// msaa.h -- Stub module that fakes Microsoft Active Accessibility APIs on
// Win32 OSes without them.
// By using this header your code will be able to run on systems that do not
// have updated versions of USER and GDI with Active Accessibility support, and
// that do not have OLEACC.DLL installed. In those cases, you will get back
// reasonable error codes for the following functions:
// USER!BlockInput
// USER!GetGUIThreadInfo
// USER!GetWindowModuleFileName
// USER!NotifyWinEvent
// USER!SendInput
// USER!SetWinEventHook
// USER!UnhookWinEvent
// USER!GetCursorInfo
// USER!GetWindowInfo
// USER!GetTitleBarInfo
// USER!GetScrollBarInfo
// USER!GetComboBoxInfo
// USER!GetAncestor
// USER!RealChildWindowFromPoint
// USER!RealGetWindowClass
// USER!GetAltTabInfo
// USER!GetListBoxInfo
// USER!GetMenuBarInfo
// OLEACC!AccessibleChildren
// OLEACC!AccessibleObjectFromEvent
// OLEACC!AccessibleObjectFromPoint
// OLEACC!AccessibleObjectFromWindow
// OLEACC!CreateStdAccessibleObject
// OLEACC!GetRoleText
// OLEACC!GetStateText
// OLEACC!LresultFromObject
// OLEACC!ObjectFromLresult
// OLEACC!WindowFromAccessibleObject
// Exactly one source must include this with COMPILE_MSAA_STUBS defined.
// Copyright (c) 1985-1997, Microsoft Corporation
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { // Assume C declarations for C++
#endif // __cplusplus
// If we are building with Win95/NT4 headers, we need to declare
// the msaa-related constants and APIs ourselves. We can do that
// by including the files that come with the MSAA SDK.
#ifndef NO_WINABLE
#ifndef INPUT
#include <winable.h> // support for new USER API's (WinEvents,GetGuiThreadInfo,SendInput, etc.)
#endif // INPUT not defined
#endif // NO_WINABLE not defined
#include <initguid.h>
#ifndef NO_OLEACC
#include <oleacc.h> // support for IAccessible interface
#endif // ROLE_SYSTEM_TITLEBAR not defined
#endif // NO_OLEACC not defined
// UnDefine these names so we can re-define them below.
#undef BlockInput
#undef GetGUIThreadInfo
#undef GetWindowModuleFileName
#undef NotifyWinEvent
#undef SendInput
#undef SetWinEventHook
#undef UnhookWinEvent
#undef GetCursorInfo
#undef GetWindowInfo
#undef GetTitleBarInfo
#undef GetScrollBarInfo
#undef GetComboBoxInfo
#undef GetAncestor
#undef RealChildWindowFromPoint
#undef RealGetWindowClass
#undef GetAltTabInfo
#undef GetListBoxInfo
#undef GetMenuBarInfo
#undef AccessibleChildren
#undef AccessibleObjectFromEvent
#undef AccessibleObjectFromPoint
#undef AccessibleObjectFromWindow
#undef CreateStdAccessibleObject
#undef GetRoleText
#undef GetStateText
#undef LresultFromObject
#undef ObjectFromLresult
#undef WindowFromAccessibleObject
// Define COMPILE_MSAA_STUBS to compile the stubs;
// otherwise, you get the declarations.
// Implement the API stubs.
HRESULT (WINAPI* g_pfnAccessibleChildren)(IAccessible*,LONG,LONG,VARIANT*,LONG*) = NULL; HRESULT (WINAPI* g_pfnAccessibleObjectFromEvent)(HWND,DWORD,DWORD,IAccessible**,VARIANT*) = NULL; HRESULT (WINAPI* g_pfnAccessibleObjectFromPoint)(POINT,IAccessible**,VARIANT*) = NULL; HRESULT (WINAPI* g_pfnAccessibleObjectFromWindow)(HWND,DWORD,REFIID,void **) = NULL; HRESULT (WINAPI* g_pfnCreateStdAccessibleObject)(HWND,LONG,REFIID,void **) = NULL; UINT (WINAPI* g_pfnGetRoleText)(DWORD,LPTSTR,UINT) = NULL; UINT (WINAPI* g_pfnGetStateText)(DWORD,LPTSTR,UINT) = NULL; LRESULT (WINAPI* g_pfnLresultFromObject)(REFIID,WPARAM,LPUNKNOWN) = NULL; HRESULT (WINAPI* g_pfnObjectFromLresult)(LRESULT,REFIID,WPARAM,void**) = NULL; HRESULT (WINAPI* g_pfnWindowFromAccessibleObject)(IAccessible*,HWND*) = NULL; // STATUS
// This is the function that checks that all the required API's exist, and
// then allows apps that include this file to call the real functions if they
// exist, or the 'stubs' if they do not. This function is only called by the
// stub functions - client code never needs to call this.
