* * (C) COPYRIGHT 2000, MICROSOFT CORP. * * FILE: wiaprop.cpp * * VERSION: 1.0 * * DATE: 11/10/2000 * * AUTHOR: Dave Parsons * * DESCRIPTION: * Helper functions for initializing WIA driver properties. * *****************************************************************************/
#include "pch.h"
// Constructor
CWiauPropertyList::CWiauPropertyList() : m_NumAlloc(0), m_NumProps(0), m_pId(NULL), m_pNames(NULL), m_pCurrent(NULL), m_pPropSpec(NULL), m_pAttrib(NULL) { }
// Destructor
CWiauPropertyList::~CWiauPropertyList() { if (m_pId) delete []m_pId; if (m_pNames) delete []m_pNames; if (m_pCurrent) delete []m_pCurrent; if (m_pPropSpec) delete []m_pPropSpec; if (m_pAttrib) delete []m_pAttrib; }
// This function allocates the property arrays
// Input:
// NumProps -- number of properties to reserve space for. This number can be larger
// than the actual number used, but cannot be smaller.
HRESULT CWiauPropertyList::Init(INT NumProps) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
REQUIRE_ARGS(NumProps < 1, hr, "Init");
if (m_NumAlloc > 0) { wiauDbgError("Init", "Property list already initialized"); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
m_pId = new PROPID[NumProps]; m_pNames = new LPOLESTR[NumProps]; m_pCurrent = new PROPVARIANT[NumProps]; m_pPropSpec = new PROPSPEC[NumProps]; m_pAttrib = new WIA_PROPERTY_INFO[NumProps];
REQUIRE_ALLOC(m_pId, hr, "Init"); REQUIRE_ALLOC(m_pNames, hr, "Init"); REQUIRE_ALLOC(m_pCurrent, hr, "Init"); REQUIRE_ALLOC(m_pPropSpec, hr, "Init"); REQUIRE_ALLOC(m_pAttrib, hr, "Init");
m_NumAlloc = NumProps; m_NumProps = 0;
if ((m_pId == NULL) || (m_pNames == NULL) || (m_pCurrent == NULL) || (m_pPropSpec == NULL) || (m_pAttrib == NULL)) { delete m_pId; delete m_pNames; delete m_pCurrent; delete m_pPropSpec; delete m_pAttrib;
m_pId = NULL; m_pNames = NULL; m_pCurrent = NULL; m_pPropSpec = NULL; m_pAttrib = NULL;
return hr; }
// This function adds a property definition to the arrays
// Input:
// index -- pointer to an int that will be set to the array index, useful
// for passing to other property functions
// PropId -- property ID constant
// PropName -- property name string
// Access -- determines access to the property, usually either
// SubType -- indicates subtype of the property, usually either WIA_PROP_NONE,
HRESULT CWiauPropertyList::DefineProperty(int *pIdx, PROPID PropId, LPOLESTR PropName, ULONG Access, ULONG SubType) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
REQUIRE_ARGS(!pIdx, hr, "DefineProperty");
if (m_NumProps >= m_NumAlloc) { wiauDbgError("DefineProperty", "PropertyList is full. Increase number passed to Init"); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
int idx = m_NumProps++;
m_pId[idx] = PropId;
m_pNames[idx] = PropName;
m_pCurrent[idx].vt = VT_EMPTY;
m_pPropSpec[idx].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; m_pPropSpec[idx].propid = PropId;
m_pAttrib[idx].vt = VT_EMPTY; m_pAttrib[idx].lAccessFlags = Access | SubType;
if (pIdx) *pIdx = idx;
Cleanup: return hr; }
// This function sends all the newly created properties to WIA
// Input:
// pWiasContext -- pointer to the context passed to drvInitItemProperties
HRESULT CWiauPropertyList::SendToWia(BYTE *pWiasContext) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
REQUIRE_ARGS(!pWiasContext, hr, "SendToWia");
if (m_NumProps == 0) { wiauDbgError("SendToWia", "No properties in the array, use DefineProperty"); hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
// Set the property names
hr = wiasSetItemPropNames(pWiasContext, m_NumProps, m_pId, m_pNames); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(hr, "SendToWia", "wiasSetItemPropNames failed");
// Set the default values for the properties
hr = wiasWriteMultiple(pWiasContext, m_NumProps, m_pPropSpec, m_pCurrent); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(hr, "SendToWia", "wiasWriteMultiple failed");
// Set property access and valid value info
hr = wiasSetItemPropAttribs(pWiasContext, m_NumProps, m_pPropSpec, m_pAttrib); REQUIRE_SUCCESS(hr, "SendToWia", "wiasSetItemPropAttribs failed");
Cleanup: return hr; }
// This function can be used to reset the access and subtype of a property
// Input:
// index -- the index into the arrays, pass in value returned from DefineProperty
// Access -- determines access to the property, usually either
// SubType -- indicates subtype of the property, usually either WIA_PROP_NONE,
HRESULT CWiauPropertyList::SetAccessSubType(INT index, ULONG Access, ULONG SubType) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (m_pAttrib == NULL) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if (index >= m_NumAlloc) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX); }
if (hr == S_OK) { m_pAttrib[index].lAccessFlags = Access | SubType; }
return hr; }
// Polymorphic function for setting the type and current, default, and valid values of a
// property. This function handles flag properties.
