Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Uitility routines for printer migration from Win9x to NT
Muhunthan Sivapragasam (MuhuntS) 02-Jan-1996
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
PVOID AllocMem( IN UINT cbSize ) /*++
Routine Description: Allocate memory from the heap
Arguments: cbSize : Byte count
Return Value: Pointer to the allocated memory
--*/ { return LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbSize); }
VOID FreeMem( IN PVOID p ) /*++
Routine Description: Free memory allocated on the heap
Arguments: p : Pointer to the memory to be freed
Return Value: None
--*/ { LocalFree(p); }
LPSTR AllocStrA( LPCSTR pszStr ) /*++
Routine Description: Allocate memory and make a copy of an ansi string field
Arguments: pszStr : String to copy
Return Value: Pointer to the copied string. Memory is allocated.
--*/ { LPSTR pszRet = NULL;
if ( pszStr && *pszStr ) {
pszRet = AllocMem((strlen(pszStr) + 1) * sizeof(CHAR)); if ( pszRet ) strcpy(pszRet, pszStr); }
return pszRet; }
LPSTR AllocStrAFromStrW( LPCWSTR pszStr ) /*++
Routine Description: Returns the ansi string for a give unicode string. Memory is allocated.
Arguments: pszStr : Gives the ansi string to copy
Return Value: Pointer to the copied ansi string. Memory is allocated.
--*/ { DWORD dwLen; LPSTR pszRet = NULL;
if ( pszStr && *pszStr && (dwLen = wcslen(pszStr)) && (pszRet = AllocMem((dwLen + 1 ) * sizeof(CHAR))) ) {
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pszStr, dwLen, pszRet, dwLen, NULL, NULL ); }
return pszRet; }
BOOL WriteToFile( HANDLE hFile, LPCSTR pszFormat, ... ) /*++
Routine Description: Format and write a string to the text file. This is used to write the printing configuration on Win9x
Arguments: hFile : File handle pszFormat : Format string for the message
Return Value: None
--*/ { CHAR szMsg[MAX_LINELENGTH]; int iResult; va_list vargs; DWORD dwSize, dwWritten; BOOL bRet;
bRet = TRUE;
va_start(vargs, pszFormat); // vsprintf(szMsg, pszFormat, vargs);
iResult = StringCbVPrintfA(szMsg, sizeof(szMsg), pszFormat, vargs); va_end(vargs);
dwSize = strlen(szMsg) * sizeof(CHAR);
if ( !WriteFile(hFile, (LPCVOID)szMsg, dwSize, &dwWritten, NULL) || dwSize != dwWritten ) {
bRet = FALSE; } return bRet; }
LPSTR GetStringFromRcFileA( UINT uId ) /*++
Routine Description: Load a string from the .rc file and make a copy of it by doing AllocStr
Arguments: uId : Identifier for the string to be loaded
Return Value: String value loaded, NULL on error. Caller should free the memory
--*/ { CHAR buf[MAX_LINELENGTH+1];
if(0 != LoadStringA(g_hInst, uId, buf, sizeof(buf))){ buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0'; return AllocStrA(buf); } else { return NULL; } // if(0 != LoadStringA(g_hInst, uId, buf, sizeof(buf)))
} // GetStringFromRcFileA()
VOID ReadString( IN HANDLE hFile, OUT LPSTR *ppszParam1, OUT LPSTR *ppszParam2 ) { CHAR c; LPSTR pszParameter1; LPSTR pszParameter2; DWORD dwLen; CHAR LineBuffer[MAX_LINELENGTH+1]; DWORD Idx; PCHAR pCurrent;
// Initialize local.
c = 0; pszParameter1 = NULL; pszParameter2 = NULL; dwLen = 0; Idx = 0; pCurrent = NULL; memset(LineBuffer, 0, sizeof(LineBuffer));
// Initialize caller buffer
*ppszParam1 = NULL; *ppszParam2 = NULL;
// First skip space/\r/\n.
c = (CHAR) My_fgetc(hFile); while( (' ' == c) || ('\n' == c) || ('\r' == c) ) { c = (CHAR) My_fgetc(hFile); }
// See if it's EOF.
if(EOF == c){ //
// End of file.
goto ReadString_return; }
// Get a line.
