* DXHelper.h * *------------* * Description: * This is the header file for core helper functions implementation. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Created By: Edward W. Connell Date: 07/11/95 * Copyright (C) 1995 Microsoft Corporation * All Rights Reserved * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Revisions: * *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef DXHelper_h
#define DXHelper_h
#include <DXTError.h>
#include <DXBounds.h>
#include <DXTrans.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <math.h>
//=== Constants ==============================================================
//=== Class, Enum, Struct and Union Declarations =============================
* This structure is used by the array linear interpolation and image * filtering routines. */ typedef struct DXLIMAPINFO { float IndexFrac; USHORT Index; BYTE Weight; } DXLIMAPINFO;
// Declare this class as a global to use for determining when to call MMX optimized
// code. You can use MinMMXOverCount to determine if MMX instructions are present.
// Typically, you would only want to use MMX instructions when you have a reasonably
// large number of pixels to work on. In this case your code can always be coded like
// this:
// if (CountOfPixelsToDo >= g_MMXInfo.MinMMXOverCount())
// {
// Do MMX Stuff
// } else {
// Do integer / float based stuff
// }
// If you code your MMX sequences like this, you will not have to use a special test
// for the presence of MMX since the MinMMXOverCount will be set to 0xFFFFFFFF if there
// is no MMX present on the processor.
// You do not need to use this unless your module needs to conditionally execute MMX vs
// non-MMX code. If you only call the helper functions provided by DXTrans.Dll, such as
// DXOverArrayMMX, you do NOT need this test. You can always call these functions and they
// will use the MMX code path only when MMX instructions are present.
class CDXMMXInfo { ULONG m_MinMMXOver; public: CDXMMXInfo() { #ifndef _X86_
m_MinMMXOver = 0xFFFFFFFF; #else
m_MinMMXOver = DX_MMX_COUNT_CUTOFF; __try { __asm { //--- Try the MMX exit multi-media state instruction
EMMS; } } __except( GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION ) { //--- MMX instructions not available
m_MinMMXOver = 0xFFFFFFFF; } #endif
} inline ULONG MinMMXOverCount() { return m_MinMMXOver; } };
//=== Function Prototypes ==========================================
_DXTRANS_IMPL_EXT void WINAPI DXLinearInterpolateArray( const DXBASESAMPLE* pSamps, DXLIMAPINFO* pMapInfo, DXBASESAMPLE* pResults, DWORD dwResultCount ); _DXTRANS_IMPL_EXT void WINAPI DXLinearInterpolateArray( const DXBASESAMPLE* pSamps, PUSHORT pIndexes, PBYTE pWeights, DXBASESAMPLE* pResults, DWORD dwResultCount );
// DXOverArray
// Composits an array of source samples over the samples in the pDest buffer.
// pDest - Pointer to the samples that will be modified by compositing the pSrc
// samples over the pDest samples.
// pSrc - The samples to composit over the pDest samples
// nCount - The number of samples to process
// DXOverArrayMMX
// Identical to DXOverArray except that the MMX instruction set will be used for
// large arrays of samples. If the CPU does not support MMX, you may still call
// this function, which will perform the same operation without the use of the MMX
// unit.
// Note that it is LESS EFFICIENT to use this function if the majority of the pixels
// in the pSrc buffer are either clear (alpha 0) or opaque (alpha 0xFF). This is
// because the MMX code must process every pixel and can not special case clear or
// opaque pixels. If there are a large number of translucent pixels then this function
// is much more efficent than DXOverArray.
// pDest - Pointer to the samples that will be modified by compositing the pSrc
// samples over the pDest samples.
// pSrc - The samples to composit over the pDest samples
// nCount - The number of samples to process
// DXConstOverArray
// Composits a single color over an array of samples.
// pDest - Pointer to the samples that will be modified by compositing the color (val)
// over the pDest samples.
// val - The premultiplied color value to composit over the pDest array.
// nCount - The number of samples to process
_DXTRANS_IMPL_EXT void WINAPI DXConstOverArray(DXPMSAMPLE* pDest, const DXPMSAMPLE & val, ULONG nCount);
// DXConstOverArray
// Composits a single color over an array of samples.
// pDest - Pointer to the samples that will be modified by compositing the samples
// in the buffer over the color (val).