// Input:
// index -- the index into the arrays, pass in value returned from DefineProperty
// defaultValue -- default setting of this property on the device
// currentValue -- current setting of this property on the device
// validFlags -- combination of all valid flags
HRESULT CWiauPropertyList::SetValidValues(INT index, LONG defaultValue, LONG currentValue, LONG validFlags) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ((m_pAttrib == NULL) || (m_pCurrent == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if (index >= m_NumAlloc) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX); }
if (hr == S_OK) { m_pAttrib[index].vt = VT_I4; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.Flag.Nom = defaultValue; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.Flag.ValidBits = validFlags; m_pAttrib[index].lAccessFlags |= WIA_PROP_FLAG; m_pCurrent[index].vt = VT_I4; m_pCurrent[index].lVal = currentValue; }
return hr; }
// Polymorphic function for setting the type and current, default, and valid values of a
// property. This function handles VT_I4 range.
// Input:
// index -- the index into the arrays, pass in value returned from DefineProperty
// defaultValue -- default setting of this property on the device
// currentValue -- current setting of this property on the device
// minValue -- minimum value for the range
// maxValue -- maximum value for the range
// stepValue -- step value for the range
HRESULT CWiauPropertyList::SetValidValues(INT index, LONG defaultValue, LONG currentValue, LONG minValue, LONG maxValue, LONG stepValue) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ((m_pAttrib == NULL) || (m_pCurrent == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if (index >= m_NumAlloc) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX); }
if (hr == S_OK) { m_pAttrib[index].vt = VT_I4; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.Range.Nom = defaultValue; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.Range.Min = minValue; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.Range.Max = maxValue; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.Range.Inc = stepValue; m_pAttrib[index].lAccessFlags |= WIA_PROP_RANGE; m_pCurrent[index].vt = VT_I4; m_pCurrent[index].lVal = currentValue; }
return hr; }
// Polymorphic function for setting the type and current, default, and valid values of a
// property. This function handles VT_I4 list.
// Input:
// index -- the index into the arrays, pass in value returned from DefineProperty
// defaultValue -- default setting of this property on the device
// currentValue -- current setting of this property on the device
// numValues -- number of values in the list
// pValues -- pointer to the value list
HRESULT CWiauPropertyList::SetValidValues(INT index, LONG defaultValue, LONG currentValue, INT numValues, PLONG pValues) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ((m_pAttrib == NULL) || (m_pCurrent == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if (index >= m_NumAlloc) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX); }
if (hr == S_OK) { m_pAttrib[index].vt = VT_I4; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.List.Nom = defaultValue; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.List.cNumList = numValues; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.List.pList = (BYTE*)pValues; m_pAttrib[index].lAccessFlags |= WIA_PROP_LIST; m_pCurrent[index].vt = VT_I4; m_pCurrent[index].lVal = currentValue; }
return hr; }
// Polymorphic function for setting the type and current, default, and valid values of a
// property. This function handles VT_BSTR list.
