* * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORPORATION, 1999-2000 * * TITLE: PrvGrph.cpp * * VERSION: 1.0 * * AUTHOR: OrenR * * DATE: 2000/10/25 * * DESCRIPTION: Implements preview graph for capture still images * *****************************************************************************/ #include <precomp.h>
#pragma hdrstop
// Constants
// Amount of time we are willing to wait to take a picture
const UINT TIMEOUT_TAKE_PICTURE = 1000 * 5; // 5 seconds
// These 2 values define how many media sample packets the still
// filter should cache
// Max amount of time we wait for us to transition into a running state
const UINT STATE_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT = 1000 * 2; // 2 seconds
// Video size preferrences. This will not affect DV devices, only
// USB WebCams that support changing their format.
const LONG PREFERRED_FRAME_RATE = 30; // ideal frame rate
const LONG BACKUP_FRAME_RATE = 15; // less than ideal frame rate.
// CPreviewGraph Constructor
CPreviewGraph::CPreviewGraph() : m_hwndParent(NULL), m_lStillPinCaps(0), m_lStyle(0), m_bPreviewVisible(TRUE), m_CurrentState(WIAVIDEO_NO_VIDEO), m_pWiaVideo(NULL), m_bSizeVideoToWindow(FALSE), m_pVideoProperties(NULL) { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::CPreviewGraph"); }
// CPreviewGraph Destructor
CPreviewGraph::~CPreviewGraph() { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::~CPreviewGraph");
// Term the object if it is not already terminated.
Term(); }
// Init
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::Init(CWiaVideo *pWiaVideo) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (pWiaVideo == NULL) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::Init, received NULL CWiaVideo " "param, this should never happen")); }
if (pWiaVideo) { m_pWiaVideo = pWiaVideo; }
return hr; }
// Term
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::Term() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (GetState() != WIAVIDEO_NO_VIDEO) { DestroyVideo(); }
m_pWiaVideo = NULL;
return hr; }
// GetImagesDirectory
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::GetImagesDirectory(CSimpleString *pImagesDirectory) { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::GetImagesDirectory");
ASSERT(pImagesDirectory != NULL);
if (pImagesDirectory == NULL) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::GetImagesDirectory received a " "NULL parameter")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { *pImagesDirectory = m_strImagesDirectory; }
return hr; }
// SetImagesDirectory
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::SetImagesDirectory( const CSimpleString *pImagesDirectory) { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::SetImagesDirectory");
ASSERT(pImagesDirectory != NULL);
if (pImagesDirectory == NULL) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::SetImagesDirectory received a " "NULL parameter")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { m_strImagesDirectory = *pImagesDirectory;
// If the graph is created, then we should set the image directory
// so that the next image captured will be saved to the new directory.
if (GetState() == WIAVIDEO_NO_VIDEO) { hr = m_StillProcessor.CreateImageDir(&m_strImagesDirectory); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::SetImagesDirectory, failed to " "create images directory '%ls'", CSimpleStringConvert::WideString(m_strImagesDirectory))); } }
return hr; }
// GetState
WIAVIDEO_STATE CPreviewGraph::GetState() { return m_CurrentState; }
// SetState
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::SetState(WIAVIDEO_STATE NewState) { m_CurrentState = NewState;
return S_OK; }
// CreateVideo
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::CreateVideo(const TCHAR *pszOptionalWiaDeviceID, IMoniker *pCaptureDeviceMoniker, HWND hwndParent, BOOL bStretchToFitParent, BOOL bAutoPlay) { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::CreateVideo");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; WIAVIDEO_STATE State = GetState();
if ((m_strImagesDirectory.Length() == 0) || (pCaptureDeviceMoniker == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::CreateVideo, received NULL param")); return hr; } else if ((State == WIAVIDEO_DESTROYING_VIDEO) || (State == WIAVIDEO_CREATING_VIDEO)) { hr = E_FAIL; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::CreateVideo, cannot create video, " "still in the process of creating or destroying " "it, CurrentState = '%lu'", State));
return hr; } else if (State != WIAVIDEO_NO_VIDEO) { //
// If we are not in the process of creating or destorying the
// video, and our state is not NO_VIDEO, then assume everything
// is okay, and return S_OK.
return S_OK; }
ASSERT(m_strImagesDirectory.Length() != 0); ASSERT(pCaptureDeviceMoniker != NULL);
// Set our state to indicate we are creating the video
// Create our image directory
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Save the parent window handle.
m_hwndParent = hwndParent; m_bSizeVideoToWindow = bStretchToFitParent; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_pVideoProperties = new CWiaVideoProperties(pszOptionalWiaDeviceID);
if (m_pVideoProperties == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::CreateVideo, failed to allocate memory " "for CWiaVideoProperties. Cannot create video")); } }
// Build the DirectShow video preview graph
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = BuildPreviewGraph(pCaptureDeviceMoniker, bStretchToFitParent);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::CreateVideo failed to build the " "preview graph")); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Video graph exists, update our state
// Begin playback automatically
if (bAutoPlay) { hr = Play();
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::CreateVideo failed begin " "playback")); } }
if (FAILED(hr)) { CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CreateVideo failed to build the graph, tearing it " "down"));
DestroyVideo(); }
return hr; }
// DestroyVideo
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::DestroyVideo() { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::DestroyVideo");
// Stop the graph first
// Delete the video properties object.
if (m_pVideoProperties) { delete m_pVideoProperties; m_pVideoProperties = NULL; }
// Destroys the preview graph and all DShow components associated with it.
