Copyright (C) 1999- Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements PTP data structure manipulating functions
William Hsieh (williamh) created
Revision History:
#include "ptppch.h"
// This function converts a PTP datetime string to Windows FILETIME.
// Input:
// pptpTime -- the PTP datetime string
// SystemTime -- SYSTEMTIME structure to receive the converted time
// Notes:
// PTP timestamp is a string with the format "YYYYMMDDThhmmss.s", where
// YYYY is the year
// MM is the month(1 - 12)
// DD is the day(1 - 31)
// T is the constant used to separate date and time
// hh is the hour(0 - 23)
// mm is the minute(0 - 59)
// ss is the second(0 - 59)
// .s is the optional 10th of second
// Append it with 'Z' means it is a UTC time.
// Append it with "+/-hhmm" means it is relative to a time zone.
// Append neither means the time zone is unknown, assume time zone of the host.
HRESULT PtpTime2SystemTime( CBstr *pptpTime, SYSTEMTIME *pSystemTime ) { DBG_FN("PTPTime2FileTime");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (!pSystemTime || !pptpTime || !pptpTime->String() || pptpTime->Length() < 4 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 || L'T' != pptpTime->String()[4 + 2 + 2]) { wiauDbgTrace("PtpTime2SystemTime", "Invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
WCHAR TimeString[MAX_PATH]; ZeroMemory(TimeString, sizeof(TimeString)); hr = StringCchCopyW(TimeString, ARRAYSIZE(TimeString), pptpTime->String()); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "PtpTime2SystemTime", "StringCchCopyW failed"); goto Cleanup; }
WCHAR wch; LPWSTR pwcsEnd;
wch = TimeString[4]; TimeString[4] = UNICODE_NULL; pSystemTime->wYear = (WORD)wcstol(TimeString, &pwcsEnd, 10); TimeString[4] = wch; wch = TimeString[6]; TimeString[6] = UNICODE_NULL; pSystemTime->wMonth = (WORD)wcstol(TimeString + 4, &pwcsEnd, 10); TimeString[6] = wch; wch = TimeString[8]; TimeString[8] = UNICODE_NULL; pSystemTime->wDay = (WORD)wcstol(TimeString + 6 , &pwcsEnd, 10); TimeString[8] = wch; wch = TimeString[11]; TimeString[11] = UNICODE_NULL; pSystemTime->wHour = (WORD)wcstol(TimeString + 9, &pwcsEnd, 10); TimeString[11] = wch; wch = TimeString[13]; TimeString[13] = UNICODE_NULL; pSystemTime->wMinute = (WORD)wcstol(TimeString + 11, &pwcsEnd, 10); TimeString[13] = wch; wch = TimeString[15]; TimeString[15] = UNICODE_NULL; pSystemTime->wSecond = (WORD)wcstol(TimeString + 13, &pwcsEnd, 10); TimeString[15] = wch; if (L'.' == wch) { wch = TimeString[17]; TimeString[17] = UNICODE_NULL; pSystemTime->wMilliseconds = 100 * (WORD)wcstol(TimeString + 16, &pwcsEnd, 10); TimeString[17] = wch; } else { pSystemTime->wMilliseconds = 0; }
pSystemTime->wDayOfWeek = 0;
// WIAFIX-8/17/2000-davepar Time zone information is being ignored
Cleanup: return hr; }
// This function converts a SYSTEMTIME to PTP datetime string.
// Input:
// pSystemTime -- the SYSTEMTIME
// pptpTime -- target PTP datatime string
HRESULT SystemTime2PtpTime( SYSTEMTIME *pSystemTime, CBstr *pptpTime, BOOL bTwoDigitsForMilliseconds ) { DBG_FN("SystemTime2PTPTime");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (!pptpTime || !pSystemTime) { wiauDbgError("SystemTime2PtpTime", "Invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
WCHAR ptpTimeStr[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR *pwstr; pwstr = ptpTimeStr;
// Four digits for year, two for month, and two for day
swprintf(pwstr, L"%04d%02d%02d", pSystemTime->wYear, pSystemTime->wMonth, pSystemTime->wDay);
// Separator
pwstr[8] = L'T'; pwstr += 9;
// Two digits for hour, two for minute, and two for second
swprintf(pwstr, L"%02d%02d%02d", pSystemTime->wHour, pSystemTime->wMinute, pSystemTime->wSecond); pwstr += 6;
// Optional tenth second
if (pSystemTime->wMilliseconds) { *pwstr++ = L'.';
// In XP, PTP driver was sending DATETIME string to camera with two digits for milliseconds (bug 699699)
// Some cameras may still expect this format. In this case, vendor should provide custom INF file for
// the camera and include the following string entry under DeviceData key:
// [ModelName.DeviceData]
// ...
// TwoDigitsMillisecondsOutput=1
// ...
