hContainer) { ptwEnum = (TW_ENUMERATION *)GlobalLock(hContainer); if (ptwEnum) { ptwEnum->ItemType = m_ItemType; ptwEnum->NumItems = m_CurNumItems; ptwEnum->DefaultIndex = m_DefaultValue; ptwEnum->CurrentIndex = m_CurrentValue; pDst = &ptwEnum->ItemList[0]; pSrc = m_ItemList + m_CurMinValue * m_ItemSize; Mask = m_CurEnumMask >> m_CurMinValue; for (ui32 = m_CurMinValue; ui32 <= m_CurMaxValue; ui32++) { if (Mask & 1) { //
// got one to return. Copy it to the
// returning buffer
memcpy(pDst, pSrc, m_ItemSize); pDst += m_ItemSize; } pSrc += m_ItemSize; Mask >>= 1; } GlobalUnlock(ptwEnum); ptwCap->hContainer = hContainer; twCc = TWCC_SUCCESS; } else { twCc = TWCC_LOWMEMORY; GlobalFree(hContainer); } } else { twCc = TWCC_LOWMEMORY; } break; } default: twCc = TWCC_BADVALUE; break; } return twCc; }
TW_UINT16 CCap::Set(TW_CAPABILITY *ptwCap) { if ((!ptwCap)||(NULL == ptwCap->hContainer)||(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == ptwCap->hContainer)) return TWCC_BADCAP;
switch (ptwCap->ConType) { case TWON_ONEVALUE: { DBG_TRC(("CCap::Set(TW_CAPABILITY *ptwCap) -> TWON_ONEVALUE")); pOneValue = (TW_ONEVALUE*)GlobalLock(ptwCap->hContainer); if (pOneValue != NULL) { if (pOneValue->ItemType == m_ItemType) { twCc = SetCurrent(&pOneValue->Item); } else { pOneValue->ItemType = m_ItemType; twCc = SetCurrent(&pOneValue->Item); //twCc = TWCC_BADVALUE;
} DBG_TRC(("Application wanted to set (%d) as the value.",pOneValue->Item)); GlobalUnlock(ptwCap->hContainer); } else { twCc = TWCC_LOWMEMORY; } break; } case TWON_RANGE: { DBG_TRC(("CCap::Set(TW_CAPABILITY *ptwCap) -> TWON_RANGE")); pRange = (TW_RANGE*)GlobalLock(ptwCap->hContainer); if (pRange != NULL) { if (CompareValue(pRange->MinValue, m_BaseMinValue) < 0 || CompareValue(pRange->MinValue, m_BaseMaxValue) > 0 || CompareValue(pRange->MaxValue, m_BaseMinValue) < 0 || CompareValue(pRange->MaxValue, m_BaseMaxValue) > 0 || CompareValue(pRange->CurrentValue, pRange->MinValue) < 0 || CompareValue(pRange->CurrentValue, pRange->MaxValue) > 0) { twCc = TWCC_BADVALUE; } else {
// Ignore StepSize since it does not make sense for
// the application to change it.
m_CurMinValue = GetClosestValue(pRange->MinValue); m_CurMaxValue = GetClosestValue(pRange->MaxValue); m_CurrentValue = GetClosestValue(pRange->CurrentValue); twCc = TWCC_SUCCESS; } GlobalUnlock(ptwCap->hContainer); } else { twCc = TWCC_LOWMEMORY; } break; } case TWON_ENUMERATION: { DBG_TRC(("CCap::Set(TW_CAPABILITY *ptwCap) -> TWON_ENUMERATION")); twCc = TWCC_SUCCESS; ptwEnum = (TW_ENUMERATION *)GlobalLock(ptwCap->hContainer); if (ptwEnum != NULL) {
DBG_TRC(("Application sent this Enumeration to be set:")); Debug_DumpEnumerationValues(ptwEnum);
if (m_ConType == TWON_ENUMERATION) {
DBG_TRC(("We are a natural TWON_ENUMERATION")); DBG_TRC(("Our List contains:")); Debug_DumpEnumerationValues(NULL);
} else { DBG_TRC(("We are not a natural TWON_ENUMERATION."));
// fail at the moment, because I need to look up, to see if we should
// construct an TWON_ENUMERATION to send back to the application.