// Even if these are already gone, there is no harm in calling it.
m_hwndParent = NULL;
m_pVideoControl = NULL; m_pStillPin = NULL; m_pCapturePinSnapshot = NULL; m_pStillPinSnapshot = NULL; m_pPreviewVW = NULL; m_pCaptureGraphBuilder = NULL; m_pGraphBuilder = NULL; m_pCaptureFilter = NULL; m_lStillPinCaps = 0; m_lStyle = 0;
// We purposely put this here so that it does NOT get reset after
// destroying the video. This should remain the lifetime of this
// object instance, unless changed by the user via the
// get/put_PreviewVisible properties in CWiaVideo.
m_bPreviewVisible = m_bPreviewVisible;
return hr; }
// TakePicture
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::TakePicture(CSimpleString *pstrNewImageFileName) { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::TakePicture");
WIAVIDEO_STATE State = GetState();
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CSimpleString strNewImageFullPath;
if ((State != WIAVIDEO_VIDEO_PLAYING) && (State != WIAVIDEO_VIDEO_PAUSED)) { hr = E_FAIL; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::TakePicture, cannot take a picture " "because we are in an incorrect state, " "current state = '%lu'", State));
return hr; }
// Set this to TRUE. We reset it when we return from our
// WaitForNewImage fn. This allows us to distinguish between
// a user initiated take picture event, and an async take picture
// event generated by a hardware button push.
// If the device is internal triggerable, trigger it
// The triggered image will be delivered to the still pin and will
// then travel down stream until it reaches the WIA StreamSnapshot filter,
// which will process the image.
if (m_pVideoControl && (m_lStillPinCaps & VideoControlFlag_Trigger)) { //
// ignore the time stamp here since we do not need it.
hr = m_pVideoControl->SetMode(m_pStillPin, VideoControlFlag_Trigger);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::TakePicture, attempted to trigger " "the still pin on the capture filter to take a " "picture, but it failed"));
} else { if (m_pCapturePinSnapshot) { hr = m_pCapturePinSnapshot->Snapshot(GetMessageTime());
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::TakePicture, attempted to " "trigger the WIA Image filter to take a " "snapshot of the video stream, but it " "failed")); } else { hr = E_FAIL;
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::TakePicture, attempted to call " "snapshot on the WIA Image filter, but the " "filter pointer is NULL")); } }
// If we are taking the picture via the still pin, then taking a
// picture is an asynchronous operation, and we have to wait for
// the StillProcessor's callback function to complete its work.
// It will signal us when it's done. If we are taking the picture
// via the WIA image filter, then the operation is synchronous,
// in which case this wait function will return immediately.
hr = m_StillProcessor.WaitForNewImage(TIMEOUT_TAKE_PICTURE, &strNewImageFullPath);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::TakePicture failed waiting for new " "still image to arrive, our timeout was '%d'", TIMEOUT_TAKE_PICTURE));
// Set this to TRUE. We reset it when we return from our
// WaitForNewImage fn.
if ((pstrNewImageFileName) && (strNewImageFullPath.Length() > 0)) { *pstrNewImageFileName = strNewImageFullPath; }
CHECK_S_OK(hr); return hr; }
// ResizeVideo
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::ResizeVideo(BOOL bSizeVideoToWindow) { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::ResizeVideo");
RECT rc = {0}; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Check for invalid args
if ((m_hwndParent) && (m_pPreviewVW)) { hr = CDShowUtil::SizeVideoToWindow(m_hwndParent, m_pPreviewVW, bSizeVideoToWindow);
m_bSizeVideoToWindow = bSizeVideoToWindow;
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::ResizeVideo, failed to resize " "video window")); } else { hr = E_FAIL; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::ResizeVideo, either the parent " "window is NULL (0x%08lx), or the Video Preview " "pointer is NULL (0x%08lx)", m_hwndParent, m_pPreviewVW)); } return hr; }
// ShowVideo
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::ShowVideo(BOOL bShow) { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::ShowVideo");
if (m_pPreviewVW) { hr = CDShowUtil::ShowVideo(bShow, m_pPreviewVW);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::ShowVideo failed")); }
m_bPreviewVisible = bShow;
return hr; }
// Play
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::Play() { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::Play");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; WIAVIDEO_STATE State = GetState();
if ((State != WIAVIDEO_VIDEO_CREATED) && (State != WIAVIDEO_VIDEO_PAUSED)) { hr = E_FAIL; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::Play, cannot begin playback " "because we are in an incorrect state, " "current state = '%lu'", State));
return hr; } else if (State == WIAVIDEO_VIDEO_PLAYING) { DBG_WRN(("CPreviewGraph::Play, play was called, but we are already " "playing, doing nothing."));
return hr; }
ASSERT(m_pGraphBuilder != NULL);
if (m_pGraphBuilder == NULL) { hr = E_FAIL; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::Play, m_pGraphBuilder is NULL")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { CComQIPtr<IMediaControl, &IID_IMediaControl> pMC(m_pGraphBuilder);
if (pMC) { DBG_TRC(("CPreviewGraph::Play ***Beginning Playback ***"));
// Set the graph running...
hr = pMC->Run();
if (hr == S_OK) { DBG_TRC(("CPreviewGraph::Play, graph is running..."));
SetState(WIAVIDEO_VIDEO_PLAYING); } else if (hr == S_FALSE) { OAFilterState FilterState;
DBG_TRC(("CPreviewGraph::Play, Waiting '%lu' millisec for " "graph to transition to running state", STATE_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT));
// Give the graph a chance to transition into the running
// state. Note that this function will wait for
// STATE_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT milliseconds, so make sure that
// this is not a long wait, otherwise the caller could
// appear unresponsive.
hr = pMC->GetState(STATE_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT, &FilterState);
if ((hr == S_OK) && (FilterState == State_Running)) { SetState(WIAVIDEO_VIDEO_PLAYING);
DBG_TRC(("CPreviewGraph::Play, graph is running...")); } else if (hr == VFW_S_STATE_INTERMEDIATE) { //
// We fudge our state a little here on the assumption
// that the transition to the run state by DShow is
// taking a little longer, but eventually will transition
// to running.