// val - The premultiplied color value to composit under the pDest array.
// nCount - The number of samples to process
_DXTRANS_IMPL_EXT void WINAPI DXConstUnderArray(DXPMSAMPLE* pDest, const DXPMSAMPLE & val, ULONG nCount);
// Dithering Helpers
// Image transforms are sometimes asked to dither their output. This helper function
// should be used by all image transforms to enusure a consistant dither pattern.
// DXDitherArray is used to dither pixels prior to writing them to a DXSurface.
// The caller must fill in the DXDITHERDESC structure, setting X and Y to the
// output surface X,Y coordinates that the pixels will be placed in. The samples
// will be modified in place.
// Once the samples have been dithered, they should be written to or composited with
// the destination surface.
#define DX_DITHER_HEIGHT 4 // The dither pattern is 4x4 pixels
typedef struct DXDITHERDESC { DXBASESAMPLE * pSamples; // Pointer to the 32-bit samples to dither
ULONG cSamples; // Count of number of samples in pSamples buffer
ULONG x; // X coordinate of the output surface
ULONG y; // Y coordinate of the output surface
DXSAMPLEFORMATENUM DestSurfaceFmt; // Pixel format of the output surface
_DXTRANS_IMPL_EXT void WINAPI DXDitherArray(const DXDITHERDESC *pDitherDesc);
//=== Enumerated Set Definitions =============================================
//=== Function Type Definitions ==============================================
//=== Class, Struct and Union Definitions ====================================
//=== Inline Functions =======================================================
// Memory allocation helpers.
// These macros are used to allocate arrays of samples from the stack (using _alloca)
// and cast them to the appropriate type. The ulNumSamples parameter is the count
// of samples required.
#define DXBASESAMPLE_Alloca( ulNumSamples ) \
(DXBASESAMPLE *)_alloca( (ulNumSamples) * sizeof( DXBASESAMPLE ) )
#define DXSAMPLE_Alloca( ulNumSamples ) \
(DXSAMPLE *)_alloca( (ulNumSamples) * sizeof( DXSAMPLE ) )
#define DXPMSAMPLE_Alloca( ulNumSamples ) \
(DXPMSAMPLE *)_alloca( (ulNumSamples) * sizeof( DXPMSAMPLE ) )
// Critical section helpers.
// These C++ classes, CDXAutoObjectLock and CDXAutoCritSecLock are used within functions
// to automatically claim critical sections upon constuction, and the critical section
// will be released when the object is destroyed (goes out of scope).
// The macros DXAUTO_OBJ_LOCK and DX_AUTO_SEC_LOCK(s) are normally used at the beginning
// of a function that requires a critical section. Any exit from the scope in which the
// auto-lock was taken will automatically release the lock.
#ifdef __ATLCOM_H__ //--- Only enable these if ATL is being used
class CDXAutoObjectLock { protected: CComObjectRootEx<CComMultiThreadModel>* m_pObject;
public: CDXAutoObjectLock(CComObjectRootEx<CComMultiThreadModel> * const pobject) { m_pObject = pobject; m_pObject->Lock(); };
~CDXAutoObjectLock() { m_pObject->Unlock(); }; };
#define DXAUTO_OBJ_LOCK CDXAutoObjectLock lck(this);
#define DXAUTO_OBJ_LOCK_( t ) CDXAutoObjectLock lck(t);
class CDXAutoCritSecLock { protected: CComAutoCriticalSection* m_pSec;
public: CDXAutoCritSecLock(CComAutoCriticalSection* pSec) { m_pSec = pSec; m_pSec->Lock(); };
~CDXAutoCritSecLock() { m_pSec->Unlock(); }; };
#define DXAUTO_SEC_LOCK( s ) CDXAutoCritSecLock lck(s);
#endif // __ATLCOM_H__
//--- This function is used to compute the coefficient for a gaussian filter coordinate
inline float DXGaussCoeff( double x, double y, double Sigma ) { double TwoSigmaSq = 2 * ( Sigma * Sigma ); return (float)(exp( ( -(x*x + y*y) / TwoSigmaSq ) ) / ( 3.1415927 * TwoSigmaSq )); }
//--- This function is used to initialize a gaussian convolution filter
inline void DXInitGaussianFilter( float* pFilter, ULONG Width, ULONG Height, double Sigma ) { int i, NumCoeff = Width * Height; float val, CoeffAdjust, FilterSum = 0.; double x, y; double LeftX = -(double)(Width / 2); double RightX = Width - LeftX; double TopY = -(double)(Height / 2); double BottomY = Height - TopY;
for( y = -TopY; y <= BottomY; y += 1. ) { for( x = -LeftX; x <= RightX; x += 1. ) { val = DXGaussCoeff( x, y, Sigma ); pFilter[i++] = val; } }
//--- Normalize filter (make it sum to 1.0)
for( i = 0; i < NumCoeff; ++i ) FilterSum += pFilter[i];
if( FilterSum < 1. ) { CoeffAdjust = 1.f / FilterSum; for( i = 0; i < NumCoeff; ++i ) { pFilter[i] *= CoeffAdjust; } }
} /* DXInitGaussianFilter*/
// DXConvertToGray
// Translates a color sample to a gray scale sample
// Sample - The sample to convert to gray scale.