// "break" here to avoid accessing any bad list data, and to
// continue the flow of execution
break; }
// assign the list pointers
BYTE *pDSList = m_ItemList; BYTE *pAppList = ptwEnum->ItemList; UINT ValueIndex = 0;
// Compare lists, if any value is requested that we don't support,
// fail them, because the application is trying alter the sources
// supported values..*smack* BAD APPLICATION!....fail them with
// TWRC_FAILURE, TWCC_BADVALUE. That way they know that some value
// in their enumeration list set was invalid.
BOOL bFoundItem = FALSE; BOOL bBuildEnumeration = TRUE; UINT NEWMaxValue = 0; UINT NEWMinValue = 0; UINT NEWEnumMask = 0;
for (UINT AppListIndex = 0;AppListIndex < ptwEnum->NumItems;AppListIndex++) {
// reset Data Source's List pointer for searching
pDSList = m_ItemList; ValueIndex = 0;
while ((ValueIndex < m_BaseMaxValue + 1 /* m_CurNumItems */) && (!bFoundItem)) { if(*pDSList == *pAppList){ DBG_TRC(("Found Item %d!",*pAppList)); bFoundItem = TRUE;
// set mask value
NEWEnumMask |= 1 << ValueIndex;
// update MIN/MAX values
if (ValueIndex > NEWMaxValue){ NEWMaxValue = ValueIndex; }
if (ValueIndex < NEWMinValue) { NEWMinValue = ValueIndex; }
} ValueIndex++; pDSList += ValueSize(m_ItemType); } if(!bFoundItem) {
// we were not found, so break, and fail
DBG_TRC(("Could not find Item %d!",*pAppList)); twCc = TWCC_BADVALUE;
// set build enumeration flag to false, because we don't want to
// construct an enumeration with invalid entries
bBuildEnumeration = FALSE; break; } else {
// set found flag, and continue searching
bFoundItem = FALSE; } pAppList += ValueSize(ptwEnum->ItemType); }
// set the enumeration, if all values were found, and accounted for
if(bBuildEnumeration) { DBG_TRC(("Set the application's enumeration"));
DBG_TRC(("What does our new enumeration look like?")); Debug_DumpEnumerationValues(NULL); } GlobalUnlock(ptwCap->hContainer); } else { twCc = TWCC_LOWMEMORY; } break; } default: DBG_TRC(("What is this container type [%X]???",ptwCap->ConType)); twCc = TWCC_BADVALUE; break; } return twCc; }
TW_UINT16 CCap::ValueSize(TW_UINT16 uTWAINType) { TW_UINT16 uSize = 0;
switch(uTWAINType) { case TWTY_INT8: uSize = sizeof(TW_INT8); break; case TWTY_INT16: uSize = sizeof(TW_INT16); break; case TWTY_INT32: uSize = sizeof(TW_INT32); break; case TWTY_UINT8: uSize = sizeof(TW_UINT8); break; case TWTY_UINT16: uSize = sizeof(TW_UINT16); break; case TWTY_UINT32: uSize = sizeof(TW_UINT32); break; case TWTY_BOOL: uSize = sizeof(TW_BOOL); break; case TWTY_FIX32: uSize = sizeof(TW_FIX32); break; case TWTY_FRAME: uSize = sizeof(TW_FRAME); break; case TWTY_STR32: uSize = sizeof(TW_STR32); break; case TWTY_STR64: uSize = sizeof(TW_STR64); break; case TWTY_STR128: uSize = sizeof(TW_STR128); break; case TWTY_STR255: uSize = sizeof(TW_STR255); break; default: uSize = sizeof(TW_UINT16); break; } return uSize; }