DBG_TRC(("CPreviewGraph::Play, still transitioning to " "play state...")); } else { CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::Play, " "IMediaControl::GetState failed...")); }
hr = S_OK; } else { CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::Play, " "IMediaControl::Run failed")); } } else { DBG_ERR(("CPreviewGraph::Play, Unable to get " "MediaControl interface")); } }
// If the user of this object specified in the past that the video window
// should be visible, then show it, otherwise, make sure it is hidden.
ResizeVideo(m_bSizeVideoToWindow); ShowVideo(m_bPreviewVisible);
return hr; }
// Stop
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::Stop() { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::Stop");
if (m_pGraphBuilder) { CComQIPtr<IMediaControl, &IID_IMediaControl> pMC(m_pGraphBuilder);
if (pMC) { hr = pMC->Stop(); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::Stop, IMediaControl::Stop " "failed")); } else { hr = E_FAIL; DBG_ERR(("CPreviewGraph::Stop unable to get MediaControl " "interface, returning hr = 0x%08lx", hr)); } }
CHECK_S_OK(hr); return hr; }
// Pause
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::Pause() { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::Pause");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; WIAVIDEO_STATE State = GetState();
if ((State != WIAVIDEO_VIDEO_CREATED) && (State != WIAVIDEO_VIDEO_PLAYING)) { hr = E_FAIL; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::Pause, cannot begin pause " "because we are in an incorrect state, " "current state = '%lu'", State));
return hr; } else if (State == WIAVIDEO_VIDEO_PAUSED) { DBG_WRN(("CPreviewGraph::Pause, pause was called, but we are already " "paused, doing nothing."));
return hr; }
CComQIPtr<IMediaControl, &IID_IMediaControl> pMC(m_pGraphBuilder);
if (pMC) { hr = pMC->Pause();
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::Pause, failed to pause video")); } else { DBG_ERR(("CPreviewGraph::Pause unable to get MediaControl interface")); }
return hr; }
// ProcessAsyncImage
// Called by CPreviewGraph
// when user presses hardware
// button and it is delivered to
// Still Pin.
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::ProcessAsyncImage(const CSimpleString *pNewImage) { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::ProcessAsyncImage");
if (m_pWiaVideo) { hr = m_pWiaVideo->ProcessAsyncImage(pNewImage); } else { DBG_WRN(("CPreviewGraph::ProcessAsyncImage failed, m_pWiaVideo " "is NULL")); }
return hr; }
// GetStillPinCaps
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::GetStillPinCaps(IBaseFilter *pCaptureFilter, IPin **ppStillPin, IAMVideoControl **ppVideoControl, LONG *plCaps) { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::GetStillPinCaps");
ASSERT(pCaptureFilter != NULL); ASSERT(ppStillPin != NULL); ASSERT(ppVideoControl != NULL); ASSERT(plCaps != NULL);
if ((pCaptureFilter == NULL) || (ppStillPin == NULL) || (ppVideoControl == NULL) || (plCaps == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::GetStillPinCaps received a NULL " "param")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { //
// Attempt to find the still pin on the capture filter
// This will decide the type of graph we are going to build
hr = m_pCaptureGraphBuilder->FindInterface(&PIN_CATEGORY_STILL, &MEDIATYPE_Video, pCaptureFilter, IID_IPin, (void **)ppStillPin); }
if (hr == S_OK) { // determine if it is triggerable or not.
hr = m_pCaptureGraphBuilder->FindInterface(&PIN_CATEGORY_STILL, &MEDIATYPE_Video, pCaptureFilter, IID_IAMVideoControl, (void **)ppVideoControl);
if ((hr == S_OK) && (*ppVideoControl) && (*ppStillPin)) { hr = (*ppVideoControl)->GetCaps(*ppStillPin, plCaps); }
if (hr == S_OK) { //
// If the still pin cannot be triggered externally or internally
// then it is useless to us, so just ignore it.
if (!(*plCaps & (VideoControlFlag_ExternalTriggerEnable | VideoControlFlag_Trigger))) { *plCaps = 0; *ppStillPin = NULL; *ppVideoControl = NULL; } } } else { DBG_PRT(("CPreviewGraph::GetStillPinCaps, Capture Filter does not " "have a still pin")); }
return hr; }
// AddStillFilterToGraph
// Add the WIA Stream Snapshot
// filter to our graph
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::AddStillFilterToGraph(LPCWSTR pwszFilterName, IBaseFilter **ppFilter, IStillSnapshot **ppSnapshot) { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::AddStillFilterToGraph");
ASSERT(pwszFilterName != NULL); ASSERT(ppFilter != NULL); ASSERT(ppSnapshot != NULL); if ((pwszFilterName == NULL) || (ppFilter == NULL) || (ppSnapshot == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::AddStillFilterToGraph received " "NULL params")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { //
// Create the still filter
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_STILL_FILTER, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)ppFilter); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::AddStillFilterToGraph failed to " "CoCreate Still Image Filter")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { //
// Add the still filter to the graph.
hr = m_pGraphBuilder->AddFilter(*ppFilter, pwszFilterName);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::AddStillFilterToGraph failed to " "add '%ls' filter to the graph", pwszFilterName)); }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = (*ppFilter)->QueryInterface(IID_IStillSnapshot, (void **)ppSnapshot);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::AddStillFilterToGraph, failed " "to get IStillSnapshot interface on still filter")); }
return hr; }
// AddColorConverterToGraph
// Creates the capture filter
// identified by the device ID
// and returns it.
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::AddColorConverterToGraph(LPCWSTR pwszFilterName, IBaseFilter **ppColorSpaceConverter) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
ASSERT(pwszFilterName != NULL); ASSERT(ppColorSpaceConverter != NULL);
if ((pwszFilterName == NULL) || (ppColorSpaceConverter == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::AddColorConverterToGraph, " "received a NULL pointer"));
return hr; }
// Create the Color Converter filter.