// Return value is the gray scale sample.
inline DXBASESAMPLE DXConvertToGray( DXBASESAMPLE Sample ) { DWORD v = Sample; DWORD r = (BYTE)(v >> 16); DWORD g = (BYTE)(v >> 8); DWORD b = (BYTE)(v); DWORD sat = (r*306 + g*601 + b*117) / 1024; v &= 0xFF000000; v |= (sat << 16) | (sat << 8) | sat; return v; } /* DXConvertToGray */
//--- This returns into the destination the value of the source
// sample scaled by its own alpha (producing a premultiplied alpha sample)
inline DXPMSAMPLE DXPreMultSample(const DXSAMPLE & Src) { if(Src.Alpha == 255 ) { return (DWORD)Src; } else if(Src.Alpha == 0 ) { return 0; } else { unsigned t1, t2; t1 = (Src & 0x00ff00ff) * Src.Alpha + 0x00800080; t1 = ((t1 + ((t1 >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff)) >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff;
t2 = (((Src >> 8) & 0x000000ff) | 0x01000000) * Src.Alpha + 0x00800080; t2 = (t2 + ((t2 >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff)) & 0xff00ff00; return (t1 | t2); } } /* DXPreMultSample */
inline DXPMSAMPLE * DXPreMultArray(DXSAMPLE *pBuffer, ULONG cSamples) { for (ULONG i = 0; i < cSamples; i++) { BYTE SrcAlpha = pBuffer[i].Alpha; if (SrcAlpha != 0xFF) { if (SrcAlpha == 0) { pBuffer[i] = 0; } else { DWORD S = pBuffer[i]; DWORD t1 = (S & 0x00ff00ff) * SrcAlpha + 0x00800080; t1 = ((t1 + ((t1 >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff)) >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff;
DWORD t2 = (((S >> 8) & 0x000000ff) | 0x01000000) * SrcAlpha + 0x00800080; t2 = (t2 + ((t2 >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff)) & 0xff00ff00;
pBuffer[i] = (t1 | t2); } } } return (DXPMSAMPLE *)pBuffer; }
inline DXSAMPLE DXUnPreMultSample(const DXPMSAMPLE & Src) { if(Src.Alpha == 255 || Src.Alpha == 0) { return (DWORD)Src; } else { DXSAMPLE Dst; Dst.Blue = (BYTE)((Src.Blue * 255) / Src.Alpha); Dst.Green = (BYTE)((Src.Green * 255) / Src.Alpha); Dst.Red = (BYTE)((Src.Red * 255) / Src.Alpha); Dst.Alpha = Src.Alpha; return Dst; } } /* DXUnPreMultSample */
inline DXSAMPLE * DXUnPreMultArray(DXPMSAMPLE *pBuffer, ULONG cSamples) { for (ULONG i = 0; i < cSamples; i++) { BYTE SrcAlpha = pBuffer[i].Alpha; if (SrcAlpha != 0xFF && SrcAlpha != 0) { pBuffer[i].Blue = (BYTE)((pBuffer[i].Blue * 255) / SrcAlpha); pBuffer[i].Green = (BYTE)((pBuffer[i].Green * 255) / SrcAlpha); pBuffer[i].Red = (BYTE)((pBuffer[i].Red * 255) / SrcAlpha); } } return (DXSAMPLE *)pBuffer; }
// This returns the result of 255-Alpha which is computed by doing a NOT
inline BYTE DXInvertAlpha( BYTE Alpha ) { return (BYTE)~Alpha; }
inline DWORD DXScaleSample( DWORD Src, ULONG beta ) { ULONG t1, t2;
t1 = (Src & 0x00ff00ff) * beta + 0x00800080; t1 = ((t1 + ((t1 >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff)) >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff;