Idx = 0; while( ('\n' != c) && (EOF != c) && (Idx < sizeof(LineBuffer)-2) ){ LineBuffer[Idx++] = c; c = (CHAR) My_fgetc(hFile); } // while( ('\n' != c) && (EOF != c) )
dwLen = Idx;
// See if it's EOF.
if(EOF == c){ //
// Illegal migration file.
SetupLogError("WIA Migration: ReadString: ERROR!! Illegal migration file.\r\n", LogSevError); goto ReadString_return; } else if ('\n' != c) {
// A line too long.
SetupLogError("WIA Migration: ReadString: ERROR!! Reading line is too long.\r\n", LogSevError); goto ReadString_return; }
// See if it's double quated.
if('\"' != LineBuffer[0]){ //
// There's no '"'. Invalid migration file.
SetupLogError("WIA Migration: ReadString: ERROR!! Illegal migration file with no Quote.\r\n", LogSevError); goto ReadString_return; } // if('\"' != LineBuffer[0])
pszParameter1 = &LineBuffer[1]; pCurrent = &LineBuffer[1];
// Find next '"' and replace with '\0'.
pCurrent = strchr(pCurrent, '\"'); if(NULL == pCurrent){ SetupLogError("WIA Migration: ReadString: ERROR!! Illegal migration file.\r\n", LogSevError); goto ReadString_return; } // if(NULL == pCurrent)
*pCurrent++ = '\0';
// Find next (3rd) '"', it's beginning of 2nd parameter.
pCurrent = strchr(pCurrent, '\"'); if(NULL == pCurrent){ SetupLogError("WIA Migration: ReadString: ERROR!! Illegal migration file.\r\n", LogSevError); goto ReadString_return; } // if(NULL == pCurrent)
pCurrent++; pszParameter2 = pCurrent;
// Find last '"' and replace with '\0'.
pCurrent = strchr(pCurrent, '\"'); if(NULL == pCurrent){ SetupLogError("WIA Migration: ReadString: ERROR!! Illegal migration file.\r\n", LogSevError); goto ReadString_return; } // if(NULL == pCurrent)
*pCurrent = '\0';
// Allocate buffer for returning string.
*ppszParam1 = AllocStrA(pszParameter1); *ppszParam2 = AllocStrA(pszParameter2);
ReadString_return: return; } // ReadString()
LONG WriteRegistryToFile( IN HANDLE hFile, IN HKEY hKey, IN LPCSTR pszPath ) { LONG lError; HKEY hSubKey; DWORD dwValueSize; DWORD dwDataSize; DWORD dwSubKeySize; DWORD dwTypeBuffer;
PCHAR pSubKeyBuffer; PCHAR pValueBuffer; PCHAR pDataBuffer;
DWORD Idx; //
// Initialize local.
lError = ERROR_SUCCESS; hSubKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; dwValueSize = 0; dwDataSize = 0; dwSubKeySize = 0; dwTypeBuffer = 0; Idx = 0; pSubKeyBuffer = NULL; pValueBuffer = NULL; pDataBuffer = NULL;
// Query necessary buffer size.
lError = RegQueryInfoKeyA(hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwSubKeySize, NULL, NULL, &dwValueSize, &dwDataSize, NULL, NULL); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError){
// Unable to retrieve key info.
goto WriteRegistryToFile_return;
} // if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError)
// Allocate buffers.
dwValueSize = (dwValueSize+1+1) * sizeof(CHAR); dwSubKeySize = (dwSubKeySize+1) * sizeof(CHAR);
pValueBuffer = AllocMem(dwValueSize); pDataBuffer = AllocMem(dwDataSize); pSubKeyBuffer = AllocMem(dwSubKeySize);
if( (NULL == pValueBuffer) || (NULL == pDataBuffer) || (NULL == pSubKeyBuffer) ) {
// Insufficient memory.
