Copyright (c) 1987-1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Private Netlogon service routines useful by both the Netlogon service and others that pass mailslot messages to/from the Netlogon service.
Cliff Van Dyke (cliffv) 7-Jun-1991
User mode only. Contains NT-specific code. Requires ANSI C extensions: slash-slash comments, long external names.
Revision History:
#ifndef _LOGONP_H_
#define _LOGONP_H_
#include <dsgetdc.h> // PDS_DOMAIN_TRUSTSW
// Message versions returned from NetpLogonGetMessageVersion
#define LMUNKNOWN_MESSAGE 0 // No version tokens on end of message
#define LM20_MESSAGE 1 // Just LM 2.0 token on end of message
#define LMNT_MESSAGE 2 // LM 2.0 and LM NT token on end of message
#define LMUNKNOWNNT_MESSAGE 3 // LM 2.0 and LM NT token on end of
// message, but the version is not
// supported.
#define LMWFW_MESSAGE 4 // LM WFW token on end of message
// Define the token placed in the last two bytes of a LanMan 2.0 message
#define LM20_TOKENBYTE 0xFF
// Define the token placed in the last four bytes of a NT LanMan message
// Notice that such a message is by definition a LanMan 2.0 message
// Define the token placed in the next to last byte of the PRIMARY_QUERY
// message from newer (8/8/94) WFW and Chicago clients. This byte (followed
// by a LM20_TOKENBYTE) indicates the client is WAN-aware and sends the
// PRIMARY_QUERY to the DOMAIN<1B> name. As such, BDC on the same subnet need
// not respond to this query.
// Put the LANMAN NT token onto the end of a message.
// The token is always followed by a LM 2.0 token so LM 2.0 systems will
// think this message is from a LM 2.0 system.
// Also append a version flag before the NT TOKEN so that the future
// versions of software can handle the newer messages effectively.
// Where - Indirectly points to the current location in the buffer. The
// 'String' is copied to the current location. This current location is
// updated to point to the byte following the token.
// NtVersion - Additional version information to be or'ed into the NtVersion
// field of the message.
#define NetpLogonPutNtToken( _Where, _NtVersion ) \
{ \ SmbPutUlong( (*_Where), NETLOGON_NT_VERSION_1 | (_NtVersion) ); \ (*_Where) += sizeof(ULONG); \ *((PUCHAR)((*_Where)++)) = LMNT_TOKENBYTE; \ *((PUCHAR)((*_Where)++)) = LMNT_TOKENBYTE; \ NetpLogonPutLM20Token( _Where ); \ }
// Put the LANMAN 2.0 token onto the end of a message.
// Where - Indirectly points to the current location in the buffer. The
// 'String' is copied to the current location. This current location is
// updated to point to the byte following the token.
#define NetpLogonPutLM20Token( _Where ) \
{ \ *((PUCHAR)((*_Where)++)) = LM20_TOKENBYTE; \ *((PUCHAR)((*_Where)++)) = LM20_TOKENBYTE; \ }
#define NetpLogonPutGuid( _Guid, _Where ) \
NetpLogonPutBytes( (_Guid), sizeof(GUID), _Where )
#define NetpLogonGetGuid( _Message, _MessageSize, _Where, _Guid ) \
NetpLogonGetBytes( \ (_Message), \ (_MessageSize),\ (_Where), \ sizeof(GUID), \ (_Guid) )
// Name of binary Forest Trust List file
#define NL_FOREST_BINARY_LOG_FILE L"\\system32\\config\\netlogon.ftl"
#define NL_FOREST_BINARY_LOG_FILE_JOIN L"\\system32\\config\\netlogon.ftj"
// Header for binary Forest Trust List file.
ULONG Version;
// Entry for binary Forest Trust List file.
typedef struct _PDS_DISK_TRUSTED_DOMAIN {
// Size of entire entry
ULONG EntrySize;
// Name of the trusted domain.
ULONG NetbiosDomainNameSize; ULONG DnsDomainNameSize;
// Flags defining attributes of the trust.
ULONG Flags;
// Index to the domain that is the parent of this domain.
// Only defined if NETLOGON_DOMAIN_IN_FOREST is set and
ULONG ParentIndex;
// The trust type and attributes of this trust.
// these value are infered.
ULONG TrustType; ULONG TrustAttributes;
// The SID of the trusted domain.
// this value will be NULL.
ULONG DomainSidSize;
// The GUID of the trusted domain.
GUID DomainGuid;
// Procedure forwards from logonp.c
VOID NetpLogonPutOemString( IN LPSTR String, IN DWORD MaxStringLength, IN OUT PCHAR * Where );
VOID NetpLogonPutUnicodeString( IN LPWSTR String, IN DWORD MaxStringLength, IN OUT PCHAR * Where );
VOID NetpLogonPutBytes( IN LPVOID Data, IN DWORD Size, IN OUT PCHAR * Where );
DWORD NetpLogonGetMessageVersion( IN PVOID Message, IN PDWORD MessageSize, OUT PULONG Version );
BOOL NetpLogonGetOemString( IN PVOID Message, IN DWORD MessageSize, IN OUT PCHAR *Where, IN DWORD MaxStringLength, OUT LPSTR *String );
BOOL NetpLogonGetUnicodeString( IN PVOID Message, IN DWORD MessageSize, IN OUT PCHAR *Where, IN DWORD MaxStringSize, OUT LPWSTR *String );
BOOL NetpLogonGetBytes( IN PVOID Message, IN DWORD MessageSize, IN OUT PCHAR *Where, IN DWORD DataSize, OUT LPVOID Data );
BOOL NetpLogonGetDBInfo( IN PVOID Message, IN DWORD MessageSize, IN OUT PCHAR *Where, OUT PDB_CHANGE_INFO Data );
LPWSTR NetpLogonOemToUnicode( IN LPSTR Ansi );
LPSTR NetpLogonUnicodeToOem( IN LPWSTR Unicode );
NET_API_STATUS NetpLogonWriteMailslot( IN LPWSTR MailslotName, IN LPVOID Buffer, IN DWORD BufferSize );
// Define the largest message returned by a mailslot created by
// NetpLogonCreateRandomMailslot(). The 64 byte value allows expansion
// of the messages in the future.
NET_API_STATUS NetpLogonCreateRandomMailslot( IN LPSTR path, OUT PHANDLE MsHandle );
VOID NetpLogonPutDomainSID( IN PCHAR Sid, IN DWORD SidLength, IN OUT PCHAR * Where );
BOOL NetpLogonGetDomainSID( IN PVOID Message, IN DWORD MessageSize, IN OUT PCHAR *Where, IN DWORD SIDSize, OUT PCHAR *Sid );
BOOLEAN NetpLogonTimeHasElapsed( IN LARGE_INTEGER StartTime, IN DWORD Timeout );
NET_API_STATUS NlWriteBinaryLog( IN LPWSTR FileSuffix, IN LPBYTE Buffer, IN ULONG BufferSize );
NET_API_STATUS NlWriteFileForestTrustList ( IN LPWSTR FileSuffix, IN PDS_DOMAIN_TRUSTSW ForestTrustList, IN ULONG ForestTrustListCount );
#endif // _LOGONP_H_