Copyright (c) 2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file defines the public interfaces for issuing async Reads/Writes to a file using the fcache wrapper library.
#ifndef _FILEHC_H_
#define _FILEHC_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
typedef VOID (*PFN_IO_COMPLETION)( IN struct FIO_CONTEXT* pContext, IN struct FH_OVERLAPPED* lpo, IN DWORD cb, IN DWORD dwCompletionStatus );
struct FH_OVERLAPPED { /*++
This structure defines the extended OVERLAPPED structure used by the File IO layer implemented in this module.
The first 5 elements of this structure are identical to NT's OVERLAPPED structure and have the exact same semantics. The final additional parameter is a pointer to a function that will be called to complete the IO.
--*/ UINT_PTR Internal ; UINT_PTR InternalHigh ; DWORD Offset ; DWORD OffsetHigh ; HANDLE hEvent ; PFN_IO_COMPLETION pfnCompletion ; UINT_PTR Reserved1 ; UINT_PTR Reserved2 ; UINT_PTR Reserved3 ; UINT_PTR Reserved4 ; } ;
struct FIO_CONTEXT { /*++
This structure defines the context object that is used to represent file handles.
--*/ //
// Temporary hack - mailmsg object assumes it can put a NULL in us !
DWORD m_dwTempHack ;
// The context signature !
DWORD m_dwSignature ;
// The users file handle !
HANDLE m_hFile ;
// The offset to back fill Lines header - nntp aware only
DWORD m_dwLinesOffset;
// Header length - nntp aware only
DWORD m_dwHeaderLength; } ;
#define FILEHC_EXPORT __declspec( dllexport )
#define FILEHC_EXPORT __declspec( dllimport )
// Initialize the DLL for Async IO -
// This is a counting initialize - for each call to FIOInitialize()
// there should be a matching call to FIOTerminate
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall FIOInitialize( IN DWORD dwFlags );
// Terminate the DLL's support for Async IO !
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall FIOTerminate( VOID );
// Do an async read against the File !
// Do an async read against the file - pass extra args
// so that if the FIO_CONTEXT is doing dot stuffing for the user
// it can do so efficiently !
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall FIOReadFileEx( IN PFIO_CONTEXT pContext, IN LPVOID lpBuffer, IN DWORD BytesToRead, IN DWORD BytesAvailable, // must be >= BytesToWrite - number of bytes I can mess with.
IN FH_OVERLAPPED * lpo, IN BOOL fFinalWrite, // Is this the final write ?
IN BOOL fIncludeTerminator // if TRUE contains CRLF.CRLF terminator which shouldn't be stuffed
// Do an async write against the file !
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall FIOWriteFile( IN PFIO_CONTEXT pContext, IN LPCVOID lpBuffer, IN DWORD BytesToWrite, IN FH_OVERLAPPED * lpo );
// Do an async write against the file - pass extra args
// so that if the FIO_CONTEXT is doing dot stuffing for the user
// it can do so efficiently !
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall FIOWriteFileEx( IN PFIO_CONTEXT pContext, IN LPVOID lpBuffer, IN DWORD BytesToWrite, IN DWORD BytesAvailable, // must be >= BytesToWrite - number of bytes I can mess with.
IN FH_OVERLAPPED* lpo, IN BOOL fFinalWrite, // Is this the final write ?
IN BOOL fIncludeTerminator // if TRUE contains CRLF.CRLF terminator which shouldn't be stuffed
) ;
// Callback functions which create things in the cache !
// NOTE: this is equivalent to FCACHE_RICHCREATE_CALLBACK where
// pfDidWeScanIt - returns FALSE
// pfIsStuffed - return FALSE
// pfStoredWithDots - return FALSE
typedef HANDLE (__stdcall *FCACHE_CREATE_CALLBACK) ( IN LPSTR lpstrName, IN LPVOID lpvData, OUT DWORD* cbFileSize, OUT DWORD* cbFileSizeHigh ) ;
// Callback functions which create things in the cache !
// This function will be called by CacheRichCreateFile().
