* * (C) COPYRIGHT MICROSOFT CORPORATION, 1999-2000 * * TITLE: StillPrc.cpp * * VERSION: 1.0 * * AUTHOR: OrenR * * DATE: 2000/10/27 * * DESCRIPTION: Implements Still Image Processing. * *****************************************************************************/ #include <precomp.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <gphelper.h>
using namespace Gdiplus;
// CStillProcessor Constructor
CStillProcessor::CStillProcessor() : m_bTakePicturePending(FALSE), m_hSnapshotReadyEvent(NULL), m_uiFileNumStartPoint(0) { DBG_FN("CStillProcessor::CStillProcessor");
// This event is used to wait for a picture to be returned to us from the
// still pin on the capture filter (if it exists)
m_hSnapshotReadyEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
ASSERT(m_hSnapshotReadyEvent != NULL); }
// CStillProcessor Destructor
CStillProcessor::~CStillProcessor() { DBG_FN("CStillProcessor::~CStillProcessor");
if (m_hSnapshotReadyEvent) { CloseHandle(m_hSnapshotReadyEvent); m_hSnapshotReadyEvent = NULL; } }
// Init
HRESULT CStillProcessor::Init(CPreviewGraph *pPreviewGraph) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
m_pPreviewGraph = pPreviewGraph;
return hr; }
// Term
HRESULT CStillProcessor::Term() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
m_pPreviewGraph = NULL;
return hr; }
// SetTakePicturePending
HRESULT CStillProcessor::SetTakePicturePending(BOOL bTakePicturePending) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
m_bTakePicturePending = bTakePicturePending;
return hr; }
// IsTakePicturePending
BOOL CStillProcessor::IsTakePicturePending() { return m_bTakePicturePending; }
// CreateImageDir
HRESULT CStillProcessor::CreateImageDir( const CSimpleString *pstrImagesDirectory) { DBG_FN("CStillProcessor::CreateImageDir");
ASSERT(pstrImagesDirectory != NULL);
if (pstrImagesDirectory == NULL) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CStillProcessor::CreateImage received a NULL " "param"));
return hr; }
if (hr == S_OK) { m_strImageDir = *pstrImagesDirectory; m_uiFileNumStartPoint = 0;
if (!RecursiveCreateDirectory(pstrImagesDirectory)) { DBG_ERR(("ERROR: Failed to create directory '%ls', last " "error = %d", m_strImageDir.String(), ::GetLastError())); } else { DBG_TRC(("*** Images will be stored in '%ls' ***", m_strImageDir.String())); } } return hr; }
// DoesDirectoryExist
// Checks to see whether the given
// fully qualified directory exists.
BOOL CStillProcessor::DoesDirectoryExist(LPCTSTR pszDirectoryName) { DBG_FN("CStillProcessor::DoesDirectoryExist");
BOOL bExists = FALSE;
if (pszDirectoryName) { //
// Try to determine if this directory exists
DWORD dwFileAttributes = GetFileAttributes(pszDirectoryName); if ((dwFileAttributes == 0xFFFFFFFF) || !(dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { bExists = FALSE; } else { bExists = TRUE; } } else { bExists = FALSE; }
return bExists; }
// RecursiveCreateDirectory
// Take a fully qualified path and
// create the directory in pieces as
// needed.
BOOL CStillProcessor::RecursiveCreateDirectory( const CSimpleString *pstrDirectoryName) { DBG_FN("CStillProcessor::RecursiveCreateDirectory");
ASSERT(pstrDirectoryName != NULL);
// If this directory already exists, return true.
if (DoesDirectoryExist(*pstrDirectoryName)) { return TRUE; }
// Otherwise try to create it.
CreateDirectory(*pstrDirectoryName, NULL);
// If it now exists, return true
if (DoesDirectoryExist(*pstrDirectoryName)) { return TRUE; } else { //
// Remove the last subdir and try again
int nFind = pstrDirectoryName->ReverseFind(TEXT('\\')); if (nFind >= 0) { RecursiveCreateDirectory(&(pstrDirectoryName->Left(nFind)));
// Now try to create it.