t2 = ((Src >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff) * beta + 0x00800080; t2 = (t2 + ((t2 >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff)) & 0xff00ff00;
return (DWORD)(t1 | t2); }
inline DWORD DXScaleSamplePercent( DWORD Src, float Percent ) { if (Percent > (254.0f / 255.0f)) { return Src; } else { return DXScaleSample(Src, (BYTE)(Percent * 255)); } }
inline void DXCompositeOver(DXPMSAMPLE & Dst, const DXPMSAMPLE & Src) { if (Src.Alpha) { ULONG Beta = DXInvertAlpha(Src.Alpha); if (Beta) { Dst = Src + DXScaleSample(Dst, Beta); } else { Dst = Src; } } }
inline DXPMSAMPLE DXCompositeUnder(DXPMSAMPLE Dst, DXPMSAMPLE Src ) { return Dst + DXScaleSample(Src, DXInvertAlpha(Dst.Alpha)); }
inline DXBASESAMPLE DXApplyLookupTable(const DXBASESAMPLE Src, const BYTE * pTable) { DXBASESAMPLE Dest; Dest.Blue = pTable[Src.Blue]; Dest.Green = pTable[Src.Green]; Dest.Red = pTable[Src.Red]; Dest.Alpha = pTable[Src.Alpha]; return Dest; }
inline DXBASESAMPLE * DXApplyLookupTableArray(DXBASESAMPLE *pBuffer, ULONG cSamples, const BYTE * pTable) { for (ULONG i = 0; i < cSamples; i++) { DWORD v = pBuffer[i]; DWORD a = pTable[v >> 24]; DWORD r = pTable[(BYTE)(v >> 16)]; DWORD g = pTable[(BYTE)(v >> 8)]; DWORD b = pTable[(BYTE)v]; pBuffer[i] = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } return pBuffer; }
inline DXBASESAMPLE * DXApplyColorChannelLookupArray(DXBASESAMPLE *pBuffer, ULONG cSamples, const BYTE * pAlphaTable, const BYTE * pRedTable, const BYTE * pGreenTable, const BYTE * pBlueTable) { for (ULONG i = 0; i < cSamples; i++) { pBuffer[i].Blue = pBlueTable[pBuffer[i].Blue]; pBuffer[i].Green = pGreenTable[pBuffer[i].Green]; pBuffer[i].Red = pRedTable[pBuffer[i].Red]; pBuffer[i].Alpha = pAlphaTable[pBuffer[i].Alpha]; } return pBuffer; }
// CDXScale helper class
// This class uses a pre-computed lookup table to scale samples. For scaling large
// arrays of samples to a constant scale, this is much faster than using even MMX
// instructions. This class is usually declared as a member of another class and
// is most often used to apply a global opacity to a set of samples.
// When using this class, you must always check for the two special cases of clear
// and opaque before calling any of the scaling member functions. Do this by using
// the ScaleType() inline function. Your code should look somthing like this:
// if (ScaleType() == DXRUNTYPE_CLEAR)
// Do whatever you do for a 0 alpha set of samples -- usually just ignore them
// else if (ScaleType() == DXRUNTYPE_OPAQUE)
// Do whatever you would do for a non-scaled set of samples
// else
// Scale the samples by using ScaleSample or one of the ScaleArray members
// If you call any of the scaling members when the ScaleType() is either clear or
// opaque, you will GP fault becuase the lookup table will not be allocated.