BOOL InitMSAAStubs(void) { HMODULE hUser32; HMODULE hOleacc;
if (g_fMSAAInitDone) { return g_pfnBlockInput != NULL; }
hOleacc = GetModuleHandle(TEXT("OLEACC.DLL")); if (!hOleacc) hOleacc = LoadLibrary(TEXT("OLEACC.DLL"));
if ((hUser32 = GetModuleHandle(TEXT("USER32"))) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnBlockInput = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"BlockInput")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnGetGUIThreadInfo = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"GetGUIThreadInfo")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnNotifyWinEvent = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"NotifyWinEvent")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnSendInput = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"SendInput")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnSetWinEventHook = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"SetWinEventHook")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnUnhookWinEvent = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"UnhookWinEvent")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnGetCursorInfo = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"GetCursorInfo")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnGetWindowInfo = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"GetWindowInfo")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnGetTitleBarInfo = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"GetTitleBarInfo")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnGetScrollBarInfo = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"GetScrollBarInfo")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnGetComboBoxInfo = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"GetComboBoxInfo")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnGetAncestor = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"GetAncestor")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnRealChildWindowFromPoint = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"RealChildWindowFromPoint")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnGetListBoxInfo = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"GetListBoxInfo")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnGetMenuBarInfo = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"GetMenuBarInfo")) && #ifdef UNICODE
(*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnGetWindowModuleFileName = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"GetWindowModuleFileNameW")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnRealGetWindowClass = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"RealGetWindowClassW")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnGetAltTabInfo = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"GetAltTabInfoW")) && #else
(*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnGetWindowModuleFileName = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"GetWindowModuleFileNameA")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnRealGetWindowClass = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"RealGetWindowClass")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnGetAltTabInfo = GetProcAddress(hUser32,"GetAltTabInfo")) && #endif
(hOleacc) && #ifdef UNICODE
(*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnGetRoleText = GetProcAddress(hOleacc,"GetRoleTextW")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnGetStateText = GetProcAddress(hOleacc,"GetStateTextW")) && #else
(*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnGetRoleText = GetProcAddress(hOleacc,"GetRoleTextA")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnGetStateText = GetProcAddress(hOleacc,"GetStateTextA")) && #endif
(*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnAccessibleChildren = GetProcAddress(hOleacc,"AccessibleChildren")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnAccessibleObjectFromEvent = GetProcAddress(hOleacc,"AccessibleObjectFromEvent")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnAccessibleObjectFromPoint = GetProcAddress(hOleacc,"AccessibleObjectFromPoint")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnAccessibleObjectFromWindow = GetProcAddress(hOleacc,"AccessibleObjectFromWindow")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnCreateStdAccessibleObject = GetProcAddress(hOleacc,"CreateStdAccessibleObject")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnLresultFromObject = GetProcAddress(hOleacc,"LresultFromObject")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnObjectFromLresult = GetProcAddress(hOleacc,"ObjectFromLresult")) && (*(FARPROC*)&g_pfnWindowFromAccessibleObject = GetProcAddress(hOleacc,"WindowFromAccessibleObject")) ) { g_fMSAAInitDone = TRUE; return TRUE; } else { g_pfnBlockInput = NULL; g_pfnGetGUIThreadInfo = NULL; g_pfnGetWindowModuleFileName = NULL; g_pfnNotifyWinEvent = NULL; g_pfnSendInput = NULL; g_pfnSetWinEventHook = NULL; g_pfnUnhookWinEvent = NULL; g_pfnGetCursorInfo = NULL; g_pfnGetWindowInfo = NULL; g_pfnGetTitleBarInfo = NULL; g_pfnGetScrollBarInfo = NULL; g_pfnGetComboBoxInfo = NULL; g_pfnGetAncestor = NULL; g_pfnRealChildWindowFromPoint = NULL; g_pfnRealGetWindowClass = NULL; g_pfnGetAltTabInfo = NULL; g_pfnGetListBoxInfo = NULL; g_pfnGetMenuBarInfo = NULL; g_pfnAccessibleChildren = NULL; g_pfnAccessibleObjectFromEvent = NULL; g_pfnAccessibleObjectFromPoint = NULL; g_pfnAccessibleObjectFromWindow = NULL; g_pfnCreateStdAccessibleObject = NULL; g_pfnGetRoleText = NULL; g_pfnGetStateText = NULL; g_pfnLresultFromObject = NULL; g_pfnObjectFromLresult = NULL; g_pfnWindowFromAccessibleObject = NULL;
g_fMSAAInitDone = TRUE; return FALSE; } }
// Fake implementations of MSAA APIs that return error codes.