if (bTwoDigitsForMilliseconds) { swprintf(pwstr, L"%02d", pSystemTime->wMilliseconds / 10); pwstr += 2; } else { swprintf(pwstr, L"%01d", pSystemTime->wMilliseconds / 100); pwstr += 1; } }
// NULL terminates the string
*pwstr = UNICODE_NULL;
hr = pptpTime->Copy(ptpTimeStr); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("SystemTime2PtpTime", "Copy failed"); return hr; }
return hr; }
// This function dumps a PTP command block to the log
// Input:
// pCommand -- pointer to a PTP command
// NumParams -- number of parameters in the command
VOID DumpCommand( PTP_COMMAND *pCommand, DWORD NumParams ) { if (!pCommand) { wiauDbgError("DumpCommand", "Invalid arg"); return; }
wiauDbgDump("DumpCommand", "Dumping command:"); wiauDbgDump("DumpCommand", " Opcode = 0x%04x", pCommand->OpCode); wiauDbgDump("DumpCommand", " Session id = 0x%08x", pCommand->SessionId); wiauDbgDump("DumpCommand", " Transaction id = 0x%08x", pCommand->TransactionId); if (NumParams) { for (DWORD count = 0; count < NumParams; count++) { wiauDbgDump("DumpCommand", " Parameter %d = 0x%08x = %d", count, pCommand->Params[count], pCommand->Params[count]); } } }
// This function dumps a PTP response block to the log
// Input:
// pResponse -- pointer to a PTP response
VOID DumpResponse( PTP_RESPONSE *pResponse ) { if (!pResponse) { wiauDbgError("DumpResponse", "Invalid arg"); return; } wiauDbgDump("DumpResponse", "Dumping response:"); wiauDbgDump("DumpResponse", " Response code = 0x%04x", pResponse->ResponseCode); wiauDbgDump("DumpResponse", " Session id = 0x%08x", pResponse->SessionId); wiauDbgDump("DumpResponse", " Transaction id = 0x%08x", pResponse->TransactionId); for (DWORD count = 0; count < RESPONSE_NUMPARAMS_MAX; count++) { wiauDbgDump("DumpResponse", " Parameter %d = 0x%08x = %d", count, pResponse->Params[count], pResponse->Params[count]); } }
// This function dumps a PTP event block to the log
// Input:
// pEvent -- pointer to a PTP event
VOID DumpEvent( PTP_EVENT *pEvent ) { if (!pEvent) { wiauDbgError("DumpEvent", "Invalid arg"); return; } wiauDbgDump("DumpEvent", "Dumping event:"); wiauDbgDump("DumpEvent", " Event code = 0x%04x", pEvent->EventCode); wiauDbgDump("DumpEvent", " Session id = 0x%08x", pEvent->SessionId); wiauDbgDump("DumpEvent", " Transaction id = 0x%08x", pEvent->TransactionId); for (DWORD count = 0; count < EVENT_NUMPARAMS_MAX; count++) { wiauDbgDump("DumpEvent", " Parameter %d = 0x%08x = %d", count, pEvent->Params[count], pEvent->Params[count]); } }
// This function dumps a GUID to the log
// Input:
// pGuid -- GUID to dump
VOID DumpGuid( GUID *pGuid ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (!pGuid) { wiauDbgError("DumpGuid", "Invalid arg"); return; }
WCHAR GuidStringW[128]; hr = StringFromGUID2(*pGuid, GuidStringW, sizeof(GuidStringW) / sizeof(WCHAR)); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("DumpGuid", "StringFromGUID2 failed"); return; }
wiauDbgDump("DumpGuid", "Guid = %S", GuidStringW); return; }
// This function opens a registry key
HRESULT CPTPRegistry::Open( HKEY hkAncestor, LPCTSTR KeyName, REGSAM Access ) { DBG_FN("CPTPRegistry::Open");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (m_hKey) { wiauDbgError("Open", "Registry is already open"); return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
DWORD Win32Err; Win32Err = ::RegOpenKeyEx(hkAncestor, KeyName, 0, Access, &m_hKey); if (Win32Err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(Win32Err); wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "Open", "RegOpenKeyEx failed"); return hr; }
return hr; }
// This function gets a string type registry value
// Input:
// ValueName -- the value's name
// pptpStr -- the receive the value
HRESULT CPTPRegistry::GetValueStr( LPCTSTR ValueName, TCHAR *string, DWORD *pcbStringBytes ) { DBG_FN("CPTPRegistry::GetValueStr");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (!ValueName || !string) { wiauDbgError("GetValueStr", "Invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Need to handle non-Unicode
DWORD Win32Err; Win32Err = ::RegQueryValueEx(m_hKey, ValueName, NULL, NULL, (BYTE *) string, pcbStringBytes); if (Win32Err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(Win32Err); wiauDbgErrorHr(hr, "GetValueStr", "RegQueryValueEx failed"); return hr; }
return hr; }
// This function gets a string type registry value and converts it to a DWORD
// Input:
// ValueName -- the value's name
// pptpStr -- the receive the value
HRESULT CPTPRegistry::GetValueDword( LPCTSTR ValueName, DWORD *pValue ) { DBG_FN("CPTPRegistry::GetValueDword");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (!ValueName || !pValue) { wiauDbgError("GetValueDword", "Invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Get the string from the registry
TCHAR string[MAX_PATH]; DWORD stringLen = sizeof(string); hr = GetValueStr(ValueName, string, &stringLen); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("GetValueDword", "GetValueStr failed"); return hr; }
*pValue = _tcstol(string, NULL, 0);
return hr; }
// This function gets a list of codes registry value
// Input:
// ValueName -- the value's name
// pptpStr -- the receive the value
HRESULT CPTPRegistry::GetValueCodes( LPCTSTR ValueName, CArray16 *pCodeArray ) { DBG_FN("CPTPRegistry::GetValueCodes");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (!ValueName || !pCodeArray) { wiauDbgError("GetValueCodes", "Invalid arg"); return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Get the string from the registry
TCHAR valueString[MAX_PATH]; DWORD stringLen = sizeof(valueString); hr = GetValueStr(ValueName, valueString, &stringLen); if (FAILED(hr)) { wiauDbgError("GetValueCodes", "GetValueStr failed"); return hr; }
// Parse the string for codes
TCHAR *pCurrent = _tcstok(valueString, TEXT(",")); WORD code; while (pCurrent) { code = (WORD) _tcstol(pCurrent, NULL, 0); pCodeArray->Add(code); pCurrent = _tcstok(NULL, TEXT(",")); }
return hr; }