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Colour, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**) ppColorSpaceConverter);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::AddColorConverterToGraph failed to " "create the DShow Color Converter Filter")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = m_pGraphBuilder->AddFilter(*ppColorSpaceConverter, pwszFilterName);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::AddColorConverterToGraph failed to " "add '%ls' filter to the graph", pwszFilterName)); }
return hr; }
// AddVideoRendererToGraph
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::AddVideoRendererToGraph(LPCWSTR pwszFilterName, IBaseFilter **ppVideoRenderer) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
ASSERT(pwszFilterName != NULL); ASSERT(ppVideoRenderer != NULL);
if ((pwszFilterName == NULL) || (ppVideoRenderer == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::AddVideoRendererToGraph, " "received a NULL pointer"));
return hr; }
// Create the Video Renderer filter.
if (hr == S_OK) { BOOL bUseVMR = FALSE; //
// even if we fail, in the worst case we don't use the vmr filter.
// Not the end of the world.
if (bUseVMR) { hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_VideoMixingRenderer, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**) ppVideoRenderer); } else { hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_VideoRenderer, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**) ppVideoRenderer); }
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::AddVideoRendererToGraph failed to " "create the DShow Video Renderer Filter"));
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = m_pGraphBuilder->AddFilter(*ppVideoRenderer, pwszFilterName);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::AddVideoRenderer failed to " "add '%ls' filter to the graph", pwszFilterName)); }
return hr; }
// InitVideoWindows
// Initialize the video windows
// so that they don't have
// an owner, and they are not
// visible.
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::InitVideoWindows(HWND hwndParent, IBaseFilter *pCaptureFilter, IVideoWindow **ppPreviewVideoWindow, BOOL bStretchToFitParent) { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::InitVideoWindows");
ASSERT(pCaptureFilter != NULL); ASSERT(ppPreviewVideoWindow != NULL);
if ((pCaptureFilter == NULL) || (ppPreviewVideoWindow == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::InitVideoWindows received NULL " "params")); }
// If the still pin exists, make sure that the video renderer hanging
// off of this path in the graph is NOT visible.
if (hr == S_OK) { if (m_pStillPin) { CComPtr<IVideoWindow> pStillVW; hr = m_pCaptureGraphBuilder->FindInterface(&PIN_CATEGORY_STILL, &MEDIATYPE_Video, pCaptureFilter, IID_IVideoWindow, (void**)&pStillVW); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::InitVideoWindows failed to " "find video renderer off of the still " "filter pin")); //
// We hide the video renderer attached to the still pin stream
// since it will contain the still image, which we save to a
// file, rather than show it on the desktop.
if (hr == S_OK) { CDShowUtil::ShowVideo(FALSE, pStillVW); CDShowUtil::SetVideoWindowParent(NULL, pStillVW, NULL); } }
// If this fails, it is not fatal
hr = S_OK; }
if (hr == S_OK) { //
// Find the video renderer hanging off of the capture pin path in
// the graph and make sure that it is made the child of the
// parent window.
hr = m_pCaptureGraphBuilder->FindInterface( &PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Video, pCaptureFilter, IID_IVideoWindow, (void **)ppPreviewVideoWindow); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::InitVideoWindows, failed to " "find video renderer off of capture/preview pin")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { //
// Hide the video window before we set it's parent.
CDShowUtil::ShowVideo(FALSE, *ppPreviewVideoWindow);
// Set the video window's parent.
CDShowUtil::SetVideoWindowParent(hwndParent, *ppPreviewVideoWindow, &m_lStyle); }
return hr; }
// CreateCaptureFilter
// Creates the capture filter
// identified by the device ID
// and returns it.
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::CreateCaptureFilter(IMoniker *pCaptureDeviceMoniker, IBaseFilter **ppCaptureFilter) { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::CreateCaptureFilter");
ASSERT(pCaptureDeviceMoniker != NULL); ASSERT(ppCaptureFilter != NULL);
if ((pCaptureDeviceMoniker == NULL) || (ppCaptureFilter == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::CreateCaptureFilter received NULL " "params")); }
#ifdef DEBUG
CDShowUtil::DumpCaptureMoniker(pCaptureDeviceMoniker); #endif
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pCaptureDeviceMoniker->BindToObject(0, 0, IID_IBaseFilter, (void**)ppCaptureFilter); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::CreateCaptureFilter failed to bind " "to device's moniker.")); }
return hr; }
// AddCaptureFilterToGraph
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::AddCaptureFilterToGraph(IBaseFilter *pCaptureFilter, IPin **ppCapturePin) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IPin> pCapturePin; GUID *pMediaSubType = NULL; LONG lWidth = 0; LONG lHeight = 0; LONG lFrameRate = 0;
ASSERT(pCaptureFilter != NULL); ASSERT(ppCapturePin != NULL);
if ((pCaptureFilter == NULL) || (ppCapturePin == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::AddCaptureFilterToGraph, received " "a NULL pointer"));
return hr; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_pGraphBuilder->AddFilter(pCaptureFilter, L"Capture Filter");
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::AddCaptureFilterToGraph, failed to " "add capture filter to graph")); }
// Find the capture pin so we can render it.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_pCaptureGraphBuilder->FindInterface(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Video, pCaptureFilter, IID_IPin, (void **)&pCapturePin);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::AddCaptureFilterToGraph failed to " "find Capture pin on capture filter")); }
// Get all the video properties we can about this filter.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CDShowUtil::GetVideoProperties(pCaptureFilter, pCapturePin, m_pVideoProperties); }
// We set the video width and height to the preferred setting size if
// the driver's inf specifies these settings. If it does not,
// then if the registery tells us to override the capture filter's
// default settings, then attempt to set it to 176x144 YUV.