// lpstrName - the name of the file
// lpvData - User provided data, provided to CacheRichCreateFile
// cbFileSize - The function should return the size of the file through this
// cbFileSizeHigh - place to return the High DWORD of the file size
// pfDidWeScanIt - if THIS is true then at some point the created file has been
// scanned for DOTs appearing at the beginning of lines
// pfIsStuffed - This is only meaningfull if pfDidWeScanIt==TRUE, in which case
// if this is TRUE this indicates that there are DOTs at the beginning of lines
// pfStoredWithDots - If this is TRUE then it indicates that any DOTs that appear
// at the beginning of lines are stored with an extra dot as required in NNTP,
// SMTP and POP3 protocols. if this is FALSE then the message is stored without
// DOT stuffing.
typedef HANDLE (__stdcall *FCACHE_RICHCREATE_CALLBACK) ( IN LPSTR lpstrName, IN LPVOID lpvData, OUT DWORD* cbFileSize, OUT DWORD* cbFileSizeHigh, OUT BOOL* pfDidWeScanIt, OUT BOOL* pfIsStuffed, OUT BOOL* pfStoredWithDots, OUT BOOL* pfStoredWithTerminatingDot ) ;
// Initialize the File Handle Cache -
// NOTE : this will automatically initialize the DLL for async
// IO as well !
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall InitializeCache() ;
// Terminate the cache !
// NOTE : this will terminate the DLL for async IO as well !
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall TerminateCache() ;
// Associate a file with an async context !
FILEHC_EXPORT PFIO_CONTEXT __stdcall AssociateFile( HANDLE hFile ) ;
// This allows the user to specify whether file stores content with extra DOTS
// added for RFC 822 protocols (i.e. NNTP and SMTP DATA commands).
// NOTE: AssociateFile() is the same as AssociateFileEx( hFile, FALSE ) ;
// hFile - The file that contains message content, or in which we will write message content
// fStoreWithDots - if TRUE then each period or DOT in the file which starts a line
// but is NOT part of the terminating CRLF.CRLF will be stored with an extra dot
// adjacent to it. This is the on the wire format for NNTP for instance.
FILEHC_EXPORT PFIO_CONTEXT __stdcall AssociateFileEx( HANDLE hFile, BOOL fStoreWithDots, BOOL fStoredWithTerminatingDot ) ;
// Add a reference to a context -
// Each call to AddRefContext() must be matched by a corresponding
// call to ReleaseContext(). Both AssociateFile and CacheCreateFile()
// also add a single reference which must be matched by a call to ReleaseContext().
FILEHC_EXPORT void __stdcall AddRefContext( PFIO_CONTEXT ) ;
// Release a Context !
// FIO_CONTEXT's are reference counted - the user must call
// this for each successfull call to CacheCreateFile(), and
// each call to InsertFile() where fKeepReference is TRUE
FILEHC_EXPORT void __stdcall ReleaseContext( PFIO_CONTEXT ) ;
// Close a handle associated with a non-cached FIO_CONTEXT
// This is used to Close the file handle within a context.
// This only succeeds if the FIO_CONTEXT is not cached !
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall CloseNonCachedFile( PFIO_CONTEXT ) ;
// Create a file in the cache, or find an existing one !
// If the file is not in the cache, the cache will call
// pfnCallBack with lpv to do the actual work of calling
// CreateFile().
FILEHC_EXPORT FIO_CONTEXT* __stdcall CacheCreateFile( IN LPSTR lpstrName, IN FCACHE_CREATE_CALLBACK pfnCallBack, IN LPVOID lpv, IN BOOL fAsyncContext ) ; //
// Create a file in the cache or find an existing one,
// if we create the file we can add properties onto it in
// the cache !
FILEHC_EXPORT FIO_CONTEXT* __stdcall CacheRichCreateFile( IN LPSTR lpstrName, IN FCACHE_RICHCREATE_CALLBACK pfnCallBack, IN LPVOID lpv, IN BOOL fAsyncContext ) ;
// This function allows a user to remove all files with the specified
// Name from the cache. if fAllPrefixes is TRUE, we will remove all files
// where the Name matches the beginning of the path !
// If fAllPrefixes is FALSE then we will remove only the one file which
// exactly matches lpstrName !
FILEHC_EXPORT void __stdcall CacheRemoveFiles( IN LPSTR lpstrName, IN BOOL fAllPrefixes ) ; //
// Insert the file into the cache !
// This function will add the file handle in the FIO_CONTEXT
// to the cache. All searches by lpstrName will find this
// item untill it expires from the cache.
// If fKeepReference is TRUE then the user must make a call to
// ReleaseContext() for the inserted FIO_CONTEXT !