// Input:
// index -- the index into the arrays, pass in value returned from DefineProperty
// defaultValue -- default setting of this property on the device
// currentValue -- current setting of this property on the device
// numValues -- number of values in the list
// pValues -- pointer to the value list
HRESULT CWiauPropertyList::SetValidValues(INT index, BSTR defaultValue, BSTR currentValue, INT numValues, BSTR *pValues) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ((m_pAttrib == NULL) || (m_pCurrent == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if (index >= m_NumAlloc) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX); }
if (hr == S_OK) { m_pAttrib[index].vt = VT_BSTR; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.ListBStr.Nom = defaultValue; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.ListBStr.cNumList = numValues; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.ListBStr.pList = pValues; m_pAttrib[index].lAccessFlags |= WIA_PROP_LIST; m_pCurrent[index].vt = VT_BSTR; m_pCurrent[index].bstrVal = currentValue; }
return hr; }
// Polymorphic function for setting the type and current, default, and valid values of a
// property. This function handles VT_R4 range.
// Input:
// index -- the index into the arrays, pass in value returned from DefineProperty
// defaultValue -- default setting of this property on the device
// currentValue -- current setting of this property on the device
// minValue -- minimum value for the range
// maxValue -- maximum value for the range
// stepValue -- step value for the range
HRESULT CWiauPropertyList::SetValidValues(INT index, FLOAT defaultValue, FLOAT currentValue, FLOAT minValue, FLOAT maxValue, FLOAT stepValue) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ((m_pAttrib == NULL) || (m_pCurrent == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if (index >= m_NumAlloc) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX); }
if (hr == S_OK) { m_pAttrib[index].vt = VT_R4; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.RangeFloat.Nom = defaultValue; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.RangeFloat.Min = minValue; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.RangeFloat.Max = maxValue; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.RangeFloat.Inc = stepValue; m_pAttrib[index].lAccessFlags |= WIA_PROP_RANGE; m_pCurrent[index].vt = VT_R4; m_pCurrent[index].fltVal = currentValue; }
return hr; }
// Polymorphic function for setting the type and current, default, and valid values of a
// property. This function handles VT_R4 list.
// Input:
// index -- the index into the arrays, pass in value returned from DefineProperty
// defaultValue -- default setting of this property on the device
// currentValue -- current setting of this property on the device
// numValues -- number of values in the list
// pValues -- pointer to the value list
HRESULT CWiauPropertyList::SetValidValues(INT index, FLOAT defaultValue, FLOAT currentValue, INT numValues, PFLOAT pValues) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ((m_pAttrib == NULL) || (m_pCurrent == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if (index >= m_NumAlloc) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX); }
if (hr == S_OK) { m_pAttrib[index].vt = VT_R4; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.ListFloat.Nom = defaultValue; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.ListFloat.cNumList = numValues; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.ListFloat.pList = (BYTE*)pValues; m_pAttrib[index].lAccessFlags |= WIA_PROP_LIST; m_pCurrent[index].vt = VT_R4; m_pCurrent[index].fltVal = currentValue; }
return hr; }
// Polymorphic function for setting the type and current, default, and valid values of a
// property. This function handles VT_CLSID list.