// This is the order we attempt to set preferences:
// Preferred Settings --> If don't exist --> Set to Driver Default if within MIN/MAX range
// --> otherwise attempt to set to MINIMUM width/height.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { GUID *pDefaultMediaSubType = &m_pVideoProperties->pMediaType->subtype; LONG lDefaultWidth = m_pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->bmiHeader.biWidth; LONG lDefaultHeight = m_pVideoProperties->pVideoInfoHeader->bmiHeader.biHeight;
// Validate default values are valid.
if ((lDefaultWidth <= MIN_VIDEO_WIDTH) || (lDefaultHeight <= MIN_VIDEO_HEIGHT)) { lDefaultWidth = MIN_VIDEO_WIDTH; lDefaultHeight = MIN_VIDEO_HEIGHT; } else if ((lDefaultWidth > MAX_VIDEO_WIDTH) || (lDefaultHeight > MAX_VIDEO_HEIGHT)) { lDefaultWidth = MIN_VIDEO_WIDTH; lDefaultHeight = MIN_VIDEO_HEIGHT; }
// If a preferred media subtype exists, use it, otherwise, use the
// default specified by the capture filter.
if (m_pVideoProperties->PreferredSettingsMask & PREFERRED_SETTING_MASK_MEDIASUBTYPE) { pMediaSubType = &m_pVideoProperties->PreferredMediaSubType; DBG_TRC(("Settings: Using preferred media subtype -> dump of actual type is below")); } else { pMediaSubType = pDefaultMediaSubType; DBG_TRC(("Settings: Using default media subtype, no preferred media subtype " "found -> dump of actual type is below")); }
// If the default width and height exist, use it, otherwise use the
// default width and height, provided they are valid values
if (m_pVideoProperties->PreferredSettingsMask & PREFERRED_SETTING_MASK_VIDEO_WIDTH_HEIGHT) { lWidth = m_pVideoProperties->PreferredWidth; lHeight = m_pVideoProperties->PreferredHeight;
// Validate preferred settings are valid. If they are not, then
// set to default value.
if ((lWidth < MIN_VIDEO_WIDTH) || (lHeight < MIN_VIDEO_HEIGHT) || (lWidth > MAX_VIDEO_WIDTH) || (lHeight > MAX_VIDEO_HEIGHT)) { DBG_TRC(("Settings: Using default video width and height, preferred settings were invalid " "-> Invalid Width = %lu, Invalid Height = %lu", lWidth, lHeight));
lWidth = lDefaultWidth; lHeight = lDefaultHeight; } else { DBG_TRC(("Settings: Using preferred settings of video width and height " "-> dump of actual size is below")); } } else { lWidth = lDefaultWidth; lHeight = lDefaultHeight; }
hr = CDShowUtil::SetPreferredVideoFormat(pCapturePin, pMediaSubType, lWidth, lHeight, m_pVideoProperties);
if (hr != S_OK) { DBG_TRC(("Failed to set width = '%lu' and height = '%lu', " "attempting to set it to its default settings of " "width = '%lu', height = '%lu'", lWidth, lHeight, lDefaultWidth, lDefaultHeight));
hr = CDShowUtil::SetPreferredVideoFormat(pCapturePin, pDefaultMediaSubType, lDefaultWidth, lDefaultHeight, m_pVideoProperties); }
if (hr != S_OK) { hr = S_OK; DBG_WRN(("Failed on all attempts to set the preferrences of " "the video properties (MediaSubType, width, height). " "Attempting to continue anyway")); } }
// 6. Attempt to set the frame rate to 30 frames per second. If this
// fails for some reason, try 15 frames per second. If that fails,
// then just accept the default and keep going.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LONG lDefaultFrameRate = m_pVideoProperties->dwFrameRate;
if (lDefaultFrameRate < BACKUP_FRAME_RATE) { lDefaultFrameRate = PREFERRED_FRAME_RATE; }
if (m_pVideoProperties->PreferredSettingsMask & PREFERRED_SETTING_MASK_VIDEO_FRAMERATE) { lFrameRate = m_pVideoProperties->PreferredFrameRate;
if (lFrameRate < BACKUP_FRAME_RATE) { lFrameRate = lDefaultFrameRate; } } else { lFrameRate = PREFERRED_FRAME_RATE; }
hr = CDShowUtil::SetFrameRate(pCapturePin, lFrameRate, m_pVideoProperties);
if (hr != S_OK) { DBG_WRN(("WARNING: Failed to set frame rate to %lu. " "This is not fatal, attempting to set it to %lu, " "hr = 0x%08lx", lFrameRate, BACKUP_FRAME_RATE, hr));
hr = CDShowUtil::SetFrameRate(pCapturePin, lDefaultFrameRate, m_pVideoProperties);
if (hr != S_OK) { DBG_WRN(("WARNING: Failed to set frame rate to %lu. " "This is not fatal, continuing to build graph, " "hr = 0x%08lx", lDefaultFrameRate, hr)); } }
// This is a nice to have, but if we can't then continue
// anyway, better low quality video than no video at all.
hr = S_OK; }
// Set the picture and camera attributes to our preferred settings,
// if we can.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// If this camera supports setting the picture attributes, then
// lets make sure that we set the ones we are interested in.
// This uses the DShow IAMVideoProcAmp interface
if (m_pVideoProperties->bPictureAttributesUsed) { //
// Make sure we are outputing color video (as opposed to black and white)
hr = CDShowUtil::SetPictureAttribute(pCaptureFilter, &m_pVideoProperties->ColorEnable, (LONG) TRUE, VideoProcAmp_Flags_Manual);
// Turn on backlight compensation, to get the best video we can.
hr = CDShowUtil::SetPictureAttribute(pCaptureFilter, &m_pVideoProperties->BacklightCompensation, (LONG) TRUE, VideoProcAmp_Flags_Manual);
// Make sure white balance is set to auto
hr = CDShowUtil::SetPictureAttribute(pCaptureFilter, &m_pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance, m_pVideoProperties->WhiteBalance.lCurrentValue, VideoProcAmp_Flags_Auto); }
// If the camera supports setting the camera attributes, then set the
// camera attributes we are interested in.
if (m_pVideoProperties->bCameraAttributesUsed) { //
// Turn on auto exposure.