// The scale can be set using either a floating point number between 0 and 1 using:
// CDXScale::SetScale / CDXScale::GetScale
// or you can use a byte integer value by using:
// CDXScale::SetScaleAlphaValue / CDXScale::GetScaleAlphaValue
class CDXScale { private: float m_Scale; BYTE m_AlphaScale; BYTE *m_pTable;
HRESULT InternalSetScale(BYTE Scale) { if (m_AlphaScale == Scale) return S_OK; if (Scale == 0 || Scale == 255) { delete m_pTable; m_pTable = NULL; } else { if(!m_pTable) { m_pTable = new BYTE[256]; if(!m_pTable ) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } for (int i = 0; i < 256; ++i ) { m_pTable[i] = (BYTE)((i * Scale) / 255); } } m_AlphaScale = Scale; return S_OK; } public: CDXScale() : m_Scale(1.0f), m_AlphaScale(0xFF), m_pTable(NULL) {} ~CDXScale() { delete m_pTable; } DXRUNTYPE ScaleType() { if (m_AlphaScale == 0) return DXRUNTYPE_CLEAR; if (m_AlphaScale == 0xFF) return DXRUNTYPE_OPAQUE; return DXRUNTYPE_TRANS; } HRESULT SetScaleAlphaValue(BYTE Alpha) { HRESULT hr = InternalSetScale(Alpha); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_Scale = ((float)Alpha) / 255.0f; } return hr; } BYTE GetScaleAlphaValue(void) { return m_AlphaScale; } HRESULT SetScale(float Scale) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if(( Scale < 0.0f ) || ( Scale > 1.0f ) ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { ULONG IntScale = (ULONG)(Scale * 256.0f); // Round up alpha (.9999 = 255 = Solid)
if (IntScale > 255) { IntScale = 255; } hr = SetScaleAlphaValue((BYTE)IntScale); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_Scale = Scale; } } return hr; } float GetScale() const { return m_Scale; } DXRUNTYPE ScaleType() const { return (m_pTable ? DXRUNTYPE_TRANS : (m_AlphaScale ? DXRUNTYPE_OPAQUE : DXRUNTYPE_CLEAR)); } DWORD ScaleSample(const DWORD s) const { return DXApplyLookupTable((DXBASESAMPLE)s, m_pTable); } DXBASESAMPLE * ScaleBaseArray(DXBASESAMPLE * pBuffer, ULONG cSamples) const { return DXApplyLookupTableArray(pBuffer, cSamples, m_pTable); } DXPMSAMPLE * ScalePremultArray(DXPMSAMPLE * pBuffer, ULONG cSamples) const { return (DXPMSAMPLE *)DXApplyLookupTableArray(pBuffer, cSamples, m_pTable); } DXSAMPLE * ScaleArray(DXSAMPLE * pBuffer, ULONG cSamples) const { return (DXSAMPLE *)DXApplyLookupTableArray(pBuffer, cSamples, m_pTable); } DXSAMPLE * ScaleArrayAlphaOnly(DXSAMPLE *pBuffer, ULONG cSamples) const { const BYTE *pTable = m_pTable; for (ULONG i = 0; i < cSamples; i++) { pBuffer[i].Alpha = pTable[pBuffer[i].Alpha]; } return pBuffer; } };
inline DWORD DXWeightedAverage( DXBASESAMPLE S1, DXBASESAMPLE S2, ULONG Wgt ) { _ASSERT( Wgt < 256 ); ULONG t1, t2; ULONG InvWgt = Wgt ^ 0xFF;
t1 = (((S1 & 0x00ff00ff) * Wgt) + ((S2 & 0x00ff00ff) * InvWgt )) + 0x00800080; t1 = ((t1 + ((t1 >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff)) >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff;
t2 = ((((S1 >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff) * Wgt) + (((S2 >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff) * InvWgt )) + 0x00800080; t2 = (t2 + ((t2 >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff)) & 0xff00ff00;
return (t1 | t2); } /* DXWeightedAverage */
inline void DXWeightedAverageArray( DXBASESAMPLE* pS1, DXBASESAMPLE* pS2, ULONG Wgt, DXBASESAMPLE* pResults, DWORD dwCount ) { _ASSERT( pS1 && pS2 && pResults && dwCount ); for( DWORD i = 0; i < dwCount; ++i ) { pResults[i] = DXWeightedAverage( pS1[i], pS2[i], Wgt ); } } /* DXWeightedAverageArray */