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall InsertFile( IN LPSTR lpstrName, IN FIO_CONTEXT* pContext, IN BOOL fKeepReference ) ;
// Report the file size that we've cached with the handle
FILEHC_EXPORT DWORD __stdcall GetFileSizeFromContext( IN FIO_CONTEXT* pContext, OUT DWORD* pcbFileSizeHigh ) ;
// Name Cache API's
// This is the function pointer provided by clients to compare
// keys. This must be provided on all calls.
// The function has memcmp() semantics, i.e. it must order the keys
// consistently, and return <0 if key1 is smaller then key2, ==0 if the
// keys match and >0 if key1 is greater then key2.
typedef int (__stdcall *CACHE_KEY_COMPARE)( IN DWORD cbKey1, IN LPBYTE lpbKey1, IN DWORD cbKey2, IN LPBYTE lpbKey2 ) ;
// This is the function provided by clients to compute a hash
// value on Keys - NOTE: The Cache will provide a hash function
// IF the user does not, however the internally provided hash
// function is best only for things that appear to be regular strings.
typedef DWORD (__stdcall *CACHE_KEY_HASH)( IN LPBYTE lpbKey, IN DWORD cbKey ) ;
// This is the generic callback function that is provided to the
// cache to help examine items within the cache.
// The BOOL return value is meaningfull to the Cache API's only
// on the following calls :
typedef BOOL (__stdcall *CACHE_READ_CALLBACK)( IN DWORD cb, IN LPBYTE lpb, IN LPVOID lpvContext ) ;
// This is a callback that is called whenever we destroy an entry in
// the name cache - this is called once for both key and data components,
// and gives the client a chance to track any relationships
// NOTE : if the client does not associate
// data with the name, the function will only be called for the Key data.
typedef void (__stdcall *CACHE_DESTROY_CALLBACK)( IN DWORD cb, IN LPBYTE lpb ) ;
// This is a callback this is called whenever we evaluate a security descriptor.
// If it is not provided we will call the standard NT AccessCheck() call !
// The function has the same signature as AccessCheck, however there are arguments
// we don't use - PrivilegeSet will always be NULL and PrivilegeSetLength will always be 0 !
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CACHE_ACCESS_CHECK)( IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, IN HANDLE hClientToken, IN DWORD dwDesiredAccess, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, IN PRIVILEGE_SET* PrivilegeSet, IN LPDWORD PrivilegeSetLength, IN LPDWORD GrantedAccess, IN LPBOOL AccessStatus ) ;
// This is the externally exposed structure representing a Name Cache -
// it doesn't contain any fields usefull for a client, but must be passed
// back into all of the name cache API's
// Signature DWORD ! - user must not touch this !
DWORD m_dwSignature ; } ;
// API's for creating/manging NAME CACHE's
// NOTE : Name Cache's are reference counted, and if this
// function is called twice with the same name we will
// Add a reference to an existing Name Cache.
FILEHC_EXPORT PNAME_CACHE_CONTEXT __stdcall FindOrCreateNameCache( //
// Must not be NULL ! - this is CASE SENSITVE !
LPSTR lpstrName, //
// Must not be NULL !
CACHE_KEY_COMPARE pfnKeyCompare, //
// This may be NULL, in which case the cache will provide one !
CACHE_KEY_HASH pfnKeyHash, //
// The following two function pointers may be NULL !
// API's for releasing the NAME CACHE !
// The caller must guarantee the thread safety of this call - This function must not
// be called if any other thread is simultanesouly executing within
// CacheFindContectFromName(), AssociateContextWithName(), AssociateDataWithName(), or InvalidateName()
FILEHC_EXPORT long __stdcall ReleaseNameCache( //
// Must not be NULL !
// API's for setting options on the name cache - this can be used to change
// how Security is evaluated !
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall SetNameCacheSecurityFunction( //
// Must not be NULL !
// This is the function pointer that will be used to evaluate security -
// this may be NULL - if it is we will use the Win32 Access Check !
CACHE_ACCESS_CHECK pfnAccessCheck ) ;
// Find the FIO_CONTEXT that is associated with some user name.
// The function returns TRUE if the Name was found in the cache.
// FALSE if the name was not found in the cache.
// If the function returns FALSE then the pfnCallback function will not be
// called.
// If the function returns TRUE, ppFIOContext may return a NULL pointer,
// if the user passed a NULL FIO_CONTEXT to AssociateContextWithName() !