hr = CDShowUtil::SetCameraAttribute(pCaptureFilter, &m_pVideoProperties->Exposure, m_pVideoProperties->Exposure.lCurrentValue, CameraControl_Flags_Auto); }
hr = S_OK; }
// Dump the video properties
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *ppCapturePin = pCapturePin; (*ppCapturePin)->AddRef(); }
return hr; }
// ConnectFilters
// This function connects the
// capture filter's still pin
// or it's capture pin to the
// color space converter. It
// then connects the color space
// converter to the WIA Stream
// snapshot filter. Last, it
// renders the WIA Stream Snapshot
// filter to bring in any remaining
// required filters (such as the
// video renderer)
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::ConnectFilters(IGraphBuilder *pGraphBuilder, IPin *pMediaSourceOutputPin, IBaseFilter *pColorSpaceFilter, IBaseFilter *pWiaFilter, IBaseFilter *pVideoRenderer) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IPin> pOutputPinToConnect;
ASSERT(pGraphBuilder != NULL); ASSERT(pMediaSourceOutputPin != NULL); ASSERT(pVideoRenderer != NULL);
if ((pGraphBuilder == NULL) || (pMediaSourceOutputPin == NULL) || (pVideoRenderer == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::ConnectFilters received a NULL pointer")); }
pOutputPinToConnect = pMediaSourceOutputPin;
DBG_TRC(("CPreviewGraph::ConnectFilters, PinToRender is the " "Capture Filter's Output Pin"));
if (pColorSpaceFilter) { CComPtr<IPin> pColorInputPin; CComPtr<IPin> pColorOutputPin;
// Get the input pin on the color space filter.
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = CDShowUtil::GetPin(pColorSpaceFilter, PINDIR_INPUT, &pColorInputPin); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::ConnectFilters, failed to get the " "color space converter's input pin")); }
// Connect the Capture Filter's output pin to the color space
// converter's input pin.
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pGraphBuilder->Connect(pMediaSourceOutputPin, pColorInputPin); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::ConnectFilters, failed to connect the " "capture filter's pin to the color space converter pin")); }
// Get the output pin on the color space converter.
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = CDShowUtil::GetPin(pColorSpaceFilter, PINDIR_OUTPUT, &pColorOutputPin);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::ConnectFilters, failed to get the " "color space converter's output pin")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { pOutputPinToConnect = pColorOutputPin; DBG_TRC(("CPreviewGraph::ConnectFilters, PinToRender is the " "Color Space Converter's Output Pin")); }
// If this fails, so what. Try to connect WIA Stream Snapshot
// filter anyway.
hr = S_OK; }
if (pWiaFilter) { CComPtr<IPin> pWiaInputPin; CComPtr<IPin> pWiaOutputPin;
// Get the input pin on the WIA Stream Snapshot filter.
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = CDShowUtil::GetPin(pWiaFilter, PINDIR_INPUT, &pWiaInputPin); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::ConnectFilters, failed to get the " "WIA Stream Snapshot filter's input pin")); }
// Connect the output pin of the color space converter to the input
// pin on the WIA Stream Snapshot filter.
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pGraphBuilder->Connect(pOutputPinToConnect, pWiaInputPin); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::ConnectFilters, failed to connect the " "pin to render to the WIA Stream Snapshot " "input pin")); }
// Get the output pin on the WIA Stream Snapshot filter.
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = CDShowUtil::GetPin(pWiaFilter, PINDIR_OUTPUT, &pWiaOutputPin); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::ConnectFilters, failed to get the " "WIA Stream Snapshot filter's output pin")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { pOutputPinToConnect = pWiaOutputPin; DBG_TRC(("CPreviewGraph::ConnectFilters, PinToRender is the " "WIA Stream Snapshot Filter's Output Pin")); } }
// Render the output pin of the WIA Stream Snapshot filter.
// This completes the graph building process.
if (hr == S_OK) { CComPtr<IPin> pVideoRendererInputPin;
// Get the input pin on the WIA Stream Snapshot filter.
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = CDShowUtil::GetPin(pVideoRenderer, PINDIR_INPUT, &pVideoRendererInputPin); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::ConnectFilters, failed to get the " "WIA Stream Snapshot filter's input pin")); }
// Connect the output pin of the color space converter to the input
// pin on the WIA Stream Snapshot filter.
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pGraphBuilder->Connect(pOutputPinToConnect, pVideoRendererInputPin); CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::ConnectFilters, failed to connect the " "pin to render to the Video Renderer " "input pin")); } }
pOutputPinToConnect = NULL;
return hr; }
// BuildPreviewGraph
// This builds the preview graph
// based on the device ID we
// pass it.
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph(IMoniker *pCaptureDeviceMoniker, BOOL bStretchToFitParent) { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph");
ASSERT(pCaptureDeviceMoniker != NULL);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IPin> pCapturePin;
if (pCaptureDeviceMoniker == NULL) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("ERROR: CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph " "received a NULL param"));
return hr; }
// This function will build one of three possible graphs.
// (1) The capture filter does NOT have a
// still pin on it (or if it does it is useless because
// it is not triggerable either via hardware, or programmatically)
// CaptureFilter(Capture Pin) -> Decoder -> Color Converter -> WIA StreamSnapshot -> Renderer
// (2) The capture filter has a still pin that is programmatically
// triggerable.
// CaptureFilter(CapturePin) -> Decoder -> Video Renderer
// (StillPin) -> Decoder -> Color Converter -> WIA StreamSnapshot -> Renderer
// (3) The capture filter has a still pin, but it is only
// triggered via external hardware button. In this case, if we
// trigger a snapshot programmatically, the image comes from
// the WIA Snapshot filter off of the Capture/Preview Pin.
// If the hardware button is pressed, the image comes from the
// WIA snapshot filter off of the StillPin.