inline void DXWeightedAverageArrayOver( DXPMSAMPLE* pS1, DXPMSAMPLE* pS2, ULONG Wgt, DXPMSAMPLE* pResults, DWORD dwCount ) { _ASSERT( pS1 && pS2 && pResults && dwCount ); DWORD i;
if( Wgt == 255 ) { for( i = 0; i < dwCount; ++i ) { DXCompositeOver( pResults[i], pS1[i] ); } } else { for( i = 0; i < dwCount; ++i ) { DXPMSAMPLE Avg = DXWeightedAverage( (DXBASESAMPLE)pS1[i], (DXBASESAMPLE)pS2[i], Wgt ); DXCompositeOver( pResults[i], Avg ); } }
} /* DXWeightedAverageArrayOver */
inline void DXScalePremultArray(DXPMSAMPLE *pBuffer, ULONG cSamples, BYTE Weight) { for (DXPMSAMPLE *pBuffLimit = pBuffer + cSamples; pBuffer < pBuffLimit; pBuffer++) { *pBuffer = DXScaleSample(*pBuffer, Weight); } }
inline HRESULT DXClipToOutputWithPlacement(CDXDBnds & LogicalOutBnds, const CDXDBnds * pClipBnds, CDXDBnds & PhysicalOutBnds, const CDXDVec *pPlacement) { if(pClipBnds && (!LogicalOutBnds.IntersectBounds(*pClipBnds))) { return S_FALSE; // no intersect, we're done
} else { CDXDVec vClipPos(false); LogicalOutBnds.GetMinVector( vClipPos ); if (pPlacement) { vClipPos -= *pPlacement; } PhysicalOutBnds += vClipPos; if (!LogicalOutBnds.IntersectBounds(PhysicalOutBnds)) { return S_FALSE; } PhysicalOutBnds = LogicalOutBnds; PhysicalOutBnds -= vClipPos; } return S_OK; }
// Helper for converting a color ref to a DXSAMPLE
inline DWORD DXSampleFromColorRef(COLORREF cr) { DXSAMPLE Samp(0xFF, GetRValue(cr), GetGValue(cr), GetBValue(cr)); return Samp; }
// Fill an entire surface with a color
inline HRESULT DXFillSurface( IDXSurface *pSurface, DXPMSAMPLE Color, BOOL bDoOver = FALSE, ULONG ulTimeOut = 10000 ) { IDXARGBReadWritePtr * pPtr; HRESULT hr = pSurface->LockSurface( NULL, ulTimeOut, DXLOCKF_READWRITE, IID_IDXARGBReadWritePtr, (void **)&pPtr, NULL); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { pPtr->FillRect(NULL, Color, bDoOver); pPtr->Release(); } return hr; } /* DXFillSurface */
// Fill a specified sub-rectangle of a surface with a color.
inline HRESULT DXFillSurfaceRect( IDXSurface *pSurface, RECT & rect, DXPMSAMPLE Color, BOOL bDoOver = FALSE, ULONG ulTimeOut = 10000 ) { CDXDBnds bnds(rect); IDXARGBReadWritePtr * pPtr; HRESULT hr = pSurface->LockSurface( &bnds, ulTimeOut, DXLOCKF_READWRITE, IID_IDXARGBReadWritePtr, (void **)&pPtr, NULL); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { pPtr->FillRect(NULL, Color, bDoOver); pPtr->Release(); } return hr; } /* DXFillSurfaceRect */
// The DestBnds height and width must be greater than or equal to the source bounds.
// The dwFlags parameter uses the flags defined by IDXSurfaceFactory::BitBlt:
inline HRESULT DXBitBlt(IDXSurface * pDest, const CDXDBnds & DestBnds, IDXSurface * pSrc, const CDXDBnds & SrcBnds, DWORD dwFlags, ULONG ulTimeout) { IDXARGBReadPtr * pIn; HRESULT hr; hr = pSrc->LockSurface( &SrcBnds, INFINITE, (dwFlags & DXBOF_DO_OVER) ? (DXLOCKF_READ | DXLOCKF_WANTRUNINFO) : DXLOCKF_READ, IID_IDXARGBReadPtr, (void**)&pIn, NULL); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IDXARGBReadWritePtr * pOut; hr = pDest->LockSurface( &DestBnds, INFINITE, DXLOCKF_READWRITE, IID_IDXARGBReadWritePtr, (void**)&pOut, NULL ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DXSAMPLEFORMATENUM InNativeType = pIn->GetNativeType(NULL); DXSAMPLEFORMATENUM OutNativeType = pOut->GetNativeType(NULL); BOOL bSrcIsOpaque = !(InNativeType & (DXPF_TRANSLUCENCY | DXPF_TRANSPARENCY)); const ULONG Width = SrcBnds.Width(); DXPMSAMPLE *pSrcBuff = NULL; if( InNativeType != DXPF_PMARGB32 ) { pSrcBuff = DXPMSAMPLE_Alloca(Width); } //
// Don't dither unless the dest has a greater error term than the source.