// Input:
// index -- the index into the arrays, pass in value returned from DefineProperty
// defaultValue -- default setting of this property on the device
// currentValue -- current setting of this property on the device
// numValues -- number of values in the list
// pValues -- pointer to the value list
HRESULT CWiauPropertyList::SetValidValues(INT index, CLSID *defaultValue, CLSID *currentValue, INT numValues, CLSID **pValues) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ((m_pAttrib == NULL) || (m_pCurrent == NULL) || (defaultValue == NULL) || (pValues == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if (index >= m_NumAlloc) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX); }
if (hr == S_OK) { m_pAttrib[index].vt = VT_CLSID; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.ListGuid.Nom = *defaultValue; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.ListGuid.cNumList = numValues; m_pAttrib[index].ValidVal.ListGuid.pList = *pValues; m_pAttrib[index].lAccessFlags |= WIA_PROP_LIST; m_pCurrent[index].vt = VT_CLSID; m_pCurrent[index].puuid = currentValue; }
return hr; }
// Polymorphic function for setting the type and current value for a VT_I4
// Input:
// index -- the index into the arrays, pass in value returned from DefineProperty
// value -- value to use for the current value
HRESULT CWiauPropertyList::SetCurrentValue(INT index, LONG value) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ((m_pAttrib == NULL) || (m_pCurrent == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if (index >= m_NumAlloc) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX); }
if (hr == S_OK) { m_pCurrent[index].vt = VT_I4; m_pAttrib[index].vt = VT_I4; m_pCurrent[index].lVal = value; }
return hr; }
// Polymorphic function for setting the type and current value for a VT_BSTR
// Input:
// index -- the index into the arrays, pass in value returned from DefineProperty
// value -- value to use for the current value
HRESULT CWiauPropertyList::SetCurrentValue(INT index, BSTR value) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ((m_pAttrib == NULL) || (m_pCurrent == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if (index >= m_NumAlloc) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX); }
if (hr == S_OK) { m_pCurrent[index].vt = VT_BSTR; m_pAttrib[index].vt = VT_BSTR; m_pCurrent[index].bstrVal = value; }
return hr; }
// Polymorphic function for setting the type and current value for a VT_R4
// Input:
// index -- the index into the arrays, pass in value returned from DefineProperty
// value -- value to use for the current value
HRESULT CWiauPropertyList::SetCurrentValue(INT index, FLOAT value) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ((m_pAttrib == NULL) || (m_pCurrent == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if (index >= m_NumAlloc) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX); }
if (hr == S_OK) { m_pCurrent[index].vt = VT_R4; m_pAttrib[index].vt = VT_R4; m_pCurrent[index].fltVal = value; }
return hr; }
// Polymorphic function for setting the type and current value for a VT_CLSID
// Input:
// index -- the index into the arrays, pass in value returned from DefineProperty
// value -- value to use for the current value
HRESULT CWiauPropertyList::SetCurrentValue(INT index, CLSID *pValue) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ((m_pAttrib == NULL) || (m_pCurrent == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if (index >= m_NumAlloc) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX); }
if (hr == S_OK) { m_pCurrent[index].vt = VT_CLSID; m_pAttrib[index].vt = VT_CLSID; m_pCurrent[index].puuid = pValue; }
return hr; }
// Polymorphic function for setting the type and current value for a property which holds a SYSTEMTIME
// Input:
// index -- the index into the arrays, pass in value returned from DefineProperty
// value -- value to use for the current value
HRESULT CWiauPropertyList::SetCurrentValue(INT index, PSYSTEMTIME value) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ((m_pAttrib == NULL) || (m_pCurrent == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if (index >= m_NumAlloc) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX); }
if (hr == S_OK) { m_pCurrent[index].vt = VT_UI2 | VT_VECTOR; m_pAttrib[index].vt = VT_UI2 | VT_VECTOR; m_pAttrib[index].lAccessFlags |= WIA_PROP_NONE; m_pCurrent[index].caui.cElems = sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)/sizeof(WORD); m_pCurrent[index].caui.pElems = (USHORT *) value; }
return hr; }
// Polymorphic function for setting the type and current value for a property which holds a VT_UI1 vector
// Input:
// index -- the index into the arrays, pass in value returned from DefineProperty
// value -- value to use for the current value
// size -- number of elements in the vector
HRESULT CWiauPropertyList::SetCurrentValue(INT index, BYTE *value, INT size) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ((m_pAttrib == NULL) || (m_pCurrent == NULL)) { hr = E_POINTER; } else if (index >= m_NumAlloc) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_INDEX); }
if (hr == S_OK) { m_pCurrent[index].vt = VT_UI1 | VT_VECTOR; m_pAttrib[index].vt = VT_UI1 | VT_VECTOR; m_pCurrent[index].caub.cElems = size; m_pCurrent[index].caub.pElems = value; }
return hr; }
// Finds the index given a property ID
INT CWiauPropertyList::LookupPropId(PROPID PropId) { for (int count = 0; count < m_NumProps; count++) { if (m_pId[count] == PropId) return count; }
// Value not found
return -1; }