// CaptureFilter(CapturePin) -> Decoder -> Color Converter -> WIA StreamSnapshot -> Renderer
// (StillPin) -> Decoder -> Color Converter -> WIA StreamSnapshot -> Renderer
DBG_TRC(("CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph - Starting to build preview " "graph"));
// 1. Create the capture filter based on the device ID we were given.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CreateCaptureFilter(pCaptureDeviceMoniker, &m_pCaptureFilter); // passed by ref
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph, failed to " "create capture filter")); }
// 2. Create the DShow graph builder objects allowing us to
// manipulate the graph.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CDShowUtil::CreateGraphBuilder(&m_pCaptureGraphBuilder, &m_pGraphBuilder);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph, failed to " "create DShow graph builder object")); }
// 3. Add the capture filter to the graph.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = AddCaptureFilterToGraph(m_pCaptureFilter, &pCapturePin); }
// 4. Get the Still Pin capabilities of the capture filter (if it has a
// still pin at all)
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = GetStillPinCaps(m_pCaptureFilter, &m_pStillPin, &m_pVideoControl, &m_lStillPinCaps);
if (hr != S_OK) { //
// This is not an error condition, it simply means that the
// capture filter does not have a still pin on it. That's
// okay, we can deal with that below.
hr = S_OK; }
// Render the preview/capture stream.
// ==================================
// If we don't have a still pin, or the still pin cannot be internally
// triggered, we build the following preview graph.
// CaptureFilter(Capture Pin) -> Decoder -> WIA StreamSnapshot -> Renderer
// If we do have a still pin, and it is internally triggerable, then
// we build the following preview graph (and add the still filter to the
// still pin)
// CaptureFilter(CapturePin) -> Decoder -> WIA StreamSnapshot -> Renderer
// (StillPin) -> Decoder -> WIA StreamSnapshot -> Renderer
// 5. If we don't have a still pin, or it is only externally triggerable
// then add the WIA StreamSnapshot Filter to the preview/capture pin.
if ((m_pStillPin == NULL) || (m_lStillPinCaps & VideoControlFlag_Trigger) == 0) { CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pWiaFilter; CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pColorSpaceConverter; CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pVideoRenderer;
DBG_TRC(("CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph, capture filter does NOT have " "a still pin, image captures will be triggered " "through the WIA Snapshot filter"));
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = AddColorConverterToGraph(L"Color Converter on Capture Pin Graph", &pColorSpaceConverter);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph, failed to " "add Color Converter to graph"));
// Even if this fails, we still may be able to successfully build
// a graph, so attempt to continue.
hr = S_OK; }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = AddStillFilterToGraph(L"Still Filter On Capture", &pWiaFilter, &m_pCapturePinSnapshot);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph, failed to " "add 'Still Filter On Capture' to graph")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = AddVideoRendererToGraph(L"Video Renderer On Capture", &pVideoRenderer);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph, failed to " "add 'Video Renderer On Capture' to graph")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { //
// Connect as follows:
// Capture Filter --> Color Space Converter --> WIA Stream Snapshot Filter
hr = ConnectFilters(m_pGraphBuilder, pCapturePin, pColorSpaceConverter, pWiaFilter, pVideoRenderer); }
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph, failed to " "add still filter to graph off of the capture pin")); } else { CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pColorSpaceConverter; CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pVideoRenderer;
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = AddColorConverterToGraph(L"Color Converter on Capture Pin Graph", &pColorSpaceConverter);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph, failed to " "add Color Converter to graph"));
// Even if this fails, we still should be able to build the graph,
// so continue.
hr = S_OK; }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = AddVideoRendererToGraph(L"Video Renderer On Capture", &pVideoRenderer);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph, failed to " "add 'Video Renderer On Capture' to graph")); }
// Still Pin exists, and it is triggerable, so simply render
// the capture pin. We connect the Still Pin below
hr = ConnectFilters(m_pGraphBuilder, pCapturePin, pColorSpaceConverter, NULL, pVideoRenderer);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph, failed to connect " "filters to render capture pin, therefore won't see video")); }
CDShowUtil::MyDumpGraph(TEXT("Capture Graph before processing Still Pin (if exists)"), m_pGraphBuilder); //
// Render the Still Pin stream
// ===========================
// If we have a still pin, then add the still filter to the
// graph, and render the still pin. This will produce the
// following graph:
// CaptureFilter(StillPin) -> Decoder -> StillFilter -> Renderer (hidden)
// 6. Now add the WIA Stream Snapshot filter to the still pin if it
// exists.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (m_pStillPin)) { CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pWiaFilter; CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pColorSpaceConverter; CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pVideoRenderer;
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = AddColorConverterToGraph(L"Color Converter on Still Pin Graph", &pColorSpaceConverter);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph, failed to " "add Color Converter to graph"));
// This is not fatail if we fail. Ideally we would like it in
// here, but try going on anyway, in case we can succeed without
// this filter.
hr = S_OK; }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = AddStillFilterToGraph(L"Still filter on Still", &pWiaFilter, &m_pStillPinSnapshot);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph, failed to add " "'Still filter on Still' filter to the graph. " "Probably won't be able to capture still images")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = AddVideoRendererToGraph(L"Video Renderer On Still", &pVideoRenderer);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph, failed to " "add 'Video Renderer On Still' to graph")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { //
// Connect as follows:
// Capture Filter --> Color Space Converter --> WIA Stream Snapshot Filter
hr = ConnectFilters(m_pGraphBuilder, m_pStillPin, pColorSpaceConverter, pWiaFilter, pVideoRenderer);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph, failed to " "connect graph to Still Pin on Capture Filter. " "This will prevent us from capturing still images")); } }
CDShowUtil::MyDumpGraph(TEXT("*** Complete Graph ***"), m_pGraphBuilder);
// 7. Turn off the graph's clock. We do this in case some frames are
// delivered late, at least they will still be delivered, the graph
// won't drop them. Since we don't have any sound, we can do this
// without worrying about losing sync with our sound.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CDShowUtil::TurnOffGraphClock(m_pGraphBuilder);
if (hr != S_OK) { DBG_WRN(("CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph, failed to turn off the " "graph clock. This is not fatal, continuing..., hr = 0x%lx", hr));
hr = S_OK; } }
// 8. Register ourselves with the WIA StreamSnapshot Filter so that
// a callback of ours will be called if a still image is available.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// the graph is ready to run. Initialize still filter and
// register callback to get notification for new snapshots.