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall FindContextFromName( //
// The name cache the client wishes to use !
// User provides arbitrary bytes for Key to the cache item - pfnKeyCompare() used
// to compare keys !
IN LPBYTE lpbName, IN DWORD cbName, //
// User provides function which is called with the key once the key comparison
// matches the key. This lets the user do some extra checking that they're getting
// what they want.
IN CACHE_READ_CALLBACK pfnCallback, IN LPVOID lpvClientContext, //
// Ask the cache to evaluate the embedded security descriptor
// if hToken is 0 then we ignore and security descriptor data
IN HANDLE hToken, IN ACCESS_MASK accessMask, //
// We have a separate mechanism for returning the FIO_CONTEXT
// from the cache.
OUT FIO_CONTEXT** ppContext ) ;
// Find the FIO_CONTEXT that is associated with some user name.
// The function returns TRUE if the Name was found in the cache.
// FALSE if the name was not found in the cache.
// If the function returns FALSE then the pfnCallback function will not be
// called.
// If the function returns TRUE, ppFIOContext may return a NULL pointer,
// if the user passed a NULL FIO_CONTEXT to AssociateContextWithName() !
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall FindSyncContextFromName( //
// The name cache the client wishes to use !
// User provides arbitrary bytes for Key to the cache item - pfnKeyCompare() used
// to compare keys !
IN LPBYTE lpbName, IN DWORD cbName, //
// User provides function which is called with the key once the key comparison
// matches the key. This lets the user do some extra checking that they're getting
// what they want.
IN CACHE_READ_CALLBACK pfnCallback, IN LPVOID lpvClientContext, //
// Ask the cache to evaluate the embedded security descriptor
// if hToken is 0 then we ignore and security descriptor data
IN HANDLE hToken, IN ACCESS_MASK accessMask, //
// We have a separate mechanism for returning the FIO_CONTEXT
// from the cache.
OUT FIO_CONTEXT** ppContext ) ;
// Cache Associate context with name !
// This insert a Name into the Name cache, that will find the specified FIO_CONTEXT !
// If the name is already present in the cache, this will fail with GetLastError()==ERROR_DUP_NAME !
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall AssociateContextWithName( //
// The name cache the client wishes to use !
// User provides arbitrary bytes for the Name of the cache item.
IN LPBYTE lpbName, IN DWORD cbName, //
// User may provide some arbitrary data to assoicate with the name !
IN LPBYTE lpbData, IN DWORD cbData, //
// User may provide a self relative security descriptor to
// be associated with the name !
IN PGENERIC_MAPPING pGenericMapping, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, //
// User provides the FIO_CONTEXT that the name should reference
FIO_CONTEXT* pContext, //
// User specifies whether they wish to keep their reference on the FIO_CONTEXT
BOOL fKeepReference ) ;
// This function allows the user to remove a single name and all associated data
// from the name cache.
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL InvalidateName( //
// The name cache the client wishes to use !
// User provides arbitrary bytes for the Name of the cache item.
IN LPBYTE lpbName, IN DWORD cbName ) ;
// End of Name Cache API's
// This function gets an FIO_CONTEXT with the requested state.
// We may or may not create a new FIO_CONTEXT, if we do create one we'll stick
// it into the cache so it can be used again !
// NOTE: if we have to do work, the user has the only reference to the resulting
// FIO_CONTEXT which will go away when they call ReleaseContext() !
// pContext - the original FIO_CONTEXT
// lpstrName - the file name associated with pContext
// fWantItDotStuffed - if TRUE the resulting FIO_CONTEXT should be dot stuffed !
// fTerminatorIncluded - if this is TRUE the source FIO_CONTEXT contains a terminating
// dot that we should be carefull not to stuff !
// NOTE: We may return the same FIO_CONTEXT as the caller provided - in which case
// an extra reference has been added that needs to be dropped with ReleaseContext() !
FILEHC_EXPORT FIO_CONTEXT* __stdcall ProduceDotStuffedContext( IN FIO_CONTEXT* pContext, IN LPSTR lpstrName, IN BOOL fWantItDotStuffed // if TRUE add dots, if FALSE remove dots
) ;
// This function takes a source FIO_CONTEXT (pContextSource) and copies
// the content into pContextDestination.
// The user specifies whether the Destination FIO_CONTEXT should be dot stuffed
// with fWantItDotStuffed, and whether the source FIO_CONTEXT includes the
// terminating CRLF.CRLF
// The out parameter pfModified is TRUE if there were modifications when
// Source was copied to Destination !
