Copyright (c) 1995-96 Microsoft Corporation
Abstract: hfdebug.h
Debugging stuff for use in Hyperfine. See core/debug/hfdebug.txt for more information.
#ifndef _HFDEBUG_H_
#define _HFDEBUG_H_
#include "crtdbg.h"
#include <stdio.h>
// VC 5 compiler requires these templates to be outside of extern C
#if _DEBUG
template <class t> inline t TraceFail(t errExpr, int errTest, BOOL fIgnore, LPSTR pstrExpr, LPSTR pstrFile, int line) { return (t) TraceFailL((long) errExpr, errTest, fIgnore, pstrExpr, pstrFile, line); }
template <class t, class v> inline t TraceWin32(t errExpr, v errTest, BOOL fIgnore, LPSTR pstrExpr, LPSTR pstrFile, int line) { return (t) TraceWin32L((long) errExpr, (long)errTest, fIgnore, pstrExpr, pstrFile, line); } #endif
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
// Assert & Verify
#define Assert(x)
#define Verify(x) x
#define StartupAssert(x)
// Trace Tags
typedef int TAG;
#define TraceTag(x)
#define TraceTagEx(x)
#define TraceCallers(tag, iStart, cTotal)
#define DeclareTag(tag, szOwner, szDescription)
#define DeclareTagOther(tag, szOwner, szDescription)
// Memory Allocation
#define BEGIN_LEAK
#define END_LEAK
#define DbgPreAlloc(cb) cb
#define DbgPostAlloc(pv) pv
#define DbgPreFree(pv) pv
#define DbgPostFree()
#define DbgPreRealloc(pv, cb, ppv) cb
#define DbgPostRealloc(pv) pv
#define DbgPreGetSize(pv) pv
#define DbgPostGetSize(cb) cb
#define DbgPreDidAlloc(pv) pv
#define DbgPostDidAlloc(pv, fAct) fAct
#define DbgRegisterMallocSpy()
#define DbgRevokeMallocSpy()
#define DbgMemoryTrackDisable(fb)
// Interface tracing.
#define WATCHINTERFACE(iid, p, pstr) (p)
// Miscelleanous
#define DebugCode(block) // Nothing
// Failure testing
#define TFAIL(x, e) (x)
#define TW32(x, e) (x)
#define THR(x) (x)
#define TFAIL_NOTRACE(e, x) (x)
#define TW32_NOTRACE(e, x) (x)
#define THR_NOTRACE(x) (x)
#define IGNORE_FAIL(e, x) (x)
#define IGNORE_W32(e,x) (x)
#define IGNORE_HR(x) (x)
// Return tracing
#define SRETURN(hr) return (hr)
#define RRETURN(hr) return (hr)
#define RRETURN1(hr, s1) return (hr)
#define RRETURN2(hr, s1, s2) return (hr)
#define RRETURN3(hr, s1, s2, s3) return (hr)
#define SRETURN_NOTRACE(hr) return (hr)
#define RRETURN_NOTRACE(hr) return (hr)
#define RRETURN1_NOTRACE(hr, s1) return (hr)
#define RRETURN2_NOTRACE(hr, s1, s2) return (hr)
#define RRETURN3_NOTRACE(hr, s1, s2, s3) return (hr)
// Debug view
void DebugView(HWND hwndOwner, IUnknown *pUnk);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif
// Object Tracker stuff
#define TRACK_OBJECT(_x_)
/* class __declspec( dllexport) CObjectCheck
{ CObjectCheck(void) {}; ~CObjectCheck(void) {}; void Append(void * pv) {}; };*/
#endif // _HFDEBUG_H_