CreateDirectory(*pstrDirectoryName, NULL); } }
//Does it exist now?
return DoesDirectoryExist(*pstrDirectoryName); }
// RegisterStillProcessor
HRESULT CStillProcessor::RegisterStillProcessor( IStillSnapshot *pFilterOnCapturePin, IStillSnapshot *pFilterOnStillPin) { DBG_FN("CStillProcessor::RegisterStillProcessor");
m_CaptureCallbackParams.pStillProcessor = this; m_StillCallbackParams.pStillProcessor = this;
if (pFilterOnCapturePin) { hr = pFilterOnCapturePin->RegisterSnapshotCallback( CStillProcessor::SnapshotCallback, (LPARAM) &m_CaptureCallbackParams);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("Failed to register for callbacks with WIA filter " " on capture pin")); }
if (pFilterOnStillPin) { hr = pFilterOnStillPin->RegisterSnapshotCallback( CStillProcessor::SnapshotCallback, (LPARAM) &m_StillCallbackParams);
CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("Failed to register for callbacks with WIA filter " "on still pin")); }
// Reset our file name starting point number
m_uiFileNumStartPoint = 0;
return hr; }
// WaitForNewImage
HRESULT CStillProcessor::WaitForNewImage(UINT uiTimeout, CSimpleString *pstrNewImageFullPath)
{ DBG_FN("CStillProcessor::WaitForCompletion");
// Wait for callback function to return from Still Filter which will
// trigger this event.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && m_hSnapshotReadyEvent) { DWORD dwRes = 0;
// Wait for snapshot to complete for dwTimeout seconds.
dwRes = WaitForSingleObject(m_hSnapshotReadyEvent, uiTimeout );
if (dwRes == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { if (pstrNewImageFullPath) { pstrNewImageFullPath->Assign(m_strLastSavedFile); } } else { hr = E_FAIL;
if (pstrNewImageFullPath) { pstrNewImageFullPath->Assign(TEXT("")); }
if (dwRes == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("***Timed out waiting for " "m_hSnapshotReadyEvent!***")); } else if (dwRes == WAIT_ABANDONED) { CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("***WAIT_ABANDONED while waiting for " "m_hSnapshotReadyEvent!***")); } else { CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("***Unknown error (dwRes = %d) waiting " "for m_hSnapshotReadyEvent***", dwRes)); } } }
return hr; }
// ProcessImage
HRESULT CStillProcessor::ProcessImage(HGLOBAL hDIB) { DBG_FN("CStillProcessor::ProcessImage");
if (hDIB == NULL) { hr = E_FAIL; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CStillProcessor::ProcessImage, received NULL " "image data")); return hr; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CSimpleString strJPEG; CSimpleString strBMP;
hr = CreateFileName(&strJPEG, &strBMP);
// Save the new image to a file
hr = SaveToFile(hDIB, &strJPEG, &strBMP);
// Let people know the image is available...
if (IsTakePicturePending()) { if (m_hSnapshotReadyEvent) { m_strLastSavedFile = strJPEG;
SetEvent(m_hSnapshotReadyEvent); } else { DBG_WRN(("CStillProcessor::ProcessImage, failed to Set " "SnapshotReady event because it was NULL")); } } else { if (m_pPreviewGraph) { hr = m_pPreviewGraph->ProcessAsyncImage(&strJPEG); } else { DBG_WRN(("CStillProcessor::ProcessImage failed to call " "ProcessAsyncImage, m_pPreviewGraph is NULL")); } } }
return hr; }
// SnapshotCallback
// Static Fn
// This function is called by the
// WIA StreamSnapshot Filter
// in wiasf.ax. It delivers to us
// the newly captured still image.
BOOL CStillProcessor::SnapshotCallback(HGLOBAL hDIB, LPARAM lParam) { DBG_FN("CStillProcessor::SnapshotCallback");
BOOL bSuccess = TRUE;
SnapshotCallbackParam_t *pCallbackParam = (SnapshotCallbackParam_t*) lParam;
if (pCallbackParam) { if (pCallbackParam->pStillProcessor) { pCallbackParam->pStillProcessor->ProcessImage(hDIB); } } else { bSuccess = FALSE; DBG_ERR(("CStillProcessor::SnapshotCallback, pCallbackParam is " "NULL when it should contain the snapshot callback params")); }
return bSuccess; }
// ConvertToJPEG
// Takes a .bmp file and converts
// it to a .jpg file
HRESULT CStillProcessor::ConvertToJPEG(LPCTSTR pszInputFilename, LPCTSTR pszOutputFilename) { DBG_FN("CStillProcessor::ConvertToJPEG");
HRESULT hr = CGdiPlusHelper().Convert( CSimpleStringConvert::WideString( CSimpleString(pszInputFilename)).String(), CSimpleStringConvert::WideString( CSimpleString(pszOutputFilename)).String(), ImageFormatJPEG);
CHECK_S_OK(hr); return hr; }
// CreateFileName
HRESULT CStillProcessor::CreateFileName(CSimpleString *pstrJPEG, CSimpleString *pstrBMP) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; UINT uiNum = 0;
if ((pstrJPEG == NULL) || (pstrBMP == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CStillProcessor::CreateFileName received " "NULL param"));
return hr; }
TCHAR szJPG[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0};
CSimpleString strBaseName(IDS_SNAPSHOT, _Module.GetModuleInstance()); CSimpleString strNumberFormat(IDS_NUM_FORMAT, _Module.GetModuleInstance());
// Get the lowest number JPG file name we can find.
m_uiFileNumStartPoint = NumberedFileName::GenerateLowestAvailableNumberedFileName(0, szJPG, (sizeof(szJPG) / sizeof(szJPG[0])) - 1, m_strImageDir, strBaseName, strNumberFormat, TEXT("jpg"), false, m_uiFileNumStartPoint);
// Save the returned JPG file name.