// The function returns TRUE if successfull, FALSE otherwise !
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall ProduceDotStuffedContextInContext( IN FIO_CONTEXT* pContextSource, IN FIO_CONTEXT* pContextDestination, IN BOOL fWantItDotStuffed, OUT BOOL* pfModified ) ;
// Find out whether the file has a terminating 'CRLF.CRLF' sequence !
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall GetIsFileDotTerminated( IN FIO_CONTEXT* pContext ) ;
// Set whether the file has a terminating 'CRLF.CRLF' sequence !
FILEHC_EXPORT void __stdcall SetIsFileDotTerminated( IN FIO_CONTEXT* pContext, IN BOOL fIsDotTerminated ) ;
// Enable dot stuffing properties on the write path of the file
// handle cache of this message !
// if fEnable is FALSE then all dot stuffing behaviour is turned
// off.
// if fStripDots is TRUE the File Handle Cache will convert
// occurrences of "\r\n." to "\r\n" within your message.
// if fStripDots is FALSE the FileHandle Cache will convert occurrences
// of "\r\n.." to "\r\n" within your message.
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall SetDotStuffingOnWrites( IN FIO_CONTEXT* pContext, //
// fEnable == FALSE means ignore fStripDots, and writes are unmodified
IN BOOL fEnable, //
// fStripDots == TRUE means we remove dots that are dot stuffed,
// fStripDots == FALSE means that we add dots to make the message dot stuffed
IN BOOL fStripDots ) ;
#if 0
// This function temporarily disabled !
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall SetDotStuffingOnReads( IN FIO_CONTEXT* pContext, IN BOOL fEnable, IN BOOL fStripDots ) ; #endif
// Enable dot scanning properties on the write path
// of the file handle cache for this file !
// if fEnable is TRUE the we will examine each write
// that goes through us to determine whether the
// message has any occurrences of "\r\n.".
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall SetDotScanningOnWrites( IN FIO_CONTEXT* pContext, IN BOOL fEnable ) ;
// This function should be called when we have finished doing all writes to an FIO_CONTEXT
// This function should be paired with SetDotStuffingOnWrites() and the fStripDots
// parameter should be the same as when SetDotStuffingOnWrites() was called.
// We will update the Dot Stuffing State of the FIO_CONTEXT and discard
// all dot stuffing memory and stuff that may have been required !
// If this function call is paired with a call to SetDotScanningOnWrites() fStripDots should be TRUE !
FILEHC_EXPORT void __stdcall CompleteDotStuffingOnWrites( IN FIO_CONTEXT* pContext, IN BOOL fStripDots ) ;
// This will cause us to examine each read for occurrences of
// "\r\n."
// NOTE : the user must use ASYNC Reads for this to work - we will assert
// if the user tries to pend any synchronous reads while we are in this state !
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall SetDotScanningOnReads( IN FIO_CONTEXT* pContext, IN BOOL fEnable ) ;
// If any of the dot stuffing mechanism our turned on,
// this will get a count of the number of occurrences/modifications
// have occurred.
// if fReads is TRUE we get the count for occurrences on Read's
// if fReads is FALSE we get the count for occurrences on Write's
// if dot stuffing was turned off or not enabled somehow then
// GetDotStuffState() will return FALSE.
// NOTE: A NULL pfStuffed is not allowed !
FILEHC_EXPORT BOOL __stdcall GetDotStuffState( IN FIO_CONTEXT* pContext, IN BOOL fReads, OUT BOOL* pfStuffed, OUT BOOL* pfStoredWithDots ) ;
// In this case we always assume that the FIO_CONTEXT is not going to be dot stuffed.
// fRequiresStuffing == TRUE indicates that it SHOULD BE stuffed.
// fRequiresStuffing == FALSE indicates that the message does not need dot stuffing.
FILEHC_EXPORT void __stdcall SetDotStuffState( IN FIO_CONTEXT* pContext, //
// fIsStuffed is only relevant when fKnown == TRUE
IN BOOL fKnown, // We do know the dot stuff state
// if fKnown is TRUE then fIsStuffed is meaningfull, when thats the case
// if fIsStuffed is TRUE then the message
IN BOOL fRequiresStuffing// if fKnown is TRUE this arg is meaningfull
) ;
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif
#endif // _FILEHC_H_