// No special parameter validation is made since these run in client code
// Fake implementation of BlockInput. Always returns FALSE if API not present.
BOOL WINAPI xBlockInput (BOOL fBlock) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnBlockInput(fBlock);
return FALSE; }
// Fake implementation of GetGUIThreadInfo. Returns FALSE if API not present.
BOOL WINAPI xGetGUIThreadInfo (DWORD idThread,PGUITHREADINFO lpGuiThreadInfo) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnGetGUIThreadInfo(idThread,lpGuiThreadInfo);
lpGuiThreadInfo->flags = 0; lpGuiThreadInfo->hwndActive = NULL; lpGuiThreadInfo->hwndFocus = NULL; lpGuiThreadInfo->hwndCapture = NULL; lpGuiThreadInfo->hwndMenuOwner = NULL; lpGuiThreadInfo->hwndMoveSize = NULL; lpGuiThreadInfo->hwndCaret = NULL;
return FALSE; }
// Fake implementation of GetWindowModuleFileName.
UINT WINAPI xGetWindowModuleFileName (HWND hWnd,LPTSTR lpszFileName,UINT cchFileNameMax) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnGetWindowModuleFileName(hWnd,lpszFileName,cchFileNameMax);
return 0; }
// Fake implementation of NotifyWinEvent
void xNotifyWinEvent (DWORD dwEvent,HWND hWnd,LONG idObject,LONG idChild) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) g_pfnNotifyWinEvent(dwEvent,hWnd,idObject,idChild);
return; }
// Fake implementation of SendInput. Always returns 0 if API not present.
UINT WINAPI xSendInput (UINT cInputs,LPINPUT lpInput,INT cbSize) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnSendInput (cInputs,lpInput,cbSize);
return 0; }
// Fake implementation of SetWinEventHook. Returns NULL if API not present.
HWINEVENTHOOK WINAPI xSetWinEventHook (UINT eventMin,UINT eventMax, HMODULE hModWinEventHook, WINEVENTPROC lpfnWinEventProc, DWORD idProcess,DWORD idThread, UINT dwFlags) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnSetWinEventHook (eventMin,eventMax,hModWinEventHook, lpfnWinEventProc,idProcess,idThread,dwFlags);
return NULL; }
// Fake implementation of UnhookWinEvent. Returns FALSE if API not present.
BOOL WINAPI xUnhookWinEvent (HWINEVENTHOOK hWinEventHook) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnUnhookWinEvent (hWinEventHook);
return FALSE; }
// Fake implementation of GetCursorInfo. Returns FALSE if API not present.
BOOL WINAPI xGetCursorInfo(LPCURSORINFO lpCursorInfo) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnGetCursorInfo(lpCursorInfo);
return FALSE; }
// Fake implementation of GetWindowInfo. Returns TRUE if API not present, but
// not all the fields are correctly filled in.
BOOL WINAPI xGetWindowInfo(HWND hwnd, LPWINDOWINFO lpwi) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnGetWindowInfo(hwnd,lpwi);
// this is an incomplete implementation of GetWindowInfo
GetWindowRect(hwnd,&lpwi->rcWindow); GetClientRect(hwnd,&lpwi->rcClient); lpwi->dwStyle = GetWindowLong (hwnd,GWL_STYLE); lpwi->dwExStyle = GetWindowLong (hwnd,GWL_EXSTYLE); lpwi->dwWindowsState = 0; // should have WS_ACTIVECAPTION in here if active
lpwi->cxWindowBorders = 0; // wrong
lpwi->cyWindowBorders = 0; // wrong
lpwi->atomWindowType = 0; // wrong
lpwi->wCreatorVersion = 0; // wrong
return TRUE; }
// Fake implementation of GetTitleBarInfo. Returns FALSE if API not present.