*pstrJPEG = szJPG;
// Give the BMP file, which is a temp file, the same name as the JPG
// but strip off the JPG extension and attach the BMP extension instead.
pstrBMP->Assign(*pstrJPEG); *pstrBMP = pstrBMP->Left(pstrBMP->ReverseFind(TEXT(".jpg"))); pstrBMP->Concat(TEXT(".bmp"));
return hr; }
// SaveToFile
// This method is called when the
// DShow filter driver delivers us
// a new set of bits from a snapshot
// that was just taken. We write these
// bits out to a file.
HRESULT CStillProcessor::SaveToFile(HGLOBAL hDib, const CSimpleString *pstrJPEG, const CSimpleString *pstrBMP) { DBG_FN("CStillProcessor::SaveToFile");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BITMAPINFO * pbmi = NULL; LPBYTE pImageBits = NULL; LPBYTE pColorTable = NULL; LPBYTE pFileBits = NULL; UINT uNum = 1; UINT uFileSize = 0; UINT uDibSize = 0; UINT uColorTableSize = 0;
if ((hDib == NULL) || (pstrJPEG == NULL) || (pstrBMP == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("CStillProcessor::SaveToFile, received NULL param")); return hr; }
// calculate where the bits are -- basically,
// right after BITMAPINFOHEADER + color table
pbmi = (BITMAPINFO *)GlobalLock(hDib);
if (pbmi) { //
// Find the image bits
pImageBits = (LPBYTE)pbmi + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); if (pbmi->bmiHeader.biClrUsed) { pImageBits += pbmi->bmiHeader.biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD); } else if (pbmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount <= 8) { pImageBits += (1 << pbmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount) * sizeof(RGBQUAD); } else if (pbmi->bmiHeader.biCompression == BI_BITFIELDS) { pImageBits += (3 * sizeof(DWORD)); }
pColorTable = (LPBYTE)pbmi + pbmi->bmiHeader.biSize; uColorTableSize = (DWORD)(pImageBits - pColorTable);
// calculate the size of the image bits & size of full file
UINT uiSrcScanLineWidth = 0; UINT uiScanLineWidth = 0;
// Align scanline to ULONG boundary
uiSrcScanLineWidth = (pbmi->bmiHeader.biWidth * pbmi->bmiHeader.biBitCount) / 8;
uiScanLineWidth = (uiSrcScanLineWidth + 3) & 0xfffffffc;
// Calculate DIB size and allocate memory for the DIB.
uDibSize = (pbmi->bmiHeader.biHeight > 0) ? pbmi->bmiHeader.biHeight * uiScanLineWidth : -(pbmi->bmiHeader.biHeight) * uiScanLineWidth;
uFileSize = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + pbmi->bmiHeader.biSize + uColorTableSize + uDibSize;
} else { hr = E_FAIL; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("Unable to lock hDib")); return hr; }
// Create a mapped view to the new file so we can start writing out
// the bits...
CMappedView cmv(pstrBMP->String(), uFileSize, OPEN_ALWAYS);
pFileBits = cmv.Bits();
if (!pFileBits) { hr = E_FAIL; CHECK_S_OK2(hr, ("Filemapping failed")); return hr; }
bmfh.bfType = (WORD)'MB'; bmfh.bfSize = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER); bmfh.bfReserved1 = 0; bmfh.bfReserved2 = 0;
bmfh.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + (DWORD)(pImageBits - (LPBYTE)pbmi);
memcpy( pFileBits, &bmfh, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); pFileBits += sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER);
memcpy( pFileBits, pbmi, pbmi->bmiHeader.biSize ); pFileBits += pbmi->bmiHeader.biSize;
// If there's a color table or color mask, write it out
if (pImageBits > pColorTable) { memcpy( pFileBits, pColorTable, pImageBits - pColorTable ); pFileBits += (pImageBits - pColorTable); }
// Write out the image bits
memcpy(pFileBits, pImageBits, uDibSize );
// We're done w/the image bits now & the file mapping
GlobalUnlock( hDib ); cmv.CloseAndRelease();
// Convert image to .jpg file
if (SUCCEEDED(ConvertToJPEG(*pstrBMP, *pstrJPEG ))) { DeleteFile(*pstrBMP); } else { DBG_ERR(("CStillProcessor::SaveToFile, failed to create image file '%ls'", pstrJPEG->String())); }
return hr; }