SetupLogError("WIA Migration: WriteRegistryToFile: ERROR!! Unable to allocate buffer.\r\n", LogSevError); lError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto WriteRegistryToFile_return; } // if(NULL == pDataBuffer)
// Indicate beginning of this subkey to the file.
WriteToFile(hFile, "\"%s\" = \"BEGIN\"\r\n", pszPath);
// Enumerate all values.
while(ERROR_SUCCESS == lError){
DWORD dwLocalValueSize; DWORD dwLocalDataSize; //
// Reset buffer and size.
dwLocalValueSize = dwValueSize; dwLocalDataSize = dwDataSize; memset(pValueBuffer, 0, dwValueSize); memset(pDataBuffer, 0, dwDataSize);
// Acquire registry value/data..
lError = RegEnumValueA(hKey, Idx, pValueBuffer, &dwLocalValueSize, NULL, &dwTypeBuffer, pDataBuffer, &dwLocalDataSize); if(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == lError){ //
// End of data.
continue; } // if(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == lError)
if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError){ //
// Unable to read registry value.
SetupLogError("WIA Migration: WriteRegistryToFile: ERROR!! Unable to acqure registry value/data.\r\n", LogSevError); goto WriteRegistryToFile_return; } // if(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == lError)
// Write this value to a file.
lError = WriteRegistryValueToFile(hFile, pValueBuffer, dwTypeBuffer, pDataBuffer, dwLocalDataSize); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError){ //
// Unable to write to a file.
SetupLogError("WIA Migration: WriteRegistryToFile: ERROR!! Unable to write to a file.\r\n", LogSevError); goto WriteRegistryToFile_return; } // if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError)
// Goto next value.
Idx++; } // while(ERROR_SUCCESS == lError)
// Enumerate all sub keys.
lError = ERROR_SUCCESS; Idx = 0;
while(ERROR_SUCCESS == lError){
memset(pSubKeyBuffer, 0, dwSubKeySize); lError = RegEnumKeyA(hKey, Idx++, pSubKeyBuffer, dwSubKeySize); if(ERROR_SUCCESS == lError){
// There's sub key exists. Spew it to the file and store all the
// values recursively.
lError = RegOpenKey(hKey, pSubKeyBuffer, &hSubKey); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError){ SetupLogError("WIA Migration: WriteRegistryToFile: ERROR!! Unable to open subkey.\r\n", LogSevError); continue; } // if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError)
// Call subkey recursively.
lError = WriteRegistryToFile(hFile, hSubKey, pSubKeyBuffer);
} // if(ERROR_SUCCESS == lError)
} // while(ERROR_SUCCESS == lError)
if(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == lError){ //
// Operation completed as expected.
} // if(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS == lError)
// Indicate end of this subkey to the file.
WriteToFile(hFile, "\"%s\" = \"END\"\r\n", pszPath);
// Clean up.
if(NULL != pValueBuffer){ FreeMem(pValueBuffer); } // if(NULL != pValueBuffer)
if(NULL != pDataBuffer){ FreeMem(pDataBuffer); } // if(NULL != pDataBuffer)
if(NULL != pSubKeyBuffer){ FreeMem(pSubKeyBuffer); } // if(NULL != pSubKeyBuffer)
return lError; } // WriteRegistryToFile()
LONG WriteRegistryValueToFile( HANDLE hFile, LPSTR pszValue, DWORD dwType, PCHAR pDataBuffer, DWORD dwSize ) {
LONG lError; PCHAR pSpewBuffer; DWORD Idx;
// Initialize locals.
lError = ERROR_SUCCESS; pSpewBuffer = NULL;
// Allocate buffer for actual spew.
pSpewBuffer = AllocMem(dwSize*3); if(NULL == pSpewBuffer){ //
// Unable to allocate buffer.
lError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto WriteRegistryValueToFile_return; } // if(NULL == pSpewBuffer)
for(Idx = 0; Idx < dwSize; Idx++){ wsprintf(pSpewBuffer+Idx*3, "%02x", pDataBuffer[Idx]); *(pSpewBuffer+Idx*3+2) = ','; } // for(Idx = 0; Idx < dwSize; Idx++)
*(pSpewBuffer+dwSize*3-1) = '\0';
WriteToFile(hFile, "\"%s\" = \"%08x:%s\"\r\n", pszValue, dwType, pSpewBuffer); //
// Operation succeeded.