BOOL WINAPI xGetTitleBarInfo(HWND hwnd, LPTITLEBARINFO lpTitleBarInfo) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnGetTitleBarInfo(hwnd,lpTitleBarInfo);
return FALSE; }
// Fake implementation of GetScrollBarInfo. Returns FALSE if API not present.
BOOL WINAPI xGetScrollBarInfo(HWND hwnd, LONG idObject, LPSCROLLBARINFO lpScrollBarInfo) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnGetScrollBarInfo(hwnd,idObject,lpScrollBarInfo);
return FALSE; }
// Fake implementation of GetComboBoxInfo. Returns if API not present.
BOOL WINAPI xGetComboBoxInfo(HWND hwnd, LPCOMBOBOXINFO lpComboBoxInfo) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnGetComboBoxInfo(hwnd,lpComboBoxInfo);
return FALSE; }
// Fake implementation of GetAncestor. If API not present, this will try to
// do what the real implementation does.
HWND WINAPI xGetAncestor(HWND hwnd, UINT gaFlags) { HWND hwndParent; HWND hwndDesktop; DWORD dwStyle;
if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnGetAncestor(hwnd,gaFlags);
if (!IsWindow(hwnd)) return(NULL);
if ((gaFlags < GA_MIC) || (gaFlags > GA_MAC)) return(NULL);
hwndDesktop = GetDesktopWindow(); if (hwnd == hwndDesktop) return(NULL); dwStyle = GetWindowLong (hwnd,GWL_STYLE);
switch (gaFlags) { case GA_PARENT: if (dwStyle & WS_CHILD) hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd); else hwndParent = GetWindow (hwnd,GW_OWNER);
if (hwndParent == NULL) hwndParent = hwnd; break;
case GA_ROOT: if (dwStyle & WS_CHILD) hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd); else hwndParent = GetWindow (hwnd,GW_OWNER);
while (hwndParent != hwndDesktop && hwndParent != NULL) { hwnd = hwndParent; dwStyle = GetWindowLong(hwnd,GWL_STYLE); if (dwStyle & WS_CHILD) hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd); else hwndParent = GetWindow (hwnd,GW_OWNER); } break;
case GA_ROOTOWNER: while (hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd)) hwnd = hwndParent; break; }
return(hwndParent); }
// Fake implementation of RealChildWindowFromPoint. Returns NULL if API not present.
HWND WINAPI xRealChildWindowFromPoint(HWND hwnd, POINT pt) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnRealChildWindowFromPoint(hwnd,pt);
return (NULL); }
// Fake implementation of RealGetWindowClass. Returns regular ClassName if API
// not present.
UINT WINAPI xRealGetWindowClass(HWND hwnd, LPTSTR lpszClass, UINT cchMax) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnRealGetWindowClass(hwnd,lpszClass,cchMax);
#ifdef UNICODE
return (GetClassNameW(hwnd,lpszClass,cchMax)); #else
return (GetClassName(hwnd,lpszClass,cchMax)); #endif
// Fake implementation of GetAltTabInfo. Returns FALSE if API not present.
BOOL WINAPI xGetAltTabInfo(HWND hwnd,int iItem,LPALTTABINFO lpati,LPTSTR lpszItemText,UINT cchItemText) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnGetAltTabInfo(hwnd,iItem,lpati,lpszItemText,cchItemText);
return FALSE; }
// Fake implementation of GetListBoxInfo. Returns FALSE if API not present.
DWORD WINAPI xGetListBoxInfo(HWND hwnd) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnGetListBoxInfo(hwnd);
return FALSE; }
// Fake implementation of GetMenuBarInfo. Returns FALSE if API not present.
BOOL WINAPI xGetMenuBarInfo(HWND hwnd, long idObject, long idItem, LPMENUBARINFO lpmbi) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnGetMenuBarInfo(hwnd,idObject,idItem,lpmbi);
return FALSE; }
// Fake implementation of AccessibleChildren. Returns E_NOTIMPL if API not present.