if (m_pCapturePinSnapshot) { m_pCapturePinSnapshot->SetSamplingSize( CAPTURE_NUM_SAMPLES_TO_CACHE); }
if (m_pStillPinSnapshot) { m_pStillPinSnapshot->SetSamplingSize(STILL_NUM_SAMPLES_TO_CACHE); }
hr = m_StillProcessor.RegisterStillProcessor(m_pCapturePinSnapshot, m_pStillPinSnapshot);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::BuildPreviewGraph, failed to " "register our still processor's callback fn")); }
// 9. Get the Video Renderer window off of the preview/capture pin.
// This will allow us to control the renderer position, size, etc.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = InitVideoWindows(m_hwndParent, m_pCaptureFilter, &m_pPreviewVW, bStretchToFitParent); }
return hr; }
// TeardownPreviewGraph
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::TeardownPreviewGraph() { DBG_FN("CPreviewGraph::TeardownPreviewGraph");
m_pStillPin = NULL; m_pVideoControl = NULL; m_pStillPinSnapshot = NULL; m_pCapturePinSnapshot = NULL;
if (m_pPreviewVW) { CDShowUtil::ShowVideo(FALSE, m_pPreviewVW); CDShowUtil::SetVideoWindowParent(NULL, m_pPreviewVW, &m_lStyle);
m_pPreviewVW = NULL; }
// Remove all the filters from the graph.
if (m_pGraphBuilder) { RemoveAllFilters(); }
CDShowUtil::MyDumpGraph(TEXT("Graph after removing all filters ") TEXT("(should be empty)"), m_pGraphBuilder);
m_pCaptureGraphBuilder = NULL; m_pGraphBuilder = NULL; m_pCaptureFilter = NULL;
return hr; }
// RemoveAllFilters
// Notice this function makes no
// attempt to disconnect each filter
// before removing it. According to
// MSDN, you do not need to disconnect
// a filter before removing it, you only
// need to ensure that the graph is stopped.
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::RemoveAllFilters() { ASSERT(m_pGraphBuilder != NULL);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IEnumFilters> pEnum = NULL; DWORD dwRefCount = 0; BOOL bDone = FALSE;
if (m_pGraphBuilder == NULL) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::RemoveAllFilters, m_pGraphBuilder " "is NULL, cannot remove filters")); }
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = m_pGraphBuilder->EnumFilters(&pEnum); }
if (pEnum) { // enumerate each filter.
while (!bDone) { CComPtr<IBaseFilter> pFilter = NULL; DWORD dwNumFetched = 0;
// Notice we reset our enumeration on every iteration since
// the act of removing a filter from the graph may do some
// funny things, so we really want to always remove the first
// filter we get from the list until the list is empty.
hr = pEnum->Reset();
if (hr == S_OK) { hr = pEnum->Next(1, &pFilter, &dwNumFetched); }
if (hr == S_OK) { //
// This will disconnect the filter's pins and remove
// it from the graph. If this fails, we want to get out
// of the loop because otherwise we'll be in an endless loop
// since we failed to remove the filter, then we reset our
// enum and get the next filter, which will be this
// filter again.
hr = m_pGraphBuilder->RemoveFilter(pFilter);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CPreviewGraph::RemoveAllFilters, " "RemoveFilter failed"));
// Release our ref count.
pFilter = NULL; }
if (hr != S_OK) { bDone = TRUE; } } }
hr = S_OK;
return hr; }
// HandlePowerEvent
LRESULT CPreviewGraph::HandlePowerEvent(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT iReturn = TRUE;
if (wParam == PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND) { if (GetState() != WIAVIDEO_NO_VIDEO) { iReturn = BROADCAST_QUERY_DENY; } }
return iReturn; }
// CreateHiddenWindow
// Used to handle power management
// messages.
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::CreateHiddenWindow() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WNDCLASSEX wc = {0};
wc.style = 0; wc.cbSize = sizeof(wc); wc.lpfnWndProc = HiddenWndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = sizeof(this); wc.hInstance = _Module.GetModuleInstance(); wc.hIcon = NULL; wc.hIconSm = NULL; wc.hCursor = 0; wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1); wc.lpszMenuName = 0; wc.lpszClassName = TEXT("WIAVIDEO_POWERMGMT");
m_hwndPowerMgmt = CreateWindowEx(0, TEXT("WIAVIDEO_POWERMGMT"), TEXT("WIAVIDEO_POWERMGMT"), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, _Module.GetModuleInstance(), this); return hr; }
// DestroyHiddenWindow
HRESULT CPreviewGraph::DestroyHiddenWindow() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (m_hwndPowerMgmt) { SendMessage(m_hwndPowerMgmt, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); }
m_hwndPowerMgmt = NULL;
return hr; }
// HiddenWndProc
// Static Function
LRESULT CALLBACK CPreviewGraph::HiddenWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uiMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT iReturn = 0;
switch (uiMessage) { case WM_CREATE: { CREATESTRUCT *pCreateInfo = reinterpret_cast<CREATESTRUCT*>(lParam); if (pCreateInfo) { SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, 0, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(pCreateInfo->lpCreateParams)); } } break;
case WM_POWERBROADCAST: { CPreviewGraph *pPreviewGraph = NULL;
pPreviewGraph = reinterpret_cast<CPreviewGraph*>(GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, 0));
if (pPreviewGraph) { iReturn = pPreviewGraph->HandlePowerEvent(wParam, lParam); } } break;
case WM_CLOSE: DestroyWindow(hwnd); break;
default: iReturn = DefWindowProc(hwnd, uiMessage, wParam, lParam); break; }
return iReturn; }