// Clean up.
if(NULL != pSpewBuffer){ FreeMem(pSpewBuffer); } // if(NULL != pSpewBuffer)
return lError;
} // WriteRegistryValueToFile()
LONG GetRegData( HKEY hKey, LPSTR pszValue, PCHAR *ppDataBuffer, PDWORD pdwType, PDWORD pdwSize ) {
LONG lError; PCHAR pTempBuffer; DWORD dwRequiredSize; DWORD dwType; //
// Initialize local.
lError = ERROR_SUCCESS; pTempBuffer = NULL; dwRequiredSize = 0; dwType = 0; //
// Get required size.
lError = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, pszValue, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwRequiredSize); if( (ERROR_SUCCESS != lError) || (0 == dwRequiredSize) ) { pTempBuffer = NULL; goto GetRegData_return;
} // if(ERROR_MORE_DATA != lError)
// If it doesn't need actual data, just bail out.
if(NULL == ppDataBuffer){ lError = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto GetRegData_return; } // if(NULL == ppDataBuffer)
// Allocate buffer to receive data.
pTempBuffer = AllocMem(dwRequiredSize); if(NULL == pTempBuffer){ //
// Allocation failed.
SetupLogError("WIA Migration: GetRegData: ERROR!! Unable to allocate buffer.\r\n", LogSevError); lError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto GetRegData_return; } // if(NULL == pTempBuffer)
// Query the data.
lError = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, pszValue, NULL, &dwType, pTempBuffer, &dwRequiredSize); if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError){ //
// Data acquisition somehow failed. Free buffer.
goto GetRegData_return; } // if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError)
if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError){ //
// Operation unsuccessful. Free the buffer if allocated.
if(NULL != pTempBuffer){ FreeMem(pTempBuffer); pTempBuffer = NULL; } // if(NULL != pTempBuffer)
} // if(ERROR_SUCCESS != lError)
// Copy the result.
if(NULL != pdwSize){ *pdwSize = dwRequiredSize; } // if(NULL != pdwSize)
if(NULL != ppDataBuffer){ *ppDataBuffer = pTempBuffer; } // if(NULL != ppDataBuffer)
if(NULL != pdwType){ *pdwType = dwType; } // if(NULL != pdwType)
return lError; } // GetRegData()
VOID MyLogError( LPCSTR pszFormat, ... ) { LPSTR psz; CHAR szMsg[1024]; va_list vargs;
if(NULL != pszFormat){ va_start(vargs, pszFormat); vsprintf(szMsg, pszFormat, vargs); va_end(vargs);
SetupLogError(szMsg, LogSevError); } // if(NULL != pszFormat)
} // MyLogError()
CHAR My_fgetc( HANDLE hFile ) /*++
Routine Description: Gets a character from the file
Return Value:
--*/ { CHAR c; DWORD cbRead;
if ( ReadFile(hFile, (LPBYTE)&c, sizeof(c), &cbRead, NULL) && cbRead == sizeof(c) ) return c; else return (CHAR) EOF; } // My_fgetc()
int MyStrCmpiA( LPCSTR str1, LPCSTR str2 ) { int iRet; //
// Initialize local.
iRet = 0; //
// Compare string.
if(CSTR_EQUAL == CompareStringA(LOCALE_INVARIANT, NORM_IGNORECASE, str1, -1, str2, -1) ) { iRet = 0; } else { iRet = -1; }
return iRet; }