HRESULT xAccessibleChildren (IAccessible* paccContainer,LONG iChildStart, LONG cChildren,VARIANT* rgvarChildren,LONG* pcObtained) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnAccessibleChildren (paccContainer,iChildStart,cChildren, rgvarChildren,pcObtained);
return (E_NOTIMPL); }
// Fake implementation of AccessibleObjectFromEvent. Returns E_NOTIMPL if the
// real API is not present.
HRESULT WINAPI xAccessibleObjectFromEvent (HWND hWnd,DWORD dwID,DWORD dwChild, IAccessible** ppacc,VARIANT*pvarChild) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnAccessibleObjectFromEvent (hWnd,dwID,dwChild,ppacc,pvarChild);
return (E_NOTIMPL); }
// Fake implementation of AccessibleObjectFromPoint. Returns E_NOTIMPL if the
// real API is not present.
HRESULT WINAPI xAccessibleObjectFromPoint (POINT ptScreen,IAccessible** ppacc, VARIANT* pvarChild) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnAccessibleObjectFromPoint (ptScreen,ppacc,pvarChild);
return (E_NOTIMPL); }
// Fake implementation of AccessibleObjectFromWindow. Returns E_NOTIMPL if the
// real API is not present.
HRESULT WINAPI xAccessibleObjectFromWindow (HWND hWnd,DWORD dwID,REFIID riidInterface, void ** ppvObject) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnAccessibleObjectFromWindow (hWnd,dwID,riidInterface,ppvObject);
return (E_NOTIMPL); }
// Fake implementation of CreateStdAccessibleObject. Returns E_NOTIMPL if the
// real API is not present.
HRESULT WINAPI xCreateStdAccessibleObject (HWND hWnd,LONG dwID,REFIID riidInterface, void ** ppvObject) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnCreateStdAccessibleObject (hWnd,dwID,riidInterface,ppvObject);
return (E_NOTIMPL); }
// Fake implementation of GetRoleText. Returns 0 if real API not present.
UINT WINAPI xGetRoleText (DWORD dwRole,LPTSTR lpszRole,UINT cchRoleMax) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnGetRoleText (dwRole,lpszRole,cchRoleMax);
return (0); }
// Fake implementation of GetStateText. Returns 0 if real API not present.
UINT WINAPI xGetStateText (DWORD dwState,LPTSTR lpszState,UINT cchStateMax) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnGetStateText (dwState,lpszState,cchStateMax);
return (0); }
// Fake implementation of LresultFromObject. Returns E_NOTIMPL if the real API
// is not present.
LRESULT WINAPI xLresultFromObject (REFIID riidInterface,WPARAM wParam,LPUNKNOWN pUnk) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnLresultFromObject (riidInterface,wParam,pUnk);
return (E_NOTIMPL); }
// Fake implementation of ObjectFromLresult. Returns E_NOTIMPL if the
// real API is not present.
HRESULT WINAPI xObjectFromLresult (LRESULT lResult,REFIID riidInterface,WPARAM wParam, void** ppvObject) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnObjectFromLresult (lResult,riidInterface,wParam,ppvObject);
return (E_NOTIMPL); }
// Fake implementation of WindowFromAccessibleObject. Returns E_NOTIMPL if the
// real API is not present.