TW_UINT16 CCap::CalcEnumBitMask(TW_ENUMERATION *pEnum) { TW_UINT32 nBitMask = 0x0; TW_UINT16 twStatus = TWCC_SUCCESS;
for(unsigned int nIndex=0;nIndex<pEnum->NumItems;nIndex++) { switch(pEnum->ItemType) { case TWTY_UINT8: { pTW_UINT8 pBits = pEnum->ItemList; nBitMask |= 1<<pBits[nIndex]; } break; case TWTY_INT8: { pTW_INT8 pBits = (pTW_INT8)pEnum->ItemList; nBitMask |= 1<<pBits[nIndex]; } break; case TWTY_UINT16: { pTW_UINT16 pBits = (pTW_UINT16)pEnum->ItemList; nBitMask |= 1<<pBits[nIndex]; } break; case TWTY_INT16: { pTW_INT16 pBits = (pTW_INT16)pEnum->ItemList; nBitMask |= 1<<pBits[nIndex]; } break; case TWTY_UINT32: { pTW_UINT32 pBits = (pTW_UINT32)pEnum->ItemList; nBitMask |= 1<<pBits[nIndex]; } break; case TWTY_INT32: { pTW_INT32 pBits = (pTW_INT32)pEnum->ItemList; nBitMask |= 1<<pBits[nIndex]; } break; case TWTY_BOOL: { pTW_BOOL pBits = (pTW_BOOL)pEnum->ItemList; nBitMask |= 1<<pBits[nIndex]; } break; /*case TWTY_FIX32:
{ pTW_FIX32 pBits = pEnum->ItemList; nBitMask |= 1<<pBits[nIndex]; } break; */ case TWTY_STR32: { pTW_STR32 pBits = (pTW_STR32)pEnum->ItemList; nBitMask |= 1<<pBits[nIndex]; } break; case TWTY_STR64: { pTW_STR64 pBits = (pTW_STR64)pEnum->ItemList; nBitMask |= 1<<pBits[nIndex]; } break; case TWTY_STR128: { pTW_STR128 pBits = (pTW_STR128)pEnum->ItemList; nBitMask |= 1<<pBits[nIndex]; } break; case TWTY_STR255: { pTW_STR255 pBits = (pTW_STR255)pEnum->ItemList; nBitMask |= 1<<pBits[nIndex]; } break; default: twStatus = TWCC_BADVALUE; break; } }
if(twStatus == TWCC_SUCCESS) { m_CurEnumMask = nBitMask; }
return twStatus; }
// debug helpers
void CCap::Debug_DumpEnumerationValues(TW_ENUMERATION *ptwEnumeration) { BYTE *pList = NULL; UINT ValueIndex = 0; UINT iItemSize = 0; UINT iNumItems = 0; DBG_TRC(("CCap::Debug_DumpEnumerationValues(), Enumeration Value debug dump")); if(ptwEnumeration){ pList = ptwEnumeration->ItemList; DBG_TRC(("Enumeration Values:")); DBG_TRC(("ItemType = %d",ptwEnumeration->ItemType)); DBG_TRC(("NumItems = %d",ptwEnumeration->NumItems)); DBG_TRC(("CurrentIndex = %d",ptwEnumeration->CurrentIndex)); DBG_TRC(("DefaultIndex = %d",ptwEnumeration->DefaultIndex)); iItemSize = ValueSize(ptwEnumeration->ItemType); iNumItems = ptwEnumeration->NumItems; } else { pList = m_ItemList; DBG_TRC(("Enumeration Values: (current internal settings)")); DBG_TRC(("ItemType = %d",m_ItemType)); DBG_TRC(("NumItems = %d",m_CurNumItems)); DBG_TRC(("CurrentIndex = %d",m_CurrentValue)); DBG_TRC(("DefaultIndex = %d",m_DefaultValue)); iItemSize = ValueSize(m_ItemType); iNumItems = m_CurNumItems; }
#ifdef DEBUG
DBG_TRC(("Values:")); for(ValueIndex = 0;ValueIndex < iNumItems;ValueIndex++) { DBG_TRC(("ItemList[%d] = %d",ValueIndex,*pList)); pList += iItemSize; } #endif