if ((dwFlags & DXBOF_DITHER) && ((OutNativeType & DXPF_ERRORMASK) <= (InNativeType & DXPF_ERRORMASK))) { dwFlags &= (~DXBOF_DITHER); } if ((dwFlags & DXBOF_DITHER) || ((dwFlags & DXBOF_DO_OVER) && bSrcIsOpaque== 0)) { //--- Allocate a working output buffer if necessary
DXPMSAMPLE *pDestBuff = NULL; if( OutNativeType != DXPF_PMARGB32 ) { pDestBuff = DXPMSAMPLE_Alloca(Width); } //--- Process each output row
// Note: Output coordinates are relative to the lock region
const ULONG Height = SrcBnds.Height(); if (dwFlags & DXBOF_DITHER) { DXPMSAMPLE * pSrcDitherBuff = pSrcBuff; if (pSrcDitherBuff == NULL) { pSrcDitherBuff = DXPMSAMPLE_Alloca(Width); } const BOOL bCopy = ((dwFlags & DXBOF_DO_OVER) == 0); //
// Set up the dither descriptor (some things are constant)
DXDITHERDESC dd; dd.pSamples = pSrcDitherBuff; dd.DestSurfaceFmt = OutNativeType; for(ULONG Y = 0; Y < Height; ++Y ) { dd.x = DestBnds.Left(); dd.y = DestBnds.Top() + Y; const DXRUNINFO *pRunInfo; ULONG cRuns = pIn->MoveAndGetRunInfo(Y, &pRunInfo); pOut->MoveToRow( Y ); do { ULONG ulRunLen = pRunInfo->Count; if (pRunInfo->Type == DXRUNTYPE_CLEAR) { pIn->Move(ulRunLen); if (bCopy) { //
// The only way to avoid calling a constructor function to create
// a pmsample from 0 is to declare a variable and then assign it!
DXPMSAMPLE NullColor; NullColor = 0; pOut->FillAndMove(pSrcDitherBuff, NullColor, ulRunLen, FALSE); } else { pOut->Move(ulRunLen); } dd.x += ulRunLen; } else { pIn->UnpackPremult(pSrcDitherBuff, ulRunLen, TRUE); dd.cSamples = ulRunLen; DXDitherArray(&dd); dd.x += ulRunLen; if (bCopy || pRunInfo->Type == DXRUNTYPE_OPAQUE) { pOut->PackPremultAndMove(pSrcDitherBuff, ulRunLen); } else { pOut->OverArrayAndMove(pDestBuff, pSrcDitherBuff, ulRunLen); } } pRunInfo++; cRuns--; } while (cRuns); } } else { for(ULONG Y = 0; Y < Height; ++Y ) { const DXRUNINFO *pRunInfo; ULONG cRuns = pIn->MoveAndGetRunInfo(Y, &pRunInfo); pOut->MoveToRow( Y ); do { ULONG ulRunLen = pRunInfo->Count; switch (pRunInfo->Type) { case DXRUNTYPE_CLEAR: pIn->Move(ulRunLen); pOut->Move(ulRunLen); break; case DXRUNTYPE_OPAQUE: pOut->CopyAndMoveBoth(pDestBuff, pIn, ulRunLen, TRUE); break; case DXRUNTYPE_TRANS: { DXPMSAMPLE *pSrc = pIn->UnpackPremult(pSrcBuff, ulRunLen, TRUE); DXPMSAMPLE *pDest = pOut->UnpackPremult(pDestBuff, ulRunLen, FALSE); DXOverArrayMMX(pDest, pSrc, ulRunLen); pOut->PackPremultAndMove(pDestBuff, ulRunLen); break; }
case DXRUNTYPE_UNKNOWN: { pOut->OverArrayAndMove(pDestBuff, pIn->UnpackPremult(pSrcBuff, ulRunLen, TRUE), ulRunLen); break; } } pRunInfo++; cRuns--; } while (cRuns); } } } else // if ((dwFlags & DXBOF_DITHER) || ((dwFlags & DXBOF_DO_OVER) && bSrcIsOpaque== 0))
{ // This code is run if:
// !(dwFlags & DXBOF_DITHER)
// && !((dwFlags & DXBOF_DO_OVER) && bSrcIsOpaque == 0)
// In English:
// This code is run if 1) dithering is not required
// and 2) blending with output is not required because it was
// not requested or because it's not needed because the source
// pixels are all opaque.