HRESULT WINAPI xWindowFromAccessibleObject (IAccessible* pAcc,HWND* phWnd) { if (InitMSAAStubs()) return g_pfnWindowFromAccessibleObject (pAcc,phWnd);
return (E_NOTIMPL); }
extern BOOL WINAPI xBlockInput (BOOL fBlock); extern BOOL WINAPI xGetGUIThreadInfo (DWORD idThread, PGUITHREADINFO lpGuiThreadInfo); extern UINT WINAPI xGetWindowModuleFileName (HWND hWnd, LPTSTR lpszFileName, UINT cchFileNameMax); extern void WINAPI xNotifyWinEvent (DWORD dwEvent, HWND hWnd, LONG idObject, LONG idChild); extern UINT WINAPI xSendInput (UINT cInputs, LPINPUT lpInput, INT cbSize); extern HWINEVENTHOOK WINAPI xSetWinEventHook (DWORD eventMin, DWORD eventMax, HMODULE hModWinEventHook, WINEVENTPROC lpfnWinEventProc, DWORD idProcess, DWORD idThread, DWORD dwFlags); extern BOOL WINAPI xUnhookWinEvent (HWINEVENTHOOK hWinEventHook); extern BOOL WINAPI xGetCursorInfo (LPCURSORINFO lpCursorInfo); extern BOOL WINAPI xGetWindowInfo (HWND hwnd, LPWINDOWINFO lpwi); extern BOOL WINAPI xGetTitleBarInfo (HWND hwnd, LPTITLEBARINFO lpTitleBarInfo); extern BOOL WINAPI xGetScrollBarInfo (HWND hwnd, LONG idObject, LPSCROLLBARINFO lpScrollBarInfo); extern BOOL WINAPI xGetComboBoxInfo (HWND hwnd, LPCOMBOBOXINFO lpComboBoxInfo); extern HWND WINAPI xGetAncestor (HWND hwnd, UINT gaFlags); extern HWND WINAPI xRealChildWindowFromPoint (HWND hwnd, POINT pt); extern UINT WINAPI xRealGetWindowClass (HWND hwnd, LPTSTR lpszClass, UINT cchMax); extern BOOL WINAPI xGetAltTabInfo (HWND hwnd, int iItem, LPALTTABINFO lpati, LPTSTR lpszItemText, UINT cchItemText); extern DWORD WINAPI xGetListBoxInfo (HWND hwnd); extern BOOL WINAPI xGetMenuBarInfo (HWND hwnd, long idObject, long idItem, LPMENUBARINFO lpmbi);
extern HRESULT WINAPI xAccessibleChildren (IAccessible* paccContainer, LONG iChildStart, LONG cChildren, VARIANT* rgvarChildren, LONG* pcObtained); extern HRESULT WINAPI xAccessibleObjectFromEvent (HWND hWnd, DWORD dwID, DWORD dwChild, IAccessible** ppacc, VARIANT*pvarChild); extern HRESULT WINAPI xAccessibleObjectFromPoint (POINT ptScreen, IAccessible** ppacc, VARIANT* pvarChild); extern HRESULT WINAPI xAccessibleObjectFromWindow (HWND hWnd, DWORD dwID, REFIID riidInterface, void ** ppvObject); extern HRESULT WINAPI xCreateStdAccessibleObject (HWND hWnd, LONG dwID, REFIID riidInterface, void ** ppvObject); extern UINT WINAPI xGetRoleText (DWORD dwRole, LPTSTR lpszRole, UINT cchRoleMax); extern UINT WINAPI xGetStateText (DWORD dwState, LPTSTR lpszState, UINT cchStateMax); extern LRESULT WINAPI xLresultFromObject (REFIID riidInterface, WPARAM wParam, LPUNKNOWN pUnk); extern HRESULT WINAPI xObjectFromLresult (LRESULT lResult, REFIID riidInterface, WPARAM wParam, void** ppvObject); extern HRESULT WINAPI xWindowFromAccessibleObject (IAccessible* pAcc, HWND* phWnd);
// build defines that replace the regular APIs with our versions
#define BlockInput xBlockInput
#define GetGUIThreadInfo xGetGUIThreadInfo
#define GetWindowModuleFileName xGetWindowModuleFileName
#define NotifyWinEvent xNotifyWinEvent
#define SendInput xSendInput
#define SetWinEventHook xSetWinEventHook
#define UnhookWinEvent xUnhookWinEvent
#define GetCursorInfo xGetCursorInfo
#define GetWindowInfo xGetWindowInfo
#define GetTitleBarInfo xGetTitleBarInfo
#define GetScrollBarInfo xGetScrollBarInfo
#define GetComboBoxInfo xGetComboBoxInfo
#define GetAncestor xGetAncestor
#define RealChildWindowFromPoint xRealChildWindowFromPoint
#define RealGetWindowClass xRealGetWindowClass
#define GetAltTabInfo xGetAltTabInfo
#define GetListBoxInfo xGetListBoxInfo
#define GetMenuBarInfo xGetMenuBarInfo
#define AccessibleChildren xAccessibleChildren
#define AccessibleObjectFromEvent xAccessibleObjectFromEvent
#define AccessibleObjectFromPoint xAccessibleObjectFromPoint
#define AccessibleObjectFromWindow xAccessibleObjectFromWindow
#define CreateStdAccessibleObject xCreateStdAccessibleObject
#define GetRoleText xGetRoleText
#define GetStateText xGetStateText
#define LresultFromObject xLresultFromObject
#define ObjectFromLresult xObjectFromLresult
#define WindowFromAccessibleObject xWindowFromAccessibleObject
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif // __cplusplus