// hrDD is initialized to failure so that in the event that the
// pixel formats don't match or the pixel format supports
// transparency, the CopyRect will still run.
// If the pixel formats match and do not support transparency
// (because it's not supported by ddraw yet) try to use a
// ddraw blit instead of CopyRect.
if ((formatIn == pOut->GetNativeType(NULL)) && !(formatIn & DXPF_TRANSPARENCY)) { CComPtr<IDirectDrawSurface> cpDDSrc;
// Get source ddraw surface pointer.
hrDD = pSrc->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectDrawSurface, (void **)&cpDDSrc);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrDD)) { CComPtr<IDirectDrawSurface> cpDDDest;
// Get destination ddraw surface pointer.
hrDD = pDest->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectDrawSurface, (void **)&cpDDDest);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrDD)) { RECT rcSrc; RECT rcDest;
SrcBnds.GetXYRect(rcSrc); DestBnds.GetXYRect(rcDest);
// Attempt the ddraw blit.
hrDD = cpDDDest->Blt(&rcDest, cpDDSrc, &rcSrc, 0, NULL); } } }
// If hrDD has failed at this point, it means a direct draw blit
// was not possible and a CopyRect is needed to perform the
// copy.
if (FAILED(hrDD)) { pOut->CopyRect(pSrcBuff, NULL, pIn, NULL, bSrcIsOpaque); } } pOut->Release(); } pIn->Release(); } return hr; }
inline HRESULT DXSrcCopy(HDC hdcDest, int nXDest, int nYDest, int nWidth, int nHeight, IDXSurface *pSrcSurface, int nXSrc, int nYSrc) { IDXDCLock *pDCLock; HRESULT hr = pSrcSurface->LockSurfaceDC(NULL, INFINITE, DXLOCKF_READ, &pDCLock); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ::BitBlt(hdcDest, nXDest, nYDest, nWidth, nHeight, pDCLock->GetDC(), nXSrc, nYSrc, SRCCOPY); pDCLock->Release(); } return hr; } //
//=== Pointer validation functions
inline BOOL DXIsBadReadPtr( const void* pMem, UINT Size ) { #if !defined( _DEBUG ) && defined( DXTRANS_NOROBUST )
return false; #else
return ::IsBadReadPtr( pMem, Size ); #endif
inline BOOL DXIsBadWritePtr( void* pMem, UINT Size ) { #if !defined( _DEBUG ) && defined( DXTRANS_NOROBUST )
return false; #else
return ::IsBadWritePtr( pMem, Size ); #endif
inline BOOL DXIsBadInterfacePtr( const IUnknown* pUnknown ) { #if !defined( _DEBUG ) && defined( DXTRANS_NOROBUST )
return false; #else
return ( ::IsBadReadPtr( pUnknown, sizeof( *pUnknown ) ) || ::IsBadCodePtr( (FARPROC)((void **)pUnknown)[0] ))? (true):(false); #endif
#define DX_IS_BAD_OPTIONAL_WRITE_PTR(p) ((p) && DXIsBadWritePtr(p, sizeof(p)))
#define DX_IS_BAD_OPTIONAL_READ_PTR(p) ((p) && DXIsBadReadPtr(p, sizeof(p)))
#define DX_IS_BAD_OPTIONAL_INTERFACE_PTR(p) ((p) && DXIsBadInterfacePtr(p))
#endif /* This must be the last line in the file */